HomeMy WebLinkAbout3210ORDINANCE NO. 3710
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
repealing Ordinance 2982, as amended, and Chapter 2.66 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, the Port Angeles Works Economic Development Steering Committee has
been superseded by the Port Angeles Forward Committee, created pursuant to Ordinance No.
Section 1. Ordinances 2982, as amended, and Chapter 2.66 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby repealed in their entirety:
.66.040 - 01ganLzatlult
1. 66.010 - ltilfpoae. the ftcelalCQ purpooc et t11is l haptcr iS tv CStaL115n do ece11 / I1C
ebneilne 1)cv clupn1ent Jtcein g l.oinnnttce w ill n1aK
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AngLlca and on other niattLra aS may be 1cfLncd t., the CoininittLe by th1 City Council.
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c11u1w in una P wl.
L.6b.113V - rvlcilibcis ip.
A. Cenivoaition. Tlie Lcerleinic DcvelOpildiit StLclinlg C°ain't . allall LL
W1111AuaLd of t11c following iliac nicn.Lcis.
1 Tlfn,c City Council nlen ULrs.
- 1 -
1esldcnts of Yhc City v1 ILptvot,tttattvc5 v
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4 All appeint111eut� Sllall Lc dL.cnled to Lave COntlicnccl Oil Malc11 1 et'
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fin the CV1111±1 It e, including LL, 111S i L,J1 e1isibIc for ] 11tt n n1111 t
C. This ContntlttL,c shall hold ntcetings as dL cnlcl nctt cssaryLy tie °mini an
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Oytil PI Lltc MceYing� Act, CLldyt .a 4L.JU 1CC W . 1 14e Ili Eli COnSLiLulc a Huul uul Ivt I11L,
conduct of off elal Lusine,s.
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1 include the following
A. Aet 111 do dL1JLsury capacity t0 flit Lny Cl l.Otull 111 st11v111g L0 uiLlltvvc L11c 1111E
AngclL,s economy by facilitating and elleot11aging the d&,velepnlent efl COn0fttl upporttaiitiea 111
t1hc u1dust11al, conIn1ctclal and puLllc scctul5, aS ntay LC dctcl ullntl Ly tl]c Cunlin1tle dud file
Ceu1]eil tO Lc Wiest appiap11atL, fur a111 eapahlc of e1eaY11]g a ,taLlc Lcaltlly and livctalficl
„1nploylnciIt ba3e.
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:111 Oppoi lu111ti1,5 that will 11CnJrt
1ty Cuu11c11 as t011ttvt tttc.aYtv11 Lll
ivn plan for aL hlcving the City's
C . 00; ma 111e l,0tnnuttcC S C11O110 wltn vtllcl tCvuuuuc Qcvclvpnicu1 S1vup5
WI 1111 Clallanl Coaniy and tile, Oly11t1 is I! ninsula.
1G 1.01nn11LtLc Sna1111a v c file autnot 1ty aL1c fCSpO11S1b111ty 10 O v e,1 Sct a110 Q1 CL,L Ll1e acts JLLtc5,
- 2 -
uLllollly anil respoi,S111111ly to U.. t.aifline all e„LLI,a d11Q eo,lfl1 1 1S lo1 tlICA.M.M,11 1 U1 ut lUll S
f y Rural Lco11 1 c DLVClop1 vmg Pu11 an f kn. ih., 1,1111S
callditiol,s of rct,aynlcllt.
Section 2. A new Section, which shall read as follows, is added to PAMC:
The Finance Committee shall have the authority and responsibility to oversee and
direct the activities, and to serve as the Board of Directors, of the Electric Utility Rural Economic
Development Revolving Fund as set forth in PAMC 3.15.017 and Chapter 82.16 RCW. The
Committee shall have the authority and responsibility to determine all criteria and conditions for
the expenditure of funds from the Electric Utility Rural Economic Development Revolving Fund
and for the terms and conditions of repayment.
Section 3 - Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the
date of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 5`" day of July 2005
Becky J.U� .n, ��-ty Cler
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: July 10 2005
By Summary
G\Legal Backup\ ORDINANCES& RESOLUTIONS\2005- 06Repeal266 -PA Works Comm.030205.wpd
June 29, 2005
- 3 -
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on July 5, 2005
Ordinance No. 3209
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends Ordinance No. 3202, to
amend the name of the Mountain View Subdivision to The Estates at Milwaukee.
Ordinance No. 3210
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, dissolves the Port Angeles Works
Economic Development Steering Committee by repealing Ordinance 2982, as amended, and
Chapter 2.66 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3211
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approves Phase II of the Olympic
Heights Subdivision.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed
upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. These
Ordinances shall take effect five days following the date of publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: July 10, 2005