HomeMy WebLinkAbout2736ORDINANCE NO. 2736
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, establishing a risk management and
safety program, specifying policies and
procedures therefore, and creating a new Chapter
2.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby created a new Chapter 2.68 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code to read as follows:
Risk Management and Safety
Section 2.68.010 - Office of Risk Management and Safety - Created
2.68.020 - Office of Risk Management and Safety - Functions
2.68.030 - Office of Risk Management and Safety -
Responsibilities for Loss Reduction /Prevention
2.68.040 - Office of Risk Management and Safety -
Responsibilities for Insurance /Self- Insurance
2.68.050 - Claims Management - Workers Compensation Claims
2.68.060 - Claims Management - Nonlitigation Claims
2.68.070 - Claims Management - Litigation Claims
2.68.080 - Recovery of Losses
2.68.010 - Office of Risk Management and Safety - Created.
There is hereby created the Office of Risk Management and Safety.
The supervisor of said Office shall be the Senior Risk Management
Analyst who shall report to the Human Resources Manager, who, in
turn, shall report directly to the City Manager.
2.68.020 - Office of Risk Management and Safety -
Functions. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall be
responsible for:
A. Loss reduction or prevention;
B. Transfer of risks to other parties where feasible
through the purchase of insurance, and /or risk retention through a
system of self - insurance, in whatever combination is most
responsible and cost effective;
C. Coordination and handling of all claims, in conjunc-
tion with the City Attorney's Office as set forth in this Chapter;
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D. Coordination of City compliance with State and Federal
agency regulations concerning risk management and safety issues.
2.68.030 - Office of Risk Management and Safety - Responsi-
bilities for Loss Reduction /Prevention. The Office of Risk
Management and Safety shall be responsible for risk identification,
analysis and control in accordance with the following policies and
A. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall develop
and administer the City -wide safety program and periodically
evaluate compliance with the program by inspecting City facilities
and making frequent checks of field and shop areas to ensure worker
compliance with Department of Labor and Industries and City work
rules. Each department head and the Safety Committee shall be
responsible to assure that risks incidental to each department's
operations shall be identified to the Office of Risk Management and
Safety and to assure that the necessary preventative measures are
taken on an ongoing basis. The Office of Risk Management and
Safety shall assist each department head in developing and
implementing a safety program specific to the needs and risks
incident to each individual department. The Office of Risk
Management and Safety has full authority to immediately stop
hazardous jobs when prescribed safety precautions are not being
B. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall make
written recommendations regarding employee safety and the safety of
the public using City facilities or services to the responsible
department head. If the department head disagrees with the
recommendation or refuses to comply, (s)he shall respond to the
Office of Risk Management and Safety in writing stating the reasons
therefor. If the Office of Risk Management and Safety and the
responsible department head are still unable to agree, the matter
shall be submitted to the City Manager for resolution.
C. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall monitor
and assist the Safety Committee to ensure compliance with Depart-
ment of Labor and Industries directives, provide input and offer
advice and assistance in the achievement of its goals, and maintain
on file the records of the Safety Committee.
D. The Office of Risk Management and Safety, in conjunc-
tion with the City Attorney's Office, shall advise and recommend to
all City departments appropriate contractual clauses providing for
indemnity, hold harmless and insurance provisions. The Office of
Risk Management and Safety and the City Attorney's Office shall
approve all proposed City contracts, permits and leases to ensure
that all contractual provisions relating to indemnity, hold
harmless, and insurance provisions adequately protect the City.
E. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall write
interdepartmental rules detailing the procedures to be followed by
all departments to ensure accomplishment of the loss reduction /pre-
vention functions.
F. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall develop
an annual budget for the City's risk management and safety program,
which shall provide for the necessary appropriations from the Self -
Insurance Fund as established pursuant to Ch. 3.30 PAMC, and which
may include appropriations for safety - related prizes and incentives
for City employees to promote and encourage safety in the workplace
as well as at home.
2.68.040 - Office of Risk Management and Safety - Responsi-
bilities for Insurance /Self- Insurance. The Office of Risk
Management and Safety, at the direction of the City Council, is
responsible for the design, negotiation, procurement and
administration of all insured and /or self- insured programs:
A. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall
determine and recommend the appropriate retention levels and amount
of reserves to be established;
B. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall
negotiate with insurance representatives or related professionals
for all types of insurance - related services;
C. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall coordi-
nate the purchase of and any bidding process for all insurance
policies, funded self - insurance programs, and related services, and
shall administer the same on behalf of the City;
D. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall make an
annual report to the City Council regarding insurance coverage and
the level of retained risk, and such other reports as are required
by Council;
E. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall write
interdepartmental rules to ensure that City departments provide the
Office with all information necessary to effectuate the insurance/
self- insurance function.
2.68.050 - Claims Management - Workers Compensation Claims.
The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall be responsible for
the direction and monitoring of all self- insured workers compensa-
tion claims.
A. Each employee who incurs a work - related injury or
illness shall immediately complete the appropriate form when the
work - related injury or illness occurs and promptly forward the same
to the designated supervisor, who is responsible for the completion
of the employer section and immediate forwarding to the Office of
Risk Management and Safety.
B. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall
coordinate activity on each claim with the City's claims
administrator, which shall be a certified workers compensation
claims administrator as required by law. Such activity may include
time loss, medical verification and instruction involving progress
of the claim.
C. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall retain
such outside experts as necessary for the resolution of workers
compensation claims. These may include, but are not limited to,
doctors, rehabilitation specialists, and investigators.
D. The City Attorney's Office shall either elect to
represent the City in hearings and /or trials involving workers
compensation claims, or shall appoint outside counsel when appro-
E. The Office of Risk Management and Safety may write
interdepartmental rules detailing procedures to be followed by all
departments to ensure equitable workers compensation claims
resolution and compliance with legal requirements and regulations
from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
2.68.060 - Claims Management - Nonlitigation Claims. The
Office of Risk Management and Safety or designee, in connection
with the City Attorney's Office, shall be responsible for
developing and implementing the City's position on the resolution
of all nonlitigation claims by or against the City.
A. The City Clerk shall forward to the Office of Risk
Management and Safety all nonlitigation claims naming the City
and /or its officers or employees, which claim(s) allege that said
officers or employees, acting within the scope of their duties,
caused the claimant damages.
B. All City departments, divisions and other City
agencies shall report immediately to the Office of Risk Management
and Safety the occurrence of any accident or incident which may
give rise to a claim by or against the City to ensure prompt
investigation of the incident.
C. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall
transmit copies of the nonlitigation claim or potential claim to
the affected department and /or individual, and, where appropriate,
to the insurance representative.
D. All claims investigations, including investigation by
the Office of Risk Management and Safety, shall be conducted and /or
coordinated as the agent and at the direction of the City
Attorney's Office or other legal counsel representing the City, and
protected by the attorney- client privilege and attorney work
product rule. In performing and /or coordinating such investiga-
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tion, the Office of Risk Management and Safety may employ the
services of claims specialists.
E. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall retain
such outside experts as necessary for the resolution of nonlitiga-
tion claims. These may include, but are not limited to, doctors,
rehabilitation specialists and investigators.
F. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall have
authority to negotiate the settlement of any nonlitigation claim in
an amount not exceeding $5,000, provided that a thorough investiga-
tion and written report establishes that payment of such amount is
justified, and provided further that any relevant legal issues have
been reviewed by the City Attorney's Office. All other nonlitiga-
tion claims shall be settled only after authorization by the City
Council after considering the report and recommendation of the
Office of Risk Management and Safety and City Attorney's Office.
G. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall
maintain complete histories of all nonlitigation claims and the
investigation and resolution thereof sufficient to document at
least a five -year claims history.
H. The Office of Risk Management and Safety may write
interdepartmental rules detailing the procedures to be followed by
all departments to ensure efficient accomplishment of the nonliti-
gation claims management function.
2.68.070 - Claims Management - Litigation Claims.
A. Service of process in accordance with RCW 4.28.080(2)
upon the Mayor, City Manager, or the Mayor's or City Manager's
designated agent, or the City Clerk, shall constitute service on
the City. No other City official or employee may accept service of
a summons and /or complaint unless such official or employee is
specifically named in the lawsuit, in which event such City
official or employee shall immediately deliver a copy of such
process to the City Clerk.
B. Upon accepting service of summons and /or complaint,
those persons identified in subsection A above shall deliver the
same to the City Clerk, who shall make appropriate copies for
distribution and shall deliver the original document to the City
Attorney's Office and the additional copies to the Office of Risk
Management and Safety.
C. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall
transmit copies of the lawsuit to the affected department and /or
individual and, where appropriate, to the insurance representative.
The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall advise the City
Attorney's Office, in writing, of the applicability of insurance
coverage to the lawsuit.
D. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall, at the
direction of the City Attorney's Office or other legal Counsel
representing the City, conduct and /or coordinate the investigation
of all litigation involving the City and /or its officials /employees
in their official capacities unless the City's insurance provides
otherwise. All such investigations shall be conducted as the agent
and at the direction of the City Attorney's Office and shall be
protected by the attorney - client privilege and attorney work
product rule. The Office of Risk Management and Safety may employ,
at the direction of the City Attorney's Office, the services of
claims specialists, whose investigations shall also be protected by
the attorney- client privilege and attorney work product rule.
E. The City Attorney's Office shall retain such outside
experts as necessary for the resolution of litigation claims that
are not covered by insurance. These may include, but are not
limited to, doctors, rehabilitation specialists, and investigators,
except for small claims court litigation, which generally shall be
handled by the Office of Risk Management and Safety. The City
Attorney's Office may elect to represent the City in hearings
and /or trials involving such litigation claims or shall appoint
outside counsel when appropriate and after coordinating with the
Office of Risk Management and Safety or applicable insurer.
F. Upon completion of the investigation, or at any time
requested by the City Attorney's Office, the Office of Risk
Management and Safety shall give the investigative file to the City
Attorney's Office or other legal counsel representing the City.
Upon request of the City Attorney's Office, the Office of Risk
Management and Safety shall conduct and /or coordinate additional
investigation of the lawsuit.
G. The Office of Risk Management and Safety, upon the
recommendation of the City Attorney's Office, shall have authority
to approve the settlement of any litigation claim in an amount not
exceeding $5,000, provided that a thorough investigation and
written report establishes that payment of such amount is justi-
fied. All other litigation claims not covered by insurance shall
be settled only after authorization by the City's insurance
representative and by the City Council after considering the report
and recommendation of the City Attorney's Office.
H. The City Attorney's Office shall maintain complete
histories of all lawsuits sufficient to document at least a five -
year history of same.
I. Except as specifically directed by the Office of Risk
Management and Safety or City Attorney's Office, no City depart-
ment, division or other City agency, and no City official or
employee, acting individually or collectively, may engage in the
following acts:
1. Negotiate or otherwise effect the settlement of
a claim or lawsuit involving the City;
2. Discuss with persons other than the Office of
Risk Management and Safety, City Attorney's Office, persons
authorized by the Office of Risk Management and Safety or City
Attorney's Office, or his /her supervisor, incidents which could
reasonably lead to a claim or lawsuit against the City; provided,
however, that the employee may discuss the incident with other
persons after informing the City Attorney's Office; and,
3. Give written or verbal statements describing an
accident or incident of his or her involvement to anyone other than
an investigating law enforcement officer who properly identifies
himself as such until after the employee or official has notified
the City Attorney's Office or Office of Risk Management and Safety
that such a statement has been requested.
2.68.080 - Recovery of Losses.
A. Action for Recovery. Legal action by the City for
recovery of losses shall be initiated only after authorization by
the City Council. The Office of Risk Management and Safety shall
be responsible for bringing all small claims court actions, and the
City Attorney's Office shall be responsible for bringing all other
actions, including claims and lawsuits, for recovery of losses to
the City arising out of the acts of others. Such losses may
include property damage or losses which impact on the City as a
result of personal injuries. In addition, the City Attorney's
Office may join the City as a party with any third party in a
lawsuit involving recovery of loss to the City. The City
Attorney's Office and Office of Risk Management and Safety may
write interdepartmental rules detailing the procedures to be
followed in the execution of this function.
B. Allocation of Recoveries. Any monies recovered (ex-
cluding costs of recovery) by the Office of Risk Management and
Safety or City Attorney's Office on account of losses to the City
shall be paid to the budget unit or department which has expended
funds and /or materials as a result of the loss. Any monies in
excess of those so expended shall be transferred to the self -
insurance fund.
Section 2 - Severability. If any provision of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is
not affected.
Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said Council held on the5th day of January,
Becky J.
, C' y Clerk
Craig D . Knutson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: January 10, 1993
(By Summary)
Rev. 11/19/92
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on January 5. 1993
Ordinance No. 2733
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles amends the solid waste rates by
establishing corrected rates for the collection of refuse in non - City -owned
containers, amends Ordinance No. 2317, as amended, and Chapter 13.54 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code. The rates are effective as of January 1, 1993.
Ordinance No. 2734
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles establishes regulations pertaining to
clearing, grading, filling, and drainage in the City of Port Angeles and creates
Chapter 15.28 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2735
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles amends the Parking Ordinance to
reflect changes in State law and holiday parking enforcement dates and to increase
parking fines, amends Ordinance 2451 and Chapter 10.20 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code, and repeals Ordinance 2728.
Ordinance No. 2736
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles establishes a risk management and
safety program, specifies policies and procedures therefor, and creates a new
Chapter 2.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
These Ordinances shall take effect five days after the date of publication of these summaries.
Publish: January 10. 1993
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk