HomeMy WebLinkAbout2616ORDINANCE NO. 2616
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending regulations for flood plain
management, and amending Ordinances
2091, 2445, 2514 and 2524, and
Chapter 15.12 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, the City's Flood Management Prevention
Ordinance should be amended to delete certain conditions that are
no longer required and to adopt the revised Flood Insurance Maps
dated September, 1990; NOW, THEREFORE,
ANGELES, as follows:
Section 1. Section 4 of Ordinance 2091, as amended by
Section 3 of Ordinance 2445 and by Section 3 of Ordinance 2514,
and Section 15.12.030 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each
amended to read as follows:
15.12.030 General Provisions.
A. Lands to which this Chapter applies: This Chapter
shall apply to all areas of special flood hazards within the
jurisdiction of the City of Port Angeles.
B. Basis for establishing the areas of special flood
hazard: The areas of special flood hazard identified by the
Federal Insurance Administration in a scientific and engineering
report entitled Flood Insurance Study for the City of Port
Angeles, dated February, 1980, and revised September 28, 1990
with accompanying Flood Insurance Maps is hereby adopted by
reference and declared to be a part of this Chapter. The Flood
Insurance Study is on file at the office of the City Clerk, 321
East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362.
Section 2. Section 2 of Ordinance 2514 and Section
15.12.105 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each repealed.
15.12.105 Critical Facility. "Critical Facility" means a
ochool3, nur3ing homc3, ho3pitals, police, firc and emergcncy
store hazardou3 matcrial3 or hazardou3 wa3tc.
Section 3. Section 12 of Ordinance 2091, Section 7 of
Ordinance 2445, Section 7 of Ordinance 2514, Section 2 of
Ordinance 2524, and Section 15.12.270 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are each amended to read as follows:
15.12.270 Specific Standards. In all areas of special
flood hazards where base flood elevation data has been provided
as set forth in Section 15.12.030 General Provisions, or PAMC
15.12.220(B), the following provisions are required:
A. Residential Construction.
1. New construction and substantial improvement of
any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including
basement, elevated to o --foot or morc abovc the base flood
2. Fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that
are subject to flooding are prohibited, or shall be designed to
automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls
by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for
meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered
professional engineer or architect or must meet or exceed the
following minimum criteria:
a. A minimum of two openings having a total net
area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of
enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided.
b. The bottom of all openings shall be no higher
than one foot above grade.
c. Openings may be equipped with screens,
louvers, or other coverings or devices, provided that they
permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters.
B. Non - Residential Construction. New construction and
substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other
non - residential structure shall either have the lowest floor,
including basement, elevated to one - =feete -mere above the level
of the base flood elevation; or, together with attendant utility
and sanitary facilities, shall:
1. be floodproofed so that below one foot above -the
base flood level the structure is watertight with walls
substantially impermeable to the passage of water;
2. have structural components capable of resisting
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy;
3. be certified by a registered professional engineer
or architect that the design and methods of construction are in
accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting
provisions of this subsection, based on their development and /or
review of the structural design, specifications and plans. Such
certifications shall be provided to the official as set forth in
PAMC 15.12.220(C).
4. Non - residential structures that are elevated, not
floodproofed, must meet the same standards for space below the
lowest floor as described in Sub - Section (A).
5. Applicants floodproofing non - residential buildings
shall be notified that flood insurance premiums will be based on
rates that are at base flood level one foot below the
floodproofcd lcvcl (c.g., a building floodproofcd to one foot
C. Critical facility. Construction of ncw critical
facilities shall be, to thc extent po33ible, located out3idc the
limits of thc base flood plain. Construction of ncw critical
must be taken to ensure that toxic substances will not be
displaced by or released into flood waters. Access ee
of the base flood plain shall be
D. Manufactured Homes. All manufactured homes to be
placed or substantially improved within Zones A1-30, AH, and AE
on the City's FIRM shall be elevated on a permanent foundation
such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is at or ere
foot or more above the base flood elevation and be securely
anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system in
accordance with the provisions of PAMC 15.12.260(A). This
paragraph applies to manufactured homes to be placed or substan-
tially improved in an expansion to an existing manufactured home
park or subdivision. This paragraph does not apply to
manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved in an
existing manufactured home park or subdivision except where the
repair, reconstruction, or improvement of the streets, utilities
and pads equals or exceeds 50 percent of the value of the
streets, utilities and pads before the repair, reconstruction or
improvement has commenced.
Section 4. Section 14 of Ordinance 2091, Section 9 of
Ordinance 2445, Section 10 of Ordinance 2514, and Section
15.12.340 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each amended to
read as follows:
15.12.340 Coastal High Hazard Area. Located within areas
of special flood hazard established in PAMC 15.12.030 are Coastal
High Hazard Areas, designated as Zones V1 -V30, VE and /or V.
These areas have special flood hazards associated with high
velocity waters from tidal surges and, therefore, in addition to
meeting all provisions in this Chapter, the following provisions
shall also apply:
A. Due to the dynamic nature of coastal high hazard areas
located along the Pacific Ocean, in areas with designated
Velocity Zones (V- zones) from Cape Disappointment to Cape
Flattery, the following standards shall apply:
1. Prohibit new or substantially improved
construction in designated V- zones; exceptions are for needed
water dependent structures or structures that facilitate public
recreational access to the shore. Structures which require
siting in the V -zone should be sited landward of the primary dune
if an active dune system is associated with the V -zone.
2. Prohibit any alteration of dunes in the above
designated V -zones which could increase potential flood damage;
this restriction includes prohibiting any modification or
alteration or disturbance of vegetative cover associated with
dunes located in designated V- zones.
B. All new construction and substantial improvements in
Zones V1 -V30 and VE (V if base flood elevation data is available)
shall be elevated on pilings and columns so that:
1. the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural
member of the lowest floor (excluding the pilings or columns) is
elevated to or etc foot or morc above the base flood level; and
2. the pile or column foundation and structure
attached thereto is anchored to resist flotation, collapse and
lateral movement due to the effects of wind and water loads
acting simultaneously on all building components. Wind and water
loading values shall each have a one percent chance of being
equaled or exceeded in any given year (100 -year mean recurrence
A registered professional engineer or architect shall
develop or review the structural design, specifications and plans
for the construction and shall certify that the design and
methods of construction to be used are in accordance with
accepted standards of practice for meeting the provisions of (1)
and (2) of this Section.
C. Obtain the elevation (in relation to mean sea level)
of the bottom of the lowest structural member of the lowest floor
(excluding pilings and columns) of all new and substantially
improved structures in Zones V1 -30 and VE, and whether or not
such structures contain a basement. The local administrator
shall maintain a record of all such information.
D. All new construction shall be located landward of the
reach of mean high tide.
E. Provide that all new construction and substantial
improvements have the space below the lowest floor either free
of obstruction or constructed with non - supporting breakaway
walls, open wood latticework, or insect screening intended to
collapse under wind and water loads without causing collapse,
displacement or other structural damage to the elevated portion
of the building or supporting foundation system. For the purpose
of this Section, a breakaway wall shall have a design safe
loading resistance of not less than 10 and no more than 20 pounds
per square foot. Use of breakaway walls which exceed a design
safe loading resistance of 20 pounds per square foot (either by
design or when so required by local or State codes) may be
permitted only if a registered professional engineer or architect
certifies that the designs proposed meet the following
1. breakaway wall collapse shall result from a water
load less than that which would occur during the base flood; and
2. the elevated portion of the building and
supporting foundation system shall not be subject to collapse,
displacement, or other structural damage due to the effects of
wind and water loads acting simultaneously on all building
components (structural and non - structural). Maximum wind and
water loading values to be used in this determination shall each
have a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any
given year (100 -year mean recurrence interval).
F. If breakaway walls are utilized, such enclosed space
shall be usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access,
or storage. Such space shall not be used for human habitation.
G. Prohibit the use of fill for structural support of
Section 5 Severability. If any provisions of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of
the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or
circumstances, is not affected.
Section 6 Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect five (5) days after its publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of
October, 1990.
Becky J.
it Cler
Craig D. gnu son, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: 10/21/90