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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
amending the City's solid waste utility, garbage collection, and
sanitary landfill regulations and rates, Chapters 13.52, 13.54,
and 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, adopting a new
chapter, 13.57 - Solid Waste Processing Facility, and amending
utility fees, Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles desires to promote recycling within the City and
decrease the volume of waste;
as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 13.52 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
13.52.010 Creation.
13.52.020 Director of Public Works and Utilities - Responsibilities.
13 52 030 Acquisition of Ncccssaiy Equipmcnt.
13.52.010 Creation. For the purpose of carrying into effect the Solid Waste regulations
of this Title, there is created and established a Solid Waste Utility within the Department of
Public Works and Utilities.
13.52.020 Director of Public Works and Utilities - Responsibilities. The Director of
Public Works and Utilities, hereinafter also referred to as "Director," shall have authority and
responsibility to direct and€ttil charge and control of-all work provided for and contemplated by
the Solid Waste regulations of this Title. The Director, with such assistance of personnel and
equipment and contractual services as are furnished him by the City for the operation of the Solid
Waste Utility, shall collect, remove and dispose of all garbage, rubbish, trash and offal within the
City of Port Angeles as provided for in Chapter 13.54 PAMC.
i s. .usu ticquisi ion or N cccssary Lquip t. t nc city ouncil is
from the Solid Waste Utility Fund creatcd undcr PAMC 3.32.010.
authorizcd to,
Section 2. Chapter 13.54 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, in its entirety, is
amended to read as follows:
amptrancc -w I enaptcr tcequirctit.
oinpuisory crvicc.
lrup Obligation.
icn for Unpaid C;arbag ction Services.
ontaincr Requirements.
ycling Rcgtri
nacccptaoic w asses licsignatca.
13.54.080 Garbage - Dlainitr Viapping aud.Gattitaiy ,edit'
13.54.090 Pric Cailecctars - equipment Regulations.
13.54.100 Assistance to Elderly and/or Ilandicappcd.
Lompiiance witn l napter xcquu ca. tt is unlaw ea any pcison to burn,
City otherwise than as provided in this Chapter.
nos- respectivciy
"Ashes " - mcans solid was products produced after the combustion of coal, wood
other fuels, and other combustible material.
B. "City busincss" mcans any busincss whose principal placc of business is within
thc City limits of Port Angeles.
"City resielent" any persen residu�g
egai l ity
"Co-fleet-or of rcfuse" mcarrs thc Solid Waste Utility within thc Department of
:. •
E. "Commercial dwclling" m cans a building or group of buildings dcsigncd, intcnded
y purp
plc awcttmgs,
ude office
practices, w any typeOnrte pre mises an�tar is listen
in the telephone dircctory as a busine s, shall be classified as commercial, unlcss specifically
exempted by the City Manager -or-his dcsigiiec sed on tlic su vises rendered.
'1a3drtla lurnsind ponpuoa
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•(ioded iolndLuoo pug `iodhd io2pol
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'minimum soilsEId a i'o P 5 llp ``s{uloLti sopnpuT �I�iTal'''TT ovirlokoax„
ough December 31, 2005, the rate for the co
60/90 gal.
300 gal.
$ 72.05
Beginning January 1, 2006, thc ratc for thc collcction of rcfusc othcr than for a single
'u gal.
Through December 31, 265, thc ratc for thc collcction of rcfusc for a fcdcral
' .SUUg
$19.85 $ 68.65
39 70 137.30
'u .wu gal.
crate for couectton or loose rt.. yaraagc au. outslae tlic container stla
r T11c-rate for special requests tu c -bnHk rims or provide a scrvicc nu
1154.045 Licn for Un aid Carba• c Collcction Services. Upon failure to paythc charges
1 1
1 1 •
giving the iegai acscrip
premises song
ontaincrs Uscd by City
1 1 • • 1 ••
siacnts unit'. No p
own ca contamets.
1i. .uc1u t.;ontainer xequireinents.
A. RcquirLd. It shall bc the duty of eveiypurrson rpass-cssion, charge oi control of
accumulated, at all times to use City -owned colltaiileis -oi AIL! cuiitaillctsas- appluvtd by tl
• • • 11 •
maintaining the contamci in a clean condition.
• 1 • VIP
C. Location. No cofttairrcrs Jha11 bc kept or-storc within the- canfincs of any street
• •
• • I 1
• . • . • • •
• . 1
'oTst?m pJ1ii TOJ sioturwoo sr posn
iip1ns onnl ti2Im otunloA ui suollr ZE &uipooaxa SOU `TTvY r1Tv2 Id parpurls E Iotp!o
. • . •
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•Joloo. TQ ati3 Xq poncuddl' SL STOUTL3uoo TOtMMO TO
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•osuodxo S,IOUmo ipgpurq
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•sirlio31JAI po3iquioTl
lualOgjauT TO iropOLTdun oq pinOm `TOldrtla sup LTI pougop sL' `sioureiuoo 31tj3 XlpuPnb Lions
. .. .
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ar oq apgow SILT wog uopoo. Ip [iUr uI poj Os I UL'ti3 OTOUT zjJ O2 puuinboi oq pals IOUmO otuog
opgow'LnpmATpy! on Imp popIAOTd `.STOLU73UO0 OSnJOT JO tTO POOi Otis TOE s pl?d OATOti o igoIIT otp
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•oioupA pozuwwtioow otp &ITSn uol3ooJoo
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.uopoOjJOO ITOtp _tour smog j'Z UTLI3Im gino ow UIOIg
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11 • •
• . .
. _
No matcrials other than rccyclablc materials as defined hcrcin and as dcsignatcd
• -. . • . .
thc user, the user shall rcplacc the same or pay for its icplacement or repair.
II. Each loaded containa-shall-weigh a maxima/la-of-fifty pounds
is..viu unacccptaulc wastes liesignatca. the tollowing wastes snail ec consiaei
construction o f buildings or structures, such as earth, plaster, irrortar and roofing materials.
C. Matcrials which havc not bccn prcparcd for collcction in accordancc with these
astc originating
A. All garbage shall bc drained of liquids and wrapped in papa or other material
bcforc being dcpositcd in thc- eontainer. The City may rcfusc to collect undraincd garbage which
. .
Thc owner or person in chargc of thc place where rcfusc containcrs arc locatcd
1S.J4.UyU 1'rlvatc Collectors - L'qulpincnt Kcgulatlons.
provisions for covering thc bodics. Thc use of a tarpaulin or canvas cover to enclose opcn bodics
of collcction vehicics may bc permitted upon approval of thc Director.
B Watertight Garbage Cellcctto/ lc es. Vehieles used fvr tlIC cuTh etion or
13.54.100 Assistancc to Eldcrly and/or Ilandicappcd. If elderly, handicapped, and/or
13.54.010 Compliance with Chapter Required.
13.54.020 Definitions.
13.54.030 Compulsory Service.
13.54.035 General Provisions Applicable to All Services.
13.54.040 Solid Waste Rates.
13.54.050 Schedule R -01 — Residential Weekly Service
13.54.060 Schedule R -02 — Residential Every Other Week Service
13.54.070 Schedule R -03 — Residential Yard Waste Service
13.54.080 Schedule R -04 — Residential Temporary Service
13.54.090 Schedule C-01 — Commercial 90-Gallon Service
13.54.100 Schedule C -02 — Commercial 300-Gallon Service
13.54.110 Schedule C -03 — Commercial Recycling Service
13.54.120 Schedule C -04 — Commercial Temporary Service
13.54.130 Lien for Unpaid Garbage Collection Services.
13.54.140 Container Requirements.
13.54.150 Recycling, Yard Waste, and Cardboard Recycling Requirements.
13.54.160 Waste Acceptance Policy
13.54.170 Private Collectors - Equipment Regulations.
13.54.180 Assistance to Elderly and/or Handicapped.
13.54.190 Penalties.
13.54.010 - Compliance with Chapter Required. It is unlawful for an • erson to burn
dump, collect, remove or in any other manner dispose of garbage, rubbish, trash, offal, and any
other waste upon, over, or within the City otherwise than as provided in this Chapter.
13.54.020 - Definitions. The definitions set forth in PAMC 13.57.020, excluding
recyclable materials and yard waste, are hereby adopted by this reference for the purpose of this
Chapter. In addition, as used in this Chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:
A. "Cardboard recycling container" means a receptacle furnished by the recycling
contractor for the collection of old corrugated cardboard at commercial buildings.
B. "City business" means any business whose principal place of business is within
the City limits of Port Angeles.
C. "City resident" means anyperson residing within the City limits of Port Angeles.
D. "Collect" and "Collection" mean the curbside pickup of a refuse container, a
recycling container, yard waste container, or cardboard recycling container by a contractor or by
the City.
"Commercial Building" means a building or group of buildings designed, intended
for, or used for any purpose other than dwellings, and shall include office buildings. Any
building or group of buildings where combined residence and business is practiced, where such
business is advertised by a sign of any type on the premises or is listed in the telephone directory
as a business, shall be classified as commercial, unless specifically exempted by the Director or
his designee, based on the services rendered.
F. "Contractor" means any person contracting with the City or having a license.,
franchise, or permit issued by the City to collect and dispose of wastes in the City, or his
authorized agent.
"Dangerous waste" means any discarded, useless, unwanted, or abandoned
nonradioactive substances, including but not limited to pesticides or any residues or containers
of such substances, that are disposed of in such quantity or concentration as to pose a substantial
present or potential hazard to human health, wildlife, or the environment because such wastes or
constituents or combinations of such wastes:
1. have toxic properties that may cause death, injury or illness or have
mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic properties; or
2. are corrosive, explosive, flammable, or may generate pressure through
decomposition or other means.
H. "Director" means the Director of Public Works and Utilities for the City of Port
I. "Garbage" means all animal or vegetable wastes resulting from handling,
preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
J. "Landfill" means the Sanitary Landfill disposal area administered and regulated
by the City under Chapter 13.56 PAMC.
K. "Multiple dwelling" means a building or group of buildings designed as, or
intended for, or used as two or more dwellings, such as apartments, rooming houses, multiple
houses or courts and tenant houses; provided such building or group of buildings are under
common ownership and have a common refuse disposal site; and provided further, that such
group of buildings by nature of construction or reference infer multiplex dwelling, except tourist
courts, motels, hotels and trailer courts, or any other establishment catering to transient residents.,
and provided that, for the purpose of this Chapter, three rooms shall be equal to one apartment
and any number of rooms shall be billed to the nearest multiple of three.
L. "Offal" means waste animal matter from butcher, slaughterer or packing houses.
M. "Old corrugated cardboard" or "O.C.C." shall have the same meaning as
corrugated cardboard within the service agreement as modified or amended and shall be further
defined as two strips of flat cardboard on the top and bottom, and a corrugated or fluted strip
running through the center, commonly found in boxes used for packaging and shipping. Waxed
boxes and gray cardboard (such as cereal boxes, shoeboxes and paper tubes) are not old
corrugated cardboard.
N. "Overloaded container" means a refuse container that weighs more than the lifting
capacity of the City's mechanized refuse collection system or a refuse container with a lid that
does not completely close due to the amount of refuse placed within the container.
0 . "Person" means every person, firm, partnership, association, institution and
corporation. The terms also mean the occupant or owner of the premises for which service is
rendered pursuant to this Chapter.
P. "Recycling container" means a receptacle, which is of the type approved by the
City and furnished by the recycling contractor for the collection of recyclable materials.
a "Recyclable materials" shall have the same meaning as recyclable materials for
curbside collection in accordance within the service agreement as modified or amended.
R. "Refuse" means garbage, rubbish, trash and offal, as defined herein, placed and
stored together in a refuse container.
- 10 -
S. "Refuse container" means a receptacle furnished by the City for use with its
mechanical refuse collection system.
T. "Residence" means a single dwelling unit that has been issued a certificate of
U. "Restricted refuse container" means a 300 - gallon refuse container that the Director:
requires to be shared due to lack of adequate space to store multiple 90- gallon refuse containers;
requires due to operational limitations of the area to which service is provided; or does not allow
to be completely filled due to the volume and/or weight of the waste.
V. "Rubbish" means all cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, food containers, wastepaper,
rags, sweepings, small pieces of wood, rubber, leather and similar waste materials that ordinarily
accumulate around a home, business or industry. Rubbish does not include bulk waste, lawn
cuttings, tree and hedge trimmings, dangerous wastes, hazardous materials, industrial waste or
building waste resulting from construction or alterations.
W. "Single dwelling" means a building designed as, or intended for, or used as, a
residence for a single family or a group of persons other than a single family, using such building
as a single housekeeping unit.
X. "Trash" means all waste matter not subject to decay or putrefaction, which, for the
purpose of this Chapter, includes ashes.
Y. "Waste" and "wastes" means all discarded materials and/or substances.
Z. "Yard waste" shall have the same meaning as yard waste or yard debris for
curbside collection in accordance within the service agreement as modified or amended.
AA. "Yard waste container" means a receptacle furnished by the contractor for the
collection of yard waste.
13.54.030 - Compulsory Service. Each dwelling and commercial building within the City
shall be provided with refuse collection service by the City. Each dwelling and commercial
building within the City shall pay for the collection of refuse at the rates provided in Section
13.54.040. If City residential water service is provided, collection service shall also be provided.
If City residential water service is terminated, collection service may also be terminated. The
recycling service, yard waste service, and cardboard recycling service are not compulsory
services. When approved by the Director, commercial buildings may obtain private collection
services or self -haul their wastes if their waste volume and/or weight exceeds the capacity of the
City's mechanized refuse collection system.
13.54.035 - General Provisions Applicable to All Services.
A. Collection service shall not be provided by the City for refuse placed outside of
a refuse container or for overloaded containers.
B. A utility service fee, in accordance with PAMC 3.70.010.B.3 for each occurrence,
shall be charged when a vehicle must return to collect a refuse container where: the person has
not placed the container in the appropriate place of collection; the person has not set out the
container in accordance with the scheduled date and time; the person set out an overloaded
container; or where the container was blocked by a parked vehicle; provided, no fee shall be
assessed until the responsible person is notified that a fee will be charged in such instances.
C. It is unlawful for any person in possession, charge or control of any premises in
the City, knowing that refuse has been deposited on the premises by the elements, animals, or
other causes, to fail to clean up such refuse so deposited in a period of 24 hours. If the refuse is
- 11 -
not cleaned up within twenty -four (24) hours, the City may clean up the refuse and assess the
person for the costs of cleanup and administration. Such bill shall be a minimum of $100.
D. It is unlawful for any person to deposit garbage, trash, rubbish, offal, recyclable
materials, yard waste, or any other waste, in any refuse container other than the refuse container
assigned to that person by the City. No containers are allowed to be shared except as approved
by the Director.
13.54.040 - Solid Waste Rates. The rates for solid waste services shall be in accordance
with Sections 13.54.050 through 13.54.120. The rates for solid waste services in Schedules R -01
through R -04 and C -01 through C -04 shall apply to each person that receives solid waste services.
13.54.050 - Schedule R -01 — Residential Weekly Service.
A. Through June 30, 2006, the rate shall be $21.85 per month for 1 collection of a 90-
gallon refuse container per week. The rate per month for each additional refuse container shall
be $21.85.
B. Beginning July 1, 2006, the rate shall be $27.30 per month for 1 collection of a 90-
gallon refuse container per week. The rate per month for each additional refuse container shall
be $27.30. Upon request, a refuse container collection in addition to the weekly collection may
be made and a utility service fee shall be charged per occurrence in accordance with PAMC
3.70.010.B.3. If a person does not request every- other -week service on or before June 16, 2006
in accordance with PAMC 13.54.060.A. the rate specified within this Section shall automatically
apply beginning July 1, 2006.
C. Upon request a 96- gallon recycling container may be provided after July 1, 2006.
The recycling container shall be collected every other week. The recycling container and
collection of the recycling container shall be provided at no additional charge.
D. Beginning October 1, 2006, a utility service fee in accordance with PAMC
3.70.010.B.4 shall be charged per container each time the same person at the same service
location (1) changes from Schedule R -01— Residential Weekly Service to Schedule R -02 -
Residential Every- Other -Week Service, or (2) requests a recycling container where the recycling
service has been voluntarily discontinued or terminated in accordance with 13.54.150.H.
E. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume recycling service if the same
person at the same service location voluntarily terminates water, wastewater, garbage collection,
and recycling services providing that electric service is maintained.
13.54.060 - Schedule R -02 - Residential Every Other Week Service.
A. Beginning July 1, 2006, upon request the rate shall be $21.85 per month for 1
collection of a 90- gallon refuse container. The rate per month for each additional refuse container
shall be $21.85.
B. Beginning July 1, 2006, a refuse container set out in accordance with the scheduled
date and time for weekly service shall not be collected. Upon request, a refuse container
collection in addition to the every other week collection may be made and a utility service fee
shall be charged per occurrence in accordance with PAMC 3.70.010.B.3.
C. Upon request a 96- gallon recycling container may be provided after July 1, 2006.
The recycling container shall be collected every other week. The recycling container and
collection of the recycling container shall be provided at no additional charge.
- 12-
D. Beginning October 1, 2006, a utility service fee in accordance with PAMC
3.70.010.B.4 shall be charged per container each time the same person at the same service
location (1) changes from Schedule R -02 - Residential Every Other Week Service to Schedule
R -01— Residential Weekly Service, or (2) requests a recycling container where the recycling
service has been voluntarily discontinued or terminated in accordance with 13.54.150.H.
E. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume recycling service if the same
person at the same service location voluntarily terminates water, wastewater, garbage collection,
and recycling services providing that electric service is maintained.
13.54.070 - Schedule R -03 — Residential Yard Waste Service.
A. Beginning July 1, 2006, upon request the rate shall be $7.05 per month per 96-
gallon yard waste container for 1 collection of yard waste every other week during the months of
March through November and once per month during the months of December through February.
The rate per month for each additional yard waste container shall be $7.05.
B. Beginning October 1, 2006, a utility service fee in accordance with PAMC
3.70.010.B.4 shall be charged per container each time the same person at the same service
location requests a yard waste container where the yard waste service has been terminated.
C. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume yard waste service if the same
person at the same service location voluntarily terminates water, wastewater, garbage collection.,
and yard waste services providing that electric service is maintained.
13.54.080 - Schedule R -04 — Residential Temporary Service.
Beginning July 1, 2006, upon request a 90 gallon or 300 - gallon temporary refuse
container will be provided and the utility service fee to deliver each container shall be in
accordance with PAMC 3.70.010.B.4. The utility service fee for each collection of a 90- gallon
refuse container shall be one -fourth of the rate specified in 13.54.090 PAMC. The utility service
fee for each collection of a 300 - gallon refuse container shall be one -fourth of the rate specified
in 13.54.100 PAMC. Requests to deliver, remove and collect a temporary refuse container shall
be made at least 24 hours in advance.
13.54.090 - Schedule C-01 — Commercial 90- gallon Service.
A. Through December 31, 2006, the rate shall be $21.85 per month for 1 collection
of a 90- gallon refuse container per week and semi - weekly collection of a cardboard recycling
container. The rate per month for each additional refuse container and for each additional weekly
collection of a refuse container shall be $21.85. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal
government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
B. Beginning January 1, 2007, the rate shall be $22.95 per month for 1 collection of
a 90- gallon refuse container per week and semi - weekly collection of a cardboard recycling
container. The rate per month for each additional refuse container and for each additional weekly
collection of a refuse container shall be $22.95. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal
government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
13.54.100 - Schedule C -02 — Commercial 300- Gallon Service.
A. Through December 31, 2006, the rate shall be $75.65 per month for 1 collection
of a 300 - gallon refuse container per week and semi - weekly collection of a cardboard recycling
- 13 -
container. The rate per month for each additional refuse container and for each additional weekly
collection of a refuse container shall be $75.65. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal
government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
B. Beginning January 1 2007, the rate per person shall be 79.45 er month for 1
collection of a 300 - gallon refuse container per week and semi - weekly collection of a cardboard
recycling container. The rate per month for each additional refuse container and for each
additional weekly collection of a refuse container shall be $79.45. The rate shall be reduced by
4.6% for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
C. Where approved by the Director, a 300 - gallon refuse container may be shared by
up to 5 persons. The Director shall determine the rate charged to each person that shares the use
of a 300 - gallon refuse container based on each person's waste volume and/or weight and
Schedule C- 02— Commercial 300- Gallon Service. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any
person that shares a 300 - gallon refuse container be less than Schedule C -01 —Commercial 90 -
Gallon Service. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government, its agencies and
D. Where a restricted use container is required by the Director, the Director shall
determine the rate charged to each person that is assigned a restricted refuse container based on
each commercial dwelling's waste volume and/or weight and Schedule C-02—Commercial 300-
Gallon Service. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any person that is assigned a restricted
refuse container be less than Schedule C-01 —Commercial 90-Gallon Service. The rate shall be
reduced by 4.6% for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
13.54.110 - Schedule C -03 — Commercial Recycling Service.
Beginning July 1, 2006, when commercial recycling service is requested in addition to
semi - weekly collection of cardboard, the rate shall be $10.50 per month for 1 collection of a
recycling container per week for each location within the City limits of Port Angeles. The rate
per month for each additional recycling container and each additional weekly collection of a
recycling container shall be $10.50.
13.54.120 - Schedule C -04 — Commercial Temporary Service.
Beginning July 1, 2006, when a 90- gallon or 300 - gallon temporary refuse container is
requested, the utility service fee to deliver each container shall be in accordance with PAMC
3.70.010.B.4. The utility service fee for each collection of a 90- gallon refuse container shall be
one -fourth of the rate specified in 13.54.090 PAMC. The utility service fee for each collection
of a 300 - gallon refuse container shall be one -fourth of the rate specified in 13.54.100 PAMC.
Requests to deliver, remove and collect a temporary refuse container shall be made at least 24
hours in advance.
13.54.130 - Lien for Unpaid Garbage Collection Services. Upon failure to pay the
charges for garbage, recycling and yard waste collection services as set forth in this Chapter, the
amount thereof shall become a lien against the property for which the garbage collection service
is rendered. Said lien shall be subject to foreclosure as provided for in RCW 35.21.140 and .150,
by filing with the County Auditor a notice of the City's lien, specifying the charges, the period
covered by the charges, and giving the legal description of the premises sought to be charged.
13.54.140 - Container Requirements.
A. It shall be the duty of every person in possession, charge or control of any single
dwelling, multiple dwelling, or commercial building where waste is created or accumulated, at
all times to use City -owned refuse containers, or other containers as approved by the Director, in
accordance with this Chapter and to deposit or cause to be deposited refuse therein. Single
dwellings and multiple dwellings furnished roll -out refuse containers shall be responsible for
maintaining their assigned refuse container in a clean condition.
In the event a person has been advised of an overloaded container at least twice.,
the Director may require additional refuse containers and/or more frequent collections.
C. No refuse, yard waste, recycling, or cardboard recycling containers shall be kept
or stored within the confines of any street or public alley in the City, except as otherwise provided
in this Chapter. In blocks in which there are alleys and stationary containers are provided, the
containers shall be kept on private property in a convenient and accessible location adjacent to
such alley; provided that stationary refuse containers may be located in City alley rights -of -way
if the Director determines that such placement is safe and practical. In blocks where there are no
alleys, roll -out containers shall be kept on private property until the day of collection; provided
that such roll -out containers shall be placed so that the lid opens toward the collection vehicle
when it is dumped and in a readily accessible location to the traveled roadway of the street near
the curb so that the automated collection vehicle can reach them on the appropriate day and time
and provided further that such roll -out containers shall be removed from the curb or alley within
24 hours after their collection.
For multiple dwellings and commercial buildings, the stationary refuse and
cardboard recycling container shall be placed in a readily accessible location on private property,
as approved by the Director for collection using the mechanized vehicle.
Mobile home parks shall provide central storage areas throughout the mobile
home parks for the location of refuse containers; provided that no individual mobile home owner
shall be required to walk more than 150 feet in any direction from his mobile home to deposit or
pick up his waste in the refuse containers.
D. Suitable containers, such as compactor units and drop boxes, may, with permission
from the Director, be used by private collectors to serve commercial buildings which dispose of
refuse in such quantity that containers, as defined in this Chapter, would be impractical or
E. Prohibited Materials.
1. No rocks, concrete, or dirt may be placed in a refuse, yard waste, recycling
or cardboard recycling container.
No manure or human excrement may be placed in a refuse, yard waste,
recycling or cardboard recycling container.
3. No yard waste, dangerous waste, or unacceptable waste may be placed in
a refuse container. Refuse containers with yard waste, dangerous waste, or unacceptable waste
shall not be collected.
Container Damage and Replacement. If any refuse container is damaged through
abuse by a person, or is stolen due to negligence by a person, the person shall replace the same
or pay for its repair.
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G. All garbage shall be drained of liquids and placed in a paper or plastic bag and tied
closed before being deposited in a refuse container. All animal waste, ashes, and cat box filler
shall be placed in a paper or plastic bag and tied closed before being deposited in a refuse
container. The City may refuse to collect a refuse container with animal waste, ashes, cat box
filler, and undrained garbage, which is not in a bag and tied closed.
H. The owner or person in charge of the place where refuse containers are located
shall maintain the place in a clean and sanitary condition, except where such condition is caused
by someone or something for which the owner or person in charge is not legally responsible.
13.54.150 - Recycling, Yard Waste, and Cardboard Recycling Requirements.
A. Single dwellings and multiple dwellings up to 4 units may receive the residential
recycling service and residential yard waste service. Commercial buildings may receive the
commercial cardboard recycling service. The Port Angeles School District, and other commercial
buildings when approved by the Director, may participate in the commercial recycling service for
their facilities located within the City limits of Port Angeles.
B. Persons participating in the residential recycling service shall deposit all recyclable
materials into contractor - provided recycling containers in lieu of depositing recyclable materials
into City- provided refuse containers. Green, brown and clear recyclable glass bottles and jars
shall not be deposited into a recycling container and may be deposited into a recycling drop -off
facility as provided for in Chapter 13.57 PAMC. Persons participating in the commercial
cardboard recycling service shall deposit all old corrugated cardboard into contractor- provided
cardboard recycling containers in lieu of depositing old corrugated cardboard into City- provided
refuse containers.
C. Recycling containers shall be placed at the location and time designated by the
City for collection and shall be removed from that location within 24 hours after their collection.
D. All recyclable materials deposited into a contractor- provided recycling container
or cardboard recycling container are the property of the contractor. No unauthorized person shall
scavenge, separate, collect, carry off, or dispose of, such materials unless authorized to do so by
written permit of the Director. Beginning July 1, 2006, recyclable materials placed outside the
recycling container shall not be collected.
E. Yard waste containers shall be placed at the location and time designated by the
City for collection and shall be removed from that location within 24 hours after their collection.
The yard waste service excludes the collection of food waste, metals, plastics, and synthetic
fibers, construction and demolition debris, stumps, rocks, concrete, sod, dirt, and any wood, trees
or tree limbs over four inches (4 ") in diameter and/or exceeding four feet (4') in length. Plastic
bags shall not be used or deposited into yard waste containers. Beginning July 1, 2006, excluding
trees from the December holidays placed outside the yard waste container during the month of
January, yard waste placed outside the yard waste container shall not be collected.
F. A person that has been advised by the City on two or more occasions of the
presence of wastes within a recycling container that are not recyclable materials will have the
curbside recycling service terminated and the contractor may retrieve the recycling container.
G. A person that has been advised by the City on two or more occasions of the
presence of wastes within a yard waste container that are not and waste will have the and waste
service terminated and the contractor may retrieve the yard waste container.
H. A person will have the curbside recycling service terminated and the contractor
may retrieve the recycling container after the Director has notified a person by regular mail that
- 16 -
they have not set out a recycling container for two or more consecutive months during a six
month period, and a recycling container is not set out by a person for pick up for two or more
consecutive months during the subsequent six month period.
A person that has been advised by the City on two or more occasions of the
presence of wastes within a cardboard recycling container that are not old corrugated cardboard
will have the curbside cardboard recycling service terminated and the contractor may retrieve the
cardboard recycling container.
13.54.160 - Waste Acceptance Policy. Any dangerous waste or unacceptable waste
described in the waste acceptance policy for the solid waste processing facility shall be
unacceptable for refuse collection.
13.54.170 - Private Collectors - Regulations.
A. Private collectors offering service to commercial buildings within the City must
possess a G- permit from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and be
authorized to collect and transport acceptable waste in Clallam County or within the City of Port
All private vehicles used for the collection or disposal of waste, for hire in the
City, shall have enclosed bodies, or suitable provisions for covering the bodies. The use of a
tarpaulin or canvas cover to enclose open bodies of collection vehicles may be permitted upon
approval of the Director.
Vehicles used for the collection or disposal of garbage or any other wastes shall
have watertight metal bodies of easily cleanable construction.
13.54.180 - Assistance to Elderly and/or Handicapped. If elderly, handicapped, and/or
disabled residents have difficulty disposing of their refuse, recyclable materials, or yard waste,
or access to containers by collection vehicle is not possible, and there are no other available
alternative for complying with the requirements of this Chapter, they may notify the Solid Waste
Utility, which may arrange to assist in providing special collection service to such individuals at
no extra cost. Such assistance may include the use of special containers as approved by the
13.54.190 - Penalties.
Any person subject to this Chapter who deposits dangerous waste or unacceptable
waste into a refuse container, recycling container, yard waste container, or cardboard recycling
container shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day that a violation continues constitutes a
separate offense.
B. Any person subject to this Chapter who fails or refuses to comply with the waste
acce . tance . olic knowin 1 de . osits waste that is not a rec clable material into a rec clin
container, or knowingly deposits waste that is not a yard waste into a yard waste container, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
C. Any person who unlawfully deposits garbage, trash, rubbish, offal, recyclable
materials, yard waste, or any other waste, in any refuse container other than the refuse container
assigned to that person by the City shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 3. Chapter 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:
- 17 -
13.56.010 Definitions.
13.56.020 Rates.
13.56.030 Rate - Special Items.
13.56.040 Rate - Certain Charitable or City- Sponsored Organizations.
13.56.043 Governmental Solid Waste Utility Rate.
13.56.045 Commercial Compacted Rate.
13.56.047 Large Volume Demolition Debris Rate.
13.56.050 Junked or Wrecked Automotive Vehicles Prohibited.
13.56.060 Landfill Disposal Area Regulations.
13.56.010 Definitions. The definitions set forth in PAMC 13.54.020 are hereby adopted
by this reference for the purpose of this Chapter. In addition, as used in this Chapter, the
following terms have the following meanings:
A. "Commercial user" means any person hauling refuse from, or as a result of, any
business, commercial or industrial enterprise, regardless of where said enterprise is located.
B. "Non -City user" means any user of the Sanitary Landfill site who resides outside
of the City limits and/or who hauls refuse that is generated outside the City limits.
C. "Covered load" means that material to be deposited in the Sanitary Landfill that
is contained or restrained, such that the material cannot fall, slip or otherwise escape from the
vehicle in which it is transported to the Sanitary Landfill, and thereby be deposited onto a
roadway or property adjacent to the roadway.
13.56.020 Rates. The following landfill rates shall be in effect until the Director provides
written notice to the public in accordance with 1 3.57.020 PAMC that the solid waste processing
facility rates will be in effect:
A. All Landfill users shall be charged and shall pay the following rates for dumping
refuse at the Sanitary Landfill site (except as set forth herein):
Through December 31, 2005, $80.65 per ton with a $7.50 minimum charge. Beginning
January 1, 2006, $84.70 per ton with a $8.00 minimum charge.
B. In addition to the fees established by subsection A of this Section, through
December 31, 2005, uncovered loads shall be charged an additional $5.25 fee. Beginning January
1, 2006, uncovered loads shall be charged an additional $5.50 fee.
C. Refuse requiring special handling, including but not limited to asbestos and low
level radioactive materials, shall be charged $199.50 per ton; provided that the minimum charge
for refuse requiring special handling shall be $199.50 through December 31, 2005. Beginning
January 1, 2006, refuse requiring special handling, including but not limited to asbestos and low
level radioactive materials, shall be charged $209.50 per ton; provided that the minimum charge
for refuse requiring special handling shall be $209.50. Special handling includes manifesting,
immediate burial, hand unloading and/or placement in the disposal pit by Landfill crews.
bc chargcd $21.00 pci ton through Dcccmbcr 31, 2005. DcgmnmgJanuary 1, 2006 commercia
- 18 -
users shall be chargcd $22.05 p ton. Beginning July 1, 2006, persons who deliver to the landfill
clean yard waste, as determined by the Landfill attendant, that may be converted to compost will
be charged $40.00 per ton with a $ 5.00 minimum charge. Prior to July 1, 2006, commercial
users, including but not limited to landscape services, lawn maintenance services, and tree
pruning /removal services, shall be charged $22.05 per ton.
E. The Director may waive the Landfill fee for disposal of refuse and litter which is
collected and disposed of as a part of a City- sponsored beautification or cleanup program.
F. Recyclable materials being recycled at the Landfill will not be charged a fee.
G. The landfill tonnage rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government, its
agencies and instrumentalities shall be $76.95. All refuse service contracts for such shall be
exempt under WAC 458 -20 -250 from payment of the 4.6% solid waste collection tax. Beginning
January 1, 2006, the landfill tonnage rate for the federal government shall be $80.80.
H. Prior to landfill closure, the Director shall have authority to enter into contracts
with rates other than specified in this Chapter, provided that such rates recover the cost of
providing the service, and provided that the City Manager, Mayor and Council members of the
Utility Advisory Committee are notified, and provided that such contracts have a term of no more
than ninety (90) days before formal adoption by the City Council.
13.56.030 Rate - Special Items. Through December 31, 2005, all users of the Sanitary
Landfill site shall be charged and shall pay the following rates for dumping the following certain
types of refuse:
Item Rate
Tires (automobile and truck) $80.65 /ton
Appliances 80.65 /ton.
Beginning January 1, 2006, all users of the Sanitary Landfill site shall be charged and shall
pay the following rates for dumping the following certain types of refuse:
Item Rate
Tires (automobile and truck) $84.70/ton
Appliances 84.70 /ton.
13.56.040 Rate - Certain Charitable or City- Sponsored Organizations. A fifty percent
reduction in the landfill rates as set forth in this Chapter will be made available to certain
charitable, nonprofit organizations and to certain City- sponsored projects by non - profit
organizations, provided that the following requirements are met:
A. The reduction will only be given upon completion by the organization of a written
application and acceptance of said application by the City.
B. The reduction may be applied to those charitable, nonprofit organizations, such
as the Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul, and Serenity House, the primary purpose of which
is provide necessary support for the poor or infirm and which must dispose of unusable donated
C. Pursuant to Chapter 35.83 RCW, the reduction may be applied to the Housing
Authority of Clallam County for self -haul of materials left by tenants who vacate Housing
Authority premises
- 19 -
D. The reduction may be applied to City- sponsored projects by non - profit
organizations, provided that such sponsorship has been authorized by the City Council and
furthers the public health, safety, or welfare, enhances the environment, or is otherwise in the
public interest.
13.56.043 Governmental Solid Waste Utility Rate. Landfill disposal of solid waste by
other governmentally owned solid waste utilities shall be at the rate established by interlocal
agreement between the City and such other governmentally owned solid waste utility. Beginning
July 1, 2006, the charge for disposal by a governmentally owned solid waste utility at the landfill
of clean yard waste, as determined by the landfill attendant, that may be converted to compost
shall be charged $24.80 per ton.
13.56.045 Commercial Compacted Rate. All commercial haulers of over two thousand
tons per year of compacted refuse to the sanitary landfill shall be charged the rates as set forth in
PAMC 13.56.020, except that a special rate may be charged pursuant to a separate agreement
between the City and the commercial hauler based on such factors as reduced landfill services
being utilized by the commercial hauler.
13.56.047 Large Volume Demolition Debris Rate Landfill disposal of demolition debris
in the amount of at least 5,000 tons, as guaranteed pursuant to separate agreement with the City,
shall be at the rate of $40 per ton.
13.56.050 Junked or Wrecked Automotive Vehicles Prohibited. The dumping or
placement of junked or wrecked automotive vehicles at the Sanitary Landfill site is prohibited.
13.56.060 Landfill Disposal Area Regulations.
A. Use Generally. The City Sanitary Landfill disposal area shall be open at such
times designated by the Director. Those persons hauling their own refuse to the disposal site shall
place such refuse where directed by the operator of the disposal area and shall pay those fees as
set forth by the City Council.
B. Origin of Refuse. Acceptable refuse originating within the City limits and
transported to the Sanitary Landfill by any person shall be accepted for disposal during the
designated hours of operation. All persons offering such acceptable refuse may be required to
submit proof of origin of the material in the form of a certificate certifying ownership and that the
material originated within the City.
. Waste
originating outside Clallam County shall be unacceptable for disposal at the Sanitary Landfill
except as othcrwist prn,vidcd in PAMC 13.54.070with the prior written consent of the Director.
C. Burning. It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to set fire to, or burn, any
waste in the Landfill grounds used by the City unless granted permission by the Director to do
D. Scavenging. All materials delivered to and disposed of at the Landfill are the
property of the City. No unauthorized person shall scavenge, separate, collect, carry off, or
dispose of, such material unless authorized to do so by written permit of the Director.
E. Unlawful Entry. It is unlawful for any person to enter the Landfill area except
when an attendant is present during the designated hours of operation.
F. Yard waste. Yard waste may be accepted at the landfill co- composting facility,
but it shall be free of contaminants, including but not limited to, plastic bags, refuse, rocks, sod,
dirt, and construction and demolition debris.
Section 4. A new chapter, 13.57 - Solid Waste Processing Facility, of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code is hereby created to read as follows:
13.57.010 Definitions.
13.57.020 Rates.
13.57.030 Disposal Regulations.
13.57.040 Penalties.
13.57.010 Definitions. The definitions set forth in PAMC 13.54.020, excluding
recyclable materials and yard waste, are hereby adopted by this reference for the purpose of this
Chapter. In addition, as used in this Chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:
A. "Acceptable household hazardous waste" shall have the same meaning as
acceptable - household hazardous waste within the service agreement as modified or amended.
B. "Acceptable moderate -risk waste" shall have the same meaning as acceptable
moderate -risk waste within the service agreement as modified or amended.
C. "Acceptable special waste" shall have the same meaning as acceptable special
waste within the service agreement as modified or amended.
D. "Acceptable waste" shall have the same meaning as acceptable waste within the
service agreement as modified or amended.
E. "Co- composting facility" shall have the same meaning as co- composting facility
within the service agreement as modified or amended.
F. "Collection entity" means any person or governmentally owned solid waste utility
that is authorized to collect and transport acceptable waste in Clallam County or within the City
of Port Angeles, providing such person or governmentally owned solid waste utility is operating
in an area that is covered under section 6.H. of the interlocal agreement.
G. "Environmental fee" means a charge for a special inspection and recovery of fluids
and gases from acceptable special wastes in accordance with the waste acceptance policy.
H. "Interlocal agreement" means the agreement between the City of Port Angeles,
Clallam County and other parties for a Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System dated
July 27, 2004 and as amended.
I. "Municipal solid waste" shall have the same meaning as municipal solid waste
within the service agreement as modified or amended.
"Recycling drop -off facility" means a container located at the transfer station and
Blue - Mountain drop -box facility for depositing recyclable materials and green, brown and clear
recyclable glass bottles and jars. Up to 3 additional recycling drop -off facilities are provided at
various locations within the City for depositing only green, brown and clear recyclable glass.
K. "Recyclable materials" shall have the same meaning as recyclable materials for the
transfer station and Blue Mountain recycling drop -off facilities in accordance within the service
- 21 -
agreement, excluding acceptable household hazardous waste, acceptable moderate -risk waste, and
white goods, as modified or amended.
L. "Self- hauler" means any person hauling refuse from, or as a result of, any
residence, business, commercial or industrial enterprise, regardless of where said enterprise is
located in Clallam County. Any governmentally owned solid waste utility that does not enter into
the interlocal agreement shall be considered a self - hauler.
M. "Service agreement" means the solid waste processing facility development and
management services agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Waste Connections of
Washington, Inc. dated April 15, 2005 and as modified or amended.
N. "Solid waste processing facility" means the Port Angeles transfer station, Blue
Mountain drop -box facility, recycling drop -off facilities, Port Angeles co- composting facility.,
Port Angeles moderate -risk waste facility, and the Port Angeles landfill, all of which form the
City's solid waste processing facility.
0. "Transfer station" means the solid waste processing facility described in the
service agreement.
P. "Unacceptable waste" shall have the same meaning as unacceptable waste within
the service agreement as modified or amended.
"Unsecured load" means waste that is not contained or restrained, such that the
material can fall, slip or otherwise escape from the vehicle in which it is transported, and thereby
be deposited onto a roadway or property adjacent to the roadway.
R. "Waste acceptance policy" means the waste acceptance policy for the applicable
solid waste processing facility as amended.
S. "Yard waste" received at the transfer station shall have the same meaning as yard
waste or yard debris in accordance within the service agreement, as modified or amended.
13.57.020 Rates. At least 30 days prior to the date, the Director shall publish notice to the
ublic of the date the solid waste . rocessin facili will be o . en for business. Be i innin on the
date s . ecified in a written notice from the Director to the . ublic that the solid waste • rocessin
facility will be open for business, the following rates shall be in effect and supercede the rates
specified in 13.56.020 PAMC:
A. All collection entities shall be charged and pay the following rates at the transfer
1. $80.00 per ton for municipal solid waste and wastewater treatment plant
2. $24.80 per ton for clean yard waste, as determined by the transfer station
attendant, that may be converted to compost.
3. $19.85 per ton for wastewater treatment plant biosolids.
4. The City shall pay the collection entity charges for municipal solid waste
received at the transfer station from the contractor for the Blue Mountain drop box operation
under the service a • eement. The City shall pay the collection entity charges for yard waste
received at the transfer station from the contractor for curbside collection of yard waste under the
service agreement.
B. All self - haulers shall be charged and shall pay the following rates at the transfer
station (except as set forth herein):
1. $97.00 per ton for municipal solid waste with a $10.00 minimum fee.
$40 per ton for clean yard waste, as determined by the transfer station
attendant, that may be converted to compost, with a $5.00 minimum fee.
3. In addition to the fees established by subsections 1 and 2 of this section,
a self - hauler that delivers an unsecured load to the transfer station shall be charged a $10.00 fee.
4. There will be no fee charged for recyclable materials deposited into the
recycling drop -off facility. There will be no fee charged for acceptable household hazardous
waste received at the transfer station.
5. There will be no fee charged for acceptable moderate -risk waste received
at the moderate -risk waste facility from residents covered under the interlocal agreement.
Commercially exempt small quantity generators shall not deposit moderate -risk waste at the
moderate -risk waste facility.
Self- hauler rates shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government, its
agencies and instrumentalities.
1 Rates for acceptable special waste shall be charged as follows:
Item Rate
Asbestos $235.70 per ton
Tires (automobile and truck) $97.00 per ton
Metals and white goods $47.65 per ton
Environmental fee $20.00 per unit
Contaminated or dredge soils $97.00 per ton.
8. In lieu of requiring multiple scale house transactions for loads with mixed
municipal solid waste, the Director may establish weight reductions for recyclable materials,
metals, acceptable household hazardous waste, and acceptable moderate -risk waste. Under no
circumstances shall a weight reduction result in a reduction of the minimum fee. The weight
reductions approved by the Director shall be issued at the scale house.
C. The self - hauler rate 13.57.020.B.1. may be waived for disposal of refuse which
is collected as a part of a beautification or cleanup program. The transfer station self - hauler rate
13.57.020.B.1. may be reduced by 50% for certain projects by non - profit organizations. Any
waiver or reduction to the self - hauler rate shall comply with the following requirements:
1. The person requesting a waiver or reduction submits a written application
to the Director at least 30 days before disposal of refuse at the transfer station. The Director shall
accept or deny the application before refuse is disposed at the transfer station.
2. A waiver may be available for disposal of refuse which is collected as part
of a beatification or cleanup program, such as the benefit dump day, Clallam County chain gang,
and Washington State Department of Transportation, which must dispose of litter.
3. A reduction may be available to charitable, nonprofit organizations, such
as the Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul, and Serenity House, the primary purpose of which
is provide necessary support for the poor or infirm and which must dispose of unusable donated
4. Pursuant to Chapter 35.83 RCW, a reduction may be applied to the
Housing Authority of Clallam County for self -haul of materials left by tenants who vacate
Housing Authority premises and for disposal of demolition debris.
5. All waivers or reductions approved by the Director shall be valid for 30
days and shall be limited to projects that further the public health, safety, or welfare, enhances the
environment, or is otherwise in the public interest for parties of the interlocal agreement.
6. In order for the waiver or reduction to be valid, applications approved by
the Director shall be presented to the scale house attendant at the time of disposal.
D. All self - haulers shall be charged and shall pay the following rates per ton at the
Blue Mountain drop -box:
1. $184.00 per ton for municipal solid waste with a $5.00 minimum charge.
2. Recyclable materials deposited into the recycling drop -off facility will not
be charged a fee. Acceptable household hazardous waste will not be charged a fee.
3. The self - hauler rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government.,
its agencies and instrumentalities.
13.57.030 Disposal Regulations.
A. All collection entities and self - haulers shall comply with the waste acceptance
policy. Only acceptable waste shall be deposited at a solid waste processing facility. Collection
entities and self - haulers shall not deposit dangerous waste or unacceptable waste at any solid
waste processing facility. Waste originating outside Clallam County shall be unacceptable for
disposal, except with the prior written consent of the Director.
B. Recycling drop -off facilities shall clearly identify and instruct self - haulers about
the types of recyclable material that may be deposited. Self - haulers shall only deposit recyclable
materials that are allowed to be deposited into a recycling drop -off facility.
C. The Director may issue transfer station scale house reader cards, and collection
entities and self - haulers shall use reader cards in accordance with the waste acceptance policy.
Collection entities shall have vehicle tare weight determined by the City, shall only use the reader
card for the vehicle it was issued for, and shall always use the outer - inbound scale unless
otherwise specified by the Director. Self - haulers shall always use the reader card at the inner-
inbound and inner- outbound scales, unless otherwise specified by the Director. In the event a
reader card is lost or misplaced by a collection entity or self - hauler, the person responsible for
reader card shall be required to pay for all transactions at the transfer station scale house until the
Director is notified in writing that the reader card has been lost or misplaced. Self - haulers shall
pay a utility service fee in accordance with PAMC 3.70.010.B.4. for an initial reader card and
each replacement reader card issued.
D. It is unlawful for any person to enter the disposal area of any solid waste
processing facility except when an attendant is present during the designated hours of operation.
Those persons hauling their own refuse shall place such refuse where directed by the attendant
and shall pay those fees as set forth by the City Council.
E. It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to set fire to, or burn, any waste at any
solid waste processing facility unless granted permission by the Director to do so.
F. No unauthorized person shall scavenge, separate, collect, carry off, or dispose of,
any waste material unless authorized to do so by written permit of the Director.
G. Any person failing to abide by the disposal regulations, or creating a public
disturbance in accordance with Chapter 9.24 PAMC, shall be subject to removal from the solid
waste processing facility.
13.57.040 Penalties.
Any person subject to this Chapter who delivers dangerous waste or unacceptable
waste in violation of the waste acceptance policy to a solid waste processing facility shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than
$500 per violation. Each day that a violation continues constitutes a separate offense.
B. Any person that delivers dangerous waste or unacceptable waste to a solid waste
processing facility shall be liable to the City for any additional cost for removal, cleaning, and
disposal of unacceptable waste by the contractor.
C. Any person subject to this Chapter who fails or refuses to comply with the waste
acceptance policy, knowingly deposits recyclable materials into the wrong recycling drop -off
- 24 -
facility, knowingly deposits waste that is not a recyclable material into a recycling drop -off
facility, or knowingly deposits waste that is not yard waste at the co- composting facility, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than
$250 per violation.
D. Any person who knowingly evades a scale house transaction, or makes any false
statement or representation in any scale house transaction, waste manifest or other matter
pursuant to this Chapter, shall (in addition to civil and/or criminal penalties provided by law) be
guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be prosecuted and punished accordingly.
Section 5. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending 3.70.010(B) to read as follows:
3.70.010 Finance Department Fees.
B. Utility Connections /Reconnections & Automatic Turn-ons.
1. Utility connections /reconnections during regular working hours
(8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) - $25.00
2. Automatic turn-ons pursuant to property owner agreements - $15.00
3. Utility service provided pursuant to PAMC 13.54.035(B), 13.54.050(B)
, and 13.54.060(B) - $15
4. Utility service provided pursuant to PAMC 13.54.080, 13.54.120,
13.54.050(D), 13.54.060(D), 13.54.070(B) and 13.57.030(C) - $25.
Section 6 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 7 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date
of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 18th day of April, 2006.
Karen A. Rogers, Mayor
Becky J. U4n, City Cler William E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: April 2 3 .2006
By Summary
G: \Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2006-09.Sol idWasteUtility &Landfill.040606.wpd:
April 12, 2006 (4:00 pm)
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on April 18, 2006
Ordinance No. 3243
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends the City's solid waste
utility, garbage collection, and sanitary landfill regulations and rates, Chapters 13.52,
13.54, and 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, adopts a new chapter, 13.57 - Solid
Waste Processing Facility, and amends utility fees, Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3244
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezones the following property
from RS -11 (Residential, Single Family) to IH (Industrial Heavy):
Parcel 1: All of that portion of the SW1 /4 of the SE1 /4 of Section 7, Township 30, Range
6 West, W.M., lying South of the Olympic Highway, containing twenty acres, more or less,
according to the government survey thereof.
Parcel 2: The E1 /2 of the SE1 /4 of Government Lot 4, Section 7, Township 30 North, Range
6 West, W.M., EXCEPT right of way for State Highway.
Parcel Nos 0630074301251000 and 0630073401500000, all in Clallam County, Washington.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
These Ordinances shall take effect five days following the date of publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: April 23, 2006