HomeMy WebLinkAbout3126ORDINANCE NO, 3126
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creating a new
City -wide Sign Code by incorporating the downtown sign code
requirements for commercial, industrial, and institutional signs and
adding new regulations for commercial message signs to include
allowances for A -frame signs, temporary commercial event signs, and
electronic messaging signs and specifications for the maximum size of
billboard signs, repealing certain sign regulations in the Zoning Code,
and amending Ordinances 1709 and 2152, as amended, and Chapter
14.36 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
DRDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2152 as amended and Title 14 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code
ire hereby amended by amending Chapter 14.36 PAMC to read as follows:
Chapter 14.36
14.36.010 Purpose.
14.36.020 Definitions.
14.36.030 Applicability.
14.36.040 Permit.
14.36.050 Exempt Signs.
14.36.060 Requirements Applicable to All Nonexempt Signs.
14.36.070 Permitted Signs.
14.36.080 Prohibited Signs.
14.36.090 Removal of Prohibited and Nonconforming Signs.
14.36.095 Maintenance
14.36.100 Variances.
14.36.110 Notice.
14.36.120 Enforcement.
14.36.130 Violation - Penalty.
14.36.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to enhance the aesthetic and
commercial appeal . of the City by establishing standards and
regulations for the design, placement, size and maintenance of all exterior signs and sign structures;
which convey a commercial message and aid the general public in locating businesses, goods, and
services. nrardcrtercmphasizc the pcdebti ian iraturc of the Ccnti al Busincss District. The intent of
the Sign Code is to differentiate between the intensities of various commercial and industrial zones
as well as the pedestrian character of the Central Business District and Commercial Neighborhood
Zones and the automobile - oriented character of other commercial and industrial zones. Commercial
message signs are not allowed in residential zones, except as provided for Residential Trailer Parks
and Bed & Breakfasts in Chapters 17.13 and 17.18 PAMC. Residential structure and subdivision
identification signs permitted in Titles 16 and 17 PAMC are not considered commercial message
signs and, therefore, are not regulated under the Sign Code. It is further the purpose of this Chapter
to protect the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City and ensure vehicular and
pedestrian safety by prohibiting flashing, rotating;, fluttering, mobile, and similar signs or devices
that may distract or change locations and thereby endanger the traveling public. , both existing as
well as tirase placed in tllc Central - Business Drstiict in the faturc.
14.36.020 Definitions.
A. Except where specifically defined herein, all words used in this Chapter shall
carry their customary meanings. Words used in the present tense include the future, and the plural
includes the singular. The word "shall" is mandatory; the word "may" denotes a use of discretion
in making a decision. The words "used" or "occupied" shall be considered as though followed by
the words "or intended, maintained, arranged, or designated to be used or occupied ".
B. Banner, Festive. A piece of manmade or natural cloth or fabric, displaying a
distinctive non - commercial design; and securely attached by orre two or more edges to a building
or poles
C. Billboards. An off - premise °outdoor advertising signs containing a commercial
message; , unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign
is located.
D. Display Surface. That part of a sign structure used to display an integrated
advertising message.
E. Fluttering Device. Pennants, flags, flyers, ribbons, balloons, or other fluttering
devices or strings of such devices, which are used to attract attention for commercial purposes.
E. Marquee or Awning. A permanent covering structure projecting horizontally
from and attached to a building, affording protection from the elements; including but not limited
to fire- resistive cloth awnings and mansard roofs.
FG. Person. Any individual, corporation, association, firm, partnership, and the like,
singular or plural.
GH. Right -of -way. means TA dedicated or owned right -of -way of the City, between
the outer boundaries thereof, within which may be located a street, highway, sidewalk, alley, avenue,
or other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or a utility structure or appurtenance. A
right -of -way or easement is included within the definition of "Right -of- way ", whether such right -of-
way or easement is currently used or not.
°I. Shopping Mall. For the purpose of this Chapter, a shopping mall is a group of
stores and businesses operating by formal agreement under one management and with an association
responsible for marketing and promotion activities of the businesses as an entity, generally occurring
in one building, but occasionally occurring in more than one building, on a site that is developed and
operated as a single, integrated entity.
1 . Sidewalk. means tThat portion of the right -of -way, if any, which is designed for
pedestrian use, adjacent and parallel to a street. "Sidewalk" includes the area which would otherwise
be a planting strip, if the area is either covered with cement or is otherwise used for pedestrian
JK. Sign. Any letters, figures, design, symbol, trademark, or device intended to
attract attention for commercial purposes to any activity, service, place, subject, person, firm,
corporation, public performance, article, machine, or merchandise, and including display surfaces
and supporting structures thereof. L . Sign Area. The area of the sign shall be the sum of each display surface,
including both sides of a double -faced sign, as determined by circumscribing the exterior limits on
the mass of each display erected on one sign structure with a circle, triangle, or quadrangle
connecting all extreme points. Where a sign is composed of two or more individual letters mounted
directly on a wall, the total display surface, including its background, shall be considered one sign
for purposes of calculating sign area. The structure supporting a sign is not included in determining
the area of the sign unless the structure is designed in a way to form an integral part of the display.
fM. Sign, =A- Frame. A small portable sign consisting of two identically sized
surfaces permanently joined at the top and capable of opening to an inverted "V" of fixed maximum
width so that the sign supports itself and looks like a capital "A" when viewed from a point
perpendicular to the display surfaces.
N. Sign, Auto - Oriented. A sign designed to identify a business or commercial
activity to a person traveling in an automobile or other motorized vehicle on the adjacent street.
O. Sign, Banner. A piece of manmade or natural cloth or fabric, conveying a
;ommercial message or attracting attention for commercial purposes and securely attached by two
pr more edges to a building or poles.
P. Sign, Building- Mounted. A single or multiple faced sign, which is permanently
attached to a building and which is also known as an attached sign, since it is attached or mounted
pn a building.
MO. Sign, Freestanding. A single or multiple faced sign, supported from the ground
py one or more columns, uprights, or braces.
NR. Sign, Marquee or Awning. Any sign attached to, supported by, or incorporated
in a marquee or awning.
S. Sign, Mobile. Any sign that is not permanently attached to a building or the
ground including A -frame signs, sawhorse signs, trailer - mounted signs, vehicle - mounted signs, pole
temporary attachments, and large inflated displays.
9T. Sign, Pedestrian. A small sign designed to identify a business or commercial
activity to a person walking nearby pedestrimandindieate the location of the-entranee business.
BU. Sign, Projecting. Any sign other than a wall sign which extends more than
twelve (12) inches from the facade of the building to which it is attached.
QV. Sign, Roof. Any sign erected upon, against, or directly above a roof or on top
pf or above the parapet of the building.
RW. Sign, Rotating. Any sign which rotates on a fixed axis.
SX. Sign, Temporary. A sign constructed of cloth, canvas, cardboard, wallboard, or
other light material, intended to be displayed for a limited period of time,
as specified in this 01 dinaiia. Chapter.
TY. Sign, Wall. Any sign attached to and supported by the wall of a building or the
wall of a structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall.
Z. Sign. Window. Any sign located inside and affixed to or within three (3) feet
Df the window panes of a building, whether temporary or permanent.
VAA. Street. A public right -of -way which affords a primary means of access to
butting property.
BBB. Street Frontage. The side of a building facing the street.
XCC. Surface Area or Facade. The surface area or facade shall be the area of that
- ontinuous exterior front, side, or back surface of a building, including doors and windows, but
excluding any roof area.
DD. Visible Sign Area. The total of all sign faces visible from any one location.
14.36.030 Applicability. This Chapter shall regulate signs
throughout the City of Port Angeles in all nonresidential zones as it-is
designated in Ordinance No. 1709 and as it-is set forth in the Official Zoning Map for the City,
as it they now exists or may hereafter be amended.
14.36.040 Permit.
A. Required. No person shall erect, relocate, or otherwise construct or alter any sign
in the Ceutial Basiinss Dis1li A City without complying with this Chapter and, when required,
3btaining a sign permit from the Building Division of the City of Port Angeles. A separate permit
,hall be required for each sign for which a permit is required.
B. Permit Application. Each permit application shall be filed with the Building
Division by the property owner, lessee, contract purchaser, or other person entitled to possession of
the property, or by an authorized agent, on a form provided by the city, and shall contain and include
the following:
1. Building name and location.
2. Building owner and lessee; sign owner and sign lessee; name of business;
primary product and/or service.
3. Location of existing and proposed signs.
4. Descriptions of signs, including dimensions, materials, and copy material.
5. Required fee.
6. Name, address, and telephone number of the sign installer.
7. Notarized statement that the building owner or an authorized
°epresentative will remove the sign within one year if the business becomes non - operating.
C. Permit Fee Schedule. A permit fee in an amount as shall from time to time be
yet by the City Council by resolution shall be paid to the Building Division.
D. Activities Exempt from the Permit Requirements. The following activities shall
lot require a permit:
1. The changing of advertising copy or message on a lawfully erected
painted or printed sign, theater marquee, or similar signs specifically designed for the use of
changeable copy.
2. Maintenance or cleaning of a sign, and repainting existing copy of a
permitted sign or legal nonconforming sign, provided the repainting of a legal nonconforming sign
does not occur after the amortization period.
14.36.050 Exempt Signs. The following signs are exempt from the permit requirements
of this Chapter:
A. Official traffic signs, directional signs, banners, signals, business directory maps,
kiosks, and public notices erected by public authorities.
B. Informational service signs, such as "Customer Parking ", "Driveway Entrance"
and "Exit", not to exceed six (6) square feet: , provided, however, that although these signs are
°xempt, an electrical permit may be required for installation.
C. Signs identifying public conveniences, such as restrooms, telephones, bus stops,
and taxicab stands, not to exceed three (3) square feet.
D. Informational warning signs, such as "No Trespassing ", "No Dumping ", "No
Parking ", not to exceed eight (8) square feet.
E. Building address identification numbers are to be no more than twelve (12)
inches in height, nor less than six (6) inches in height. Number material must contrast with wall
color they are mounted on.
F. A permanent building identification, including building plaques, cornerstones,
name plates, and similar devices.
G. Temporary political signs acid signs displays in windows of party political
headquarters, provided they such signs are not located in public rights -or -way and are removed
within fourteen (14) days after the election.
H. Temporary decorations customarily displayed at special holidays, such as
Christmas and Independence Day, provided they are removed within fourteen (14) days after the
I. Seasonal decorations, festive banners, and other distinctive noncommercial
displays affixed to light poles, or other public standards, by the City or nonprofit organizations.
JI. One temporary real estate sign for each street frontage located on the premises
for sale, lease, or rent, not exceeding eight (8) square feet; provided that it is removed fourteen (14)
clays after the sale, lease, or rent of the premises. Two A -frame temporary real estate open house
signs not located in the public right -of -way and not exceeding eight (8) square feet in total sign
area for each sign, provided that the signs are removed when the house is not open to the public.
K.J. One temporary sign for each street frontage denoting the architect, engineer, or
contractor, placed upon work under construction, not to exceed eight (8) square feet; provided it is
removed fourteen (14) days after completion of construction.
LK. Any sign located within a building not visible from the street or sidewalk;
provided, however, that although these signs are exempt, an electrical permit may be required for
L. 1'iags on govcrnmcnt anu commcrciai institutions.
M. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics, murals, not incorporating advertising or
dentification of a business.
N. Sandwich board signs worn by a person while walking the public ways of the
O. Signs painted directly on windows, and inside window signs, except as the type
of sign may be specifically prohibited by SeetionPAMC 14.36.i-1-0 080 of this Chapter.
P. Traditional theater marquees, not exceeding two hundred sixty (260) square
feet- provided, however, that although these signs are exempt, a building permit and an electrical
permit may be required for construction.
Q. Barber Poles. Although these signs are exempt, an electrical permit is required
for installation.
R. Temporary community service signs which are erected by community service
organizations, are intended to record and display the progress toward a community goal or announce
a coming community event, do not exceed two hundred (200) square feet, are installed pursuant to
a building permit, are removed within fourteen (14) days after the event, and are not up for more
than three (3) months in any calendar year or in any six -month period commencing at the date of
installation; except that this Section shall not allow the type of signs that are specifically prohibited
by Section PAMC 14.36.-H-0080 ; except further that for the purposes of this Section,
community service signs shall not be considered billboards.
S. Signs mounted on public transit vehicles and facilities.
14.36.060 Requirements Applicable to All Nonexempt Signs.
A. Sign Illumination. Illumination from or upon any sign shall be shaded, shielded,
directed or reduced as to avoid undue brightness, glare or reflection of light on private or public
property in the surrounding area, and so as to avoid unreasonably distracting pedestrians and
motorists. "Undue brightness" is illumination in excess of that which is reasonably necessary to
make the sign reasonably visible to the average person on an adjacent street or recognized pedestrian
or marine route.
B. Content. Content of commercial signs shall be limited to identification of
business, major enterprise, product or service. A sign may utilize changeable copy; provided that
the copy is limited to identification of products sold and services offered or contains a community
service message; and provided further that any sign authorized in this Chapter shall be allowed to
contain non - commercial copy in lieu of any other copy and that content of non - commercial signs
shall not be regulated or limited pursuant to this Chapter or any other Ordinance of the City of Port
Angeles, nor shall any such Ordinance be so construed.
C. Compliance with other ordinances. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed
to modify or in any other manner alter the requirement that any sign comply with all other
ordinances of the City as they may now exist or hereafter be amended; except that content of non-
commercial signs shall not be regulated or limited by any such Ordinance, nor shall any such
Ordinance be so construed.
14.36.070 Permitted Signs.
A. Tetal Sigi i Area o1 i Sty cvtJ. Signs in the Central Business District (CBD) Zone.
Signs in the CBD zone shall comply with the requirements of this Subsection. Each individual
business with street frontage may have a total sign area of all non - exempt signs not to exceed 20%
of the surface area of the building facade occupied by the business, or two hundred (200) square feet,
whichever is less, and up to 90% of the sign may be on a part of the same facade not occupied by
the business. When a building is located on more than one street frontage, each visible building
facade shall be considered separately. Such signs may be wall signs, marquee signs, pedestrian
signs, freestanding signs, projecting signs, or any combination thereof, subject to the following
1. Wall Signs. Wall signs shall be mounted parallel to the building facade
and shall project no more than eighteen (18) inches from the wall on which they are attached.
2. Marquee or Awning Signs. A sign may be mounted on the front or front
uter top edge of a marquee or awning, parallel to the street frontage; provided that the sign shall
of exceed a vertical distance of two (2) feet above the front outer top horizontal edge of the
arquee or awning and all supporting mechanisms are concealed from view; or a sign may be
ounted on the side of a marquee or awning, provided it does not extend above the top of the side.
sign may be mounted on top of a marquee or awning, provided that it does not project more than
our and one -half (4 -1/2) feet from the building facade. A sign that projects below the marquee or
wning shall comply with the requirements of PAMC 14.36.+96070(A)(3) (Pedestrian Signs). The
ign area for a back -lit marquee or awning sign comprised of individual letters, figures, design,
ymbol, or trademark painted or mounted and projecting less than three (3) inches from the surface
f the marquee or awning shall not include the lighted background that is outside the area that
ircumscribes the exterior limits of the dimensions of the sign.
3. Pedestrian Signs. A pedestrian sign attached to the underside of a
arquee or awning shall be at a right angle to the plane of the building facade and not extend
eyond the outer edge of the marquee or awning. A clearance of not less than eight (8) feet from
he underlying sidewalk shall be maintained. Said sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in sign
rea per side.
4. Freestanding Signs. Where all portions of a building are located more
han fifteen (15) feet from the street right -of -way the building may have one freestanding sign in
ddition to the signsagc allowed on the building, provided that it shall not exceed twenty -five (25)
quare feet in sign area per side or twenty (20) feet in height. If the building has frontage on two
r more streets and the building is more than forty (40) feet from those streets, the building may
ave one free - standing sign that shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet of sign area per side
r a total of two hundred (200) square feet of sign area, whichever is less, or thirty (30) feet in
eight; provided that the sign area shall be considered part of the total sign area of the building and
educted equally from the allowable sign area of the facades that are more than forty (40) feet from
he street; and further provided that the sign area of the freestanding sign shall not exceed the total
ign area allowed the building.
5. Projecting Signs. Projecting signs may be mounted at a right angle to the
lane of the building facade, provided the sign shall not extend more than four and one -half (4 -1/2)
eet beyond the facade of the building. Further provided that signs occurring under marquees or
wnings shall be governed by the requirements for pedestrian signs in SubssectronsPAMC
14.36.070(A)(3) Projecting signs not occurring under marquees shall maintain a
learance of not less than eight (8) feet from the underlying sidewalk.
6B. Upper Floor Businesses. The total sign area for a business occupying an
pper story of a building with street frontage shall not exceed 20% of the surface of the building
acade occupied by the business, or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever is less. An upper
oor business or businesses may have one sign on the street level identifying the upstairs
usinesses, provided that said sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet.
7e. Multiple Businesses, Arcades, and Galleries. The total sign area of two
r more businesses sharing a common facade with at least one business not having a street frontage
hall not exceed 20% of the surface area of the common facade. One additional sign, not exceeding
ix (6) square feet, listing all of the businesses may be provided.
8B. Sign Area on Alleys. Each individual business with alley frontage may
ave a total sign area of all signs not to exceed 10% of the surface area of the building facade on the
lley occupied by the business; provided, however, that individual businesses without street frontage
may have 20% or 200 square feet, whichever is less. Alley signs shall be mounted parallel to the
building facade and project no further than twelve (12) inches from the wall on which the sign is
9E. Sign Area on Side Walls. Signs may be mounted on exposed side walls
of buildings, which walls do not have street frontage, in accordance with Subsection (A) of this
Section; provided, that only the area of the exposed wall shall be considered the surface area of the
10F. Shopping Malls. The total sign area for a shopping mall facade shall not
exceed 20% of the facade or three hundred (300) square feet, whichever is less. Signs may be
placed on any facade of a shopping mall, provided the maximum allowable sign area of that facade
is not exceeded, and the sign is part of a master sign permit in the name of the manager of the mall
that identifies all of the signs for the shopping mall. Where all portions of the shopping mall are
more than fifteen (15) feet from the street right -of -way, one freestanding sign per street frontage,
with a maximum of two (2) such signs per site, may be installed, provided that each sign shall not
exceed twenty (20) feet in height and two hundred (200) square feet in total area, or one hundred
(100) square feet in area per side; provided, however, that for those signs containing over one
hundred (100) square feet of sign area, the display surfaces shall be parallel and back -to -back to
each other; and further provided that the sign area shall be included in the total permitted sign area
for the facade on that same street frontage.
116. Non - Building Business. The total sign area for a business in which no
portion of the business occurs within a building shall not exceed 64 square feet per street frontage
and shall be located on the property of the business. Non - building business signs may be free -
standing, provided that each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height and thirty-two (32)
square feet in sign area per side; provided that there shall not be more than one (1) free - standing sign
per street frontage.
B. Signs in the Commercial Arterial (CA) Zone. Signs in the CA zone shall comply
with requirements of this Subsection. Signs may be lighted but not intermittent or flashing type.
All signs over ten (10) square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no closer than 100 feet from
all residential property in a residential zone. Maximum height shall be 35 feet. Such signs may be
wall signs, marquee signs, pedestrian signs, freestanding signs, projecting signs, fluttering
,devices, or any combination thereof, subject to the following standards:
1. Building- Mounted Signs. Building- mounted signs may be placed on any
wall not facing an adjacent residential zone. Building- mounted signs may not extend above the top
of the eaves or parapet and may not be located on a roof. For buildings occupied by a single
business, the total building- mounted sign area shall not exceed 20% of the area of the building
elevation facing a public street to a maximum of two hundred and fifty (250) square feet on each
building elevation which faces a public street. In buildings occupied by more than one business, the
total building- mounted sign area for each business shall not exceed 20 % of that business's portion
of the building elevation facing a public street to a maximum of two hundred and fifty (250) square
2. Freestanding Signs. One and one quarter (1.25) square feet of
freestanding visible sign area shall be allowed for every one (1) lineal foot of arterial street frontage
of the site, provided that the maximum area of any freestanding sign face does not exceed half of the
maximum visible sign area. The maximum visible sign area for a particular site shall be as follows:
Site Area Maximum Visible Sign Area
Less than .50 acre 100 square feet
.50 to .99 acre 200 square feet
1 to 1.99 acres 300 square feet
2 to 2.99 acres 400 square feet
3 acres or more 500 square feet
3. Off - Premise Signs. One off - premise sign containing a commercial
message unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including
billboards and other outdoor advertising signs not exceeding three hundred (300) square feet in total
sign area and thirty-five (35) feet in height, may be permitted on any site that does not contain any
sign for businesses located on said site, subject to approval of a conditional use permit. No billboard
or other off - premise outdoor advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such sign
1 hat is on the same side of the street.
4. Shopping Malls. The total sign area for a shopping mall facade shall not
exceed 20% of the facade or three hundred (300) square feet, whichever is less. Signs may be placed
on any facade of a shopping mall, provided the maximum allowable sign area of that facade is not
exceeded and the sign is part of a master sign permit in the name of the manager of the mall that
i dentifies all of the signs for the shopping mall. Where all portions of the shopping mall are more
than fifteen (15) feet from the street right -of -way, one freestanding sign per street frontage, with a
maximum of two (2) such signs per site, may be installed, provided that each sign shall not exceed
1 wenty (20) feet in height and two hundred (200) square feet in total area, or one hundred (100)
square feet in area per side. For such signs containing over one hundred (100) square feet of sign
area, the display surfaces shall be parallel and back -to -back to each other, and the sign area shall be
included in the total permitted sign area for the facade on that same street frontage.
5. Fluttering Devices. Pennants, flags, flyers, ribbons, balloons, or other
fluttering devices or strings of such devices, which are used to attract attention to outdoor sales lots
of new and used dealerships of automobiles, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, recreational vehicles,
tractors, and boats, are allowed, provided such devices are not made of conductive material such as
mylar which can cause an electrical shock or shortage.
C. Signs in the Community Shopping District (CSD) Zone. Signs in the CSD zone
shall comply with the requirements of this Subsection. Signs may be lighted but not intermittent or
flashing type. All signs over ten (10) square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no closer than
.00 feet from all residential property in a residential zone. Maximum height shall be 30 feet. Such
signs may be wall signs, marquee signs, pedestrian signs, freestanding signs, projecting signs, or
any combination thereof, subject to the following standards:
L Building- Mounted Signs. Building- mounted signs may be placed on any
wall not facing an adjacent residential zone. Building- mounted signs may not extend above the top
of the eaves or parapet and may not be located on a roof. For buildings occupied by a single
lusiness, the total building- mounted sign area shall not exceed 10% of the area of the building
Qlevation facing a public street to a maximum of one hundred and twenty -five (125) square feet on
each building elevation which faces a public street. In buildings occupied by more than one
business, the total building- mounted sign area for each business shall not exceed 10 % of that
business's portion of the building elevation facing a public street to a maximum of one hundred and
twenty -five (125) square feet.
2. Freestanding Signs. One and one quarter (1.25) square feet of
freestanding visible sign area shall be allowed for every one (1) lineal foot of arterial street frontage
)f the site, provided that the maximum area of any freestanding sign face does not exceed half of the
maximum visible sign area. The maximum visible sign area for a particular site shall be as follows:
Site Area Maximum Visible Sign Area
Less than 1 acre 50 square feet
1 to 1.99 acres 75 square feet
2 to 2.99 acres 100 square feet
3 acres or more 125 square feet
3. Off - Premise Signs. Off - premise signs, including billboards, shall be
prohibited within the Community Shopping District Zone.
D. Signs in the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Zone. Signs in the CN zone shall
comply with the requirements of this Subsection. Signs may be lighted, but not intermittent or
:lashing type, and shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in total sign area. All signs over
en (10) square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no closer than 100 feet from all residential
-pro • e in a residential zone. Maximum hei . ht shall be 20 feet. Off- *remise sr ns includin
)illboards, shall be prohibited within the Commercial Neighborhood Zone.
E. Signs in the Commercial Office (CO) Zone. Signs in the CO zone shall comply
with the requirements of this Subsection. Signs may be lighted, but not intermittent or flashing type,
and shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in total sign area, provided , however, if the site area is
[4,000 square feet or more, then signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in total sign
area. No more than fifty (50) square feet of lighted sign area may face residential property in a
residential zone located directly across a street. All freestanding signs shall not exceed five (5) feet
-n height. Building- mounted signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height. Off - premise signs, including
)illboards, shall be prohibited within the Commercial Office Zone.
F. Signs in the Industrial Park (IP) Zone. Signs in the IP zone shall comply with
he requirements of this Subsection.
1. One building- mounted sign, not to exceed one (1) square foot for each
one (1) horizontal lineal foot of the building wall or three hundred (300) square feet, whichever is
ess, shall be permitted for each building elevation facing a public or private street.
2. One freestanding sign, not to exceed thirty -five (35) square feet in area
and fifteen (15) feet in height, shall be permitted for each business site.
3. Public and private directional, traffic, and warning attached and detached
signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area.
4. Signs may be lighted, but not intermittent or flashing.
5. Off - premise signs, including billboards, shall be prohibited within the
l ndustrial Park Zone.
G. Signs in the Industrial Light (IL) Zone. Signs in the IL zone shall comply with
the requirements of this Subsection.
1. One building- mounted sign, not to exceed one (1) square foot for each
ne (1) horizontal lineal foot of the building wall or three hundred (300) square feet, whichever is
less, shall be permitted for each building elevation facing a public or private street.
2. One freestanding sign, not to exceed thirty-five (35) square feet in area
- 10 -
,ind fifteen (15) feet in height, shall be permitted for each business site.
3. Public and private directional, traffic, and warning attached and detached
Signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area.
4 Signs may be lighted, but not intermittent or flashing
5. One off - premise sign containing a commercial message unrelated to any
Ise or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including billboards and other outdoor
advertising signs not exceeding three hundred (300) square feet in total sign area and thirty-five (35)
'eet in height, may be permitted on any site that does not contain any sign for businesses located on
.aid site, subject to approval of a conditional use permit. No billboard or other off - premise outdoor
advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such sign that is on the same side of
,he street.
H. Signs in the Industrial Heavy (IH) Zone. Signs in the IH zone shall comply with
he requirements of this Subsection.
1. One building- mounted sign, not to exceed one (1) square foot for each
one (1) horizontal lineal foot of the building wall or four hundred (400) square feet, whichever is
ess, shall be permitted for each building elevation facing a public or private street.
2. One freestanding sign, not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in
area and thirty -five (35) feet in height, shall be permitted for each business site.
3. Signs may be lighted, but not intermittent or flashing.
4. One off - premise sign containing a commercial message unrelated to any
use or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including billboards and other outdoor
advertising signs not exceeding three hundred (300) square feet in total sign area and thirty-five (35)
-eet in height, may be permitted on any site that does not contain any sign for businesses located on
said site, subject to approval of a conditional use permit. No billboard or other off - premise outdoor
advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such sign that is on the same side of
the street.
I. Signs in the Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) Zone. Signs in the PBP zone shall
comply with the requirements of this Subsection. One building- mounted sign per building shall be
permitted, provided that the sign does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in total sign area and
s unlighted, and provided further that intermittent or flashing lights lighted signs are prohibited.
One freestanding sign per site shall be permitted, provided that the sign does not exceed one hundred
1100) square feet in total sign area. Signs shall be placed so as not to impact a facing residential
one. Maximum height shall be 20 feet. Off - premise signs, including billboards, shall be prohibited
within the Public Buildings and Parks Zone.
J. Temporary Commercial Event Signs. The total sign area of temporary
commercial event signs that are intended to advertise a special event such as a new business grand
opening, going- out -of- business sale, or similar special sales event shall not exceed one hundred
i100) square feet for a business, provided the temporary commercial event signs are removed within
bne (1) day after the event and are not up for more than one (1) month commencing at the date of
installation and not up for more than three (3) months in any calendar year, except that this Section
shall not allow the type of signs that are specifically prohibited by PAMC 14.36.080.
K. A -Frame Signs. One A -frame sign shall be permitted per site as a freestanding
sign. An A -frame sign shall be no larger than ten (10) square feet per side with the top of the sign
no higher than forty -four (44) inches nor lower than thirty (30) inches from ground level and the
width of the sign no greater than thirty -two (32) inches. A -frame signs shall not be located in public
-ights -of -way, except where a building is built to the front lot line and provided the sign owner
obtains a right -of -way use permit and identifies the specific sign in, and names the City as an insured
on, the sign owner's insurance policy. A -frame signs shall not be located in a vision clearance area
as described in PAMC 17.94.090.
14.36.080 Prohibited Signs. The following signs are prohibited
rsti pct
A. All signs illuminated by, or containing, blinking, flashing, intermittent, or
moving lights; and all flashing, rotating, or intermediate lights in, on, or around windows, rooflines,
or building exteriors;, provided that electronically changing message and digital time /temperature
signs, which do not change the message more than once per 30 seconds, and the moving hands of
a clock, as otherwise allowed under this Chapter shall not be prohibited : -, and provided further that
this Section shall not prohibit seasonal decorations.
B. All roof - mounted signs, including any signs painted directly on the roof surface.
C. All stings of pcnnaiits, banners, flycts, ribbons, of other Ffluttering devices;,
except as permitted in PAMC 14.36.070(B)(5), provided that such fluttering devices may be
displayed to make notice of the opening of a business for a period not to exceed ten (10) days : : -, and
provided further, that (this Section shall not prohibit seasonal decorations, or- seasonal festive
banners, or other distinctive noncommercial displays affixed to light poles or other public standard
by the Municipality City or non -profit organizations.
D. Billboards : - and other off - premise outdoor advertising signs, except in
compliance with PAMC 14.36.070(B), (G), and (H), provided that such signs shall not be directed
coward, with the intention of being viewed from, any shoreline that is subject to Chapter 15.08
E. Temporary signs located on or resting against a motor vehicle, trailer, bicycle,
planter, or decorator card for the purpose of advertisement or directing people to a business.
F. All signs which purport to call attention to a business or building with words
such as "look ", "stop ", "slow down ", or other words of like import or which are similar to traffic
signals or signs.
G. All moving, rotating, or animated signs, except barber poles.
H. All signs which no longer serve an ongoing business.
I. All signs which have no permanent attachment to a building or the ground,
including but not limited to A -frame signs, sandwich board signs, pole attachments, and other mobile
signs -, provided that signs painted on vehicles which are not parked in a manner directing people to
a business are not prohibited, and provided further that A -frame signs as exempted in PAMC
.4.36.050(J) or permitted in PAMC 14.36.070(K) and sandwich board signs as exempted in PAMC
.4.36.050(N) are not prohibited.
J. Projecting signs that project further than four and one -half (4 -1/2) feet from the
building facade; provided that signs occurring under marquees or awnings shall be governed by the
requirements for pedestrian signs in Section 14.36.070(A)(3).
K. A -fiam� Banner signs . _ -. - in the CBD
- 12-
L. All signs not specifically addressed herein and contrary to the provisions of this
14.36.090 Removal of Prohibited and Nonconforming Signs.
A. The Building Division shall notify the business owner and the sign owner or
essee and the owner of the property of each sign that is either a prohibited or nonconforming sign
under the terms of this Chapter.
B. If a sign advertises a business no longer existing or a product no longer sold on
he premises for the previous 365 days, it shall be removed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the
notice from the Building Division. The 365 day period shall also be applied to businesses that closed
prior to November 15, 2002. If the sign is not removed within the thirty (30) day period, the City
may remove the sign or cause it to be removed - and place a lien against the
property for the cost of such removal.
ur tits Llrap y
DC. Any sign which is of a type of sign permitted under SectronPAMC 14.36.070
of this Chapter, but which does not conform to the specific requirements for that type of sign, and
which was legally erected before existing on January 1, 1982 November 15, 2002, shall be classified
as legal nonconforming; and may remain in use until six (6) months after at of aduptini 1ib
Clraptcr Ly tlrc City Council.
>✓ Any sign prohibited or of a type per�n�
this-Chapttr, but'which does to ii to the specific requin.m ents fui that type of -sign as a iesu
CL, .
14.36.095 Maintenance.
A. Signs shall be maintained to protect the public safety, present a well kept
appearance, and prevent deterioration, such that the sign is maintained in its original condition.
B. Permit shall be required for structural and electrical modification, but not normal
repair and maintenance.
C. The Building Division shall notify the business owner and the sign owner or
lessee and the owner of the property of each sign that is not maintained per subsection A.
D. Any sign which is not properly maintained may be subject to abatement as a
nuisance per the Uniform Sign Code.
14.36.100 Variances.
A. When the strict enforcement of these regulations may impose an excessive
hardship upon any applicant, depriving him of signage rights extended to other parties under this
Chapter, then a variance from these regulations may be requested.
B. Variance applications shall be made to the Board of Adjustment.
C. A variance application shall be submitted on a form obtained from the Planning
- 13 -
Department of Community Development. It shall be made by the owner or lessee of a sign or the
owner of the property and shall be acknowledged by the owner of the property, if other than the
D. Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of this Section, the
Nanning Department of Community Development shall route the same to all appropriate
Departments. Each Department shall submit to the Planning Department of Community
Development recommendations and comments regarding the application. The Naming Department
of Community Development shall prepare a report to the Board of Adjustment summarizing the
Factors involved, the recommendations of other Departments, and the Planning Department of
Community Development recommendation and findings. A copy of the report shall be mailed to
he applicant and copies shall be made available, at cost, for use by any interested party.
E. Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of this Section, the
Planning Department of Community Development shall schedule a public hearing before the Board
of Adjustment. Notice of such public hearing shall be posted at the site of the proposal by the
elanning Department of Community Development at least ten days prior to the hearing and
7ublished two times at least three days apart in a newspaper of general circulation, except that the
canal notice to be published in the newspaper shall not be more than three days prior to the date of
he hearing.
F. Prior to making a recommendation on an application for a variance, the Board
shall hold at least one public hearing. The Board's determination for approval, denial, or approval
with modifications or conditions shall be recorded in the minutes in written form with findings based
upon compliance with subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection as follows:
1. Every variance shall comply with at least one of the following criteria:
a. The size ofthe building is such that the twenty per -cent maximum
7ermitted sign area would result in a sign that is too small to read from either side of the public
-ights -of -way adjacent to the building facade or from recognized pedestrian or marine routes;
b. The location ofthe building and entrance is such that the proposed
sign would not be readable from public rights -of -way or recognized pedestrian or marine routes;
c. The building facade or other features, such as marquees, is such
hat no practical location in which to construct a conforming sign exists.
2. Every variance shall comply with all of the following criteria:
a. The variance shall not be detrimental to the public interest;
b. The variance shall not be detrimental to abutting properties;
c. The variance shall not be inconsistent with the purpose of this
14.36.110 Notice. Any notice required to be given by this Chapter shall be given either
' o the owner or lessor of a sign, or to the owner of the property on which the sign is located. In the
event notice is given to the owner or lessor of a sign, the notice shall be given either by personal
service or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the name of the owner or lessor, as shown
on the application for a sign permit. If there is no application for a sign permit on file with the City,
the notice shall be given, either by personal service or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to
the person in whose name the property stands, according to the records of the Clallam County
- 14 -
7 111
14.36.120 Enforcement.
A. It shall be the duty of the Building Iirspck,ta1 Division to enforce all provisions
f this Chapter.
B. No oversight or dereliction on the part of the Building Insp Division or any
fficial or employee of the City vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses, nor
ssuance of a license in conflict with the provisions of this Chapter, shall legalize, authorize, waive
r excuse the violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter, nor shall it estop the City from
nforcing the terms of this Chapter. Any permit or license issued in violation of this Chapter shall
e null and void.
C. In the event any person, firm, or corporation shall use, erect, construct, move,
r alter, or attempt to use, erect, construct, move, or alter any sign in violation of the provisions of
his Chapter, the same is declared a public nuisance, against which the City may prosecute an action
n a court of competent jurisdiction seeking an injunction against the continuation of such nuisance.
14.36.130 Violation - Penalty. Any person violating any provision of this Chapter is
uilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars, or ninety
ays in jail, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute
separate offense.
Section 2 - Repealer. Sections 17.08.015(A), 17.08.080(C), 17.08.080(D),17.08.095(F),
7.08.095(1),17.08. 095( J), 17 .08.095(K),17.08.095(L),17.20. 220 ,17.21.220,17.22.220,17.23.220,
7.30.070, 17.32.070, 17.34.070, 17.40.080, 17.94.160, 17.94.165 and 17.95.130 of the Port
ngeles Municipal Code are hereby repealed, and Ordinance 1709 as amended and Title 17 PAMC
re hereby amended accordingly.
Section 3 - Severability If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
erson or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
rovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date
f its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
ouncil held on the 5th day of November
, 2002.
- 15 -
Sec kY J. U , Y it Cle
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
November 10, 2002
By Summary
1 : \ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\2002 - 13. ord. wpd
November 5, 2002
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on November 5, 2002
Ordinance No. 3126
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creates a new City -wide Sign Code
by incorporating the downtown sign code requirements for commercial, industrial, and
institutional signs and adding new regulations for commercial message signs to include
allowances for A -frame signs, temporary commercial event signs, and electronic messaging
signs and specifications for the maximum size ofbillboard signs, repeals certain sign regulations
in the Zoning Code, and amends Ordinances 1709 and 2152, as amended, and Chapter 14.36
and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full text of the Ordinance is available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed upon
request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This Ordinance shall
take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk
Publish: November 10, 2002