HomeMy WebLinkAbout3155ORDINANCE NO. 3155
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, amending City land use ordinances to be
consistent with other City ordinance provisions and recent changes
in State law, to provide definitions and clarification of existing
regulations, and to streamline the permitting process, and amending
Ordinances 493, 1631, 1709, and 2911, as amended, and Chapters
11.16, 16.08, and 18.02 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 493 and Chapter 11.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 11.16.070 to read as follows:
11.16.070 Enforcement Authority. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Policc Building
Official or designee to notify the owner or owners of unnumbered houses of the requirements of
this Chapter that unless such proper number is placed thereon within thirty days thereafter on such
house or houses, the Chief Building Official shall cause a complaint to be made against such
offending owner or owners and upon conviction thereof, be punished as provided in Section
Section 2. Ordinance 1631 as amended and Chapter 16.08 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 16.08.030 to read as follows:
16.08.030 - Definitions.
A. ACCESS STREET - A street with the main function of providing access to
adjacent properties or for local traffic.
B. BUFFER STRIP - An area or strip of land located and planted with trees and
shrubs to provide a screen between conflicting land uses. (Parks, playgrounds and the site of public
buildings are sometimes used as a buffer.)
C. COLLECTOR ARTERIAL STREET - A street which provides for movement
within the smaller areas which are often definable neighborhoods and may be bound by higher class
(minor or principal) arterials. Collector arterials serve very little "through traffic" but serve a high
portion of local traffic requiring direct access to abutting land uses.
D. COMMISSION - The City of Port Angeles Planning Commission.
City of Port Angeles Community Development Department.
F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - A Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Council
in compliance with the Growth Management Act of 1990 and which indicates the general locations
recommended for residential, commercial, and industrial land uses or zones and for streets, parks,
public buildings, and other public improvements. The Comprehensive Plan includes all its
Appendices and individual comprehensive service and facility plans such as the Capital Facilities
Plan, the Comprehensive Water Plan and the Comprehensive Parks Plan.
G. COUNCIL - Port Angeles City Council.
H. CROSSWALK -WAY - A right -of -way dedicated to public use, ten feet or more
in width, which cuts across a block to facilitate pedestrian access to adjacent streets and properties.
I. CUL -DE -SAC - (Court or Dead End Street) - A short street having one end open
to traffic and being permanently terminated by a vehicle turn- around.
J. DEDICATION - The deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for public
uses, reserving to the owner no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and
enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted. The intention to dedicate
shall be evidenced by the owner by the presentment for filing of a final subdivision plat showing
the dedication thereon. Acceptance of the dedication by the City shall be evidenced by the approval
of such final subdivision plat.
K. DESIRED URBAN DESIGN OF THE CITY - The land use pattern and street
system as described by the Comprehensive Plan land use map and policies, the zoning map and
regulations, the subdivision regulations, and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines.
L. EASEMENT - A grant by the property owner of the use of a strip of land by the
public, a corporation, or persons for specific purposes.
M. FINAL PLAT - The final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared
for filing for record with the County Auditor and containing all elements and requirements set forth
in this Chapter.
N. IMPROVEMENTS - Streets, with or without curb or gutter, sidewalks,
crosswalk -ways, water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, street trees, power and other appropriate
O. LOT - A portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended as a unit for
transfer of ownership or for development.
P. LOT FRONT - Unless otherwise specified on a plat, the narrow width of a lot
which abuts a public street shall be considered the front of said lot.
Q. MINOR ARTERIAL STREET - A street which provides for movement within
the large sub -parts prescribed by principal arterials. Minor arterials may also serve "through traffic"
but provide much more direct service to abutting land uses than principal arterials.
R. OWNER - A person, firm, association, partnership, private corporation, public
or quasi - public corporation, or any combination thereof.
development is a site specific development which has been approved by the City Council under the
provisions of Chapter 17.19 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. It may include a subdivision of
land in which residential lots are designed in clusters of individual lots with park and open space
areas between clusters and in which lots may be below the minimum lot widths and lot areas
required by the Zoning Code.
T. PRELIMINARY PLAT - An approximate drawing of a proposed subdivision
showing the general layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks, and other elements of the subdivision
consistent with the requirements of this Chapter.
U. PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL STREET - A street which provides for movement
across and between large sub -parts of an urban region and serve predominantly "through trips" with
minimum direct service to abutting land uses.
V. STREET - A right -of -way, dedicated to public use, which provides vehicular and
pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
W. SKETCH - A drawing showing proposed lot- layout, building line setbacks and
proposed locations and width of streets, width and area of each lot, sanitary and storm drainage.
X. SUBDIVIDER - DEVELOPER - A person who undertakes the subdividing or
the resubdividing of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots or other divisions of land for
the purpose, immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, including all changes
in street or lot lines.
. The division or redivision of land into five
or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or division for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership.
Section 3. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby
amended by amending PAMC 17.08.025 to read as follows:
17.08.025 - "D"
A. Density - the ratio of the number of dwelling units per area of land, e.g., 7,000
square foot lots would allow for a maximum density of 6.22 dwelling units per acre.
B. Detached building - a building separated a minimum of 6 feet from another building_
B.0 Development - any activity which would alter the elevation of the land, remove or
destroy plant life, cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed, divide the land into two
or more parcels, or any use or extension of the use of the land.
E D. District - a portion of a planning area which is defined by the primary uses located in
that portion of the planning area.
DE Dormitory - a residence hall providing sleeping rooms, with or without eating facilities.
E F. Duplex - a residential building containing two one - family dwelling units within the four
walls of the building.
F G. Dwelling - a building, or portion thereof, but not an automobile house trailer, designed
or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including one - family dwellings, two - family dwellings, and
multi - family dwellings, which dwellings are constructed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code
or, in the case of one - family dwellings, are constructed as manufactured homes in accordance with the
requirements set forth in PAMC 17.08.070A, but not including hotels, motels or lodging houses.
6 H. Dwelling, Multi- family - a building or a portion thereof containing three or more
dwelling units.
1-1I. Dwelling, One - Family - a building containing one dwelling unit only.
I J. Dwelling, Two - Family - a building containing two dwelling units only.
K Dwelling Unit - one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living
quarters for one family only. Individual bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but complete single
kitchen facilities, permanently installed, shall always be included for each dwelling unit.
Section 4. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby
amended by amending PAMC 17.08.045 to read as follows:
17.08.045 - "H"
A. Hedge - the special application of shrubs or other plants that have been planted
close together so that they form a thicket and an unbroken line, acting as a space boundary or
creating a visual screen. An individual tree cannot be a hedge by itself.
B. Height - total distance in feet from average ground elevation at perimeter walls
as determined by the final grade noted on the building plan approved by the City (as long as the
final grade is not higher than the existing pre - alteration grade at the center of the lot) to the top of
the structure, except that television antennae, roof mounted mechanical equipment,
chimneys, and other appurtenances are exempt from height requirements. Other appurtenances
include architectural features, such as ornamental cupolas, domes, and spires, not exceeding ten
feet in height and diameter, which are also exempt from height requirements.
C. Home Occupation - is an occupation or business activity which results in a
product or service, is conducted in whole or in part in the dwelling unit, and is clearly incidental
and subordinate to the residential use of the property.
D. Hospital - an institution specializing in giving clinical, temporary and emergency
services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and licensed by Washington State Law.
E. Hospital, Mental - (Including treatment of alcoholics) - an institution licensed
by Washington State Agencies under provisions of law to offer facilities, care, and treatment for
cases of mental and nervous disorders and alcoholics.
F. Hostel - a residential structure or commercial building where transient
accommodations (daily or weekly) for the traveling public are provided and for which the
accommodations contain no more than one shared kitchen facility and do not have individual
sleeping rooms. Hostels are differentiated by housing type and /or owner occupancy as follows:
Owner occupied single family residential hostels are allowed in the same
zones as Bed and Breakfasts by approval of a Special Use Permit.
Non -owner occupied commercial structure hostels are allowed by the
same process and in the same zones as motels.
FG. House pets - domestic animals such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, rodents, and
reptiles, not including inherently dangerous species of animals, which sleep and are primarily
housed in a dwelling unit together with their owners.
Section 5. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby
amended by adding Section 17.08.087 to read as follows:
17.08.087 - "Q" Quasi - Public - a characteristic of seemingly like but not actually being
of a public entity, having the characteristics of being public such as open and available to all
citizens without discrimination of any kind, benefitting the public, providing a nonprofit service
or facility, and receiving assistance from a governmental agency; quasi - public entities include but
are not limited to nonprofits and other groups, such as the International Red Cross, YMCA,
YWCA, and Serenity House, for which membership in the organizations is not required to receive
services or use the facilities.
Section 6. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby
amended by amending 17.13.080 as follows:
17.13.080 Trailers. House trailers, automobiles, automobile trailers, mobile homes,
park model manufactured homes, boats, recreation vehicles, vacation trailers and campers used for
residential purposes shall not be permitted for occupancy in the City of Port Angeles except in
approved Trailer Parks or as permitted by Section 17.95.060 PAMC (Temporary Use Permit).
Section 7. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby
amended by amending 17.15.040 as follows:
17.15.040 Conditional Uses.
A. Art galleries and museums.
B. Assisted living facilities.
C. Child day -care centers and pre - schools.
D. Churches.
E. Golf courses.
F. Group Homes and hospices.
G. Libraries.
H. Mortuaries.
1-1 I. Nursing and convalescent homes.
I J. Public and private schools.
K. Public parks and recreation facilities.
KL. Residential care facilities.
E M. Social service agencies providing 24 -hour residential care.
M N. Utility buildings and structures.
N O. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 8. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby
amended by amending 17.21.040 as follows:
17.21.040 Permitted Uses.
A. Art galleries and museums.
B. Assisted living facilities.
C. Bakery shops.
D. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate services offices.
E. Barber shops, beauty shops.
F. Business and professional offices.
G. Child day -care centers and pre - schools.
H. Delicatessens, grocery stores.
I. Drug stores, pharmacies.
J. Group homes and hospices.
K. Libraries.
L. Mortuaries
L M. Medical /dental offices and clinics and laboratories.
M N. Nursing and convalescent homes.
N.O. Public parks and recreation facilities.
B P. Repair services, such as appliance repair, shoe repair, and TV and stereo repair
P Q. Residential care facilities.
Q R. Residential uses that are permitted in the RHD zone and comply with the RHD
area and dimensional requirements.
R S. Restaurants, cafeterias.
S T. Self- service laundries.
T U. Specialty shops- such as gift, florist, hobby, antique, candy, ice cream, video
rental, bicycle, book, computer, toy, retail pet stores.
V. Veterinary offices and clinics for small animals.
Section 9. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby
amended by amending 17.21.160 as follows:
17.21.160 Conditional Uses.
A. Churches
B. Fire Stations.
C. Frozen food or cold storage lockers.
E D. Gasoline service islands, accessory to convenience or grocery store.
Et E. Motels
E- F. Off - street parking lots.
F- G. Self- service car washes.
6-H. Social clubs, lodges, and fraternal organizations.
1-1 I. Utility buildings and structures.
I— J. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 10. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.22.040 as follows:
17.22.040 Permitted Uses.
A. Art galleries and museums.
B. Bakery shops.
C. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate services offices.
D. Barber shops, beauty shops.
E. Business colleges; music, art, and dance schools.
F. Business and professional offices.
G. Child day -care centers and pre - schools.
H. Churches.
I. Delicatessens, grocery stores, supermarkets.
J. Drug stores, pharmacies.
K. Hardware stores.
L. Libraries.
M. Medical /dental offices and clinics and laboratories.
N. Public parks and recreation facilities.
O. Repair services, such as appliance repair, shoe repair, and TV and stereo repair
P. Residential uses that are permitted in the RHD zone and comply with the RHD
area and dimensional requirements.
Q. Restaurants, cafeterias.
R. Self - service laundries.
S. Service Stations.
T. Specialty shops- such as gift, florist, hobby, antique, candy, ice cream, video
rental, bicycle, book, computer, toy, retail pet stores.
U. Taverns and cocktail lounges.
V. Veterinary offices and clinics for small animals.
Section 11. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.22.160 as follows:
17.22.160 Conditional Uses
A. Fire Stations.
B. Frozen food or cold storage lockers.
C. Motels.
D. Off - street parking lots.
E. Self- service car washes.
F. Social clubs, lodges, and fraternal organizations.
G. Utility buildings and structures.
H. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 12. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.23.040 as follows:
17.23.040 Permitted Uses.
A. Retail:
1. Auto supply stores, service stations, self - service gas islands, and tire
2. New and used dealerships of automobiles, trucks, trailers, motorcycles,
recreational vehicles, tractors, boats, including related sales, leasing, and servicing.
3. Building material stores, cabinet shops, glass stores, hardware stores,
lumber yards, paint stores, and plumbing supply stores.
4. Businesses selling medical supplies, goods, instruments, medicine, and
similar items.
5. Chain saw sales and service stores.
6. Commercial recreation establishments, such as bowling alleys, theaters
(movie and others), skating rinks, driving ranges, putt -putt golf courses, and video arcades.
7. Farm equipment stores, garden supply stores, nurseries.
8. Food and beverage establishments, such as cocktail lounges, cafes,
cafeterias, drive -in restaurants, restaurants, take -out lunch stands, and taverns; provided that drive -
in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges, and taverns, all of which have direct customer
access to an alley abutting residentially zoned property, shall be conditional uses.
9. Food item retail sales outlets, such as bakery shops, candy and ice cream
stores, delicatessens, fruit and vegetable stands, grocery stores, liquor stores, meat and fish markets
including frozen or cold storage food lockers, and supermarkets.
10. General merchandise stores, such as catalogue sales stores, clothing and
shoe stores, department stores, drug stores, second -hand stores, antique stores, pawn shops, sporting
goods stores, and variety stores.
11. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stores, furniture stores,
office equipment stores, and stereo stores.
12. Mortuaries.
12 3. Motels; and hotels, and hostels.
13- 4. Specialty shops, such as bicycle, book, computer, florist, gift, hobby, toy,
retail pet stores, video rental, antique, candy, ice cream.
14 5. Shopping centers, not exceeding 100,000 square feet in building floor
B. Services:
1. Art, dance, voice, and music schools.
2. Art galleries and museums.
3. Business colleges and trade schools.
4. Business and professional offices.
5. Business services offices, such as accounting, tax, employment, and
management consulting services.
6. Chemical dependency treatment centers.
7. Child day -care centers and pre - schools.
8. Churches.
9. Detoxification centers.
10. Equipment rental stores.
11. Financial services offices, such as bail bond stores, banks, financial
institutions, insurance companies, real estate services, stock brokerages, and title companies.
12. Furnishings repair shops, such as upholstering and reupholstering shops.
13. Governmental and social service agency offices.
14. Laundries, commercial, dry cleaning shops, laundries, self - service and
tailor shops.
15. Libraries.
16. Medical /dental offices and clinics and laboratories.
17. Personal services facilities, such as barber shops, beauty shops, exercise
and reducing studios, and travel agencies.
18. Printing, blueprinting, photo developing and reproduction, and sign
19. Public parks and recreation facilities.
20. Repair services shops, such as appliance repair, shoe repair, and TV and
stereo repair services.
21. Veterinary offices and clinics for small animals.
C. Institutional:
1. Social eclubs,and lodges, and fraternal organizations.
D. Residential:
1. Residential uses that are permitted in the RHD zone and comply with the
RHD area and dimensional requirements.
E. Transportation and Communication:
1. Convention centers, auditoriums.
2. Ferry, seaplane, airplane, and helicopter facilities.
3. Mass transit terminals.
4. Parcel delivery service terminals.
5. Radio stations, TV stations, and newspaper buildings.
6. Vehicular services buildings, such as ambulance service, automotive and
truck rentals, and vehicle maintenance and repair shops, not including auto body and paint shops
and auto engine repair shops.
- 10 -
F. Wholesale:
1. Storage services buildings, such as frozen food and cold storage lockers,
mini - warehouses, transfer, moving and storage facilities.
2. Warehouse buildings and yards.
3. Wholesale stores.
G. Mixed Commercial /Residential Developments.
Section 13. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.23.160 as follows:
17.23.160 Conditional Uses.
A. Auto body and paint shops and auto engine repair shops.
B. Drive -in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges and taverns, all of which
have direct customer access to an alley abutting residentially zoned property.
C. Fire Stations.
D. Licensed impound yards.
E. Massage parlors, saunas and steam baths, as primary use.
F. Microbreweries
G. Off - premises outdoor advertising signs
H. Off - street business parking structures and lots.
I. Recreational vehicles, vacation trailers, and campers courts and parks.
J. Salvage and recycling buildings.
K. Shopping centers, exceeding 100,000 square feet in building floor area.
L. Social service agency buildings providing 24 -hour residential care.
M. Utility buildings and structures.
N. ; , . : Kkennels, provided:
1. buildings and structures are soundproof.
2. all run areas are surrounded by an 8 -foot solid wall or fence.
3. animal runs are to be constructed in such a manner that no animal can
see another.
O. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 14. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.32.020 as follows:
17.32.020 Permitted Uses.
A. Manufacturing buildings for:
1. Clothing, shoes, and garments.
2. Electrical, electronic, and communications equipment.
3. Handicrafts, jewelry, musical instruments, and toys.
4. Assembly of machinery, such as but not limited to engines, vehicles,
boats, aircraft, and parts thereof.
5. Medical, dental, optical, and orthopedic instruments and appliances.
6. Assembly of metal products, such as small arms, pens, office furniture,
tools, and household appliances.
7. Microbreweries.
8. Assembly of mobile and modular homes and home components.
9. Wood products, such as cabinets, furniture, fixtures, and pre- fabricated
building components.
B. Retail:
1. Adult entertainment businesses.
2. Auto and truck service stations, gasoline service islands.
3. Chain saw sales and service stores.
4. Cocktail lounges and taverns.
5. Restaurants and cafes.
6. Retail establishments accessory to building materials, electrical, and
plumbing supplies.
C. Wholesale Distribution:
1. Warehouse buildings and yards.
2. Wholesale stores.
D. Services:
1. Building maintenance and janitorial services buildings.
2. Equipment rental stores, including heavy equipment.
33. Laundry and dry cleaners buildings.
34. Machinery maintenance and repair shops.
45. Mini - warehouses.
56. Business and professional offices.
-67. Research and development laboratories.
�8. Storage yards and maintenance shops for builders, contractors, and
governmental agencies.
9. Veterinary clinics, offices, and kennels.
E. Transportation and Communication:
1. Airports, airport terminals, and related facilities.
2. Freight companies terminals.
3. Household moving and storage buildings.
4. Mass transit terminals.
5. Off - street business parking structures and lots.
6. Parcel delivery service buildings.
7. Printing, publishing, and book - binding buildings.
8. Vehicular services facilities, such as automotive and truck rentals, vehicle
maintenance and repair shops, auto and truck body and paint shops, and auto and truck engine
repair shops.
- 12 -
9. Utility buildings and structures.
Section 15. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.32.040 as follows:
17.32.040 Conditional Uses.
A. Manufacturing buildings for:
1. Processing of food products, such as meat, fruit, vegetables, seafood,
beverages, vegetable oils, and dairy products.
2. Pharmaceutical and drug products.
3. Plastic and other synthetic products.
4. Specialized small mechanical parts, tools, die - casting, bearings, patterns, and
other similar products, welding shops, and machine shops.
B. Other:
1. Agricultural uses, defined as commercial farming and animal husbandry.
2. Fire stations.
3. Off - premises outdoor advertising signs.
4. Public juvenile detention facilities, where:
a. The average daily noise levels (ldn) do not exceed 45 decibels for
interior sleeping quarters, or such other standard as is generally accepted; and
b. The existing and potential industrial uses will not adversely impact
the detention center.
5. Public parks and recreation facilities, where:
a. The average daily noise levels (ldn) do not exceed 45 decibels for
interior portions of the buildings;
b. There are no existing industrial uses in the vicinity which would
adversely impact the use; and
c. In the event a change in circumstances is found by the Planning
Commission which would result in potential adverse impacts on or land use conflicts to an
approved use, the conditional use permit shall become void and the use shall cease.
6. Radio towers exceeding thirty-five (35) feet.
7. Social service agencies providing 24 -hour residential care, where
a. The average daily noise levels (ldn) do not exceed 60 decibels for
exterior portions of the site and 45 decibels for interiors of living quarters;
b. There are no existing industrial uses in the vicinity which would
adversely impact the residential use; and
c. In the event a change in circumstances is found by the Planning
Commission which would result in potential adverse impacts on or land use conflicts to an
approved residential use, the conditional use permit shall become void, and the residential use shall
8. Veterinary clinics, officcs, and kcnnels.
98. Small scale sawmills, where:
a. The sawmill, including the sawmill site and the total area of
- 13 -
operations, occurs on an area of one -half acre or less, including the storage of logs and finished
b. The gross weight of the sawmill is no greater than ten thousand
c. The hours of operation are limited from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday;
d. All lighting is directed away from residential areas;
e. Noise levels comply with Chapter 173 -60 WAC, to the extent
f. Wood waste management is conducted to avoid excessive
accumulation of wood waste.
+09. Other uses compatible with the purpose of this Chapter.
Section 16. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.40.040 as follows:
17.40.040 Permitted Uses.
applicable; and
A. Bleachers, grandstands (subject to review by Planning Commission).
B. Bridle trails.
C. Cemeteries and crematoriums.
D. Civic buildings & governmental offices.
E. Common open space.
D. Conventions centers (publicly owned) and associated activities.
E. Fire stations.
H. Hospitals.
I. Landfills, sanitary.
J. Libraries.
K. Marinas, boat storage, maritime and harbor activities.
L. Municipal pool.
M. Museums.
N. Off - street parking structures and lots.
0. Parks, greenbelts.
P. Picnic areas and facilities.
Q. Playfields.
R. Playgrounds.
S. Public Rrecreation structures and facilities.
T. Reservoirs.
U. Schools and school related facilities.
V. Single family residences which meet the requirements of the RS -7 District.
W. Streets, sidewalks, trails, and roads.
X. Utility buildings and structures.
- 14-
Section 17. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending 17.40.050 as follows:
17.40.050 Conditional Uses.
1. Quasi - public recreation structures and facilities.
2. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
Section 18. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by adding Section 17.96.125 to read as follows:
17.96.125 - Nonresidential Dwelling Prohibition. House trailers, automobiles,
automobile trailers, mobile homes, park model manufactured homes, boats, recreation vehicles,
vacation trailers and campers shall not be used for residential purposes in the City of Port Angeles
except in approved Trailer Parks or as permitted by Section 17.95.060 PAMC (Temporary Use
Section 19. Ordinance 1709 and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending Table A as referenced in Section 17.10.050 and 17.11.050 and
attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit "A ".
Section 20. Ordinance 2911 as amended and Chapter 18.02 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 18.02.020 to read as follows:
18.02.020 - Development Applications.
A. The following applications for development shall be processed in accordance
with the requirements of this Chapter: subdivisions, mss, planned residential developments,
conditional uses, unclassified uses, shoreline substantial development permits, approvals required
by the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance and Wetlands Ordinance, site specific rezones
authorized by the Comprehensive Plan, and all other land use development, or environmental
permits or licenses, including but not limited to building permits, other construction permits, and
clearing and grading permits, which are not categorically exempt from Chapter 43.21C RCW or for
which environmental review has not been completed in connection with other project permits.
B. The following applications for development shall be specifically excluded
from compliance with the requirements of this Chapter: landmark designations, right -of -way use
permits, street vacations, other approvals relating to the use of public areas or facilities, boundary
line adjustments, and all permits not addressed in PAMC 18.02.020A, including but not limited to
- 15 -
variances, which are categorically exempt from Chapter 43.12C RCW or for which environmental
review has been completed in connection with other project permits or for which the development
project is subject to a federal disaster declaration.
Section 21 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to
any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 22 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following
the date of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of
said Council held on the 20th day of January, 2004.
Becky J. Un,�6lity Cler
Craig D. Kn
ity Attorney
PUBLISHED: January 25, 2004
By Summary
G.U-egal_ Backup \ ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS12003- 15.ord. wpd
January 15, 2004
- 16 -
Art Galleries and Museums
10 sq ft unlit
Bed and Breakfasts
7,000 sq.ft.
5 sq.ft. indirectly lit
Day Care Centers
7,000 sq.ft.
5 sq.ft. unlit
25,000 sq. ft.
100 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
10 sq ft 24 sq,ft. of
reader board signage
indirectly littntlit
Communication Transmission
Structures, Radio /TV Stations and
10 sq ft unlit
Duplexes: RS -7 Zone
RS -9 Zone
10,500 sq. ft.
14,000 sq. ft.
75 ft.
100 ft.
'/2 acre
100 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
35 ft.
10 sq ft unlit
Nursing, Convalescent Homes, Assisted
Living Facilities
1 acre
200 ft.
30 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
40 ft.
10 sq ft unlit
Public Parks and Recreation Facilities
20 sq ft unlit
Public Utility Structures
9,000 sq. ft.
75 ft.
25 ft.
8 ft.
25 ft.
10 ft.
20 sq ft unlit
Public and Private Schools:
Elementary Schools
Middle, Jr. and Sr. High Schools
Private School
5 acres + 1
acre per ea.
100 students
10 acres + 1
acre per ea.
100 students
20,000 sq. ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
100 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 ft.
40 it
40 ft
100 sq ft
100 sq ft
24 sq.ft.reader board
indirectly lit - tnlit
* See applicable zone for minimum standards
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on January 20, 2004
Ordinance No. 3154
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends the City's electrical code
to be consistent with current state and national electrical code provisions and current permit
processing needs and amends Ordinances 2552 and 3085, as amended, and Chapters 3.70 and
14.05 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3155
This Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends City
land use ordinances to be consistent with other City ordinance provisions and recent changes
in State law, to provide definitions and clarification of existing regulations, and to streamline
the permitting process, and amends Ordinances 493, 1631, 1709, and 2911, as amended, and
Chapters 11.16, 16.08, and 18.02, and Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk
Publish: January 25, 2004