HomeMy WebLinkAbout3123ORDINANCE NO. 3123
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the
City's Zoning Code by adding to the purposes of the Zoning Code, by
identifying what development should take place in each zone to
accomplish the desired urban design of the City and to reduce conflicts
between adjacent land uses, and by adding definitions for special uses,
and amending Ordinance 1709 as amended and Title 17 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
are hereby amended by amending Chapter 17.01 PAMC to read as follows:
17.01.010 Purposes of Zoning Code
17.01.020 Purposes of Zones.
17.01.010 Purposes of Zoning Code. This Lo nsiic Zoning Code is
adopted for the following purposes:
A. To implement the requirements of the State Growth Management Act of 1990
through the goals, policies, and objectives of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan by dividing the
City into zones restricting and regulating therein the location, construction, reconstruction,
alteration, and use of buildings, structures and land for residential, business, commercial,
manufacturing, public, and other specified uses.
B. To protect the character and maintain the stability of residential, commercial,
manufacturing, and public areas within the City, and to promote the orderly and appropriate
development of such areas.
C. To regulate the intensity of use of lots and parcels of land, and to determine the
spaces surrounding buildings necessary to provide adequate light, air, privacy, and access to
D. To sustain natural landscapes, corridors, and habitats for fish and wildlife and
to provide relief from the urban landscape within the community through the designation of open
space areas.
E. To limit congestion in the public streets and to protect the public health, safety,
convenience, and general welfare by providing for off - street parking of motor vehicles, the loading
and unloading of commercial vehicles, public transit access, and pedestrian safety.
F. To establish building lines and the location of buildings designed for residential,
commercial, manufacturing, public, or other uses within such lines.
G. To prevent the overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures and
to preserve existing unusual, unique, and interesting features of the natural landscape so far as is
possible and appropriate in each zone by regulating the use and the bulk of buildings in relation to
the land surrounding them.
H. To provide protection from fire, explosion, noxious fumes, and other hazards and
to maintain the quality of life in the interest of public health, safety, comfort, and general welfare
by establishing minimum level of service standards throughout the City.
I. To prevent such additions to, and alteration or remodeling of, existing buildings
or structures as would not comply with the restrictions and limitations imposed hereunder.
J. To prohibit uses, buildings, or structures which are incompatible with the
character of the permitted uses within specified zones.
K. To conserve the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the City.
L. To encourage the preservation of historic or culturally significant sites and
structures throughout the City.
M. To define and to limit the powers and duties of the administrative officers and
bodies as provided herein and to protect the private property rights of landowners from arbitrary,
capricious, and discriminatory actions.
N. To improve the variety, quality, availability, and affordability of the housing
opportunities in the City.
O. To avoid or mitigate significant adverse impacts such as hazardous materials,
air and water pollution, noise, traffic, outside storage, large structures, and public safety problems
which can be associated with specific land uses and thereby reduce conflicts between adjacent land
P. To identify what development should take place in each zone to accomplish the
desired urban design as defined by the City's land use planning policies and regulations.
O. Zoning Intcntions:
17.01.020 Purposes of Zones. The zones in this Zoning Code are established for the
following purposes:
A.+ RS -7 Zone - This is a low density residential zone intended to create and
preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family
homes on standard Townsite -size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to
a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. Because of land use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses. few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and
then only conditionally. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for the City's single
family residential neighborhoods, following a standard rectangular street grid system of 60 -foot
rights -of -way for local access streets and 300 -foot by 500 -foot blocks with 50 -foot by 140 -foot lots
and usually located in areas that are largely developed and closer to the center of the City.
B.2 RS -9 Zone - This is a low density residential zone intended to create and
preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family
homes on larger than standard Townsite -size lots. Uses that are compatible with and functionally
� rR
related to a single family residential environment may be located in this zone. Because of land use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and
then only conditionally. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for the
City's single family residential neighborhoods, following a curvilinear street system of nonthrough
public and private streets with irregularly shaped lots, minimum 75 -foot front lot lines, and 60-
foot rights -of -way for collector arterial streets in large rectangular blocks and usually located in
outlying areas with large tracts of vacant buildable land.
C.3 RTP Zone - This is a medium density residential zone intended for mobile home
occupancies, and the area is regarded as essentially residential in character. Few nonresidential uses
are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated with
nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for the City's small lot,
single family, mobile home parks, following an irregular urban land use pattern of private access
roads and minimum 3500 square foot lots.
D.4 RMD Zone - This is a medium density residential zone, which allows a mix of
single family, duplexes and apartments at a density greater than single family neighborhoods but less
than the RHD Zone. The permitted uses in the RMD Zone are also intended to be more restrictive
than the RHD Zone. Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible. Few nonresidential uses
are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated with
nonresidential uses. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for the City's
lower density multi - family residential neighborhoods (at twice the density of the City's basic single
family residential neighborhoods) with direct access on an arterial street, usually located in
outlying areas with large tracts of vacant buildable land, and serving as a transitional use between
low density residential uses and commercial /industrial uses.
E.6 RHD Zone - This is a high density residential zone for multi - family structures.
Compatible uses may be allowed on Conditional Use Permits, but the zone is still regarded as a
residential area, where commercial enterprises are not generally felt to be compatible. Few
nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern
for the City's higher density multi - family residential neighborhoods (at seven times the density of
the City's basic single family residential neighborhoods), following a standard rectangular street
grid system of 60 -foot rights -of -way for local access streets and 300 -foot by 500 -foot blocks and
usually located in areas that are largely developed and closer to the center of the City.
F.6 PRD Overlay Zone - This overlay zone is to provide alternative zoning
regulations which permit and encourage design flexibility, conservation and protection of natural
critical areas, and innovation in residential developments to those regulations found in the underlying
zone. It is intended that a Planned Residential Development will result in a residential environment
of higher quality than traditional lot -by -lot development by use of a design process which includes
within the site design all the components of a residential neighborhood, such as open space,
circulation, building types, and natural features, in a manner consonant with the public health, safety,
and welfare. It is also intended that a Planned Residential Development may combine a number of
land use decisions such as conditional use permits, rezones, and subdivisions into a single project
review process to encourage timely public hearings and decisions and to provide for more open space
and transitional housing densities than is required or may be permitted between single family and
multi- family zones. The consolidation of permit reviews does not exempt applicant(s) from meeting
the regulations and submitting the fees and applications normally required for the underlying permit
processes. Few nonresidential uses are allowed in this overlay zone and then only conditionally,
because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This overlay zone provides for
the opportunity to create self - contained residential neighborhoods with a variety of housing choices
without following a standard system of public streets and lot design and with allowances for mixed
use, residential and commercial developments not usually permitted in residential zones.
G.� CO Zone - This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office,
administrative, or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide
a service to clients, the provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended
hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas.
Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to single family residential uses
are allowed. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for small lot, transitional uses
between residential neighborhoods and commercial districts with direct access on an arterial street
and design standards compatible with residential development.
H.8 CN Zone - This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for
businesses which are of the type providing the goods and services for the day -to -day needs of the
surrounding residential neighborhoods. Businesses in this zone shall occur on sites no larger than
one acre and shall be located and designed to encourage both pedestrian and vehicular access and
to be compatible with adjacent residential neighborhoods. Commercial uses that are largely devoid
of any impacts detrimental to multi - family residential uses are allowed: gasoline service islands are
conditionally permitted uses. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for
small commercial districts serving individual residential neighborhoods with direct access on an
arterial street and design standards compatible with residential development.
I.9 CSD Zone - This is a commercial zone oriented primarily to those businesses
serving the daily needs of the surrounding residential neighborhoods but is slightly less restrictive
than the CN zone and as such provides a transition area from the most restrictive commercial zones
to those of lesser restrictions. Businesses in this zone may occur on sites of varying sizes and shall
be located at the intersections of arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and at the
boundaries of neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served. Commercial uses
that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations
with petroleum products are permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern
for large lot, commercial uses serving much of the City with direct access on an arterial street and
design standards for greater automobile and truck traffic.
J.-1.6 CA Zone - This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for
businesses serving the entire City and needing an arterial location because of the nature of the
business or intensity of traffic generated by the business. Commercial uses that are largely devoid
of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations with petroleum
products and dry cleaning shops with hazardous materials are permitted uses. This zone provides
the basic urban land use pattern for automobile oriented, commercial uses with direct access on
a principal arterial street and design standards for greater automobile and truck traffic.
K.++ CBD Zone - This is a commercial zone intended to strengthen and preserve the
area commonly known as the Downtown for major retail, service, financial, and other commercial
operations that serve the entire community, the regional market, and tourists. It is further the
purpose of this zone to establish standards to improve pedestrian access and amenities and to
increase public enjoyment of the shoreline. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts
detrimental to the environment are allowed. Gasoline service islands and marine fueling stations are
conditionally permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for high density,
pedestrian oriented, commercial uses located in the center of the City with direct access to mass
`ransit services, design standards for compatible commercial development, and support for public
parking and business improvements.
