HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/03/1945 r 68 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January~~ 19~_ ____ 19__ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioner" Be~m ~nd Masters, Attorney Johnston alld Clerk Hawkins. , The minutes of the previous session wsre read and approved. Police Judge, W. F. Phillips, reported 99 cases tried and .$995.50 collected in fines. Report ordered filed. I I I .I I Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: A. P. Marquis, Building utility room, Lot.1B, Block 24 N.R. Smith Subd. Owens Bros., Construct dwelling, E! Luts 1-2-5 & 4 Blk 5 Cain's Sub. of Lot 18 Owens Bros., Construct dwelling, W2 Lots 1-2-5 & 4 Blk 5 Cain's Sub. of Lot 18. $ 160.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following Ordinance 'Yas introduced, read in full and placed cn its first ~nd second reading: An Ordinance fixing the salaries, compensaticn and wages of certain officers and employees of the City of Port Angeles, Washington. I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following ordinance was read by title and passed its third reading and finally adopted: I An Ordinance setting forthlan emergency affecting the public health and Miety; requring expenditures un- I foreseenj providing for the issuance of emergen<;\' warrants; and declaring em emergency making the ordinance immediately effective. i It was mcved by Commissioner .Deam that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and finally adopted. Seconded bJ- Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted Aye. Under the head of reports from City Officers: To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, Wash. December 50, 1944 Gentlemen: _", The 50 day period since the completion and acceptance of the work done by Ovrens Bros. contracts on placing stone riprap on l1ailroad Avenue has elapsed and no uncompleted or defective work has been discovered for which the City makes claim. I, therefore, recollllnend that the 15% retained ($1,1>~0. 75) of the cost of the work be paid to the contractor, Owens Bros. Yours very truly, I H. E. Dodge City Engineer ,It was moved b.Y Commissioner Masters that the foregoing report of the Engineer be accepted and that tlw City Clerk. be inst.ructed to issue a warrent to Owens Bros. for $1520.75, the 15% retained on said contract. , Seconded by Ccmmissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted Aye. The MBllor declared the motion c8,'ried. January, B, 1945 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, City of Port ,Angeles Gentlanen: I hereby designate the First National Bank and the Olympic State Bank, both of this city, as depositories of city monies for the year 1945. Madge H. Nailor Ci ty Treasurer It was movsd by Commissioner .Jeam that the above Treasurer's report r.aming the depositories for the City funds for the year 1945 be appro":ed. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll <lall all members voted Aye. ,The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of NeVI Business: I Mayor Robinson submitted the foHOlling appointments: Joseph H. Johnston, City Attor:lsy: Reuben O. Ide, Chief of Police: Clay A. Wolverton, C'r_ief of Fire Depart:aent., and W. F. Phillips, Police Judge. It was mo;~d ~J Commissioner Beam that the foregoing appoints be approved and confirmed. Seconded by Commission.,r Masters. On Roll Call all members voted~ye. :rhe. MaJ'or declared the mot:.on carried. Commissioner 8eam, submitted the following appointments: Madge H. Nailor, City Treas~rer: N. M. Hawkins, City :clerk; J. E. Law as Deputy Cit.l' Clerk; Elsie M. St.ahl and Ruth E. Beam as Deputy City Treasurers, and Chas. 1L Beam, Superintendent of Light Department. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing appointments be approved and confirmed. Seconded ,by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all member' voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carriedJa. 