HomeMy WebLinkAbout2932ORDINANCE NO. 2932
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, consolidating various fees into a
single chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code, revising some of the fees, authorizing
fees to be waived under exigent circumstances,
amending Ordinances 1273, 1709, 2050, 2055,
2112, 2132, 2169, 2181, 2221, 2285, 2290, 2394,
2552, 2632, 2636, 2673, 2732, 2734, 2769, 2788,
2789, and 2868, as amended, amending Chapters
3.64, 3.70, 5.04, 5.20, 5.32, 5.36, 5.37, 5.52,
12.04, 12.10, 12.12, 12.16, 13.06, 13.16, 13.18,
13.32, 13.36, 13.61, 13.64, 13.68, 14.03, 14.05,
14.21, 14.28, 15.28, 17.13, and 17.96 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code, and repealing
Section 7 of Ordinance 2232, Section 16 of
Ordinance 2054, and Ordinance 2800.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Section 15 of Ordinance 2789 and Section
3.70.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to
read as follows:
3.70.010 - Finance Department Fees.
A. NSF Checks. A fifteen dollar ($15.00) fee shall be
charged for checks with insufficient funds (NSF checks), which are
submitted as payment to the City of Port Angeles.
B. Business Licenses.
1. For all businesses which require a license,
unless otherwise provided by this Chapter, the license fee shall be
twenty -five dollars per year. The minimum prorated fee under PAMC
3.70.090B shall be ten dollars.
2. The fee for a temporary business license shall be
ten dollars per month unless otherwise provided.
3. The fee for reissuance of a lost, stolen or
destroyed business license shall be five dollars.
4. The fee for each additional business license for
a person conducting the same type of business at two or more
permanent locations shall be five dollars per year.
C. Dances. The fee for an annual business license for any
number of dances shall be $25.00. The fee for a temporary business
license for one dance shall be ten dollars.
D. Fireworks Sales Permit. The fee for a fireworks sales
permit shall be ten dollars.
E. For -Hire Taxicab Driver's Licenses.
1. The fee for obtaining the initial for -hire
taxicab driver's license shall be $15.00 plus the cost for
Washington State Identification Section inquiry, and the Police
Department's fee for fingerprints, photo I.D., local records check
and lamination of the license.
2. The renewal fee shall be $15.00.
F. Horse Taxi Driver's Licenses.
The fee for a horse taxi driver's license issued under
PAMC 5.37.100 shall be $5.00 annually plus the cost for Washington
State Identification Section inquiry and the Police Department's
fee for fingerprints, photo I.D., local records check, and
lamination of the license.
G. Outdoor Music Festival. The fee for any outdoor music
festival shall be $10.00.
H. Utility Connections /Reconnections & Automatic Turn -ons.
1. Utility connections /reconnections
during regular working hours
(8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) $22.00
2. Automatic turn -ons pursuant to
property owner agreements $10.00
I. Special Utility Service Fees.
1. The penalty fee for delinquent utility bills
shall be as follows:
a. First assessment $ 2.00
b. Second assessment $ 5.00
c. Third assessment and beyond $10.00.
2. The collection fee for delinquent utility bills
shall be as follows:
a. Field collections $22.00
b. Certified mail collections $16.00
c. Automatic turn -ons pursuant
to property owner agreements $10.00.
3. The penalty fee for unauthorized utility_
services, as regulated in PAMC 13.18.020, shall be fifty dollars.
4. The credit check fee required under PAMC
3.64.030B shall be forty dollars.
J. Fees for Supplying Prints, Copies and Other Services.
1. The charges for the supplying of prints and /or
copies of any City document by the City of Port
Angeles shall be as follows:
j_ Photocopies (documents up to 10 pages are free)
8% x 11 $ 0.15 each
8;¢ x 11 - double -sided $ 0.15 each
83 x 11 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each
x 14 $ 0.15 each
8M x 14 - double - sided $ 0.15 each
8334 x 14 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each
11 x 17 $ 0.15 each
11 x 17 - double -sided $ 0.15 each
11 x 17 made by other than City Employee $ 0.15 each
(b) Faxed copies up to 10 pages no charge
(Documents longer than 10 pages will not be faxed.)
(c) 24" x 36" prints $ 6.00 each
(d) 30" x 42" prints $ 6.50 each
(e) 36" x 48" prints $ 7.00 each
j Computer disks:
3M" or 51A" $ 1.00 each
CD ROM $10.00 each
(2) Zoning Ordinance $ 4.50 each
(h) Comprehensive Plan $ 7.50 each.
2. The charges for the supplying of the services
below shall be:
(a) Municipal Code Books $35.00 each
(b) Municipal Code Updates $ 0.15 /page
(c) Notary Public Fee $ 3.00 /cert.
(d) Audio Tapes $ 3.50 each
(e) LID
Title Search $4.00 /request
(f) Deed Processing
First Sheet $ 7.00
Each Additional Sheet $ 1.00
(g) Computer Print -Out of Utility
Service Consumption History $1.00 /request.
K. Coin Recovery Fees. The fee for the annual coin
recovery permit shall be five dollars per year per person.
Section 2. Section 15 of Ordinance 2789 and Chapter 3.70
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending
PAMC 3.70.020 to read as follows:
3.70.020 Ocean View Cemetery. The charges for the use of
the Ocean View Cemetery shall be as follows:
A. Site Acquisition
1. Adult gravc lot - $650.00
2. Infant gravc lot - $150.00
3. Cremains - $165.00
B. Opening and Closing
1. Adult gravc lot - $415.00
2. Infant gravc lot - $150.00
3. Cremains lot - $150.00
4. Entombment - $250.00
5. Inurnment - $85.00
C. Stone Setting - $110.00
1. Ccmcnt chargc, Cinglc
Memorial Foundation, individual - $100.00
2. Ccmcnt chargc, Doublc
Memorial Foundation, individual
and companion - $125.00
1. Adult liner -
2. Infant liner -
3. Cremains vault
4. Adult vault -
Purchase Cost Placement Fee Total
$3- 6580.00
$ 6300.00
$ 55.00
$ 55.00
E. Cremation Niches
1. Bronze Niches
a. SinglcIndividual - $300.00
b. DeubIeIndividual and companion - $470.00
2. Granite Niches
a. Eye level and below - $660.00
b. Above eye level - $550.00
Niche Inscriptions
1. SinglcIndividual - $140.00
2. DeiAaIeIndividual and companion - $250.00
1. Inside - $3850.00
2. Outside - $3500.00
Cravc3idcLot Setup - $110.00
Saturday Service - $300.00
J. Disinterment
1. Adult - $800.00
2. Infant - $140.00
3. Cremains - $140.00.
K. Residents of the City of Port Angeles, who present
adequate proof of residence within the City of Port Angeles at the
time oaf purchase, to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation
Director, shall be entitled to a 15% discount from the charges set
forth in Subsection A of this Section.
Section 3. Section 15 of Ordinance 2789 and Chapter 3.70
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending
PAMC 3.70.030 to read as follows:
3.70.030 Parks and Recreation Department Fees.
A. The fee schedule for use of the William Shore Memorial
Pool shall be as follows, inclusive of sales tax:
1. Lockers and shower rental - $1.00
2. Pool rental - public - $60.00, per 1 -1/2 hours
3. Instruction $27.00$3.60 per lesson
4. Admission /Passes
a. Youth, Senior, Earlybird, Disabled, Evening
Laps - $1.25
b. Adult - $1.75
c. Youth /Senior Annual Passes - $85.00
d. Adult Annual Passes - $107.00
e. Family Annual Passes - $213.00
f. Family Six -month Pass - $117.00.
B. The fee for installing banners across Front and First
Streets shall be $35.00. The surcharge for use of the City's banner
shall be an additional $5.00.
C. The fees for the use of the following Lincoln Park
facilities shall be as follows:
1. Overnight camping - $8.00 per night
2. Clubhouse - $6.00 per hour
3. Longhouse - $9.00 per hour.
D. The fee for membership in the Port Angeles Senior
Center shall be $7.00 for City residents and $10.00 for non -City
residents; provided that any senior citizen who is unable to pay
this fee may be granted a membership, through the performance of a
community service, in accordance with the rules and regulations of
the Port Angeles Senior Center.
E. City Hall User Fees. The fees for use of the City Hall
Council Chambers and lobby area shall be as follows:
1. Category I (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060)
no charge
2. Category II (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060)
a. City resident $12.00 /hr.
b. Non -City resident $16.00 /hr.
3. Category III (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060)
a. City resident $16.00 /hr.
b. Non -City resident $20.00 /hr.
F. Moorage Fees. The moorage fees for use of the City_
Pier and Waterfront Park shall be as follows:
1. Overnight moorage at floating
moorage facilities: $8.00 /night
2. 24 -hour moorage at Coast Guard moorage area:
(a) 0 -100 feet: $ 85
(b) 100 -150 feet: $115
(c) 150 -00 feet: $250
(d) 200 -300 feet: $280.
Section 4. Section 15 of Ordinance 2789 and Chapter 3.70
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending
and recodifying PAMC 3.70.040 to read as follows:
3.70.444070 Planning Department Fees. The fee for filing
an application for the following Planning permit applications and
appeals shall be as follows:
A. Annexation - $300.00
B. Appeals from dccision3 on all
thc Planning Dcpartmcnt $150.00.
C. Appeals Othcr $150.00
DC. Boundary Line Adjustment - $75.00
£D. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - $350.00
FE. Conditional Use Permit - $250.00
GF. Environmental Checklist for Other than Administrative
CUPs- $100.00
G. Environmental Checklist for Administrative CUPS $50.00
H. Extension of permit a CUP- $30.00
I. Ilomc Occupation /Othcr Administrative CUPS - $125.00
J. Planned Residential Development
1. Preliminary - $350.00
2. Final - $150.00
3. Modifications - $150.00
K. Open Space Exemption - $30.00
L. Parking Variance - $175.00
M. Plats
1. Preliminary Short Plats (1 -5 lots) - $150.00
a. Final Short Plats - $30 per lot
b. Amendment to Short Plats - $50.00
2. Preliminary Subdivision Plats (6+ lots) -
$150.00 + $5.00 per lot
a. Final Subdivision Plats - $30 per lot
N. Retail Stand Right -of -Way Use - $50 per year
O. Rezone and Zoning Code Amendments - $350.00
P. SEPA appeals under PAMC 15.04.280 - $150.00
Q. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $200
R. Shoreline Permit Revision - $100.00
S. Street Vacation - $200.00
T. Temporary Use Permit $100.00
1. More than one year - $100.00
2. One year or less - $50.00
43. Extension or amendment of Temporary Use
Permit - $350.00
U. Trailer Park Permit - $50.00
UV. Variance - $175.00
VW. Wetlands Permit - $150.00.
Section 5. A new section 3.70.080 is hereby added to
Chapter 3.70 PAMC to read as follows:
3.70.080 Construction Permit Fees
A. The permit fees for permits recruired by the Uniform
Codes adopted in Chapter 14.03 PAMC shall be in the amounts set
forth in said codes, except as otherwise provided in this Section.
B. The fee for plan review shall be as follows:
1. Residential: 40% of the building permit fee
2. Commercial: 65% of the building permit fee.
C. The permit fee for the installation of a manufactured
or mobile home shall be $200.
D. The mechanical permit fee for installation of a solid -
fuel burning appliance shall be $45.
E. Sign permit fees shall be according to the schedule set
forth in this subsection.
Sign Permit Fee Schedule
Type of Sign Fee
Wall or marquees, over
25 sq. ft. $ 75
Freestanding and projecting,
over 25 sq. ft. $100
All signs less than
25 sq.ft. $ 25
Supergraphic on building
(any size) $ 25,
F. Surcharges enacted pursuant to Chapter 19.27 RCW and
remitted to the State Treasurer shall be $4.50 for each building
permit, plus $2 for each additional residential unit.
G. The inspection fee for call -back plumbing inspections
shall be $30.
H. The fee for a certificate of occupancy inspection shall
be $42.00.
Section 6 Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
is hereby amended by adding a section to read as follows:
3.70.120 - Police Department Fees
A. Fees for dogs and cats licensed in any calendar year
or within thirty days from change of ownership shall be as follows:
1. Neutered or spayed dogs or cats $ 5.00
2. Unneutered or unspayed dogs or cats 10.00.
B. License fees for dogs apprehended and impounded
without a license shall be as follows:
1. Neutered male dogs $ 8.00
2. Unneutered male dogs 20.00
- 6 -
3. Spayed female dogs 8.00
4. Unspayed female dogs 20.00.
License fees shall be paid prior to the release of the dog(s).
C. License fees for cats apprehended and impounded
without a license shall be as follows:
1. Neutered male cats $ 6.00
2. Unneutered male cats 15.00
3. Spayed female cats 6.00
4. Unspayed female cats 15.00.
License fees shall be paid prior to the release of the cat(s).
D. The fee for issuance of a certificate of registration
for dangerous animals shall be $50.
E. The fee for redeeming and regaining custody of an
impounded animal shall be any outstanding license fee plus a penal-
ty of twenty -five dollars for the first impound plus six dollars
per day boarding fees plus any other billable costs incurred by the
City to apprehend or care for an animal. Any succeeding impound of
the animal within a one -year period shall incur an additional
fifteen dollar penalty over the previous penalty incurred plus six
dollars per day boarding fees plus any other billable costs
incurred by the City to apprehend or care for an animal.
F. Fees for the various Police Department services shall
be as follows, provided that the Chief of Police or his designee
may provide copies of appropriate documents to victims of crimes
without charging for such copies in consideration of their
cooperation with the Police Department's investigation and related
Accident Report Copy No charge
Alarm Monitoring Fees $ 25 /annual
Bicycle License $ 1.00
Case File Photographs
First photograph - $ 5.00
Each additional photo - $ 1.50
plus cost of reprints
Concealed Weapon Permits -
Original Permit $ 36.00
Plus FBI charge $ 24.00
On -Time Renewal $ 32.00
Late Renewal $ 42.00
Replacement Fee $ 10.00
(State allows NO grace period)
Crime Report Copy No charge
Dispatch Tape Copies -
Untranscribed $ 15.00
(disseminated by court subpoena only)
Fingerprints $ 10.00
Gun Shipment Fees -
Short gun (pistol) $ 25.00
Long gun $ 40.00
(additional charge for oversize and /or to Hawaii,
Puerto Rico, etc., where airmail is involved)
Housemove $ 10.00
(Police Escort fee extra)
Lamination $ 2.00
Police Services - Regular $ 35 /hr.
Police Escorts $ 40 /hr.
Police Reserve Details $ 15 /hr.
Radio Repeater Bldg. Licenses $8400.
Record Check $ 5.00
(PAPD adult conviction data only)
Special Motor Vehicle Permits $ 10. /day
(overheight /overwidth /overlength/
unlicensed) (overweight: 1 trip /1 way
or must have proper state tonnage)
Finder's Fees: 10% of appraised value plus
sales tax (require personal check or
money order for exact amount).
Section 7. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
is hereby amended by adding a section to read as follows:
3.70.090 - Fire Department Fees
A. Inspection Fees. When the following inspections are
required to be performed pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code, the
fees for such inspections shall be as set forth below:
1. Welding and cutting inspections for activities of
the following duration:
a. Up to 5 days $ 50.00
b. 6 to 30 days $100.00
c. 31 to 90 days $200.00
d. 91 to 180 days $300.00
e. 181 to 365 days $500.00.
Welding and cutting activities extending beyond one year
shall be required to renew any required permits and pay
inspection fees in accordance with the above schedule.
2. Marine fueling operations inspections $ 25.00
- reinspections $ 15.00
3. Place of assembly inspections $ 25.00
4. Liquid petroleum gas tank and piping
installation and inspection $ 25.00.
The following fees shall be a one (1) -time fee for
initial installation plan review and inspection:
5. Underground storage tank removal and
installation inspection: commercial $100.00
residential $ 15.00
6. Automatic fire sprinkler installation
inspection and testing: multi - family $ 50.00
commercial $100.00
7. Fire alarm plan review $ 50.00
8. Fire alarm installation inspection and
testing: $100 plus $10 for each additional zone
9. Hood /duct system plan review $ 15.00
10. Hood /duct system inspection and test $ 25.00.
B. Burning Permit Fees. Fees for burning permits issued
pursuant to PAMC 14.21.060 shall be as follows:
1. One -day, four feet in diameter fire No charge
2. Five -day, ten feet in diameter fire $ 25.00
3. Five -day, twenty feet in diameter fire $ 80.00.
Section 8. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
is hereby amended by adding two sections to read as follows:
3.70.100 - Light Utility Inspection & Review Fees
A. The fee for inspection of the installation, alteration,
extension, and repair of electrical wiring, materials, appliances,
apparatus, devices, and equipment of services and feeders shall be
as set forth in the current edition of the State of Washington
Department of Labor and Industries fee schedule as adopted in WAC
296 -46 -910 as amended.
B. The fee for special permits isssued pursuant to PAMC
14.05.180E shall be $15.00.
3.70.105 - Light Utility Service Fees
The following service charges shall apply to service
performed by the Light Utility:
A. Installation and removal of a temporary
service $$$115.00
B. Service calls on customer's equipment $55110.00
C. Service calls on customer's equipment
after regular working hours 135185.00
D. Mctcr tc3t $50.00
BD. Labor billing rate for line crew personnel
per hour $4$2.00
plus $243.00 billing charge
Double time per hour $72.00
plus $2$3.00 billing charge.
F. Plan Rcvicw Fcc per hour $35.00
plu3 $10.00 billing chargc
Section 9. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
is hereby amended by adding a section to read as follows:
3.70.110 - Public Works Department (Department)
Fees and Deposits
A. The fee for a permit for construction or excavation
work in the City right -of -way shall be as follows:
1. Concrete walk installation $ 60.00
2. Curb & gutter removal
and /or replacement $125.00
3. Driveway installation $125.00
4. All other work $ 40.00
5. Street cut $200.00.
B. Street Use Permit Fees. The application fees for a
Street Use Permit and for a renewal of such permit, when required
by PAMC 11.12.120, shall be as follows:
1. Benches $ 5.00
2. Litter receptacles $ 5.00
3. Bicycle racks $ 5.00
4. Private planters $ 5.00
5. Landscaping higher than
30 inches $ 5.00
6. Exhibitions sponsored by or
promoted by civic, charitable
or other non - profit
organization $ 5.00
7. Sidewalk cafes $ 50.00
8. All other exhibitions $ 50.00
9. Activities not specifically
mentioned $ 50.00
- 9 -
10. Ramps, steps, or any
similar installation $100.00
11. Fences $100.00
12. Retaining Walls $150.00
13. Rockeries $150.00
14. The application fee for a temporary street
use permit shall be fifty ($50) dollars.
15. The application fee for a permit for obstruction
of unopened streets shall be one hundred fifty
($150) dollars per year.
C. Move Permit Fees. The fee schedule for building move
permits shall be as follows:
1. Relocate a building on the same
lot or parcel (without use of
public right -of -way) $ 25.00
2. Move building from inside City
limits to outside City limits $ 50.00
3. Move building from one City lot
to another City lot
(use City right -of -way) $100.00
4. Move building from outside City
limits to inside City limits $200.00
5. Inspection fee $ 30.00 /hr.
D. Plan Review and Permit Fees for Grading, Filling,
Clearing and Drainage Activities:
1. Grading and Filling. The permit fee for grading
and filling activities shall be as follows:
Estimated volume of grading & fill
250 cubic yards or less and less
than 4 feet of cut or fill
251 to 1,000 cubic yards
No fee
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards or
more $30.00+
$15.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic
yards or fraction thereof.
Additional plan review required for changes, additions or
revisions to the approved plans shall be at the rate of
$30.00 per hour, provided that the minimum charge shall be
$22.50. The hourly cost to the City shall include super-
vision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe
benefits of the employees involved.
2. Clearing and Drainage. The permit fee shall be as
Estimated area of clearing
Less than one acre
One acre to five acres
Over five acres
$10 /acre.
Additional plan review required for changes, additions or
revisions to the approved plans shall be at the rate of $30
per hour or the total hourly cost to the City, whichever is
the greatest, provided that the minimum charge shall be
$15. The hourly cost to the City shall include supervi-
- 10 -
sion, overhead, equipment, hourly wages, and fringe
benefits of the employees involved.
E. Construction Inspection.
1. Inspections during normal
business hours $30.00 /hour
2. Inspections outside normal
business hours (the minimum
charge shall be 2 hours)
$60.00 /hour.
F. Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Fees
1. Fees for monitoring, inspections and
surveillance procedures: $ at cost
2. Fees for filing appeals: $25.00
3. Fees for reviewing accidental discharge
procedures and construction: $ at cost
4. Fees for review of drawings, specifications and
compliance schedules for pretreatment
facilities: $ at cost
5. Fees for issuance of industrial wastewater
acceptance forms: $75.00
6. Other charges as the City may deem necessary to
carry out the requirements of Chapter 13.06
PAMC: $ at cost.
G. Water Service Connection Fees
1. The new residential water service connection
fee, including the meter, shall be:
Service Size
Meter Service Connection Fee
5/8" $ 550.00
3/4" $ 575.00
1" $ 600.00.
2. The new commercial /industrial water service
connection fee, including the meter, shall be:
Service Size
1 -1/2"
Meter Service Connection Fee
1" $1,000.00
1 -1/2" $1,500.00
2" $2,000.00.
3. The fee for special or emergency turn -ons or
turn -offs shall be fifty dollars during regular
working hours and one hundred dollars outside of
regular working hours.
4. The water quality test fee required under PAMC
13.36.080 shall be $50 plus the cost of the
laboratory tests.
H. The fee for a permit for sewer connection shall be as
1. Single- family houses: $80.00
2. Multiple- family dwellings, including duplexes,
apartment buildings, trailer and auto courts,
motels, and similar structures: $80.00 for the
first dwelling unit and $6.00 for each
additional dwelling unit.
3. All other structures, including, but not limited
to, hotels, apartment hotels, office buildings,
stores, churches, schools, hospitals, buildings
accessory thereto, and industrial /commercial
structures of any kind and additions thereto:
One -half cent per gross square foot of area
occupied by all floors of such structure for the
first 100,000 square feet (exclusive of areas
devoted to single- family dwelling houses for
multiple- dwelling structures); and one - quarter
cent per gross square foot for the remaining
footage in excess of 100,000 square feet. In
addition thereto, $6.00 for each single - family
or multiple dwelling unit combined therewith;
with a minimum fee of $80.00 and a maximum fee
of $1,000.00.
4. The fee for additional direct connections to a
public sewer shall be the same as for an initial
5. The fee for a reconnection to a public sewer
using an existing side sewer shall be the same
as for an initial connection.
I. The fee for alteration or repair to existing side
sewers installed and accepted under a previous permit, other than
normal clean -out or root cutting for which no permit is required,
shall be as follows:
1. Any repair of a side sewer: $30.00
2. The fee for capping side sewers shall be $225.00
and all work performed to cap the side sewer
shall be accomplished by the Department.
J. The fee for storm drain connections shall be as
1. Installation of catch basins or similar
interceptors: $40.00.
2. All connections other than for a catch basin:
K. The fees for various underground utility work
performed by the Department shall be as follows:
1. Tapping sewer or storm drain main lines to
install a tee or wye: $125.00.
2. Hot tap water main: $250.00.
3. Tapping sanitary or storm manhole: $300.00.
4. Install fire hydrant: $2,600.00.
All work to actually tap the main shall be performed
by the Department. All excavation of trench, exposure of the main
and trench backfill shall be provided by the applicant.
L. In addition to the sewer or storm drain fees required
under this Section, any person receiving a permit from the City for
a sewer or storm drain connection shall pay to the City of Port
Angeles the actual cost incurred by the City in the restoration of
any street, alley, curb, sidewalk, utility or other structure of
the City of Port Angeles, which is in any way altered or damaged as
a result of construction pursuant to a sewer or storm drain
connection permit.
M. Septic Hauler Fees.
1. Annual Fee -- Septic Hauler. The annual fee shall
be $50.
2. Volume Fee. The monthly charge shall be as
a. Fresh waste shall be charged at a rate of
$0.02 per gallon of waste.
- 12 -
b. Other septic discharge shall be charged at
a rate of $0.09 per gallon of waste.
N. Whenever an application for a developer reimbursement
agreement is submitted, it shall be accompanied by a non - refundable
fee of three hundred dollars ($300) plus five dollars ($5) for
every parcel to be encumbered by the agreement in order to cover
the City's expenses in processing the application.
Section 10. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code is hereby amended by adding a section to read as follows:
3.70.900 - Waiver of Fees. Under appropriate circum-
stances, the fees imposed pursuant to this Chapter may be waived by
the department head who is responsible for the fee being waived,
provided that such waiver shall be subject to approval of the City
Manager, and provided further that such waiver shall only occur in
circumstances in which the waiver is constitutionally appropriate
as being for the necessary support of the poor or infirm or in
circumstances in which the City has made a mistake or incurred some
other risk of liability exposure such that waiver of fees is
legitimate quid pro quo or consideration for resolving a legal
dispute or potential claim against the City.
Section 11. Section 3 of Ordinance 2112, as amended by
Section 3 of Ordinance 2893, and Section 3.64.030 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows:
3.64.030 Creation of Accounts Authorized - Alternative.
A. The Responsible Official may authorize creation of an
account receivable for any person requesting services from the City
for which a fee is charged, or making application to the City for
a permit for which a fee is charged.
B. Prior to authorizing an account receivable, the
Responsible Official shall require the completion and approval of
a credit application and payment of a $40.00 credit check fee in
the amount set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
C. In lieu of authorizing an account under subsection B,
the Responsible Official may require a cash deposit, in an amount
estimated to be sufficient to assure payment of the estimated
amount of the fee to be due to the City. Such deposit shall be
placed by the City into a noninterest- bearing trust account, and
shall only be withdrawn therefrom at the time of full payment of
the fee.
D. Should an account receivable for which a deposit has
been made become delinquent, the City may remove so much of the
deposit from the trust account as is necessary to fully pay the
fee. The remainder, if any, of the deposit shall be returned to
the depositor.
E. A person required to make a deposit under this Section
may authorize payment of the fee to the City from the deposit, in
writing, at the time the deposit is made.
Section 12. Section 6 of Ordinance 2050, Chapter 1, and
PAMC 5.04.080 are hereby amended to read as follows:
5.04.080 Fee. For all businesses which require a license,
unless otherwise provided by this Title, the license fee shall be
twcnty fivc dollars per ycaras set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 13. Section 7 of Ordinance 2050, Chapter 1, and
PAMC 5.04.090 are hereby amended to read as follows:
5.04.090 Term.
A. All licenses, unless otherwise specifically provided,
shall be for a period of one year, beginning July 1st of each year
and terminating the following June 30th. The fee for a license
issued to a business starting after July 1st shall be prorated to
the end of the license period, such proration to begin on the first
of the month next following issuance of the license.
B. Any applicant who intends to conduct a business
temporarily may apply for a temporary license for a period of one
to three months, for which the fee shall be as set forth in Chapter
3.70 PAMC. The fcc for a temporary license, unless otherwisc
Specifically provided, Shall be tcn dollar3 per month.
C. Upon receipt of an affidavit attesting to the loss,
theft, or destruction of an otherwise valid license, such loss,
theft or destruction not being due to the willful misconduct of the
licensee, the Clerk shall reissue a license for the duration of the
license period to said licensee upon receipt of a five dollarthe
fee as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 14. Section 12 of Ordinance 2050, Chapter 1, and
PAMC 5.04.140 are hereby amended to read as follows:
5.04.140 Same Business - Multiple Locations. Any person
conducting the same type of business at two or more permanent loca-
tions shall be required to obtain a separate license for each place
of business. The fee for each additional license shall be five
dollars per liccnoc per ycaras set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 15. Section 3 of Ordinance 2050, Chapter 5, and
PAMC 5.20.040 are hereby amended to read as follows:
5.20.040 Number of Dances Authorized - Fee.
A. A The fee for an annual business license for any number
of dances shall permit the licensee to hold any numbcr of dancc3 be
as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
B. A temporary business license may be issued for one
dance, for which the fee shall be tcn dollar3as set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 16. Section 5 of Ordinance 2050, Chapter 8, as
amended by Section 2 of Ordinance 2221, and PAMC 5.32.050 are
hereby amended to read as follows:
5.32.050 Permit - Application Requirements and Required
Information. An application for a permit to engage in retail sales
of fireworks within the City limits shall be made to the City Clerk
and submitted at least ten days prior to the requested effective
date of the permit. No permit application may be submitted prior
to January 1st of the year for which the permit is requested. In
addition to all information required of an applicant for a business
license, the application for a fireworks permit must be accompanied
A. A valid license issued by the State Fire Marshal
pursuant to Chapter 70.77 RCW, authorizing the permittee to engage
in the retail sale of fireworks;
B. A fcc of tcn dollars, which io cotabliohcd ao tThe fee
for a permit issued solely for the purpose of allowing the retail
sale of fireworks shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC;
C. A public liability and property damage insurance policy
from an insurance company licensed to do business in this State, in
the sum of at least three hundred thousand dollars for bodily
injury or death suffered by one or more persons in any accident or
occurrence, and at least one hundred thousand dollars for property
damage. The insurance policies must name the City as an additional
insured, to indemnify the City from damage or injury caused by the
operation of retail fireworks stands;
D. A performance bond, note or cash deposit in an amount
not less than one hundred dollars, conditioned upon the prompt
removal and cleanup of all debris, material, etc., from the site
from which fireworks are sold, which bond or deposit shall be
returned to the applicant by the City if the application for a
fireworks permit is denied.
E. In the event the permit is issued, the bond or deposit
shall be returned to the applicant only if the stand from which the
fireworks are sold is removed and the site cleared of all debris to
the satisfaction of the proper official of the City. In the event
of the applicant's failure to do so, the performance bond or cash
deposit shall be forfeited to the City. The performance bond or
cash deposit shall also be forfeited to the City if the require-
ments of this subsection are not complied with by July 10th of each
Section 17. Section 12 of Ordinance 2050, Chapter 7, as
amended by Section 2 of Ordinance 2788, and PAMC 5.36.120, are
hereby amended to read as follows:
5.36.120 Initial Driver's License - Fee.
The fee for obtaining the initial for -hire taxicab driver's
license shall be fiftccn dollars plu3 thc coot for Washington Ctato
-- -- __ - a -:_ -- - - --
for fingcrprint3, photo I.., local rceord3 chcck and lamination of
thc liccn3c. as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. The fee is not
subject to proration.
Section 18. Section 3 of Ordinance 2788 and PAMC 5.36.125
are hereby amended to read as follows:
5.36.125 Driver's License - Term - Renewal - Fee. Taxicab
and for -hire vehicle driver's licenses shall be for a period of
three years beginning January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1996 and
shall be subject to renewal for three -year periods thereafter.
The fee for renewal of a taxicab or for -hire vehicle/
taxicab driver's license shall be fiftccn dollaro plug thc Police
Dcpartmcnt'3 fccs for photo I.B., local records chcck and
lamination of thc liccn3cas set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. The
fee for license renewal is not subject to proration.
Section 19. Ordinance 2868 and Chapter 5.37 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 5.37.125
to read as follows:
5.37.125 License and Other Related Fees. The fees for a
vehicle license issued under PAMC 5.37.030 and for a driver's
license issued under PAMC 5.37.100 shall be as set forth in PAMC
5.04.0803.70.010. The fcc for a driver's license shall be five
not subject to proration.
Section 20. Section 5 of Ordinance 2050, Chapter 1, and
PAMC 5.52.050 are hereby amended to read as follows:
5.52.050 License - Fee.
A. The fee for any outdoor music festival shall be based
upon the reasonably expected attendance at such festival, and shall
be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.followo:
B. If thc reasonably cxpcctcd attendance is morc than five
hundred fifty dollar3;
C. If thc reasonably cxpcctcd attcmdancc is morc than one
thou3and persons, thc fcc shall be five hundred dollars;
DB. If, after the festival, the actual attendance exceeded
the reasonably expected attendance upon which the fee amount was
based, the applicant shall immediately remit to the City the amount
required for a license for the festival, based upon that actual
Section 21. Section 1 of Ordinance 2055, as amended, and
PAMC 13.16.010 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.16.010 Authorized Officers Designated.
A. The City Manager, or his designee, shall keep an
account for electric current, water, sewer and solid waste service
used by any person, business, or other entity within the City, and
for the monthly Medic I Program charge to be paid by every utility
account within the City.
B. The City Manager, or his designee, shall place against
these accounts all charges for electric current, water, and sewer
and solid waste service used by that person, business or other
entity and for the monthly Medic I Program charge to be paid by
every utility account. Such charges shall be made in accordance
with the terms of those ordinances of the City establishing the
rates and fees for those services.
C. The City Manager, or his designee, shall also place
against these accounts any service charges or other charges
connected with the provision of utility service, in accordance with
the terms of those ordinances of the City establishing the rates
for those types of services.
D. Utility connections or rcconncctiono during regular
arrangcmcRt for payment is thc field in thc proccoo of
di3conncction for nonpayment) $22.00
F. Automatic turn ons pursuant to
property owncr agrccmcnts $10.00
Section 22. Section 4 of Ordinance 2055, as amended, and
PAMC 13.16.040 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.16.040 Bills Delinquent Before Next Monthly Billing -
Notice of Delinquent Account.
A. All utility bills of the City shall be delinquent if
payment therefor is not received by the City on or
before the thirtieth day after the current charges
date posted on the bill. Such current charges date
shall be stated on the bill with particularity.
B. Upon lapse of a bill into delinquency, the City
Manager, or his designee, shall cause a notice of
delinquent account to be deposited in the United
States mails, addressed to the consumer as provided in
PAMC 13.16.020.
C. Deposit in the United States mails pursuant to
subsection 2 of this section shall be deemed full and
complete notice to the consumer of the nature and
amount of any particular utility billing.
D. The notice of delinquent account shall state that
unless all delinquencies are corrected within ten days
of the date of the notice of delinquent account, the
City will disconnect or discontinue utility service
without further notice on or after a date certain to
be stated in the notice of delinquent account. The
notice of delinquent account shall further state that,
if the consumer has questions concerning the amount or
disputes the amount of the account, he may appeal to
the Finance Director, or his authorized designee,
whose address and telephone number shall be stated on
the notice of delinquent account.
E. An account which has become delinquent and for which
a notice of delinquency is issued, may be assessed a
penalty fee in accordance with City policy defining
chronic delinquencies in the amount set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC.a3 follow3:
First aoscssmcnt, $ 2.00
Cccond a3scssmcnt, $ 5.00
Third a33c33mcnt and bcyond$10.00
For the purposes of this subsection, when an account
receives a third penalty during any consecutive 12-
month period, the City Manager or his designee may
further request a deposit or additional deposit be
submitted in accordance with PAMC 13.16.050, along
with payment or arrangements thereof for the
delinquent charges due.
F. The Finance Director, with the approval of the City
Manager, is hereby authorized and directed to
promulgate rules and policies for the implementation
of this Chapter and for the definition of terms such
as "chronic delinquencies ".
Section 23. Section 5 of Ordinance 2055, as amended, and
PAMC 13.16.050 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.16.050 Disconnection or Field Collection of Utility
A. Should a delinquent account not be paid pursuant to
PAMC 13.16.040, the City Manager or his designee shall
immediately cause the utility service to be field
collected or cut off from the premises, and such
utility service shall not be reconnected to the
premises until all arrears, delinquent charges,
service charges and unpaid charges are paid, together
with a reconnection fee, and deposit pursuant to PAMC
B. The fee for field collection of utility services shall
be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC$22.00.
C. The fee for collection by certified mail shall be as
set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC$1G.00.
- 17 -
D. Fees for reconnection shall be those in effect for
regular connections of water and electric service and
may vary if reconnection is made during regular office
hours or after office hours.
Section 24. Ordinance 2285 and Chapter 13.18 PAMC are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.18.020 and 13.18.040 to read as
13.18.020 Billing Procedure.
A. Any customer, owner, or person in control of premises
receiving unmeasured or unauthorized utility services
is responsible for paying the full amount of said
services reasonably determined by the utility to have
been diverted around the meter or received unmetered
or unauthorized due to meter tampering, alteration or
B. Any customer, owner or person in control of premises
who receives utility services for which payment,
consumption or other utility records have been
falsified is responsible for paying the full amount of
utility services reasonably determined by the utility
to have been obtained.
C. Any City utility becoming aware that utility services
have been obtained without full payment through
tampering, alteration, bypass, or falsification of
records, shall bill the recipient for the full amount
of said services as is reasonably determined in good
faith by said utility using the best known estimating
D. The recipient of utility services that have been
obtained without full payment through tampering,
alteration, bypass, e.—falsification of records, or
the unauthorized cutting of a meter seal, shall also
be responsible and billed for payment of the costs
incurred by the City due to investigation, damages,
repair, and bookkeeping.
E. Notice of a supplemental billing shall be sent to the
recipient of unauthorized or unmetered utility
services. The supplemental bill shall be added to the
next regular utility bill and shall be collected under
the normal collection procedures. The notice of a
supplemental billing shall consist of the following:
1. Billing amount for unauthorized or unmetered
utility services under PAMC 13.18.020(A) and
(C) .
2. Related costs pursuant to PAMC 13.18.020(D).
3. Fifty Dollar ($50) Penalty Fee, pursuant to PAMC
13.18.040 in the amount set forth in Chapter
3.70 PAMC.
4. Notice apprising the recipient of the right to
an administrative appeal pursuant to PAMC
F. Deposit in the United States Mails shall be deemed
full and complete notice of the nature, amount, and
right to appeal the supplemental billing.
G. Liability for the supplemental billing shall be in
addition to, and notwithstanding, PAMC 13.18.020 any
charge, conviction or acquittal under PAMC 13.18.040
et seq.
H. The supplemental billing shall be placed on the next
forthcoming utility bill and shall be collected under
the normal collection procedures as set forth in PAMC
13.18.040 - Penalty Fee. For each single instance of
receipt of unauthorized or unmetered utility services, a fifty
dollar ($50) penalty fee shall be assessed in the amount set forth
in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 25. Section 4 of Ordinance 2181, Chapter 3, and
PAMC 13.32.040 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.32.040 New Residential Service Connection Fee
A. The fee for new residential water service connections,
including the meter, shall be act by the City Council
by rc3olution, a3 may be ncccaaaryas set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
B. Whenever residential water service connections are to
be installed by the Department at the same time a
water main is being installed, and the trench is open,
and /or when ten or more adjacent connections are
installed simultaneously, the fee for new connections
may be reduced by ten percent for each such
C. This fee shall cover the cost of tapping the City's
water main for the necessary size of service, instal-
ling the copper tubing, type "K" or 160 P.S.I. PVC or
P.E. necessary to reach to within two feet of the
property line, to a maximum distance of sixty feet,
and provide and install a yoke, shut -off, meter and
meter box. For any additional extra length of service
pipe beyond sixty feet, the customer shall be billed
for the additional cost plus administrative overhead.
Section 26. Section 3 of Ordinance 2181, Chapter 4, and
PAMC 13.36.030 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.36.030 Special or Emergency Turnon or Turnoff Fees.
Whenever a request is made of the Department for an emergency
turnoff or turnon or temporary discontinuance of water service to
any premises, which necessitates immediate action, the following
charges shall be made therefor:
A. Emergency turnoff, turnon during regular hours $50
dcpoait per cllthe fee amount shall be as set forth
in Chapter 3.70 PAMC with $25fifty percent to be
refunded upon satisfactory proof that the resident/
home owner has installed an appropriate shutoff,
otherwise full fee is charged; except that the fee may
be waived by the Director if the turnon- turnoff can be
accomplished during the normal course of business and
schedules of the crews;
B. Emergency turnoff, turnon outside of regular working
hours $100 per callthe fee shall be the amount set
forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 27. Section 2 of Ordinance 2673 and PAMC 13.36.080
are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.36.080 Water Quality Test. The Department will conduct
a water quality test of a customer's water at the request of the
customer. If as a result of the test, the Department determines
that there is a problem within the City water system that needs to
be corrected by the City, the cost of the test shall be waived by
the Department. If as a result of the test the Department deter-
mines that there is no problem within the City water system that
needs to be corrected by the City, the customer shall be charged
the amount set
forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 28. Section 2 of Ordinance 2132 and PAMC 12.04.170
are hereby amended to read as follows:
12.04.170 Coin Recovery - Where Allowed
A. Any person desiring to use a metal detector within City
parks for the purpose of coin recovery shall apply to the City
Parks and Recreation Director for a permit for such activity.
B. An annual fee of fivc dollars per ycar per peraon in
the amount set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC will be charged for the
issuance of a permit for coin recovery.
C. This permit is personal and nontransferable, and shall
be carried upon the person at all times when coin recovery activity
is occurring within City parks.
D. The issuance of a permit will be conditioned upon an
agreement by the applicant to comply with all rules and regulations
contained in PAMC 12.04.160 through 12.04.210.
E. Issuance of a permit will also be conditioned upon
agreement by the applicant to reimburse the City for any damage
done to park property, including, but not limited to, buildings,
water lines, utility lines, or grounds, caused by any activity
undertaken pursuant to the issued permit.
F. Upon determination by the Park Director, or his
designee, that a permit holder has violated any of the terms of
PAMC 12.04.160 through 12.04.210, such permit shall be revoked.
Notice of such revocation shall be given either personally or by
certified mail to the permittee at the address given on the
application for the permit.
G. No person who has had a permit revoked shall be
eligible to receive a permit at any time subsequent to revocation.
Section 29. Ordinance 2769 and Chapter 12.10 PAMC are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 12.10.070 to read as follows:
12.10.070 - Fee Schedule. The Director of Parks and
Recreation shall prepare a schedule of fees for the use of the City
Hall Council Chambers and lobby area. This schedule shall be set
forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMCapprovcd by City Council by resolution.
Section 30. Sections 12 and 13 of Ordinance 2169, as
amended, and PAMC 12.12.110 and .120 are hereby amended to read as
12.12.110 Regulation of Floating Moorage Facilities at
City Pier and Waterfront Park.
A. No boat or other vessel, other than recreational boats,
shall use the floating moorage facilities at the City Pier and
Waterfront Park. All operators of vessels mooring overnight are
required to self register and pay a moorage fee of $8.00 per
nightas set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
B. No boat shall moor at the Park for a period of longer
than ten consecutive days.
12.12.120 Regulation of Permanent Moorage at the City Pier
and Waterfront Park.
A. When necessitated by mechanical failure, adverse
weather conditions, or other emergencies, commercial ships, boats
and vessels, or recreational craft over thirty feet in length, may
be permitted to moor within the designated Coast Guard moorage area
at the City Pier and Waterfront Park if that designated area is not
in use by the Coast Guard, and if prior arrangements have been made
through the Coast Guard and the City.
B. The fees for such moorage shall be as set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC.i
1. 0 100 fcct (for 24 hr period) $ 85;
2. 100 150 fcct (for 24 hr period) 115;
3. 150 200 fcct (for 24 hr period) 250;
1. 200 300 fcct (for 24 hr period) 280.
Section 31. Section 1 of Ordinance 2632 and PAMC 12.16.060
are hereby amended to read as follows:
12.16.060 Fee Schedule. The Art Ccntcr Board of Truotccs
ohall prcparc a schedule of fees for the use of the Port Angeles
Fine Art Center shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. Thio
ochcdulc shall bc approvcd by thc City Council by resolution.
Section 32. Ordinance 2552, as amended, and Chapter 14.03
PAMC are hereby amended by amending Section 14.03.040 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code to read as follows:
14.03.040 Fees.
A. The fees set forth in the codes adopted in PAMC
14.03.020 shall apply in all instances except for thc following:as
set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC and subsection B of this Section.
1. Rc3idcntial: 44% of thc Building Pcrmit fcc.
2. Commcrcial: G5% of thc Building Pcrmit fcc.
D. Thc permit fcc for thc installation of a manu facturcd
or mobilc homc ohall bc $200.
C. Thc mcchanical permit fce for installation of a oolid
fucl burning appliancc shall bc $75.
forth in this 3ubocction.
1. Cign Pcrmit Fcc Cchcdulc
Typc of Cign
Wall or marqucc3, ovcr
25 aq. ft.
Frccotanding and projccting,
ovcr 25 oq. ft.
All sign 1c33 than
25 oq.ft.
Cupergraphic on building
(any Disc)
$ 75
$ 25
$ 25
B�. If the work authorized under a sign permit has not
been completed within 180 calendar days after the date of issuance
of the permit, the permit shall expire and any subsequent work
shall require a renewal of the permit and payment of renewal fees,
at one -half the original fee. All fees are nonrefundable.
Any person, firm, or corporation who shall erect, re-
erect, construct, alter, or maintain a sign without a permit first
having been obtained, except as provided by the Port Angeles
Municipal Code, shall as a penalty pay double the amount required
by the Sign Permit Fee Schedule.
E. Curchargcs cnactcd pursuant to Chaptcr 19.27 RCW and
rcmittcd to thc Sta-tc Trc- asiircr shall bc $4.50 for such
building permit, plu3 $2 for cach additional rcoidcntial
F. Thc inspcction fcc for call back plumbing inspcction3
ohall bc $10.
C. Thc fcc for a ccrtificatc of occupancy inspcction Shall
bc $12.
Section 33. Section 3 of Ordinance 2552, as amended, and
PAMC 14.05.180 are hereby amended to read as follows:
14.05.180 Inspection and Permit Fees.
A. The fees for electrical inspections shall be as otatcd
hcrcinset forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC; provided that said fees shall
not exceed those established in RCW 19.28.210. For the purpose of
calculating said fees, amperage shall be based on the larger of the
conductor ampacity or the over current device.
A. Thc fcc for inspcction of thc installation, altcration,
cxtcnoion, and rcpair of cicctrical wiring, materials, appliancc3,
apparatu3, dcviccs, and cquipmcrrt of thc following scrvicc(o), or
fccdcr(s), i3:
0 100 AMP $ 10
125 200 AMP 5-0
201 400 AMP 65
101 G00 AMP
G01 1000 AMP
1001 ovcr AMP
Tcmporary 3crvicc
$ 50
50% of abovc
$ 15
Onc (1) perccnt of thc coot of thc cicctrical work.
1. Thcrc shall be no additional fcc for inspcction of
branch circuits whcn includcd in thc scrvicc /fccdcr permit.
2. Thc rcsidcntial scrvicc fcc spccificd in Column A
ohall bc paid for a singlc family residcntial 3crvicc, for a multi
family residcntial scrvicc (per scrvicc, up to but not cxcccding a
four plcx) , and for cach scrvicc, or thc first fccdcr, whcn tho
3. Thc commercial and industrial scrvicc fcc
3pccificd in Column D shall bc paid for cach scrvicc, thc first
fccdcr, or othcr cloctrical work, when thc scrvicc is not bcing
installcd, increascd, or altcrcd; for sccondarics of tran3formcrs
that havc a capacity grc -atcr than 60-G VA; for each 3crvicc or
fccdcr that is ovcr &G-0 volts; and for a multi family rcoidcncc
largcr than a four plcx.
1. Thc additional fccdcrs fcc 3pccificd in Column C
ohall bc paid for inspcctions with a scrvicc or fccdcr in Column A
or B at thc samc timc and on thc oamc permit.
B. Thc following fccs Shall apply to thc cicctrical
inspcction of each of thc following units and additional unito in
- 22 -
opectcd at thc oamc time and aamc location:
Cinglc /Fir3t Additional
Unit Unito
Mobile homc, modular
home or commercial
3crvicc (200 AMP Max.) * -34
Mobile homc fccdcr *-3$
3. Each lot for a
recreational vehicle 25 10
1. Berth at a marina
or dock 25
5. Motors, 10 IIP or largcr 25
6. Cigns 25
7. Hot tub (permanent) 25
-` `Total fcc for inspection of one service and one feeder whcn thcy
arc inopectcd at thc aamc timc is $10.
C. For new circuits, circuit extensions, and circuit
altcration3 whcrc thc service or fccdcr is not modificd, thc pe
for each additional circuit over four circuit3.
Low voltage systems.
Thc fcc for
inspection of
$1 for cach additional circuit (mac). For commercial or
industrial Class 2, low voltage system installations, thc min
fcc Shall be $30 for thc control pa
(zone) inspected at thc aamc time.
gcncrators is that for thc applicable service size listed in
oubocction A of thi3 Section.
FB. Block Permit. A firm, corporation, or other entity
which has a regularly employed electrical maintenance staff, which
is exempted from the requirement to have an electrician certificate
of competency by RCW 19.28.610, may choose to purchase a monthly
electrical work permit for work done by in -house electrical person-
nel rather than a work permit for each installation or alteration
in accordance with this Section. Work done by contractors shall
not be included in this block permit. The Inspector shall deter-
mine the maximum number of hours allowed on the block permit. This
will entitle the purchaser to inspections for a period determined
by the Inspector. Fees will be determined on an individual basis
by the Inspector, based on the estimated inspection time required.
C. Fcc3 for carnival electrical inspections.
Thc fcc
HC. Trip fees. A fee of $30in the amount as set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC in addition to the applicable inspection fee
shall be paid before approval of the installation each and every
time the following services are required:
1. Requests to inspect existing installations. After
the first half -hour an additional $20 fee as set forth in Chapter
3.70 PAMC shall be provided for each one -half hour of inspection
2. Trips to inspect when the permit applicant has
given notice to the Inspector that the work is ready for inspection
when it is not.
3. An additional inspection trip is necessary because
the permit applicant has given an erroneous or incomplete address,
or the premise is not accessible.
- 23 -
4. More than one additional inspection trip per
permit to inspect corrections required by the Inspector as a result
of carelessness or neglect, or for improperly responding to a
correction notice.
5. Each trip necessary to remove a non - compliance
citation from the job site, posted because unlicensed electrical
contractors or uncertified electricians or trainees were working on
the jobsite.
6. When corrections have not been made in the
prescribed time, unless an extension of time has been requested and
7. When a final inspection has not been requested and
the occupant has occupied the building. Furnishings indicate
•D. A fee of two times the regular permit fee shall be
charged for work that was started without a permit. This provision
shall not apply to emergency work, when at the satisfaction of the
Inspector such work was urgently necessary, making it impractical
to obtain a permit prior to commencing the work. A permit must be
obtained within forty -eight (48) hours after the start of such
"one" inspection of one half hour duration is allowed per $30 of
K. The fcc for a plan review shall be $40 an hour with a
minimum charge.
L. The fcc for atorm, firc, or othcr accident damagc
rcpairs 3hall bc 50% 0 a new service of like ampacity, with —a
minimum charge of $20 (repair only, not new construction duc to
accidental damagc).
ME. Special permit. For very small jobs requiring an
electrical permit as determined by the Inspector and requiring no
corrections, a special permit may be obtained. The fee for this
permit will be $15as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. Work requir-
ing a cover inspection or additional inspections shall not qualify.
Section 34. Section 1 of Ordinance 1709, as amended, and
Chapter 17.13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended
by amending PAMC 17.13.090 to read as follows:
17.13.090 Trailer Parks.
A. No person, company or corporation shall establish a new
trailer park or mobile home park or enlarge an existing
trailer or mobile home park within the City limits of Port
Angeles without first obtaining a permit for a trailer park
from the Port Angeles Planning Commission.
B. Permit fees shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Permit Rcquircd
1. Fcc for each Trailer Park permit shall bc $50.
tranoicnt parka $1.
C. Said Permit shall require the following:
1. A plot plan showing the location of the proposed
trailer park and all buildings, sanitary facilities, playground -
recreation area, utility buildings, driveways, and individual
trailer sites, including all dimensions of the trailer park tract,
each individual trailer site, parking facilities and patio, and
- 24 -
including plans and specifications of all buildings shall be sub-
mitted to the Planning Commission.
2. Approval of the Building Inspector, Fire Chief and
City Manager and Health Officer, regarding City codes, ordinances
and standards.
Section 35. Section 19 of Ordinance 2636, as amended, and
Chapter 17.96 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended
by amending PAMC 17.96.170 to read as follows:
17.96.170 Zoning Code Amendment.
— Application. Any person wishing to apply for an
amendment to the Zoning Ordinance shall submit a completed applica-
tion and a filing fee in the amount set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC
to the Planning Department, together with any necessary application
and fees necessary to comply with the requirements of the State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Chapter 43.21C RCW.
Section 36. Ordinance 2552, as amended, and Chapter 14.21
PAMC are hereby amended by amending PAMC 14.21.060 and 14.21.025 to
read as follows:
14.21.060 Open Burning Limitations - Burning Permits
A. No garbage, dead animals, or materials containing
asphalt, petroleum products, paint, rubber products, plastics,
paper (other than what is necessary to start a fire), cardboard,
treated wood, construction debris, metal, or any substance which
emits dense smoke, toxic emissions, or obnoxious odors will be
allowed to be burned.
B. Natural vegetation such as brush, leaves and tree
trimmings, may be burned upon private property in accordance with
the regulations of the Port Angeles Fire Department upon obtaining
a permit from the Fire Department as provided in Sections C and D.
C. A one -day permit for open burning of natural vegetation
for a fire that will be no larger than four feet in diameter shall
be issued without chargc by the Port Angeles Fire Department
verbally, by contacting the Fire Department at 157 0411 417-4655, -
cxtcnoion 255, and leaving the applicant's name and address.
D. A written permit, good for a five -day period, is
required for open burning of natural vegetation for a fire that
will be larger than four feet in diameter and shall be issued only
upon completion of an on -site inspection, scheduled 24 hours in
advance, by Fire Department personnel. The fcc for aaid permit is
bctwccn tcn and twenty fcct in diamctcr. The permit period may be
extended for a reasonable period for good cause. The written copy
of the open burning permit and regulations shall be maintained on
site at all times during burning operations. Each fire permitted
pursuant to this subsection shall require a separate permit, shall
consist of a single pile not to exceed twenty feet in diameter, and
shall comply with the following requirements:
1. The permittee must have someone in constant
attendance at the burn pile along with necessary equipment as
required by the fire department;
2. The permittee must have a means of communicating
with the Fire Department;
3. Two fans must be used;
4. Prior to lighting the burn pile, one week's
written notice must be provided by the permittee to homeowners and
businesses in the immediate neighborhood, which notice must include
the date, time and duration of the controlled burn and the name and
phone number of the permittee;
5. Residents of the affected area who could
experience documented respiratory distress from the smoke emissions
that could be detrimental to their health shall be relocated at the
expense of the permittee as mutually agreed upon by the permittee
and the affected resident;
6. The fire shall be extinguished if the smoke or ash
unreasonably interferes with a neighbor's property use and enjoy-
ment or could be detrimental to the health of someone who does not
want to be relocated as determined by the Fire Chief or other
designated City official;
7. Before being burned, the natural vegetation from
a land- clearing site shall be required to dry to the minimum level
necessary to facilitate clean burning as determined by the Fire
Chief or other designated City official;
8. Burning shall not occur when weather conditions
are such that an inversion layer would be created.
E. The fee for burning permits issued pursuant to this
Section shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
14.21.025 Inspection Fees. Inspection fees shall be as
provided in the Uniform Fire Code unless otherwise provided in the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.Whcn thc following in3pcctions arc
rcquircd to bc performcd pursuant to thc Uniform Firc Codc, thc
1.A. Wclding and cutting inspcctions for activitic3
of thc following duration:
1. Up to 5 days $ 50.00
2. G to 30 days $100.00-
3. 31 to 90 day3 $200.00-
1. 91 to 180 day3 $300.00-
5. 181 to 3G5 days $500.00-
Wclding and cutting activitics cxtcnding bcyond onc ycar
3ha1l bc rcquircd to rcncw any rcquircd permits and pay
in3pcction fcc3 in accordancc with thc abovc 3chcdulc.
1.B. Marinc fucling operations inspcction3 $ 25.00
Rcinipcction3 $ 15.00
1.C. Placc of asscmbly in3pcctions $ 25.00
1.D. Liquid pctrolcum ga3 tank and piping
installation and inspcction $ 25.00
2. The following fcc3 shall bc a onc (1) timc fcc
for initial installation plan rcvicw and inspcction:
2.A. Undcrground storagc tank rcmoval and
installation inspcction: commcrcial $100.00
rc3idcntial $ 15.00
2.B. Automatic firc sprinklcr installation
in3pcction and tcsting: multi family $ 50.00
commcrcial $100.00
2.C. Firc alarm plan rcvicw $ 50.00
2.D. Firc alarm installation inspcction and
tcsting: $100 plus $10 for each additional zonc
2.E. Ilood /duct systcm plan rcvicw $ 15.00
2.F. Ilood /duct systcm inspcction and tcst $ 25.00
Section 37. Ordinance 2734 and Chapter 15.28 PAMC are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 15.28.130 to read as follows:
15.28.130 Permit Fees.
There shall be a non - refundable
fee -- -_ _ --_ - =-as set forth in Chapter
3.70 PAMC in the amount necessary to compensate the City for the
expense of reviewing and processing plans, conducting inpections,
providing for outside consulting services, and other services
determined to be necessary for the administration and enforcement
of the provisions of this Chapter. Such fees shall only apply when
plans or other documentation are required to be submitted with
permit applications for grading and filling or clearing and drain-
age activity, and no building permit including such activities has
been issued. The permit fee shall be paid at the time of submit-
ting plans and other documentation for review. After approval of
the plans and specifications, the City Engineer shall provide the
applicant with an estimate of the construction inspection fee,
based upon the inspections which will be necessary as listed in
15.28.160 PAMC. Such inspection fee shall be separate from the
above plan review fees. Apermit for construction will be issued
only after the deposit of the inspection fee has been made with the
City Treasurer. If the City Engineer determines that the remaining
funds on deposit are not adequate to pay for the inspections re-
quired for project completion, the applicant will be so notified
and provided with an estimate of the amount of additional fee
deposit required. This additional fee shall be deposited with the
City Treasurer prior to depletion of the funds on deposit. Any
monies unexpended from the deposit shall be refunded to the
depositor upon final completion and acceptance of the project. The
basis of the estimate shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 38. Section 7 of Ordinance 2290 and PAMC 13.06.070
are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.06.070 - Fees.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide for
the payment of fees from Dischargers to the City's wastewater
disposal system, in order to compensate the City for the cost of
administration of the pretreatment program established herein.
B. Charges and Fees. Charges and fees shall be as set
forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
to ta]cc cffcct 180 days aftcr
codified hcrcin:
thc adoption of thc Ordinance
1. Fccs for monitoring, inspections and
ourvcillancc proccdurc3: $ at coot
2. Fccs for filing appeals: $25.00
3. Fccs -for reviewing accidental dieeharge
procedures and conotruction: $ at coat
compliance 3chcdulcs for prctrcatmcnt
facilitics: $ at cost
acccptancc forma: $75.00
Section 39. Section 16 of Chapter II of Ordinance 2394 and
PAMC 13.61.160 are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.61.160 Permit Fee. The fee for such permit shall be as
set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC
lution and may be a tcadcd by the Ceicil from timc to timc by
furthcr resolution a3 ncccooary.
Section 40. Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter V of Ordinance
2394 and PAMC 13.64.060 and .070 are hereby amended to read as
13.64.060 Annual Fee Required. The annual fee, which is
nonrefundable, shall be $50as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC and
shall be payable on January 1st of each year.
13.64.070 Volume Fee Required. In addition to the annual
permit fee, each discharger shall be billed on a monthly basis for
the volume that is discharged into the public sewer system. The
charge shall be as follows:
A. Fresh waste, which has not begun to decompose or waste
chemically treated to reduce BOD and suspended solid loading shall
be charged at a rate of $0.02 per gallon of waotcas set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC. (Fresh waste shall have a BOD loading less
than 400 mg /1 and a Suspended Solids loading less than 400 mg /1.)
B. Other septic discharge shall be charged at a rate e4.
$0.09 per gallon of waotcas set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
Section 41. Section 3 of Ordinance 2732 and PAMC 13.68.030
are hereby amended to read as follows:
13.68.030 Application for Developer Reimbursement Agree-
A. Any property owner, who uses private funds to construct
water, sewer, storm sewer and /or street system improvements where
the cost of construction is greater than four thousand dollars
($4, 000) , said limit to be adjusted annually in accordance with the
ENR (Engineering News- Record) Index, in the City or within the
City's utility service area, to connect to existing City water,
sewer, storm sewer or street systems for the purpose of serving the
area in which the real property of such owner is located, may apply
to the City to establish a developer reimbursement agreement in
order to recover a pro rata share of the costs from subsequent
users of the system(s).
B. The application must be on a form prescribed by the
City Engineer and must be accompanied by a nonrefundable applica-
tion fee as cotabli3hcd by rc3olution of the City Councilset forth
in Chapter 3.70 PAMC.
C. The City Engineer may require the applicant to submit
a certified statement by a State of Washington licensed profession-
al engineer containing an itemization of the total projected cost
of the system improvements and a copy of the design drawings and
D. The City Engineer is authorized to establish policies
and procedures for processing applications and determining
eligibility of a system for a developer reimbursement agreement
consistent with the requirements of this Ordinance.
E. Applicants for developer reimbursement agreements must
be in compliance with all City ordinances, rules and regulations in
order to be eligible for processing of such agreements.
F. A developer reimbursement agreement application shall
not be accepted for the improvement of a developer's abutting
right -of -way and transitions as required pursuant to City
ordinance. An exception may be allowed when vertical grade and
alignment changes are required by the City Engineer to promote
traffic safety and the City Engineer recommends a developer reim-
bursement agreement.
G. The proposed improvements must be consistent with the
comprehensive utility and /or transportation plans of the City.
H. The City must have the capability and capacity to
service the water, sewer, storm sewer and /or street facilities.
I. The applicant must agree to an annexation covenant for
the property to be serviced by the proposed improvements, if such
are located outside the City limits and any such improvements must
be located no further than 10 miles outside the City.
J. The application must comply with the requirements of
this Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances.
Section 42 - Repealer. Section 7 of Ordinance 2232 is
hereby repealed. Section 16 of Ordinance 2054, as most recently
amended by Section 1 of Ordinance 2700, and PAMC 13.12.090 are
hereby repealed. Ordinance 2800 is hereby repealed.
Section 43 - Severability. If any provisions of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is
not affected.
Section 44 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said Coun - • on the 1st day of October,
tson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: October 6, 1996
Rev 10/01/96
(By Summary)
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on October 1, 1996
Ordinance No. 2932
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles consolidates various fees into a single
chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, revises some of the fees, authorizes
fees to be waived under exigent circumstances, amends Ordinances 1273, 1709,
2050, 2055, 2112, 2132, 2169, 2181, 2221, 2285, 2290, 2394, 2552, 2632,
2636, 2673, 2732, 2734, 2769, 2788, 2789, and 2868, as amended, amends
Chapters 3.64, 3.70, 5.04, 5.20, 5.32, 5.36, 5.37, 5.52, 12.04, 12.10, 12.12,
12.16, 13.06, 13.16, 13.18, 13.32, 13.36, 13.61, 13.64, 13.68, 14.03, 14.05,
14.21, 14.28, 15.28, 17.13, and 17.96 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and
repeals Section 7 of Ordinance 2232, Section 16 of Ordinance 2054, and
Ordinance 2800.
The full text of the Ordinance is available, for a fee, at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or
will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p. m.
This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication of this summary.
Publish: October 6, 1996
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk