HomeMy WebLinkAbout2857ORDINANCE NO. 2857
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, implementing the new Comprehensive
Plan provisions regarding urban services,
amending Ordinance 2394 and Chapter 13.61 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code, and adopting
Chapter 18.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby adopted a new Chapter 18.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code to read as follows:
Urban Services
18.08.010 Purpose
18.08.020 Definitions
18.08.030 Urban Services Requirements
18.08.040 Street and Access Requirements
18.08.050 Water Service Requirements
18.08.060 Sanitary Sewer Requirements
18.08.070 Stormwater Requirements
18.08.080 Solid Waste Service Requirements
18.08.090 Electrical Service Requirements
18.08.100 Telecommunication Service Requirements
18.08.120 Urban Services Required through SEPA Process
18.08.130 Urban Services Standards and Guidelines
18.08.010 - Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to
implement the Comprehensive Plan provisions regarding urban
services by setting forth the requirements for urban services that
must be met before certain types of development can occur within
the City of Port Angeles.
18.08.020 - Definitions.
A. "Development" means any activity, requiring a permit
from the City, which would alter the elevation of the land, remove
or destroy plant life, cause structures of any kind to be
installed, erected, or removed, divide land into two or more
parcels, or any use or extension of the use of the land.
B. "Urban Services" means services that are normally
available in an urban environment which include provisions for
sanitary waste systems, solid waste disposal systems, water
systems, urban roads and pedestrian facilities, transit systems,
stormwater systems, police and fire and emergency service systems,
electrical and communication systems, school and health care
facilities, and neighborhood and /or community parks.
18.08.030 - Urban Services Requirements.
The urban services requirements as set forth in PAMC
18.08.040, .050, .060, .070, .080, .090, .110, and .120 shall be
provided by the developer or in place prior to approval by the City
of a final subdivision, final short subdivision, building permit or
certificate of occupancy, whichever is applicable based on the type
of development and urban service required.
18.08.040 - Street and Access Requirements.
A. Street and access requirements for lots or parcels
without established street access shall be as set forth in PAMC
B. Street and access requirements for short subdivisions
shall be as set forth in Chapter 16.04 PAMC.
C. Street and access requirements for subdivisions shall
be as set forth in Chapter 16.08 PAMC.
D. Development that creates pedestrian traffic on all
arterial streets and any other street identified in the City's
transportation plan as school walking routes shall include
pedestrian sidewalks.
18.08.050 - Water Service Requirements.
A. Single - family residences shall be served with potable
water at the rate of two gallons per minute at 30 psi and with fire
flow at the rate of 1,000 gallons per minute at 20 psi or as
otherwise provided in the Uniform Fire Code.
B. Multi- family residences shall be served with potable
water at the rate of one gallon per minute at 30 psi and with fire
flow at the rate established by the Uniform Fire Code.
C. Commercial and industrial buildings and structures
shall be served with potable water at the rate of one gallon per
minute at 30 psi and with fire flow at the rate established by the
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the Uniform Fire Code.
18.08.060 - Sanitary Sewer Requirements. Connection to the
City's sanitary sewer system shall be required as set forth in PAMC
13.61.070 unless a private wastewater disposal system is allowed as
set forth in PAMC 13.61.090; provided, however, that sanitary sewer
service must have the capability of processing 300 gallons of water
per day per person.
18.08.070 - Stormwater Requirements. Stormwater discharge
shall be allowed only in accordance with the requirements set forth
in Chapters 13.63, 15.28, 16.04 and 16.08 PAMC and the standards
and guidelines adopted pursuant thereto.
18.08.080 - Solid Waste Service Requirements. Solid waste
collection service shall be compulsory, as set forth in PAMC
13.54.030. Recycling service shall be voluntary, as set forth in
PAMC 13.54.065.
18.08.090 - Electrical Service Requirements. All
development of buildings and structures shall include electrical
service as set forth in Chapter 14.05 PAMC. The service shall be
underground unless the cost of underground electrical service is
prohibitive as determined by the Light Director pursuant to Light
Department standards and guidelines.
18.08.100 - Telecommunication Service Requirements. All
lots in new subdivisions and new short subdivisions shall be
provided with telecommunication services at or greater than the
following level of service standards:
A. Telephone: 1 service per dwelling unit or business.
B. Cable television: 1 service per dwelling unit.
18.08.120 - Urban Services Required through SEPA Process.
During the review process established pursuant to the State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), the following urban services as
set forth in the Comprehensive Plan shall be evaluated and applied
to development proposals as potential mitigation measures or
A. Parks and recreation
B. Transit
C. Police
D. Schools.
18.08.130 - Urban Services Standards and Guidelines.
A. Each City department that is responsible for
administering the urban services set forth in this Chapter shall
have the authority to develop, update, administer, and enforce
standards and guidelines which describe how the urban service
requirements set forth in this Chapter are to be met.
B. The standards and guidelines shall meet the following
1. The standards and guidelines shall be consistent
with this Chapter, the Comprehensive Plan, and
applicable state and federal laws.
2. A current copy of the standards and guidelines
shall be filed with the City Clerk.
C. The standards and guidelines, or their application to
a particular development, may be appealed to the City Manager.
Section 2. Chapter II, Section 7 of Ordinance 2394 and
PAMC 13.61.070 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.61.070 Sewer Required. The owner or owners of each lot
or parcel of real property within the area served or to be served
by the publicCity sanitary sewer system as it now exists or as it
may be extended, upon which lot or parcel is situated any building
or structure for human occupation or for any purpose requiring the
use of water which will produce sewage, shall, prior to approval by
the City of a certificate of occupancy or upon notice from the
Director, cause a connection to be made at hi3 or thcirthe expense
of the owner or owners between said publicCity sanitary sewer
system and each such building or structure unless otherwise allowed
pursuant to PAMC 13.61.090. All premises within thc scwcr f
orca and within 300 feet of a sanitary scwcr or lateral thcrcof
upon which any portion 4f such huildiag OT r et re is situated
provided that thc City Manager, the Director and thc Health
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Officer, acting in concert, may issue a revocable permit waiving
this requirement if, in their unanimous opinion, such an
installation is economically infeasible duc to topographic
conditions and a sanitary problem will not be -created. Any perjon
rcquc3ting such a permit and bcing denied one may appeal thc
decision to thc City Council within thirty (30) day3 aftcr rccciv
ing notice of denial of such permit. The decision of thc City
Council Shall be final without any further appeal to thc court3.
Section 3. Chapter II, Section 9 of Ordinance 2394 and
PAMC 13.61.090 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.61.090 Private Wastewater Disposal System Reelued
Allowed - When. Whcrc a public sanitary or combincd sewer is not
availablc, thc building scorer shall be connected to a privatc
a privatc wastewater dispos -al system thc owner(s) Shall fir3t
obtain a written permit signed by thc Health Officer. Such permit
is availablc.
A. A revocable permit for an existing private wastewater
disposal system may be obtained from the Public Works Director
after consultation with the County Health Officer for as long as
the existing system meets state and county requirements and does
not cause any sanitary or other health problems.
B. Either prior to approval by the City of a building
permit for construction on a single lot existing on January 1,
1995, or when a private wastewater disposal system had been but is
no longer permitted pursuant to PAMC 13.61.090 A, the owner or
owners may apply to the Director of Public Works for an exemption
from the requirement in PAMC 18.08.060 and PAMC 13.61.070 that the
building be served by the City sanitary sewer system. The exemp-
tion may be granted only if all of the following requirements are
1. The lot is further than 300 feet from the City
sanitary sewer system or a lateral thereof;
2. The cost of extending the City sanitary sewer
system would be an economic hardship on the
owner or owners in that the estimated cost of a
sewer extension would be over 2009s of the cost
of an approved septic or other private
wastewater disposal system;
3. The owner or owners have signed a non - protest
agreement for an LID to extend the City sanitary
sewer system to the area; and,
4. The exemption will not be effective until a
written permit for the septic or other private
wastewater disposal system is obtained from the
Clallam County Health Department.
C. This Section shall not be construed to interfere with
any additional requirements that may be imposed by the Health
Officer. At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a
property served by a private wastewater disposal system, a direct
connection shall be made to the public sewer within ninety (90)
days in compliance with this Chapter, and any septic tanks,
cesspools, and similar private wastewater disposal facilities shall
be cleaned of sludge and filled with suitable material.
Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is
not affected.
Section 5 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of Feb. ,
(t a J,� ,7
Becky J. Up n, C'ty Clerk
PUBLISHED: February 12, 1995
(By Summary)
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
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Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on February 7, 1995
Ordinance No. 2856
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles revises the setback requirements in the
CSD, Community Shopping District, and amends Ordinance 1709 and Section
17.22.200 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2857
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles implements the new Comprehensive Plan
provisions regarding urban services, amends Ordinance 2394 and Chapter 13.61 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and adopts Chapter 18.08 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2858
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles implements and provides a process for
amending the new Comprehensive Plan, establishes a new title in the Port Angeles
Municipal Code to be called "Growth Management ", and adopts Chapter 18.04 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2859
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles establishes the Enhanced 9 -1 -1 Project
Fund for administration of funds in connection with the Police Department building
remodel, E9 -1 -1 equipment installation and personnel training.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed
upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
These Ordinances shall take effect five days after the date of publication of these summaries.
Publish: February 12, 1995
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk