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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising
electric utility rates and service fees, and amending Chapters
13.12 and 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Whereas, the City Council intends to comply with the smart metering and time -based
rate requirements in Section 1252 of the 2005 Energy Policy Act,
as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2054, as amended, and Chapter 13.12, Electricity - Services and
Charges, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Sections
13.12.010, 13.12.030, 13.12.040, 13.12.041, 13.12.042, and 13.12.060 PAMC to read as follows:
13.12.010 General Provisions Applicable to All Services.
A. Any single motor of over ten horsepower, single phase; any single motor of
over twenty horsepower, polyphase; any single electric load over fifty kVA; and welders and x-
ray equipment shall not be placed in service without prior approval from the Public Works &
Utilities Department. The Public Works & Utilities Department may require a customer to install
reduced volta e motor starters or other miti ation if o . eration of customer e. ui . ment ma
interfere with the quality of service to other customers.
B. When a request for service requires an extension of distribution facilities to
serve new loads or customers, the Public Works & Utilities Department will determine the
amount of construction costs, if any, to be paid by the customer prior to actual construction. It
shall be the customer's responsibility to provide and clear at least a twenty -foot access to within
one hundred fifty feet of the metering point. All required rights -of -way and/or easements,
properly executed, must be in the Public Works & Utilities Department's possession before
construction is started. The Public Works & Utilities Department may require the customer to
install and maintain poles, wires and /or other equipment on his property necessary to serve at a
greater distance than one hundred fifty feet from the Public Works & Utilities Department's
supply facilities to the customer's metering point.
C. Any changes or re- arrangements of the Public Works & Utilities Department's
facilities at the request of the customer will be done only if the customer pays all costs associated
with the change or re- arrangement, including overhead.
D. Metering shall be provided as specified by the Public Works & Utilities
Department, which shall have the right to install such equipment as it finds necessary to
determine any and all operating conditions.
factor of at least cighty perccnt .The Public Works & Utilities Department may meter accounts in
accordance with 13.12.041, 13.12.060 and 13.12.073 PAMC as it finds necessary for real power
kW real and reactive .ower kVAR or a..arent .ower kVA . Billin demand ma be based
on real
ower real and reactive
ower includin
ower factor adjustment or a..arent .ower in
lieu of power factor adjustment. Accounts only metered for real power shall be assumed to have
unity power factor. The City shall have the ri • ht to refuse or discontinue service to an customer
not maintaining a power factor of at least eighty percent.
13.12.030 Schedule R -03 - Residential Service.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies throughout the City for domestic uses in
single- family residences, individual apartments or farms. Separately metered services incidental
to single- family residential and farm service may be served under this schedule.
B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle, alternating current, 120/240 volts nominal,
single phase service will be furnished under this schedule, supplied through a single meter and
one point of delivery.
C. Uniform Rate:
1. BasicBase Charge $11.00 per month
2. Energy Charge 215. $ 0.05450 per kWh
3. If a person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate
specified within this section shall apply.
D. Time -of -Use Rate:
1. Base Charge $11.00 per month
2. Monthly Energ Charge $0.06180 per kWh during heavy load hours and
$0.04170 per kWh during light load hours.
3. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Monday
throu ' h Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailing Time a . plies (Pacific
Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable).
4. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the
smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and
3.70.105 PAMC res.ectivel . The minimum term for this rate shall be one ear. A utili
service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other
than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location
from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate.
13.12.040 Schedule GS -03 - General Service.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate
schedules with the following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel of 400 amps
or smaller.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase, service panel of 200 amps or smaller.
3. Municipal traffic signal and street light base charges include maintenance
of existing luminaries and controls by the Public Works and Utilities Department.
B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage
as the City may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single
meter and one point of delivery.
C. Uniform Rate:
1. BasicBase Charge
a. Single phase $15.00 per month
b. Three phase $37.50 per month
c. Municipal traffic signal 'x$125.00 per month
d. Municipal street light '- $90.00 per month
2. Monthly Energy charge: '�$ 0.05480 per kWh.
3. If a person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate
specified within this section shall apply.
D. Time -of -Use Rate:
1. Base Charge
a. Single Phase
b. Three Phase $37.50 per month
2. Monthly Ener • Charge $0.06190 per kWh during heavy load hours and
$0.04210 per kWh during light load hours.
3. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Monday
throu • h Saturda . Li ht load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailin ' Time a..lies Pacific
Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable).
4. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment ofthe
smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and
3.70.105 PAMC res.ectivel . The minimum term for this rate shall be one ear. A utili
service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other
than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location
from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate.
E3. Adjustment. The monthly charges imposed under this Schedule GS -03 for
customers that were annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 3207, shall be adjusted. The
adjustment shall be calculated and applied as follows:
1 a. The adjustment amount shall be eighty percent ofthe difference between
(1) the amount charged by the City and (2) the amount that would have been charged by the
Clallam County Public Utility District for electric service during the same time period. The
amount so calculated shall be added to the customer's monthly utility statement. The calculation
shall use rates in effect during subsequent years by the City and the Clallam County Public Utility
2b. As to the energy charge, the adjustment calculation shall be applied each
month. Energy exceeding the amount consumed during calendar year 2005 shall not be subject
to an adjustment.
3e. The adjustment shall apply only to customers receiving electric service
from the Clallam County Public Utility District on or before June 30, 2005 and shall apply for a
5 year period starting with the first monthly billing after the customer is transferred to City
electrical service.
$15.00 per month
4d. The adjustment shall be made only if the charges the Clallam County
Public Utility District would have charged exceed the City's actual amount charged.
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13.12.041 Schedule GD -03 - General Service Demand.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all not covered by other rate schedules
with the following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage
as the City may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single
meter and one point of delivery.
C. Uniform Rate:
1. BasicBase Charge:
a. Single phase $30.00 per month
b. Three phase $75.00 per month
2. Monthly Energy charge: *$0.03620 per kWh
3. Billing Demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be the maximum 15- minute
demand for the month based on KW (real power) after adjustment for power factor or KVA
(apparent power) in lieu of power factor adjustments.
b. Monthly Demand Charge: 'x$3.35 per kW.
4. If a person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate
specified within this section shall apply.
D. Time -of -Use Rate:
1. Base Charge
a. Single Phase $30.00 per month
b. Three Phase $75.00per month
2. Monthly Energy Charge $0.0430 per kWh durin heavy load hours and
$0.03460 per kWh during light load hours.
3. Billing Demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be the maximum 15- minute
demand durin hea load hours for the month based on KVA a.. arent .ower in lieu of . ower
factor adjustments.
b. Monthly Demand Charge: $2.21 per KVA.
4. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Monda
throu ' h Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailing Time a lies (Pacific
Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable).
5. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the
smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and
3.70.105 PAMC, res.ectivel . The minimum term for this rate shall be one ear and a utilit
service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other
. .
than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location
from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate.
M. Primary Metering Adjustment. When electric current is measured at primary
voltage, meter readings shall be multiplied by a factor of 0.985 before charges are computed to
reflect delivery to the customer at secondary voltage.
F5. Power Factor Adjustments: If the average power factor at which power is
delivered to the customer is less than 95% lagging, the billing demand may be increased by one
percent for each percent or major fraction thereof that the average power factor is less than 95%
lagging, unless otherwise specified. The average power factor will be determined by
measurement of kilowatt hours and reactive kilovolt - ampere hours during the billing period using
the following formula:
PF = kWh
(kWh)2 + (kvarh)2
Where PF = Average power factor
Where kWh = Kilowatt hours
Where kvarh = Reactive kilovolt- ampere hours
The metering reactive volt- ampere -hours shall be ratcheted to prevent reverse rotation
when the power factor of the load is leading.
G6. Adjustment. The monthly charges imposed under this Schedule GD -03 for
customers that were annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 3207, shall be adjusted. The
adjustment shall be calculated and applied as follows:
la. The adjustment amount shall be eighty percent of the difference between
(1) the amount charged by the City and (2) the amount that would have been charged by the
Clallam County Public Utility District for electric service during the same time period. The
amount so calculated shall be added to the customer's monthly utility billing statement. The
calculation shall use rates in effect during subsequent years by the City and the Clallam County
Public Utility District.
2b. As to energy and demand charges, the adjustment calculation shall be
applied each month. Energy and demand exceeding the amount consumed during calendar year
2005 shall not be subject to an adjustment.
3c. The adjustment shall apply only to customers receiving electric service
from the Clallam County Public Utility District on or before June 30, 2005 and shall apply for a
5 year period starting with the first monthly billing after the customer is transferred to City
electrical service.
4d. The adjustment shall be made only if the charges the Clallam County
Public Utility District would have charged exceed the City's actual amount charged.
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13.12.042 Schedule NP -03 - Nonprofit Tax - Deductible.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all nonprofit tax - deductible
B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage
as the City may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single
meter and one point of delivery.
C. Uniform Rate:
1. BasicBase Charge
a. Single phase $15.00 per month
b. Three phase $37.50 per month
2. Monthly Energy Charge: '�$ 0.05960 per kWh
3. If a person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate
specified within this section shall apply.
D. Time -of -Use Rate:
L Base Charge
a. Single Phase $15.00 per month
b. Three Phase $37.50 per month
2. Monthly Energy Charge $0.06690 per kWh during heavy load hours and
$0.04680 per kWh during light load hours.
3. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Monday
throu h Saturda Li ht load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailin Time a..lies Pacific
Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable).
4. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the
smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and
3.70.105 PAMC res.ectivel . The minimum term for this rate shall be one ear and a utilit
service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other
than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location
from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate.
13.12.060 Schedule PS -03 - Primary Service.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts which own and operate a
primary voltage distribution system with a connected load greater than 1,000 KVA.
B. Character of Service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated
three phase, sixty cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal. Service under
this schedule shall be provided and measured at the point(s) of interconnection of the distribution
facilities of the customer and the City.
C. Uniform Rate:
1. BasicBase Charge: $200.00 per month
2. Billing demand for eachthe month shall be the maximum one -hour
demand for the month; based on KW (real power) after adjustment for power factor or KVA
(apparent power) in lieu of sower factor ad'ustments.
3. Monthly Demand Charge:
All Months: $4.15 per kW of billing demand.
4. Monthly Energy Charge:
a. 215- A11 billings between September 1 and May 31: $0.03660 per
b. All billings between June 1 and August 31: $0.02230 per kWh.
5. If a person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate
specified within this section shall apply.
D. Time -of -Use Rate:
1. Base Charge: $200.00 per month
2. Monthly Energy Charge $0.03900 per kWh during heavy load hours and
$0.03060 per kWh during light load hours.
3. Billing Demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be the maximum one -hour
demand durin hea load hours for the month based on KVA a • • arent sower in lieu of • ower
factor adjustments.
b. Monthly Demand Charge: $3.07 per KVA.
4. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday
throu h Saturda Li ht load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailin Time a • • lies Pacific
Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable).
5. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the
smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and
3.70.105 PAMC, res • ectively. The minimum term for this rate shall be one ear and a utilit
service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other
than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location
from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate.
E5. Power Factor Adjustments:
If the average power factor at which power is delivered to the customer is less
than 95% lagging, the billing demand may be increased by one percent for each percent or major
fraction thereof that the average power factor is less than 95% lagging, unless otherwise specified.
The average power factor ill be determined by measurement of kilowatt hours and reactive
kilovolt- ampere hours during the billing period using the following formula:
PF = kWh
Where PF =
Where kWh =
Where kvarh =
(kWh)2 + (kvarh)2
Average power factor
Kilowatt hours
Reactive kilovolt- ampere hours
The metering reactive volt - ampere -hours shall be ratcheted to prevent reverse rotation
when the power factor of the load is leading.
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Section 2. Ordinances 2789 and 2932, as amended, and Chapter 3.70, Fees, of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Sections 3.70.010 and 3.70.105
PAMC, to read as follows:
3.70.010 Finance Department Fees.
A. NSF Checks. A $30.00 fee shall be charged for checks with insufficient funds
(NSF checks), which are submitted as payment to the City of Port Angeles.
B. Utility Connections /Reconnections & Automatic Turn-ons.
1. Utility connections /reconnections during regular working hours
(8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) - $25.00
2. Automatic turn-ons pursuant to property owner agreements - $15.00
3. Utility service provided pursuant to PAMC 13.54.035(B),
13.54.050(B), and 13.54.060(B) - $15.00
4. Utility service provided pursuant to PAMC 13.12.030, 13.12.040,
13.12.041,13.12.042,13.12.060, 13.54.080, 13.54.120, 13.54.050(D),
13.54.060(D), 13.54.070(B) and 13.57.030(C) - $25.00
C. Special Utility Service Fees.
1. The penalty fee for delinquent utility bills shall be as follows:
a. First assessment No Charge
b. Second assessment No Charge
c. Third assessment and beyond No Charge
2. The collection fee for delinquent utility bills shall be as follows:
a. Field collections - $25.00
b. Certified mail collections - $20.00
c. Automatic turn-ons pursuant to property owner agreements - $15.00.
3. The penalty fee for unauthorized utility services, as regulated in PAMC
13.18.020, shall be $100.00.
4. The credit check fee required under PAMC 3.64.030B shall be $50.00.
D. Fees for Supplying Prints, Copies and Other Services (as provided by all
1. The charges for the supplying of prints and/or copies of any City
document by the City of Port Angeles shall be as follows:
(a) Photocopies (documents up to 10 pages are free)
8' /2x11 $0.15 each
81/2 x 11 - double -sided $ 0.15 each
8'/2 x 11 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each
8'/2x14 $0.15 each
81/2 x 14 - double -sided $ 0.15 each
8'/2 x 14 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each
11x17 $0.15 each
11 x 17 - double -sided $ 0.15 each
11 x 17 made by other than City Employee $ 0.15 each
Faxed copies up to 10 pages no charge
(Documents longer than 10 pages will not be faxed.)
24" x 36" prints
30" x 42" prints
36" x 48" prints
Computer disks:
31/4." or 51/4"
$ 6.00 each
$ 6.50 each
$ 7.00 each
$ 1.00 each
CD ROM $10.00 each
(g) Zoning Ordinance $ 4.50 each
(h) Comprehensive Plan $ 7.50 each.
2. The charges for the supplying of the services below shall be:
(a) Municipal Code Books $35.00 each
(b) Municipal Code Updates $ 0.15 /page
(c) Notary Public Fee $ 3.00 /cert.
(d) Audio Tapes $ 3.50 each
(e) LID
Title Search
(f) Deed Processing
First Sheet $ 7.00
Each Additional Sheet $ 1.00
Computer Print -Out of Utility
Service Consumption History $1.00 /request.
E. Coin Recovery Fees. The fee for the annual coin recovery permit shall be $5.00
per year per person.
$4.00 /request
3.70.105 - Light Utility Service Fees. The following service charges shall apply to service
performed by the Light Utility:
A. Connection of previously unserved residential lot with underground
electric service $713.00
B. Connection of previously unserved residential lot with overhead
electric service
C. Installation and removal of a temporary service
D. Service calls on customer's equipment
E. Service calls on customer's equipment after regular working hours
F. Labor billing rate for line crew personnel per hour
plus $25.00 billing charge
Double time per hour
plus $25.00 billing charge.
G. Contract and administration charge
1. Projects less than 500 kw
2. Projects 500 kw and larger
H. Paragraphs A & B above apply to all lots established after January
to lots established prior to January 1, 2000, with no prior history of electric service
I. Installation of a single or three phase smart meter
1, 2005, and
Section 3 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized
to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the
scrivener' s /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any
references thereto.
Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 5 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take
effect February 8, 2007, in accordance with Section 1252 of the 2005 Energy Policy Act.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 16th day of January, 2007.
PUBLISHED: January 21 , 2007
By Summary
Karen A. Rogers, Mkt; or
William E. Bloor, City A orney
G: \Legal_B ackup \ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \2006 -39. EI ectri cRates.120706. wpd
December 26, 2006
- 10 -
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on January 16, 2007
Ordinance No. 3270
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises developer
reimbursement, Chapter 13.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3271
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises electric utility rates and
service fees, and amends Chapters 13.12 and 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
This Ordinance shall take effect February 8, 2007, in accordance with Section 1252 of the
2005 Energy Policy Act.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Unless otherwise stated, these Ordinances shall take effect five days following the date of
publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: January 21, 2007