HomeMy WebLinkAbout2595ORDINANCE NO. 2595
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, revising and clarifying the
authority of the City Council, Planning
Commission, and Planning Director with regard to
certain land use matters, establishing a
standard method of providing notice of public
hearings, establishing a 15 -day appeal period
and amending the Zoning Code, Ordinance No.
1709, and Ordinances 2033, 2103, and 2531, and
repealing certain sections of Ordinances No.
2483, 2038 and 2471.
WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to redefine the
roles of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Planning
Director in the decision - making process for conditional use permits
so that the Council becomes the appellate body and the process is
more efficient and less susceptible to legal challenges; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to establish an
improved, standard method of providing notice of public hearings on
zoning code decisions in order to give the public a better
opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to establish a 15-
day appeal period for challenging zoning code decisions in order to
give such decisions more finality;
Section 1. Article XI, Section 7 of the Zoning Code,
Ordinance 1709, as amended by Ordinance 2503, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Section 7 - Hearing and Appeal of Conditional Use Applications
Notice and Hearing for Conditional Use Permits
Upon filing an application for a Conditional Use Permit in
which the application sets forth fully the grounds for, and
the facts deemed to justify, the granting of the Condition-
al Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall give public
notice, as provided in thc Laws of thc State of Washington
and articles in these Regulations which arc applicable
heeta Article XI, Section 14, of the Zoning Code, of the
intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of
the Conditional Use Permit; provided, however, that
conditional use permits for bed and breakfasts, home
occupations and retail stands shall be considered by the
Planning Director in accordance with Article IV, Chapters
17.18, 17.86 and 17.87 of the Zoning Code. The Planning
Commission shall, after said hearing, refer ita
recommendation to the City Council for final action
Commission's decision shall be final unless appealed to the
City Council.
Notice of Action on Application
application, the Building Official, within fourtccn (14)
days from thc date of such action, shall notify the
applicant by forwarding a copy of thc action.
Action of thc City Council on applications in regard to
Conditional Usc Permits shall be held at public hearings
Conditional Use Permit decisions by the Planning
Commission, Planning Director, and City Council shall be
set forth in writing and shall be accompanied by written
findings and conclusions. Decisions shall be deemed
effective upon adoption of the written decision, findings
and conclusions. The 15 -day appeal period shall commence
upon such adoption. On the next business day following the
effective date of the decision, the Planning Department
shall mail copies of the decision, findings and conclusions
to the applicant and anyone else who has in writing
requested such notification.
1. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning
Commission or Planning Director may appeal the decision to
the City Council.
2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department
in writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of
the decision.
3. The City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the
appeal with notice being given as set forth in Article XI,
Section 14 of the Zoning Code. The Council's decision
shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior
Court in accordance with Article XI, Section 15, of the
Zoning Code.
Requests for Exceptions
All applications for exceptions from these Zoning Regula-
tions shall contain all basic information, along with other
pertinent facts, maps, and data required by the Planning
Permits Void After One Year
All Conditional Use Permits shall become void one year from
the date of granting such permits if use of the land or
buildings has not taken place in accordance with the
provisions in granting said requests.
Extensions of Approved Conditional Uses
The Planning Director or his dcsigncc is authorized to
grant cxtensions for those approved conditional uses that
following procedures and criteria are met:
A. Procedures.
1. The request for extension must be submitted
prior to expiration of thc permit.
2. Thc request shall be postcd in thc same manner
as for a new Conditional Usc Permit.
3. Thc Planning Dircctor shall hold a public
B. Review Critcria.
may issue extensions for one to five years, providing
thc following criteria have bccn mct:
1. Thc uoc complies with thc permit conditions.
3. There have bccn no complaints from surrounding
property owners or local agcncico. If there
have bccn complaints, thc extension shall be
reviewed by thc Planning Commission, rather than
C. Appeals.
1. Any person aggrieved by thc decision of the
Planning Director may appeal the decision.
2. Appeals shall bc submitted to the Planning
Department in writing within fifteen (15) day°
thc applicant and any peroon(s) submitting
written comments or tcstifying at thc public
3. The Planning Commission shall hear thc appeal at
its ncxt po°ciblc public meeting and thereupon
make a recommendation to thc City Council to
uphold, reverse, or modify thc decision, baocd
upon thc compliance of thc permit with the
requirement° of thc 'zoning Code. Cuch rccom
mcndation shall include written findings of
4. Thc City Council at it° ncxt poosiblc public
�ni° °ion rccommcndation, may aaopt, rcvcr °c, or
modify thc Planning Commis °ion'° rccommcndation°
and shall oct forth written findings of fact.
5. Any further appeal shall bc to the Clallam
County Superior Court.
Extensions of those previously approved conditional uses
that have specified time periods of authorization shall be
considered in accordance with the same procedures and by
the same entity as for the original permit application. and
may be granted for a period of one to five years, provided
that the following minimum criteria are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions.
2. There have been no significant, adverse changes
in circumstances.
Section 2. Article XI of the Zoning Code is hereby amended
by adding a new Section 14 as follows:
Section 14. Notice of public hearings required pursuant to
the Zoning Code shall be given as follows:
1. At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public
hearing, the Planning Department shall cause notice of the time,
place, and purpose of the hearing to be published in the City's
officially designated newspaper.
2. In addition to the notice given in subsection 1, where
the purpose of the public hearing involves a specific site, notices
shall be given as follows:
A. At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public
hearing, the applicant shall cause notice of the time,
place and purpose of the hearing to be posted on the
site in a conspicuous manner in the form of a brightly
colored notice on a self- standing sign as provided by
the Planning Department or in such other form as the
Planning Department may direct. The applicant shall
file with the Planning Department an affidavit that
such posting has been accomplished.
B. At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public
hearing, the Planning Department shall cause notice of
the time, place and purpose of the hearing to be
mailed to the latest recorded real property owners
within at least 300 feet of the boundary of the site
as shown by the records of the County Assessor. The
applicant shall provide the Planning Department with
mailing labels for each such property owner.
Section 3. Article XI of the Zoning Code is hereby amended
by adding a new Section 15 as follows:
Section 15. Any appeal of a final decision rendered by the
City Council pursuant to the Zoning Code shall be filed in Clallam
County Superior Court within fifteen (15) days of such final
decision or be barred.
Section 4. The Home Occupation Chapter of Article IV of
the Zoning Code, Chapter 17.86, and Ordinance 2103 are hereby
amended to read as follows:
17.86.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of the Home Occupation
Conditional Use is to ensure that an occupation or business
undertaken within a dwelling unit located in a residential use
district is incidental to the primary use and is compatible with
the residential character of the neighborhood.
the provisions or definitions of Ordinance No. 1709, as amended,
conflict with or overlap any of the provisions of definitions of
this Ordinance, whichever imposes the more stringent regulations
shall prevail.
17.86.012 DEFINITIONS.
"Home Occupation" is an occupation or business activity
which results in a product or service and is conducted in
whole or in part in the dwelling unit, and is clearly
subordinate to the residential use of the property.
"Commercial Vehicle" is a licensed (according to tonnage),
motorized vehicle designed for transportation of commodi-
ties, merchandise, produce, freight, animals, or passen-
gers, and operated in conjunction with a business, occupa-
tion, or home occupation. This term shall include, but is
not limited to, automobiles, trucks, tractor /trailers, and
17.86.020 APPLICABILITY. A Conditional Use Permit in
accordance with the provisions of this Chapter is required for all
Home Occupations occurring in residential use districts except
those exempted pursuant to Section 17.86.030.
17.86.030 HOME OCCUPATIONS EXEMPTED. The following Home
Occupations shall be exempted when all the development standards in
Section 17.86.040 and specific conditions applicable to each use
are met:
A. Authors, composers, writers.
B. Building contractors, home builders, building tradesmen,
landscaping services, janitorial services, commercial
loggers, divers, truck drivers, PROVIDED
1. No more than one commercial vehicle is parked on the
premises at one time;
2. No outside storage of materials or equipment, except
hand - carried tools, on the premises;
3. Only family members working in the residence may park
their vehicles on the property or the adjacent street
as part of the conducting of the business.
C. Retail and wholesale salespersons, business representa-
1. No customers visit the premises;
2. No products, except samples, are stored on the
3. Only family members working in the residence may park
their vehicles on the property or the adjacent street
as part of the conducting of the business.
17.86.040 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. All Home Occupations
shall comply with the following development standards:
A. There shall be no exterior display, no exterior sign, no
exterior storage of materials (not including commercial
vehicles), and no other indication or appearance of a
business that would detract from the residential character
of the area.
B. If the operation is the type where customers or clients
come to the home, the Planning Commi .,ion and City Council
Director shall determine the number of visitations per day
that is compatible with the area.
C. If customers or clients visit the home, the hours of
operation shall be from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM unless otherwise
specified by the Planning Commission and City Council
D. If the operation is the type in which classes are held or
instruction given, the Planning Commission and City Council
Director shall determine the number of students per day
that is compatible with the area.
E. Employees working on the premises shall be limited to
members of the family residing in the dwelling unit, unless
otherwise specified by the Planning Commi--ion and City
Council Director; PROVIDED that the number of non - family
employees shall not exceed one.
F. On- premise retail sale of goods not produced, processed or
fabricated in the dwelling unit shall not be permitted.
G. Home Occupations shall be conducted in whole or in part in
the dwelling unit but not in an accessory building unless
otherwise specified by the Planning Commission and City
Council Director; PROVIDED that the dwelling unit and
accessory building in which the Home Occupation is
conducted shall occur on the same parcel.
17.86.050 APPLICATION PROCEDURE. The application for a
Conditional Use Permit for a Home Occupation shall be submitted on
a form obtained from the Planning Department and shall be
acknowledged by the owner of the property, if other than the
receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of Section
17.86.050, the Planning Department shall route the same to all
appropriate departments. Each such department shall submit to the
Planning Department recommendations and comments regarding the
application. The Planning Department shall prepare a report to the
Planning Commission Director summarizing the factors involved, the
recommendations of other departments, and the Planning Department
recommendation and findings. A copy of the report shall be mailed
to the applicant, and copies shall be made available, at cost, for
use by any interested party.
SCHEDULING AND NOTICE. Upon receipt of any application satisfying
the requirements of Section 17.86.050, the Planning Department
shall schedule a public hearing before the Planning„-
with public notice being given as provided in Article XI, Section
14, of the Zoning Code.
DECISION. Prior to making a rccommcndationdecision on an
application for a Conditional Use Permit for a Home Occupation, the
Planning CommissionDirector shall hold at least one public hearing.
Director's decision shall be
rc =rdcd in thc Minutes-in written form with findings based upon
compliance with Section 17.86.010, 17.86.040 and the following
A. That the Home Occupation does not involve equipment or
processes which introduce noise, smoke, dust, fumes,
vibrations, odors, and other hazards in excess of those
normally found in residential areas.
B. That the Home Occupation does not significantly increase
local vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
C. That the Home Occupation shall not be injurious or
detrimental to adjoining or abutting properties.
D. That the Home Occupation shall not endanger the public
health, morals, safety, and welfare; and that it is in the
public interest.
E. The Planning Commiscion recommendation Director decision
shall include a condition that Home Occupations be
forwarded to the Council Public Works Department for the
determination of utility charges.
17.86.090 SPECIAL REVIEW. Persons with demonstrated
physical handicaps may be permitted Special Review by the Planning
Commission Director. Such applicant may request waiver of
Development Standard E and /or F. No waiver of the criteria of
Section 17.86.080 will be considered.
17.86.095 SPECIAL REVIEW CRITERIA. In addition to the
criteria of Section 17.86.080, the Commi ^cionDirector shall base
its rccommcndationhis decision on a Special Review upon the
following criteria:
A. The waiver of any development standard shall not change the
basic residential character of the dwelling unit nor
detract in any way from the residential character of the
The Planning Commi ^cionDirector decision shall stand as the
City's final decision, unless appealed by thc applicant or
decision. Cuch appeal must be submitted in writing to the
City Clerk within ten days of thc Planning Commission
den any person aggrieved by the decision to the City
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in
writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of the
Planning Director decision.
C. The City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the
appeal with public notice being given as provided in
Article XI, Section 14, of the Zoning Code. The Council's
decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County
Superior Court in accordance with Article XI, Section 15,
of the Zoning Code.
at a public hearing, considcr an appeal from the decision of the
approve with modifications or conditions the appeal. Action shall
be by motion and shall include findings based upon Section:,
17.86.010, 17.8G.040 and 17.86.080.
A. Once a Conditional Use Permit for a Home Occupation has
been issued, it shall not be transferred to another person
or to a location other than as stated on the permit.
B. The initial time limit on approved Conditional Use Permits
for Home Occupations shall not exceed one year, after which
time extensions for two years may be granted. Request for
time cxtcnsions shall follow procedures for Conditional use
Permits in Sections 17.86.050 through 17.86.100 as provided
in Article XI, Section 7, of the Zoning Code.
Home Occupations, other than those specifically exempted
under Section 17.86.030, established prior to the effective
date of this Chapter and not having a Conditional Use
Permit in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No.
1709, shall, within ninety (90) days after the effective
date of this Chapter, initiate a Conditional Use Permit
application. After the ninety -day period, the penalties
section of this Chapter shall be in full force.
Time extensions of Conditional Use Permits for Home
Occupations lawfully established prior to the effective
date of this Chapter shall not be approved unless the Home
Occupation complies fully with this Chapter.
17.86.300 REVOCATION OF PERMIT. Any permit issued
pursuant to the terms of this Chapter may be revoked in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 1, Section 13, Ordinance No. 2050.
17.86.310 PENALTIES.
Any person violating any provision of this Chapter shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine
not to exceed Five Hundred ($500) Dollars. Each day that
a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
In addition to the criminal penalty of Subsection A hereof,
any person operating under an exemption authorized by any
portion of this Chapter shall be deemed to have forfeited
said permit as a result of said violation. Such person
shall be required to apply for a Conditional Use Permit
pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.86.050. Failure
to apply for and obtain a Conditional Use Permit pursuant
to Section 17.86.050 shall subject such person to the
penalty specified in Section 17.86.310 A.
Section 5. Section 17.67.050 of Ordinance 2531 is hereby
amended to read as follows:
17.67.050 Separation Requirements. Adult entertainment
businesses may be permitted by Conditional Use permit only if the
following separation requirements are met, unless a waiver is
obtained as provided herein:
A. No adult entertainment business shall be located closer
than 1,000 fcct to another adult entertainment buoincos,
the City limits.
A. No adult entertainment business shall be located closer
than 1,000 feet to any of the following zones or uses,
which are likely to be frequented by persons under the age
of 18, whether such zone or use is located within or
outside the City limits:
1. Any zone in which residential uses are an outright
permitted use;
2. Single- or multi - family residence;
3. Public park;
4. Public library;
5. Daycare center, pre - school, or nursery school;
6. Public or private primary or secondary school;
7. Church; provided that, for the purpose of this
Chapter, "church" shall mean a building erected for
and used exclusively for religious worship and
schooling or other activity in connection therewith.
B. The distances provided in this Section shall be measured by
following a straight line, without regard to intervening
buildings, from the nearest point of the property parcel
upon which the proposed use is to be located, to the
nearest point of the parcel or property or the zone from
which the proposed land use is to be separated.
C. A waiver of the distance requirements provided in this
Section may be obtained as follows:
1. By presenting evidence of consent to the location of
the adult entertainment business within the 1,000 -foot
area by at least 51% of the owners and residents of
property within the 1,000 -foot area as evidenced by
the notarized signatures of such owners and residents;
2. By determination of the City Council, based upon the
recommendation of the Planning Commission, and
consideration of the following:
a. The extent to which physical features would
result in an effective separation in terms of
visibility and access;
b. Compliance with the goals and policies of this
c. Compatibility with adjacent and surrounding land
d. The availability or lack of alternative
locations for the proposed use;
e. Ability to avoid the adult entertainment
business by alternative vehicular and pedestrian
D. Uses and zones specified under 17.67.050(B) shall not be
allowed to locate within 1,000 feet of an adult entertain-
ment business. Any party proposing to locate such a use or
zone within 1,000 feet of an adult entertainment business
is considered an intervening use and may do so only after
obtaining a waiver as provided in 17.67.050(D).
Section 6. A new section 17.87.085 is hereby added to
Article IV of the Zoning Code to read as follows:
17.87.085 PUBLIC HEARING. Prior to making a decision on
a Retail Stand Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Director shall
hold a public hearing on the application with public notice being
given as provided in Article XI, Section 14, of the Zoning Code.
Section 7. Article IV, Section 17.87.130, of the Zoning
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
17.87.130 APPEALS.
A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning
Director under Section 17.87.090 or .110 may appeal the
decision to the City Council.
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in
writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of the
Planning Director decision.
C. The retail stand shall be removed and shall not be operated
during the appeal process.
D. the Planning Commission hall hcar thc appeal at its ncxt
to the City Council to uphold, reverse, or modify the
decision, based upon thc compliance of the retail stand
with the requirements of this Chapter. Cuch recommendation
The City Council
shall conduct a public hearing on the appeal with public
notice being given as provided in Article XI, Section 14,
of the Zoning Code. The Council's decision shall be final
unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court as
provided in Article XI, Section 15 of the Zoning Code.
E. The City Council, at its next possible public meeting
following receipt of thc Planning Commission's
rccommcndations, may adopt, revcrsc, or modify thc Planning
Commission's recommendations and shall sct forth written
findings of fact.
F. Any further Appeal shall be to the Clallam County Cuperior
Section 8. Article IV, Section 17.18.130, of the Zoning
Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
17.18.130 APPEALS
Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning
Director under Sections 17.18.070 or .100 may appeal the
decision to the City Council.
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in
writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of the
Planning Director decision.
to the City Council to uphold, reverse, or modify the
of this Chapter. Cuch recommendation hall include written
findings of fact. The City Council shall conduct a public
hearing on the appeal with public notice being given as
provided in Article XI, Section 14, of the Zoning Code.
The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to
Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with Article
XI, Section 15, of the Zoning Code.
D. The City Council, at its ncxt possible public meeting
following reccipt of the Planning Commission's
recommendations, may adopt, reverse, or modify the Planning
Commission's recommendations and shall set forth written
findings of fact.
E. Any further Appeal shall be to the Clallam County Superior
Section 9. Article X, Section 6 of the Zoning Code,
Ordinance 1709, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
The Planning Director may issue permits for occupancy of temporary
buildings, including mobile homes, used in conjunction with
construction or reconstruction projects, or buildings used as real
estate tract offices, for a period not to exceed one (1) year.
Such temporary buildings may be located in any zone; provided,
however, sufficient setbacks are maintained to protect the public
health, safety, and welfare. Buildings intended for a longer
period of use shall conform in every respect to all provisions of
these regulations. Requests for cxtcnoions, and appeal of denialo
but will
be considered by the Planning Director at a public hearing.
Requests for extensions of previously approved temporary use
permits with specified time periods of authorization shall also be
considered by the Planning Director at a public hearing and may be
granted for a period of one to five years provided that the
following minimum criteria are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions.
2. There have been no significant adverse changes in
1. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning
Commission or Planning Director may appeal the decision to
the City Council.
2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department
in writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of
the decision.
3. The City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the
appeal with notice being given as set forth in Article XI,
Section 14 of the Zoning Code. The Council's decision
shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior
Court in accordance with Article XI, Section 15. of the
Zoning Code.
Section 10. Ordinance 2033 is hereby amended by adding a
section as follows:
15.08.105 Council Hearing.
Before making its final decision on shoreline applications,
the City Council may conduct a public hearing at its discretion
with notice being given as set forth in RCW 90.58.140(4).
Section 11. The following sections of the Zoning Code are
hereby repealed:
Sections 17.18.060 and 17.18.080 of Ordinance 2483, Section
17.70.110 of Ordinance 2038, and Section 17.87.090 of Ordinance
Section 12 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of
June , 1990.
ichelle M. Maike, City Clerk
Dennis Dickson, Acting
PUBLISHED: 6/22/90 (by
City Attorney
An Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles clarifying
the authority of the City Council, Planning Commission, and
Planning Director with regard to certain land use matters,
establishing a standard method of providing notice of public
hearings, establishing a 15 -day appeal period and amending the
Zoning Code, Ordinance No. 1709, and Ordinances 2033, 2103,
and 2531 and repealing certain sections of Ordinances Nos.
2483, 2038, and 2471.
This ordinance shall take effect 5 days after
publication. The full text of said ordinance shall be mailed
upon request.
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Publish: June 22, 1990