HomeMy WebLinkAbout2743ORDINANCE NO. 2743
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, making numerous procedural
amendments and adding a sidewalk require-
ment to the Subdivision Ordinance, Ordinance
No. 1631, and Chapter 16.08 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance No. 1631, as amended, and Chapter
16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by
amending PAMC 16.08.040 to read as follows:
16.08.040 - Procedure
A. PRELIMINARY STEPS. The developer shall submit a
sketch of his a proposed subdivision of land to the Subdivision
Administrator City Planning Department for hia review prior to
submittal of the preliminary plat.
B. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL. The developer or hia
surveyor shall then transmit six (6) (or more if required) copies
of h-ie the preliminary plat, together with a filing fee, to the
Subdivision Admini3trator City Planning Department. The amount
of the filing fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council,
and may be amended or changed by resolution from time to time, or
as necessary. The City Engineer Planning Department shall submit
his written recommendations to the Planning Commission prior to
the Commission's public hearing in which the preliminary plat is
on its agenda.
The proposed plat shall be prepared by a licensed land
surveyor and shall be submitted to the Cubdivision
Admini3tratorCity Planning Department at least fourteen thirty_
days prior to the next public hearing of the City Planning
Notice of the public hearing on a proposed plat or
subdivision shall be posted by the developer and 3ha11 con3ist of
in a
conspicuous places on or adjacent to the land proposed to be
subdivided. Such notices shall clearly indicate the time and
place of Such the public hearing and Such notic- shall be posted
not less thanes ten days prior to the hearing.
Within a period of zixty ninety days after a
preliminary plat has been submitted to the Cubdivision
Admini3trator City Planning Department and other affected
agencies, the Planning Commission shall examine the proposed
plat, along with written recommendations of the City Manager and
thc City Engineer Departments, and shall either approve or
disapprove and shall make recommendations thereon. The ninety
(90) days time period may be extended with the consent of the
applicant. If an Environmental Impact Statement is required, the
90 day period shall not include the time spent preparing and
circulating the EIS.
If thc rccommcndation3 of thc City Manager or City
Planning Commission's recommendation decision may be appealed to
the City Council.
Within fourteen days fFollowing final action of the
Commission on a preliminary plat the Commission shall notify the
developer regarding changes required and the type and extent of
improvements to be made. A copy of the Commission's action and
recommendations shall be forwarded to the developer and to any
agency submitting recommendations in regard to the preliminary
Approval of a Preliminary plat shall be considered
Conditional Approval of the Preliminary plat, and shall not
constitute approval of the Final plat; it shall be considered
only as approval of the layout submitted on the Preliminary plat
as a guide to the preparation of the Final plat.
If the preliminary plat is approved by the City
Council, the developer, before requesting final approval, shall
elect to install or assure installation of the improvements
required by Section 6 of this Ordinance 16.08.060 PAMC by one of
the following methods:
1. Actual installation of the required
improvements, to the satisfaction and approval of the city
2. (a) Furnishing to the City a subdivision
bond, with an approved insurer, in an amount equal to the cost of
the improvements as determined by the City Engineer, which bond
shall assure to the City actual installation of the required
improvements to the satisfaction and approval of the City
Engineer. The City Engineer shall determine the period of the
(b) Furnishing to the City an assignment of
a savings account or placing in trust, an amount equal to the
cost of the improvements as determined by the City Engineer,
which assignment of savings account or trust shall assure to the
City the installation of the improvements, to the satisfaction
and approval of the City Engineer. This savings account or trust
shall be conditioned so that no amount may be removed therefrom
without prior written approval of the City, and shall further
provide that, if the improvements are not installed within the
time limitations set by the City Engineer, or not installed to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer, then the City may withdraw
from the savings account or trust the amount necessary to
complete the improvement. The City Engineer shall determine the
period of the assignment of the savings account or the trust.
After completion of all required improvements the City
Engineer and any government agency involved shall submit a
written notice to the Planning Commission stating that the
developer has completed the required improvements in accordance
with Section 416.08.060 PAMC and with required installation
The Subdivision Administrator shall send a written
that portion of the arca contained in the Preliminary plat in.
C. FINAL APPROVAL. The Final plat shall conform to
the Preliminary plat as approved by the Planning Commission. If
desired by the developer, the Final Plat may constitute only that
portion of the approved Preliminary plat which he proposes to
record and develop at the time.
The Final plat shall be submitted to the Planning
Commission within three years after Commission approval of the
Preliminary plat. Said approval shall become void unless an
extension of time is granted by the Planning Commission.
The developer shall submit a mylar tracing and six (6)
prints (or more if required) of his Final plat and other required
exhibits, including a filing fee, to the Subdivision
Admini3trator City Planning Department at least fourteen days
prior to the meeting in which the Final plat is to be considered
by the Planning Commission. the amount of the fee shall be set
by Resolution of the City Council, and may be amended or changed
by Resolution from time to time, or as necessary.
Ten days prior to the public hearing of the Commission
in which the Final plat is to be considered, the developer shall
post des a notices regarding said hearing.- in a conspicuous
location on the site.
The Planning Commission shall review the Final plat to
determine if the plat conforms with the Preliminary plat, the
provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning and other land
use Regulations and these Subdivision Regulations. Within Sixty
ninety days the Commission shall act upon the Final plat. The
ninety day limit may be waived with the consent of the applicant.
If the Commission approves the Final plat the
Chair tasperson shall sign the Final tracing. If the Commission
disapproves the Final plat it shall express its reasons for
disapproval, and shall give written notice to the developer of
its action.
Following the approval of the Final plat by the
Planning Commission, the Subdivision Admini3trator City Planning
Department shall obtain the signatures of the County Health
Officer (4 -€when required by Commission), the City Engineer, City
Clerk, City Manager, Fire Chief, City Light Director, Planning
Director and City Attorney on the Final tracing and shall submit
the tracing of the Final plat to the City Council for approval
and signature by the Mayor.
The developer shall have his Final plat recorded within
thirty (30) days from the date his Final plat is approved by the
City Council.
After obtaining signatures of City officials and prior
to thirty days after recording, the developer shall obtain and
give to the City Engineer a mylar or equivalent duplicate of the
Final plat.
PLATS. When a proposed plat or subdivision is situated adjacent
to the right -of -way of state highways, said plat or subdivision
shall be submitted to the Director of Highways. Approval by the
Commission shall be withheld until said Director or his assistant
has made a report to the Commission.
When a proposed plat, subdivision or dedication is
adjacent to unincorporated territory notice of such proposed plat
shall be given by the Subdivision Admini3trator to the Clallam
County Planning Commission.
Any decision by the City Council approving or refusing
to approve a plat or subdivision shall be reviewable for
arbitrary, capricious or corrupt action or non - action, by writ of
review before the Superior Court of Clallam County, by any
property owner of the county having jurisdiction thereof who
deems himself aggrieved thereby. Provided, that due application
for such writ of review shall be made to such court within thirty
days from the date of any decision so to be reviewed.
Section 2. Ordinance No. 1631, as amended, and Chapter
16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by
amending PAMC 16.08.050 to read as follows:
16.08.050 - Standards and Policies.
A. GENERAL STANDARDS. If a proposed street and /or
lot pattern for any district in Port Angeles has been made by the
Council or the Commission,_ the street layout of any new plat
submitted shall be in general conformance to said pattern or
plan. Otherwise proposed streets in new subdivisions shall
conform to the Comprehensive Plan as adopted.
No territory proposed to be subdivided shall be a part
of, nor encroach upon, any area designated in the Comprehensive
Plan for future public facilities.
