HomeMy WebLinkAbout2757ORDINANCE NO. 2757
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopting the current editions of the
Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code,
National Electrical Code and other related
codes, increasing permit fees, and amending
Ordinances 2552 and 2561 and Chapters 14.01,
14.03 and 14.21 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2552 and Chapter 14.01 PAMC are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 14.01.010 to read as follows:
14.01.010 Construction Codes Defined. Building
construction within the City of Port Angeles shall be governed by
the following listed codes, laws, and ordinances, as adopted and
amended in Title 14 PAMC, which shall be collectively known as the
construction codes of the City of Port Angeles:
A. The Uniform Building Code;
B. The Uniform Mechanical Code;
C. The Uniform Fire Code;
D. The Uniform Plumbing Code;
E. The Washington State Rcgulationo for Barricr Frcc
Facilitics Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code;
F. The Washington State Energy Code;
G. The Uniform Sign Code;
H. The Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous
I. The National Electrical Code and the State Electrical
J. The Washington State Historic Building Code;
K. Stand -Alone Construction Ordinances, as adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council and as approved by the
Washington State Building Code Council when required
by State law.
Section 2. Ordinances 2552 and 2561 and Chapter 14.03 PAMC
are amended by amending PAMC 14.03.010, .020 and .040 to read as
14.03.010 Uniform Codes Adopted. Pursuant to Chapters
19.27 and 19.27A RCW and Title 51 WAC, the following Codes are
adopted subject to the amendments set forth in Ch. 51 16 WAC and
Title 14 PAMC 14.03.030:
A. The Uniform Building Code, including Appendix, Chapter
1, except subsection 110(b), Appendix Chapters 7, 10, 25, 29, 31,
32, and 49, 1991 Edition and Uniform Building Code Standards, 1991
Edition, published by the International Conference of Building
Officials, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council
and published as Chapters 51 -20 and 51 -21 Washington Administrative
B. The Uniform Mechanical Code, 194$91 Edition, including
Appcndix B, Chapter 22, Fuel Gas Piping, Appendix B, published by
the International Conference of Building Officials and the Interna-
tional Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, as amended
by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as
Chapter 51 -22 Washington Administrative Code;
C. The Uniform Fire Code, 1991 Edition and Uniform Fire
Code Standards, 194$91 Edition, as specifically adopted in Chapter
14.21 PAMC published by the International Conference of Buildinq
Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, as amended by
the Washington State Building Code Council and published as
Chapters 51 -24 and 51 -25 Washington Administrative Code, except as
amended in Chapter 14.21 PAMC;
D. The Uniform Plumbing Code, 1991 Edition including
Appcndix C, and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, 194$91 Edition,
published by the International Association of Plumbing and
Mechanical Officials, as amended by the Washington State Buildinq
Code Council and filed as Chapter 51 -26 Washington Administrative
E. The Washington State Regulations for Barricr Free
Codc Council and codified at Chaptcr 51 10 WAC, establishing
standards for making buildings and facilities accessible to and
for in RCW 70.92.100 through 70.92.160 Ventilation and Indoor Air
Quality Code, as adopted by the Washington State Building Code
Council and filed as Chapter 51 -13 Washington Administrative Code;
F. The Washington State Energy Code, 1991 Second Edition,
as adopted and amended by the Washington State Building Code
Council and filed as Chapter 51 -11 Washington Administrative CodeT
and as codificd in Chaptcr 51 12 WAC, and thc Northwest Energy
Code, 1987 edition, as promulgated by thc Bonneville Power
Administration, togcthcr with thc conversion standard equivalent
codc amendments to thc model energy code, December 24, 1986,
all as presently existing or as subsequently amended, provided
(1) The Northwest Energy Code shall apply to all new
conditioning and electrical lighting;
all non electrically space heated residential and
nonresidential construction except that new residential
shall be designed to achicvc cncrgy U3C cfficicncy
cquivalcnt to cncrgy u3c achicvcd in typical buildings
constructcd with:
(a) Ceilings insulatcd to a level of R 30 (R
valuc includes insulation only);
(b) Walls insulatcd to a level of R 19 (R value
includcs insulation only), or constructcd with two -by
four members, R 13 insulation batts, R 3.2 shoathing,
and othcr normal assembly componcnts;
(c) Below gradc walls, insulated on thc interior
cidc, to a lcvcl of R 19 (R value includes insulation
only), or if insulatcd on thc exterior side, to a
level of R -10;
(d) Floors over unheated space insulated to a
lcvcl of R 19 (R value includcs insulation only);
(c) Slab on gradc floors insulatcd to a level of
R 10 at thc perimeter;
(f) Heat pumps with a minimum heating season
performance factor (HSPF) of 6.8 or with all othcr
cncrgy sources with a minimum annual fucl utilization
efficiency (AFUE) of seventy cight percent;
(g) Doublc glazed windows with values not more
than U 0.65 whcn tested per AAMA standard #1503.1 -88;
(h) A maximum glazing area of twenty one percent
of thc floor arca or, for purposcs of dctcrmining
of fiftccn percent of thc floor area;
(3) The conversion standard cquivalcnt code
amendments Shall apply to any buildings constructcd
pursuant to a building permit issued on or aftcr the
the initial construction wcre not required to comply
with thc Northwest Energy Codc, whcn such buildings
Mating or conditioning and lighting.;
G. The Uniform Sign Code, 19&891 Edition, published by
the International Conference of Building Officials;
H. The Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous
Buildings, 194491 Edition, published by the International
Conference of Building Officials.
I. The Washington State Historic Building Code, First
Edition, published by the Washington State Building Code Council as
Chapter 51 -19 Washington Administrative Code.
In case of conflict among the codes enumerated in
subsections A through D of this Section, the earlier named Code
shall govern over those following.
14.03.020 Amendments to Uniform Codes. Pursuant to RCW
19.27.040, RCW 19.27.060(3) and (4), and PAMC 14.04.020, the
following amendments to the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing
Code, and Uniform Sign Code are adopted:
A. Uniform Building Code, Chapter 5, Table 5 -C is amended
by adding the following footnote:
(�9) Type V -N construction prohibited in CBD -
Central Business District.
B. Uniform Building Code, Section 3802(b) is amended by
adding the following:
5. In all buildings where the floor area exceeds
6,250 square feet on all floors; however, the area and
height increases specified in Section 506(C) and 507
(for sprinklers) shall be permitted. For the purpose
of this sub - section, portions of buildings separated
from the rest of the building, in accordance with
Section 505(e), with openings allowed by the Uniform
Building Code protected by the installation of
approved magnetic hold -open devices which are
activated by smoke detection devices installed on both
sides of said openings, may be considered as separate
C. Uniform Building Code, Appendix Chapter 32, Section
32123201, is amended to require that all cedar shingles be removed
prior to any reroof.
D. Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix C, is amended to add
Footnote 1415 as follows:
Required restroom facilities shall be maintained open
and operable during business hours where businesses
are being conducted and in other buildings when being
used by employees, occupants, or the public. Such
public restrooms shall be readily identifiable.
E. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section 301, is amended
by adding the following:
Provided, that presently existing signs not in
conformity with this code, as amended, may be
maintained in their present condition unless
hazardous, but may not be altered or reconstructed
unless in conformity with this code.
F. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section 303: Delete #3,
signs less than 6' above grade.
G. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 4, delete Table 4 -B. In
lieu thereof, Chapter 45, Section 4505(b) of the Uniform Building
Code, 194491 Edition, shall apply to projection of signs.
14.03.040 Fees. The fees set forth in the codes adopted
in PAMC 14.03.020 shall apply in all instances except for the
A. The permit fee for the installation of a modular or
mobile home shall be $150200.
B. The mechanical permit fee for installation of a solid -
fuel burning appliance shall be $4575.
C. Sign permit fees shall be according to the schedule set
forth in this subsection.
1. Sign Permit Fee Schedule
Type of Sign
Sign Size
25 50 50 99 Over 100
sq.ft. 3a. ft. sic.. ft.
Wall or marquees, -
cicctricover 25 sq.ft. $25 $30 $35 $ 75
Wall or marquees, cicctric 30 40 50
Freestanding and projecting 40 50 70
over 25 sq.ft. $100
Freestanding, projecting,
cicctric,Al1 signs less
than 25 sq.ft. 15 - $ 25
All othcr cicctric, 1c33
than 24 sq.ft. 10
All non cicctric, lest than
25 sq.ft. 10
Supergraphic on building
(any size) $ 25
2. If the work authorized under a sign permit has
not been completed within 180 calendar days after the date of
issuance of the permit, the permit shall expire and any subsequent
work shall require a renewal of the permit and payment of renewal
fees, at one -half the original fee. All fees are nonrefundable.
3. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall erect,
re- erect, construct, alter, or maintain a sign without a permit
first having been obtained, except as provided by the Port Angeles
Municipal Code, shall as a penalty pay double the amount required
by the Sign Permit Fee Schedule.
D. Surcharges enacted pursuant to Chapter 19.27 RCW and
remitted to the State Treasurer shall be $4.50 for each building
permit, plus $2 for each additional residential unit.
E. The inspection fee for call -back plumbing inspections
shall be $10.
F. A surcharge shall be added to the building permit fee
for new single - family residential construction and each ground
floor unit in new multi - family residential construction to cover
the cost of radon testing equipment as mandated by the State of
Washington in the amount of $30.00 per ground floor unit to be
charged for permit applications submitted between July 1, 1992, and
June 30, 1995.
Section 3. Ordinance 2552 is hereby amended by amending
PAMC 14.050.010, .020, .050, .070, .080, .120, .130, .160, .170,
and .180 and adding PAMC 14.05.190 to read as follows:
14.05.010 Purpose and Scope. This Chapter is intended to
regulate the installation, alteration, extension, and repair of
electrical wiring, materials, appliances, apparatus, devices, and
equipment in the City of Port Angeles. This Chapter does not apply
to electrical equipment or central stations or sub stations or
control of electrical cncrgy for light, power, telephone, or
telegraph, or to electrical -construction governed by Chaptcr 19.29
RCW and Chaptcr 296 -44 WAC. This Chapter shall apply to all
electrical conductors and equipment installed, used, rented,
offered for sale or distributed for use in the City.
14.05.020 Adoption of Electrical Code. The 1987 Edition
of thc National Electrical Code (NFPA 70 1987) and the State of
Washington Electrical Laws as set forth in Chapter 19.28 RCW and
Chapters 296 -46 and 296 -401 WAC, as adopted by the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries, are hereby adopted by reference
subject to the amendments set forth herein and subject to the City
of Port Angeles utility customer service policies, provided that if
any specific requirement contained in said amendments or customer
service policies is less restrictive than the specific requirement
contained in the State of Washington Electrical Laws, such specific
requirement of the State of Washington Electrical Laws shall
14.05.050 Electrical Permit Required. Before any
electrical work covered by this Chapter may be installed, altered,
or repaired, an electrical permit shall be secured from the Office
of the Electrical Inspector.
A. Electrical permits will not ordinarily be required for
minor repair work such as repairing flush and snap switches,
replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets and receptacles, taping bare
joints, and repairing drop cords.
B. Electrical permits shall not bc required for the
C. Upon approval of the electrical permit and payment of
permit will bc issued to thc applicant.
14.05.070 Electrical Permit to the Owner.
An electrical permit to perform electrical work in or
on the owner's residence or structure may be issued to the owner,
provided the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The electrical work shall be done by the owner of
the property.
2. If requested, the owner shall provide documcn
tation (c.g., copy of decd and driver's license) and sign an
affidavit stating that he or she is the owner of the property and
that he or she will be doing the electrical work.
electrical work, thc Inspector may require that thc portion of the
altered, or repaired by a licensed and bonded contractor.
industrial projccts, as defined in—WAG--2-9G 46 -140, shall submit
locations, building service location, and padmount transformer
locations, if applicable), riser diagram (one line diagram),
connected load breakdown, number of phases, voltage, and building
14.05.120 Temporary U3c of Electric CurrcntService.
Permission must be obtained from the Inspector for the temporary
use of electric current during the construction or alteration of
any building. Such temporary service may be allowed for up to one
hundred eighty (180) days. No person shall connect his service
with that of any other person, or in any way supply any other
person, premises, property, or service with electricity through his
service, except as approved by the Inspector.
14.05.130 Unlawful Wiring.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person in any way to
alter any electrical wiring, or to permit such electrical wiring to
be altered unless done in conformity with the provisions of this
this Chaptcr for such conductor, motor, or apparatus, or to install
of safety of thc same.
C. Whcn an installation consisting of Edison base type
plus fuses is considered to be over fused, thc Inspector shall,
Typc "6" (tamper resisting) fuscs or circuit breakers.
UB. Master metering of multiple dwelling units is
prohibited. Sub - metering of buildings, existing master metered
facilities, or multiple dwelling units is prohibited for the resale
of electricity, or for the apportioning of costs between separate
dwelling units, tenants, or owners.
14.12.160 Wiring Methods.
A. Wiring methods for institutional, educational, health
care facilities, and places of assembly of one hundred or more
persons shall be wired as set forth in Article 518 of the 1987
Edition of the National Electrical Code; the wiring methods in
Section 518 -4, Exception 1, shall not be permitted. For determin-
ing the occupant load of places of assembly, the methods in NFPA
101, Life Safety Code, shall be used.
B. All new or remodeled commercial or industrial
buildings that exceed a total of 5,000 square feet shall be wired
in an approved raceway. All buildings in the Downtown, Fire Zone
1 as defined in Chapter 14.24 PAMC, and any open space mall -type
structures without fire wall separation, industrial zoned property,
piers, docks, wharfs, structures over water, and any fccdcr to a
panclpermanent structures at the Clallam County fairgrounds, shall
be wired in an approved raceway.
C. In multi- family occupancy buildings (i.e., apartment
houses, hotels, motels, and dormitories), nonmetallic sheathed
cable, with grounding conductor, may be used as the wiring method
for branch circuits in such wood frame occupancies of not more than
three (3) stories, not including a basement which is used for
D. All mains and circuits exceeding 300 volts between
conductors, and circuits exceeding 150 volts to ground, shall be
installed in approved raceways.
E. The fault duty rating of all service equipment shall
exceed the available fault current. The minimum fault duty rating
required on service equipment for non - dwelling installations shall
be at least 20,000 AIC.
F. Wood used for support or other purposes in electrical
installations, in contact with the earth or subject to moisture,
shall be commercially pressure treated and labeled for earth
G. Electric meters shall not be permitted inside
buildings or within carports or porches without written approval of
the Inspector.
H. Where more than one electric meter is used, a
permanent label shall be attached on each meter base showing the
apartment or unit number.
I. For industrial and heavy commercial buildings using
cable trays, metal clad cables will be acceptable for service and
feeder conductors when approved by the Inspector.
J. The smallest size cable permitted for commercial use
is No. 12 AWG copper for power conductors.
K. In Residential Occupancies, 20 amp branch circuits
will be limited to 20 outlets and /or lighting devices and 15 amp
circuits will be limited to 15 devices.
L. Bathroom reccptacic3 shall not be on the same circuit
ML. In Fire Zone #1, non - metallic conduit will be allowed
for exterior use only.
NM. On current transformer metering, a lockable main
disconnect switch(es) shall be required. The switch(es) shall be
located on the outside of the building or in a mechanical room when
approved by the Inspector.
14.05.170 Wiring Specifications.
A. In single - family units, 1,000 square feet gross floor
area or more, a 200 amp service shall be installed.
B. On multiple occupancies with service latcrals, a
minimum of Six (6) meter minimum groupings arc required. All
single electric meters shall be between four and one -half (4.5)
feet and six (6) feet from finished grade to the center of the
meter glass.
C. Breakers are required at all meters in "meter pack"
installations not having a main breaker ahead of the meter.
D. Insulation in attics or crawl spaces shall not conceal
junction, pull, or outlet boxes.
E. Removal of panels, pipe, and unused wire and
electrical equipment that has been abandoned is required to
complete an electrical installation.
F. Underground water and sewer pipes shall not be laid in
the same trench with an electrical service wire unless:
1. A minimum horizontal separation of three (3) feet
is maintained at all points along the line; or
2. All electrical wires are enclosed within an
approved raceway and a minimum horizontal separation of one (1)
foot shall be maintained.
Where water service pipes cross electrical service
wires, a minimum vertical separation of one (1) foot shall be
G. The panel ampacity in multi - family dwellings shall
have a minimum rating of 100 amps.
H. The service equipment grounding electrode conductor
and bond conductor shall be copper only. Aluminum shall be
14.05.180 Inspection and Permit Fees. The fees for
electrical inspections shall be as stated herein; provided that
said fees shall not exceed those established in RCW 19.28.210.
For the purpose of calculating said fees, amperage shall be based
on the larger of the conductor ampacity or the over current device.
A. The fee for inspection of the installation,
alteration, extension, and repair of electrical wiring, materials,
appliances, apparatus, devices, and equipment of the following
service(s), or feeder(s), is:
0 - 100 AMP
125 - 200 A
201 - 400 AMP
401 - 600 AMP
601 - 1000 AMP
1001 - over AMP
Temporary service
$ 4440
$ 4450
6-97 0
*50% of above
$ 4-915
* 50% of Column B
* One (1) percent of the cost of the electrical work
1. There shall be no additional fee for inspection of
branch circuits when included in the service /feeder permit.
2. The residential service fee specified in Column A
shall be paid for a single - family residential service, for a multi-
family residential service (per service, up to but not exceeding a
four- plex), and for each service, or the first feeder, when the
service is not being installed, decreased /increased, or altered.
3. The commercial and industrial service fee specified
in Column B shall be paid for each service, er -the first feeder, or
other electrical work, when the service is not being installed,
increased, or altered; for secondaries of transformers that have a
capacity greater than 600 VA; for each service or feeder that is
over 600 volts; and for a multi- family residence larger than a
four -plex.
4. The additional feeders fee specified in Column C
shall be paid for inspections with a service or feeder in Column A
or B at the same time and on the same permit.
B. The following fees shall apply to the electrical
inspection of each of the following units and additional units
inspected at the same time and same location:
Single /First Additional Units
Unit (Maximum of 5)
Column A Column B
1. Mobile home, modular
home or commercial
service (200 AMP
2. Mobile home feeder
3. Each lot for a
recreational vehicle
4. Berth at a marina
or dock
5. Motors, 10 HP or
6. Signs
*493 00
* 5
7. Hot tub (permanent) 4 -925
* Total fee for inspection of one service and one feeder when
they are inspected at the same time is $3940.
C. For new circuits, circuit extensions, and circuit
alterations where the service or feeder is not modified, the permit
fee shall be $4930 for up to and including four circuits inspected
at the same time on the same premises under a single permit, plus
$1 for each additional circuit over four circuits.
D. Low voltage systems. The fee for inspection of
residential burglar or fire alarm systems, and other Class 2, low
voltage systems, shall be $4930 for one to four circuits (zones)
plus $1 for each additional circuit (zone). For commercial or
industrial Class 2, low voltage system installations, the minimum
fee shall be $4930 for the control panel plus $1 for each circuit
(zone) inspected at the same time.
E. The fee for emergency, standby, and resource recovery
generators up to 50 KVA i3 $20. The fcc for a gcncrator
installation largcr than 50 KVA, or that is the main sourcc of
powcr, is that for the applicable service size listed in subsection
A of this Section.
F. Block Permit. A firm, corporation, or other entity which
has a regularly employed electrical maintenance staff, which is
exempted from the requirement to have an electrician certificate of
competency by RCW 19.28.610, may choose to purchase a monthly
electrical work permit for work done by in -house electrical
personnel rather than a work permit for each installation or
alteration in accordance with this Section. Work done by
contractors shall not be included in this block permit. The
Inspector shall determine the maximum number of hours allowed on
the block permit. This will entitle the purchaser to inspections
for a period determined by the Inspector. Fees will be determined
on an individual basis by the Inspector,- based on the estimated
inspection time required.
G. Fees for carnival electrical inspections. The fee shall
be $4-960 for the first ten rides, concessions, or generators, and
$45 each for all additional rides, concessions, and generators.
H. Trip fees. A fee of $4930 in addition to the applicable
inspection fee shall be paid before approval of the installation
each and every time the following services are required:
1. Requests to inspect existing installations. After
the first half -hour an additional $20 fee shall be provided for
each one -half hour of inspection time.
2. Trips to inspect when the permit applicant has given
notice to the Inspector that the work is ready for inspection when
it is not.
3. An additional inspection trip is necessary because
the permit applicant has given an erroneous or incomplete address,
or the premise is not accessible.
4. More than one additional inspection trip per permit
to inspect corrections required by the Inspector as a result of
carelessness or neglect, or for improperly responding to a
correction notice.
5. Each trip necessary to remove a non - compliance
citation from the job site, posted because unlicensed electrical
contractors or uncertified electricians or trainees were working on
the jobsite.
6. When corrections have not been made in the prescribed
time, unless an extension of time has been requested and granted.
7. When a final inspection has not been requested and
the occupant has occupied the building. Furnishings indicate
I. A fee of two times the regular permit fee shall be
charged for work that was started without a permit. This provision
shall not apply to emergency work, when at the satisfaction of the
Inspector such work was urgently necessary, making it impractical
to obtain a permit prior to commencing the work. A permit must be
obtained within forty -eight (48) hours after the start of such
J. On jobs requiring partial or progress inspections, "one"
inspection of one -half hour duration is allowed per $2-930 of fee.
K. The fee for a plan review shall be $3 -2-40 an hour with a
one -hour minimum charge.
L. The fee for storm, fire, or other accident damage repairs
shall be 50% of a new service of like ampacity, with a minimum
charge of $20 (repair only, not new construction due to accidental
M. Special permit. For very small jobs requiring an
electrical permit as determined by the Inspector and requiring no
corrections. The fee for this permit will be $3415. Work
requiring a cover inspection or additional inspections shall not
14.05.190 Electric Signs.
Electric signs shall be UL listed and include awning signs,
channel letter signs, directional signs, ordinary box signs,
recessed signs and trailer mounted signs.
A. UL listed electric signs may be repainted or refaced
without being reinspected by UL.
B. Any electric sign that is altered electrically or
mechanically shall be relisted by UL as a "Rebuilt Electric Sign ".
C. Electric signs that have been disconnected for more than
one year shall be relisted by UL. This does not apply to cord
connected signs.
Section 4. Ordinance 2552 is hereby amended by amending PAMC
14.21.010, .030, and .050 to read as follows:
14.21.010 Adoption of Uniform Fire Code, Appendices and
Standards. There is adopted by the City Council for the purpose of
prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and
property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as Uniform
Fire Code, including Appendices I -A, II -B, C, F, III -A, B, C, IV -B,
V -A, and VI -A, and the Uniform Fire Code Standards, 19881991
Edition published by the International Conference of Building
Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, as amended by
the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapter
51 -24 and 51 -25 WAC; provided that Sections 10.202, 10.203, 10.204,
10.205, and 10.206 shall not be deleted and, notwithstanding any
wording in said Code, participants in religious ceremonies shall
not be precluded from carrying hand -held candles; and provided
further, that Article 78, Fireworks, and Article 80, Hazardous
Matcrial3, arcis deleted in thcirits entirety.
14.21.030 Above - Ground Storage of Flammable Liquids.
A. The limits referred to in Section 79.501 of the Uniform
Fire Code, in which storage of flammable or combustible liquid in
outside above - ground tanks is prohibited, are established in all
zones except in the ACD, CBD, CSDC1, and CSDC2 zones, where the
maximum quantity shall be 24,000 gallons, and the M -2 zone adjacent
to the Port Angeles harbor.
B. The limits referred to in Section 79.1401 of the Uniform
Fire Code, in which new bulk plants for flammable or combustible
liquids are prohibited, are established as follows: In all zone
classifications except that part of M -2 which lies west of Cedar
Street as prescribed in Ordinance 1709 and subsequent ordinances
amending the same.
14.21.050 Storage of Explosives. The limits referred to in
Section 77.106(b)107(a) of the Uniform Fire Code, in which storage
of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited, are established as
follows: In all zone classifications except that part of the M -2
zone which lies west of Cedar Street as prescribed in Ordinance
1709 and subsequent ordinances amending the same.
Section 5. This Ordinance shall be effective five days after
the date of publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a
regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of
April , 1993. Alte
i /le 1
Becky J.(
p . n, Citty Clerk
nutson, city Attorne
PUBLISHED April 11, 1993
(By Summary)
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on April 6, 1993
Ordinance No. 2756
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles makes housekeeping amendments to
the Port Angeles Municipal Code and amends Ordinances 1709, 2736, and 2732.
The amendments include changing the number of the chapter in the Code where
the Risk Management Ordinance will be located, reinserting the subsection that
added juvenile detention facilities as conditional uses in the Light Industrial
District, and clarifying that the recently adopted developer reimbursement charge
will not be applied to developments occurring after the original developer has been
fully reimbursed for the infrastructure improvements.
Ordinance No. 2757
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles adopts the current editions of the
Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, National Electrical Code and other
related codes, increases permit fees, and amends Ordinances 2552 and 2561 and
Chapters 14.01, 14.03 and 14.21 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
These Ordinances shall take effect five days after the date of publication of these summaries.
Publish: April 11. 1993
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk