HomeMy WebLinkAbout2966ORDINANCE NO. 2966
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, revising the City's electrical
regulations and amending Ordinance 2552, as
amended and Chapter 14.05 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2552, as amended, and Chapter 14.05
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as
14.05.040 14.05.030
14.05 050 14.05.040
14.05.0G0 14.05.050
14.05.000 14.05.060
14.05.090 14.05.070
14.05.100 14.05.080
14.05.110 14.05.090
14.05.120 14.05.100
14 05.130
14.05.140 14.05.110
14.0 .1
14.05.1GO 14.05.120
14.05.170 14.05.130
14 05 180 14.05.140
14 05.190 14.05.150
14 05.200 14.05.160
Purpose and Scope.
Adoption of Electrical Code.
Office of the Electrical Inspector.
Electrical Permit Required.
Electrical Permit Applications.
Plcctrical Pcrmit to thc Owncr.
Filing of Drawings and Specifications.
Inspection of New Electrical Work.
Inspection of Existing Electrical Work.
Certificate of Final Inspection.
Temporary Use of Electric Current.
Unlawful Wiring. Master Metering.
Electrical Installations.
Dciction3 From thc National Electrical
Wiring Methods.
Wiring Specifications.
Inspection and Permit Fees.
Electric Signs.
14.05.010 Purpose and Scope. This Chapter is intended to regulate the
installation, alteration, extension, and repair of electrical wiring,
materials, appliances, apparatus, devices, and equipment in the City of
Port Angeles. This Chapter shall apply to all electrical conductors and
equipment installed, used, rented, offered for sale or distributed for use
in the City. (Ord. 2757 §3, 4/11/93, Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.020 Adoption of Electrical Code. The National Electrical Code and
the State of Washington Electrical Laws as set forth in Chapter 19.28 RCW
and Chapters 296 -46 and 296 -401 WAC, as adopted by the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries, are hereby adopted by reference subject
to the amendments set forth herein and subject to the City of Port Angeles
utility customer service policies, provided that if any specific
requirement contained in said amendments or customer service policies is
Less restrictive than the specific requirement contained in the State of
Washington Electrical Laws, such specific requirement of the State of
Washington Electrical Laws shall govern. (Ord. 2757 §3, 4/11/93, Ord. 2552
§3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.030 Definitions. Unless thc context clearly requires otherwise —the
definitions in this Ecction apply throughout this Chaptcr.
A. "Electrical Work" means thc installation, alteration, cxtcn3ion,
and /or repair of electrical wiring, materials, appliances, apparatus,
devices, and /or equipment.
3. "Inspector" shall Meer thc Electrical Inspector of thc Light
Jcpartment or his qualified subordinate to whom his responsibilities have
been delegated.
:. "Owner" shall mew thc legal owner(s) of thc property on which thc
electrical work is being done. It shall also include thc owner doing hi3
awn electrical work on his own property.
O. "Contractor" shall men thc person, firm, or corporation acting
on behalf of, or as an -agent of the owner, in thc installation of
electrical work, equipment, and/or app ianccs. (Ord. 25-52 S3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.040 Office of the Electrical Inspector. There is hereby created the
Office of the Electrical Inspector.
A. The Electrical Inspector, hereinafter called the Inspector, shall
function under the authority and at the direction of the Light Department
Director, or his designee.
B. It shall be the duty of the Inspector to see that the provisions
of this Chapter are enforced. He shall, upon application, grant permits
for the installation or alteration of electric wiring, devices, appliances,
and equipment, and shall make inspections of all new electrical
installations, as provided in this Chapter. He shall keep complete records
of all permits issued, inspections and reinspections made, and other
official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
The Inspector may delegate inspection and enforcement duties prescribed by
this Chapter to other qualified persons.
C. Inspectors may answer any relevant question concerning the
meaning, intent, or application of this Chapter; however, they shall not
lay out work or act as a consultant to contractors, electricians, or
owners. (Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.050 Electrical Permit Required. Before any electrical work covered
by this Chapter may be installed, altered, or repaired, an electrical
permit shall be secured from the Office of the Electrical Inspector.
Electrical permits will not be required for minor repair work such as
repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets
and receptacles, taping bare joints, and repairing drop cords. (Ord. 2757
§3, 4/11/93, Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.060 Electrical Permit Applications.
A. Applications for electrical permit shall be made in writing to the
Office of the Electrical Inspector and shall state the name of the
contractor, phone number, the owner, the project address, and a description
of the work to be done.
B. For industrial, commercial, and residential projects larger than
a duplex, a one -line drawing of the electrical service and feeders,
building size (square feet), load calculations, and the type and size of
conductors and /or raceway is required and shall accompany the electrical
permit application.
C. All electrical work far -a commercial or residential building or
otructure shall be performed by a liccn3ed and bonded contractor unless
cxcmptcd by PAt4C 14.12.070.
D. Every electrical permit issued by the Inspector under the
provisions of this Chapter shall expire by limitation and become null and
void if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within sixty
(60) days from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work
authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the
work is commenced for a period of six (6) months. In such circumstances
another permit is required before work may (re)commence.
E. An address shall be provided for the location of the electrical
work. (R.F.D. box number or street intersections are not acceptable.)
(Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.070 Electrical Permit to thc Owner. An electrical permit to perform
electrical w rk in or on the owner's residence or structure may bc issued
to thc owner, provided the following conditions arc satisfied.
1. The electrical work shall be donc by thc owner of thc property.
L. If requested, the owner wall sign an affidavit stating that he
or shc i3 thc owner of the ii.cperty and that he or shc will bc doing thc
electrical work. (Ord. 2910 §3, 3/15/9G, Ord. 2856, §2, 1/27/95, Ord.
2757 §3, 4/11/93, Ord. 25-52 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.090 Inspection of New Electrical Work.
A. Electrical wiring shall not be inspected until the structural
framework has been enclosed from exposure to the weather, and metallic
piping, ducts, plumbing, etc., which are liable to interfere with or be run
in close proximity to the electrical installation, are permanently in place
and have been approved by the legally designated authorities.
B. The Inspector shall be notified when roughing -in work is completed
and again when the building is completed. If said work conforms in all
respects with the provisions of this Chapter, the Inspector shall attach
a notice of approval for the rough -in installation.
C. No electrical wiring shall be covered or concealed until the
Inspector has approved the installation and the Building Official has given
permission to cover or conceal the same. Should the Inspector indicate
that any of said work or equipment is not in accordance with the provisions
of this Chapter, notice in writing to that effect shall be placed upon the
premises or given to the contractor or to the party or parties having the
electrical work done. Within fifteen (15) days after notification thereof,
or within such reasonable time as may, upon request, be allowed by the
Inspector, such electrical work or equipment shall be altered or
removed, as the case may require, and necessary changes shall be made so
that all such electrical work and equipment shall fully comply with the
provisions of this Chapter before any further electrical work in connection
with such disapproved work or equipment is done on the building. When in
default, said contractor or party or parties shall be subject to the
penalties of PAMC 14.01.080 and any and every owner, contractor or other
person engaged in covering or allowing to be covered such portions of work
or equipment, or removing any seal or notice not to cover same placed
thereon by the Inspector, shall likewise be subject to such penalties.
D. The work shall be completed before the Inspector is notified to
inspect such work. This shall include the protection of all wires and
equipment. (Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.100 Inspection of Existing Electrical Work.
A. The Inspector is hereby empowered to inspect all existing wiring,
appliances, devices, and equipment coming within the scope of this Chapter.
When the installation of any such wiring, appliance, device, or equipment
is determined by the Inspector to be in violation of this Chapter, the
person, firm, or corporation owning, using, or operating the same, shall
be notified and shall make the necessary repairs or changes required within
fifteen (15) days after notification thereof, or within such further
reasonable time as may, upon request, be allowed by the Inspector.
B. The Inspector is hereby empowered to disconnect or order the
iiscontinuance of electrical service to such conductors or apparatus found
to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition, or to have been installed without
a permit. He shall thereupon attach a notice which states that such
conductors or apparatus have been disconnected because of their having been
found in violation of the provisions of this Chapter and it shall be
unlawful for any person to remove said notice of disconnection or to
reconnect such defective conductors or apparatus until same has been placed
in a safe and secure condition and has been approved by the Inspector.
(Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.110 Certificate of Final Inspection.
A. The Inspector shall, upon request, issue a certificate of final
inspection when the electrical installation is completed and found to
comply with this Chapter. No ccrtificatc Shall bc issucd on any incomplctc
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any electrical
connection to any electrical equipment until approval for service to such
equipment or wire has been given by the Inspector. The Inspector is hereby
authorized to disconnect any electrical installation or equipment which has
been connected before the approval has been given. He shall thereupon
attach a notice which shall state that the wiring or apparatus has been
disconnected because of their having been found in violation of the
provisions of this Chapter and any person removing said notice, or
reconnecting said wiring or apparatus before the same has been approved by
the Inspector, shall be subject to the penalties of PAMC 14.01.080. To
avoid delay in service connections or any interruption of service in the
case of a cut -over to new service equipment, the holder of the electrical
permit shall apply to the Inspector for permission to make the cut -over.
C. All fuses, circuit breakers, switches, receptacles, and other
materials and devices shall be installed and all outlets properly connected
before any certificate of final inspection will be issued. (Ord. 2552 §3,
14.05.120 Temporary Service. rcrmi3slon Application for a temporary
electrical permit must be obtained from the Inspector for the temporary use
of electric current during the construction or alteration of any building.
Such temporary service may be allowed for up to one hundred eighty (180)
days. No person shall connect his service with that of any other person,
or in any way supply any other person, premises, property, or service with
electricity through his service, except as approved by the Inspector.
(Ord. 2757, §3, 4/11/93, Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.130 Unlawful Wiring. Master Metering.
A. It shall bc unlawful for any person in any way to alter any
electrical wiring, or to permit such cicctricel wiring to bc altcrcd unlcs3
donc in conformity with the provisions of this Chaptcr.
Master metering of multiple units is prohibited. Submetering of
buildings, existing master metered facilities, or multiple units is
prohibited for the resale of electricity, or for the apportioning of costs
between separate units, tenants, or owners. (Ord. 2757 §3, 4/11/93, Ord.
2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.140 Electrical Installations.
A. All new electrical installations shall conform to the requirements
of this Chapter. When an installation or any part of such installation is
considered, upon inspection, to be hazardous, the Inspector may require
that such portion of the installation as is considered to be hazardous
shall be corrected to conform to any or all of the requirements of this
B. When any additions, alterations, or repairs of existing
installations are made, that portion of the installation which is added,
altered, or repaired shall conform to the applicable requirements contained
herein. Wiring methods must meet or exceed the pre- existing wiring method.
C. When 650 of the existing electrical facilities have been or are
expected to be modified, as determined by square footage or by the
Inspector, the entire electrical wiring facilities shall meet the
requirements of this Chapter. A service change will be considered as a
minimum of 33.30 alterations to the electrical system.
D. On rewires, additions, or conversions of occupancies from
dwellings to commercial use, the same criteria will apply as if the
facility was originally for commercial use. In occupancy changes, the
service must pass inspection and the wiring must meet current code
requirements for the new occupancy.
E. An exception to this section may be granted by the Inspector, but
not to the National Electrical Code or the State of Washington Electrical
Code, in the event that the facility is determined to be an historic site
or qualified for historic preservation, as determined by the State
Historical Preservation Officer. (Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.150 Deletions From the National Electrical Cede. The exceptions
listed in Article 230 41, Article 3-95 6(b), Article 333, Article 334
(cxccpt for industrial usc) , and Article 338 2 (SEr eablc only) , of the
National Electrical Codc shall not bc appaieablc and arc hereby deleted.
Compliance with said Articles or Sections of thc National Electrical Codc
ohall n t bc c nsidcrcd as c mpliancc with thc provisions of this Chaptcr.
(Ord. 2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.160 Wiring Methods.
A. Wiring method3 for institutional, educational, health cure
facilities, and places of assembly of one hundred or morc persons shall bc
Wired as set forth is Article 5-1-8 ef thc 1987 Edition of thc National
Electrical Codc, thc wiring methods ix Section 518 4, Exception 1, Shall
not bc permitted. For dctcrm3niag the ccettpaxt load 4f places of assembly,
thc methods in NFPA 101, Lifc Safety Codc, shall bc u3ed.
All new or remodeled commercial or industrial building3 that
exceed a t tal f 5,000 square fcct shall bc wired in an appr vcd raceway.
All buildings in the Downtown, Fire Zone 1 as defined in Chapter 14.24
PAMC, and any open space mall -type structures without fire wall separation,
industrial zoned property, piers, docks, wharfs, structures over water, and
permanent structures at the Clallam County fairgrounds, shall be wired in
an approved raceway.
C. In multi family ccupancy buildings (i.c., apartment h u3c3,
hotels, m tcls, and dorm tories), aonmctallic sheathed cable, with
grounding conductor, may be tiscel as- -he wirn9. method for branch circuits
in such wood framc occupancies ef not morc than thrcc (3) stories, not
including a basement which is used for storage.
All mains and circuits exceeding 300 volts between conductors, and
circuits exceeding 150 volts to ground, shall be installed in approved
The fault duty rating of all service equipment shall exceed the
available fault current. The minimum fault duty rating required on service
equipment for non - dwelling installations shall be at least 20,000 AIC.
F-r_ Wood used for support or other purposes in electrical
installations, in contact with the earth or subject to moisture, shall be
commercially pressure treated and labeled for earth contact.
Electric meters shall not be permitted inside buildings or within
carports or porches without written approval of the Inspector. If an
electric meter is made inaccessible, such as by the installation of a fence
(with a locked gate or no gate) or other enclosure, the owner shall
relocate the meter to an accessible location, as determined by the
Inspector. If the electric meter is located behind a locked gate, the
owner may provide an approved lock box rather than relocating the electric
• F. Where more than one electric meter is used, a permanent label
shall be attached on each meter base showing the apartment or unit number.
I. For industrial and heavy commercial buildings using cable traya,
metal clad cables will bc acceptable for service and fccdcr conductors when
approved by thc Inspector.
J. The smallest size cable permittcd for commercial use is No. 12 AWG
copper for power conductor3.
• G. In Residential Occupancies, 20 amp branch circuits will be limited
to 20 outlets and /or lighting devices and 15 amp circuits will be limited
to 15 devices.
L. In Fire Zone 41, non metallic conduit will bc allowed for cxtcrior
a3c only.
On currcnt transformcr mctcring, A lockable main disconnect
swi- tch(es) shall be required on current transformer metering or 480 volt
Services. The switch(es) shall be located on the outside of the building
or in a mechanical room when approved by the Inspector. A main disconnect
Switch is not required on single services from a three -phase padmount
transformer when there is no potential of serving additional customers.
g_I— A transfer switch used to connect an emergency generator shall be
a separate device; a combination electrical panel /transfer switch is not
allowed. (Ord. 2855, §3, 1/27/95; Ord. 2757 §3, 4/11/93, Ord. 2552 §3,
14.05.170 Wiring Specifications.
A. In single - family units, 1,000 square feet gross floor area or
more, a 200 amp service shall be installed.
B. All single electric meters shall be between four and one -half
(4.5) feet and six (6) feet from finished grade to the center of the meter
C. Breakers arc required at all meters in "meter pack" in3tallationa
not having a main breaker ahead of thc meter.
Insulation in attics or crawl spaces shall not conceal junction,
pull, or outlet boxes.
Removal of panels, pipe, and unused wire and electrical equipment
that has been abandoned is required to complete an electrical installation.
F _E— All underground electrical service wires shall be installed within
an approved raceway and shall maintain a minimum horizontal separation of
one (1) foot from water and sewer lines. Where sewer or water pipes cross
electrical service wires, a minimum vertical separation of one (1) foot
shall be maintained.
The panel ampacity in multi - family dwellings shall have a minimum
rat- ing of 100 amps.
The service equipment grounding electrode conductor and bond
conductor shall be copper only. Aluminum shall be prohibited. H�
Service equipment located outdoors and within 300 feet of
Saltwater shall be corrosion resistant; unless written approval is obtained
from the Inspector. (Ord. 2855 §4, 1/27/95; Ord. 2757 §3, 4/11/93, Ord.
2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
14.05.180 Inspection and Permit Fees.
A. The fees for electrical inspections shall be as set forth in
Chapter 3.70 PAMC; provided that said fees shall not exceed those
established in RCW 19.28.210. For the purpose of calculating said fees,
amperage shall be based on the larger of the conductor ampacity or the over
current device.
B. Block Permit. A firm, corporation, or other entity which has a
regularly employed electrical maintenance staff, which is exempted from the
requirement to have an electrician certificate of competency by RCW
19.28.610, may choose to purchase a monthly electrical work permit for work
done by in -house electrical personnel rather than a work permit for each
installation or alteration in accordance with this Section. Work done by
contractors shall not be included in this block permit. The Inspector
shall determine the maximum number of hours allowed on the block permit.
rills will entitle the purchaser to inspections for a period determined by
the Inspector. Fees will be determined on an individual basis by the
Inspector, based on the estimated inspection time required.
C. Trip fees. A fee in the amount set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC in
addition to the applicable inspection fee shall be paid before approval of
the installation each and every time the following services are required:
1. Requests to inspect existing installations. After the first half -
hour an additional fee as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC shall be provided
for each one -half hour of inspection time.
2. Trips to inspect when the permit applicant has given notice to the
Inspector that the work is ready for inspection when it is not.
3. An additional inspection trip is necessary because the permit
applicant has given an erroneous or incomplete address, or the premise is
not accessible.
4. More than one additional inspection trip per permit to inspect
corrections required by the Inspector as a result of carelessness or
neglect, or for improperly responding to a correction notice.
5. Each trip necessary to remove a non - compliance citation from the
job site, posted because unlicensed electrical contractors or uncertified
electricians or trainees were working on the job site.
6. When corrections have not been made in the prescribed time, unless
an extension of time has been requested and granted.
7. When a final inspection has not been requested and the occupant
has occupied the building. Furnishings indicate occupancy.
D. A fee of two times the regular permit fee shall be charged for
work that was started without a permit. This provision shall not apply to
emergency work, when at the satisfaction of the Inspector such work was
urgently necessary, making it impractical to obtain a permit prior to
commencing the work. A permit must be obtained within forty -eight (48)
hours after the start of such work.
E. Special permit. For very small jobs requiring
permit as determined by the Inspector and requiring no
special permit may be obtained. The fee for this permit
forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. Work requiring a cover
additional inspections shall not qualify. (Ord. 2932 §33,
2757 §3, 4/11/93, Ord.2552 §3, 10/25/89.)
an electrical
corrections, a
will be as set
inspection or
10/11/96; Ord.
14.05.190 Electric Signs. Electric signs shall be UL listed and include
awning signs, channel letter signs, directional signs, ordinary box signs,
recessed signs and trailer mounted signs.
A. UL listed electric signs may be repainted or refaced without being
reinspected by UL.
B. Any electric signs that is altered electrically or mechanically
shall be relisted by UL as a "Rebuilt Electric Sign ".
C. Electric signs that have been disconnected for more than one year
shall be relisted by UL. This does not apply to cord connected signs.
14.05.200 Clearance. The minimum clearance from any structure or other
improvements (parking lot lighting, signs, flag poles, etc.) to an overhead
high voltage (primary) power line shall be 12.5 feet. (Ord. 2855 §5,
Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is
not affected.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be
effective five days after the date of publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of
August , 1997.
i 0 (1 A , .L1:
Becky J . Up n, C ty
Knutson, City Attorne
A: \97.!'1
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on August 19, 1997
Ordinance No. 2965
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles revises the water rate for wholesale
customers, which shall be established by contract of the City Council based on the
current cost of service analysis for this service, and amends Ordinance 2181, as
amended, and Chapter 13.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 2966
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles revises the City's electrical regulations and
amends Ordinance 2552, as amended, and Chapter 14.05 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed
upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. These
Ordinances shall take effect five days after the date of publication of these summaries.
Publish: August 24, 1997
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk