HomeMy WebLinkAbout3140ORDINANCE NO. 3140
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting low
impact development standards regarding private wastewater disposal
systems for short plat lots one -half acre or greater in area, improvements
to local access streets for short subdivisions in the RS -9 and RMD
zones, and fire suppression requirements in areas without water system
infrastructure improvements and amending Ordinances 2222, 2394, and
2860, as amended, and Chapters 13.61, 16.04, and 18.08 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2394 as amended and Chapter 13.61 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.61.090 to read as follows:
13.61.090 Private Wastewater Disposal System Allowed - When.
A. A revocable permit for an existing private wastewater disposal system may be
obtained from the Public Works Director after consultation with the County Health Officer for as
long as the existing system meets state and county requirements and does not cause any sanitary or
other health problems.
B. Either prior to approval by the City of a building permit for construction on a
single lot existing on January 1, 1995, or when a private wastewater disposal system had been but
is no longer permitted pursuant to PAMC 13.61.090 A, or when applying for a short subdivision
where all the lots are one -half acre or greater in area, the owner or owners may apply to the Director
of Public Works and Utilities for an exemption from the requirement in PAMC 18.08.060 and
PAMC 13.61.070 that the building be served by the City sanitary sewer system. The exemption may
be granted only if all of the following requirements are met:
1. The lot is further than 39O 200 feet from the City sanitary sewer system
or a lateral thereof;
2. The cost of extending the City sanitary sewer system would be an
economic hardship on the owner or owners in that the estimated cost of a sewer extension would be
over 200 125% of the cost of an approved septic or other private wastewater disposal system;
3. The owner or owners have signed a non - protest agreement for an LID to
extend the City sanitary sewer system to the area; and,
4. The exemption will not be effective until a written permit for the septic
or other private wastewater disposal system is obtained from the Clallam County Health Department.
C. This Section shall not be construed to interfere with any additional requirements
that may be imposed by the Health Officer. At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a
property served by a private wastewater disposal system, a direct connection shall be made to the
public sewer within ninety (90) days in compliance with this Chapter, and any septic tanks,
cesspools, and similar private wastewater disposal facilities shall be cleaned of sludge and filled with
suitable material.
Section 2. Ordinance 2222 as amended and Chapter 16.04 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 16.04.140 to read as follows:
16.04.140 Final Short Plat - Improvements - Required. The following minimum
improvements shall be made or installed for each lot created by the short subdivision, before final
short plat approval:
A. Watermains and other appurtenances necessary to provide adequate potable water
supply and fire protection as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance and
the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC
18.08.040 and 18.08.130;
B. Sanitary sewer or approved septic tank and drain field site;
C. Power, telephone, and all other necessary utilities.
D. Appropriate dedications or easements if required;
E. Minimum street improvement cross - section standard as set forth in the
Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards and
1. Improvements to Local Access Streets:
a. In the RS -9 and RMD zones, local access streets that front or will
provide access from the nearest fully improved City street to newly created lots shall be improved
to a minimum of 20 -foot wide asphaltic concrete street with - no on- street
parking, : .. . - .. drainage swales (ditches) as needed, and one all weather
surface 4 -foot wide path (8 -foot wide path when an adopted bicycle route) for pedestrian traffic.. -,
which path shall be separated from the street by a ditch. All dead -end City streets in excess of 150
feet in length shall be asphaltic concrete paved and provided with a turn- around consistent with the
Urban Services Ordinance, the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, and the Uniform Fire
b. In the RS -7 zone, local access streets that front or will provide access
from the nearest fully improved City street to newly created lots shall be improved to a minimum
Df 20 -foot wide asphaltic concrete street with one 3 -foot wide shoulder, and one 6 -foot wide
shoulder for pedestrian traffic. All dead -end City streets in excess of 150 feet in length shall be
asphaltic concrete paved and provided with a turn- around consistent with the Urban Services
Ordinance, the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, and the Uniform Fire Code.
2. Improvements to Arterial Streets:
a. In the RS -9 and RMD zones., arterial streets that front or will provide
access to; the lots or parcels being developed shall be improved to the minimum of 24 -foot wide
asphaltic concrete street with no on- street parking, drainage swales (ditches) as needed, and one all
weather surface 4 -foot wide path (8 -foot wide path when an adopted bicycle route) for pedestrian
traffic, which path shall be separated from the street by a ditch City arkrl ab-strc. t imp' eveiiftiit
b. In the RS -7 zone, arterial streets that front or will provide access to;
the lots or parcels being developed shall be improved to the minimum City arterial street
improvement standards.
3. EXCEPTION: The Public Works & Utilities Department shall require
the minimum standard to be increased to match the immediately adjoining City street when the
immediately adjoining City street is more fully developed than the minimum standard. This
exception shall not apply to short plats when the City finds that there will be an economic and
physical hardship in relocating public utilities and there will be no increase in the number of lots
within a subject short plat.
F. Drainage ditches and/or culverts shall be provided to address existing and
anticipated storm water run -off occurring on the site and/or within the City rights -of -way and
easements as set forth in the Urban Services Ordinance and Clearing and Grading Ordinance
development standards.
G. The subdivider shall provide a street profile acceptable to the Public Works &
Utilities Department for the local access streets if the final street grade has not been previously
established or accepted by the City.
H. The subdivider shall execute an L.I.D. consent and non - protest agreement or
ether agreement acceptable to the City for street and utilities improvements on the local access
streets whenever required improvements are less than the City's full development standards, as set
forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services Standards
and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and 18.08.130.
I. The subdivider shall provide all other public improvements as may be required
end set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Services Ordinance, and the Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines promulgated consistent with and pursuant to PAMC 18.08.040 and
J. When commercially zoned property is being short platted without any increase
in the number of lots, the minimum improvements required by this Section may be made or installed
after short plat approval without the necessity of being bonded, provided that the final short plat shall
De conditioned to provide that such improvements shall be made or installed as part of the building
permit process, that vertical construction of the building shall not begin unless or until the Uniform
Fire Code's fire hydrant requirement has been met, and that the property or development shall not
De occupied until such improvements have been completed, provided further that said construction
shall be noted on the final plat.
K. Sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for
students who only walk to and from school shall be provided pursuant to RCW 58.17.060 and RCW
Section 3. Ordinance 2860 as amended and Chapter 18.08 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 18.08.110 to read as follows:
18.08.110 - Fire Suppression Requirements.
A. All single - family residences and duplexes shall either be located within a four
minute response time from a City of Port Angeles fire station or shall meet the following fire
suppression requirements:
1. Each single - family residence and duplex outside the four minute response
ime, except for residences within new sub - divisions as provided for in subsection A2, shall have
either of the following:
a. a residential sprinkler system that is installed and maintained in
accordance with Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
standards, for which the City will provide a $500 rebate for the cost of installation, provided that said
rebate shall be subject to annual review by the City Council; or
b. an outside alarm bell that is electronically connected to the
residential smoke alarm system in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Chief or designee.
2. Each single- family residence and duplex within a new subdivision outside
the four minute response time shall be equipped with a residential sprinkler system that is installed
and maintained in accordance with Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) standards, provided that such subdivisions shall be allowed to have the
following reduced standards for cul -de -sac size and fire hydrant spacing:
a. cul -de -sac diameter measured from curb to curb may be reduced from
:he normal 100 feet standard to either 90 feet or, if the cul -de -sac is restricted and posted for no
parking, to 80 feet; and
b. distance between fire hydrants may be increased from the normal
standard of 500 feet average spacing between hydrants to not more than 1,000 feet.
3. Each new single - family residence and duplex in areas that do not have
pvater system infrastructure improvements meeting City standards and that are outside the four
;minute response time shall have either of the following:
a. a fire hydrant within 1000 feet of the furthest point of the structure.,
is measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or
b. an approved residential sprinkler system, adequate clearance to expose
structures, and compliance with the defensible space requirements prescribed in the current IFCI
".Jrban- Wildland Interface Code.
square feet; or
3600 square feet.
4. The fire flow requirement shall be either of the following:
a. 500 gallons per minute for new single family dwellings less than 3600
b. 1000 gallons per minute for new single family dwellings larger than
B. All multi - family residential developments shall have automatic sprinkler systems
as set forth in Chapter 14.26 PAMC.
C. The requirements of this section shall apply only to newly constructed residential
buildings and reconstruction of residential buildings to an extent that exceeds seventy -five percent
(75 %) of the existing assessed value of the building.
D. In addition to providing a $500 rebate under PAMC 18.08.110A for the cost of
installing sprinkler systems in residences outside the four minute response time, in newly constructed
or reconstructed homes, the City will also provide a $500 rebate for the cost of voluntarily installing
sprinkler systems in single family residences and duplexes anywhere within the City.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date
of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 6th day of May , 2003.
Becky n J. U t ete 1 � Y Cl
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: May 11, 2003
By Summary
3:1Legal_Backup\ ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\2003 -04B. ord.wpd
lay 5, 2003 (10:20am)
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on May 6, 2003
Ordinance No. 3140
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopts low impact development
standards regarding private wastewater disposal systems for short plat lots one -half acre
or greater in area, improvements to local access streets for short subdivisions in the RS -9
and RMD zones, and fire suppression requirements in areas without water system
infrastructure improvements and amends Ordinances 2222, 2394, and 2860, as amended,
and Chapters 13.61, 16.04, and 18.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full text of the Ordinance is available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed
upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This
Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk
Publish: May 11, 2003