L.-I-2 IP Zone - This is an industrial zone intended to create and preserve areas for
affice, commercial, and industrial uses devoid of exterior nuisances in a planned, park -like setting.
Permitted uses are devoid of exterior nuisance factors, such as noise, glare, air and water pollution.,
and fire and safety hazards on adjacent non - industrial property, and do not have an exceptional
demand on public facilities. These types of office, commercial, and industrial uses typically involve
he need for a large campus -like site with amenities suitable for mixed use developments and
buffering measures to reduce the impact of large scale development on adjacent uses. While
industrial and commercial uses that are devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are
allowed, vehicle service stations with petroleum products and entertainment businesses with adult-
Dilly activities are also permitted uses, and a variety of maintenance and repair shops with hazardous
materials are also conditionally permitted uses. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land
.ise pattern for mixed industrial and commercial uses with direct access on an arterial street, design
standards for high density, pedestrian oriented, mixed uses located adjacent to major transportation
facilities, design standards for compatible mixed industrial and commercial development, and
support for private parking and business improvements.
M. IL Zone - This is an industrial zone intended to create and preserve areas for
industrial uses which are largely devoid of exterior nuisances in close proximity to airports and
highways. Permitted uses are largely devoid of exterior nuisance factors, such as noise, glare, air and
water pollution, and fire and safety hazards on adjacent non - industrial property, and do not have an
exceptional demand on public facilities. These types of industrial uses typically involve the
manufacture of finished products from pre - fabricated materials, product wholesaling, and material
storage. Buffering measures to reduce the impact of industrial uses on nearby residential uses may
be required. While industrial and commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts
detrimental to the environment are allowed, vehicle service stations with petroleum products and
entertainment businesses with adult -only activities are also permitted uses, and a variety of
maintenance and repair shops with hazardous materials are also conditionally permitted uses. This
zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for light industrial uses with direct access on an
arterial street, design standards for greater truck traffic, and buffers for nonindustrial uses.
N.+4 IH Zone - This is the least restrictive industrial zone intended to be the area in
which heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other land uses. Significant adverse
impacts can be expected from permitted industrial uses that involve hazardous materials, noise, air
and water pollution, shift work around the clock, entertainment businesses with adult -only
activities, and outside storage yards and manufacturing activities. This zone provides the basic
urban land use pattern for heavy industrial uses with direct access to major transportation facilities,
design standards for greater truck traffic, and buffers for nonindustrial uses unless deemed
O. PBP Zone - r This is a zoning designation for publicly -owned property, or
property less suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual
zondition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts." Except
for low density private residential uses, permitted uses are mostly public utilities and large civic
facilities. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for public facilities, open space, and
environmentally sensitive areas where public interests are directly involved and with allowances
for very low density private residential use, subject to environmental impact mitigation.
- 5 -
P.+6 FL Zone - A This is a zoning designation for privately -owned property not
intended for future conversion to urban development., mMuch of which - property the land so
designated may best be used for commercial timber production .This zone provides the basic
nonurban land use pattern for natural resource uses, subject to environmental impact mitigation if
converted to urban development.
Q.+ Home Occupation E e Permit - The purpose of this Chapter is to
ensure that an occupation or business undertaken within a dwelling unit located in a residential use
district is incidental and subordinate to the primary use and is compatible with the residential
character of the neighborhood. This special use permit provides allowances for business activities
aking place within a residential use.
R.-Hi Bed and Breakfast Crn Permit - The purpose of this Chapter is to
ensure that a bed and breakfast is compatible with its surrounding properties, and when located in
a residential neighborhood, to preserve the residential character of the neighborhood and the
surrounding residences. This special use provides procedures and regulations for business activities
taking place within a residential use.
S.+9 Adult Entertainment Conditional Use - The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure
that adult entertainment businesses are appropriately located and operated within the City of Port
Angeles, are compatible with uses allowed within the City, and are conducive to the public health,
safety, and welfare. This Chapter provides procedures and regulations for specific adult -only
business activities.
T.20 Retail Stand Permit- The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure
that retail stands are appropriately located in the commercial and public buildins areas, are
compatible with the uses allowed in such areas, and are conducive to the public health, safety, and
welfare, and to promote the diversity of retail stand activity. This special use provides procedures
and regulations for business activities taking place outside a building or on public property.
