HomeMy WebLinkAbout3108ORDINANCE NO. 3108
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the
City's Civil Service ordinance with regard to definitions, the Civil
Service Commission, the Interview Board, qualifications of applicants,
probationary period, and approval of payrolls and amending Ordinance
2410, as amended, and Chapter 2.22 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2410, as amended, and Chapter 2.22 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 2.22.030, 2.22.050, 2.22.060, 2.22.070,
2.22.080, 2.22.130, and 2.22.150 to read as follows:
2.22.030 Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the words and terms set forth in this
section shall be given the following definitions:
A. "Appointing Authority or Power" means the City Manager or his designee.
B. "Appointment" includes all means of selecting, appointing or employing any
Jerson to hold any office, place, position or employment subject to Civil Service.
C. "Board" means the Interview Board created in this Chapter.
D. "Chief Examiner" means the City PersormeH3irectorHuman Resources Manager
pr his or her designee.
E. "Commission" means the Civil Service Commission created in this Chapter, and
'Commissioner" means any one of the three Commissioners appointed to that Commission.
F. "Discipline" includes personnel actions by the Appointing Power that directly
effect the employee's compensation, including demotion, suspension without pay, reduction in rank,
reduction in compensation, or discharge, or other terms and conditions of employment and shall not
include such personnel actions as oral or written reprimands. (Ord. 2410 §1, 9/22/86)
2.22.050 Civil Service Commission. There shall be three (3) members on the Civil
Service Commission, who shall be appointed by the City Council. The members of the
Commission shall serve without compensation. No person shall be appointed a member of such
Commission who is not a citizen of the United States, a resident of the City of Port Angeles for
at least three years immediately preceding such appointment, and an elector of the County wherein
he or she resides.
a dhercnts of the same poiincai party.
A full term of office on the Civil Service Commission shall be four (4) years
and shall start on March 1st of the year in which the appointment is made, PROVIDED that
appointments to an expired term shall start as designated in the appointment, and PROVIDED
FURTHER that the appointment to the current vacant position shall expire on the last day of
February, 1988, after which a re- appointment may be made. No person shall be allowed to serve
on the Civil Service Commission for more than two (2) consecutive four -year terms;
- - •
Any member of the Commission may be removed from office for
.ncompetency, incompatibility or dereliction of duty, or malfeasance in office, or other good
cause, as determined by the City Council: PROVIDED, however, that no member of the
Commission shall be removed until charges have been preferred, in writing, due notice and a full
`nearing held before the City Council. The members of such Commission shall devote due time
and attention to the performance of the duties specified and imposed upon them by this Chapter.
(Ord. 2410 §1, 9/22/86)
2.22.060 Interview Board. The Interview Board shall be composed of three (3)
?ersons. One member shall be the Chief Examiner or his /her designee. The Chief Examiner shall
appoint the other two members who shall be from the respective operating department. One shall
,je a management representative (excluding the Chief of the department) and the other shall be a
supervisory representative within the department or a department member with ten years or more
service in the same position being tested.
For promotional examinations the Interview Board shall be three uniformed
?rofessional personnel in a supervisory capacity from outside the local area. The Chief Examiner
)r his or her designee will administer the selection process but will not be a rater.
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(Ord. 2887 §1, 9/15/95; Ord. 2833 §2, 9/16/94; Ord. 2410 §1, 9/22/86)
2.22.070 Classified Civil Service. The Classified Civil Service and provisions of this
Chapter shall include all regular, full -paid, sworn safety employees of the Police and Fire
Departments of the City of Port Angeles, excluding the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. All
- 3 -
appointments to and promotions in said Departments shall be made solely on merit, efficiency and
fitness, which shall be ascertained by competitive examination (opens or promotional or, lateral,
Dr through a transfer process from within the City of Port Angeles) and impartial investigation.
No person shall be reinstated in or transferred, suspended or discharged from any such place,
position or employment contrary to the provisions of this Chapter. (Ord. 3054 §1, 6/30/2000;
Ord. 2833 §1, 9/16/94; Ord 2410 §1, 9/22/86)
2.22.080 Qualifications of Applicants. An applicant for a position of any kind under
Civil Service must be a citizen of the United States of America who can read and write the English
An applicant for a position of any kind under Civil Service must meet the
necessary qualifications as provided for in the job description for the classification, maintained in
the City of Port Angeles Personnel Office. Such qualifications include being of good moral
character and of temperate and industrious habits; such qualifications and facts to be ascertained
.n such manner as the Chief Examiner may deem advisable and consistent with the Civil Service
Rules promulgated pursuant to this Chapter.
Further qualifications for each position in the Classified Service shall be
ieveloped by the Chief Examiner in cooperation with the Appointing Power
(Ord. 2410 §1, 9/22/86)
2.22.130 Probationary Period. To enable the Appointing Power to exercise a choice
.n the filling of positions, no appointment, employment or promotion in any position in the
Classified Service shall be deemed complete until after the expiration of a period of one year
probationary service, excluding any paid or unpaid leave periods greater than 15 working days,
as shall be provided in the Civil Service Rules, during which the Appointing Power may terminate
the employment of the person certified to him /her. If, during the probation period thus afforded,
upon observation or consideration of the performance of duty, the Appointing Power deems
him /her unfit or unsatisfactory for service in the Department, the Appointing Power shall designate
3ne of the persons certified as standing within the next three persons highest on any such list.
Such persons shall likewise enter upon the duties until some person is found who is deemed fit for
appointment, employment or promotion for the probationary period provided therefor, whereupon
:he appointment, employment or promotion shall be deemed to be complete. The Civil Service
Commission may establish other procedures for probationary periods that may exceed 12 months
and that are consistent with this chapter. (Ord. 2410 §1, 9/22/86.)
2.22.150 Approval of Pa, ry olls. A10 trcasurcr, auditor, comp
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aptcr or with the Civil Scrvicc Rulcs (Ord 2410 § 1,
Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
erson or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
rovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 3 - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date
f its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
ouncil held on the 5th day of February, 2002.
ecky J. U run, ty Cle Craig D. Kn • ,City Attorney
UBLISHED: February 10, 2002
By Summary
: \ORDINANCES &RESO LUTIONS12002- 01.ord.wpd
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on February 5, 2002
Ordinance No. 3108
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends the City's Civil Service
Ordinance with regard to definitions, the Civil Service Commission, the Interview Board,
qualifications of applicants, probationary period, and approval of payrolls and amends
Ordinance 2410, as amended, and Chapter 2.22 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full text of the Ordinance is available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed upon
request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This Ordinance shall
take effect five days after publication of this summary.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk
Publish: February 10, 2002