HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/02/2001 4364 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 2, 2001 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, G. Kenworthy, and T. Smith. Public Present: L. Lee. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle. ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL None. MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE None. PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: FINANCE: 1. United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Management Services Service Agreement with Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by Public Works and Utilities USDA on the matter of executing a new Work and Financial Plan with the USDA. Director Cutler reported that the City has received positive reports with regard to the efforts to control wildlife at the Landfill. In the discussion that followed, Mayor Doyle inquired if there were other animals besides birds that were being managed at the Landfill. Director Cutler responded that there are few, if any, problems with other animals. The Department of'Agriculture provides the City with a report at the end of the year that contains compiled data on the management of species at the Landfill. This report is used for the permit extension application that is submitted to the County, Mayor Doyle referenced the signature page of the agreement, inquiring if the agreement is with the City of Port Angeles or with the Port Angeles Public Works Department. Attorney Knutson indicated the agreement is with the City. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Work Plan/Financial Plan with the Department of Agriculture to provide wildlife management services through January 30, 2002. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried the motion unanimously. -1- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4365 January 2, 2001 CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Doyle offered a correction to the City Council minutes on Page 7, paragraph two, in that the vote on the motion reflected passage by 5-1. As there were no oppositions to the motion, the vote should reflect passage by 6-0, with Councilman Williams abstaining, Councilmember Erickson moved to accept the Consent Agenda with the corrections noted, to include the City Council minutes of the December 19, 2000, regular meeting. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Councilmember McKeown asked for clarification on abstaining from a vote and whether abstaining is counted as a "yes" vote. Attorney Knutson replied that the City Council has adopted Roberts Rules of Order in the Council Rules of Procedure. However, the Council Rules of Procedure also have a specific provision as to what is a "yes" and "no" vote. If a Councilmember does not vote and no conflict of interest or other excusable reason for not voting is stated, then it is considered a vote in favor. If it is made clear that there is a conflict of interest, then the vote does not count toward a "yes" or "no" vote. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams had COMMITTEE no report. REPORTS: Mayor Doyle reported that he and Councilmembers Williams and McKeown attended the Outstanding Performance Award luncheon on December 21, 2000. On December 28, 2000, the Mayor and Clerk Upton signed the documents for the Langley property acquisition and easement at Morse Creek. On December 29, 2000,. Mayor Doyle attended the sweating-in ceremony of the new County Auditor. Mayor Doyle offered congratulations to Councilmember McKeown on this appointment. ORDINANCES NOT None. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: Earthquake- Tsunami Hazard Reduction Study Proposal: Earthquake-Tsunami Mayor Doyle reviewed the memorandum submitted by Community Development Hazard Reduction Director Collins in regards to the Washington Sea Grant Program. The City of Port Proposal Angeles, along with the Port of Port Angeles, must agree to participate in this program Resolution No. 1-01 if the City is selected for the Earthquake-Tsunami Study. Manager Quinn added that the Resolution had been forwarded to the Port of Port Angeles, which will be discussing this topic at a presentation next week. Mayor Doyle noted there was to be no cost to the City as relates to this study, and Councilman Campbell indicated thc University of Washington was conducting this survey in order to inform the City of potential problems that could result from a tsunami or an earthquake. It would then be up to the City to determine if engineering studies should be done in order to mitigate those potential problems. There would be no cost involved in this project unless the City chooses to add additional costs. Councilman Campbell felt this is an opportunity the City should take advantage of, as there is no indication now that there will bc any cost. Mayor Doyle referred to the resolution and noted thc clause stating thc City of Port Angeles had experienced devastating tsunamis and earthquakes in the past. He asked if this pertained to recent history, and Director Collins stated this occurred in 900 A.D. Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled: -2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 2, 2001 4366 RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1-01 (Cont'd) A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Earthquake-Tsunami Washington, agreeing to participate in the Sea Grant Program's Hazard Reduction Earthquake-Tsunami Hazard Reduction Study. Proposal Resolution No. 1-01 Councilmember McKeown moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, (Cont'd) eliminating the sentence referring to the devastation in 900 AD. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. OTHER 1. Board and Commission Vacancies CONSIDERATIONS: Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by Clerk Upton setting forth the Board/Commission recommended reappointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees. Mayor Vacancies Doyle asked for a motion to reappoint Mr. Corson and Mr. Melton to the Downtown Forward Executive Committee, Mr. John Brewer to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, Mr. Fredric Hewins to the Planning Commission, and Messrs. Beil, Jones, and Wilcox to the Law Enforcement Advisory Board. Councilman Wiggins moved to appoint those members as presented. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Doyle then asked for a motion to direct staff to seek applicants to fill vacancies on the Economic Development Steering Committee; Planning Commission; Board of Adjustment; Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission; Cable TV Government and Education Channel Advisory Committee; and the Law Enforcement Board. Councilman Williams moved to advertise for new members as presented. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Doyle reviewed the information specific to the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee. He indicated the City Manager had suggested the members be reappointed for an additional year, during which time Parks Director Connelly could work with the group on certain projects. Councilmember McKeown moved to sanction the Non- Motorized Committee as an advisory committee for an additional year for the period, March 1, 2001 - February 28, 2002. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2001 Employee Contract 2. 2001 Employee Contract Amendment (City Manager) Amendment (City Manager) The memorandum from the City Manager was reviewed by Mayor Doyle, after which Councilman Campbell moved to approve the amendment to the City Manager employment agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: City Manager's Report: Manager Quinn briefly reviewed the contents of the calendar, pointing out the AWC Legislative Conference to be held February 14 - 15, City Manager's Report 2001. Manager Quinn also stated that, for the first City Council meeting each month, there will be status reports provided on various City projects. Discussion ensued on a cost benefit analysis being done by the Police Department on the possibility of obtaining front-wheel drive vehicles for operational and performance savings. Additionally, discussion was held concerning job costing and a performance based -3- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4367 January 2, 2001 INFORMATION: budgeting system. Manager Quinn replied that the City had been following individual (Cont'd) programs and projects in functional accounting, so the City can keep track of specific project expenses. Job costing will help obtain performance goals and analyze the needs City Manager's Report of the City while maximizing effectivity and output. (Cont'd) With regard to the calendar, Councilmember McKeown made the correction that the Downtown Forward Committee will not be meeting on January 22, 2001, but will be meeting on January 8, 2001. Councilman Wiggins noted there has been a substantial amount of work put into the Elwha Damn mitigation, and the City is working diligently to make sure the Government knows how much this project will cost. Gateway Update Manager Quinn reviewed the original goals set forth for the Gateway project, noting that the next 30-60 days are critical in salvaging this project with a compromise. The current plan is for City and Transit staff to meet to answer questions, meet with the Downtown Association, and then bring recommendations back to the City Council and Downtown Association Board to agree on an acceptable design and location. Lengthy discussion followed, and it was agreed a determination needs to be made as to the disposition of the $350,000 already spent on the project. Consideration was given to how the planning process has continued for so long without concerns being expressed. It was pointed out that most of the City property devoted to the project is in one block. Manager Quinn indicated that, because the tree concerns of the downtown businesses have been made known, there now is a proper forum to try and mitigate as many concerns as possible. Councilman Williams indicated there has been debate as to locating the Transit buses in the proposed plaza. Councilman Wiggins noted the consideration being given to transferring the location to another area, which many feel would in turn hinder the tourism received from Victoria, which goes against what the City of Port Angeles is trying to promote as being a recreation destination. Mayor Doyle requested that Manager Quinn retum with more information at the next Council meeting with regard to this project. City Council Committee Manager Quinn asked to have reconfirmation of City Council committee assignments. Assignments He recommended that Council assignments be moved to a two-year/election year renewal basis, which would eliminate having to go over the Committee assignments yearly. Mayor Doyle queried if the Council had any committees they wanted to change, add or drop. Councilmember Erickson mentioned that she had not attended many Multi-Ethnic Committees as of late. Councilman Wiggins mentioned that some Councilmembers should begin to attend other committees, to become familiar with the committee's deliberations should a vacancy occur at a future date. Councilmember Erickson noted that she had taken Councilman Wiggins's place on the Marine Resources Committee. Follow-up Information Manager Quinn addressed questions raised at the previous City Council meeting, such as the new building being constructed at Lincoln Park. Volunteers are currently working on batting cages and repair of dugouts. The facilities that they are working on are the structures damaged by the light aircraft that crashed there sometime ago. There is also a plan to move the concession building, but this work has not begun. Another question raised was with regard to the estuary bridge. Currently a group is working on the bridge, and the order has not been approved or denied for having the bridge over the water. The City has proposed the redesign of the bridge to the Department ofFish & Wildlife so that it can be placed over the water. An answer has not been forthcoming. -4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 2, 2001 4368 Follow-up Information The last question that needed to be addressed was the Marine Lab Budget Report. (Cont'd) Manager Quinn stated that there is a copy of this report that can be made available upon request. The operation of the Marine Center was from May 1, 2000 - September 30, 2000; total expenses were $42,653 and total revenues were $20,801. The Marine Lab served almost 12,000 citizens during the summer. Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 7:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:25 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. for approximately 15-30 minutes to discuss potential litigation. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 8:25 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ~ -,~,  . l: .~' Becl~-~:- Lar~-y Doyl,,t~," or O,~ -5- 4369 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK