HomeMy WebLinkAbout2715ORDINANCE NO. 2715
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
changing the name of the Residential
Multi- Family zoning district to Residential
High Density, creating a new Residential
Medium Density District, and amending
Ordinance No. 1709, as amended, and
Title 17 PAMC.
as follows:
Section 1. Section 17.01.010 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code and the corresponding section of Ordinance No.
1709, as most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2668, are each
amended to read as follows:
17.01.010 Purpose. This comprehensive Ordinance is adopted
for the following purposes:
A. To divide the City into zones and districts restricting
and regulating therein the location, construction, reconstruction,
alteration, and use of buildings, structures and land for
residential, business, commercial, manufacturing, public, and
other specified uses.
B. To protect the character and maintain the stability of
residential, commercial, and manufacturing areas within the City,
and to promote the orderly development of such areas.
C. To regulate the intensity of use of lots and parcels of
land, and to determine the area of open spaces surrounding
buildings necessary to provide adequate light, air, privacy, and
access to property.
D. To limit congestion in the public streets and to protect
the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare by
providing for off - street parking of motor vehicles and for the
loading and unloading of commercial vehicles.
E. To establish building lines and the location of
buildings designed for residential, commercial, manufacturing, or
other uses within such lines.
F. To prevent the overcrowding of land and undue
concentration of structures so far as is possible and is
appropriate in each district, by regulating the use and the bulk
of buildings in relation to the land surrounding them.
G. To provide protection from fire, explosion, noxious
fumes, and other hazards in the interest of public health, safety,
comfort, and general welfare.
H. To prevent such additions to, and alteration or
remodeling of, existing buildings or structures as would not
comply with the restrictions and limitations imposed hereunder.
I. To prohibit uses, buildings, or structures which are
incompatible with the character of development or the permitted
uses within specified zoning districts.
J. To conserve the taxable value of land and buildings
throughout the City.
K. To define and to limit the powers and duties of the
administrative officers and bodies as provided herein.
L. Zoning Intentions:
1. RS -7 Zone - The purpose of the RS -7 District is to
create and preserve urban single - family residential neighborhoods
consisting of predominantly single - family homes on standard
Townsite -size lots. Uses which are compatible with and
functionally related to a single- family residential environment
may also be located in this district.
2. RS -9 Zone - The purpose of the RS -9 District is to
create and preserve suburban single - family residential neighbor-
hoods consisting of predominantly single - family homes on larger
than standard Townsite -size lots. Uses that are compatible with
and functionally related to a single - family residential
environment may be located in this District.
3. RMD Zone - This zone is the designated area for a
medium zoning district, which allows a mix of single - family,
duplexes and apartments at a density greater than single - family
neighborhoods but less than the RHD District. The permitted uses
in the RMD Zone are also intended to be more restrictive than the
RHD Zone. Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible.
34. RMF RHD Zone - This zone is the designated area for
multi - family residential structures. Compatible uses may be
allowed on Conditional Use Permits, but the zone is still regarded
as a residential area, where commercial enterprises are not
generally felt to be compatible.
45. PRD District - This District is to provide
alternative zoning regulations which permit and encourage design
flexibility, conservation of natural amenities, and innovation in
residential developments. It is intended that a Planned
Residential Development will result in a residential environment
of higher quality than traditional lot -by -lot development by use
of a design process which includes within the site design all the
components of a residential neighborhood, such as open space,
circulation, building types, and natural features, in a manner
consonant with the public health, safety, and welfare. It is
also intended that a Planned Residential Development may combine
a number of land use decisions such as conditional use permits,
rezones, and subdivisions into a single project review process to
encourage timely public hearings and decisions and to provide for
more open space and transitional housing densities than is
required or may be permitted between single- family and multi-
family zoning districts. The consolidation of permit reviews does
not exempt applicant(s) from meeting the regulations and
submitting the fees and applications normally required for the
underlying permit processes.
Fr6. RTP Zone - This zone is intended for mobile home
occupancies only. Conventional dwellings are excluded, but the
area is regarded as essentially residential in character.
47. OC Zone - It is for those business, office,
administrative, or professional uses which do not involve the
retail sale of goods, but rather provide a service to clients, the
provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve
extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be
detrimental to adjacent residential areas.
48. CN Zone - The purpose of the Neighborhood
Commercial District, which shall also be known as CN, is to create
and preserve areas for business that provide the goods and
services for the day -to -day needs of the surrounding residential
areas. Such a District shall be located and designed to encourage
both pedestrian and vehicular access and to be compatible with
adjacent residential neighborhoods.
$9. CSD-Cl Zone - This zoning is essentially the same
as the CN District with the difference being lack of planned
development as a single project. It represents those areas where
businesses occur on small sites and are of the type providing
goods and services required daily by the surrounding residential
410. CSD -C2 Zone - This zone is also oriented primarily
to those businesses serving the immediate needs of the surrounding
residential zones but is slightly less restrictive than the CSD -C1
zone and as such provides a transition area from the most
restrictive commercial zones to those of lesser restrictions.
1-911. CBD Zone - To strengthen and preserve the area
commonly known as the Downtown for major retail, service,
financial, and commercial operations that serve the entire
community, the regional market, and tourists. It is further the
purpose of this District to establish standards to improve
pedestrian access and amenities and to increase public enjoyment
of the shoreline.
112. ACD Zone - To create and preserve areas for
business serving the entire City that need an arterial location
because of the nature of the business or intensity of traffic
113. LI Zone - To create and preserve areas for
industrial uses in a planned, park -like setting, in close
proximity to airports and highways.
114. M -2 Zone - The least restrictive industrial
area intended to be the area in which heavy industry could develop
causing the least friction with other land uses.
1415. PBP Zone - A zoning designation for publicly -
owned property, or property not suitable for development by reason
of its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or
situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as
"green belts ".
116. Bed and Breakfast Conditional Use - The
purpose of the bed and breakfast conditional use is to ensure the
bed and breakfast is compatible with its surrounding properties,
and when located in a residential neighborhood, to preserve the
residential character of the neighborhood and the surrounding
1617. Home Occupation Conditional Use - The purpose
of the Home Occupation Conditional Use is to ensure that an
occupation or business undertaken within a dwelling unit located
in a residential use district is incidental to the primary use and
is compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood.
1418. Retail Stand Conditional Use - The purpose of
this Chapter is to ensure that retail stands are appropriately
located in the commercial and public building areas, are
compatible with the uses allowed in such areas, are conducive to
the public health, safety, and welfare, and promote the diversity
of retail stand activity.
1419. Adult Entertainment Conditional Use - The
purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that adult entertainment
businesses are appropriately located and operated within the City
of Port Angeles, are compatible with uses allowed within the City,
and are conducive to the public health, safety, and welfare.
19.20. Elderly Housing Conditional Use - In order to
provide adequate facilities and environment for elderly persons in
the City of Port Angeles, special provisions are needed and shall
be established and maintained.
Section 2. Section 17.03.010 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code and the corresponding section of Ordinance 1709, as
most recently amended by Ordinance 2668, are each amended to read
as follows:
17.03.010 Purpose. For the purpose of these Regulations the
City of Port Angeles is divided into twelve zoning classifications
as follows:
17.11 RS -9 Residential Single- Family
17.10 RS -7 Residential Single- Family
17.12F RHD Residential Multi Family
High Density District
17.13 RTP Residential Trailer Park
17.14 RMD Residential Medium Density District
17.20 OC Office Commercial District
17.23 CN Neighborhood Commercial
17.24 CSD -C1 Community Shopping District
CSD -C2 Community Shopping District
17.26 ACD Arterial Commercial District
17.28 CBD Central Business District
17.32 LI Industrial Park District
17.34 M -2 Heavy Industrial District
17.40 PBP Public Building - Park District
Section 3. Section 17.12.010 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code and the corresponding section of Ordinance No.
1709, as most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2668, are each
amended to read as follows:
17.12.010 Purpose. The RMF RHD zone is the designated area
for multi- family residential structures. Compatible uses may be
allowed on Conditional Use Permits but the zone is still regarded
as a residential area, and commercial enterprises are not
generally felt to be compatible.
Section 4. Sections 17.20.040 and 17.20.200 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code and the corresponding sections of Ordinance
No. 1709, as most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2668, are each
amended to read as follows:
17.20.040 Permitted Uses.
A. Services:
1. Professional, such as dentists, doctors, lawyers,
architects, engineers.
2. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real
estate services.
3. Medical- dental clinics and offices and
4. Child day care centers and pre- schools.
B. Residential:
1. Those residential uses permitted in the RMF RHD
District, at the RMF RHD density requirements.
17.20.200 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
A. Area 7,000 square feet for non - residential uses.
Residential uses shall comply with the RMF
RHD area requirements.
B. Lot Width 50 feet for non - residential and residential
25 feet from property line.
25 feet from property line. Detached
accessory buildings shall not be permitted
closer than 10 feet to the rear property
Side 7 feet from the property line. Detached
accessory buildings only on the rear one -
third of the lot may be permitted to within 3
feet of the side line. On corner lots the
side yard abutting the street shall have a
building line setback of 13 feet.
Maximum Lot Coverage 45 %.
Maximum Building Height 30 feet.
Section 5. Section 17.70.060 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code and the corresponding sections of Ordinance No.
1709, as most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2657, are each
amended to read as follows:
17.70.060 Basic Density. Every Planned Residential
Development shall be allowed an increase of 10% over the gross or
neighborhood density of the underlying zone or zones in which the
site is located, as follows:
Zone Neighborhood Density +10%
PBP 1.8 d/u /acre
(50% of
RS -9 3.59 d/u /acre
RS -7 4.47 d/u /acre
RTP 7.26 d/u /acre
& C 25.6 d/u /acre
• PRD Density
+10% =1.98 d.u.acre RS -9 density credit)
+ 10% = 3.95 d.u. /acre
+ 10% = 4.92 d.u. /acre
+ 10% = 7.98 d.u. /acre
+ 10%
= 28.2 d.u. /acre
Section 6. Section 17.95.150 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code and the corresponding section of Ordinance No.
1709, as most recently amended by Ordinance No. 2668, are each
amended to read as follows:
17.95.150 Residential Density in Commercial Zone Districts.
.Residential density for commercial zone districts which permit
multi - family residential shall not exceed the maximum densities as
set forth in the Residential Multi Family High Density (RAF RHD)
District, unless a density bonus is granted through the PRD
process, or unless as may be otherwise designated in the
individual commercial zoning districts.
Section 7. Ordinance No. 1709, as amended, and Title 17
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by creating
a new Residential Medium Density District in the Zoning Code and
adding a new Chapter 17.14 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code to
read as follows:
17.14.010 Purpose.
17.14.020 Permitted Uses.
17.14.030 Conditional Uses.
17.14.040 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
17.14.050 Off - Street Parking.
17.14.060 Signs Permitted.
17.14.070 Design and Landscaping.
17.14.010 Purpose. The Residential Medium Density or RMD
Zone is the designated area for a medium density zoning district,
which allows a mix of single- family, duplexes, and apartments at
a density greater than single - family neighborhoods but less than
the higher densities of the RHD zoning district. The permitted
uses in the RMD zone are also intended to be more restrictive than
the RHD Zone. Commercial uses are not considered to be
17.14.020 Permitted Uses.
A. Single - family residences.
B. Duplexes.
C. Apartments.
D. Adult family homes.
E. Supported living arrangements.
17.14.030 Conditional Uses.
A. Churches.
B. Public parks.
C. Public and private schools.
D. Utility buildings and structures.
E. Child day care centers, pre- schools, and residential
care facilities.
F. Group homes and hospices.
G. Home occupations.
H. Nursing and convalescent homes.
I. Other uses found compatible with the intent of this
17.14.040 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
A. Minimum lot area shall be 7,000 square feet.
B. Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every
3,500 square feet of lot area.
C. Minimum yard requirements:
1. Front: 25 feet from front property line.
2. Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer
than 7 feet to any side lot line on the
front two - thirds of the lot. Detached
accessory buildings only on the rear
one -third of the lot may be permitted to
within 3 feet of the side lot line. On
corner lots, the side yard abutting a
street shall have a setback of 13 feet.
3. Rear: No residential structure shall be
permitted within 25 feet of the rear
property line. Detached accessory
buildings are permitted not closer than
10 feet to the rear property line or
D. Maximum lot coverage: 30 %.
E. Maximum height: 35 feet.
17.14.050 Off - Street Parking. Parking shall be provided as
required by Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
17.14.060 Signs Permitted. One sign per building is
allowed. Signs shall not exceed 10 square feet in area and shall
not be flashing or intermittent. Additional signage may be
allowed with Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use
17.14.070 Design and Landscaping for Apartments.
A. All designated outdoor storage areas, except for City
mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened
from view from public rights -of -way and abutting property by a
vision - obscuring fence 6 feet in height.
B. All lighting on the site shall be directed away from
adjoining residential properties and public rights -of -way.
C. Unused space which is over 24 square feet in area and
which results from the design of parking space arrangements or
accessory structures shall be landscaped.
D. One tree shall be provided for each 10 parking spaces,
exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a
minimum caliper of two inches and shall have a height of at least
20 feet at maturity.
E. All parking lots shall be screened by a 3 -foot to 6 -foot
vision - obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to
residentially zoned property; except that parking lots with less
than 900 square feet of contiguous area shall be exempt from this
landscaping requirement.
F. At least 30% of the site shall be landscaped with a
mixture of ground cover, shrubs, and trees.
Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of
October , 1992.
Becky J. Up n, C+ ty Clerk
Craig DAKnu'lv on, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: October 11, 1992
(By Summary)
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on October 6. 1992
Ordinance No. 2715
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles changes the name of the Residential Multi -
Family zoning district to Residential High Density, creates a new Residential Medium
Density District, and amends Ordinance No. 1709, as amended, and Title 17 PAMC.
Ordinance No. 2716
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles relates to licensing and regulation of
transporting passengers for hire by redefining for -hire vehicles and taxicabs, establishing
equipment required for each, redefining a license denial appeal process, and amends
Section 5 of Chapter 1 of Ordinance 2050; Sections 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 16 and 19 of
Chapter 9 of Ordinance 2050; Section 1 of Ordinance 2462; Sections 1, 2 and 4 of
Ordinance 2379; and Sections 5.36.010, 5.36.030, 5.36.060, 5.36.070, 5.36.080,
5.36.160, and 5.36.190 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed
upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
These Ordinances shall take effect five days after the date of publication of these summaries.
Publish: October 11. 1992
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk