HomeMy WebLinkAbout2666ORDINANCE NO. 2666
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending the Zoning Code, Ordinance #1709 as
amended by adding definitions for certain
terms; specifying lot sizes for bed and
breakfast establishments; adding design and
landscaping standards for Residential Multi -
Family, Office Commercial and Community Shopping
Districts; revising the general provisions
for lot area; and repealing Articles V and
VIII of Ordinance #1709.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Article II, Ordinance #1709, as most
recently amended by Section 17.08.095 of Ordinance #2636, is
hereby amended to read as follows:
17.08.095 - "S"
A. Service Station - an establishment which provides for the
servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental
thereto, limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and
automobile accessories; automobile washing (not including
auto laundry); waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire
changing and repair (not including recapping); battery
service, charging, and replacement (not including repair and
rebuilding); radiator cleaning and flushing (not including
steam cleaning and repair); installation of accessories; and
the following operations if conducted wholly within a
building: lubrication of motor vehicles, brake servicing,
wheel balancing, tire testing, and replacement of
carburetors, coils, condensers, fan belts, wiring, water
hoses, and similar parts.
Setback - the required minimum distance between any lot line
and any structure or building.
Sign, Advertising - a sign which directs attention to a
business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted,
sold, or offered elsewhere than upon the premises on which
such sign is located or to which it is affixed.
Sign, Attached - a sign or billboard, lighted or unlighted,
directly attached to, supported by, and no more than 2 feet
distance from, a building.
Sign, Billboard - an outdoor advertising display, structure
or sign, over 250 square feet in area, attached or detached,
lighted or unlighted.
Sign, Business - a sign which directs attention to a business
or profession conducted, or to a commodity, service, or
entertainment sold or offered, upon the premises on which
such sign is located or to which it is affixed.
Sign, Detached - a sign or billboard, lighted or unlighted,
which is separated from and not a part of a building. A sign
or billboard on the top of and more than two feet in distance
from a building shall be considered a detached sign.
Sign, Flashing - a sign which is illuminated by artificial
light which is not maintained stationary or constant in
intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use.
For the purpose of this Zoning Code, a revolving illuminated
sign shall also be considered a flashing sign.
Sign, Official Traffic, Directional, or Warning - a sign that
is erected by a public authority to protect the health,
safety and welfare of the public.
Sign, Temporary - a sign constructed of cloth, canvas,
cardboard, wallboard, or other lightweight material, intended
to be displayed for a limited period of time, not to exceed
thirty (30) days within a single calendar year, typically
advertising a one -time event, unless otherwise specified.
$K. Stable, Private - a detached accessory building in which only
the horses and cows owned by the occupants of the premises
are kept, and in which no horses and cows are kept for hire,
remuneration, or sale.
EL. Stand - a structure for the display and sale of products,
with no space for customers within the structure itself.
GM. Story - the space between the floor and the ceiling above
said floor. A basement shall be considered a story when more
than half of the basement height is above the finished lot
EN. Street - a public right -of -way which affords a primary means
of access to abutting property.
FO. Street Right -of -Way Line - the boundary line between a street
and abutting property.
GP. Structure - anything constructed in the ground, or anything
erected which requires location on the ground or water, or is
attached to something having location on or in the ground or
water, but not including fences or walls used as fences six
feet or less in height.
}Q. Structural Alteration - any change, other than incidental
repairs, which would prolong the life of the supporting
members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams,
or girders.
-IR. Supported Living Arrangements - a supported living
arrangement means a dwelling unit owned or rented by one or
more persons with functional disabilities who receive
assistance with activities of daily living, instrumental
activities of daily living, and /or medical care from an
individual or agency licensed and /or reimbursed by a public
agency to provide such assistance.
Section 2. Section 17.18.040 of Ordinance #2483 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
17.18.040 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. All bed and breakfasts
shall comply with the following development standards:
A. All bed and breakfasts shall be located in single- family
residences and shall exhibit no outward appearance of a
business or of a non - residential nature, other than permitted
B. All bed and breakfast operators shall live on the premises.
C. A bed and breakfast with four or fewer rooms for let shall
provide parking spaces for the operator and guests. Bed and
breakfasts with more than four rooms for let shall provide
parking spaces for the operator, guests, and employees.
D. All off - street parking areas shall be screened in a manner
that is compatible with and respectful of adjacent
E. All signs located within residential districts shall be no
more than five (5) square feet in area, indirectly lighted,
and parallel to the building facade to which they are
attached unless they are free - standing in the yard. Free-
standing signs cannot exceed three feet in height but may be
perpendicular to the facade. The light source shall be
shielded from abutting property and rights -of -way. There
shall be a maximum of two free - standing signs.
F. All bed and breakfasts shall comply with the applicable local
and State Fire and Health Codes.
G. All bed and breakfasts shall not be transferable to new
H. Size and area requirements:
No. of Bdrms.
To Let Min. Lot Area
0 - 4
5 - 8
9 - 12
13 - 16
17 - 20
21 - 24
one lot
7,000 sq.ft.
(RS -9, 9,000 sq.ft.)
two lot3
14,000 sq.ft.
(RS -9, 18,000 s.f.)
28,000 sq.ft.
1 acre
2 acres
4 acres
I. Accessory Activities and Facilities *. Bed and breakfasts
shall have the following minimum lot area in order to provide
these activities or facilities:
Activity and /or Facility
Hot tub
Swimming Pool
Minimum Area
onc lot
7,000 sg.ft.
(RS -9, 9,000 sq.ft.)
onc lot
7,000 sq.ft.
(RS -9, 9,000 sq.ft.)
1 acre
Tennis Court
Other outdoor rec. courts
(volley -ball, hand ball)
Meeting rooms
Playing fields
1 acre
1 acre
2 acres
2 acres
*NOTE: Combination of activities and facilities; e.g.,
tennis courts and swimming pools, may require additional lot
area beyond the minimum listed; however, the minimum areas
are not additive; e.g., if the bed and breakfast has one
acre, it can have a pool and a tennis court. Nor are these
areas additive to the base minimum.
J. Any change in the ownership, structure, or the site plan
requires a revised permit.
Section 3. Article IV, Section 3, Ordinance #1709, as
most recently amended by Ordinance #2636, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Article IV, Section 3
RMF - Residential Multi- Family District
Permitted Uses
Single- family residences, non - commercial gardens,
greenhouses, orchards, private garages, carports, swimming
pools, and cabanas. Multi- family dwellings, apartments,
duplexes, dormitories, mortuaries, funeral parlors. Adult
Family Home and Supported Living Arrangements.
Conditional Uses
Duplcxc3, pPublic parks, churches, golf courses, public and
private schools, libraries, utility buildings and structures,
hospitals, and rest homes. Boarding and rooming hou3cs,
business parking, motels, and publicly subsidized senior
housing developments at a maximum of 58 units per acre.
Child Day Care Centers, Pre - schools, and Residential Care
Facilities. Group homes and hospices. Other uses compatible
with the intent of this section.
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 sq.ft. plus 1,000 sq.ft. for each additional dwelling
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 25 feet from front lot line.
Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than 7 feet
to any side lot line on the front two thirds of
the lot. Detached accessory buildings only, on
the rear one third of the lot may be permitted to
within 3 feet of the side line. On corner lots,
the side yard abutting a street shall have a
setback of 13 feet unless more is required by
Ordinance No. 1635.
Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within
25 feet of the rear property line. Detached
accessory buildings are permitted not closer than
10 feet to the rear property line or alley.
Maximum Lot Coverage
30% total site area (not to apply to unenclosed swimming
Maximum Height - 35 feet.
Offstreet Parking - (See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588 Ch.
14.40 PAMC.) For publicly subsidized senior housing developments:
2 and 3 bedroom units at 1 -1/2 parking spaces per unit; 0 to 1
bedroom units, 1 parking space per unit; and with van service, 1/2
parking space per unit.
Signs Permitted
Permitted Uses: Signs not larger than 10 sq.ft.,
lighted, but not flashing or
intermittent. One per building.
Conditional Uses: Size and type as determined by Planning
Design and Landscaping:
A. All outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse
collection system containers, shall be screened from view
from public rights -of -way and abutting property by a vision -
obscuring fence 6 feet in height.
B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect
away from adjoining residential properties and public rights -
of -way.
C. Unused space which is over 24 square feet and which results
from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory
structures shall be landscaped.
D. One tree shall be provided for each 10 parking spaces,
exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a
minimum caliper of two inches and shall have a height of at
least 20 feet at maturity.
E. All parking lots shall be screened by a 3 -foot to 6 -foot
vision - obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to
residentially zoned property.
Section 4. Section 17.20.230 of Ordinance #1709 as
amended is hereby amended to read as follows:
A. All outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse
collection system containers, shall be screened from public
view from public rights -of -way and abutting property by a
vision - obscuring fence 6 feet in height.
B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect
away from adjoining property and public rights -of -way.
C. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be
landscaped in a manner that is complementary or similar to
residential landscaping -. In other words, such landscaping
shall be complementary or similar to shrubs of 3 foot to 6
foot mature height interspersed with evergreen and /or
deciduous and /or ornamental trees. Five feet of the rear
yard setback area abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be
landscaped in a similar manner.
D. The unused space resulting from the design of parking space
arrangements or accessory structures which is over 24 square
feet shall be landscaped.
All landscaping shall comply with the vision clearance
requirements of Ordinance No. 1709, as amended.
All non - residential structures shall be designed to be
compatible with the residential environment.
One tree shall be provided for each ten parking spaces,
exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a
minimum caliper of two inches, and have a height of at least
20 feet at maturity of a maturc hcight of at lca t 20 fcct
i r0- parking- spaces.
All parking lots shall be screened by 3 -foot to 6 -foot vision
obscuring fence or vegetation on the sides adjacent to
residentially zoned property.
Section 5. Article IV, Section 7, Ordinance #1709, as
most recently amended by Ordinance #2636, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Article IV, Section 7
CSD -C1 - Permitted Uses
Adult Family Homes
Bakery shops
Barber shops, beauty shops
Child Day Care Centers,
pre- schools
Delicatessens, grocery
stores, supermarkets
Drugs stores, pharmacies
Frozen food or cold storage
Hardware stores, shoe repair
Medical, dental offices and clinics
Professional Offices
Residential Care Facilities
Restaurants, cafeterias
Self - service laundries
Specialty shops: gift,
florist, hobby, antique
Supported Living Arrangements
Banks, financial
Group homes and hospices
Conditional Uses
Gasoline service islands, accessory to convenience or grocery
Bed and breakfast establishments, provided that at least one -
half of the bedrooms are devoted solely for transient
Off - street parking lots
Utility buildings and structures
Social clubs and fraternal organizations
Self - service car washes
Other uses compatible with the intent of this Section
*Residential uses along "C" Street corridor from 9th Street
Lauridsen Boulevard
4*That portion of the CSD C1 zonc along "C" Strcct from
SD -C2 - Permitted uses
Same as CSD -C1 plus taverns and cocktail lounges, service
stations, creameries.
Conditional Uses
Offstreet parking lots
Utility buildings and structures
Social clubs and fraternal organizations
Self- service car washes
Other uses compatible with the intent of this Section
Minimum Lot Area 7,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width 50 feet.
Minimum Yard Requirements
No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley or any
property that has a residential zoning classification.
Setbacks shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance No.
1635 for arterial streets.
Maximum Lot Coverage - 50% of the total site area.
Maximum Height - 30 feet.
Offstreet Parking - (See
14.40 PAMC.)
e -
Signs Permitted
Signs, lighted but not intermittent or flashing type, not
exceeding 100 square feet total area. All signs over 10
square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no
closer than 100 feet to all property in a Residential
District. No billboards shall be permitted within a
Community Shopping District. Maximum height 30 feet.
Design and Landscaping
A. All outdoor storage areas, except City mechanized refuse
collection system containers, shall be screened from view
from public rights -of -way and abutting property by a sight -
obscuring fence 6 feet in height.
B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect
away from adjoining property and public rights -of -way.
C. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be
landscaped in a manner that is complementary or similar to
residential landscaping. In other words, such landscaping
shall be complementary or similar to shrubs of 3 foot to 6
foot mature height interspersed with evergreen, deciduous
and/or ornamental trees. Five feet of the rear yard setback
area abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped
in a similar manner.
D. Unused space which is over 24 square feet and which results
from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory
structures shall be landscaped.
E. One tree shall be provided for each 10 parking spaces,
exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a
minimum caliper of two inches and shall have a height of at
least 20 feet at maturity.
Fes. All parking lots shall be screened by 3 -foot to 6 -foot vision
obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to
residentially zoned property.
Section 6. Section 17.28.200 of Ordinance #2303, as
most recently amended by Ordinance #2636, is hereby amended to
read as follows:
1. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 3,500 square feet.
2. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 25 feet.
Side - None, except no structure shall be built within
10 feet of any property that has a residential zoning
classification. No side yard required when abutting a
commercial, green belt, or industrial zoned lot; except
that for residential and mixed commercial /residential
structures a 7 -foot side yard shall be required.
Rear - None, except no loading structure or dock shall
be built within 15 feet of any alley.
Front - At least 50% of the front property line shall be
abutted by a otructurc building; provided, however, that
for the purposes of this Section, a publicly accessible
plaza, square, outdoor dining area, or similar area
shall be considered a building.
4. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: No maximum lot coverage except
that north of Railroad Avenue, maximum lot coverage
shall be subject to the requirements of the Clallam
County Shoreline Master Program as adopted and amended
by the City of Port Angeles.
1. North of Railroad Avenue: Maximum building height shall
be established during the Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit process, utilizing the regulations
and purposes of the Shoreline Master Program.
2. South of Railroad Avenue: Unlimited maximum height;
provided, however, that additional height over 45 feet
shall be obtained by Conditional Use Permit that
considers the impacts upon existing views and solar
protection, shadow impacts, and the height of the bluff
south of First Street.
3. Leased air rights over rights -of -way shall have the same
maximum height as the abutting property.
4. Upper floors devoted exclusively to public access shall
be exempt from maximum height limitations; provided that
views of the water are unobstructed.
5. Height calculations shall be based upon the existing
grade of the lot or the existing grade of the front
property line, whichever is higher.
Section 7. Section 17.32.080 of Ordinance #2329 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
A. A minimum five -foot landscaping area shall be provided
abutting public rights -of -way, except for approved curb cuts.
B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so that
it does not shine directly on adjoining non - industrially
zoned property or on public rights -of -way.
C. A ten -foot wide buffer zone must be maintained adjacent to
all residentially or commercially zoned property, which
buffer zone shall not be used for storage, driveways, auto
parking, or structures, except security fences. A visual
screen, consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other
materials, shall be provided in the buffer zone. Such a
screen shall be to a height of 6 feet. If landscaping is
used, it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a
hedge of 6 feet mature height within three years of the
planting date; except that approved vehicle driveway openings
shall not be obstructed.
D. All required parking areas shall including landscaping of at
least oOne tree shall be provided for each 10 spaces.,
exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a
minimum caliper of two inches and shall have a height of at
least 20 feet at maturity be of a type approved by thc City,
at 2 inch caliper at planting timc, and planted in planting
arcs of 10 square foot minimum width or diameter.
Section 8. Sections 2, 4, and 17, Article IX, Ordinance
#1709 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
Article IX
shall be so reduced or diminished that the lot area, lot
width, yards or other open spaces shall be less than
prescribed by these regulations for the zone in which it is
located, nor shall the density of population residential
density be increased in any manner except in conformity with
the regulations.
However, for the purpose of encouraging the construction of
offstreet parking space under or within buildings rather than
in rear, side or front yards, the following exceptions to
minimum lot areas shall be permitted:
Section 4
For each 10 foot by 20 foot area to be permanently
reserved and used for a parking space under or within a
building, a lot area credit of 300 square feet shall be
permitted. Said lot area credit can be deducted from
the required minimum lot area, or can be used to
increase a proportional number of permitted dwelling
units in motels and multi - family structures. Said lot
area credit, however, shall not apply to the reduction
of any building line setbacks.
separate lots, with thc dividing linc midway between the
3trcct frontages, and each resulting half shall bc Subject to
thc controls applying to the 3trcct upon which Such half
faces. If each resulting half be below thc minimum lot area
as determined by thcsc regulations, thcn no division may
made. If thc whole of any through lot is imprevcd as one
building site, thc main building shall conform to the
main building, and no accessory building shall bc located
closer to cithcr 3trcct than thc distance constituting the
Section 17 SUBSTANDARD LOT. A legal building or structure
may bc permitted on a lot of record providing it meets all
front, sidc, and rear yard requirements.
Section 9. Article X, Section 7, Ordinance #1709 is
amended to read as follows:
rticle X - Special Provisions
Dwelling units that are permitted in Commercial Districts
shall be situated in apartment buildings and motels. No one -
family or two - family buildings shall be permitted in any
Commercial District except in the Office Commercial District
(OC). Dwelling units situated above commercial structures
shall meet yard and height requirements of said commercial
structures. Offstreet parking spaces to be provided shall be
the total commercial and residential requirements for said
zoning lot.
Section 10. The following Sections are added to Article
X, Ordinance #1709:
Section 14 - BILLBOARDS
For the purpose of interpretation and enforcement of this
Zoning Code, billboards shall be limited to only commercial,
industrial, or manufacturing zoning districts. Billboards
shall be prohibited in all other zoning districts. Where
permitted, a billboard shall not be constructed closer than
20 feet to any property line.
Residential density for commercial zone districts which
permit multi- family residential shall not exceed the maximum
densities as set forth in the Residential Multi- Family (RMF)
District, unless a density bonus is granted through the PRD
process, or unless as may be otherwise designated in the
individual commercial zoning districts.
All space used for the sale, display, or parking of any
merchandise or vehicles shall be confined to the property
lines. No space for the sale, display, or parking of any
merchandise or vehicles shall be permitted in the right -of-
way of any public street, unless a right -of -way use permit is
first obtained. Discretionary approvals required under the
Zoning Code may be conditioned to require the necessary
screening, lighting, entrances, and exits for off - street
Section 11. Articles V and VIII of Ordinance #1709 are
hereby repealed.
Section 12 - Severability. If any provision of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or the application
f the provision to other persons or circumstances is not
affected, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are
declared to be severable.
Section 13 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect five (5) days after date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the city of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of
January, 1992.
it Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: January 12, 1992
(By Summary)
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on January 7, 1992
Ordinance No. 2666
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles amends the Zoning Code, Ordinance
No. 1709, as amended, and adds definitions for certain terms; specifies lot sizes
for bed and breakfast establishments; adds design and landscaping standards for
Residential Multi- Family, Office Commercial and Community Shopping Districts;
revises the general provisions for lot area; and repeals Articles V and VIII of
Ordinance No. 1709.
The full text of the Ordinance is available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Ordinance will take effect five (5) days after publication of this summary.
Publish: January 12, 1992
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk