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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending utility
fees and rates in Chapters 3.70, 13.20, 13.44, 13.57 and 13.65, of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 1. Ordinance 3085, as amended, and Section 110 of Chapter 3.70 ofthe Port
Angeles Municipal Code are hereby arnended to read as follows:
3.70.110 - Public Works & Utilities Department Fees and Deposits.
A. The fee for a permit for construction orxcavation work in the City right-of-way,
as required by PAMC 11.08, shall be as follows:
1. Curb & gutter removal and/or replacement
2. Driveway installation
3. All other work
4. Street/alley pavement cut -with traffic control
with a
per square foot
$1,000 minimum
5. Street Talley pavement cut - without traffic control
$13.00 per square foot
with a $800.00 minimum
B. Right -of -Way Use Permit Fees. The application fees for a Right- of -Way Use
Permit and for a renewal of such permit, when required by PAMC 11.12.120, shall be as follows:
1. Benches
2. Litter receptacles
3. Bicycle racks
4. Private planters
5. Landscaping higher than 30 inches
6. "A" frame signs
7. Exhibitions sponsored by or promoted by civic, charitable
or other non -profit organization
8. Sidewalk cafes
9. All other exhibitions
10. Activities not specifically mentioned
11. Ramps, steps, or any similar installation
No Qe
12. Fences $140.00
13. Retaining Walls $215.00
14. Rockeries $215.00
15. The application fee for a temporary street use permit shall be $75.00.
16. The application fee for a permit for obstruction of unopened streets shall
be $215.00 per year.
17. The application fee for utility pole and street light standard attachments
shall be $75.00.
C. Move Permit Fees. The fee schedule for building move permits shall be as
1. Relocate a building on the same lot or parcel
(without use of public right -of -way) $40.00
2. Move building from inside City limits to outside City limits $140.00
3. Move building from one City lot to another City lot
(use City right -of -way) $140.00
4. Move building from outside City limits to inside City limits $140.00
5. Inspection fee $55.00/hr.
D. Plan Review and Permit Fees for Grading, Filling, Clearing and Drainage
Grading and Filling. The permit fee for grading and filling activities shall
be as follows:
Estimated volume of grading & fill Fee
250 cubic yards or less and less than 4 feet of cut or fill $40.00
251 to 1,000 cubic yards $75.00
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards or more $110.00
plus $15.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
1. Additional plan review required for changes, additions or revisions to the
approved plans shall be at the rate of $55.00 per hour, provided that the minimum charge shall
be $55.00. The hourly cost to the City shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly
wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.
2. Clearing and Drainage. The permit fee shall be as follows:
Estimated area of clearing Fee
Less than one acre $40.00
One acre to five acres $75.00
Over five acres $15/acre.
Additional plan review required for changes, additions or revisions to the approved plans
shall be at the rate of $55.00 per hour or the total hourly cost to the City, whichever is the
greatest, provided that the minimum charge shall be $55.00. The hourly cost to the City shall
include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages, and benefits of the employees involved.
E. Construction Inspection.
1. Inspections during normal business hours $55.00/hour
2. Inspections outside normal business hours
(the minimum charge shall be 2 hours) 55.00 /hour
F. Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Fees
1. Fees for monitoring, inspections and surveillance procedures: actual cost
incurred by the City to perform the service.
2. Wastewater Discharge permit for MIUs. The Permit duration is five years.
At the time of issuance of permit, the Permittee may elect to pay the entire fee at the time of
issuance, or may pay in monthly installments according to the following schedule:
Monthly Amount
Effective through December 31, 2010
Effective January 1, 2011
Effective January 1, 2012
Five -Year
Permit Fee
3. Discharge Authorizations (application fee):
Single discharge $ 250.00
One year $ 500.00
Five years $1,000.00
4. Fees for flows that exceed the permitted concentrations
High Strength surcharge fees:
BOD $0.7911000 gallons with concentration greater than 400 mg/L
TSS $0.36/1000 gallons with concentration greater than 400 mg /L
5. Fee for MIU permit transfer: $420.00
6. Fee for MIU permit modification initiated by user: $420.00
7. Fee for Septic Hauler Discharge permit:
One year $150.00
8. Fee for Leachate Discharge permit:
One year $150.00
Five years $500.00
9. Volume Fee: The monthly charge shall be as follows:
Septic Waste $0.12 per gallon
Other waste $0.05 per gallon
Leachate $0.02 per gallon
10. Other charges as the City may deem necessary to carry out the
requirements of Chapter 13.06 PAMC: actual cost incurred by the City to perform the service.
11. In lieu of the fees prescribed in paragraphs 7 and 9 above, the City
Manager may enter into a contract with a Septic Hauler or Leachate Discharger for fees to be
paid on terms and conditions established by the contract; provided that such contract must be for
a term of at least one year and that the method used to establish the fees set in the contract is fair
and reasonable.
G. Water Service Connection Fees
1. The new residential water service connection fee, including the meter and
all applicable taxes, shall be:
Service Size Meter Service Connection Fee
1" 5/8" $1,160.00 1,280.00
1" 3/4" $1,160.00 1,280.00
1" 1" $1,260.00. 1390.00
The new residential water service connection fee to drop -in a meter when the
service connection is not provided by the City shall be $420.00, which includes all applicable
2. The new commercial /industrial water service connection fee, including
the meter and all applicable taxes, shall be:
Service Size Meter Service Connection Fee
1" 1" $1,710.00
1-1/2" 1-1/2" $3,200.00 3,565.00
2" 2" Bascd on the City's cost
with 3
fcc.or the City's cost, which-
ever is greater.
3 " -6" 3 " -6" Fire Rated $5,800.00 or the City's
cost, whichever is greater.
3. The fee for special or emergency connects or disconnects shall be $70.00
during regular working hours and $130.00 outside of regular working hours.
4. The water quality test fee required under PAMC 13.36.080 shall be $70.00
plus the cost of the laboratory tests.
5. Installation and removal of a temporary service shall be as follows:
2009 - $100.00, 2010 - $150.00 and 2011 - $200.00.
6. Installation and removal of a temporary fire hydrant meter shall be as
follows: 2009 - $150.00, 2010 - $300.00 and 2011 - $450.00.
H. The fee for a permit for sewer connection shall be as follows:
1. Single- family houses: $150.00, which includes all applicable taxes.
- 4 -
2. Multiple- family dwellings, including duplexes, apartment buildings, trailer
and auto courts, motels, and similar structures: $135.00 for the first dwelling unit and $10.00
for each additional dwelling unit.
3. All other structures, including, but not limited to, hotels, apartment hotels,
office buildings, stores, churches, schools, hospitals, buildings accessory thereto, and
industrial /commercial structures of any kind and additions thereto: One-half cent per gross
square foot of area occupied by all floors of such structure for the first 100,000 square feet
(exclusive of areas devoted to single - family dwelling houses for multiple- dwelling structures);
and one- quarter cent per gross square foot for the remaining footage in excess of 100,000 square
feet. In addition thereto, $ 10.00 for each single- family or multiple dwelling unit combined
therewith; with a minimum fee of $135.00 and a maximum fee of $1,500.00.
4. The fee for additional direct connections to a public sewer shall be the
same as for an initial connection.
5. The fee for a reconnection to a public sewer using an existing side sewer
shall be the same as for an initial connection.
I. The fee for alteration or repair to existing side sewers installed and accepted under
a previous permit, other than normal clean -out or root cutting for which no permit is required,
shall be as follows:
1. Any repair of a side sewer: $40.00
2. The fee for capping side sewers shall be $300.00 and all work performed
o cap the side sewer shall be accomplished by the Department.
J. The fee for storm drain connections shall be as follows:
1. Installation of catch basins or similar interceptors: $55.00.
All connections other than for a catch basin: $135.00.
K. The fees for various underground utility work performed by the Department shall
be as follows:
1. Tapping sewer or storm dram main lines to install a tee or wye: $180.00.
2. Hot tap water main:
Tap 2" on 6" or 8" main: $645.00
Tap 4" on 6" main: $970.00
Tap 4" on 8" main: $1,075.00
Tap 6" on 6" main: $1,020.00
Tap 6" on 8" main: $1,020.00
Tap 8" on 8" main: $1,345.00
by the City.
Tap 8" on 10" main: fee based on actual time and material costs incurred
3. Tapping sanitary or storm manhole: $405.00.
4. The installation of a fire hydrant, including the Department's cost of all
materials and installation: $3,470.04.
All work to install the tap shall be performed by the Department. All excavation of
trench, exposure of the main, trench backfill, thrust blocking, and site restoration shall be
provided by the applicant.
L. In addition to the water, sewer or storm drain fees required under this Section, any
person receiving a water, sewer or storm drain connection shall pay to the City of Port Angeles
the actual cost incurred by the City in the restoration of any street, alley, curb, sidewalk, utility
or other structure of the City of Port Angeles, which is in any way altered or damaged as a result
of construction pursuant to a sewer or storm drain connection permit.
M. Whenever an application for a developer reimbursement agreement is submitted,
it shall be accompanied by a non - refundable flat fee of $1,500.00 in order to cover the City's
expenses in processing the application.
N. Right -of -Way License, Master Permit or Facilities Lease - Application and
Review Fee.
1. Any applicant for an initial, renewal or transfer of a right -of -way license,
master permit or facilities lease pursuant to Chapter 11.14 PAMC shall make an initial deposit
with the City, of one -half of one percent (0.5 %) of the estimated cost of the applicant's proposed
facilities, as certified by the applicant, up to a maximum of $5,000.00. The minimum deposit
shall be $500.00.
2. The deposit shall be made as part of the application filed pursuant to
Chapter 11.14 PAMC and shall be used to reimburse the City for its costs to process the
application, up to the amount of the applicant's deposit. The City may, as expenses are incurred,
draw upon the deposit to recover its actual administrative expenses that are directly related to
receiving and approving an application for a right- of-way license, master permit or facilities
lease, to inspecting plans and construction, and to the preparation of necessary studies or reports,
such as a detailed statement pursuant to Chapter 43.21C RC W, including, but not limited to, the
reasonable cost of outside consultants retained or required by the City related to the City's
consideration and processing of a master permit, right-of-way license, or facilities lease.
3. The Public Works and Utilities Director or designee, at any time, may
require the applicant to deposit additional sums if it appears that the initial deposit or subsequent
deposits will be exhausted prior to the final action by the City relating to the consideration by
the City of an application for issuance, renewal, transfer or modification of a master permit,
right -of -way license, or facilities lease. The applicant will not be entitled to further consideration
by the City of its requested action until such time as the additional deposit required by the
Director has been deposited with the City.
4. In the event the amount of the actual deposit of an applicant is in excess
of the amount of the administrative expenses of the City related to the action requested, then the
applicant shall be entitled to a return of any such excess amount.
5. An applicant whose right -of -way license, master permit or facilities lease
application has been withdrawn, abandoned or denied shall, within sixty (60) days of its written
request, be refunded the balance of its deposit under this Section, less:
(a) $50.00 non - refundable filing charge; and
(b) All other ascertainable costs and expenses incurred by the City in
connection with the application.
0. Electric Utility Fees.
1. Electrical Work Permits and Fees. The fees for residential electrical
inspections performed by the City, including all applicable taxes, shall be as follows:
a. Service /feeder 200 amp. $119.90 $120.00
b. Service /feeder 201 -400 amp. $445750 $146.00
c. Service /feeder 401 -600 amp. $204.60 $205.00
d. Service /feeder 601 -1000 amp. $262.20 $262.00
e. Service /feeder over 1000 amp. 533-275-0 $373.00
f. Branch circuit with service feeder 52-760 $5.00
g. Branch circuit without service feeder $73.50 $63.00
h. Each additional branch circuit 52760 5.00
1. Temporary service/feeder 200 amp. $0 $93.00
j. Temporary service/feeder 201 -400 amp. $-1-1-073-0 $110.00
k. Temporary service/feeder 401 -600 amp. $148.70 $149.00
1. Temporary service/feeder 601 -1000 amp. $167.90 $168.00
m. Hourly inspection fee $-9:90 $96.00 as authorized by the Public
Works and Utilities Director.
n. Sign/outline lighting $88.20
n p Signal circuit /limited energy -1 & 2 family dwellings $6-3790$64.00
Signal circuit/limited energy -multi family dwellings $63. 90$64.00
Es- Manufactured home connection $x$120.00
At7 Renewable electrical energy -5 KVA system or less $102.3$
ru. Single and multi- family dwellings first 1300 square ft. $-110.30
sv Each additional 500 square ft. or portion of single or multi - family
dwelling $35.20$40.00
tw- Each outbuilding or detached garage $0$74.00
ux Each swimming pool or hot tub $ 9:3.0$110.00
yr Low - voltage thermostat $56.00, each additional low voltage
thermostat $5.00.
w. City lockbox for access to electric meter $75.00.
i ■
part of a carnival
xgg. i rip rocs ana p .uu as autnorizea by tine 1 "ublic worxs
and Utilities Director. Each additional inspection or site visit required as a result of an
enforcement issue or safety violation $56.00.
xhh7 Requests by property owners to inspect existing installations
2. Electrical Work Permits. The fees for non - residential electrical
inspections performed by the City,_ including all applicable taxes, shall be as follows:
thermostat $5.00
a. Service/feeder 200 amp. $132.00
b. Service/feeder 201 -400 amp. $160.00
c. Service/feeder 401 -600 amp. $225.00
Service/feeder 601 -1000 amp.$288.00
e. Service/feeder over 1000 amp. $410.00
f Branch circuit with service feeder $5.00
Branch circuit without service feeder $74.00
h. Each additional branch circuit. $ 5.00
I. Temporary service /feeder 200 amp. $102.00
Temporary service /feeder 201 -400 amp. $121.00
k. Temporary service /feeder 401 -600 amp. $164.00
L Temporary service /feeder 601 -1000 amp. $185.00
m. Hourly inspection fee $96.00.
n. Sign/outline lighting $88.00
0. 5i nal circuit/limited ever - commercial first 1500 square ft.
Each additional 1500 square ft. or portion of commercial $5.00
cam. Renewable electrical energy -5 KVA system or Less $113.00
r. Each swimming pool or hot tub $121.00
s. Low- volta' e thermostat $56.00, each additional low voltage
t. Each carnival ride and generator truck $28.00
u. Each remote distribution equipment, concerts or gaming show
v. First field inspection each year or a single concession or ride, not
part of a carnival $12 1.00
w. Subsequent inspection of a single concession or ride, not part of
a carnival $81.00
x. Berth at a marina or dock $81.00
Each additional berth inspected at the same time $54.00
z. Industrial block permit $2,309.00
aa. Each additional inspection or site visit required as a result of an
enforcement issue or safety violation $56.00.
bb. City lockbox for access to electric meter $75.00.
cc. Requests by property owners to inspect existing installations
32. Pole Attachment Rate.
The pole attachment rate shall be $015.85 per contact, which includes
all applicable taxes.
43-. Connects /Disconnects
The fee for special emergency connects or disconnects shall be $80.00
during regular working hours and $140.00 outside of regular hours.
Section 2. Ordinance 3340, as amended, and Section 006 of Chapter 13.44 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to water rates is hereby amended to read as follows:
13.44.006 Rate Class Assignment. The Director of Public Works and Utilities, or his
designee, shall assign each customer to the a-water rate class and the service size rating that
most appropriately characterizes the customer's type and volume of service within the classes
and ratings established in this Chapter.
Section 3. Ordinance 3243, as amended, and Section 020 Chapter 13.57 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Solid Waste Processing Facility rates is
amended to read as follows:
13.57.020 Rates. The following rates include all applicable taxes except as noted and
shall be charged at the solid waste processing facility:
A. All collection entities shall be charged and pay the following rates at the
transfer station:
1. Collection entities that provide the City an exemption certificate in
accordance with WAC 458 -20- 250(7) and City of Port Angeles accounts shall be charged
$103.15 108.30 per ton for municipal solid waste. This rate does not include the
Washington State solid waste collection tax.
2. Collection entities that provide the City an exemption certificate in
accordance with WAC 458 -20- 250(7) and City of Port Angeles accounts shall be charged
$27.70 per ton for clean yard waste. This rate does not include the Washington State solid
waste collection tax. The transfer station attendant shall determine whether each load
qualifies as clean yard waste eligible for this rate. Yard waste that is not eligible for this rate
shall be deemed municipal solid waste for determining rates.
3. $50.85 per ton for wastewater treatment plant biosolids.
4. The City shall pay the collection entity charges for municipal solid
waste received at the transfer station from the contractor for the Blue Mountain drop box
operation under the service agreement. The City shall pay the collection entity charges for
yard waste received at the transfer station from the contractor for curbside collection of yard
waste under the service agreement.
5. Collection entities that do not provide the City an exemption certificate
in accordance with WAC 458 -20- 250(7) shall be deemed self - hauler for purposes of
determining rates.
B. All self - haulers shall be charged and shall pay the following rates at the
transfer station (except as set forth herein):
1. $126.10 $132.40 per ton for municipal solid waste with a $1 0.00
minimum fee.
2. $44.95 per ton for clean yard waste, with a $5.00 minimum fee. The
transfer station attendant shall determine whether each load qualifies as clean yard waste
eligible for this rate. Yard waste that is not eligible for this rate shall be deemed municipal
solid waste for determining rates.
3. In addition to the fees established by subsections 1 and 2 of this
section, a self- hauler that delivers an unsecured load to the transfer station shall be charged a
$10.00 fee.
4. There will be no fee charged for recyclable materials deposited into the
recycling drop -off facility. There will be no fee charged for acceptable household hazardous
waste received at the transfer station.
5. There will be no fee charged for acceptable moderate -risk waste
received at the moderate -risk waste facility from residents covered under the interlocal
agreement. Commercially exempt small quantity generators shall not deposit moderate -risk
waste at the moderate -risk waste facility.
-10 -
6. Self - hauler rates shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government,
its agencies and instrumentalities.
7. Rates for acceptable special waste shall be charged as follows:
Item Rate
Asbestos $36-10 379.25 per ton
Tires (automobile and truck) $+2-671-0 132.40 per ton
Metals and white goods $63-:05' 66.20 per ton
Environmental fee $20.00 per unit
Contaminated or dredge soils $-189.80 199.30 per ton.
The environmental fee per unit shall be in addition to the rate per ton for
metals and white goods.
S. In lieu of requiring multiple scale house transactions for loads with
mixed municipal solid waste, the Director may establish weight reductions for recyclable
materials, metals, acceptable household hazardous waste, and acceptable moderate -risk
waste. Under no circumstances shall a weight reduction result in a reduction of the minimum
fee. The weight reductions approved by the Director shall be issued at the scale house.
C. The self - hauler rate 13.57.020.B.1. may be waived or reduced by up to 50%
subject to the following requirements:
1. The person requesting a waiver or reduction submits a written
application to the Director at least 30 days before disposal of refuse at the transfer station.
The Director shall accept or deny the application before refuse is disposed at the transfer
2. A waiver may be available for disposal of refuse which is collected as
part of a beautification or cleanup program, such as the annual Transfer Station benefit dump
day, Clallam County chain gang, and Washington State Department of Transportation Adopt
a Highway program, which must dispose of litter.
3. A reduction may be available for disposal of refuse, which is collected
as part of the annual City of Sequim benefit dump day.
4. A reduction may be available to charitable, nonprofit organizations,
such as the Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul, and Serenity House, the primary purpose of
which is provide necessary support for the poor or infirm and which must dispose of unusable
donated items.
5. Pursuant to Chapter 35.83 RCW, a reduction may be applied to the
Housing Authority of Clallam County for self -haul of materials left by tenants who vacate
Housing Authority premises and for disposal of demolition debris.
6. All waivers or reductions approved by the Director shall be valid for
30 days and shall be limited to projects that further the public health, safety, or welfare,
enhances the environment, or is otherwise in the public interest for parties of the interlocal
7. In order for the waiver or reduction to be valid, applications approved
by the Director shall be presented to the scale house attendant at the time of disposal.
D. All self - haulers shall be charged and shall pay the following rates per ton at
the Blue Mountain drop -box:
1. $204.65 237.40 per ton for municipal solid waste with a $5.00
minimum charge.
2. Recyclable materials deposited into the recycling drop -off facility will
not be charged a fee. Acceptable household hazardous waste will not be charged a fee.
3. The self- hauler rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal
government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
E. The Director shall have authority to enter into contracts with rates other than
specified in this Chapter, provided that such rates cover the cost of providing the service, the
contract provides a benefit to the City not otherwise obtained, the City Manager, Mayor and
Council members of the Utility Advisory Committee are notified, and that such contracts
have a term of no more than ninety (90) days before formal adoption by the City Council.
F. The sales price per purchase for Class A Compost at the transfer station shall
Quantity Cubic Yards Price Per Cubic Yard
Any Customer 1 - 3 $20.00
Any Customer 4 -49 $17.00
Any Customer 50 -99 $16.00
Any Customer 100 -299 $15.00
Any Customer 300 or more $14.00
Schools, Non- profit, or
Government Agencies 4 or more $15.00
Washington State sales tax will be added to the prices listed above. The Director shall have
authority to establish a different sales price for Class A Compost in response to then existing
operating conditions; provided that such price recovers the cost of providing the compost;
the price provides a benefit to the City not otherwise obtained; the City Manager, Mayor and
Council members of the Utility Advisory Committee are notified; and that the different price
expires ninety (90) days after adoption by the Director, unless it is formally ratified by the
City Council, in which event the price shall remain in effect to the end of the calendar year.
Section 4. Ordinance 2394, as amended, and Sections 13.65.010, 13.65.020,
13.65.030 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Wastewater Service Rates are
amended to read as follows:
13.65.010 Single Residential Unit Monthly Rate.
A. Each residential unit and each living unit connected to the City wastewater
collection, treatment, and disposal system shall be charged a monthly customer charge during
months in which water is consumed, except when exempt by 13.61.090 PAMC. This section
shall not apply to a residential connection to the City water system for agricultural and
irrigation purposes in accordance with 13.44.050 PAMC.
B. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption equals or exceeds
430 cubic feet, and for customers in the unincorporated EUGA shall be $6-0 64.40.
C. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption falls below 430
cubic feet shall be $55.6557.90. Commercial and Industrial Rate. Each commercial and industrial
wastewater customer connected to the City wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal
system, including commercial and industrial waste water customers in the unincorporated
EUGA, except when exempt by 13.61.090 PAMC, shall be charged $0 15.90 per month
plus $4.60 80 per 100 cubic feet for the amount of metered water consumed by the user in the
billing period. This section shall not apply to a commercial connection to the City water
system for agricultural and irrigation purposes in accordance with 13.44.050 PAMC.
13.65.030 Commercial and Industrial Equivalent Plumbing Fixture Rate. A
commercial and industrial wastewater customer, at its option, may apply in writing to the
Department of Public Works and Utilities to have their wastewater charges calculated at
$5.05 30 times the total number of equivalent plumbing fixtures.
The total number of Equivalent Plumbing Fixtures shall be calculated, based upon the
following table, which is hereby adopted from the United States of America Standards
Institute National Plumbing Code, USASI, A40.8 -1955:
One bathroom group consisting of
tank- operated water closet,
lavatory, and bathtub or shower
stall 6
Bathtub (with or without overhead
shower) 2
Bidet 3
Combination sink- and -tray 3
Combination sink- and -tray with
food - disposal unit 4
Dental unit or cuspidor 1
Dental lavatory 1
Drinking fountain 1/2
Dishwasher, domestic 2
Floor drains 1
Kitchen sink, domestic 2
Kitchen sink, domestic, with food
waste grinder 3
Lavatory 1
Lavatory 2
Lavatory, barber, beauty parlor 2
Lavatory, surgeon's 2
Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) 2
Shower stall, domestic 2
Showers (group) per head 3
Surgeon's 3
Flushing rim (with valve) 8
Service (trap standard) 3
Service (P trap) 2
Pot, scullery, etc. 4
Urinal, pedestal, syphon jet, blowout 8
Urinal, wall lip 4
Urinal stall, washout 4
Urinal trough (each 2 -ft. section) 2
Wash sink (circular or multiple) each set
of faucets 2
Water closet, tank - operated 4
Water closet, valve- operated 8
In addition to the above units, the following fixture types shall be assigned equivalent
plumbing fixture units as follows:
400 -1b. commercial washer
200 -1b. commercial washer
50 -1b. commercial washer
35 -1b. commercial washer
25 -1b. commercial washer
18 lbs and under commercial washer
Section 5 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the
correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering,
section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 6 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to
any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application
of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 7 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power
specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This
ordinance shall take effect January 2, 2012.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 181' hday of October , 2011
sa Hurd, City Clerk
r► J
William E. Bloor, ity Attorney
PUBLISHED: October 23, 2011
By Summary
G'ILEGALIa ORDINANCES &RESGLUTIONS1ORD[NANCES.2411122 - Electric Utilities. 09.28.11.wpd
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
On October 18, 2011
Ordinance No. 3438
This Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amends utility fees and rates in
Chapters 3.70, 13.20, 13.44, 13.57, and 13.65, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. These Ordinances shall
take effect five days following the date of publication by summary.
Publish: October 23, 2011
Janessa Hurd
City Clerk