No plan for the platting, replatting, subdivision, or
dedication of any area shall be recommended for approval by the
Commission unless streets shown therein are connected by surfaced
road to an existing improved public right -of -way.— adequate to
serve the existing and new lots.
Where the Comprehensive Plan or the City's official
street plan indicates the necessity of a new right -of -way of a
required width or portion thereof for street purposes, whether
within a new plat or new subdivision, or along the boundaries of
a new plat, new subdivision or new lot, such required right -of-
way or portion thereof shall be dedicated to the City of Port
Angeles by the filing of a plat.
The area of a cemetery in one unit shall be not more
than eighty (80) acres, which may or can be surrounded by streets
and highways. If the area of a cemetery is intersected or cut by
dedicated or unplatted streets the areas on opposite sides of
said streets shall form and be considered separate units.
The Planning Commission may require plats to provide
areas for parks, playgrounds or open public spaces.
Each proposed subdivision and the ultimate use of the
land therein shall be in the interests of public health, safety
and welfare, and subdividers shall be prepared to present
evidence to this effect when requested by the Commission.
Restrictive covenants not contrary to existing
regulations regarding the use of land, governing and binding all
future owners of lots or tracts, may be shown on any plat.
No Final plat of land within the force and effect of
existing Zoning Regulations shall be approved unless it is
conforming with such Regulations.
Whenever there is a discrepancy between minimum
standards or dimensions noted herein and those contained in
Zoning Regulations, Building Codes or other official Regulations,
the highest standard shall apply.
shall ensure that appropriate provision is made for: (1) the
harmonious development of neighborhoods by requiring coordination
of streets within subdivisions with existing or planned streets,
or with other features of the Comprehensive Plan; (2) adequate
open spaces for recreation, schools, light and air; (3)
distribution of population and traffic which will create
conditions favorable to public health, safety and convenience.
The Commission shall inquire into the public use,
interest or need proposed to be served by the establishment of a
subdivision. If the results of such an inquiry indicate that a
subdivision will not serve the public use, interest or need, the
Commission may deny approval of such subdivision.
Land which the Commission has found to be unsuitable
for subdivision due to flooding, bad drainage, steep slopes, rock
formations or other feature likely to be harmful to the safety,
welfare and general health of the future residents, - and the
Commission considers inappropriate for subdivision, - shall not
be subdivided unless adequate methods which are consistent with
the City's Wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Protection Ordinances are formulated by the developer and
approved by the City Engineer.
1. The arrangement, character, extent, width,
grade and location of all roads shall conform with the
Comprehensive Plan and shall be considered in their relation to
existing and planned roads, to topographic conditions, to public
convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the
proposed uses of the land to be served by such roads.
2. Where such is not shown on the Comprehensive
Plan, the arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall either
provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of
existing major streets in the surrounding area; or shall conform
to a plan for the neighborhood, approved by the Commission, to
meet a particular situation where topographic or other conditions
make continuance or conformance to existing roads impracticable.
This shall also apply to cluster subdivisions.
3. If a preliminary or suggested plan for an
area has been made by the Commission, the street layout of a
proposed subdivision in such an area shall be in general
conformance to the plan.
4. When a portion of a subdivider's tract is to
be subdivided, a street plan for the entire tract shall be
submitted to indicate how the street pattern of the plat
submitted will coordinate with the entire tract when fully
5. Where a tract is subdivided into lots or
tracts of an acre or more in area, the Commission may require an
arrangement of lots and streets such as to permit a later re-
subdivision in conformity with the street and lot requirements
specified in these Regulations.
6. Wherever practical, dead -end streets shall be
avoided. However, roads designed with a turn - around at one end
(cul -de -sac) may be used when conditions arrant their use.
7. Wherever practical, minor streets shall be
laid out to discourage through traffic within residential
8. Where a proposed subdivision abuts or
contains an existing or proposed major road, or is adjacent to an
existing or planned business, commercial or industrial district,
the Commission may require treatment as may be necessary (1) for
the adequate protection of residential properties; and (2) to
afford separation of through and local traffic.
9. Where a subdivision borders or contains a
railroad or limited access highway right -of -way, the Commission
may require a road approximately parallel to and on each side of
such right -of -way at a distance suitable for appropriate use of
the intervening land. Such distances shall also be determined
with due regard for the requirements of approach grades and
future grade separations.
10. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect
as nearly as possible at right angles. Acute angle intersection
shall be avoided.
11. There shall be no reserve strips controlling
access to roads, except where the control of such strips is
definitely placed in the City under conditions approved by the
in conformity with thc other requirements of these Regulations;
and where thc Commission finds it will bc practical to rcquirc
thc dedication of thc other half when thc adjoining property is
subdivided. Whenever a half Street is adjacent to a tract to be
Subdivided thc other half of thc street shall bc platted within
such tract. Streets and other public rights -of -way shall be
provided consistent with City standards.
1. The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks
shall be determined with due regard to provision of adequate
building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of land
use contemplated, the zoning requirements as to lot area and
dimensions, limitations and opportunities of the topography, and
needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of
vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
2. The width of blocks shall be sufficient for
two (2) tiers of lots, unless existing conditions are such, in
the judgment of the Commission, to render such requirements
undesirable or impractical.
3. Where frontage is on a major road, the long
dimension of the block should be oriented with the direction of
traffic flow.
4. Pedestrian crosswalk -ways shall be required
where deemed essential to provide circulation or access to
schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation and other
community facilities.
1. The lot area, width, depth, shape and
orientation, and the minimum building setback lines shall be
appropriate for the location of the subdivision, for the type of
development and land use contemplated, and shall conform with the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Excessive depth in relation to width shall be
avoided. No lot shall have a depth greater than twice its width.
3. Corner lots for residential use shall have
extra width to permit appropriate building setback from and
orientation to both streets.
4. To ensure public health, convenience and
safety, the subdividing of land shall provide, by means of a
public street, each lot with satisfactory access to an existing
public street.
5. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots
shall be avoided, except where essential to provide separation of
residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome
specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. A planting
screen easement across which there shall be no right of access
shall be provided along the line of lots abutting such a traffic
artery or disadvantageous use.
6. Side lot lines shall be substantially at
right angles or radial to street lines.
7. No lot or lots for residential purposes shall
be divided or sold into additional lots or building sites.
1. Where a proposed park, playground, school or
other public use shown in the Comprehensive Plan is located in
whole or in part in a subdivision, the Commission may require the
dedication or reservation of such area within the subdivision in
those cases in which the Commission deems such requirement to be
2. Where deemed essential by the Commission,
upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed
in the subdivision, and especially in large -scale neighborhood
unit developments not anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan, the
Commission may require the dedication or reservation of such
areas or sites of a character, extent and location suitable to
the needs created by such development for schools, parks and
other neighborhood purposes.
3. Due regard shall be shown for the
preservation of outstanding natural and cultural features such as
scenic spots, water courses and historic sites.
1. Easements across lots or centered on rear or
side lot lines shall be provided for utilities.
2. Where a subdivision is traversed by a water
course, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided
a storm water easement or drainage right -of -way conforming
substantially with the lines of such water course, and such
further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for
the purpose. Parallel roads or parkways may be required in
connection therewith.
FH. STREET LIGHTING. Street lighting installations
shall be located in reference to the dimensions of full grown
trees and in accordance with the determinations and standards of
the City Engineer.
GI. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS. Variations from and
exceptions to the following standards may be made by the
Commission, where topographic or other existing conditions make
adherence to these Regulations impractical.
1. Arterial Streets
a. The minimum right -of -way width shall be
not less than seventy (70) feet to
eighty (80) feet.
b. The minimum pavement width shall be not
less than forty -four (44) feet, not
including curb or parking land.
c. The maximum grade shall be not greater
than five (5) percent.
d. The minimum radius of curvature shall
be not less than three hundred (300)
e. A tangent of at least two hundred (200)
feet in length shall be provided
between reverse curves.
2. Collector Street
a. The minimum right -of -way width shall be
not less than seventy (70) feet to
eighty (80) feet.
b. The minimum pavement width shall be not
less than forty (40) feet, not
including curb or parking lane.
c. The maximum grade shall be not greater
than seven (7) percent.
d. The minimum radius of curvature shall
be not less than two hundred (200)
e. A tangent of at least one hundred fifty
(150) feet in length shall be provided
between reverse curves.
3. Minor Street
a. The minimum right -of -way width shall be
not less than sixty (60) feet.
b. The minimum pavement width shall be not
less than thirty -four (34) feet, not
including curb or parking lane.
c. The maximum grade shall be not greater
than ten (10) percent.
d. The minimum radius of curvature shall
be not less than one hundred (100)
e. A tangent of at least one hundred (100)
feet in length shall be provided
between reverse curves.
4. Local Service Street
a. The minimum right -of -way width shall be
not less than sixty (60) feet
b. The minimum pavement width shall be not
less than thirty -four (34) feet, not
including curb or parking lane.
c. The maximum grade shall be not greater
than ten (10) percent.
d. The minimum radius of curvature shall
be not less than one hundred (100)
e. A tangent of at least one hundred (100)
feet in length shall be provided
between reverse curves.
5. Alleys (when provided required)
a. The minimum right -of -way width shall be
not less than twenty (20) feet.
b. The maximum grade shall be not greater
than ten (10) percent.
6. Pedestrian Crosswalk -ways, when required,
shall have a width of not less than ten (10)
7. Easement for Utilities shall have a width of
not less than twenty (20) feet, and when
centered on lot lines shall have a width of
not less than ten (10) feet on each side of
the lot line.
1. Maximum length shall be approximately five
hundred (500) feet.
2. Minimum diameter of the circular turn - around
at the closed end shall be not less than fifty (50) feet.
3. Minimum diameter of the property line at the
closed end shall be not less than eighty (80) feet.
1. Street jogs shall be avoided when the
centerline off -set is less than two hundred (200) feet.
2. No street shall intersect with another street
at an angle less than sixty (60) degrees.
3. Unless the City Engineer deems a greater
radius necessary, curbs at street intersections shall be rounded
with a minimum radius of ten (10) feet.
1. Sidewalks serving proposed commercial
shopping and retail land uses shall be not less than ten (10)
feet in width.
2. Sidewalks serving proposed apartment
buildings, cluster housing or apartment courts shall not be less
than eight (8) feet in width, and shall be located not less than
one (1) foot from the property line and within the right -of -way.
3. Sidewalks serving areas proposed for single -
family homes shall be not less than five (5) feet wide, and shall
be located not less than one (1) foot from the property line and
within the right -of -way.
4. Sidewalks shall be provided on all arterials
and school walking routes.
1. Maximum length of all blocks shall be
approximately twelve hundred (1200) feet.
2. Minimum length of all blocks shall be
approximately five hundred (500) feet.
3. Crosswalk -ways shall be required near the
middle of all blocks longer than approximately eight hundred
(800) feet.
4. Minimum width of all blocks (plus width of
alley, if any), shall be two hundred (200) feet.
1. The minimum width, depth, area and setback
dimensions of all lots in proposed subdivisions shall conform
with City Zoning Regulations. If any dimension in a plat is more
restrictive than the said Regulations, then the most restrictive
dimension shall apply.
2. Irregular shaped lots may have less width or
depth than is required by the Zoning Regulations, provided such
lots conform with the minimum lot area and minimum lot width at
the front setback line requirements of said Regulations.
1. The building line setback from the property
lines of all lots shall be indicated by a dashed line on all
2. Required setbacks are a minimum, not a
uniform standard. Varied setbacks along a street help avoid a
monotonous barracks appearance.
Water, sanitary and storm sewer pipe of eight inches
(8 ") shall be classified as standard for all future subdivisions,
except in cases when as determined by the City Engineer a larger
size pipe is required to adequately serve that particular
Section 3. Ordinance No. 1631, as amended, and Chapter
16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal code are hereby amended by
amending PAMC 16.08.060 to read as follows:
16.08.060 - Requirements for Acceptance of Plats.
The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of not less
than two hundred (200) feet to one (1) inch. Data required for
the preliminary plat shall include the following information,
unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer:
1. Location, width and purpose of all easements,
existing and proposed.
2. Name and right -of -way widths of all existing
and proposed streets on or adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
3. Approximate location and size of all
utilities (water mains, sewers, etc.) on and adjacent to the
proposed subdivision.
4. Contours, based on City datum, shall have
intervals of not more than 5 feet for slopes of 10% or more and
not more than 2 feet for slopes of 10% or less.
5. Locations of and results of tests made to
ascertain subsurface soil, rock, and ground water conditions,
when required by the City Engineer.
6. Approximate locations of water courses,
marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, natural retention areas,
direction of drainage, culverts, houses, all non - residential land
uses and all other significant features on and adjacent to the
proposed subdivision.
7. Zoning on and adjacent to the proposed
8. All highways or other major improvements
planned by public authorities for future construction on or near
the proposed subdivision.
9. A vicinity sketch showing relation of the
proposed subdivision to the surrounding area with regard to major
10. The legal description of the tract to be
platted, title under which the proposed subdivision is to be
recorded, names and addresses of the owners, date, scale, north
11. Ownership of unsubdivided land adjacent to
the proposed subdivision and names of adjoining existing plats.
12. Identification of each lot and each block.
13. Approximate square footage and scaled
dimensions of each lot.
14. Summary of site data, including total
acreage, acreage in residential use, acreage in streets, and
number of acres in parks and other non - residential land uses.
15. Environmental Checklist with filing fee;
Shoreline Permit Application (-€when required).
16. Affidavits of posting and publication.
and utility improvements must be designed to comply with the
current APWA standards and as specified by the City Engineer.
Plans and specifications for roadway and utility improvements
must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the beginning of
construction. Minimum improvements shall be as follows:
1. The entire right -of -way shall be cleared and
grubbed of all objectionable materials. Trees approved for
preservation shall be identified.
2. Streets shall be graded and improved with
paving, curbs and gutters, drainage and sidewalks according to
the approved plans and roadway section.
3. Street lights shall be installed as specified
by the City Engineer.
4. Street name signs shall be provided and
installed by the City at cost to the developer.
5. Permanent monuments shall be installed and
each lot shall be staked.
D. UTILITIES. A water distribution system, storm
drainage system, electrical distribution system and a sanitary
sewage disposal system shall be designed and installed.
E. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS. Although not required
by these Regulations, the planting of street trees is considered
a duty of the subdivider.
1. Street Trees. Street trees are a protection
against excessive heat and glare and enhance the attractiveness
and value of abutting property. The Commission will assist the
subdivider in location of trees and species to use under varying
conditions. It is recommended that trees be planted inside the
property lines where they are less subject to injury, decrease
the change of motor accidents and enjoy more favorable conditions
for growth. If trees are to be planted within a planting street
in the right -of -way, their proposed locations and species to be
used are to be submitted for review and approval by the
Commission and City Council.
final plat shall be an eighteen (18) inch by twenty -ate four
(2�4) inch permanent reproducible, and shall be at a scale of not
less than two hundred (200) feet to one (1) inch. For large
subdivisions, the plat may be on several sheets, accompanied by
an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. The final plat
shall be accompanied by a report containing accurate square
footage and dimensions of each lot and block and the coordinates
of each monument; a title report; and shall include a warranty
that all assessments in favor of the City have been paid.
The final plat and survey shall be based on the
Washington Coordinate System, North Zone. The final plat shall
show the following:
1. Permanent control monuments with coordinates,
to which all dimensions, bearings, azimuths and similar data on
the plat shall be referred.
2. Subdivision boundary lines, right -of -way
lines, easements, lot lines with accurate dimensions, bearings or
azimuths, radii, central angles, and lengths of all curves.
3. Name and right -of -way width of each street.
Any street not dedicated to the public must be so marked on the
face of the plat (RCW 58.17.165).
4. Location, dimensions and purpose of all
5. Identification of each lot and block.
6. Purpose for which sites, other than
residential, are dedicated to the public or reserved for future
7. Location and description of all monuments.
8. The title under which the subdivision is to
be recorded, true north and grid north arrows, scale, and legend.
9. Certification by registered land surveyor as
to the accuracy of plat and survey.
10. Certificate by owner(s) containing the legal
description of the land to be platted and dedicating roads,
rights -of -way, easements and any sites for public purposes.
11. Certification of approval by: (a) the
Planning Commission; (b) City Engineer; (c) Health Department
(when required); (d) City Council; (e) City Manager. —, City Clerk,
Fire Chief, City Light Director, Planning Director and City
12. Certification by the County Treasurer that
all state and county taxes levied against the land to be
subdivided have been paid in full.
13. Certification of filing by County Auditor.
14. If improvements are to be bonded rather than
actually installed prior to final plat approval, the plat shall
show a notation as follows: "No occupancy of dwelling units will
be allowed until all roadway and utility improvements have been
completed and approved by the City Engineer."
Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect five (5) days after the date of publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on th
January , 1993.
Ci Clerk
City Attorney
y ey
PUBLISHED: January 24, 1993
D Knutson,
(By Summary)
19th day of
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on January 19. 1993
Ordinance No. 2737
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles adopts and specifies a plan for making
additions and betterments to the solid waste utility system of the City; authorizes
the issuance and sale of solid waste utility revenue bonds in the principal amount
not to exceed $3,410,000 for the purpose of providing part of the funds required
for acquiring, constructing and installing certain additions and improvements to
the solid waste utility system of the City; provides for the payment and sale of
said bonds; and provides the covenants, terms and conditions under which such
bonds and future parity bonds shall be issued.
Ordinance No. 2738
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles rezones property located on Park
Avenue and Porter Avenue from RS -9, Residential Single- Family, to RS -7,
Residential Single - Family, amends the Official Zoning Map (Ordinance No. 2158)
and Ordinance No. 1709, as amended.
Ordinance No. 2739
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles amends Section 1 of Ordinance No.
2471 and Section 17.87.040 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, by specifying
that support equipment and accessories for retail stands must not extend more than
three feet in total, rather than in one direction, from the edge of the cart.
Ordinance No. 2740
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles revises off street parking requirements
and amends Ordinance No. 1588, as amended, and Chapter 14.40 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2741
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles revises the prohibition against
resubdividing property that has already been short platted, and amends Section 20
of Ordinance No. 2222, and Section 16.04.200 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Ordinance No. 2742
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles makes numerous minor wording and
clarification amendments to the Zoning Code, Ordinance No. 1709, as amended,
and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2743
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles makes numerous procedural
amendments and adds a sidewalk requirement to the Subdivision Ordinance,
Ordinance No. 1631, and Chapter 16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2744
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles prescribes the days and hours of
operation of City offices and amends Section 1, Ordinance No. 1249 and Port
Angeles Municipal Code Section 2.44.030.
Ordinance No. 2745
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles revises the permit fee and deposit
requirements for certain work within City rights -of -way and utility connections
and amends Ordinances No. 2181 and No. 2166 and Chapters 13.32 and 11.08
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
These Ordinances shall take effect five days after the date of publication of these summaries.
Publish: January 24. 1993
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk