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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the
2011 budget and adopting the 2012 budget for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2012.
WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles completed and placed on file
with the City Clerk an estimate of the amount of the moneys required to meet the public
expenses, reserve funds, and expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2011, as amended, and a proposed budget for the fiscal year ending December 31,
2012, as attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B "; and
WHEREAS, a notice was published that the City Council would meet and hold public
hearings at the hour of 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Port Angeles City Hall, on
Tuesday, November 1st , 2011, Tuesday, November 15`h , 2011, and Tuesday, December 6th ,
2011, for the purpose of making and adopting a budget for fiscal year 2012 and giving taxpayers
within the limits of the City of Port Angeles an opportunity to be heard upon said budget; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did meet at said times and place and did then consider the
matter of said proposed budget,
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. The 2011 budget for revenues and expenses in the Electric fund, Port
Angeles Housing Rehabilitation fund and the Conservation fund, and the aggregate totals for
all funds combined, as set forth in Ordinance 3417, are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit
Section 2. The budget for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, for the year 2012
is hereby adopted at the fund level in its form and content as set forth in the document entitled
"City of Port Angeles, Washington 2012 Budget," a copy of which is on file in the Office of the
City Clerk, and which is incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 3. Estimated resources for each separate fund of the City of Port Angeles,
and aggregate expenditures for all such funds for the year 2012 are set forth in summary form
in Exhibit B that is attached hereto, and are hereby appropriated for expenditure at the fund level
during the year 2012.
Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to keep on file the budget referred to in
Section 2 above and to transmit a complete copy of the final budget to the Division of Municipal
Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities.
Section 5. The City Clerk and the codifiers ofthis ordinance are authorized to correct
scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any
references thereto.
Section 6. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council
and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after
publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at a regular
meeting of said Council on the 6 day of December 011.
a ► e a Hurd, City Clerk
PUBLISHED: December 1 1 , 2011
By Summary
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
2011 2011 2011 2011
Beginning Amended Amended Ending
Balance Revenue Expenditures Balance
General Fund 5,558,235 18,625,853 18,685,380 5,498,708
Special Revenue Funds
Lodging Excise Tax 93,789 460,891 502,056 52,624
Street 573,077 1,699,383 2,049,656 222,804
Real Estate Excise Tax #1 177,371 113,158 186,667 103,862
Real Estate Excise Tax #2 202,253 113,685 213,470 102,468
PenCom 707,214 2,451,505 2,562,044 596,675
Port Angeles Housing Rehab. 375,454 914,328 1,064,269 225,513
Electric Utility Rural Econ. Dev. Rev. Fund 287,488 54,976 200,000 142,464
Economic Development 5,692,863 215,508 1,337,219 4,571,152
Cultural Resources 251,032 143,720 159,192 235,560
Drug Task Force 12,746 1,203 5,000 8,949
Firearms Range 40,656 10,125 3,500 47,281
Senior Center Maintenance 61,249 1,044 60,000 2,293
Total Special Revenue Funds 8,475,192 6,179,526 8,343,073 6,311,645
Debt Service Funds
2001 Refunding G.O. Bond - Sr. Center /Fire Hall 47,855 392,988 391,704 49,139
2005 Refunding G.O. Bond - Library 5,154 281,186 280,904 5,436
2005 LTGO Bond - WUGA 7 252,955 249,569 3,393
2006 LTGO Bond - Property Acquisition 730,487 72,269 86,890 715,866
Total Debt Service Funds 783,503 999,398 1,009,067 773,834
Permanent Funds
Cemetery Endowment 373,462 5,578 - 379,040
Esther Webster Trust 741,902 109,422 178,205 673,119
Total Permanent Funds 1,115,365 115,000 178,205 1,052,160
Enterprise Funds
Electric 12,042,199 34,691,157 37,109,670 9,623,686
Electric Conservation 463,643 2,633,119 2,106,885 989,877
Water 6,556,075 5,498,383 6,743,231 5,311,227
Water Treatment Plant 7,887,581 134,215 165,039 7,856,757
Wastewater 13,441,743 9,827,221 9,485,055 13,783,909
Solid Waste Collection 3,181,219 3,263,033 3,511,223 2,933,029
Solid Waste Transfer Station/Landfill 5,142,708 5,220,640 5,397,664 4,965,684
Stormwater 998,466 2,384,308 2,569,480 813,294
Medic I 56,907 1,502,590 1,514,777 44,720
Total Enterprise Funds 49,770,543 65,154,666 68,603,024 46,322,184
Internal Service Funds
Equipment Services 5,145,596 1,137,923 . 1,615,070 4,668,449
Information Technology 1,098,589 1,232,922 1,562,017 769,494
Self- Insurance 1,405,964 5,041,975 5,151,975 1,295,964
Total Internal Service Funds 7,650,149 7,412,820 8,329,062 6,733,907
Firemen's Pension 732,796 28,391 144,776 616,411
Total Fiduciary Funds 732,796 28,391 144,776 616,411
Govemmental Capital Improvement Funds
Capital Improvement 1,618,738 4,105,514 4,341,986 1,382,266
Property Management 78,121 2,116 44,650 35,587
Park Improvement 155,857 35,161 191,018
Total Govemmental Capital Improvement Funds 1,852,717 4,142,791 4,386,636 1,608,872
Reserves - Used
75,938,501 102,658,445 109,679,223 68,917,721
75,938,501 109,679,223 109,679,223 68,917,721
2012 2012 2012 2012
Beginning Ending
Balance Revenue Expenditures Balance
General Fund
5,498,708 18,299,325 19,500,325 4,297,708
Special Revenue Funds
Lodging Excise Tax 52,624 470,150 351,960 170,814
Street 222,804 1,780,197 1,800,197 202,804
Real Estate Excise Tax #1 103,862 112,191 185,795 30,258
Real Estate Excise Tax #2 102,468 112,556 212,665 2,359
PenCom 596,675 2,414,027 2,582,564 428,138
Port Angeles Housing Rehab. 225,513 76,223 299,300 2,436
Electric Utility Rural Econ. Dev. Rev. Fund 142,464 3,407 50,000 95,871
Economic Development 4,571,152 325,581 2,837,033 2,059,700
Cultural Resources 235,560 59,183 156,108 138,635
Drug Task Force 8,949 5,175 7,500 6,624
Firearms Range 47,281 9,877 3,500 53,658
Senior Center Maintenance 2,293 713 - 3,006
Total Special Revenue Funds 6,311,645 5,369,280 8,486,622 3,194,303
Debt Service Funds
2001 Refunding G.O. Bond - Sr. Center /Fire Hall 49,139 120,250 166,904 2,485
2005 Refunding G.O. Bond - Library 5,436 286,929 286,704 5,661
2005 LTGO Bond - WUGA 3,393 251,534 249,170 5,757
2006 LTGO Bond - Property Acquisition 715,866 68,360 86,891 697,335
Total Debt Service Funds 773,834 727,073 789,669 711,238
Permanent Funds
Cemetery Endowment 379,040 3,262 382,302
Esther Webster Trust 673,119 198,355 178,532 692,942
Total Permanent Funds 1,052,160 201,617 178,532 1,075,245
Enterprise Funds
Electric 9,623,686 38,493,692 40,929,248 7,188,130
Electric Conservation 989,877 1,613, 339 1,428,950 1,174,266
Water 5,311,227 5,758,320 8,194,063 2,875,484
Water Treatment Plant 7,856,757 91,687 258,529 7,689,915
Wastewater 13,783,909 19,819,218 23,490,045 10,113,082
Solid Waste Collection 2,933,029 3,243,601 3,552,038 2,624,592
Solid Waste Transfer Station /Landfill 4,965,684 5,365,737 5,437,871 4,893,550
Stormwater 813,294 781,827 1,330,038 265,083
Medic I 44,720 1,496,546 1,496,546 44,720
Total Enterprise Funds 46,322,184 76,663,967 86,117,328 36,868,823
Internal Service Funds
Equipment Services 4,668,449 1,324,752 1,840,092 4,153,109
Information Technology 769,494 1,113,055 1,249,482 633,067
Self- Insurance 1,295,964 5,411,800 5,411,800 1,295,964
Total Internal Service Funds 6,733,907 7,849,607 8,501,374 6,082,140
Firemen's Pension 616,411 25,799 151,568 490,642
Total Fiduciary Funds 616,411 25,799 151,568 490,642
Govemmental Capital Improvement Funds
Capital lmprovement 1,382,266 5,533,062 6,301,342 613,986
Property Management 35,587 798 34,650 1,735
Park Improvement 191,018 19,320 25,000 185,338
Total Govemmental Capital Improve. Funds 1,608,872 5,553,180 6,360,992 801,060
SUB -TOTAL ALL FUNDS 68,917,721 114,689,848 130,086,410 53,521,159
Reserves - Designated
Reserves - Used 15,396,562
TOTAL ALL FUNDS 68,917,721 130,086,410 130,086,410 53,521,159