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Port Angeles, Washington
January 2, 1996
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Ostrowski called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
SPECIAL MEETING:' to order at 6:40 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers-elect Braun,
Campbell, and Wiggins, and Councilmembers Doyle,
Hulett, and McKeown [arrived at 6:45 p.m.].
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J.
Pittis, B. Titus, B. Coons, T. Smith, and K. Ridout.
Public Present: K. Clark, J. Michalczik, and L. Nutter.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session to discuss two matters of litigation for
EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately 20 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 7:08 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
REGULAR MEETING: to order at 7:15 p.m.
Administration of Clerk Upton administered the oath of office to Gary Braun, Orville Campbell, and
Oath of Office Glenn Wiggins who were then immediately seated with the City Council.
Election/Seating Deputy Mayor Ostrowski opened nominations for the position of Mayor.
of Mayor Councilman Braun placed the name of Prosper Ostrowski in nomination for
Mayor. Deputy Mayor Ostrowski asked if there were any further nominations.
There being none, nominations were closed. Councilman Braun moved to cast a
unanimous ballot for Prosper Ostrowski as Mayor for the next two years.
Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Deputy
Mayor Ostrowski was then seated as Mayor.
Election/Seating Mayor Ostrowski opened nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor.
of Deputy Mayor Councilmember McKeown placed the name of Gary Braun in nomination for
Deputy Mayor. Mayor Ostrowski asked if there were any further nominations.
There being none, nominations were closed. Councilmember McKeown moved to
cast a unanimous ballot for Gary Braun as Deputy Mayor for the next two
years. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Braun was then seated as Deputy Mayor.
Mayor Ostrowski thanked the Council for electing him Mayor tbr the next two years,
noting it was an honor to receive this endorsement from such an august group. He
expressed the opinion that he was certain the Council members would follow the path
for which they were elected. Because the Mayor in this form of government chairs
the meeting, .Mayor Ostrowski assured the Council members that he would serve as
facilitator and would ensure fairness between the Council members as they seek
consensus in their decision making. He noted the need to prioritize goals and
objectives and to focus on key issues. With the two new members joining the
presently strong members, he felt the Council would move forward and achieve a
great deal in 1996.
Councilman Campbell stated he was honored to be a part of the Council, and he
pledged to work constructively on behalf of the City and to continue to improve the
economic well being and quality of life in Port Angeles.
January 2, 1996
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the Campfire Starflight &
ALLEGIANCE: Adventure Group, Terri Santiago, Leader. Those participating were: S. Aydelott,
S. Lazzara, M. Kissler, B. J. Aydelott, and N. Kissler.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: December 19, 1995. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
FINANCE: 1. Amendment 1 to ALPHA Engineering (HLA) Contract for Airport/Edgewood
Boulevard Road Alignment
Amendment 1 to ALPHA
Engineering Contract Mayor Ostrowski asked Director of Public Works Pittis to provide the background
on this issue. Director Pittis stated that this is a joint project between the City, Port,
and County, which has been ongoing for approximately two years. The services
requested in this amendment were not intended to be a part of the original scope of
work. Director Pittis advised the Council that another amendment will need to be
addressed in the future regarding construction.
A brief discussion followed regarding division of costs between the three entities
involved, and Manager Pomeranz explained that the majority of the funding comes
from State dollars.
Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Supplemental
Agreement (Amendment No. 1) in the added amount of $31,661.66 to the
current agreement with Harding Lawson Associates Infrastructure, Inc. which
increases the total not to exceed the fee of the agreement to $200,210.09.
Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Final Acceptance and 2. Final Payment and Acceptance for Francis Street Basin Storm Drain
Payment for Francis Street Improvements
Storm Drain
Improvements Mayor Ostrowski requested that Director Pittis provide a brief review of this issue.
Director Pittis stated that the project has been completed, and the final cost was less
than anticipated. There were reductions of significant amounts of gravel, backfill,
etc., which resulted in the lower than anticipated costs. Councilman Doyle pointed
out that more than $50,000 of the total cost was for traffic control. Director Pittis
explained that this has become more of an item, especially for work done along
Councilman Doyle moved to accept the project and authorize final payment of
$19,985.11 to Aurora Engineering, Inc., and upon receipt of clearances from the
Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor & Industries, authorize
release of the retainage of $37,456.10 Councilman Braun seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the Consent Agenda and asked that Finance Director
Godbey give a brief explanation of the contract with Yaley White, Inc. Director
Godbey explained that she and the City Manager had been approached by the firm
of Yaley White, who is currently representing 21 electric utilities across the state,
to file an amended excise tax return on behalf of the City's electric utility. Director
Godbey explained Yaley White's theory and stated the contract payment would be
made on a contingency basis. If the return is successful, Yaley White is asking 15 %
of the first $500,000 and 10% in excess of $500,000 remitted to the City. If the
amended tax return effort is successful, Yaley White estimates a refund of about $1
million. Time was of the essence, as 1991 had to be amended before December 31,
1995; therefore, it was agreed .to go along with the 1991 amended return contingent
upon Council approval. Director Godbey felt chances were remote that anything
would come of the amended return.
Manager Pomeranz stated that, when staff attempted to negotiate with Yaley White,
he hoped to have City staff amend the succeeding years. In response to this attempt
by the City, Yaley White raised the percentage rate to more than 30 % for the first
year. At Councilman Hulett's request, Manager Pomeranz explained that a refund
would go to the Light Department, then the UAC and the Council would decide how
to distribute the funds to ratepayers.
January 2, 1996
CONSENT AGENDA: With respect to another Consent Agenda item, Mayor Ostrowski asked if there was
(Cont'd) any discussion regarding the roll-off vehicle, and Councilman Doyle stated that he
and Councilman Hulett were on the vehicle committee and had received a set of
specifications written by staff for this vehicle. He felt it was a good idea that the
Council have input on how specifications are written.
Director Pittis pointed out that the estimated price is approximately $111,500. This
vehicle was part of the Wastewater Bond Issue; therefore, it was not made a part of
the budget. Director Pittis delineated the acquisitions and expenditures of the bond
issue and reported the City has stayed below estimated expenditures. He felt
expenses would continue to remain under budget, as this phase of the solids
management program is completed. He gave a brief explanation of the vehicle and
its uses. Discussion followed regarding use of biosolids and expenses involved in
silvaculture and use of biosolids.
Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Contract
with Yaley White, Inc.; 2) Call for bid for roll-off vehicle for landfill; 3) Payroll -
December 17, 1995 - $377,002.23; and 4) Voucher list - December 29, 1995 -
$2,335,724.72. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried
ITEMS FROM THE Linda Nutter, 1703 E. 3rd, addressed the Council as Chair and representative of the
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ Planning Commission. She extended a welcome from the Planning Commission to
STAFF TO BE the new members of the City Council and indicated the Planning Commission is
CONSIDERED OR looking forward to working with the City Council in 1996.
FUTURE AGENDA: Ms. Nutter asked to speak regarding the agenda item having to do with the Planning
Commission minutes of December 13, 1995. Mayor Ostrowski indicated she would
be invited to the podium to address the Council at that time.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Final Subdivision Approval - Peachtree Estates Phase H - 2500 Block
Eighteenth Street: Final approval for Phase II (Lots 1-13, and Lots 27-32)
Final Approval - Peachtree of a 32-1ot subdivision located in the RS-9, Residential Single Family Zone
Estates Phase II
Mayor Ostrowski asked Planning Director Collins to review the details pertinent to
the final subdivision approval for Peachtree Estates Phase II.
Director Collins stated a public hearing was scheduled for this evening; however, an
inquiry was received questioning whether proper notice of the hearing had been
given. In that confirmation of the notice period has not been obtained, Director
Collins recommended that the public hearing be opened, testimony received, and the
hearing continued to the next regular meeting of January 16, 1996. He requested
that the applicant indicate during the hearing the approval to extend the decision
period to January 16.
Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:52 p.m.
Ken Clark, 935 N. 5th Avenue, Sequim, owner of Clark Land Office, addressed the
Council as the agent for the developer, Kathy Palzer. Mr. Clark stated there was
no problem with continuing the hearing and extending the time period for approval
of the subdivision. The conditions of the subdivision approval have been met, and
improvements are in place. Mr. Clark inquired of Director Collins if the condition
regarding the property being located in the low noise area of the airport was part of
the original conditions or if it was a result of the inquiry of the Port.
- Director Collins explained that the additional condition, findings, and conclusions,
which had been distributed to Council prior to the meeting, were due to a letter
received from the Port on December 20, 1995, subsequent to review of the final plat
by the Planning Commission. The letter from the Port should be considered as
public testimony.
Councilman Braun stated the Port wanted to point out that there may be some
complaints in the future because of the airport. Councilman Braun felt this should
be considered and mention should be made in the findings and conclusions.
Councilman Wiggins asked if the noise concern was due to the possibility of larger
planes using the airport, or if there was going to be a change in traffic patterns.
Director Collins stated that there was concern that there may be some change in the
noise contour as a result of airport activity. The Port is also concerned that people
will complain even i~they are not' within the noise impact levels established by the
Federal Government.
January 2, 1996
PUBLIC HEARINGS: Further discussion followed regarding disclosure requirements and noise contour
(Cont'd) areas. Councilman Braun stated the major concern was notification of the noise level
to possible purchasers, and Mr. Clark felt that once public hearings are held at the
Final Approval- Peachtree preliminary plat stage and all conditions of approval have been met, there is no
Estates Phase II reason to deny the approval of the final plat. Mr. Clark stated it was not an original
(Cont'd) condition to notify people of possible changes to the noise contour, and he did not
feel it was legal to be added now.
City Attorney Knutson stated this type of condition is different than the conditions
referred to by Mr. Clark that must be met prior to final plat approval. This
condition will be met after approval of the plat. Infrastructure improvements,
streets, utilities, etc., must be met before final approval. Attorney Knutson felt that
if the City is informed of environmental impacts relating to plat prior to fmal
approval, the City has a duty to attempt to mitigate the impacts or determine the
impacts do not require mitigation.
Discussion ensued regarding real estate laws requiring disclosure and enforcement
of the proposed condition. Mr. Clark felt the developer would not be opposed to the
disclosure; however, he suggested the possibility of creating a different type of
document which could be appropriately recorded and would, therefore, be found in
a title search. Attorney Knutson stated the wording of the condition could be made
more specific if the applicant so desired, to which Mr. Clark agreed.
Councilman Hulett moved to continue the public hearing to January 16, 1996.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
LEGISLATION: ,I. Ordinances not Requiring Public Hearings
Support of Social B. Resolutions not Requiring Public Hearings
Diversity -
Resolution No. 1-96 1. Resolution in Support of Social Diversity
Mayor Ostrowski read the proposed Resolution:
A RESOLUTION by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, opposing bigotry and hate and
violations of citizens' civil rights, and encouraging
each citizen to respect and celebrate the ethnic, racial,
cultural, religious and social diversity of our community.
Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read. Councilmember
McKeown seconded the motion.
Councilmember McKeown indicated she was appalled by the recent activities, and
she urged the Council to contact civic organizations, churches, and the like to seek
their assistance in stopping this activity in the community. Councilman Campbell
indicated his support of the City taking the leadership role in condemning these
Councilman Wiggins queried as to whether stronger language might be added to the
Resolution to the extent the City would prosecute those people responsible for acts
like this to the limit of the law. The Council was in agreement that such language
should be added to the Resolution.
Manager Pomeranz advised the Council that it has been suggested that the Resolution
be published in the newspaper, a suggestion which was supported by the Council.
Also, it was noted the City has posted a $500 reward for information pertinent to the
violent activities. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Doyle, Wiggins, Braun, Hulett, and McKeown had no reports by
COMMITTEE virtue of the holidays. Councilman Campbell informed the Council that he has been
REPORTS: receiving input from the community about the responsiveness of the City staff during
the recent storms. He asked that staff be informed of these positive comments,
which Manager Pomeranz indicated would be done.
January 2, 1996
LEGISLATION: C. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Planning Commission minutes of December 13, 1995
Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit 1. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - SMA 95(12)154, Thunderbird
Boathouse, Ediz Hook: Request for a shoreline substantial development
permit to allow the conversion of an existing use and the addition ora new
structure/use on property located within the IH, Industrial Heavy zone,
within the shoreline area.
Linda Nutter, 1701 E. 3rd Street, advised the Council that the Planning Commission
had discussed the possibility of establishing two ad hoc committees to implement the
Comprehensive Plan in the areas of bicycle/walking routes and view corridors.
Councilman Doyle felt this to be a good suggestion, but he didn't feel the Council
could take action on the formulation of these committees at this time. He suggested
that Director Collins return at a later date with a recommendation as to the specific
purpose of each committee and the proposed makeup of the committees. By
consensus, this was agreed to by the Council.
The Council then considered the matter of the request for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit by the Thunderbird Boathouse. Councilmember McKeown
moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and
approve Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - SMA 95(12)154, citing
Conditions 1 - 9, Findings I - 6, and Conclusions A - B, as set forth in Exhibit
'A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion.
Councilman Doyle addressed the matter of the sublease to the Stolt Seafarms; it
appears that the building has already been remodeled. Director Collins indicated
that, if this is the case, it would constitute a violation of the law. Councilman Doyle
suggested a review of the lease agreement to be certain it is being followed, and
Manager Pomeranz advised the Council that he had discussed this issue with
Property Manager Ridout, who will contact Mr. Shepard tomorrow to seek
Councilman Campbell queried as to whether the City had been contacted by the
Elwha Tribe concerning this application, to which Director Collins responded the
City had received no input. All shoreline applications are submitted to the Tribe for
review. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
City Council Committee D. Other Considerations
1. City Council Committee Assignments
Mayor Ostrowski indicated his desire to refer th~ matter of City Council committee
assignments to a committee to consider any possible additions, deletions or changes
to the committees currently represented by City Council members. He asked
Councilmembers Hulett and Braun to meet with Manager Pomeranz in this regard,
and that they be prepared to make a recommendation at the next Council meeting.
Mayor Ostrowski noted the need for an Annexation Committee, which Councilman
Doyle felt would be appropriate in view of the fact there are certain committees no
longer needed.
Manager Pomeranz referenced the request from the Economic Development Council
for a Council representative; the EDC will be advised that this matter has been
deferred to the January 16 Council meeting. Also, Manager Pomeranz noted he
would be recommending that a committee be appointed to select consultants for the
Break Mayor Ostrowski recessed the meeting for a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:46 p.m.
Vacancies on Boards 2. Vacancies on Boards and Commissions
and Commissions
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk concerning
various upcoming vacancies on City Boards and Commissions.
Councilman Hulett moved to approve the following reappointments: Robert
King to the Planning Commission - term expires 3/1/2000, Barbara Kaufmann
Gase to the Board of Adjustment - term expires 3/1/2000, and Sue Packman to
the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission - term to expire 3/1/2000,
and recommended the vacancies on the Planning Commission, Board of
January 2, 1996
LEGISLATION: Adjustment, Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission, and Cable TV
(Cont'd) Government & Education Channel Advisory Committee be publicized via news
releases, as well as in the City newsletter. Councilman Braun seconded the
Vacancies on Boards motion, which carried unanimously.
and Commissions
(Cont'd) In that a third Council representative has not yet been appointed to the Utility
Advisory Committee and because the UAC is meeting on January 8, Mayor
Ostrowski asked Councilman Doyle, as the alternate, to attend the meeting.
New Council Member 3. Set Time at~l Date for New Council Member Orientation
Manager Pomeranz proposed a one-half day orientation session for the new Council
members and one-half day for a field trip to City facilities. It was agreed the
orientation session would be held on Friday, January 26, at 8:00 a.m. The field trip
will be conducted on Friday, February 2, at 8:00 a.m.
On another matter, Manager Pomeranz urged the members of the Council to
participate in the 1996 Legislative Action Conference which will be held February
7 and 8 at the Tyee Hotel in Tumwater. This conference has been attended by
Councilmembers in the past, which has proven to be most valuable.
Selection Site for new 4. Selection Site for new Juvenile Rehabilitation Facility
Juvenile Rehabilitation
Facility Manager Pomeranz reported this letter had been brought before the Council, as he
felt a determination should be made as to whether the Council wished to pursue
further the possibility of seeking a juvenile rehabilitation facility. He noted he had
discussed this issue with the Economic Development Council, particularly as it
relates to the addition of job opportunities in the area.
Discussion followed, with the question being asked as to how many employees are
projected. Manager Pomeranz noted the letter did not specifically indicate how many
would be employed, but he estimated it to be in excess of 100. Councilman Braun
felt it would be in order to conduct a public hearing and seek public input before any
decision is made. Because of the acreage requirement, Manager Pomeranz proposed
the possibility of first discussing the issue with the County, as it may be possible to
build such a facility just outside the City limits. It was noted that the City of Forks
has already shown interest in having a facility in that area. By general cOnsensus,
the Council agreed that Manager Pomeranz, along with Cotmcilmember McKeown,
will meet with the County to discuss this further.
Interlocal Joint Purchasing 5. lnterlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with Ferry County
Agreement with Ferry
County Attorney Knutson provided information pertinent to the proposed agreement with
Ferry County, which will enable them to purchase radio console furniture from
Watson Furniture Systems at the City's price. Councilman Hulett moved to
authorize the Mayor to execute the Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with
Ferry County. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried
Agreement for Operation 6. Agreement Between Downtown Association and Budget Rent-A-Car for
of Downtown Parking Lot Operation of Downtown Parking Lot
Attorney Knutson briefly reviewed the agreement between the Downtown Association
and Budget Rent-a-Car tbr the operation of a downtown parking lot. He noted the
new Councilmembers may wish to receive a detailed report on the downtown parking
lots at a later date, as such a report may be rather lengthy. It was suggested that this
take place during the orientation session to be conducted.
Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement between
the Downtown Association and Budget Rent-A-Car for operation of a downtown
parking lot. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, .which carried
On another matter, the Council was advised that a meeting will be held this week
with Jack Glaubert concerning his request to address the Council on access to his
property. Apparently Mr. Glaubert plans to make a presentation as to his plans to
develop the property and, at this time, Councihnan Hulett inquired as to the
appropriateness of the Council receiving such a presentation at this time. He noted
that various aspects of the proposed development would come before the Council at
January 2, 1996
LEGISLATION: a later date in the form of public hearings, and he questioned whether the Council
(Cont'd) should be addressing the matter at this preliminary stage. Attorney Knutson
indicated that such a meeting should not address those matters which will be coming
to the Council in a quasi-judicial forum.
Director Collins noted that the Council had inadvertently failed to take action on the
December 13, 1995, Planning Commission minutes. Councilman Hulett moved to
accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of December 13, 1995.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously.
Manager Pomeranz referenced the memorandum in the Information Packet
concerning the 1994 Building Codes. A meeting will be held with the members of
the Home Builders Association, and he invited a Councilmember to join him at that
meeting. Councilman Wiggins offered to attend.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Exhibit "A"
1. The applicant shall retain a qualified archaeologist to be on site at the time of any
excavation activities and to monitor any such activities. Upon discovery of evidence of
possible archaeological significance, the applicant shall follow the recommendations of
thc archaeologist for proceeding, consistent with all relevant state and federal historic
preservation laws.
2. The project shall comply with the regulations of Chapter 4, B, E, I, L & M, Chapter 5,
H, and Chapter 6, C & F as well as all other pertinent regulations of the City's Shoreline
Master Program.
3. The project shall comply with the requirements of the City's Environmentally Sensitive
Areas Protection Ordinance.
4. The proposed use shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including, fire, and building code requirements.
5. The applicant shall submit for approval a detailed site plan including landscaping, parking
and public access for the entire Lease Lot #8.
6. All portions of the site not under a City approved sublease to Stolt Seafarms shall be open
and accessible to the public.
7. All storage areas on the site shall be screened from public view in accordance with the
Shoreline Master Program.
8. Approval of the aquaculture portion of this permit is subject to approval of an
Unclassified Use Permit in accordance with PAMC Section 17.96.060.
9. Approval of the retail portion of this permit is subject to approval of an Conditional Use
Permit in accordance with PAMC Section 17.34.040 I.
1. The applicant, Terminator Tackle Company applied for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit on October 5, 1995 (Please see Staff Report Attachment A).
2. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) was issued by the City of Port
Angeles SEPA Responsible Official on December 5, 1995 (Please see Staff Report
Attachment B).
3. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal
requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington.
4. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance
have been reviewed with respect to this application.
5. The site is designated Open Space in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial, Heavy
in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master
A. As conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan,
specifically, Land Use Policies D-1 and D-2, and Conservation Policy B-18, the City's
Industrial, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program, specifically Urban
Harbor Management Policies 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12, and Commercial Development
Policies 1, 3, 4, and 5.
B. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
ted by the Por geles City Council at its meeting of January 2, 1996.
City Clerk (4 ~ -