HomeMy WebLinkAbout3219ORDINANCE NO. 3219
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the
benefits plan for the City's Management, Administrative, and Non -
Represented Personnel and amending Ordinance 3048, as amended.
WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City establish a uniform benefit package for its
Management, Administrative, and Non - Represented employees; and
WHEREAS, the benefits for this group of employees need to be amended from time to
time to maintain a benefit package that is consistent with the represented employee groups;
Section 1. Section 5 of Ordinance 3048, as amended, is hereby amended to read as
As of en.be. 1, 2003July 1, 2005 the benefits for Management, Administrative, and
on- Represented personnel shall be as set forth in Schedule C attached hereto and made a part of
ereof by this reference.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
ouncil held on the lath day of October, 2005.
ecky J. Up ? , CI Clerk
UBLISHED: October 23 2005
By Summary
9Lega1_ Backup \ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\2005 -34 AmendMgmt &Admin Benefits.092605.wpd (September 27, 2005)
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
- 1 -
Section I — Retirement and Social Security Coverage
A. Social security — in accordance with laws established by U.S. Government.
B. State retirement program — in accordance with provisions of Public Employees
Retirement System and Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement
System, as established by the Washington State Legislature.
Section II — Holidays
In accordance with the statutes established by the Washington State Legislature, holidays shall
be as listed below:
New Years Day
Martin Luther King's Birthday
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
2 Floating Holidays
January 151
Third Monday in January
Third Monday in February
Last Monday in May
July 4th
First Monday in September
November 1
Thursday in November
Fourth Friday in November
December 25th
As scheduled
Employees hired between January - June shall receive two floating holidays; employees hired
July — December receive one floating holiday.
Section III — Leave Policies
A. Leave policies for City Manager and Department Heads:
1. Positions entitled to leave privileges set forth in this subsection:
City Manager
Public Works/Utilities Director
Finance Director
Parks and Recreation Director
Planning Director of Community & Economic Development
Fire Chief
Police Chief
City Attorney
2 Each Department Head and City Manager shall receive general leave for each month of
service in each 12 -month period, to be used accrued and used within the guidelines
Years of service Days /year
0 -10 30
11 -15 33
16 -20 38
21+ 43
A. It is to be used for vacation, sick leave or other personal leave requirements;
B. Accumulation shall be unlimited, but payoff is limited to 100% for the first 960 hours
and 25% for hours accrued beyond this amount;
C. Department Heads are not required to take leave; however the City Manager may
exercise his authority to direct a Department Head to take vacation when he feels that
such time off is necessary for the benefit of the City or the employee;
D. All time off shall be scheduled by the employee with the advanced approval of the
City Manager, except when it may interfere with operational functions of the City
demanding the employee's service or knowledge;
E. It is the responsibility of the Department Head to use accumulated general leave in a
prudent and careful manner;
F. Upon termination in good standing, death or retirement of the employee, a
Department Head shall receive pay for accumulated leave in accordance with the
following schedule at his rate of pay upon separation of City service.
Years of service Cash -out rate
0 -5 years 50%
6+ years 100%
Leave policies for other than City Manager and Department Head employees in the
Management, Administrative, Technical and Confidential Clerical Group:
1. Vacation leave shall be accrued at the following rates:
Less than 2 years service 11 days
2 -5 years service 14 days
6 -10 years service 17 days
11 -15 years service 21 days
16 -20 years service 26 days
21 years+ 31 days
2. Leave accredited for any month of service may be taken in any subsequent month,
providing such leave is approved by the Department Head.
3. Annual leave may be accumulated, provided the total does not exceed 120 days.
4. Accrued vacation leave will be paid off in cash at the time of separation of City
service as long as the employee has completed the applicable probation period.
5. Sick leave shall be accrued and used in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the
City's Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual, Section 7.01, with the following
a. Twenty -five percent (25 %) of accumulated sick leave will be paid the
employee upon termination in good standing, retirement or death;
b. When an employee is injured on the job and there is time lost, he /she shall go
on industrial insurance as provided by the City. He /she may use sick leave
credits for pay equal to the difference between his/her regular pay, less the
amount of Workers Compensation pay. The portion of sick leave paid will be
deducted from accumulated sick leave.
Section IV — Other benefits
These benefits apply to the City Manager, Department Heads and other employees in the
Management, Administrative, Technical and Confidential Clerical Group:
1. Deferred compensation — The City shall make deferred compensation programs
available to employees and the City shall contribute 50% of the employee's
contribution on a monthly basis, not to exceed $50100 per month contribution by the
2. Medical insurance program — The City will provide medical, dental and vision
coverage for regular full -time and regular part-time employees (50% or greater) and
their eligible dependents. Employees are required to pay 3% of the medical premium
cffcctivc 11/1/03, 7% of the medical prcmium effective 1/1/01, and 12% of the
medical premium cffcctivc 1/1/05.
3. Long -term disability — The City will provide long -term disability insurance for
regular full -time employees with a 90 -day waiting period and income protection
equal to approximately 60% of monthly salary. The specific terms, conditions and
eligibility shall be governed by the insurance policy document.
4. Tuition reimbursement — Employees are eligible for full reimbursement of costs for
tuition and books for courses directly related to his/her job, provided that the
employee has gained advanced approval from his/her Department Head and the City
Manager on the appropriate request form prior to registration for the class. All
employees requesting reimbursement for tuition will be expected to meet the
minimum standards for taking the course and must complete the course with a
passing grade of "C" or better.
5. Employee assistance program — The City will provide this program for employees
and their eligible dependents.
6. Term life insurance — The City will provide this for regular employees in the amount
of one times the employee's annual salary up to $50,000 maximum (rounded to
nearest thousand). Employees may purchase additional term life insurance by payroll
G: \Legal_Backup \ORDINANCE S &RESOLUTIONS\2005 -34. ScheduleC.092605.doe
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on October 18, 2005
Ordinance No. 3219
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises the benefits plan as of July
1, 2005, for the City's Management, Administrative, and Non - Represented Personnel and
amends Ordinance 3048, as amended.
The full text of the Ordinance is available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be mailed
upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: October 23, 2005