HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/02/1940
Proceedings of tbe City Commission oftbe City of Port Angeles, Wasbington
January ~. 1940
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The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.iL and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call
showed the following officers present: !layor Davis, CO!lll1Jissioners Bearr; and Masters, Attorney Conniff and
Clerk Hawkins.
The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warr'ants drawn for same:
Current Expense Fund
Thoma sHut chings Condensers 4.59
Lincoln Radio Co. Repairs, etc. 7.70
Johnson & Bork Pa int , etc. 1 54--':: 28.87
Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Pipe 34 .26
City Street Fund
M. R. Allemen Lutnber 3.99
Water Fund
Hersey Mfe. Co. Meter Parts 31.06
Hooker Electrochemical Co. Chlorine 14.89
Puget Sound Navigation " Freight ~ 1:)'0 .55
Howard~Cooper Corp. Repairs ::, - 5.00
Light I'und
M. R. hleman Lumber Mill L\lIIlber 2.88
The-Electric ~o. Lamps .0> 63.83
Line Material Co. Street Light ~ixtures \ <-ref - 77.85
Under the head of New Business,-
Harry H. Beetle, Mayor elect, J. Lyle Beam and Charles Lind, Commissioners elect were sworn into office
for the ensuing term.
The following resolution providing for the organization of the COlmnission was then introduced:
WHEREAS, Harry H. Beetle, J. Lyle Beam and "harles Lind were elected st the General Municipal Election
held in the "ity of Port Angeles on December 2, 1939, to serve as Mayor and City Conunis5ioners, respect-
ively, of the City of Port Angeles for the ensuing term of three years) and
1\lIEREAS) said persons have taken their oath and their bonds have been approved and filed as required by
statute, and said persons have complied. with all other requirements of law, and
WHEREAS, it is reqUired as a part of the duties of the said Lomnission to meet on the first M:>nday in
January following said election and organize the City Commission and assign to the various commissioners
the departments of the cit.' business a s provided 'rT.f statute and ordinance,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the members of the City Commission be and said members are hereby assigned
to the supervision and duties of the following departments as defined by statute and ordinances:
1. Harry H. Beetle, as Mayor, be and he is hereby assigned to the supervision of the Departments of
Public Safety as provided U.f statute and ordinance of the City of Port Angeles.
2. That Commissioner, J. Lyle Beam, be and he is hereby assigned to the supervision of the Depart-
ment of Finance and Accounts, as Commissioner of Finance and Accountine, in accordance with ordinances
of the City of Port jPngeles.
3. That ~ommissioner, Charles Lind, be and he is hereby assigned to the superv~s~on of the Depart-
ment of Streets and Public Improvements, as Commissioner of Streets and Public IF~rovements, in accord-
ance with the ordinances of the City of Port ~~eles.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Commissioners be and said persons are hereby authorized
to proceed with the supervision of the respective departments in accordance with the laws of the State
of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. 'lhe Mayor declared the motion carried.
The following certificate relating to the approval and filing of the City Commis sioners I Bonds was
ordered entered in the minutes.
Port Angeles, Washington
December 30, 1939
This is to certifY that on the 30th day of December, 1939, the following described bonds were handed to
me by John M. Ralston, the Judge of the Superior Court of the :;tate of Washill(;ton, for Clallam Count.y,
I with instructions to file the same in my office) as provided by law; that each and all of said bonds were
\ approved as to form by Wm. J. Conniff, ~ity~ttorney of the City of Port Angeles, and approved by the
said John M. Ralston:
Bond of HARRY H. BEETLE) Mayor, as Principal and the American Bonding Company, as Surety in the sum of
$10,000 .00;
Bond of J. LYLE BEM~) City Commissioner, as Principal and the United States ~1delity and Guaranty Company,
as Surety in the sum of $9,000.00;
Bond of C~.RLES LIND, City CommissioMr, as Principal and the American Bonding Company, as :OUrety in the
sum of $9,000.00.
Harvey E. Haggard,
Clerk of the Superior Court
Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington
.T;"n1J~ry 2 ] 940
Commissioner of Finance Beam sulinitted appointments as follows:
N. M. Hawkins, City Clerk, Madge H. Nailor, City Treasurer.
It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing appointments be confirmed. Seconded by Mayor Beetle .1.
On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Mayor Beetle then submitted the following appointments:
Win. J. Conniff, City Attorney; Reuben 0'. Ide, Chief of Police Department; Clay A. Wolverton, Chief of
Fire Department; and W. F. Phillips) Police Judge.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing appointments be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner
Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Commissioner Lind then submitted the appointment of H. E. ~odge as City Engineer.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Mayor Beetle.
On roll call all members voted aye. The I!.ayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of Reports from City Officers,-
Chief of Fire Department, C. A. Wolverton) presented his annual report which was read and ordered filed,
Thos. Geisness, Police Judge, reported 50 cases tried and $353,30 collected infines for the month of
December, 1939. Report ordered filed.
Under the head of New Business the following resolution was introduced:
RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF PORT ANGELES , That a revised purchase order system be
installed by the City of Port Angeles, said system to include and requi.re a requi.sition duly signed by
the department or office head desiring to make a purchase, said requisition to be approved by the head
of said office Or department as well as the Commissioner in charge of said department or office or his
duly authorized representative, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOL\'"ED, That January 2, 1940, be fixed as the date this resolution shall go into effect,
and that thereafter no purchase orders shall be issued for the purchase of any material Or supplies of
any kind or character whatsoever for the L1.ty of Port Angeles until approved as herein provided.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resoluti en be approved and adopted. Seconded b-.f
Conunissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried,
Frank Schmidt having transferred his business, Thc City Cab, to A. G. Hartman,requested that his
License No. be transferred to the said A. U Hartman. There .being no objections the Commission
instructed the City Clef", to transfer License No. to the said ~.. G. Hartman.
There being no further business the Connnission then adjourned.
City Clerk