HomeMy WebLinkAbout3201ORDINANCE NO. 3201
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
rezoning property from RS -9 (Residential, Single Family) to
RMD (Residential, Medium Density).
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has considered
an application to rezone from RS -9 to RMD the property described in the attached Exhibit A;
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended to the City Council
approval of the rezone application; and
WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C
RCW) have been met; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, after conducting a public hearing, considering the
Planning Commission's recommendation, finds that there have been changes in circumstances
since the current zoning designations were adopted and that said rezone is in the best interest of
the City and its citizens and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan;
DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. The Findings and Conclusions marked Exhibit B and attached are
hereby adopted and entered.
Section 2. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance 2801 as amended, is hereby
amended to change the zoning of that property described in the attached Exhibit A from RS -9
(Residential, Single Family 9,000 square feet) to RMD (Residential, Medium Density).
- 1 -
Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance to
the Official Zoning Map and to file certified copies with the Clallam County Auditor and
Clallam County Assessor.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the
date of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 7th day of June, 2005.
William E. Bloor, City Af orney
PUBLISHED: June 12 , 2005
By Summary
G 2Legal_BackupAORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \2005- 25RoneRezone060205
June 7.2005
- 2 -
Exhibit A
The south half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter in
Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W. M., Clallam County, Washington,
Beginning at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter in said Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W. M., Clallam County
Thence south 88° 41' east along the north line of said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter 644.90 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner thereof,
Thence south 0° 57' west, along the east line of said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of
the northwest quarter, 75 feet,
Thence north 88° 41' west, parallel with the north line of said southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter, 450.66 feet,
Thence north 78° 15' west 194 feet, more or less, to a point on the west line of said southwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter,
Thence north 0° 36' east 40.10 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning,
Except that portion thereof, if any, lying within the right -of -way for County Road No. 34610,
commonly known as Golf Course Road.
Situate in Clallam County, State of Washington
Findings and Conclusions - REZ 05 -02
June 7, 2005
Page 1
1. On March 25, 2005, the City of Port Angeles received a request from property owner
Michele Rone' to rezone approximately 4.92 acres from RS -9 Residential Single Family to
RHD Residential High Density. In subsequent conversation with Mr. Rone', it was
determined that a rezone to RMD Residential Medium Density would serve his development
plans and enhance development in the area while adding to the City's multi family housing
properties. The applicant's justification for a rezone notes 1) consistency with the
Comprehensive Plan; 2) suitability of the area for multiple family development as evidenced
by established development and zoning in the area; and 3) the desire to provide a variety of
housing types.
2. The property is described as tax parcels #0630132300901000 and 2001 and is situated
approximately 330' south of the southeast corner of the Golf Course Road and Lindberg Road
intersection with access from Golf Course Road.
3. The subject site is partially developed with a single family residence and accessory structure.
The Bonneville Power Line and easement cross the property along its north frontage from
east to west encumbering approximately one third of the property.
The site is located along an arterial street and near a bus stop which are locational criteria
for multiple family zones.
5. The purpose of the RMD zone (PAMC 17.14) is "This is a medium density residential zone,
which allows a mix of single family, duplexes, and apartments at a density greater than
single family neighborhoods but less than the higher densities of the RHD zone. The
permitted uses in the RAID zone are also intended to be more restrictive than the RHD Zone.
Commercial uses are not considered to be compatible. Few nonresidential uses are allowed
in this zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated with
nonresidential uses. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for the
City 's lower density multifamily residential neighborhoods (at twice the density of the City's
basic single family residential neighborhoods) with direct access on an arterial street,
usually located in outlying areas with large tracts of vacant buildable land, and serving as
a transitional use between low density residential uses and commercial /industrial uses. "
The purpose of the RHD zone (PAMC 17.15) is : "This is a high density residential zone
for multi-family residential structures. Compatible uses may he allowed by Conditional Use
Permits but the zone is still regarded as a residential area and commercial enterprises are
not generally felt to be compatible. Few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and
then only conditional, because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses."
Single family and multi - family homes, parks, schools, churches, day care and residential
services, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development
and enhancement.
Findings and Conclusions - REZ 05 -02
June 7,2005
Page 2
6. Zoning in the area includes Residential High Density (RHD) to the north, northwest, and
northeast. Residential Single Family (RS -9) zoning is also found to the west, east, and south,
with Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) to the north (Peninsula Golf Club). Developed
properties in the area are consistent with underlying zoning designations.
7. Residential development in the RHD zone may develop up to 39 units per acre, with 13 units
per acre in the Residential Medium Density, and 7 units per acre in the existing RS -9 zone.
8. A rezone proposal cannot be considered a spot zone if it meets the following tests: 1) the
parcel of land has not been singled out for special and privileged treatment; 2) the singling
out is in the public interest and not only for the benefit of the land owner; and 3) the action
is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.
9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the site as High Density Residential
(HDR) /Low Density Residential (LDR). The site was designated as an imprecise margin in
2000 when the adjacent property was designated HDR. Properties adjacent to the subject
property are designated HDR and Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Comprehensive
Plan and Land Use Map. A transition area is identified on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use
Map between LDR and HDR for the site which allows for interpretation of an appropriate
designation of the site by the City Council. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map does not
allow for the further extension of high density development south of the subject property.
10. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety with respect to the proposal. The
following elements, goals, and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposal:
Growth Management Element Goal A, and Policies A.1 (a -e); Land Use Map Goal A and
Policy 1 A.2; Land Use Element Residential Goal B and Policies B.1, 3, and 4; Goal C, and
Policies C.1, 2, 3, and 4; and Capital Facilities Element Goal C.
11. The City's inventory of land zoned Residential High Density (RHD) is approximately 127
acres. The inventory of Residential Medium Density (RMD) zoned land was recently
reduced to approximately 122 acres by a down zone approved for environmental reasons.
The proposed rezone would replace 4.92 acres of the available medium density down zoned
property. Analysis of the buildable land supplies of various zones has shown that higher
density residential areas are much less available for development than low density residential
12. The State of Washington Growth Management Act (GMA) of 1992 encourages the
development of urban properties to specific densities. Mandates to provide an adequate
supply of low density, medium density, and high density residential properties were
established under the GMA with specific standards as to where such areas should be located.
Criteria for locating medium and high density residential uses along arterial streets where
public transportation is normally available; the provision of public utilities including water,
power, stormwater, sewer, trash pickup, and communication services; public recreational and
educational uses located nearby; and the ratio of inventory of multiple residential land
available for development are some of those standards.
Findings and Conclusions - REZ 05 -02
June 7,2005
Page 3
13. The SEPA Responsible Official adopted a previously issued Determination of Non -
Significance (DNS) for the proposal on May 3, 2005. The DNS adopted was originally
issued for a 2000 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map change for the adjacent property from
Low Density Residential to High Density Residential.
14. The public comment and notification period for the Planning Commission meeting ran from
April 15 to April 30, 2005. Mailing labels were provided by the applicant. Surrounding
property owners were notified that the request was for high density residential zoning.
15. Reviewing City departments did not have any comment. Utilities exist in the area to
adequately serve a high density residential development.
16. Two letters of concern were received as a result of the public notification process. The
residents objected to the proposed rezone citing traffic, drainage, view, and property value
issues. Those letters were included in staffs continued review of the proposal.
17. Future development of the subject property will require engineered drainage and stormwater
design. Drainage and stormwater concerns will not be required of a property owner until
proposed development. Development in an area is the impetus for needed infrastructure
18. The 1999 Clailam County Housing Needs Assessment indicated that there were 1,878 multi-
family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial
Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single
family and 22% multi - family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in
single family and multi - family housing percentages in other communities also indicates an
increasing need for multi - family zoned land. The City has experienced a dramatic increase
in housing development over the past three years with many multiple family properties being
19. Section 17.96.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code identifies procedures for amendment
to (rezone) the City's Zoning Map.
1. With the frontage of the site being along Golf Course Road, circulation patterns and traffic
in the area should not be negatively affected by multiple family residential uses that could
locate on the site if a rezone were approved. The proposal is therefore consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan policies for higher density residential.
2. The proposed rezone would allow for the development and infill of undeveloped property
consistent with the Growth Management Act's requirement that economic development be
consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan that encourages growth in areas within the
capacity of the region's public services and facilities. The Comprehensive Plan residential
land use element goals and policies encourage medium and high density housing in
residential zones consistent with available public utility and recreation services. Residential
land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept.
Findings and Conclusions - REZ 05 -02
June 7, 2005
Page 4
3. The site can provide a logical transition between land uses that will not adversely impact the
existing development in the area.
4. The rezone is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses and will allow
development of the site to a higher density that has been identified as desired for the area by
the City through its Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation and is therefore in the
public interest.
5. The City's action on rezone application REZ 05 -01 is consistent with the established
procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
6. Utilities in the area are adequate to supply power, water, communications, sewer, and
emergency services to the site in light of the proposal. Ultimate development plans may
require further improvement by the developer. As no adverse impacts to neighboring streets
are anticipated and street, walkway, and drainage will be also required with subsequent
development, the proposed rezone is in the public interest.
7. The proposed rezone would encourage the development of the site to a higher density that
has been identified as possible for the area by the City through its Comprehensive Plan Land
Use Map designation of the adjacent area as High Density Residential (HDR).
8. The mix of affordable housing in Port Angeles has a relatively low ratio of multi - family to
single family dwelling units, especially in comparison with similar size cities in the Puget
Sound area. The City has experienced a high demand over the past two to three years as seen
by the development of over 250 new subdivision lots that are rapidly being purchased. The
proposal will minimally add to the City's inventory of RMD zoned land for development.
There is not an excessive inventory of medium density land available land for development
in the City.
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on June 7, 2005
Ordinance No. 3201
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezones property located south and east
of the intersection of Lindberg Road and Golf Course Road from RS -9 (Residential, Single
Family) to RMD (Residential, Medium Density). The property is legally described as the south
half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter in Section 13,
Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W. M., Clallam County, Washington,
Beginning at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter in said Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W. M., Clallam County
Washington, thence south 88° 41' east along the north line of said southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter 644.90 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner
thereof, thence south 0° 57' west, along the east line of said southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter, 75 feet, thence north 88° 41' west, parallel with the north line of
said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, 450.66 feet, thence
north 78° 15' west 194 feet, more or less, to a point on the west line of said southwest quarter of
the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, thence north 0° 36' east 40.10 feet, more or less,
to the point of beginning, except that portion thereof, if any, lying within the right -of -way for
County Road No. 34610, commonly known as Golf Course Road Situate in Clallam County,
State of Washington.
Ordinance No. 3202
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approves the Mountain View Subdivision.
finance . e City o
Ordinance No. 3203
Ordinance No. 3204
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopts an Updated Comprehensive
Ordinance No. 3205
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, clarifies a quorum for the Recreation
and Parks Commission, and amends Ordinance 1926, as amended, and portions of Chapter 2.32
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3206
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishes use fees for the Feiro
Marine Life Center, and amends Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. This
Ordinance shall take effect June 15, 2005.
Ordinance No. 3207
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends Ordinance 3196, adding the
specific effective date of June 30, 2005, on and after 12:01 a.m., for annexation of property
consisting of approximately 358.50 acres west of the current City limits, south of Highway 101.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Unless otherwise stated above, these Ordinances shall take effect five days following the date of
publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: June 12, 2005