HomeMy WebLinkAbout2652ORDINANCE NO. 2652
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
revising the zoning requirements pertaining
to adult and child day care facilities, and
amending Articles II IV, and Chapters 17.10,
17.11, 17.20, 17.23, 17.26, and 17.86 of
the City's Zoning Code, Ordinance No. 1709,
as amended.
HEREBY ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Article II, Ordinance 1709, as amended, is
hereby amended to read as follows:
17.08.001 Words and terms in this Article are included
because of special or particular meanings as they are used in
these Regulations.
17.08.002 In the construction of these Zoning Regulations,
the rules and definitions contained in this Section shall be
observed and applied, except when the context clearly indicates
a. Words used in the present tense shall include the future;
words used in the singular shall include the plural, and the
plural shall include the singular.
b. The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary.
c. The word "may" is permissive.
d. The word "lot" shall include the words "piece" and "parcel";
the word "building" includes all other structures of every
kind regardless of similarity to buildings; and the phase
"used for" shall include the phrases "arranged for ",
"designed for ", "intended for ", "maintained for ", and
"occupied for ".
17.08.010 - "A"
A. Accessory Building or Use - one which:
a. is subordinate to, and serves a principal building or
principal use, and
b. is subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the
principal building or principal use served, and
c. is located on the same zoning lot as the principal
building or principal use served.
An accessory building or use includes, but is not limited to
the following:
a. a children's playhouse, garden house, or private
b. a garage, carport, or a building for storage incidental
to a permitted use.
c. incinerators incidental to a permitted use.
d. storage of goods used in or produced by manufacturing
activities, on the same zoning lot with such
activities, unless such storage is excluded by the
district regulations.
e. offstreet motor vehicle parking areas and loading
f. signs as permitted and regulated in each district in
these Regulations.
B. Adult Family Home - an adult home is the regular family
dwelling of a person or persons who are providing personal
care, room and board to more than one but not more than four
adults who are not related by blood or marriage to the
person or persons providing the services; except that a
maximum of six adults may be permitted if the Washington
State Department of Social and Health Services determines
that the home and the provider are capable of meeting
standards and qualifications provided for by law (RCW
C. Alley - a public right of way which provides service access
to abutting property.
D. Apartment - a room, or a suite of two or more rooms in a
multiple dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy as a
dwelling unit for one family.
17.08.015 - "B"
A. Billboard - (See definition of Outdoor Advertising Display,
Sign or Billboard).
B. Building, Accessory - (See "Accessory Building or Use ").
C. Building, Detached - a building surrounded by an open space
on the same lot as the principal building.
D. Building Line - front, side and rear building lines are the
lines on each zoning lot that delineate the area within
which construction of principal buildings is confined.
E. Building, Principal - the major building on a lot, the
building which houses the major use of the land and the
structures on a zoning lot.
F. Building, Residential - a building arranged, designed, used,
or intended to be used for residential occupancy by one or
more families or lodgers.
G. Business Parking Lot and /or Structures - a commercial
offstreet parking lot or structure used exclusively for
parking and /or storage of vehicles.
17.08.020 - "C"
A. Carport - an accessory building or an accessory portion of
the main building designed and used primarily for the
shelter or storage of vehicles. It is not an enclosed
structure and it does not contain a door which would allow
vehicles to pass into the structure: it is open on two or
more sides.
B. Child Day Care - child day care is the provision of
supplemental parental care and supervision for a non - related
child or children, on a regular basis, for less than 24
hours a day, and under license by the Washington State
Department of Social and Health Services. The term is not
intended to include baby sitting services of a casual, non-
recurring nature, or in the child's own home. Likewise, the
term is not intended to include cooperative reciprocative
child care by a group of parents in their respective homes.
C. Child Day Care Center - a child day care center provides for
the care of 13 or more children. The child day care center
shall not be located in a private family residence unless
the portion of the residence where the children have access
is used exclusively for the children during the hours the
center is in operation, or is separate from the usual living
quarters of the family.
D. Commission - the appointed Planning Commission.
E. Conditional Use Permit - a limited permission to locate a
particular use at a particular location, and which limited
permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by
these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the
particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding
properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive
Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest.
F. Conditional Use - a use permitted in a zoning district but
which requires a special degree of control to make such use
consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible
uses in the same zone.
G. Conforming Building or Structure - a building that complies
with all sections of these Zoning Regulations or any
amendment thereto governing size, height, area, location on
the lot, for the zoning district in which such building or
structure is located.
H. Conforming Lot - a lot that contains the required width,
depth and square footage as specified in the zoning district
in which the lot is situated.
I. Conforming Use - a use that is listed as a Permitted or
Conditional Use in the zoning district in which the use is
J. Council - the City Council.
K. Club or Lodge, Private - a non - profit association of persons
who are bona fide members paying annual dues, which owns,
hires, or leases a building or portion thereof, the use of
such premises being restricted to members and their guests.
17.08.025 - "D"
A. Dormitory - a residence hall providing sleeping rooms, with
or without eating facilities.
B. Dump - an area devoted to the disposal of refuse, including
incineration, reduction, or dumping of ashes, garbage,
combustible or non - combustible refuse.
C. Duplex - a residential building containing two one - family
dwelling units within the four walls of the building.
D. Dwelling - a building, or portion thereof, but not an
automobile house trailer, designed or used exclusively for
residential occupancy, including one - family dwellings, two -
family dwellings, and multi- family dwellings, but not
including hotels, motels or lodging houses.
E. Dwelling Unit - one or more rooms which are arranged,
designed or used as living quarters for one family only.
Individual bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but
complete single kitchen facilities, permanently installed,
shall always be included for each dwelling unit.
F. Dwelling, One - Family - a building containing one dwelling
unit only.
G. Dwelling, Two - Family - a building containing two dwelling
units only.
H. Dwelling, Multi - family - a building or a portion thereof
containing three or more dwelling units.
17.08.030 - "E"
A. Erected - construction of any building or structure or the
structural alteration of a building or structure, the result
of which would be to change the exterior walls or roof or to
increase the floor area of the interior of the building or
B. Establishment, Business or Commercial - a place of business
carrying on an operation, the ownership and management of
which are separate and distinct from those of any other
place of business located on the same zoning lot.
C. Existing (pre- existing) - a use, lot, or building that
existed at the time of the passage of these Regulations.
17.08.035 - "F"
A. Family - one person or two or more legally related persons
living together, or not more than six unrelated persons
living together as a single, nonprofit, housekeeping unit;
provided that there shall not be more than four unrelated
persons living together with legally related persons as a
single, nonprofit, housekeeping unit.
B. Family Day Care Home - a family day care home regularly
provides day care during part of the 24 -hour day to 12 or
fewer children, incidental to a primary residential use.
C. Fence - that which is built, constructed, or grown, or
composed of parts joined together of material in some
definite manner in which the prime purpose is to separate
and divide, partition, enclose, or screen a parcel or
parcels of land.
17.08.040 - "G"
A. Garage, Private - a building or structure other than a
portion of the main building, enclosed on not less than
three sides and designed or used only for the shelter or
storage of vehicles, primarily only those vehicles belonging
to the occupants of the main building.
B. Garage, Public - a building or structure other than a
private garage, used for the care, repair, or storage of
automobiles, or where motor vehicles are kept for
remuneration, hire, or sale.
17.08.045 - "H"
A. Height - total distance in feet from average ground
elevation at perimeter walls to top of sign or structure.
B. Home Occupation - is an occupation or business activity
which results in a product or service and is conducted in
whole or in part in the dwelling unit, and is clearly
subordinate to the residential use of the property.
C. Hospital - an institution specializing in giving clinical,
temporary and emergency services of a medical or surgical
nature to human patients and licensed by Washington State
D. Hospital, Mental - (Including treatment of alcoholics) - an
institution licensed by Washington State Agencies under
provisions of law to offer facilities, care, and treatment
for cases of mental and nervous disorders and alcoholics.
17.08.050 - "J"
A. Junk Yard - an open area where waste or scrap materials are
bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed,
disassembled, or handled, including but not limited to scrap
iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber tires, and
bottles. A junk yard includes an auto wrecking yard but
does not include uses established within enclosed buildings.
17.08.055 - "K"
A. Kennel - a place where three (3) or more dogs or cats, four
months old or older, or any combination of dogs and cats,
are kept, whether by owners of the dogs and cats or by
persons providing facilities and care, whether for
compensation or not. Provided that this shall not include
house pets.
17.08.060 - "L"
A. Legal Building, Structure, Land Use - any building,
structure or use of the land that complies with all zoning
B. Lot - a lot is a zoning lot, except as the context shall
indicate a lot of record, in which case a lot is a "lot, of
record ".
C. Lot, of Record - a parcel of land that is registered as a
lot or parcel of land in the records of the County Auditor.
D. Lot, Zoning - a single tract of land located within a single
block, which at the time of filing for a building permit, is
designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used,
developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership
or control. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot
of record.
E. Lot, Corner - a lot situated at the intersection of two or
more streets.
F. Lot, Reverse Corner - a corner lot in which the rear
property line coincides with the side property line of an
abutting lot.
G. Lot, Through - a lot having two opposite lot lines abutting
public streets which are usually more or less parallel to
each other; not a corner lot. Both lot lines abutting
streets shall be deemed front lot lines.
H. Lot Line, Front - that boundary of a lot which abuts a
I. Lot Line, Rear - that boundary of a lot which is most
distant from and is most nearly parallel to the front lot
J. Lot Line, Side - any boundary of a lot which is not a front
nor a rear lot line.
17.08.065 - "M"
A. Medical - Dental Building - a building or group of buildings
designed for the use of physicians and dentists and others
engaged professionally in such healing arts for humans as
are recognized by the laws of the State of Washington.
B. Motel - an establishment consisting of a group of living or
sleeping accommodations with bathroom, with or without
kitchen facilities, located on a single zoning lot and
designed for use by transient tourists.
C. Motor Freight Terminal - a building or area in which freight
brought by motor truck is assembled and /or stored for
routing intrastate and interstate shipment by motor truck.
17.08.070 - "N"
A. Nonconforming Building or Structure - any building or
structure which does not conform with the lot area, yard,
height, or lot coverage restrictions in these Regulations,
or is designed or intended for a use that does not conform
to the use regulations for the district in which it is
located, either at the effective date of these Regulations
or as the result of subsequent amendments to these
B. Nonconforming Use - any use of land, building or structure
which does not comply with all of these Zoning Regulations
or of any amendment hereto governing use for the zoning
district in which such use is situated.
C. Noxious Matter - material capable of causing injury to
living organisms by chemical reaction, or is capable of
causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic
well -being of individuals.
17.08.075 - "0"
A. Offstreet Parking Space - an area of at least 10 feet in
width and 20 feet in length situated on territory other than
a public or private street, alley, highway or trafficway,
and used only for the storage of vehicles.
B. Outdoor Advertising Display, Sign, or Billboard - any
material of any kind placed, painted or printed for outdoor
advertising purposes on or in the ground, or on any tree,
wall, rock, fence, building, or structure.
C. Outdoor Advertising Structure - a structure of any kind
erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon
which any outdoor advertising display, sign, or billboard is
or may be placed.
17.08.080 - "P"
A. People with Functional Disabilities - people with functional
disabilities means (1) a person who, because of a recognized
chronic physical or mental condition or disease, is
functionally disabled to the extent of: (a) needing care,
supervision or monitoring to perform activities of daily
living or instrumental activities of daily living, or (b)
needing supports to ameliorate or compensate for the effects
of the functional disabilities so as to lead as independent
a life as possible, or (c) having a physical or mental
impairment which substantially limits one or more of such
person's major life activities, or (d) having a record of
such impairment; or (2) being regarded as having such an
impairment, but such term does not include current, illegal
use of, or active addiction to a controlled substance.
B. Person - includes
an individual, firm, partnership,
association or corporation.
C. Professional Offices - offices used as a place of business
conducted by persons engaged in recognized professions, and
others whose business activities consist chiefly of services
to the person as distinguished from the handling of
D. Public Open Space - any public owned open area; parks,
playgrounds, playfields, beaches, waterways, parkways,
boulevards, streets, greenbelts.
17.08.090 - "R"
A. Reclassification - a change in zoning boundaries upon the
zoning map which is an official part of these Zoning
B. Recreation Facility or Area, Non - Commercial - a facility or
area for recreation purposes, such as a swimming pool, park,
tennis court, playground. or other similar use operated and
maintained by a non - profit club or organization.
C. Residence - a building or structure, or portion thereof,
which is designed for and used to provide a place of abode
for human beings. The term "residence" includes the term
"residential" as referring to the type, or intended use, of
a building.
D. Residential Care Facility - a residential care facility
means a facility, licensed by the State, that cares for at
least 5 but not more than 15 people with functional
disabilities, that has not been licensed as an adult family_
home pursuant to RCW 70.128.175.
E. Rest Home, Nursing Home, Home for the Elderly - a private
home or institution for the care of the aged or the infirm;
a place of rest and care for those suffering bodily
F. Roof - a structure covering any portion of a building or
structure, including the projections beyond the walls or
17.08.095 - "S"
A. Service Station - an establishment which provides for the
servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental
thereto, limited to the retail sale of petroleum products
and automobile accessories; automobile washing (not
including auto laundry); waxing and polishing of
automobiles; tire changing and repair (not including
recapping); battery service, charging, and replacement (not
including repair and rebuilding); radiator cleaning and
flushing (not including steam cleaning and repair);
installation of accessories; and the following operations if
conducted wholly within a building: lubrication of motor
vehicles, brake servicing, wheel balancing, tire testing,
and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, fan
belts, wiring, water hoses, and similar parts.
B. Stable, Private - a detached accessory building in which
only the horses and cows owned by the occupants of the
premises are kept, and in which no horses and cows are kept
for hire, remuneration, or sale.
C. Stand - a structure for the display and sale of products,
with no space for customers within the structure itself.
D. Story - the space between the floor and the ceiling above
said floor. A basement shall be considered a story when
more than half of the basement height is above the finished
lot grade.
E. Street - a public right -of -way which affords a primary means
of access to abutting property.
F. Street Right -of -Way Line - the boundary line between a
street and abutting property.
G. Structure - anything constructed in the ground, or anything
erected which requires location on the ground or water, or
is attached to something having location on or in the ground
or water, but not including fences or walls used as fences
six feet or less in height.
H. Structural Alteration - any change, other than incidental
repairs, which would prolong the life of the supporting
members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns,
beams, or girders.
I. Supported Living Arrangements - a supported living
arrangement means a dwelling unit owned or rented by one or
more persons with functional disabilities who receive
assistance with activities of daily living, instrumental
activities of daily living, and /or medical care from an
individual or agency licensed and /or reimbursed by a public
agency to provide such assistance.
17.08.100 "T"
A. Through Lot - (See "Lot, Through ".)
B. Trailer, Automobile (Mobile Home, Vacation Trailer) - a
vehicle without motor power, designed to be drawn by a motor
vehicle and to be used for human habitation; including a
trailer coach and any self - propelled vehicle having a body
designed for, or converted to the same uses as an automobile
trailer without motor power.
C. Trailer Park, Trailer Court, Mobile Home Park - any premises
on which are parked one or more vehicles designed, intended,
arranged, or used for living purposes, or any premises used
or held out for the purpose of supplying to the public a
space for one or more such vehicles, whether such vehicles
stand on wheels or rigid supports.
17.08.105 - "U"
A. Use - the purpose or activity for which the land, or
building thereof, is designed, arranged or intended, or for
which it is occupied or maintained and shall include any
manner of performance of such activity with respect to the
performance standards of these Zoning Regulations.
B. Use, Principal - the main use of land or buildings as
distinguished from a subordinate or accessory use.
C. Utility Building or Structure - an installation to provide
utility service.
17.08.110 - "V"
A. Variance - an adjustment in the application of the specific
regulations to a particular parcel of property which
property, because of special circumstances applicable to it,
is deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other
properties in the same vicinity and zone.
17.08.125 - "Y"
A. Yard - an open space on a zoning lot which is unoccupied and
unobstructed from its lowest level to the sky, except as
otherwise permitted in the Permitted Intrusions in Required
Yards in these Regulations. A yard extends along and at
right angles to a lot line to a depth or width specified in
the yard regulations for the zoning district in which such
zoning lot is located.
B. Yard, Front - extends along the full length of the front lot
line, between the two side lot lines and to the closest
building on the same lot, or to a distance designated in
Zoning Regulations.
C. Yard, Rear - extends along the full length of the rear lot
line, between the two side lot lines and to the closest
principal building on the same lot, or to a distance
designated in Zoning Regulations.
D. Yard, Side - extends along a side lot lien from the front
yard to the rear yard, between the side lot line and to the
closest building on the same lot, or to a distance
designated in Zoning Regulations.
17.08.130 - "Z"
A. Zone - an area defined as to boundaries and location, and
classified by the Zoning Regulations as available for
certain types of uses, and which other types of uses are
B. Zoning Lot - a single tract of land located within a single
block, which at the time of filing for a building permit, is
designated by its owner or developer, as a tract to be used,
developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership
or control. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot
of record.
Section 2. Section 17.10.020 of Ordinance No. 2385 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Detached single- family dwellings (on individual lots).
B. Manufactured homes, on individual lots, provided each
manufactured home:
1. Consists of two or more sections, each 8 feet or
greater in width along its entire length; Provided that
combinations of narrower sections may be substituted if
said combinations are at least the equivalent of 8 -foot
wide sections.
2. Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate Federal
agency indicating that it complies with the
construction standards of the U. S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as amended;
3. Is placed on an on -grade permanent foundation or on
footings and piers or on blocks in accordance with
HUD's specifications for the specific home, and has
skirting installed so that no more than one foot of the
skirting is visible above grade;
4. Has all transport appurtenances removed;
5. Is served by underground electrical power.
C. Adult Family Home.
D. Supported Living Arrangement.
Section 3. Section 17.10.040 of Ordinance #2385 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Agricultural nurseries and greenhouses.
B. Art galleries and museums.
C. Churches.
D. Communications transmission buildings and structures; e.g.,
radio tower.
E. Day c rc ccnter3, mini Child daycare centers and pre-
F. Duplexes.
G. Group homes and hospices.
H. Home occupations.
I. Libraries.
J. Nursing and convalescent homes.
K. Public parks and recreation facilities.
L. Public utility structures.
M. Public and private schools.
N. Radio and television stations, provided that antenna is on
O. Residential Care Facilities.
O. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 4. Section 17.11.020 of Ordinance No. 2385 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Detached single- family dwellings (on individual lots).
B. Manufactured homes, on individual lots, provided each
manufactured home:
1. Consists of two or more sections, each 8 feet or
greater in width along its entire length; Provided that
combinations of narrower sections may be substituted if
said combinations are at least the equivalent of 8 -foot
wide sections.
2. Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate Federal
agency indicating that it complies with the
construction standards of the U. S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as amended;
3. Is placed on an on -grade permanent foundation or on
footings and piers or on blocks in accordance with
HUD's specifications for the specific home, and has
skirting installed so that no more than one foot of the
skirting is visible above grade;
4. Has all transport appurtenances removed;
5. Is served by underground electrical power.
C. Adult Family Home.
D. Supported Living Arrangement.
Section 5. Section 17.11.040 of Ordinance No. 2385 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Agricultural nurseries and greenhouses.
B. Art galleries and museums.
C. Churches.
D. Communications transmission buildings and structures; e.g.,
radio tower.
E. Day crc ccntcrs, mini Child daycare centers and pre-
F. Duplexes.
G. Group homes and hospices.
H. Home occupations.
I. Libraries.
J. Nursing and convalescent homes.
K. Public parks and recreation facilities.
L. Public utility structures.
M. Public and private schools.
N. Radio and television stations, provided that antenna is on
O. Residential Care Facilities.
G. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 6. Article IV, Section 3, Ordinance No. 1709,
as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Permitted Uses
Single - family residences, non - commercial gardens,
greenhouses, orchards, private garages, carports, swimming
pools, and cabanas. Multi- family dwellings, apartments,
duplexes, dormitories, mortuaries, funeral parlors. Adult
Family Home and Supported Living Arrangements.
Conditional Uses
Duplexes, public parks, churches, golf courses, public and
private schools, libraries, utility buildings and
structures, hospitals, and rest homes. Boarding and rooming
houses, business parking, motels, and publicly subsidized
senior housing developments at a maximum of 58 units per
acre. Child Day Care Centers, Pre - schools, and Residential
Care Facilities. Group homes and hospices. Other uses
compatible with the intent of this section.
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 sq.ft. plus 1,000 sq.ft. for each additional dwelling
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 25 feet from front lot line.
Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than 7
feet to any side lot line on the front two thirds
of the lot. Detached accessory buildings only,
on the rear one third of the lot may be permitted
to within 3 feet of the side line. On corner
lots, the side yard abutting a street shall have
a setback of 13 feet unless more is required by
Ordinance No. 1635.
Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted
within 25 feet of the rear property line.
Detached accessory buildings are permitted not
closer than 10 feet to the rear property line or
Maximum Lot Coverage
30a total site area (not to apply to unenclosed swimming
Maximum Height - 35 feet.
Offstreet Parking - (See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588.) For
publicly subsidized senior housing developments: 2 and 3 bedroom
units at 1 -1/2 parking spaces per unit; 0 to 1 bedroom units, 1
parking space per unit; and with van service, 1/2 parking space
per unit.
Signs Permitted
Permitted Uses: Signs not larger than 10 sq.ft.,
lighted, but not flashing or
intermittent. One per building.
Conditional Uses: Size and type as determined by Planning
Section 7. Section 17.20.040 of Ordinance No. 2109 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
1. Professional, such as dentists, doctors, lawyers,
architects, engineers.
2. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real
estate services.
3. Medical- dental clinics and offices and laboratories.
4. Child day care centers and pre - schools.
1. Those residential uses permitted in the RMF District,
at the RMF density requirements.
Section 8. Section 17.20.160 of Ordinance No. 2109 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Uses requiring review and approval by the Planning
Commission and City Council and compliance with Ordinance
No. 1709, as amended:
Buildings or development necessary for the operation of
a public utility
Business colleges; music, art, and dance schools
Child nurseries, day care centers
Group homes and hospices
Residential care facilities
Rest, retirement and convalescent homes
Detoxification centers
Beauty shops and barber shops
Businesses selling medical supplies, goods,
instruments, medicine and similar items.
Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 9. Section 17.23.040 of Ordinance No. 2553 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
17.23.040 PERMITTED USES. In the CN District, no building
or land shall be used, and no building shall be erected, altered,
or enlarged, which is intended or designed for other than the
following uses, with hours of operation limited to 7 A.M. to 10
1. Bakery shops.
2. Drug stores, pharmacies.
3. Delicatessens.
4. Grocery stores.
1. Barber and beauty shops.
2. Self- service laundries.
3. Child Day Care Centers and pre - schools.
1. Detached single family dwellings (on individual lots)
only, per the RS -7 Chapter requirements.
2. Adult Family Homes.
3. Supported Living Arrangements.
4. Residential Care Facilities.
5. Group homes and hospices.
Section 10. Section 17.23.160 of Ordinance No. 2553 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Churches.
B. Day Carc Ccntcro.
GB. Utility buildings and structures.
DC. Offstreet parking lots.
BD. Uses permitted in this District with hours of operation
extending beyond 7 A.M. to 10 P.M.
FE. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 11. Article IV, Section 7, Ordinance No. 1709,
as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
CSD -C1 - Permitted Uses
Adult Family Homes
Bakery shops
Barber shops, beauty shops
Child Day Care Centers,
pre- schools
Delicatessens, grocery
stores, supermarkets
Drugs stores, pharmacies
Professional Offices
Residential Care Facilities
Restaurants, cafeterias
Self - service laundries
Specialty shops: gift,
florist, hobby, antique
Supported Living Arrangements
Frozen food or cold storage Banks, financial
Hardware stores, shoe repair Group homes and hospices
Medical, dental offices and clinics
Conditional Uses
Gasoline service islands, accessory to convenience or
grocery stores
Bed and breakfast establishments
Off - street parking lots
Utility buildings and structures
Social clubs and fraternal organizations
Day care ccntcrc
Self - service car washes
Other uses compatible with the intent of this Section
*Residential uses
*That portion of the CSD -C1 zone along "C" Street from
9th Street to Lauridsen Boulevard may be granted Conditional
Use Permits for residential occupancies at the discretion of
the Planning Commission.
CSD -C2 - Permitted uses
Same as CSD -C1 plus taverns and cocktail lounges, service
stations, creameries.
Conditional Uses
Offstreet parking lots
Utility buildings and structures
Social clubs and fraternal organizations
Self - service car washes
Day carc ccntcro
Other uses compatible with the intent of this Section
Minimum Lot Area 7,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width 50 feet.
Minimum Yard Requirements
No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley or
any property that has a residential zoning classification.
Setbacks shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance No.
1635 for arterial streets.
Maximum Lot Coverage - 50% of the total site area.
Maximum Height - 30 feet.
Offstreet Parking - (See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588.)
Signs Permitted
Signs, lighted but not intermittent or flashing type, not
exceeding 100 square feet total area., All signs over 10
square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no
closer than 100 feet to all property in a Residential
District. No billboards shall be permitted within a
Community Shopping District. Maximum height 30 feet.
Section 12. Section 17.26.040 of Ordinance No. 2293 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
1. Auto supply stores, service stations, self - service gas
islands, and tire shops.
2. New and used dealerships of automobiles, trucks,
trailers, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, tractors,
including sales, leasing, and related servicing.
3. Boat and marine sales, and related servicing.
4. Building material stores, cabinet shops, glass stores,
hardware stores, lumber yards, paint stores, and
plumbing supply stores.
5. Commercial recreation establishments, such as bowling
alleys, night clubs, pool halls, theaters (movie and
6. Farm equipment stores, garden supply stores, nurseries.
7. Food and beverage establishments, such as cocktail
lounges, cafes, cafeterias, drive -in restaurants,
restaurants, take -out lunch stands, and taverns;
provided that drive -in restaurants, restaurants with
cocktail lounges and taverns, all of which have direct
customer access to an alley abutting residentially
zoned property, shall be conditional uses.
8. Food item retail sales outlets, such as bakeries, candy
stores, delicatessens, grocery stores, liquor stores,
meat and fish markets, and supermarkets.
9. General merchandise stores, such as catalogue sales
stores, clothing and shoe stores, department stores,
drug stores, second -hand stores, antique stores, pawn
shops, sporting goods stores, and variety stores.
10. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stores,
furniture stores, office equipment stores, and stereo
11. Motels, hotels and hostels.
12. Specialty stores, such as bicycle, book, computer,
florist, gift, hobby and toy, and pet stores.
13. Chain saw sales and service.
1. Art, dance, voice, and music schools.
2. Business colleges and trade schools.
3. Business services, such as accounting, tax, employment,
and management consulting services.
4. Child Day Care Centers and Pre - schools.
45. Financial services, such as bail bond stores, banks,
finance offices, insurance companies, real estate
offices, stock brokerages, and title companies.
46. Furnishings repair shops, such as upholstering and
reupholstering shops.
47. Governmental offices and social service agencies.
48. Commercial laundries, dry cleaning shops, self - service
laundries, and tailor shops.
$9. Personal services, such as barber shops, beauty shops,
exercise and reducing studios, and travel agencies.
410. Professional services, such as architectural,
dental, engineering, legal, medical, medical and
dental labs, and planning services.
1-911. Repair services, such as appliance repair, shoe
repair, and TV and stereo repair services.
X12. Printing, blueprinting, photo developing and
reproduction, and sign shops.
1. Clubs and lodges.
1. Apartments on second floor or above.
2. Adult Family Homes.
3. Supported Living Arrangements.
4. Residential Care Facilities.
5. Group homes and hospices.
1. Convention centers, auditoriums.
2. Ferry, seaplane, airplane, helicopter, offices and
3. Mass transit terminals.
4. Parcel delivery service.
5. Radio, TV stations, and news buildings.
6. Vehicular services, such as ambulance service,
automotive and truck rentals, and vehicle maintenance
and repair shops, not including body and paint shops.
1. Storage services, such as frozen food and cold storage
lockers, mini - warehouses, transfer, moving and storage
2. Warehouse buildings and yards.
3. Wholesale businesses.
1. Developments consisting of both commercial and
residential uses and located on arterial streets, with
a minimum of 500 square feet of building and 50% street
frontage dedicated to commercial use.
Section 13. Section 17.26.160 of Ordinance No. 2293 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Buildings or development necessary for the operation of a
public utility.
B. Churches.
C. Day arc centers and prc 3chool3.
DC. Drive -in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges and
taverns, all of which have direct customer access to an
alley abutting residentially zoned property.
Q. Independent off - street parking structures and lots.
FE. Licensed wrecking yards.
G. Massage parlors, saunas and steam baths, as primary use.
MG. Parks and public piers.
H. Recreational vehicle courts and parks.
aI. Retail stands, subject to Ordinance No. 2070 (Chapter
NJ. Salvage stores and yards, recycling stores.
13K. Shopping malls, exceeding 63,000 square feet in land area.
ML. Social service agencies providing 24 -hour residential care.
NM. Vehicle body and paint shops.
N. Veterinary clinics, offices and kennels, provided:
1. buildings and structures are soundproof.
2. all run areas are surrounded by an 8 -foot solid wall or
3. animal runs are to be constructed in such a manner that
no animal can see another.
4. that an incinerator of a type approved by the local
health department is installed.
PO. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 14. Section 17.28.041 of Ordinance No. 2303 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
1. Auto supply stores.
2. Building material stores, hardware stores, paint store,
and plumbing supply stores.
3. Commercial recreation establishments, such as bowling
alleys, night clubs, pool halls, theaters (movie and
others), and video arcades.
4. Cocktail lounges, cafes, cafeterias, restaurants,
sidewalk cafes (subject to the permit requirements of
the Street Use Ordinance No. 2229 as amended) , take -out
lunch stands, and taverns.
5. Food and beverage establishments, such as bakeries,
candy stores, delicatessens, grocery stores, liquor
stores, meat and fish markets.
6. General merchandise stores, such as catalogue sales
stores, clothing and shoe stores, department stores,
drug stores, second -hand stores, antique stores, pawn
shops, shopping malls (63,000 square feet and under),
sporting goods, and variety stores.
7. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stores,
furniture stores, office equipment stores, and stereo
8. Motels, hotels, and hostels.
9. Specialized stores, such as bicycle, book, computer,
florist, gift, hobby, toy and pet stores.
1. Art, dance, voice, and music schools and studios.
2. Business colleges and trade schools.
3. Business services, such as accounting, tax services,
employment and management consulting, and printing
4. Child Day Care Centers and pre - schools.
45. Financial services, such as bail bond stores, banks,
finance offices, insurance companies, real estate
offices, stock brokerages, and title companies.
46. Furnishing repair shops and upholstering (and necessary
reupholstering) shops.
47. Governmental offices and social service agencies.
48. Self- service laundries and tailor shops.
$9. Personal services, such as barber shops, beauty shops,
exercise and reducing studios, and travel agencies.
410. Professional services, such as architectural,
dental, engineering, legal, medical, and planning
services, and medical and dental labs.
3-811. Repair services, such as appliance repair, shoe
repair, and TV and stereo repair services.
1. Clubs and Lodges.
2. Research Vessels.
1. Apartments on the second floor or above.
2. Adult Family Homes.
3. Supported Living Arrangements.
4. Residential Care Facilities.
5. Group homes and hospices.
1. Convention centers and auditoriums.
2. Ferry, seaplane, and helicopter offices and terminals.
3. Mass transit terminals.
4. Vessel moorage, including marinas and docks for
pleasure boats, Coast Guard vessels, and submarines.
5. Vehicular rental services, including light trucks,
automobiles, motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles.
1. Developments consisting of both commercial and
residential uses and located on arterial streets, with
a minimum of 500 square feet of building and 50% street
frontage dedicated to commercial use.
Section 15. Section 17.28.160 of Ordinance No. 2303 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Marine fueling stations.
B. Supermarkets
C. Boat sales, marine items, and related servicing.
D. Glass stores.
E. Retail food stands, subject to Chapter 17.87 of the Zoning
F. Day care ccntcrs.
F. Social service agencies providing 24 -hour residential care.
MG. Buildings necessary for the operation of a public utility.
H. Churches.
aI. Parks and Public Piers.
14J. Rest, retirement, nursing, and convalescent centers.
�K. Independent off - street parking lots and structure.
ML. Shopping malls over 63,000 square feet.
NM. Self - service gas Islands.
8N. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 16. Section 17.86.030 of Ordinance No. 2103 as
most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2265, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
17.86.030 HOME OCCUPATIONS EXEMPTED. The following Home
Occupations shall be exempted when all the development standards
in Section 17.86.040 and specific conditions applicable to each
use are met:
A. Authors, composers, writers.
B. Building contractors, home builders, building tradesmen,
landscaping services, janitorial services, commercial
loggers, divers, truck drivers, PROVIDED
1. No more than one commercial vehicle is parked on the
premises at one time;
2. No outside storage of materials or equipment, except
hand - carried tools, on the premises;
3. Only family members working in the residence may park
their vehicles on the property or the adjacent street
as part of the conducting of the business.
C. Retail and wholesale salespersons, business representatives,
1. No customers visit the premises;
2. No products, except samples, are stored on the
3. Only family members working in the residence may park
their vehicles on the property or the adjacent street
as part of the conducting of the business.
D. Family Day Care Home.
Section 17. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the
September , 1991.
Be yn .
Cit Cleric
Craig D Knutson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: September 22, 1991
(By Summary)
17th day of
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on September 17, 1991
Ordinance No. 2652
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles amends Article II and Article IV,
Sections 3 and 7, of Ordinance No. 1709, as amended; amends Sections
17.10.020, 17.10.040, 17.11.020, and 17.11.040 of Ordinance No. 2385; amends
Sections 17.20.040 and 17.20.160 of Ordinance No. 2109; amends Sections
17.23.040 and 17.23.160 of Ordinance No. 2553; amends Sections 17.26.040 and
17.26.160 of Ordinance No. 2293; amends Sections 17.20.041 and 17.20.160 of
Ordinance No. 2303; and amends Section 17.86.030 of Ordinance No. 2103, as
most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2265; to allow "adult family homes"
and "family day care homes" as permitted uses in all residential districts of the
City and "residential care facilities" and "child day care centers" as conditional
uses in various districts.
The full text of the Ordinance is available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
This Ordinance will take effect five (5) days after publication of this summary.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk
Publish: September 22, 1991