HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/02/1953 ...- 296 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 2 19~3 '~"'"''''''''<<.'''''-'''''-''''''''' ~ t ~The City Council met at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order h1 Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers .revealed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, and Wolfe, .Manager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. lIt was moved U,r Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded 1U,r Councilman Wolfe and carried. '.under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish ten transfom;ers for the light department were .recei ved as follows: Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co: 10 - 25. KVA Transfom;ers, complete. with cross arms, $292.26 General Electric Co: 10 - 25 KV A Transfom;ers, net each, 285.60 OIoss am; hangers, each 6.66 Line Material Co: 10 - 25 KVA Transfom;ers, each 285.60 Cross arm hangers, each 6.66 R. T. & E. CompaQY, formerly Rural .Transformers & Equip. Co; 10 - 25 KV A Transformers, each.,. 262.00 Cross arm hangers, each 6.58 .jlt was moved U,r Councilman Wolfe that the. bid by R. T. and E. Co. be accepted. Seconded U,r Councilman : Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 1 'The following bids to furnish two trucks for the Street Department were received: Ruddell Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc., International, chassis and body, each $ 4,395.20 Less trade-in, 1939 GMC 800.CO Less trade-in, 1940 Diamond T. 600.00 I Port Angeles Motors: GMC 1953 model, each Body and Hoist State Sales Tax Total Trade-in, 1939 GMC Trade-in, 1940 Diamond T 2,869.31 1,266.67 124.68 4,279.56 370.00 345.00 I SAMUELSON MOTOR COMP IN Y; Ford F-6, 2-T, 6 Cycl. truck complete, each, Alternate: Ford 'F-6; V-8 Truck Complete, each State Sales Tax, 2 trucks Trade-in, 1940 Diamond T Trade-in, 1939 GMC 3,986.85 3,911.26 239.33 400.00 375.00 Schreiner Chevrolet Co: 1953 Chevrolet Dump trucks, each, Hoist and body according to spees, each, Price for 2 units complete, sales tax incl., Trade-in, 1939 GMC 550. pO Trade-in, 1940 Diamond T 650.00 Net cost, 2 Units complete 2,745.00 1,495.00. 6,734.40 1,200.00 .7,534.40 Janish Motor Co: Two Dodge 2-T trucks complete with hoists as per specifications Price quoted includes trade-in allowance for 1939 GMC and 1940 Diamond T in amount ',of 7,976.40 424.00 i'id. for Half-Ton Panel Truck: Schreiner Chevrolet Co: 1953 Chevrolet ~-T Panel Sales Tax Less trade-in, 1941 I.H.C. Total-Net pickup 1,695.00 50.85 36.2.00 1,363.85 I Janish Motor Co.: 1953 i-T Dodge panel, Incl. trade-in Allowance for trade-in, 1941 I.H.C. pickup Ruddel161dsmobile-Cadillac, Inc.: New r.H.C. Model 1-112 Panel truck Less trade-in 1941 1. ri. C. pickup State tax not included. 1,714.53 90.75 1,993.00 400.00 It was moved by Councilman Brown that all bids be talbled for Checking and due consideration. Motion 'seconded U,r Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ] rBids to furnish premium gasoline and diesel fuel for City departments during the year 1953 were received .'as follows: Premium Gasoline: Tidewater Associated Oil Co., posted price at time and place of delivery, less $ .005. Union Oil Co. of California, posted price at time, place, and quantity delivered U,r tank wagon, less $ .C05. Posted prices as of today: Tidewatee Associated, $ .243 and & .223 Union Oil Co. .248 and .223 I It was moved by Councilman Brown that the contract for Premium Gasoline be awarded to Tidewater Associated. Seconded U,r Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Diesel Oil: City Fuel Co., $ .121 per gallon,' ..... I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 2 53 19~ "". . ''''''. "'..C<. """"'" ""H" ..... .... Light Fuel Oil: , Penins.ula Fuel Co., Standard P.S. 300, at $3.436 per 42 Gal. bbl. or $ .0818 per gaL It was moved b~JCouncilman Brown. that contract for diesel oil be awar~ed to the City Fuel Compaqy and for fuel 011 to the Peninsula Fuel Compaqy. Motion seconded u.r. Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Manager Vergeer reported regarding investigation of. complaint u.r A. Casilio 9bjecting to ears and equipment interfering with pedestrians using the East side of E~ce Street North of First Street. The Council instructed that a resolutionbe.prepared and introduced ~h~t the next meeting providing for construction of the sidewalk and curbing. If the property owner does not comply with provisions of resolution, the City may proceed with installation, cost of the same becoming lien against the property. Under the head of new business, request for transfer of beverage license was filed as follows: John E. and Leona M. Farrington to Leona Farrington. It was moved by Councilman Powell. that the request for transfer be approved. Seconded u.r Councilman Brown and carried. Allen Epperson residing at 603 S. Pine St., filed claini for damages to his property caused u.r sewer becoming clogged, depositing sewage and unsanitary debris in basement. Claim for damages was in amount of $75.00. 11anager Vergeer informed that damage was not caused through aqy negligence on the part of the City and recolIL~.ended that claim should hot be allowed. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the Council concur with recollllIlendation. Motion seconded by Councilman Powell. . All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Council examined claims paid December 22, in amount 'of $28,797.16. It was moved u.r Councilman IPowell that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded u.r CounCilman Brown and carried. The annual report for year 1952 for the Fire Dept., also reports of the Light and Water Depts., for 'period [of eleven months were submitted to the Council. It was mo~ed by Councilman Brown that the reports as submitted be apFoed and filed. Seconded u.r Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'Manager Vergeer informed the Council concerning progress of arterial street improvement advising that Inotices have been mailed and although only one street is specified in the notice, all are included as ,stated in Resolution and Ordinance. Also discussed was proposed Ordinance relating to sale of electrical jenergy by the City and prescribing rates. Council members received copies of the proposed Ordinance for ,condsideration and the Attorney was instructed to prepare Ordinance for introduction at the next meeting. Mr. Vergeer questioned the Council regarding appointment of committees. It was decided that the Council iwill continue to work together until such time as special committees are necessary. I iThe Engineer filed the first estimate for work done and material furrdshed on Lindn Heights sewer project las follows: i ITo the Honorable Hayor and City Council iport Angeles, Nashington iAttention: G. S. Vergeer, City Manager I January 2, 1953 I hereby' submit the first estimate (Dec6llber) of work done and material furnished by Burrows, Milone and Tucci, Inc., Contractors on the construction of lateral sewers and appurtenances on West Lincoln Heights, (L.1.D. No. 161), the contract dated Nov. 6, 1952, as follows: 1 ~cre clearing and grubbing Lump sum 4 Std. manholes to connect @ 50.00 19 Std. manholes complete @ 185.00 1 10" manhole stub and stopper @ 10.00 1 6" manhole stub and stopper @ 5.00 547.5 Lin. Ft. 12" Sewer Pipe, in place @ 1.50 169 It II 1011 If II I II II @ 1.10 8572 " " 8"" "" " @ .75 1720" " 6"" "" " @ .65 20 12" x 6" Wyes, in place @ 7.00 150 8" x 6"" "" @ 4.50 30 6" x 6"" "" @ 3.75 100 6" Pipe stoppers in place @ .50 2 6" x 45Gbends, in place @ 2.00 2 Cast iron lamp hole eases in place @ 35.00 400 Lin. Ft. 4 foot deep trench and backfill @ .50 650 Lin. Ft. 5" " " " " @ .75 1520 Lin. Ft. 6" " " " " @ .90 2784.2 II 11 7 II It If II II @ .95 1925.5 " " 8" " " " " @ 1.00 1000 II It 9" II It II II @ 1.10 350 " "10"" "" " @ 1.75 150 II II 11 11 J1 It II II @ 1.90 200 II It 12 II II II II /I @ 2.00 200 If /I 13 II II 11 II II @ 3.00 100 " n 14 II II \I tl 11 @ 3.50 50 " IT 15" II n n II @ 4.00 50 II "16 II " tl 11 II @ 4.50 100 II II 18 II II II II 11 @ 6.00 47.5 II II 19 II II II II " @ 6.00 Total this estimate Less 15% retained Amount due contractor Plus Fixed Estimste 800.00 200.CO 3,515.00 10.00 5.00 821.25 185.90 6,429.00 1,116.00 140.00 675.00 112.50 50.00 4.00 70.00 487.50 1,368.00 2,644.99 1,925.50 1,100.00 612. 50 265.00 400.00 600.00 350.00 200.00 225.00 600.00 265.00 $25,419.14 3.812.87 21,606.27 3.1a.00.00 $25,006.27 Yours truly, 1 I It was moved by Councilman Brown that the first estimate as submitted be approved and warrant issued in Ipayment of the same. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. I ~'anager Vergeer presented the report of G. p. Lockwood, State Examiner, for official acceptance. The re- :~ort covered lrity business and transactions, exclusive of the Utilities, from April 1, 1951 to June 30, 1952 I Herman Ahlvers,City Engineer 297 ., ~ ,..--. -- 298 .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 2 continued 1911- ."".""......m"....",......_..........~ It was moved qy Councilman Brown that the report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. ~lotion car."ied. Mr. Vergeer also presented request from Gini Stover Richardson, 99' s State Airmarking Chairman, requesting that this City co-operate U,r'marking certain buildings for converlence and protection of aircraft. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the request be filed. Seconded U,r Councilman' Wolfe and carried. Councilman Neer inquired as to why parking is not permitted i n~ront of the Olympian Theatre during hours when shows are not in progress'. Mayor Smith infonned thatthi~T is designated as a loading zone for business establishments not having access to alley. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and read in full for consideration by the Council: ORDINANCE NO. 1292 AN ORDINANCE fixing the annual salaries, compensation and wages of certain Officers, assistants and employees of the City of Port Angeles, and determining the time of payment thereof. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1293 AN ORDINANCE of the City 'of Port Angeles providing for the improvement of certain streets and' alleys in the City of Port Angeles U,r the construction and laying therein of certain lateral sanitary sewers, all in accord with Improvement Resolution No. '162 of the City of Port Angeles; creating a local improvement district for such improvement; and providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assess- ments on the property in said district specially benefited, payalble by the mode of payment U,r bonds, all in accord with maps, plans andspecificationspreparedU,r the City Engineer and approved U,r the City Council. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried. No further business appearing, the Council was declared adjourned. O. & ;ta-ur. {I t!::r ~ ~'/,(~ or Clerk I I I I