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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising
facility use fees and Parks and Recreation fees, and amending
Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending PAMC 3.70.040 to read as follows:
3.70.040 Parks and Recreation Fees.
A. The fee schedule for use of the William Shore Memorial Pool by City residents
shall be as follows, inclusive of sales tax:
1. Lockers - $0.25
2. Shower /Suits /Towel rental -
a City residcnt - $1.50
b. Non -City resident $2 25
3. Pool rental
a. City resident - $45709 55.00 per hour
b. Non -City residcnt $67.50 per how
4. Instruction classes
a. City resident - $3.00 3.25 per 1/2 hour lesson
b. Non -City residcnt - $4.50 per '/2 hour lesson
5. Private Lessons
a. City residcnt - $-18.00 20.00 per 40- minute lesson
n. rvon -Lrty
6. Exercise Classes
.uu per 4u- minute icsso
ity residcnt - $3799 3.50 per class
• .
7. Admission/Passes
a. Youth, Senior, Earlybird, Disabled, Evening Laps
(1) City residcnt - $2.00 2.25
(2) Non -City residcnt - $3.00
b. Adult
(1) City resident - $3.00 3.50
(2) Non -City residcnt - $4.50
c. Youth/Senior 3 Month Passes
(1) City residcnt - $40.00 45.00
(2) Non -City resident - $60.00
d. Adult 3 Month Passes
(1) City resi&nt - $55.00 75.00
(2) Non -City resident - $90.00
e. Youth/Senior Annual Passes
(1) City resident - $-1-00.00 115.00
(2) Non -City resident - $150 00
f. Adult Annual Passes
y resident - $190.00 225.00
(2) Non -City resident - $300 00
g. Family Annual Passes
(1) City resident - $310.00 350.00
(2) Non- Eity- resident - $470.00
h. Family Six -month Pass
(1) City residcnt - $x-90.00 220.00
(2) Non -City resident - $285.00
i. Adult script 12 swims
(1) City resident - $25700 35.00
(2) Non -City resident - $40.00
j. Youth script 12 swims
(1) City ressidurt - $19.00 22.00
(2) Non -City resident - $30.00
B. The fee schedule for use of the William Shore Memorial Pool by Non -City
residents shall be 150% of City resident fees.
BC. The fee for installing banners across Front and First Streets shall be $60.00
75.00. The charge for use of the City's banner shall be an additional $15.00 25.00.
D. The fees for the use of the following Lincoln Park, City Pier and Lions park
facilities by City residents shall be as follows:
1. Overnight camping - $8.00 per night
2. Clubhouse /Longhouses/Loomis Building
Non- Profit Hourly Rate Flat Rate
(over 10 hrs)
a. Non- Profit $15.00 $150.00
ab. City resident Profit
b Non -City resident
3. City Pier
Non - Profit
Flat Ratc
{aver 101ns)
a. eitrresident Non - Profit
b. Non -City resident
Hourly Rate
lloui ly RatL
Flat Rate
(over 10 hrs)
Flat Ratc
ab. City resident Profit $25.00 $250.00
Non -City 1%., It 35 00 350.00
4. Lions Park Shelter
Nary - Profit
ity residcnt Non - Profit - $10.00 per hour
on -City residcnt - $15.
ab. City icsidcnt Profit - $15.00 per hour
b. Non -City residcnt - $25.00
E. The fees for the use of the Lincoln Park, City Pier and Lions Park facilities by
Non -City residents shall be 150% of City resident fees.
DF. The fees for the use of Civic Field Stadium by City residents shall be as
ofit Light fee Field paint fee
al. City residcnt Non - Profit - $35./hr $30. 35. /hr. $2530.00 per gallon
1 "1OT1t
a2. City -res• ..nt Profit - $100./hr
• tvon -l;lty
Light fcc
3-0.351hr. $2530.00 per gallon
30 /hr 25.00 pc r gallon
3. Flat fee rates
on Profit
a. City residcnt Non Profit - $350.00 over 10 hours
b. Non -City residcnt - $450.00 ovcr 10 hours
ab. City resident Profit - $750.00 $1,000.00 over 10 hours
b. Non -City resident - $1,250.00 over 10 hours.
G. The fees for the use of Civic Field Stadium by Non -City residents shall be
150% of City resident fees.
EH. The fee for membership in the Port Angeles Senior Center shall be $15.00 for
City residents and $23.00 for non -City residents; provided that any senior citizen who is unable
to pay this fee may be granted a membership, through the performance of a community service,
in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Port Angeles Senior Center.
H. City Hall User Fees - City Residents. The fees for use of the City Hall Council
Chambers and lobby area by City residents shall be as follows:
1. Category I (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - no charge
2. Category II (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060)
a. City resident - $12.00/hr.
L. Non -City residcnt $18.00/lu.
3. Category III (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060)
a. City resident - $16.00/hr.
b. Non -City residcnt $24.00/hr.
J. City Hall User Fees - Non -City Residents. The fees for use of the City Hall
Council Chambers and lobby area by Non -City residents shall be 150% of City resident fees.
GK. Moorage Fees. The moorage fees for use of the City Pier and Waterfront Park
shall be as follows:
1. Overnight moorage at floating moorage facilities: $10.00 /night.
2. 24 -hour moorage at Coast Guard moorage area:
(a) 0 -100 feet: $ 85.00
(b) 100 -150 feet: $115.00
(c) 150 -200 feet: $250.00
(d) 200 -300 feet: $280.00
Section 2. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending PAMC 3.70.050 to read as follows:
3.70.050 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Fees.
A. Rates for businesses /commercial entities located within the City:
1. Main Hall
a. Day Use
City Business - $3.0 35.00/hr.
Non -City Business - $45.00/br.
b. Flat Rate per Day
City Busincss - $3-60 400.00
Non-City Busincss - $540.00
c. Evening and Week -end Use
City Business - $3fi 45.00/hr.
Non -City Business - $55.00/hr.
2. Meeting Rooms
a. Small Meeting Room - Flat Rate per Day
City Busincss - $x-5.0 187.00
b. Large Meeting Room - Flat Rate per Day
City Busincss - $21-0 300.00
Non -City Busincss - $340.00
c. Small Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
City Busincss - $ 22.00/hr.
Non -City Busincss - $30.00 /hr.
d. Large Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
City Business - $25 30.00/hr.
Non -City Business - $40.00/ln.
3. Kitchen Fee
a. $50 60.00 per day
B. Rates for businesses /commercial entities located outside the City shall be 150%
of City businesses /commercial entities rates.
BC. Non- Profit Rates for Non - Profit Organizations located within the City:
1. Main Hall
a. Day Use
City Organization oi Rcsidcnt - $-1-$ 21.00/hr.
Non -City Organ catioirai Resident - $30.00/hr.
b. Flat Rate per Day
City Organization or Restdcnt - $240 300.00
Non -City Oiganic±ron or Rcsidcnt - $375.00
c. Evening - Weekend Use
City Orgai,icatran -Jr Rcsidcnt - $24. 30.00 /hr.
Non -City Organization or Rcsidcnt - $36.00/hr.
2. Meeting Rooms
a. Small Meeting Room - Flat Rate per Day
City Organization or Resident - $96 120.00
tv on -any urg .u+
b. Large Meeting Room - Flat Rate per Day
City Otgauization orikesid. in - $ice 180.00
teen -uny urganrL,atren er tcesiacnt - �ztu uu
c. Small Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
City Organization or Resident - $10 13.00/hr.
d. Large Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
- $14 18.00/hr.
on -City Oigailicati-aoror idont - $21.00/ln.
3. Kitchen Fees
a- $42 50.00 per day - City Orgamzatton of Rcsid�
B. $63.00 per day - Non -City Organization or Rcsidcnt
-. D. Rates for Non - Profit Organizations located outside of the City shall be 150% of
rates for Non - Profit Organizations located within the City.
Section 3. Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by
amending PAMC 3.70.060 to read as follows:
3.70.060 Port Angeles Senior Services and Community Center Fees.
A. Purpose. The City Council has determined that it is reasonable and in the public
interest to enact and impose a fee schedule for the rental and use of facilities at the Port Angeles
Senior Services and Community Center.
B. Definitions.
1. "Category I" This category shall be defined as any City sponsored, co-
sponsored or City supported activity. A City supported activity is one that the City either
plans, conducts, controls or in which the City actively participates. offers some degree of activity
participation. This category will include youth/oldcr adult sponsored activitics such as AARP,
Serv1 ccs Ag .
2. "Category II" This category shall be defined as any non - profit group or
organization or community function that scparatcs community acttvtttcs frein "far profit"
activitics of private cnterprisc or except political or religious organizations.
3. "Category III" This category shall be defined as any for - profit, conuncrcial,
receptions, retirement banquets, class reunions and other private partics of this nature. includes
all activities that are not Category I or Category II.
4. "Resident" shall include City of Port Angeles residents, and businesses, and
organizations that have their principal place of business or operations within the City.
5. "Non-resident" shall include non -City of Port Angeles residents, mean all
businesses, and organizations that are not a resident.
C. Fees. The following fees shall be established for use of the facilities at the Port
Angeles Senior Services and Community Center:
1. Category I use - no charge - all facilities
2. Category II use by City residents:
a. Multi purpose room
(1) Resident - $30.00 /hr.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $350.00
b. Dining Room
(1) Resident - $25.00 /hr.
on- resiac .uuinr.
Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $250.00
(b) Non- iesidcnt - $375.00
c. Kitchen
(2) Non - residcnt - $45.00 /hr.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $300.00
(b) Non - resident - $450.00
d. Large Meeting Room
(1) Resident - $20.00/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $30.00/hr.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $200.00
(b) Non- rcsidcnt - $300.00
e. Small Meeting Room
(1) Resident - $15.00 /hr.
(2) Non - residcnt - $23.00/hr.
(3-2) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $150.00
(b) Non-resident - $225.00
3. Category II use by Non -City residents: Non -City resident fees shall be
150% of City resident fees.
- 6 -
34. Category III use by City residents:
a. Multi purpose room
(1) Rcsident - $40.00/hr.
(2) Non - resident - $53.00/hr.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $400.00
(b) Non- r.,sidcnt - $600.00
b. Dining Room
(1) Resident— $3 5.00/hr.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $350.00
(b) Non - resident - $525.00
c. Kitchen
(2) tvon- resiaen .vuinr.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $300.00
(b) N n =i idcnt - $450.00
d. Large Meeting Room
(1) Rcsidcnt - $40.00/hr.
(2) Non - resident - $60.00/lu.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $400.00
(b) Non - resident - $600.00
e. Small Meeting Room
(1) Rcsident - $30.00/hr.
(2) Non - resident - $50.00/hr.
(32) Flat fee per Day (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $300.00
(bl Nan- icsident - $450.00.
$50.00 /hr.
5. Category III use by Non- City residents: Non -City resident fees shall be
150% of City resident fees.
D. Setup /Cleanup Fee. A charge for setup or cleanup requiring services of City
employees will be billed at the rate of $35 per hour.
Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 5 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized
to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the
scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any
references thereto.
Section 6 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This Ordinance shall take
effect on January 1, 2007.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 21st day of November, 2006.
Becky J. U
!K ■■■•■■.,%LAVI
Karen A. Roger4 ayor
y Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: November 28, 2006
By Summary
G \Legal_ Backup \ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \2006 -31 Parks &Rec Fees 102506 wpd
Nov 20, 2006
- 8 -
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on November 21, 2006
Ordinance No. 3260
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizes a 1 %, or $35,353,
over the highest lawful levy for 2006, increase in the regular property tax levy plus any
increase resulting from new construction, annexation, and other specified increases in
assessed valuation determining and fixing the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes
for the fiscal year 2007, and directs the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of
Clallam County Commissioners.
Ordinance No. 3261
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises light utility service fees
and Public Works & Utility Department fees and deposits, and amends Chapter 3.70 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2007.
Ordinance No. 3262
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises facility use fees and
Parks and Recreation fees, and amends Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2007.
Ordinance No. 3263
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises the benefits plan for the
City's Management, Administrative, and Non - Represented Personnel and amends
Ordinance 3219, as amended. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2007.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Unless otherwise stated, these Ordinances shall take effect five days following the date of
publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: November 28, 2006