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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adding a new
Planned Low Impact Development (PLID) zone to the Zoning Code,
Title 17, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Whereas, the Planning Commission has approved and recommended addition to the
Zoning Code of a new Planned Low Impact Development (PLID) zone.
Section 1, Ordinance 1709, as amended, and a portion of Title 17, Zoning Code, are
hereby amended by adding a new chapter, 17.44 PAMC - Planned Low Impact Development
Overlay Zone (PLID), to read as follows:
17.44.010 Purpose.
17.44.015 Definitions.
17.44.020 Applicability.
17.44.025 Performance Standards.
17.44.030 Permitted Uses.
17.44.035 Conditional Uses.
17.44.040 Permitted Modifications of Land Use Regulations.
17.44.050 Design and Development Standards.
17.44.060 Site Assessment.
17.44.070 Protected Native Growth Areas.
17.44.080 Native Soil Protection and Amendment.
17.44.090 Clustering.
17.44.100 Density.
17.44.110 Lot Size, Lot Width, Building Height, Impervious Coverage.
17.44.120 Circulation and Access.
17.44.130 Parking.
17.44.140 Alternative Surfacing Methods.
17.44.150 Drainage and Land Alteration.
Site Assessment and Concept Plan.
Pre - Application Review.
Application Materials Required.
Supplemental Information.
Routing and 'Staff Recommendations.
Planning Commission Public Hearing - Scheduling and Notice.
Planning Commission Recommendation - Preliminary Development
City Council Action - Preliminary Development Plans.
Final Approval of PLID.
City Council Final Action.
Scope of Initial PLID Approval.
Building Permits.
Modifications After Final Approval.
Control of the Development After Completion.
17.44.010 - Purpose.
This Overlay Zone provides alternative zoning regulations that permit and encourage
design flexibility. It is intended that a Planned Low Impact Development (PLID) will result in
a high quality residential development by use of a design process that includes site design
components of a residential neighborhood consonant with the public health, safety, and welfare,
and results in a binding approved site design.
A PLID is intended to manage stormwater through a land development strategy that
emphasizes conservation and use of on -site natural features integrated with engineered, small -
scale hydrologic controls to more closely mimic predevelopment hydrologic conditions. It is
intended that techniques used will include minimizing impervious surfaces and effective
impervious surfaces and encouraging the creation or preservation of permanent forested open
It is also intended that a PLID may combine a number of land use decisions such as
critical areas protection, conditional use permits, rezones, and subdivisions into a single project
review process to encourage timely public hearings and decisions. The consolidation of permit
reviews does not exempt the applicant(s) from meeting the regulations and submitting the fees
and applications normally required for the underlying permit processes. This overlay zone
provides an opportunity to create residential neighborhoods with a variety of housing choices
without following a standard system of public streets and lot design, and to develop residential
neighborhoods that are harmonious with on -site and off -site natural and built environments while
conserving natural conditions and features and the use of a..ro.riate new technologies and
techniques. A PLID is intended to further the goals of the Com. rehensive Land Use Plan b the
use of accepted new technologies and techniques, the conservation of natural conditions and
features, and the efficient layout of streets, utility networks and other public improvements.
17.44.015 - Definitions.
A. Floor Area Ratio (FAR): The gross floor area of all buildings or structures on a
lot divided by the total lot area.
B. Impervious Area: Impervious areas include all hard surfaces that impede
infiltration of rainfall into the underlying soil profile. These surfaces include but are not limited
to compacted soil, asphalt concrete pavement, cement concrete pavement, roofs, and gravel
paved areas. Green roofs and minimal excavation foundations, subject to conformance with
applicable Department of Ecology BMPs, are not included in the total impervious area.
C. Neighborhood Density: The number of dwelling units per acre allowed by a zone
or zones.
D. Planned Low Impact Development (PLID): A site specific development that has
been approved by the City Council 'under the provisions of Chapter 17.44 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
E. Townsite Block: A block of 500' x 300' dimension or 3.44 acres as created by the
original platting of the Townsite of Port Angeles.
17.44.020 - Applicability.
PLIDs may be established subject to final approval of a proposal for a specific parcel or
parcels of land in all residential zones. A PLID shall contain a minimum of 21,000 square feet
with densities permitted per the underlying zone and be within the guidelines of Table 17.44.025
17.44.025 - Performance Standards.
A. Conformance to the following criteria is required for all developments reviewed
under the provisions of this chapter:
TABLE 17.44.025 -1 1'2'3'4
Maximum Detention
Maximum Detention
Structure Reduction
Structure Reduction
(Infiltration 0.30
(Infiltration of> 0.30
Surface Area 8
in/hr�i ,
in /hr .5,6
Urban Residential < 6.22
60 /°
See Table
Dwelling Units per Acre
17.44.025 -2
Urpan Residential >6.22
See Table
MN Units ner Acre
17.44.025 -2
Multi - Family
See Table
17.44.025 -2
Table 17.44 025 Notes.
1. LID projects shall meet the minimum peak and duration flow controls standards
er the De . artment of Ecolo Stormwater Mana ement Manual for Western Washin • ton
current edition.
2. Flow control facilities may be reduced in size through compliance with the most
current version of the Stormwater Management Manual For Western Washington Appendix III -
3. Water quality treatment BMPs shall be provided to treat 91% of the annual runoff
volume per the Department of Ecology standards.
4. All site soils disturbed during construction shall be rehabilitated to the
specifications of the most current version of the Stormwater Management Manual For Western
5. The volume reduction in Table 17.44.025 -1 represents a reduction as compared
to the volume needed for a detention pond serving a standard development.
6. Infiltration rates are as measured in the field at the proposed PLID location using
techniques recommended in the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and
the Low Impact Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound.
7. Vegetated open space includes native, undisturbed areas, or rehabilitation of
previously disturbed areas. Vegetated open space may integrate passive recreation facilities.
Active recreation areas shall not count towards vegetated open space total.
8. Impervious areas include all hard surfaces that impede infiltration of rainfall into
the underlying soil profile as defined in Section 17.44.015 E.
9. Multi - family projects are those projects containing more than two dwelling units
attached in a single structure, regardless of ownership mechanism.
10. Multi - family and commercial projects must use pervious pavement for at least
20 percent of all paved surfaces.
Table 17.44.025 -2 Residential Density Allowed and Maximum Percent Impervious Areas
Based on Density
Minimum Dwelling Units
Maximum Dwelling Units
Maximum % Total
per Acre
per Acre*
Impervious Surface
RS -11
2 DU 9 e Acre
3.96 DU ser Acre
RS -9
3.96 DU ser Acre
4.84 DU ser Acre
RS -7
4.48 DU .er Acre
6.22 DU .er Acre
6.22 DU . er Acre
12.44 DU . er Acre
12.44 DU . er Acre
38.56 DU . er Acre
* Does not include density bonus per Section 17.44.100
A. Additional Requirements:
L All projects with Type A (outwash) soils shall infiltrate 100 - percent of
2. All PLID projects shall provide a maintenance plan/program for the low
im.act stormwater facilities and techniques that have been a s .roved b the ci and meets the
most current version of the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington.
17.44.030 - Permitted Uses.
Residential buildin' types in a PLID include those permitted in the underlying zone or
17.44.035 - Conditional Uses.
Conditional uses may be allowed similarly to those conditionally permitted in the
underlying zone(s).
- 4 -
17.44.040 - Permitted Modifications of Land Use Regulations.
The approval of a PLID may include modifications in the requirements and standards of
the underlying land use regulations of the zone in which the project is located subject to the
limitations of this Chapter. No approval shall include a modification, variance or waiver of the
exterior setback areas required by the underlying zones along the exterior property lines of the
PLID, or of the requirements of the Shoreline Master Program except as provided in Chapter
173 -14 WAC.
17.44.050 - Design and Development Standards.
The following design objectives are included in the PLID standards:
A. Lot Size. Minimize area of site disturbance. The minimum lot size of the
underlying zone may be modified to achieve the goals in Section 17.44.010 PAMC.
B. Lot Width. Minimize street length. The minimum lot width of the underlying
zone district may be modified to achieve the goals in Section 17.44.010 PAMC.
C. Building Height. Minimize building footprint. Building height may exceed the
standard in the underlying zone to a maximum of 10 %; provided that the project design protects
ad'acent uses both inside and outside of the PLID from adverse im.acts on .rivac li ht air and
significant public views.
D. Building Setbacks. Minimize impervious surfaces. The zoning setbacks may be
modified to achieve the goals in Section 17.44.010 PAMC.
E. Site Coverage. Minimize impervious surfaces. The Total Impervious Area (TIA)
of the site shall be limited to those allowed in Table 17.44.025 -2. Additional coverage of the site
shall be with pervious materials only. Any impervious area that is isolated by a minimum of 100
feet of native vegetation and is drained using approved dispersion techniques through the native
vegetation area shall not be considered in the limit.
F. The following standards shall apply to all PLIDs:
1. All street and utility improvements shall be constructed to standards
s. ecified b the Cit of Port An eles. Private street widths ma va from widths re • uired in
the Subdivision Regulations, and interior streets may be either public or private. Streets intended
to be dedicated to the City must meet minimum standards set forth in the City of Port Angeles
Urban Standards and Guidelines manual.
2. All PLIDs shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of
stormwater mana• ement facilities, common open space, common recreation facilities, .rivate
roads, utilities, parking areas and other similar development within the boundaries of the PLID
in a form and manner acceptable to the City.
3. PLIDs that are not accompanied by a concurrent subdivision or short
subdivision approval, shall record an easement or covenant against the land title to ensure that
the low impact development features are protected.
4. Platting shall be required for all projects that involve or contemplate the
subdivision of land. Lots in a platted PLID may be sold to separate owners. No further
subdivision of land within the PLID will be permitted unless a formal amendment to the PLID
is approved.
5. Conditional Use Permits shall be required for all projects that involve or
contemplate conditional uses that may be allowed in the underlying zone(s). In addition to the
conditional uses allowed in the underlying zone(s), small scale commercial uses allowed in the
Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zone and serving nearby residences may be considered for
conditional use permit(s) during the PLID approval process. No further conditional use permits
except home occupations, will be permitted within the PLID unless a formal amendment to the
PLID is approved.
6. For any underlying land use regulatory process that is consolidated
through the PLID overlay process, the criteria and development standards of that underlying land
use •rocess shall be met. An subse • uent land use decision made • ursuant to an underl in ! land
use regulatory process shall also require a formal amendment to the PLID.
7. To encourage design flexibility, conservation of natural amenities and
innovations that result in a higher quality residential environment than traditional subdivisions,
com • rehensive site • lannin is re • uired of all develo • ment in the PLID. Where a • • licable the
design of PLIDs shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible:
a. Preserve unique physical features of the site including, but not
limited to, creeks, wetlands, ravines, bluffs, lakes or ponds, shorelines, and forest areas
consistent with Section 15.20 and 15.24 PAMC;
b. Preserve scenic view corridors, both internal and external to the
site to the greatest extent possible;
c. The design of all open space areas and building structures shall be
compatible with and complementary to the environment in which they are placed.
8. All PLIDs shall comply with the goals and policies of the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan.
9. The location of all streets, buildings, parking areas, pedestrian, bicycle and
vehicular ways, and utility easements shall be designed to promote public safety, compatibility
of uses, minimize effective impervious surface, preserve forested open space, and complement
predevelopment site characteristics such as topography, soils, hydrology, and other natural
17.44.060 - Site Assessment.
Low impact development site design is intended to mimic the predevelopment
hydrologic conditions on the site. The development context shall be established by an initial site
assessment consistent with the requirements of Section 17.44.160 PAMC. The initial inventory
and assessment •rocess will •rovide the baseline information necessa to desi n strate •ies that
preserve natural resources, preserve area s most appropriate to evaporate, transpire, and infiltrate
stormwater, and achieve the goal of maintaining pre - development natural hydrologic conditions
on the site. The assessment will result in a series of maps identifying streams, lakes, wetlands,
buffers, steep slopes, and other hazard areas, significant wildlife habitat areas, and permeable
soils offerin• the best available infiltration potential. Maps can be combined as hard co flies or
as GIS la ers to delineate the best areas to locate develo •ment. Those areas desi nated most
a• •ro•riate for develo
ment which will contain all im
ervious surfaces and landsca • ed areas
on the site, should be configured to minimize soil and vegetation disturbance, buffer critical
areas, and take advantage of a site's natural stormwater processing capabilities. Designated
develo •ment area boundaries shall be delineated on site plans and identified on the site durin.
site • re • aration and construction. Areas outside of the desi ! nated develo • ment area envelo • e
shall be designated Protected Native Growth Areas or reserve areas.
- 6 -
Sites located in close proximity to the marine bluff, steep slopes, or landslide hazard
areas may be considered inappropriate for PLID due to conditions whereby the use of infiltration
of stormwater may result in unstable soil conditions.
17.44.070 - Protected Native Growth Areas.
A. For the purposes of calculating required area, inundated lands shall not be
included; however, other sensitive areas and their buffers may be included within the Protected
Native Growth Area boundaries.
B. Protected Native Growth Areas shall be forested or reforested. Portions of a
designated Protected Native Growth Area without existing tree canopy shall be planted at a
density of 60 trees per acre. This requirement does not apply to wetlands or water bodies. The
administrator may modify this requirement subject to site conditions. A tree planting plan shall
be submitted for review and approval.
C. Development within Protected Native Growth Areas shall be limited to
stormwater dispersion facilities, pervious pedestrian trails, and approved surface water
restoration projects. Activities within the Protected Native Growth Areas shall be limited to
passive recreation, removal of invasive species, amendment of disturbed soils consistent with
all applicable regulations, and planting of native vegetation. Development shall be consistent
with critical areas requirements and restrictions in Chapter 15.20 PAMC and Chapter 15.24.
D. A permanent protective mechanism shall be legally established to ensure that the
required Protected Native Growth Area is preserved and protected in perpetuity in a form that
is acceptable to both the applicant and the City and filed with Clallam County Auditor's Office.
A permanent Protected Native Growth Area shall be established using one of the following
1. Placement in a separate non - building tract owned in common by all lots
within the subdivision:
2. Covered by a protective easement or public or private land trust
3. Preserved through an appropriate permanent protective mechanism that
provides the same level of permanent protection as subsection 17.44.070.D1 of this section as
determined by the approval authority.
E. Restrictions on the future use of the Protective Native Growth Area shall be
recorded on the face of the final plat or short plat.
17.44.080 - Native Soil Protection and Amendment.
A. The duff layer and native topsoils shall be retained in an undisturbed state to the
maximum extent •racticable. Any duff layer or topsoil removed during grading shall be
stockpiled on -site in a designated, controlled area not adjacent to public resources and critical
areas. The material shall be reapplied to other portions of the site where feasible.
B. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 17.44.080.C, areas that have been
cleared and graded or subject to prior disturbance shall be amended. Prior disturbance shall
include soil com.action or removal of some or all of the duff la er or underl in to •soil. The
amendment shall take place between May 1 and October 1. Replaced topsoil shall be a minimum
of 8 inch de •th unless the a licant demonstrates that a different thickness will •rovide
conditions equivalent to the soil moisture holding capacity native to the site. Replaced topsoil
shall have a minimum organic content of 10 percent dry weight and a pH between 5.5 and 7.0.
The intent of amending disturbed soils is to restore the moisture holding capacity of the original
undisturbed native soil to the maximum extent practicable.
C. This section does not apply to areas within the dripline of trees proposed for
retention, or that, at project completion, are covered by an impervious surface, incorporated into
a drainage facility or engineered as:structural fill or slope.
17.44.090 - Clustering.
A. To achieve the goals of low impact development, residential lots shall be
clustered within the designated development area of the site. Clustering is intended to preserve
open space, reduce total impervioussurface area, and minimize development impacts on critical
areas and associated buffers, as ! defined in Chapter 15.20 PAMC AND 15.24.PAMC.
Preservation of open space reduces potential stormwater runoff and associated impacts and
provides area for dispersion, filtration and infiltration of stormwater.
B. The arrangement of clustered building lots shall be designed to avoid
development forms commonly known as linear, straight -line or highway strip patterns.
17.44.100 - Density.
Every PLID shall be allowed the density of the underlying zone or zones in which the site
is located and a bonus of 2 additional units per acre on the portions of the site exclusive of
environmentally sensitive areas. The density bonus may only be allowed if maximum percentage
of total impervious surface listed in Table 17.44.025 -2 are met. Density credits for
environmentally sensitive areas protected by Title 15 PAMC shall be allowed in addition to the
base density calculated for the buildable area of the site per Section 15.20.070(F) and Section
15.24.070(F). Residential density shall meet or exceed the maximum allowed density of the next
lowest density zone.
17. 44. 120 - Circulation and Access.
A. Circulation and access provisions shall be appropriate to the scale of the project
and to anticipated traffic characteristics, and consistent with the requirements of City of Port
An. eles road standards. Deviations from the City of Port Angeles Public Works standards may
be granted subject to the following:criteria:
1. Approval by'the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities and Fire
2. A vegetated; bioretention swale with compost amended soils shall be
provided within the right -of -way or in islands created by loop roadways.
B. Loop roadways are encouraged to minimize impervious surfaces, facilitate
emergency vehicle access, and provide vegetated areas to help manage stormwater.
17.44.130 - Parking.
Parking space requirements shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 14.40. If
parking cannot be accommodated; on site, common parking areas must be incorporated on
a s . roved . rivatel maintained easement areas usin s ervious surfacin ! materials.
17.44.140 - Alternative Surfacing Methods.
Alternative surfacing including, but not limited to: paving blocks, bark or wood mulch,
turf block, pervious concrete, porous asphalt, plastic or other material grid systems, and other
similar approved materials are encouraged and may be approved for appropriate applications.
Alternative surfacing methods may be approved for parking areas, emergency parking areas,
private roads, fire lanes, road shoulders, bike paths, walkways, patios, driveways, and easement
service roads where appropriate unless site constraints make use of such materials detrimental
to water quality. Utilization of alternative surfacing methods shall be subject to review and
approval by the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department and Fire Marshal
for compliance with other applicable regulations and development standards. Surfaces that
comply with this section shall not be considered impervious surfaces under Section 17.44.020
17.44.150 - Drainage and Land Alteration.
A. Land alteration may commence when in compliance with City of Port Angeles
site development regulations.. ■
B. Drainage plans and improvements shall be in compliance with City of Port
Angeles drainage standards and NPDES permit requirements.
17.44.160 - Site Assessment and Concept Plan.
The site design process fora PLID begins with an in -depth site assessment. The site
assessment shall be a component of the project submittal. The site assessment shall include, at
a minimum, the following:
A. A site map prepared by a registered land surveyor, registered civil engineer or
other professional licensed to conduct surveys showing location of all existing lot lines, lease
areas and easements, and the location of all proposed lot lines, lease areas, and easements,
existing public and private development, including utility infrastructure, on and adjacent to the
site, major and minor hydrologic features, including seeps, springs, closed depression areas,
drainage swales, and contours as follows:
1. Up to 10 percent slopes, two -foot contours.
2. Over 10 percent to less than 20 percent slopes, five -foot contours.
3. Twenty percent or greater slopes, 10 -foot contours. Spot elevations shall
be at 25 foot intervals.
B. A soils report prepared by a geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist
licensed in Washington State. The' report shall identify:
1. Underlying soils on the site utilizing soil pits and soil grain analysis to
assess infiltration capability on site.' The frequency and distribution of soil pits shall be adequate
to direct placement of the roads and structures away from soils that can most effectively infiltrate
2. Topographic features that may act as natural stormwater storage or
conveyance and underlying soils that provide opportunities for storage and partial infiltration.
3. Depth to groundwater.
4. Geologic hazard areas, stream ravines, the marine bluff and associated
buffer requirements as defined in Chapter 15.20 PAMC.
C. A survey of existing vegetation cover by a landscape architect licensed in
Washington, arborist, or qualified biologist identifying any forest areas on the site, species and
condition of ground cover and shrub layer, tree species, and canopy cover percentage.
1. The vegetation survey may take the form of:
a. an aerial photograph of the property in a scale acceptable to the
City that identifies significant groupings of trees and unusual or fine specimens of their species;
b. a survey of all trees over twelve inches in trunk diameter measured
at four feet above the ground as determined by DCED in those areas where improvements are
2. general wooded areas where no improvements are proposed will require
a vegetation survey containing the following elements:
a. A mapping of the extent of the wooded areas with survey of
perimeter trees only.
b. A narrative regarding the types (species) and condition of the trees
and under -story in the wooded area.
c. Identification of trees that are unusual or fine specimens of their
d. In general wooded areas where minor improvements are proposed,
a survey of trees over twelve inches in trunk diameter measured at four feet above the ground
will be required to a reasonable distance around the improvements.
E. A survey of wildlife habitat by a qualified biologist.
F. A streams, wetland, and water body survey and classification report by a qualified
biologist showing wetland and buffer boundaries consistent with the requirements of Chapter
15.20 PAMC and 15.24 PAMC, if present.
Flood hazard areas on or adjacent to the site, if present.
H. Any known historic, archaeological, and cultural features located on or adjacent
to the site, if present.
17.44.170 - Pre - Application Review.
Prior to applying fora PLID, a developer shall submit a concept plan to the Department
of Community and Economic Development (DCED). The concept plan will be reviewed for its
general compliance with the intent, standards and provisions of this Chapter and other City
ordinances by the appropriate departments of the City, and written comments in regard to the
plan will be furnished to the developer. The concept plan shall contain in sketch form all of the
information required in Section 17:44. 180 B and:
A. Site plan showing proposed lot lines;
B. Location of buildings and streets;
C. Native tree protection areas;
D. Landscape areas used for recreation and /or stormwater management;
E. Site area statistics .i.e., area in lots, right -of -ways, common use areas, and
impervious surface areas.
After the conceptual plan review and prior to accepting a PLID application, the City shall
require a neighborhood meeting. The neighborhood meeting shall be organized and sponsored
by the project proponent. Neighbors within 300' of the proposed location shall be included in
notification of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to solicit information regarding
design alternatives to minimize any adverse impacts from the PLID and to alleviate community
17.44.180 - Application Materials Required.
The application for a PLID shall contain the following:
A. The name, location, and legal description of the proposed development, together
with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the recorded owners of the land and of the
applicant and, if applicable, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any land surveyor,
architect, planner, designer, or engineer responsible for the preparation of the plan, and of any
authorized representative of the applicant.
B. A narrative explaining the proposed use or uses of the land and building,
including the proposed number of dwelling units by type, such as single family detached, row
housing, or apartments and information on any special features, conditions of which cannot be
adequately shown on drawings and an explanation of covenants, continuous maintenance
provisions, and /or homeowners association for the project. The narrative shall include
information explaining how the proposed development will, through the improved utilization of
open space, natural topography, transitional housing densities, and integrated circulation systems,
create a residential environment of higher quality than that normally achieved by traditional
development of a subdivision and how the proposed development will be compatible with
adjacent, existing, and future developments.
C. A survey of the property containing the information required in section 17.44.160.
A through H, plus:
1. existing buildings or structures;
2. existing streets, utility easements, rights -of -way;
3. existing land uses.
D. Preliminary site plans showing the following:
1. location and dimensions of proposed buildings, building setbacks, open
space, recreation areas, parking areas, and circulation patterns;
2. landscape areas and landscape areas used for stormwater management.
E. Detailed site statistics including but not limited to:
1. Total site area in both acres and square feet;
2. Site coverage expressed in square feet and percentage of:
a. Total footprint area of buildings for:
i. Residential structures;
ii. Non - residential structures.
b. Roadway and sidewalk paved surfaces area;
c. Parking lot and other impervious areas;
d. Any areas paved with permeable paving systems;
3. Total area in lots and area of individual lots;
4. Number of residential units proposed;
5. Total number of lots being created;
6. Density of site expressed as residential units per acre.
F. Landscape plan including a tree planting plan and a tree protection plan for
existing vegetation.
G. A preliminary plat, if applicable, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and Chapters
16.04 and 16.08 PAMC.
H. If a developer elects to obtain additional density credits for environmentally
sensitive areas, the site plan application shall contain specific information relating to the
additional density credit criteria of Section 15.20.070 and 15.24.070.
A preliminary utilities plan, including fire hydrant locations.
J. A preliminary storm drainage plan that meets the City of Port Angeles stormwater
management manual, site development standards and NPDES permit requirements.
K. An off - street parking plan and circulation plan showing:
1. all means of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress to and from the
2. number and location of off - street parking spaces;
3. size and location of driveways, streets, sidewalks, trails, and parking
4. any new traffic control devices required for the safety of the project must
be shown.
L. Mailing labels of property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project
pursuant to Section 17.96.140 PAMC.
17.44.190 - Supplemental Information.
A. A complete State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist.
B. A traffic study prepared by an engineer licensed in Washington State, if required
by the Public Works and Utilities Department at the preapplication conference. The traffic stud
does not need to be submitted with the application if an environmental impact statement is being
prepared for the project and a traffic study will be completed for the EIS. This does not preclude
the possibility that a traffic study may be required at a later stage in the process.
C. The proposed method of providing long -term maintenance of improvements or
facilities, including roads and sidewalks, drainage, on -site fire protection improvements, water
and sanitation systems, and community or public open space. The purpose is to identify the
method of maintenance, not to require detailed agreements.
D. If the maintenance is to be provided privately, the developer shall indicate the
organization to be established to provide the maintenance, and the method and approximate
amount of funding required.
E. Draft instruments for permanent preservation of Protected Native Growth Areas
and maintenance of low impact drainage facilities.
17.44.200 - Routing and Staff Recommendations.
Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of Section 17.44.180, the
Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) shall route the same to all
appropriate City Departments and any other agency with jurisdiction. The Planning Division
shall prepare a report to the Planning Commission summarizing the factors involved, the
recommendations of other departments and the DCED including findings and conclusions.
17.44.210 - Planning Commission Public Hearing - Scheduling and Notice.
Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of Section 17.44.200, the
DCED shall schedule a public hearing before the Planning Commission. Public notice shall be
given as provided in Section 17.96.140.
17.44.220 - Planning Commission Recommendation - Preliminary Development Plans.
The Planning Commission's recommendation for approval, denial, or approval with
modifications or conditions shall be forwarded to the City Council, following a public hearing,
in written form and shall be based upon compliance with Section 17.44.050 and the following
A. The proposed development will comply with the policies of the Comprehensive
Plan, zoning ordinance, and other development regulations of the PAMC.
B. All necessary on -site and off -site municipal utilities, services, and facilities,
existing and proposed, shall be adequate to serve the proposed development.
C. Internal streets serving the proposed development shall be adequate to serve
antici.ated traffic levels and the street s stem of the . ro. oseddevelo .ment shall befunctionall
connected by an improved collector street to at least one improved arterial street.
D. If the development is planned to occur in phases, each phase shall meet the
requirements of a complete development.
17.44.230 - City Council Action - Preliminary Development Plans.
The Cit Council shall consider the recommendation of the Plannin Commission at a
public meeting. The Council may approve, deny, or approve with modifications or conditions
the submitted preliminary development plans. Approval shall be by Council action which
inco .orates the a.. roved .relimina development .lans b reference and shall include findin s
based upon this chapter.
17.44.240 - Final Approval of PLID.
Application for final approval of the PLID shall be submitted to City Council within one
(1) year of the preliminary development plan approval; provided that for phased PLID's each
phase shall have an additional one -year period for final approval; and provided further that an
a..licant ma a..1 to the Planning Commission and the Commission ma a..rove one or
more one -year extensions as the Commission may deem appropriate. The site must be under one
ownershi. prior to final approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. The
application for final approval must be made by the owners of the entire site and shall include the
A. A title report showing record ownership of the parcel or parcels upon which the
PLID is to be developed.
B. Adequate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of stormwater
management facilities, common open space, recreation facilities, and recreation structures. If
development is to be done in phases, each phase must meet this requirement.
C. Adequate assurance for the retention and continued maintenance of
environmentally sensitive areas and their buffers. If development is to be done in phases, each
phase must meet this requirement.
D. Final development .lans that shall be in com.liance with the a..roved
preliminary development plans.
E. The final .lat if a..licable •ursuant to Cha.ter 58.17 RCW and Cha.ter 16.08
F. Development schedule.
G. If bondin• is proposed the bond or other form of security acce.table to the City
in an amount e • ual to 150% of the a • • roved en ineerin • estimate for the re uired im rovements
to complete the project or submitted phase, as required b the Ci .
I. Mailin• labels of
conditions and restrictions and /or homeowners' association
pursuant to Section 17.96.140 PAMC.
ert owners within 300 feet of the .ro.osed .ro'ect
17.44.250 - City Council Final Action.
The Cit Council shall review the a..lication for final a
royal at a •ublic hearin
notice of which shall be iven as •rovided in Section 17.96.140
a • .rove, with modifications the final development
A..roval of the final development
be filed with
and shall a
lan and if a
.rove den or
the final •lat.
Ian shall be b ordinance and a co
of the final PLID shall
art of said ordinance.
a Ma
the extent of the approved PLID, and all future development of the site shall be in conformance
with the a..roved PLID. The site must be under one ownershi..rior to final a..royal b the
Cit Council and a • .lication for final a..roval must be made b
amended to indicate
the owners of the entire site.
17.44.260 - Scope of PLID Approval.
Once the PLID receives final a.. royal . ursuant to 17.44.250 PAMC all • ersons and
arties their successors
or assi ' ns who own have
or will have b
virtue of
inheritance or assi
an interest in the real
ro ert
within the
ro . osed PLID
shall be
bound b the conditions attendin
the a
royal of the development and the
17.44.270 - Building Permits.
The Buildin Division shall issue buildin
conform with the a
roved final develo
Cit and state ordinances and re
. ment
rovisions of this
ermits for buildin • s and structures that
lans for the PLID and with all other a
The Buildin
Division shall issue a certificate of
for com.leted non residential buildin s or structures that conform to re • uirements
of the as .roved final development .lans and all other a..licable Ci and state ordinances and
re ulations for such occu. ancies. The construction and develo . ment of all common usable o • en
spaces, including recreational facilities, and other public improvements of each project phase
must be completed before any certificates of occupancy will be issued except when bonds or
other acceptable forms of security are deposited assuring the completion of such facilities within
six months of approval of final PLID.
17.44.280 - Modifications After Final Approval.
The final approval shall be binding upon the development. The final development plan
shall continue to control the PLID after it is completed. Design variations from the plan must
be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval and amendment of the
ordinance, except for minor changes, as follows: The DCED is authorized to approve minor
ad' ustments in the develo • ment schedule location • lacement hei • ht or dimension of buildin s
and structures, not to exceed an alteration of ten percent in height or ten feet in any other
direction, when such minor changes and alterations are required by engineering and other
circumstances not foreseen or reasonably foreseeable at the time of approval of the final
development plans; except that such adjustments shall not increase the total amount of floor
space authorized in the approved final PLID, or the number of dwelling units or density, or
decrease the amount of parking or loading facilities, or permit buildings to locate closer to the
closest boundary line, or decrease the amount of open space, or decrease the recreation facilities,
or change any points of ingress or egress to the site, or extend the development schedule for not
more than twelve months. When a change requires prior review and approval, the City Council
shall conduct apublic hearing prior to acting on such adjustment.
Section 2. Throughout Title 17 Code Reviser is hereby authorized to abbreviate
Department of Community and Economic Development to DCED, where appropriate.
Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any
person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of
the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
Section 4 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the
correction ofthe scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection
numbers and any references thereto.
Section 5 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This Ordinance shall take
effect five days after its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 21st day of August, 2007.
Becky J. U
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: August 26 , 2007
By Summary
G:\Legal_ Backup \ORDINANCES& RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES.2007\2007- 22A.Title 17- PLID.073107.wpd
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on August 21, 2007
Ordinance No. 3290
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, provides for the adoption,
administration and enforcement of the 2006 Edition of the International Building and Fire
Code, amending Chapters 14.23 and 18.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3291
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends Chapter 12.04 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code to revise the age to fish at Lincoln Park so that it is
consistent with Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations.
Ordinance No. 3292
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revises stormwater rates and
amends Chapter 13.63 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Effective January 1, 2008,
the monthly stormwater utility charge for each single- family and duplex residential
property shall be $6.00.
Ordinance No. 3293
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adds a new Planned Low
Impact Development (PLID) zone to the Zoning Code, Title 17, of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Ordinance No. 3294
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adds a new Infill Overlay Zone
(IOZ) to the Zoning Code, Title 17, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office or will be
mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Unless otherwise stated above, these Ordinances shall take effect five days following the date of
publication by summary.
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: August 26, 2007