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Port Angeles, Washington
January 2, 1990
Mayor Pro Tem Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City
Council to order at 7:02 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Manager Flodstrom.
Clerk Maike administered the oath of office to Jim Hallett, Richard Wight, Larry
Nicholson, and Prosper Ostrowski, and thereafter Councilmen Hallett, Wight,
Nicholson, and Ostrowski were seated with the Council. The Councilmen will
serve the term ending December 31, 1993.
Members Present: Mayor Pro Tem Hallett, Councilmen Gabriel, Lemon, Nicholson,
Ostrowski, Sargent, Wight.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Assistant Attorney Dickson, ClerkMaike,
S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, B. Collins, J. Pittis, D. Wolfe, B.
Titus, W. Myers, B. Coons, G. Kenworthy, G. Beck.
Public Present: R. French, G. Braun, P. Lauch, B. Philpott, L. Ross, K. &
L. Rose, L. Beil, Mr. & Mrs. C. Alexander, F. Paynter, H.
Berglund, R. Gruver, Mr. & Mrs. D. Brewer, M. Fischel, J.
Cammack, M. Merrick, J. Michalzik, L. Schuett, J. & J.
Councilman Nicholson requested, prior to the selection of the Mayor, that
clarification be provided regarding the RCW pertaining to the role of the Mayor.
He then requested the Council allow Councilman Wight to read a statement.
Councilman Wight read from a letter which he had prepared for the Council-
members. The letter stated it was fair to say that Councilmen Nicholson,
Ostrowski, and himself had run for City Council for similar reasons, those being
wanting to be on the Council and to be proactive in City government. They had
collective and individual concerns regarding the running and functioning of the
Council during the past year or so. In particular, they shared concerns
regarding the duties of the Mayor and since that time hav. e spoken collectively
about this issue. It was his hope, before the selection of the Mayor, that the
Council could agree on precisely what some of the limits may be on the duties
of the Mayor. He specifically noted some of the duties which are outlined in
the RCW; the Mayor's duties being limited to the chairman of the City Council,
ceremonial duties, appointment to various committees required under State
statutes, and the traditional role of the Mayor as mediator/moderator of Council
meetings. He understood that outside of emergency powers that may be enacted
by local statutes, the Mayor has no other administrative duties. To that line,
he hoped the Council would fashion an agreement among themselves that whoever
should be elected Mayor would conduct the duties of the office within that
framework; that the forum which the Council has will be fairly and equitably
discharged among all seven members, and that the Council will strictly require
that the Mayor adhere to those procedures in all meetings. Further, that the
Council should have an agreement to submit to on-going discussion and
suggestions with all Councilmembers on how to conduct the City's business and
the delegation of some of the ceremonial and public contact duties that fall
to the position of Mayor, so that the Mayoral position does not have to fall
to the burden of all those requirements. Finally, he stated it was important
for the Council to understand if the majority of the Councilmembers are not
satisfied with the Mayor's performance, the Council should fashion an agreement
which would require that the Mayor resign, if the majority of the Council so
January 2, 1990
Councilman Nicholson asked Attorney Dickson if there was any reason the Council
could not propose a resolution or a motion before the election of the Mayor in
accordance with the RCW.
Attorney Dickson responded he did not know of any reason why the Council would
not be permitted to do so.
Councilman Nicholson moved that the Council enter into a firm agreement not to
use the position of Mayor to exercise unfair or unequal use of the forum during
debate and discussion; an agreement not to use the position to get in the last
word and limit discussion or debate; an agreement not to use the position as
a bully pulpit; a firm agreement to submit to on-going discussion and sugges-
tions with all Councilmembers on how to conduct the duties of Mayor; stating
the reason for that is some of the ceremonial and other public contact obliga-
tions could and should be delegated from time to time to other Councilmembers;
and finally, a firm agreement to resign the position on request of four or more
fellow Councilmembers. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion.
Councilman Gabriel commented that the RCWs state that rights and privileges
cannot be taken away from the position of Mayor. There is the right to vote
and further, he felt it was appropriate that the Mayor be able to make a comment
on voting for or against and an explanation as to how or why he voted that way
without getting into the debate.
Mayor Pro Tem Hallett asked Attorney Dickson and Manager Flodstrom if they were
comfortable with the motion. They both responded "Yes".
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Nicholson asked whether the Council could elect a Mayor Pro Tem and
a Deputy Mayor, as provided in the RCWs; was there any difference, or was it
merely semantics.
Attorney Dickson responded he felt it was merely semantics because the RCW does
use the two terms interchangeably.
Councilman Nicholson then moved that the Council elect a Deputy Mayor; the term
to run concurrently with the Mayor-elect. Councilman Gabriel seconded the
Councilman Sargent asked what the duties of the Deputy Mayor would be.
Councilman Nicholson stated they are prescribed in the RCWs, and again, he felt
it was semantics as the duties of the Mayor Pro Tem, with the exception that
this person be elected for a two-year term and not on an ad hoc basis.
Attorney Dickson suggested the Council include in the motion the amendment of
Section 6 of the Council's Rules and Procedures regarding the Chair of the
Councilmen Nicholson and Gabriel concurred to include in the motion the
amendment of Section 6, Chair of the Council, in the Council's Rules and
Procedures, and the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Pro Tem Hallett noted that the question before the Council was the method
of selecting the Mayor, stating the RCW provides for two methods; the first for
Councilmembers to nominate themselves or other members of the City Council for
the chairman's position. Once all nominations are made, the Council votes by
ballot for the nominees. The first nominee to receive a majority of the
Council's vote (at least four votes) is seated as the Council's chairman and
the City's Mayor. The other alternative is to place names of all Councilmembers
on a ballot and each Councilmember votes for the member of his choice. The
balloting continues until one member of the Council has received four votes.
That member is then seated as the chairman and mayor.
Councilman Lemon requested a clarification of the ballot process.
Manager Flodstrom stated the ballot process, as prescribed by State statutes,
calls for a public ballot, which is initiated by placing names of all members
of the Council in nomination, or by individually placing themselves or another
member of the Council in nomination. Once the nominations have been closed,
January 2, 1990
the Council must ballot publicly. The balloting would continue until one member
of the Council has received four or more votes.
Councilman Nicholson moved that the Councilmembers nominate themselves or other
members of the City Council for the Chairman position. Councilman Wight
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Pro Tem Hallett announced that nominations for the position of Mayor were
Councilman Ostrowski placed the name of Councilman Sargent as the Council
Chairman/Mayor for the two-year term, as he felt Councilman Sargent, over the
past two years, has reviewed the issues very objectively and impartially; and
further, that this being a Centennial Year it would be appropriate that the City
have a woman mayor.
There being no further names placed in nomination, Mayor Pro Tem Hallett closed
the nominations.
Councilman Nicholson moved that the Council elect Councilman Sargent by
acclamation. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Sargent was then seated as the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles,
the term to run through December 31, 1991.
Mayor Sargent thanked the Council for the confidence they had in her, which she
hoped would not be misplaced, stating she would do her best to conduct the
business of the City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Gabriel nominated Councilman Hallett as Mayor Pro Tem.
There being no further names place in nomination, Mayor Sargent closed the
Councilman Nicholson moved that the Council elect Councilman Hallett as Mayor
Pro Tem. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Lemon moved to approve the minutes of the December 19, 1989, City
Council meeting. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Mayor Sargent noted a correction on page 9, Item 4, Request regarding the
Recycling Program, last paragraph, to change the second sentence to read,
"Councilman Sargent invited Ms. Leinhart to take part in the Committee meetings,
voiced her appreciation to Ms. Leinhart and the others accompanying her, for
bringing the issue before the Council." She felt the other people who had taken
time to come before the Council also needed recognition.
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
Councilman Lemon moved to accept the items as presented on the Consent Agenda,
including (1) Request permission to call for bids on Street and Water/Sewer
Division materials; (2) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control
Board; (3) Vouchers of $1,709,905.96; and (4) Payroll of 12-10-89 of $282,596.54
and Payroll of 12-24-89 of $248,285.99. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Following a brief discussion of the items as presented, the motion carried
Marvin Merrick, 615 West Eighth Street, requested the Council direct staff to
change the batteries in the hearing devices.
January 2, 1990
Mayor Sargent requested Clerk Maike to resolve the problem.
Councilman Hallett questioned Manager Flodstrom on the position of the City
regarding resolution of the noise generated by ITT Rayonier in the Harborcrest
Manager Flodstrom stated at the previous meeting when this issue was discussed,
staff had requested the Council authorize the contacting of equipment suppliers
or consultants which do noise monitoring. A proposal has been received from
a consultant who does this type of work. Manager Flodstrom stated he has
reviewed the report and will be prepared to bring it before the Council at the
January 16th meeting, with recommendations. This issue will require significant
expenditure of funds and also has limitations on the equipment which is avail-
able. Those limitations include if the equipment is placed in the field, it
must be in a secure location and must be monitored 24-hours-a-day during
operation. This would enable the reading of the monitor to ensure that the
equipment is being triggered by noise caused by the Mill site and not by other
causes, such as airplanes, etc. He stated complaints are still being received
from the neighborhood; however, not as frequently as before.
Councilman Hallett requested that this item be placed on the agenda for January
16, 1990, as the first item of legislation.
1. Continued from Planning Commission Minutes of 12-13-89 (approved
A. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - SMA-89(ll)104 K-Ply:
Request for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to allow
improvement of a new log dump and retrieval system; 439 Marine Drive
Mayor Sargent stated the 15-day waiting period has elapsed and it would be
appropriate for the Council to act on the issue.
Councilman Wight moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission to approve the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, citing the
following Findings and Conclusions: Findings: (1) The Urban Environment
designation is defined as an area of high intensity land use, including
industrial development; (2) The area is currently occupied as a water-dependent
industrial use, and the proposal increases the level of activity, also as a
water-dependent industrial use; (3) The property is zoned Heavy Industrial
(M-2) which allows the manufacturing of wood products and accessory uses as a
permitted use; (4) Notice of public hearing as required by the Shoreline
Management Act and Port Angeles Municipal Code has been provided; (5) The City
of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official has issued the proposal a Deter-
mination of Non-Significance; Conclusions: (A) The proposal is consistent with
the policies and regulations of the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program;
specifically, the proposal has been reviewed for consistency with the following
sections of the Urban Environment: A, C.1, C.4, D.l.a, E.11.b, F.8.a, and
F.8.f; (B) The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
and Zoning Code; (C) The City's responsibilities pursuant to the State Environ-
mental Policy Act, Chapter 43.21C RGW, have been fulfilled. Councilman
Ostrowski seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Rezone Request - REZ-89(07)5 DelHur, Inc. Request to set public hearing
for January 16, 1990; awaiting January 10, 1990, Planning Commission
hearing and recommendation (location: south of Highway 101 and east of
DelGuzzi Drive)
Councilman Lemon moved to set a public hearing for the January 16, 1990, City
Council meeting on the rezone request, REZ-89(07)5, DelHur, Inc. Councilman
Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
The request for rezone is for approximately 36 acres of property from RS-9,
Single-Family Residential, to RMF, Residential Multi-Family, located south of
Highway 101, east on DelGuzzi Drive.
January 2, 1990
3. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Revision - SMA-89(07)100 -
Daishowa America: Request for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
revision to relocate two mooring dolphins. Location: Port Angeles Harbor,
Marine Drive and "K" Street
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the revised Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit SMA-89(07)100, as proposed in the site plan, to be effective
immediately. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Councilman Ostrowski stated in regard to the motion, this is only a minor part
of the overall Shoreline Permit as previously approved by the Council. The
request is that the east dolphins be moved 170 feet and the west dolphin be
moved 80 feet.
Councilman Wight asked Planning Director Collins whether he thought there was
any need for the revision to be acted on by the Planning Commission.
Director Collins replied the procedure allows the City to revise the permit and
to bring it before the Council without the need for a public hearing. This is
not a substantial change from the original permit.
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
4. Consideration of Resolution Supporting Legislation to Authorize the
Destruction of Firearms
Mayor Sargent explained this issue was brought before the Council at her
request. During her attendance at a recent AWC conference, this resolution was
endorsed by that body, and has been endorsed by a number of other cities and
counties throughout the State of Washington. Basically, the resolution provides
for confiscated and forfeited unclaimed firearms to be destroyed, rather than
put up for auction and perhaps be returned to the hands of the same people from
whom they were confiscated. She asked that Assistant Police Chief Myers respond
to the issue.
Assistant Police Chief Myers stated the Department felt this to be a good change
which they supported.
Councilman Wight commented that the resolution stimulates the modification of
the RCW. Mayor Sargent stated that was correct. It is the Council's way of
supporting legislation on this particular issue.
Mayor Sargent then read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
relating to the destruction of
Councilman Ostrowski moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Nicholson seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight noted that the Seattle Mayor initiated this resolution and is
requesting municipal governments throughout the State of Washington to adopt
similar resolutions which would result in a State-wide law which would give
local governments more latitude and movement than is currently provided for in
State law. He stated he was in support of the motion.
Councilman Lemon stated the same effect could be made in the form of a letter
and encouraged a letter of support, as opposed to the passage of the Resolution.
Attorney Dickson provided the Council clarification as to the binding effects
of the Resolution. He pointed out that the Resolution states the official
position of the Council in support of legislation, but does not bind the Council
in any way.
Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus, believed the Council would be signing a blank check
in the passage of this Resolution, stating he did not feel this was a very
viable option.
January 2, 1990
Councilman Nicholson stressed that the Council would be supporting local options
as opposed to State regulations. He spoke in support of the Resolution.
Following further discussion, the question was called, and the motion carried
with Councilman Gabriel voting "No".
5. Consideration of Council Committee Assignments
Mayor Sargent stated previously it has been the Mayor's responsibility to assign
Committee assignments to Councilmembers. This has been done by dividing the
Committees up equally and assigning them to Councilmembers by allowing Council-
members to choose their Committees, and by a rotational drawing of Committees.
The best approach seems to be one which attempts to match Councilmember interest
with related Committees and making sure the workload is evenly distributed.
Councilman Lemon stated it has been his position for the past two years that
the length of the Committee list is, in his opinion, ridiculous. Six years ago
the Committee list was half the length it is now. Upon running for City
Council, it was his determination to work for the City. He then stated the
Committees on which he wished to serve: The Audit Committee, the Permit Process
Review Committee, Real Estate Committee, Revolving Loan Fund Review Board, the
Utility Advisory Committee, and remain as co-chair of the Harbor Management Plan
Review Committee and step down from his position as City liaison on the Chamber
of Commerce.
Councilman Gabriel suggesteded the Council review the list of Committees and
decide whether the Committee is necessary or directly related to City business,
and then have the Committee assignments on a voluntary basis.
Councilman Ostrowski suggested the list be referred to the Mayor and the Mayor
appoint several Councilmembers to review the Committees, as it was his opinion
there were too many Committees and they could be cut back. From the membership
of a review committee of the Mayor and two Councilmembers, a recommendation
could be brought back to the Council.
Councilman Lemon stated he was in agreement with the suggestions made by
Councilman Gabriel.
Councilman Gabriel stated it is not a matter of time, but a matter of where the
Councilmember wants to spend time. He felt the Councilmember's first priority
should be to spend time on Committees which are directly related to City
business, and any other Committees should be on a volunteer basis.
Councilman Wight suggested the Council follow through on the suggestion made
by Councilman Ostrowski regarding a Committee to review the list; and also that
the Councilmembers provide a list to the City Manager's Office of those
committees on which they would be willing to serve.
Councilman Ostrowski moved that the Committee assignment list be referred to
the Mayor and two Councilmen appointed by her to review the list and return to
the Council with recommendations, and at that time, Councilmembers may choose
their assignments. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion.
Gouncilman Hallett stated the Committee assignment list is public knowledge and
has been around for many years. He pointed out that a large number of the
Committees meet very infrequently. Furthermore, a commitment that he had made
when running for the Council was the knowledge that the time to be spent was
more than the first and third Tuesdays of the month. It was a policy matter
of the Council to determine whether Committee assignments were a part of
Councilmembers' duties. He felt the outside agency boards and committees were
personally valuable, simply because they open horizons as to what is going on
within the community, away from the Council. Additionally, many of the agencies
are those for which the City provides discretionary funding, and to have some
form of representation helps the Council understand those boards. If the
Council chose to form a Committee to review the Committee assignment list, then
it should also return with a policy recommending that the Committees be ranked
in order and prioritized, and the balance will be discretionary. He offered
that as a friendly amendment. Councilmen Nicholson and Ostrowski concurred.
Councilman Gabriel stated he would not be in favor of the motion; that the
Councilmembers should serve on Committees directly related to the City.
January 2, 1990
Councilman Lemon concurred.
The amended motion was voted on and carried with Councilmen Lemon and Gabriel
voting "No".
Mayor Sargent stated she felt the Committee should be made of one member who
has served on the Council prior and one new member. Councilmembers Gabriel and
Ostrowski volunteered to serve on the Committee. A meeting date was set for
January 8, 1990, at noon in the City Council Chambers. The assignment of
Councilmembers to the Utility Advisory Committee were Councilmen Lemon, Wight
and Hallett.
6. Discussion of City Manager Selection Process
Mayor Sargent noted that the issue before the Council is whether or not to
advertise locally for the position of City Manager. A committee had been formed
previously to discuss several methods of advertising the position, and chose
not to utilize the local newspaper or the Seattle newspapers. She noted to
date, the City has received approximately 100 applications and letters of
interest, with very few applications or inquiries being received from Washington
or Oregon applicants.
Councilman Nicholson stated the selection process will be an awesome process
for the Council and that applications have been received from all over the
country. He requested the Council be very sure they do not overlook possi-
bilities; that someone locally could have the qualifications that the Council
would want to fill the position. It would be possible for the Council to do
that if advertisement is restricted to certain advertising methods.
Councilman Lemon spoke on behalf of the committee, stating they had looked at
the cost factor involved and he felt the applicants from Washington and Oregon
have the same access as other applicants across the country; that local adver-
tising was unnecessary, as it was apparent the position is available because
of the publicity it has received. However, he did not recall discussion of the
Seattle newspapers.
Manager Flodstrom responded to a question from Councilman Ostrowski regarding
the deadline date, stating it would be appropriate for the Council to extend
the closing date to January 31st and authorize advertisement in both local and
Seattle papers. He spoke regarding the concern he had of not receiving appli-
cations from within the State of Washington, as he felt this State has some very
highly qualified people.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to extend the deadline date for applications for the
position of City Manager to January 31, 1990, and to advertise in other State
and local newspapers. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Councilman Gabriel commented that he was in favor of giving every opportunity
that the Council could afford to see if applications from within the State could
be received.
Mayor Sargent asked where advertisement has taken place. Personnel Manager
Coons responded the City has advertised in the AWC Job Bulletin, a magazine
called "Governing", Jobs Available, which is published in the Western United
States as well as the Eastern United States, and the ICMA Newsletter.
Councilman Wight asked whether the job bulletins in Jobs Available advertising
were generic. Personnel Manager Coons responded these are advertisements which
are mainly sent to municipalities and other public agencies and would not be
seen by the general public.
Manager Flodstrom suggested that the Council authorize advertisement in the
Seattle PI, the Tacoma News-Tribune, and the Spokane newspaper, as well as the
Peninsula Daily News, and that advertisement be done twice.
Councilman Ostrowski restated the motion that the Council extend the deadline
from January 15th to January 31, 1990, and advertise in local newspapers and
two or three larger city newspapers, the advertisement to be run twice in each
paper. Councilman Gabriel concurred.
The motion was voted on and carried, with Councilman Lemon voting "No".
January 2, 1990
Mayor Sargent suggested that the Council also look at the method of processing
applications, suggesting the use of executive search firms to help in the
interview process.
Councilman Lemon requested that Manager Flodstrom provide copies of the
executive search firm information to the new City Councilmembers.
Councilman Wight requested that this issue be brought back before the Council
at the January 16th meeting.
Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 8:35 P.M. The meeting
reconvened at 9:00 P.M.
7. Discussion of Goals and Objectives Work Session
Councilman Lemon moved to set a work session for the City Council to be held
on January 23, 1990, at 6:00 P.M. at the Port Angeles Fine Art Center for the
discussion of Goals and Objectives. Councilman Wight seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
8. Request for UAC (Utility Advisory Committee) Meeting (Utility rata
revenues; Sewer and Solid Waste issues; City Light service area discussion,
and others)
The dates for the Utility Advisory Committee meetings were set for January 4,
1990, at 4:00 P.M. in the Public Works Conference Room, and January 12, 1990,
at 5:00 P.M. in the Public Works Conference Room.
Councilman Hallett requested that the Public Information Officer contract be
placed on the meeting agenda for January 16, 1990.
Mayor Sargent noted Item 4 on the Information Agenda, regarding the effec-
tiveness of recycling for 1988, stating the Council's goal was 50% recycling
and the amount the City recycled in 1989 was 6.2%. She asked that the Council
address this issue in the current year.
Manager Flodstrom brought the Council's attention to an issue regarding the
Clallam County Drug Task Force requesting use of office space on the second
floor of the City Light Building at Front and Cherry Streets, stating this use
of the building has been discussed by the Council previously and the Council
had indicated it was not interested in the sale of the building or lease or any
other market use. However, this is, in essence, a City use of the facility and
would greatly facilitate the needs of the Drug Task Force. He further stated
it would and could be done in such a fashion that it would not compromise the
current operation by City Light field crews. He requested Council give him the
authority to work with the Drug Task Force on this issue.
Councilman Hallett moved that the Council direct staff to bring to the Council
at the January 16th meeting a proposal for use of the City Light Building for
the Drug Task Force. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried
Mayor Sargent stated she had been approached by George Pettit who had voiced
his interest to the Council in forming a citizens' committee regarding other
funding alternatives of the LIFT Home program. She requested suggestions from
the Council on how to begin the formation of the committee.
Mayor Sargent adjourned the meeting to executive session at 9:25 P.M. for
discussion of three items of litigation. Approximate time, 15 minutes.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:15 P.M.
January 2, 1990
The meeting adjourned at 10:16 P.M.