HomeMy WebLinkAbout3161ORDINANCE NO. 3161
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
modifying the requirements of the City's off - street parking
ordinance by encouraging lower impact development with less
impervious surfaces and alternative transportation strategies,
while encouraging businesses to determine and meet their own
parking requirements and amending Ordinance 1588 as amended
and Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission undertook a review of the Parking Ordinance,
Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 14.40, and made its recommendations on May 22, 2002; and
WHEREAS, the City Council Community and Economic Development Committee has,
for over a year per the directions of the City Council on August 27, 2002, reviewed and revised the
Parking Ordinance, Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 14.40; and
WHEREAS, a number of administrative issues concerning parking regulations have been
~esolved between the Planning Commission, the Port Angeles Downtown Association, and the
Community and Economic Development Committee; and
WHEREAS, the City Council conducted public hearings on the proposed amendments
pn June 17, 2002, July 16, 2002, August 20, 2002, March 16, 2004, and April 20, 2004;
Section 1. Ordinance 1588 as amended and Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows:
14.40.010 Purpose.
14.40.0+0020 Definitions.
14.40.020030 Parking Space Requirements - Generally.
14.40.025040 Parking Space Requirements for Uses in `he- Dower town a City
Approved Parking and Business Improvement Area
14.40.050 Transportation Demand Management Assessment.
14.40.030 Parking Spacc Rcquircmcnts - Commercial.
Parking Spacc Rcquircmcnts - Industrial.
14.40.050 Parking
Spacc Rcquircmcnts - Public and Institutional Uscs.
14.40.060 Parking Rcquircmcnts - Residential Uscs.
14.40.070 Parking
Spacc Rcquircmcnts - Unspecified Uscs.
14.40.090060 Mixed Uses.
14.40.+00070 Cooperative Prev-rsfensParking Agreements.
14.40.++0080 Parking Space Requirement Modification - New Uses in New Buildings.
14.40.+20090 Parking Space Requirement Modification - New Uses in Existing
14.40.+30100 Parking Space Requirement Modification - Expansion of Existing Uses
in Existing Structures.
14.40.+49110 Parking Space Modification Requirements - Existing Uses in Existing
14.40.150120 Improvement of Parking Spaces.
14.40.+60130 Parking Space Requirements - Variances.
14.40.170140 Building Permits.
14.40.+80150 Use of Parking Spaces.
14.40.185160 Parking Lot Activities Standards.
14.40.+90170 Revocation of Permit - Appeals.
14.40.180 Decisions of City Staff or the Planning Commission - Appeals .
14.40.200190 Violations.
14.40.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to assure adequate provisions for
bublic access are made in the development of new land use and in the change of use of an existing
building. Off - street parking is only one of the provisions that needs to be considered to avoid
significant adverse impacts on surrounding private properties and public infrastructure. This parking
ordinance encourages transportation demand management to achieve low impact development as an
,ilternative to off - street minimum parking requirements for each commercial, industrial, and public
,and institutional land use. The City recognizes that each business can have a variety of
; ransportation strategies, facilities, and services instead of satisfying access solely by single occupant
vehicles (SOV). Many businesses are unique and, therefore, can best determine the minimum
parking requirements needed to serve their own needs. In residential zones, off - street parking is
required for each dwellin • unit to allow reduction in nonarterial street width standards. This s arkin •
ordinance encourages reduction in the impacts of increasing impervious surfaces on the costs for
each development and on the environment from stormwater drainage. Reducing pollution from
runoff and emissions serve community interests and should be balanced against requirements for
more street and parking lot improvements. The City expects new developments to find less costly
ways to meet transportation needs and does not want to require unneeded impervious surfaces.
14.40.8+9020 Definitions .
A. The following terms shall have the designated meanings for the purposes of
this Chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise:
1. "Standard -car parking space" means one hundred fifty -three square feet
of parking lot area, eight feet six inches by eighteen feet minimum in size, having adequate access
to a public street. No part of any street right -of -way shall be considered part of any standard -car
parking space.
2. "Loading space" means a space located adjacent to a building, and large
enough in area so that any truck or other vehicle loading or unloading at such building will not
project into a street right -of -way.
3. "Floor area" means the leasable or habitable floor area or space in a
dwelling or building, excluding bathrooms, toilet compartments, halls, closets, or corridors 44
inches in width or less, and equipment and machinery rooms not used directly in the manufacture,
production, storage or sale of goods or services maintenance and cleaning supply rooms of 50
square feet or less.
4. "Parking lot activity" means a non - permanent activity occurring in a
parking lot, using spaces otherwise allocated for parking for purposes other than parking by
clientele of the primary use of the property.
5. "Shall" means the statement is mandatory and ministerial, and the action
so stated is required to be done without discretion by decision - makers.
6. "Should" means the statement ought to be done, but the action so stated
is not required to be done by decision - makers who may use discretion where exceptions are
7. "Transportation demand management assessment" means an analysis of
public access to a specific site for land use activities permitted under the Port Angeles Municipal
Code and a City approved plan (including multi -modal services, public infrastructure improvements,
and parking) that is sufficient to mitigate significant adverse impacts on surrounding private
properties and public transportation facilities, consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. The assessment may be done by the applicant or by an
expert transportation professional when the applicant prefers or when determined to be necessary
by the Community Development Director.
B. All other terms used in this Chapter shall have the meaning given to them by
Ordinance 1709, as now enacted, or hereafter amended, unless the context indicates otherwise.
- 3 -
14.40.020030 Parking Space Requirements - Generally. For all land uses there shall
pe established and maintained permanent off- street parking spaces, either on the zoning lot of the
.ise, or, if the affected property owners and the Community Development Director agree through
:he execution of an appropriate agreement and easement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney
And if appropriate identification signage is provided, within two hundred feet of the property
)oundaries (excluding public streets and alleys) of the zoning lot. The required number of parking
spaces shall be determined as follows:
A. The number of required spaces shall be determined either by reference to
Scctions 14.40.030 through 14.40.090.the number of required parking spaces per Table A or by
,ising one of the alternate methods in Subsection C of this Section;
B. If applicable, Sections 14.40.110080 through 14.40.+40110 shall then be used
:o determine whether the number of spaces required by Subsection A of this Section is modified.
C. If Table A of Subsection A of this Section is not used to determined the number
, f required parking spaces, one of the following alternate methods of determining the required
Parking for a particular development shall be used:
1. Determine the number of parking spaces required by a parking plan
approved by the Planning Commission based on the number of
employees and customers on -site during the peak hours of operation
taking into consideration duration of parking use (i.e., turnover rate) and
any reduction in single occupant vehicles due to a transportation demand
management assessment prepared per Section 14.40.030C2: or
2. Prepare a transportation demand management assessment that meets the
approval of the Planning Commission per Section 14.40.050; or
3. Obtain Planning Commission approval of a parking variance per Section
D. If the following criteria are satisfied, then the parking requirements of Table A
df Subsection A above may be reduced accordingly.
1. Parking requirements maybe reduced in direct ratio for each percentage
point of access provided by nonsingle occupant vehicle.
2. Parking requirements may be reduced by ten (10 %) percent if a bus stop
pr other mass transit facility is located within five hundred (500) feet of the project site.
3. Parking requirements may be reduced in direct ratio for each percentage
point of parking provided by cooperative parking agreement per Section 14.40.080.
14.40.025040 Parking Space Requirements for Uses in the —Doan a City
Approved Parking and Business Improvement Area. For afiany land use located in the
Downtown a City approved Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA), there shall be
established and maintained permanent off - street parking spaces, either on the zoning lot of the use
Dr within one one thousand two hundred feet of the property boundaries (exincluding public
streets and alleys) of the zoning lot. The City encourages the formation of PBIAs throughout the
City. A buffer of one thousand two hundred feet shall be required between all PBIAs to prevent
overlapping authorities and to allow PBIA parking lots outside a PBIA's boundaries similar to an
individual land use.
14.40.030 Parking Spacc Rcquircmcnts - Commercial.
A. Automobilc scrvicc stations and rcpair shops shall providc a minimum of three
parking spaccs plus onc parking spacc per cach mcchanical scrvicc bay.
D. Banks, business and profcssional and governmental officcs shall providc one
parking spacc for cach four hundrcd squarc fcct of floor arca of thc building.
C. Barbcr and bcauty shops, tanning salons, and similar personal care
establishments shall providc two parking spaccs per station.
Bowling allcys shall providc six parking spaccs for cach allcy.
Child carc scrviccs or day carc ccntcrs, as defined in Chaptcr 388 -73 WAC,
, - ; •• - - , - ; ; - - - , - - .1 • I . . : • • - •• ; • .1 - - - ; ; - - -
cmploycc plus two parking spaccs for unloading, for thosc scrviccs or day carc ccntcrs scrving
more than twclvc children.
F. Churchcs, mortuarics and funcral homes, shall provide onc parking spacc for
ach six scats in thc chapel.
C Dancchalls shall providc onc parking spacc for cach fifty squarc fcct of oor
arca of thc building.
II. Food stores, markcts and shopping ccntcrs shall providc onc parking spacc for
each thrcc hundrcd squarc fcct of floor arca of thc building, with a minimum of tcn parking
I Furniturc and appliancc storcs shall providc onc parking spacc per six hundrcd
squarc fcct of t-oor crca of i - - -
J. Ilotcls and motels shall providc onc parking spacc for cach sleeping unit.
K Mcdical, optomctrical and dcntal clinics and /or officcs shall providc six
parking spaccs for cach doctor.
L Othcr rctail cstablishmcnts, such as hardwarc storcs, household cquipmcnt,
scrvicc shops, clothing or shoc rcpair shops, shall providc onc parking spacc for cach three
hundred square feet of floor arca of thc building, with a minimum of six spaccs.
M. Physical thcrapy and othcr similar personal scrvicc uses shall providc two
parking spaccs for cach operator.
N Rcscarch, biochcmical, X -ray and dcntal laboratorics shall providc onc parking
spacc for cach two hundrcd squarc fcct of floor arca.
O. Rcstaurants, taverns, and any establishment for thc sale and consumption on
the premises of food, alcoholic bcvcragcs or refreshments, shall providc onc parking spacc for
ach onc hundrcd twcnty -fivc squarc fcct of floor arca of thc building, with a minimum of tcn
P Skating rinks and othcr commercial rccrcation places shall provide onc parking
spacc for cach two hundrcd squarc fcct of floor arca of thc building.
Tcicphonc cxchangcs shall providc onc parking spacc for cach cmploycc, with
Thcatcrs shall providc onc parking spacc for cach thrcc thcatcr scats.
Trucking and transportation tcrminals shall providc a minimum of tcn parking
Wholcsalc storcs, warehouses, storagc buildings and motor vehicles or
..' ,
of ten spaces.
14.40.040 Parkin . S • acc Rc I uircmcnts - Industrial. Manufacturing uscs, including
shall providc onc parking spacc cach thrcc cmployccs, with a minimum of tcn spaccs.
14.40.050 Parking Spacc Rcquircmcnts - Public and Institutional Uscs .
A. Clubs, fraternal socictics, placcs of asscmbly and exhibition halls without fixcd
scats shall providc onc parking spacc for cach fifty squarc fcct of floor arca of the building.
B. Ilospitals shall providc onc parking spacc for cach bcd.
C. Librarics shall providc onc parking spacc for cach two hundrcd squarc fcct of
arca, with a minimum of tcn spaccs.
D. Muscums shall providc onc parking spacc for cach three hundrcd squarc fcct
D f floor area.
L. Outdoor sports arca or parks without fixcd scats shall providc parking spaces
P. Parks and playgrounds shall providc parking spaccs as dctcrmincd by Planning
Commission review.
G. Preschools and kindcrgartcns shall providc a minimum of tcn parking spaccs.
II. Public and private golf clubs shall provide a minimum of forty parking spaccs.
I. Public swimming pools shall provide ten parking spaccs for each one thousand
squarc fcct of pool surface area.
J. Riding academics shall providc onc parking spacc for cach onc hundrcd square
fcct of floor stable arca.
K. IJlcmcntary schools shall provide one parking spacc for each classroom.
L. Junior high schools shall providc thrcc parking spaccs for cach classroom.
M. Senior high schools shall providc six parking spaccs for each classroom.
N. Junior collcgcs shall providc tight parking spaccs for cach classroom.
O. Stadiums,
sports areas, auditoriums and other placcs of asscmbly shall provide
Inc parking spacc for cach thrcc scats.
Scnior Ccntcrs
P. shall providc onc parking spacc for cvcry 135 squarc fcct of
14.40.050 Transportation Demand Management Assessment.
A. As part of any land use review and/or building permit application with the City
3f Port Angeles, a transportation demand management assessment, which analyzes the off - street
,parking needs of the new development or the expansion of use in the existing building, may be
;onducted and shall require the approval of the Planning Commission, if parking for the use and/or
)uilding is not provided per Section 14.40.030A Table A or Section 14.40.030C1.
B. Business and property owners within 300 feet of the subject site shall be notified
,pf the transportation demand management assessment. A public comment period of 15 days shall
,De provided.
14.40.060 Parking Space Rcquircmcnts - Residential Uscs •
A. Dormitories and apartmcnt dormitories shall provide two parking spaces for
cach sleeping unit.
• Rooming and lodging houses shall provide one parking Spacc for each sleeping
C. Nursing and convalescent homcs, assisted living residential care
facilities, adult family homcs, group homcs, and sanitariums shall provide one (1) parking space
for cach thrcc (3) bcds.
D. Singlc- family, two and thrcc family dwellings, and apartmcnt buildings shall
E. Trailer parks shall provide two (2) parking spaccs for each trailer spacc.
14.40.070 Parking Space Requirements - Unspecified Uscs. If a use is not otherwise
for off - strcct parking facilities shall be the samc as thc rcquircmcnts for off - strcct parking of the
usc which, as dctcrmincd by thc Planning Dircctor, has thc most similar parking nccd and land
usc characteristics.
14.40.990060 Mixed Uses. In the case of a mixture of uses on one zoning lot or in
one building, the total requirements for off - street parking facilities shall be the sum of the
requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off - street parking facilities for one use
shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities of any other use, except as may
be provided in Section 14.40.+80070 of this Chapter.
14.40.00070 Cooperative Prev-isiensParking Agreements. Parking facilities may
be cooperatively used by different land uses, when the times of the use of such parking spaces by
each use are not nonsimultaneous. A cooperative parking agreement signed by all parties who share
the parking facilities and approved by the Community Development Director shall be required that
binds the parking facilities and the parties until the agreement is dissolved by all parties and
approved by the Community Development Director.
14.40.4-18080 Parking Space Requirement Modification - New Uses in New Building
Structures. For any new use in a new building or structure, the required number of parking
spaces shall be determined by the requirements of Sections 14.40.030 through 14.40.080070.
14.40.4-20090 Parking Space Requirement Modification - New Uses in Existing
A. A change or cxpansion of usc in an existing building that is not located in the
Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Arca (PBIA) where the use meets the parking
rcquircmcnts of this Chaptcr must provide parking for the new use as required by this Chaptcr.
If a change or cxpansion of usc is proposed for an existing building where the use does not meet
the rcquircmcnts of this Chapter, the new or expanded usc may occur only if the dcgrcc of non-
conformance is not increased. For the purposes of this Section, the dcgrcc of non - conformance
c numbcr of parking spaccs required minus thc numbcr of parking spaccs provided.
- 7 -
D A change of use in a building or structure that exists as of Junc 25, 1993April
25, 2004, : : ' : ' :: ' : may occur without provision of additional off -
street parking spaces unless the floor area of the building or structure is increased.
14.40.130100 Parking Space Requirement Modification - Expansion of Existing Uses
in Existing Structures. For an expansion in the use of an existing building or structure which
enlarges the floor area, additional parking spaces need not be established, if the following
requirements are met:
A. The use and structure or building, prior to its enlargement or increase in floor
rea, is in conformance with the parking space requirements of this Chapter;
B. No previous modifications of parking space requirements authorized by this
Section have been utilized;
C. The number of parking spaces required by the floor area of the addition,
together with those required by the floor area of the existing building, will not exceed one
hundred and fifteen percent of the spaces required for the expansion of the use or building. If the
number of spaces required exceeds one hundred and fifteen percent, the required spaces in excess
Df one hundred and fifteen percent shall be established and maintained.
14.40.-149110 Parking Space Modification Requirements - Existing Uses in Existing
Structures. Existing uses occupying existing structures or buildings as of the effective date of the
Drdinance codified in this Chapter may continue until there is a change in an expansion of use.
14.40.+59120 Improvement of Parking Spaces .
A. Any parking spaces provided to comply with the terms of this Chapter, other
han for single - family detached residences, shall be improved in accordance with the following
1. They shall meet the requirements of the clearing, grading, filling and
Drainage regulations set forth in Chapter 15.28 PAMC.
2. They shall be graded and paved with a hard - surface pavement of
Cortland cement concrete, asphaltic concrete with a structurally adequate base, or other hard -
;urface pavement acceptable to the Director of Public Works and Utilities. All parking spaces
shall be clearly and permanently striped in conformance with Public Works parking lot design
standards. Wheel stops shall be installed where necessary to prevent encroachment upon public
ights -of -way. The Director of Public Works and Utilities may allow for an exception to hard -
surface pavement for developments in the Industrial Heavy Zone, provided that adverse impacts
o stormwater drainage, surrounding properties, and public infrastructure are mitigated to the
extent the Director deems reasonably necessary and appropriate.
3. They shall be accessible, at all times, from street, alley or driveway
ntended to serve such off - street parking.
4. Improvements of parking spaces shall meet the Americans with
Disabilities Act standards.
B. The City may grant permission for temporary occupancy of a building or
structure even though the parking spaces required by Subsection A of this Section have not been
fully completed, provided that an improvement bond acceptable as to form and amount by the City
Engineer and the City Attorney is posted in the amount of the estimated value of the construction
of the parking facilities. Before granting such temporary occupancy, the Director of Public Works
and Utilities must determine that construction of the parking facilities prior to occupancy of the
building would not represent sound construction practice, due to weather conditions, availability
of materials and /or difficult site conditions, and the acceptance of such bond is therefore
appropriate. Improvement bonds may be accepted for a period not to exceed twelve months.
During the period before final completion of the improvements, the parking facilities provided
shall at least be graded and graveled and be maintained in a good condition.
C. Uses requiring six or fewer spaces may occupy a building or zoning lot for up
to twelve months before compliance with Subsection A2 of this Section, provided the parking
facilities shall at least be graded and graveled and be maintained in a good condition. At the end
of the twelve -month period, the parking facilities must be in compliance with Subsection A2 of
this Section, or a bond must have been provided and accepted in accordance with Subsection B
of this Section.
14.40.+66130 Parking Space Requirements - Variances.
A. A variance from the parking space requirements of this Chapter, either as
specifically provided by Sections 14.40.030 through 14.40.070060 and 14.40.080, or as
determined by the Planning Dircctor for an unspecified use under Scction 14.40.070, may be
granted on written request to, and after a public hearing by, the Port Angeles Planning
Commission. The Planning Commission may impose such conditions upon the variance as it
Seems necessary to comply with the purpose of this Chapter and to mitigate the effects of increased
impervious surfaces. No variance shall be granted by the Planning Commission unless the
Commission finds.
1. The variance is not detrimental to surrounding properties;
2. The parking provided is sufficient to meet the parking needed by the
3. The variance will not create increased congestion or traffic hazards
along adjacent streets and alleys; and
4. The variance is consistent with the intent of the Off - Street Parking
Drdinaneethis Chapter, the zoned in which the site is located, and the Comprehensive
B. Such public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures for
a public hearing on the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles.
C. The determination of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City
14.40.170140 Building Permits. Before the granting of a building or occupancy
permit for any new building or structure, or for any enlargement or change of use in any existing
)uilding or structure, where the proposed use is subject to the requirements of this Chapter, the
applicant for such building permit shall comply with the requirements of this Chapter.
Compliance shall consist of either of the following:
A. Proof of the existence of, or the acceptance by the City of a bond for the off -
street parking spaces required by this Chapter, including a site plan showing such off - street
parking, which has been submitted to and approved by the Plann-ingCommunity Development
Director and City Engineer;_ such The site plan teshall be prepared at a reasonable scale, showing
property lines, dimensions of the property, size and arrangement of all parking spaces, the means
Df ingress and egress to such parking spaces and interior circulation within the parking area, the
extend of any change required in existing site conditions to provide required parking, and such
Dther information as may be necessary to permit review and approval of the proposed parking;
B. Proof that the applicant is a participant in a City
approved Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA), which provides the total-tiumber-of
3ff- street parking spaces which would otherwise be required from each of the individual
participating uses.
Applicants meeting all or a portion of their required needs through the
provisions of this Section must pay to the eOff- Street Parking Improvement
Fund an initial assessment amount of $6067,500 for each required parking space provided through
membership in the Parking Association ora City approved PBIA.
14.40.+80150 Use of Parking Spaces. Subsequent to the issuance of a building
permit, the number and location of parking spaces used to satisfy the requirements of this Chapter
shall not be changed, nor shall the use of the building or structure for which the permit is issued
be changed, without the issuance of a revised building permit, including compliance with the
requirements of this Chapter. Parking spaces used by a land use to satisfy the requirements of the
Chapter shall only be used for the parking of vehicles of customers and other users of the building
and the land use authorized by the building permit,
purpose shall require a revised building permit.except for parking provided under Sections
14.40.040 and 14.40.070.
14.40.185160 Parking Lot Activity Standards. All parking lot activities shall comply
with the following standards:
A. No such activity shall occur in parking spaces directly in front of entrances or
windows of a building.
B. Such activities shall not occupy more than 10% of the total number of spaces
n the parking lot.
C. Such activities shall not block entrances and exits to the parking lot or fire exit
3oors of any buildings.
D. Such activities shall not occur in parking lots containing fewer than 20 spaces.
E. All such activities shall comply with all other applicable City Ordinances and
State Statutes.
F. Each activity shall only be for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days for
private businesses and sixty (60) days for private non - profit and charitable organizations within
a one calendar year period.
G. The location and activity shall not endanger the public health, morals, safety
- 10 -
rnd welfare.
14.40.+99170 Revocation of Permit - Appeals .
A. An occupancy building permit issued pursuant to the terms of this Chapter shall
`De revocable by the City Manager, or his designee, for violation of any of the provisions of this
Thapter. Notice of the revocation of such permit shall be given in writing, by ordinary mail,
directed to the address of the permit holder as shown on the permit application.
B. Upon revocation, the permit holder shall have a right of appeal to the City
Thuncil. The holder shall, within ten days of the notice of revocation, give notice to the City
Clerk, in writing, the permit holder's intention to appeal the revocation to the City Council. The
Clerk shall place the permit holder's appeal on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled City
Council meeting, and forthwith inform the permit holder, in writing, the date, time and location
of the meeting.
C. The City Council shall hold a public meeting hearing, at which the permit
'solder may present testimony as to his compliance with the terms of this Chapter.
D. The City Council shall make written findings of fact, as to the basis of any
decision which it makes. The City Council may sustain the revocation of the permit, reinstate the
permit with conditions, reinstate the permit after a time certain, or immediately reinstate the
14.40.180 Decisions of City Staff or the Planning Commission - Appeals.
A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of City staff or the Planning Commission
may appeal the decision to the City Council.
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development in
writing within fourteen (14) days following the date of the decision.
C. The City Council shall conduct an open record hearing on the appeal of the City
staff's decision or a closed record hearing on the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision in
accordance with PAMC 18.02.120. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam
ounty Superior Court in accordance with PAMC 18.02.130.
14.40.200190 Violation. Any person, firm, or corporation, in charge of premises
which violate any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense
For each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of
his Chapter is committed, continued, or permitted. Each such offense shall be punishable by a
naximum civil fine of $500.
Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the
date of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 20th day of April, 2004.
Becky J. U y Clerk
PUBLISHED: April 25, 2004
By Summary
G :Legs]_ Backupl ORD]NANCES &RESOLUTIONS\2004 -06. ord.wpd(April 14, 2004)
ennis C. Dickson, Acting City Attorney
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on April 20, 2004
Ordinance No. 3158
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises the regulations regarding
the sale or use of liquor during events for the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, to be consistent
with the Vern Burton Center and the Senior Services Community Center, and amends
Ordinance 2632 as amended and Chapter 12.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3159
This Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishes use
fees for the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, and amends Ordinance 3130 as amended and
Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3161
This Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, modifies the
requirements of the City's off - street parking ordinance by encouraging lower impact
development with less impervious surfaces and alternative transportation strategies, while
encouraging businesses to determine and meet their own parking requirements and amends
Ordinance 1588 as amended and Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk
Publish: April 25, 2004