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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising
Sections of Chapter 3.70, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
relating to Recreation Division fees.
Section 1. Ordinance 2789, as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to Recreation Division fees are hereby amended by amending Sections
3.70.030, 3.70.040, and 3.70.045 to read as follows:
3.70.030 Ocean View Cemetery. The charges for the use of the Ocean View Cemetery
shall be as follows:
A. Site Acquisition
1. Adult lot - $850.00
2. Infant lot - $275.00
3. Um Garden - $300.00
4. Memorial Garden - $250.00
B. Opening and Closing
1. Adult lot - $550.00
2. Infant lot - $230.00
3. Cremation - $250.00
4. Entombment - $450.00
C. Memorial Marker Setting
1. Memorial Setting, individual - $175.00
2. Memorial Setting, companion - $200.00
D. Cremation Niches
1. Bronze Niches
a. Individual - $450.00
b. Individual and companion - $650.00
2. Granite Niches
a. Eye level and below and columbarium - $750.00
b. Above eye level - $650.00
E. Graveside or Chapel Service - $175.00
F. Saturday Service - $500.00
G. Disinterment
1. Adult - $1,500.00
2. Infant - $500.00
3. Cremated Remains - $500.00
H. Residents of the City of Port Angeles, who present adequate proof of residence
within the City of Port Angeles at the time of purchase, to the satisfaction of the Recreation
Manager, or his representative : .. • : . . : • , shall be entitled to a 15% discount
from the charges set forth in Subsection A of this Section.
I. Merchandise Pricing. Prices for merchandise sold at the Ocean View Cemetery,
including but not limited to memorial markers, bases and urns, shall be established by cemetery
staff at the rate of twice the wholesale cost paid by the City.
3.70.040 Parks and Recreation Fees.
A. The fec schcdulc for use of the William Shorc Mcmorial Pool by City residents
nstruction classcs - $4..,0 per '/z hour lcsson
sc sscs .uu per class
mission/P ass cs
ult - $4.50
ou mot Annual i'ass -
Adult Annual Passes - $285.00
amity Annual Passes - $450.
AE. The fee for installing banners across Front and First Streets shall be $100.00
$85.00. The surcharge for use of the City's banner shall be an additional $27.00.
BD. The fees for the use of the following Lincoln Park and City Pier facilities by City
residents shall be as follows:
1. Clubhouse /Loomis Building
a. Non- Profit
b. Profit
- 2 -
Hourly Rate Flat Rate (over 10 hrs)
$16.00 $160.00
27.00 270.00
2. City Pier Hourly Rate Flat Rate (over 10 hrs)
a. Non - Profit $16.00 $160.00
b. Profit 32.00 320.00
CE. The fees for the use of the Lincoln Park and City Pier facilities by Non -City
residents shall be 150% of City resident fees.
DF. The fees for the use of Civic Field Stadium by City residents shall be as follows:
Rental Light fee Field paint fee
1. Non- Profit - $38.00 /hr $38.00/hr. $32.00 per gallon
2. Profit - $106.00 /hr 38.00 /hr 32.00 per gallon
3. Flat fee rates
a. Non - Profit - $380.00 over 10 hours
b. Profit - $1,060.00 over 10 hours
EG. The fees for the use of Civic Field Stadium by Non -City residents shall be 150%
of City resident fees.
FFI. City Hall User Fees - City Residents. The fees for use of the City Hall Council
Chambers and lobby area by City residents shall be as follows:
1. Category I (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - no charge
2. Category II (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - $13.00/hr.
3. Category III (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - $17.00/hr.
GE City Hall User Fees - Non -City Residents. The fees for use of the City Hall
Council Chambers and lobby area by Non -City residents shall be 150% of City resident fees.
Hi. Moorage Fees. The moorage fees for use of the City Pier and Waterfront Park
shall be as follows:
1. Overnight moorage at floating moorage facilities: $15.00 /night.
2. 24 -hour moorage at the main pier moorage area:
(a) 0 -100 feet: $100.00
(b) 100 -150 feet: $150.00
(c) 150 -200 feet: $200.00
(d) 200 -300 feet: $300.00
III. Boat Launch Fees. Fees for use of the public boat launch on Ediz Hook shall be
as follows:
1. Daily Use - $10.00
2. Annual Permit - $43.00.
JE. Adult Sports Programs - City Residents.
Team Sponsor Fee Player Fees
1. Soccer, Spring Co -Ed $115.00 $34.00
2. Soccer, Fall Co -Ed 115.00 34.00
3. Softball, Men/Women 525.00 28.00
4. Softball, Co -Ed 415.00 28.00
5. Volleyball, Co -Ed 305.00 28.00
6. Basketball 440.00 28.00
M. Non -City resident player fees for adult sports programs shall be 150% of City
resident fees.
LN. Annual Events Managed by Recreation Division:
1. Tipoff Tourney; Holiday Hoops; Martin Luther King;
Presidents' Day; Spring Hoopfest;
April Fools; May Day Roundball $250.00 per team
2. Adult Basketball Tournaments 235.00 per team
3. Mens Slowpitch Tournament; Smoked Salmon 235.00 per team
4. Reindeer Fun Run/Walk $23 /adult; $11 /under 18 years
5. Olympic Bike Adventure $43 /adult; $27/12 & under
(Split: 75% Boys /Girls Club; 25% City)
6. Skills Competition Free - awards & equipment
Punt, Pass & Kick; Pitch, Hit & Run; Hot Spots; Hershey's Track &
Soccer Challenge
Me. Youth/Family Fees:
1. After School Program $165.00 X00
2. Day Camp 165.00 155.00
3.70.045 Fees for Other Parks and Recreation Special Events and Activities.
The City Manager, or his representative Dircctor of Public Works & Utilities shall have
authority to establish fees for Parks and Recreation special events and activities not otherwise
set in this Chapter. Such fee shall be based on objective criteria and shall be calculated to
equitably compensate the City for the reasonably anticipated costs ofthe special event or activity.
Such criteria shall include, but are not limited to: the City's reasonably anticipated costs for
personnel, material, and supplies; the benefit, if any, to the community; the amount charged by
other vendors for such or activity; the amount of time needed for preparation for the event or
activity; the length of notice given by the sponsor of the event or activity; disruption to normal
City business occasioned by the event or activity; and other factors relevant to the particular
event or activity.
Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the
correction ofthe scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection
numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take
effect January 3, 2011.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 7 t h day of December, 2010.
ssa Hurd, City Clerk
PUBLISHED: December 12 , 2010
By Summary
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
G \LEGAL \a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES 2010 \30 - Chapter 3 70 Recreation Fees wpd (November 18, 2010)
- 5 -
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
On December 7, 2010
Ordinance No. 3417
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amends the 2010 budget and adopts the
2011 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011.
Ordinance No. 3418
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington revises Chapter 13.73 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic I charges.
Ordinance No. 3419
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington revises Sections of Chapter 3.70, of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Recreation Division fees.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. These Ordinances shall
take effect five days following the date of publication by summary.
Publish: December 12, 2010
Janessa Hurd
City Clerk