HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/02/1958 I 1 , ,I .1 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 575 ., January 2, 1958 19_ """" . "'"".. om... '''''..'. ........ ..... ..... City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Officers present were: Councilmen B~ol'm, Sandison, Matthieu, WOlfe, McFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Uooer the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish gasoline, diesel and heavy fuel oil for City equipment during t he year 1958 were tabulated as follows: PremiuIJ. Disc. Regula r Disc. Diesel Disc. RICHFIELD OIL CO., .2539 .0381 .2219 .0381 .149 .014 UNION OIL CO. .256 .224 .145 SHELL OIL CO. .2569 .0326 .2274 .0351 .148 .015 STANDARD OIL CO. .2579 .0341 .2249 .0351 .147 .016 TIDEWATER OIL COMPANY .2575 .0345 .2275 .0325 .1454 .0176 GENERAL PEI"ROLEUM .261 .031 .234 .026 .148 .015 TH.6 TEXAS COMPANY .2531 .0389 .2233 .0367 .1379 .0251 I CI TV FUEL CO MPANV P.S. _ 300 Heavy fuel oil, .105, .15 It was moved by Counci Iman McFadden that contract be B>larded to the lowest bidder. SecOnd ed by Coonei Iman Sandison and carried. !lids to furnish one truck for the SanitationDepartment were received from the following dealers: RUDDELL OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC, INC. 1958 I.H.C. 1, ton truck complete, net inc. tax, $3,993.47 SAMUELSON MorOR CCMBANY, 19581, ton truck, tax incl., $3,836.84. Alternate: Same truck with special body and hoist as per Truck Welding and Equipment Co., specifications, net $~, 907 .50. mNROBERTSON PONTIAC, 1958 G.M.C., Net incl. tax, $4.178.00. SCIlREINER CHEVROLET CO: 1958 Chassia and cab, with Truck weld special body and hoist, net inCl., tax $3.927.16. Alternate: 1958 Chassis and cab with Truck Equipment Body and Hoist, net, tax incl, $3,856.50. It was moved by Councilman Brown that bids be tabled for further study and consideration. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Mrs. !,<Hred Conrad. having applied for dine and dance license at 101 East Front. the Police Chief inspected premises and recommended lic~se be granted, providing a door be placed at rear of dance area and a bar divider be installed to prevent ready entrance to area behind bar. It was moved by Council- man Matthieu that Mrs. Conrad be informed of Chief's recommendation and <i~r alterations as reco~nded, request for re-inspection. Moti"n seconded by Councill1lan Maxfield and carried. Fixed estimate claim in L.1.D. No. 175 was approved in amount of $12.72 for publications by the Peninsula Herald. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that claim be approved and paid. Seconded by C.ouncilman Sandison ill d carried. Under the head of new business, claims paid December 20, 31, and January 2, were approved in total alOOunt of $55,866.95. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that claims be approved" as paid. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. I It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the Police Judge report for November and report of Police Dept. I activities during December be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. I The Fire Chief requested in writing that Council approve salary increase during year 1958 for Firemen I serving as acting Captain and Mechanic, although time.of service restricts eligibility for competitve 'i examinations fof said positions. Recommended inc rease for time while acting in post ions was $10.00 per month. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that request be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Police lIlhief Kochanek having requested that equipment be purchased to replace carS and motorcycle in his department, it was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that Council authorize publi::ation of call for bids for 2 patrol cars and one motorcycle. Motion .seconded by Councilman Brown and carried.. ' I~. E. Bucknell told the Council it is very gratifying to see so many interested" in City Government and recommended that ad'lquate room be provided to" accomodate all attending. Councilman Matthieu reminded it is difficult to estimate how many will be present, citing previous meetings as having two or three in attend- anCe. Mr. Bucknell then read article from the Seattle P.I. written by a taxp,ayer alId objecting to closed meetings by Councilmen and Conaty Commissioners. lie also reminded CouncilmadWolf e of remarks he had previously made regarding certain changes which should be made and that Mr.~olfe is again trying for position as Councilman. . Another individual inquired if a certain antenna had been removed from light pole or if Cound 1 will re- quest removal. Mr. Vergcer informed that said antenna has not been proven in violation of the safety code. 'lft. Under the head of introduc.tion of Resolutions, the followinl: was introduced lIld read: RESOLUTION NO.1-58 A RESOLUTHlI transferring budget appropriations within the same classification in various departments of th City and hOlding over the unexpended balance of $1,500.00 in the capital item of "Building Improvement" in the Light Department budget. It was moved by Councilman McF adden that the f oregoir.g Resolution be awroved. Seconded byCounci Iman Wolfe and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of OrdinlKlces, the following was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1410 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and assess- ment roll of Local Improvement District No. 173 fo~ the improvement of a certain area within the city by the construction and installation of sanitary sewers, together \>i th all necessary appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, levying and assessing the an ounts th"reof against the several lots. tracts, parcels of land and other property as sho\m on said assessment roll, prlbviding for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement District No 173 Fund created by Ordinance No. 1380 of the City, and declaring an emergency. It ~las moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance.be approved and cdopted. Seconded by ..olllll ,..-- 576 Proceedings of th~ City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, , Washington ]anulIlIY 2,1952 19__ ,..e.. ~~..... ...TTL....U,.....u. ..,.."... lallllfl .... OUnC1.lPlan Drown an~ carr1eu. 1 No other business appeari ng, the meeting <<as declared adjourned: 0 8. 7--a.u.r d-: L-- ~, I I rJ City Clerk Mayor " CALL POB BIDS Notlee 1:;; hereby glvlm t1lat sealed bids wlll be l't'ceivf>(1 by tile City Clerk ot' the City of Port Angeles, 'Vashington, ul\tll Febnllu')" Il, 1955 at 5.()O o'e!..ock P. M., and nol later, at tlH: office of the City Clerk,_ for th.e. purohase (If CaSt. Jron ". atcr ; Pipe. Valves, Viro Hydrants amI Flt- . tlngs: . ,9;}(l Lln. Ft. 1()" Mechanical Jomt. : Class 150 Cast Iron Pille ~ 700() tin. Ft_ S" McchHnlc.al Joint, !, ~~~~asi:I~.50i~~;\t~. 1~~c:;~1~al .T~lnt , Clm:!8 160, Cast Iron Plp(!. II 5(1) Lln. Ft. 1" Mecha.nlcul Joint \ Clalis HiO, Ca.st Iron PJpe. I"''' Lln. Ft, ''', M"""n,,.1 Joint i 10 C:.~~Z fi~?dr~~~~' Jr;..n Pipe. Miscellancdus Yal'v'cs and fitling:s, Bidding 8heetll may be (l.btam~d . from the City Clerk, A certlfled Illd ~ llOUd or check for 5% of the ~mount l)~:t lI~bfl~ea~~~ii~~n~l1~f~~d b~, P::~ AnKl'It's. CIty Council rescr.vcs the I 'J'n!' right to rejeC:l any or all bIds. J. E. Law, I City Clerk Puhllsh~ll: ,January 23 and 3D, 1!l58. , ,. ,. 1 , - I . 1 I , I I I f. I I ! i I I I ! I I I I I I , I