U.2+ Wiaking Junk Yard Conditional Use - The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure
that lic ascd w� et-king junk yards are appropriately located, are compatible with uses allowed within
the City, and are conducive to the public health, safety, and welfare. This Chapter provides for
junk yards to be permitted through the conditional use permit process.
Section 2. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.08.095 to read as follows:
17.08.095 - "S"
A. Service Station - an establishment which provides for the servicing of motor
vehicles and operations incidental thereto, limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and
automobile accessories; automobile washing (not including auto laundry); waxing and polishing of
automobiles; tire changing and repair (not including recapping); battery service, charging, and
replacement (not including repair and rebuilding); radiator cleaning and flushing (not including
steam cleaning and repair); installation of accessories; and the following operations if conducted
wholly within a building: lubrication of motor vehicles, brake servicing, wheel balancing, tire
testing, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, fan belts, wiring, water hoses, and similar
B. Setback - the required minimum distance between any lot line and any structure
or building.
C. Sign - Any letters, figures, design symbol, trademark, or device intended to
attract attention to any activity, service, place, subject, person, firm, corporation, public performance,
article, machine, or merchandise, and including display surfaces and supporting structures thereof.
D. Sign, Advertising - a sign which directs attention to a business, commodity,
service or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than upon the premises on which such
sign is located or to which it is affixed.
E. Sign, Area - the area of a sign shall be the sum of each display surface including
both sides of a double -faced sign, as determined by circumscribing the exterior limits on the mass
Df each display erected on one sign structure with a circle, triangle, or quadrangle connecting all
, xtreme points. Where a sign is composed of two or more individual letters mounted directly on a
wall, the total display surface, including its background, shall be considered one sign for purposes
Df calculating sign area. The structure supporting a sign is not included in determining the area of
the sign, unless the structure is designed in a way to form an integral part of the display.
F. Sign, Attat cd - a sign or billboard, lighted or ui ilighted, directly attached lo,
•• •• .
11•• . .•. . . . . . .1 • . 111 . . .. •• • 1•• . .,
2948 §5 (part), 2/14/97, Ord. 2666 §1 (part), 1/17/92, Ord. 1709 §1 (part), 12/22/70)
F.G Sign, Billboard - an off - premise outdoor advertising display, st lac lull. ui sign;
• . .1. • . , • . .. . . .. . . containing a commercial
message unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign is located.
- --
- -
,.. .. . . •• • 1 ..' •, , . . 11 . . . . Bel . . ..
such sign is iocat,- or to wliieh it is affixed. (01d. 3007 §5 (part), 1/15/99; Ord. §5 (part),
2/14/97; Ord. 2666 §1 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 1709 §1 (part), 12/22/70)
_,. . -. 1111, • .. I .,.. V. •
.11 • • • • • . 11 5 . _ • • ••• . • . • • • . • . •• •
1/15/99; Ord.
distance from a building shall be considered a detachcd sign. (Ord. 3007 §5 (part),
2948 §5 (part), 2/14/97; Ord. 2666 § 1 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 1709 § (part), 12/22/70)
_ • _ , . . ,
• - - -
• 1 • . - - • . • . • , . 1 • . • • • •
(01d. 3007 §5 (part), 1/15/99; Ord. 2948 §5 (part), 2/14/97; Ord. 2666 § 1(part),1 /17/92; 01d.1709
§ 1 (part), 12/22/70)
_ •• ••
2948 §5 (part), 2/14/97; end. 2666 §1 (part), 1/17/92, 01d. 1709 §1 (part), 12/22/70)
L. Sigl i, Temporary - a sign const. cn.tcd of cloth, cartv as, car dbo'au d, wdHln,al or
. - .. a . . • . VIP . V.` 1 • • . 11 VII . • 1
.. . • • • • , . • . •• . . - , 1
11 .. a • • • • a • . • • . •
- . .. 1 1 / . . 11 11 • '• . , , 11/ .. - . . ,• . , - , . . , •s 1• •
Ord. 1709 § 1 (pact), 12/22/70)
G.M Single Family Residence - one detached dwelling on an individual lot for
occupancy by one family.
H. Special Use Permit - a limited permission to locate a particular use at a
particular location, which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these
regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to
surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be
contrary to the public interest.
1. Special Use - an administrative conditional use permitted in a zone, but which
requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing
Dr permissible uses in the same zone.
JN. Stable, Private Horse - a detached accessory building in which only the horse
owned by the occupants of the premises are kept, and in which no horses are kept for hire
remuneration, or sale.
Ke. Stand - a structure for the display and sale of products, with no space for
customers within the structure itself.
LP. Stealth - relating to siting strategies and technological innovations designed to
enhance compatibility with adjacent land uses by designing structures to resemble other features in
the surrounding environment. "Stealth" techniques include architecturally screened roof - mounted
antennas, antennas integrated into architectural elements, and towers designed to resemble light
poles, power poles, flag poles, street standards, steeples, or trees, etc.
MQ. Story - the space between the floor and the ceiling above said floor. A basement
shall be considered a story when more than half of the basement height is above the finished lot
NR. Street - a public right -of -way which affords a primary means of access to abutting
OS- Street Right -of -Way Line - the boundary line between a street and abutting
PT. Structure - anything constructed in the ground, or anything erected which requires
location on the ground or water, or is attached to something having location on or in the ground or
water, but not including fences or walls used as fences six feet or less in height.
Structural Alteration - any change, other than incidental repairs, which would
prolong the life of the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or
RV. Subordinate - less important than and secondary to a primary object, usually in
these Zoning Regulations referring to an accessory use.
SW. Supermarket - a grocery store on a site larger than one acre and with multiple
retail departments such as drugs, photo, video, deli, flowers, seafood, bakery, etc.
Section 3. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.10 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.10.010 to read as follows:
17.10.010 Purpose. This is a low density residential zone intended to create and
preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family
homes on standard Townsite -size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to
a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. Because of land use impacts
associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only
conditionally. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for the City's single family
residential neighborhoods, following a standard rectangular street grid system of 60 -foot rights -of-
way for local access streets and 300 -foot by 500 -foot blocks with 50 -foot by 140 -foot lots and usually
located in areas that are largely developed and closer to the center of the City.
Section 4. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.11 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.11.010 to read as follows:
17.11.010 Purpose. This is a low density residential zone intended to create and
preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family
homes on larger than standard Townsite -size lots. Uses that are compatible with and functionally
related to a single family residential environment may be located in this zone. Because of land use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and
then only conditionally. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for the
City's single family residential neighborhoods, following a curvilinear street system of nonthrough
public and private streets with irregularly shaped lots, minimum 75 -foot front lot lines, and 60 -foot
rights -of -way for collector arterial streets in large rectangular blocks and usually located in outlying
areas with large tracts of vacant buildable land.
Section 5. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.13 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ode are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.13.010 to read as follows:
17.13.010 Purpose. This is a medium density residential zone intended for mobile
home occupancies, and the area is regarded as essentially residential in character. Few nonresidential
uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated
with nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for the City's small
lot, single family, mobile home parks, following an irregular urban land use pattern of private
access roads and minimum 3500 square foot lots.
Section 6. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.14 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ode are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.14.010 to read as follows:
17.14.010 Purpose. This is a medium density residential zone, which allows a mix of
single family, duplexes and apartments at a density greater than single family neighborhoods but less
than the RHD Zone. The permitted uses in the RMD Zone are also intended to be more restrictive
than the RHD Zone. Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible. Few nonresidential uses
are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated with
nonresidential uses. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for the City's
lower density multi - family residential neighborhoods (at twice the density of the City's basic single
family residential neighborhoods) with direct access on an arterial street, usually located in outlying
areas with large tracts of vacant buildable land, and serving as a transitional use between low
density residential uses and commercial /industrial uses.
Section 7. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.15 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.15.010 to read as follows:
17.15.010 Purpose. This is a high density residential zone for multi - family structures.
Compatible uses may be allowed on Conditional Use Permits, but the zone is still regarded as a
residential area, where commercial enterprises are not generally felt to be compatible. Few
nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use
impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern
for the City's higher density multi - family residential neighborhoods (at seven times the density of
the City's basic single family residential neighborhoods), following a standard rectangular street
grid system of 60 -foot rights -of -way for local access streets and 300 -foot by 500 -foot blocks and
usually located in areas that are largely developed and closer to the center of the City.
Section 8. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.17 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ode are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.17.010, .012, and .020 to read as follows:
17.17.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that an occupation or
business undertaken within a dwelling unit located in a residential zone is incidental and subordinate
to the primary use and is compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood. This Chapter
provides for home occupations within residential zones to be permitted through a special use permit
17.17.012 Definitions.
A. "Home Occupation" is a special use. which allows for an occupation or business
activity which results in a product or service and is conducted in whole or in part in the dwelling unit,
and is clearly incidental and subordinate to the residential use of the property.
B. "Commercial Vehicle" is a licensed (according to tonnage), motorized vehicle
designed for transportation of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight, animals, or passengers,
and operated in conjunction with a business, occupation, or home occupation. This term shall
include, but is not limited to, automobiles, trucks, tractor /trailers, and vans.
17.17.020 Applicability. A Home Occupation Permit in accordance with the provisions
of this Chapter is required for all Home Occupations occurring in residential use districts except those
exempted pursuant to Section PAMC 17.17.030. A Home Occupation Permit is a special use permit
as defined in PAMC 17.08.095
Section 9. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.18 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.18.010, .020, and .030 to read as follows:
17.18.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that a bed and breakfast
is compatible with its surrounding properties, and when located in a residential neighborhood, to
preserve the residential character of the neighborhood and the surrounding residences. This Chapter
provides for bed and breakfasts within residential zones to be permitted through a special use permit
17.18.020 Definitions. A "bed and breakfast" is a single family residence located in a
residential zone, containing one kitchen and shared dining area, providing lodging for guests and
travelers for a period of up to thirty (30) days and serving primarily breakfast only to people
registered to use the facility for lodging or special events that require facilities to provide more than
just meals. A bed and breakfast is a special use as defined in PAMC 17.08.095.
17.18.030 Applicability. A Bed and Breakfast Permit in accordance with the provisions
pf this Chapter is required for all bed and breakfasts occurring in residential zones. A Bed and
Breakfast Permit shall not be required within commercial zones. A Bed and Breakfast Permit is a
special use permit as defined in PAMC 17.08.095.
Section 10. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.19 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.19.010 to read as follows:
17.19.010 Purpose. This Thy tuipose of the Piarurcd R
Overlay Zone is to provide alternative zoning regulations which permit and encourage design
- 10-
flexibility, conservation and protection of natural amenities critical areas, and innovation in
residential developments to those regulations found in the underlying zone. It is intended that a
Planned Residential Development will result in a residential environment of higher quality than
traditional lot -by -lot development by use of a design process which includes within the site design
all the components of a residential neighborhood, such as open space, circulation, building types, and
natural features, in a manner consonant with the public health, safety, and welfare. It is also intended
that a Planned Residential Development may combine a number of land use decisions such as
conditional use permits, rezones, and subdivisions into a single project review process to encourage
timely public hearings and decisions and to provide for more open space and transitional housing
densities than is required or may be permitted between single family and multi - family zones. The
consolidation of permit reviews does not exempt applicant(s) from meeting the regulations and
submitting the fees and applications normally required for the underlying permit processes. Few
Nonresidential uses are allowed in this overlay zone and then only conditionally, because of land
Ise impacts associated with nonresidential uses. This overlay zone provides for the opportunity to
create self - contained residential neighborhoods with a variety of housing choices without following
a standard system of public streets and lot design and with allowances for mixed use, residential
and commercial developments not usually permitted in residential zones.
Section 11. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.20 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.20.010 to read as follows:
17.20.010 Purpose. This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office,
administrative, or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide
a service to clients, the provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended
hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas.
Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to single family residential uses
are allowed. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for small lot, transitional uses
between residential neighborhoods and commercial districts with direct access on an arterial street
and design standards compatible with residential development.
Section 12. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.21 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.21.010 to read as follows:
17.21.010 Purpose. This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas
for businesses which are of the type providing the goods and services for the day -to -day needs of the
surrounding residential neighborhoods. Businesses in this zone shall occur on sites no larger than
one acre and shall be located and designed to encourage both pedestrian and vehicle access and to
be compatible with adjacent residential neighborhoods. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of
Any impacts detrimental to multi - family residential uses are allowed; gasoline service islands are
conditionally permitted uses. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for
small commercial districts serving individual residential neighborhoods with direct access on an
arterial street and design standards compatible with residential development.
Section 13. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.22 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.22.010 to read as follows:
17.22.010 Purpose. This is a commercial zone oriented primarily to those businesses
serving the immediate daily needs of the surrounding residential zones but is slightly less restrictive
than the CN zone and as such provides a transition area from the most restrictive commercial zones
to those of lesser restrictions. Businesses in this zone may occur on sites of varying sizes and shall
be located at the intersections of arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and at the
boundaries of neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served. Commercial uses
that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations
with petroleum products are permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern
for large lot, commercial uses serving much of the City with direct access on an arterial street and
design standards for greater automobile and truck traffic.
Section 14. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.23 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.23.010 to read as follows:
17.23.010 Purpose. This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas
for businesses serving the entire City and needing an arterial location because of the nature of the
business or intensity of traffic generated by the business. Commercial uses that are largely devoid
of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations with petroleum
products and dry cleaning shops with hazardous materials are permitted uses. This zone provides
the basic urban land use pattern for automobile oriented, commercial uses with direct access on a
principal arterial street and design standards for greater automobile and truck traffic.
Section 15. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.24 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.24.010 to read as follows:
17.24.010 Purpose. This is a commercial zone intended to strengthen and preserve
the area commonly known as the Downtown for major retail, service, financial, and other commercial
operations that serve the entire community, the regional market, and tourists. It is further the purpose
of this zone to establish standards to improve pedestrian access and amenities and to increase public
enjoyment of the shoreline. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to
the environment are allowed. Gasoline service islands and marine fueling stations are conditionally
permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for high density, pedestrian
oriented, commercial uses located in the center of the City with direct access to mass transit
services, design standards for compatible commercial development, and support for public parking
and business improvements.
Section 16. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.26 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.26.010, .020, and .030 to read as
- 12 -
17.26.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that retail stands are
appropriately located in the commercial and public areas, are compatible with the uses allowed in
such areas, and are conducive to the public health, safety, and welfare, and to promote the diversity
of retail stand activity. This Chapter provides for retail stands to be permitted through a special use
permit process.
17.26.020 Definitions. A Retail Stand is a small, moveable cart that is operated from
a fixed location and is designed and sized to be readily moved under the control of one person but
not under its own power. A Retail Stand is a special use as defined in PAMC 17.08.095.
17.26.030 Retail Stand Permit Required. No retail stand shall be permitted in the City
of Port Angeles unless a Retail Stand Permit is approved pursuant to, and in compliance with, the
provisions of this Chapter. A Retail Stand Permit is a special use permit as defined in PAMC
Section 17. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.30 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.30.010 to read as follows:
17.30.010 Purpose. This is an industrial zone intended to create and preserve areas
for office, commercial, and industrial uses in a planned, park -like setting. Permitted uses are devoid
of exterior nuisance factors, such as noise, glare, air and water pollution, and fire and safety hazards
on adjacent non - industrial property, and do not have an exceptional demand on public facilities.
These types of office, commercial, and industrial uses typically involve the need for a large campus -
like site with amenities suitable for mixed use developments and buffering measures to reduce the
impact of large scale development on adjacent uses. While industrial and commercial uses that are
devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed, vehicle service stations with
petroleum products and entertainment businesses with adult -only activities are also permitted uses,
and a variety of maintenance and repair shops with hazardous materials are also conditionally
permitted uses. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for mixed industrial
and commercial uses with direct access on an arterial street, design standards for high density,
pedestrian oriented, mixed uses located adjacent to major transportation facilities, design standards
for compatible mixed industrial and commercial development, and support for private parking and
business improvements.
Section 18. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.32 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.32.010 to read as follows:
17.32.010 Purpose. This is an industrial zone intended to create and preserve areas
for industrial uses which are largely devoid of exterior nuisances in close proximity to airports and
highways. Permitted uses are largely devoid of exterior nuisance factors, such as noise, glare, air and
water pollution, and fire and safety hazards on adjacent non - industrial property, and do not have an
- xceptional demand on public facilities. These types of industrial uses typically involve the
manufacture of finished products from pre - fabricated materials, product wholesaling, and material
storage. Buffering measures to reduce the impact of industrial uses on nearby residential uses may
be required. While industrial and commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental
- 13 -
to the environment are allowed, vehicle service stations with petroleum products and entertainment
businesses with adult -only activities are also permitted uses, and a variety of maintenance and repair
shops with hazardous materials are also conditionally permitted uses. This zone provides the basic
urban land use pattern for light industrial uses with direct access on an arterial street, design
standards for greater truck traffic, and buffers for nonindustrial uses.
Section 19. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.34 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.34.010 to read as follows:
17.34.010 Purpose. III Zonc This is the least restrictive industrial zone intended to
be the area in which heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other land uses.
Significant adverse impacts can be expected from permitted industrial uses that involve hazardous
materials, noise, air and water pollution, shift work around the clock, entertainment businesses with
adult -only activities, and outside storage yards and manufacturing activities. This zone provides
the basic urban land use pattern for heavy industrial uses with direct access to major transportation
facilities, design standards for greater truck traffic, and buffers for nonindustrial uses unless
deemed impractical.
Section 20. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ode are hereby amended by amending Chapter 17.35 PAMC to read as follows:
17.35.010 Purpose.
17.35.015 Location.
17.35.020 Permit Required.
17.35.030 Screening.
17.35.040 Area Requirements.
17.35.050 Off - Street Parking
17.35.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that junk
yards are appropriately located, are compatible with uses allowed within the City, and are conducive
to the public health, safety, and welfare. This Chapter provides for junk yards to be permitted
through the conditional use permit process.
17.35.015 Location. Junk yards, • : _
yards may be conditionally permitted only in an IL Industrial, Light or IH Industrial, Heavy Zone.
17.35.020 Permit Required. No junk yard shall be permitted in the City of Port Angeles
without obtaining a conditional use permit.
- 14-
17.35.030 Screening. Unless otherwise specified by the Planning Commission, a solid,
site - obscuring fence, which may include vegetation or landform, at least seven (7) feet or more in
height shall be constructed on or within five (5) feet of the rear and side property lines and the front
yard setback line, which shall be a distance of fifty (50) feet from all street rights -of -way. No storage
or display of any junk, appliance, article, merchandise, or vehicle shall be permitted outside of said
required fence.
17.35.040 Area Requirements. There shall be a minimum lot area of three (3) acres for
each junk age yard
17.35.050 Off - Street Parking. A minimum of ten (10) off - street parking spaces shall
be required for each junk, salvage, or wtccking yard.
Section 21. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.40 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.40.010 to read as follows:
17.40.010 Purpose. PBP Zoii -A This is a zoning designation for publicly -owned
property, or property less not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some
unusual condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts."
Except for low density private residential uses, permitted uses are mostly public utilities and large
civic facilities. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for public facilities, open space,
rnd environmentally sensitive areas where public interests are directly involved and with allowances
For very low density private residential use, subject to environmental impact mitigation.
Section 22. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.42 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.42.010 to read as follows:
17.42.010 Purpose TL Zone. This is a zoning designation for privately -owned
property not intended for future conversion to urban development. Much of the land so designated
may best be used for commercial timber production .This zone provides the basic nonurban land use
?attern for natural resource uses, subject to environmental impact mitigation if converted to urban
Section 23. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.50 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.50.040 to read as follows:
17.50.040 Signs. All signs shall be in compliance with the regulations for such signs
is set forth in Chapter 14.36 Sign Code Requirements for the applicable
zone; provided that such signs shall not contain any obscene language or other form of obscene
- 15 -
Section 24. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.95 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.95.140 to read as follows:
17.95.140 Billboards. For the purpose of interpretation and enforcement of this Zoning
Code, billboards shall be limited to only CA Commercial, Arterial, IL Industrial, Light, or IH
Industrial, Heavy Zones. Billboards shall be prohibited in all other zones. Where permitted, a
billboard shall not be constructed closer than 29 35 feet to any property line.
Section 25. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.95 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.95.170 to read as follows:
17.95.170 Political Signs. Temporary political signs associated with an election are
exempt from the City's sign zoning regulations until fifteen (15) days after the election, provided said
signs, when placed in residential zones, do not exceed thirty -two (32) inches in height and four (4)
feet in width. No signs may be located within any public right -of -way or on any utility pole.
Section 26. Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provision of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 27. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the
date of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 1st day of October , 2002.
tson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: October 6, 2002
By Summary
:1ORD:NANCES &RESOLUTIONS12002- I6.ord.wppd
eptembar 26.2002
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on October 1, 2002
Ordinance No. 3123
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends the City's Zoning Code by
adding to the purposes of the Zoning Code, by identifying what development should take place
in each zone to accomplish the desired urban design of the City and to reduce conflicts between
adjacent land uses, and by adding definitions for special uses, and amends Ordinance 1709 as
amended and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3124
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, updates the City's fire alarm
regulations to reflect changes in technology and code requirements, reducing the size of
buildings for which fire alarm systems are required from 7500 square feet to 6250 square feet,
and repeals Ordinance 2301 and Chapter 14.22 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3125
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, grants the City Manager authority to
waive permit fees for certain economic development projects and activities and amends
Ordinance 2932 as amended and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed
upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. These Ordinances
shall take effect five days following the date of publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk
Publish: October 6, 2002