'iColfunission~r Masters then submitted the following appcintment: H. E. Dodge, City Engineer and Supt. of the !IWater Department. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing appointment be approved and confirmed. <;econded by !.'ayor Robinson. On roll call all mem':lers voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 69 " I J81 uary 5, 1945 I _m_ 19_ Tfloe.l...~~...,.....,........t"~..,".......IZ778~ I The Commissi6n examined and allowed the following claimS and ordered warrants drawn for same: il I) CURRENT EXPENSE YJND i Roy Zeigenfuss Specia.l Police 12.50 , City Light Dept. Rent on City Hall SO.OO I p,>' CITY STREET FUND I I Standard Oil Co. Oil, etc. 4.48 Samuelson !~tor Co. Tire R'Jpair 21. 79 I Antone Smith's Grocery Salt 26.02 J. M. Davis Window Sash 9.00 Standard On Co. Adj. on Invoice C 127231 1.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Long Distance Call #1450 2.00 D. & B. ""ttery & Elec. Sta. Motor Parts 6.92 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Tel. Ser. at City Barn, #561 W 4.75 I Owens Bros.- Balance on Rip-rap contract 1,520.75 , , 1$15.,7) 'I WATER FUND I City Street Dept. Gas & Oil 40.40 I City Light Dept. Light .)ervice 52.92 ~~erican Water Works Ass'n. Membership 10.00 Tower Super Service. Pump Repair 5.92 II Olympic Printery Office supplies 29.15 D. & B Battery & Elec. Sta. Truck supplies 15.26 I I l:Ja ~. LIGHT FUND Olympic Printery Printing & supplies 5.72 , Chas. E. Beam car expense 19.25 I Westinghouse Electric Supply Char ts 5.39 General Electric Supply Tra.'lsformer 19.96 I Sam.uelson Motor Co. Truck Repairs .20 General Electric Co. Repair Parts 2.34 Puget Sound Navigation Co. Freight 14.52 I Thrift Market Janitor Supplies 1.12 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Tel. Service 59.50 J'. R, McDonald Garbage Collection 6.00 I Line Ma teri al Co. IDransformcrs & Hangers- 405.96 City Treasurer Stamps 105.21 HOlJle I' Bla ck Ga rage Rent 3.00 Westinghouse ~lectric Supply Meter Sockets 34.61 J A. VI. Ward Car Expens e !p1:<"~~ 9.95 LIBRARY FU ND I ,I Ci W '!'rans fer Co. Coal 51.98 I Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service #467 4.25 I , J. R. McDonald Garbage co lIe ction 5.00 i 51,J!,~ \ 'PARK FuND J, R. McDonald Garbage collection 10.00 I Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co. Service #15W J 2.88 J. R. McDonald Garbage Colle ction 6.00 Gate City Store Cable 5.56 Clallam Co. Abstract Co. Title Ins. on Lots 17 & 18, Block #579 Townsite 45.40 ',\ c. R. McDonald (Playfield) Garbage collection 6.00 , 7J~'f I CEMETERY FUND Puget Sound Navigation Cc. Freight 25.50 I' i STATE AID FUND I. Samuelson Yotor Co. Tire Repair and Material 9.55 , AngElles Radiator Shop Radiator Repair 5.67 , 'I J. R. McDonald Garbage colle ction 3.00 I Middleton Motor Par ts Parts 7.03 II Howard Cooper Corp. Motor Parts 267.29 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. Cylinder lIefill 5.24 I Frank MacDonald & Sons Equipment repair 20.59 Smith Ice & Bottling Works Refilling Fire Extinguishers 5.67 Standard Oil Co. Solvent .26 I I Pacii'ic Tel. & Tel. Co. Service #872-800 17.50 Olympic Laundry & Claaners Cleaning 8.66 D. & B. Battery & Elec. ~ta. Repair motor 30.18 City Transfer COal" 275.90 I I Pacific Tel. & Tel. CD. Service 1628-1795-1796 14.29 i Eastman Kodak Stores Office Supplies 5.00 'I , Francis Pearson Expense Account 15.95 ~rD, '3~ II I WAR 'LIQUOR TAX FUIll I D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta. Car parts and recharges 15.98 I Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Screen .91 City Transfer Co. Coal S4:.62 . I J. R. J.!cDonald Garbage colle otion 5.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. va. 126-1627-1552 15.76 I Hoare & Headrick Tire & repair - battery recharge 29.04 I Ther~ being no further business the Commis si on then adjourned. 15'1-~1 I " ?11YW~~ ~r D(~ I. I City Clerk : I ....i -