HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/03/1949 ~ I '1 I -I ,I .... Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 511. January 5. 1942- ~...........~~__..,. <om .-. IThe City Conunission met in regular session at ,10:00 A.M., and was called present were I ' Mayor Feeley, COIl'Jnissioner Eobinson, and Clerk Law. IMinutes of the previous session were read and approved, to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers', I lUndeI' the head of apptfcations for building permits, the following were granted: i' ';$,50. ,L. Jaeger Build Oil Storage Shed; dlk. 9, TideLands West ,Rudolph Seholm Build Bath Room on to Present Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk. 552, Townsite ',Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Rcom Dwelling; Lot 5, Blk. 558, Townsite iJack llelGuzzi Build 5-Hoom Dwelling; Lot 14, Blk. 3, buh.Div. Lot 17 i 1,000.00 I 500,00 ' 6,000.00 ; 6,000.00 I \ I Under the head of unfinished business, the bid to furnish the Light Department approxill.ately 500 carrier I 'current controllers was opened as fcll""s: General Electric Company li16.50, F.O.n., factory. It was moved I I by Commis sioner Robinson ths t the bid be accepted. See onded crt ],.ayor Feeley. All voted Aye, Motion I I, carried. i, I IUnder the head of new :msiness, the resignation of Jack Henson from the Civil Service Commission. was " accepted and ordered filed, a successor to be appointed at an early date. I :iA letter by the City Treasnrer designating depositories for the year 1949 was read as follows: I I I January 4th, 1949 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angele s, Washington Gentlemen: As required by statutes governing, I hereby designate the First National Bank and the Olympic state Bank, both of this city as depositories of all city monies for the year 1949, subject to your approval. Respectfully, ELSIE M. STAHL, City Treasurer The Commission approved depositories as designated and ordered the letter filed. to the approval and filing of the City COIlUnissioners I Bonas was ordered TO Vr.~OM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that on or before the Brd day of January, 1949, the following described bonds were handed to me with instructions to file the same in my office, as provided by law, and that I hsve filed said bonds; that each and all of said bonds were approved as to [arm by John M, Wilson, City Attorney, of the City of Port Angeles, and approved by Judge Max Church, Judge of the Superior Court for Clallam County: Bond of Frank A. Feeley, Mayor, as Principal and the Hartford, Fccident and Idemnity Company, as Surety in the sum of iilO,OOO.OO; Bond of Vernon J', Robinson, City Commissioner of Finance, as Principal and the United states Fidelity and Guaranty Company, as Surety in the. sum of $9,000.00; Bond of Philip S. Armstrong, City Conunissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, as Principal and the New York Casualty company, as Surety in the sum of $9,000.00. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of Clallam County, Washington, this 3rd day of January, 1949. CLYlE 1. SHOHE, CLEHK By: Frances E. Owen, Deputy 1 liThe report of Police Judge Taylor for the month of November, 1948, showing 88 cases tried and $1,044.00 fines collected, was approved and ordered filed. " The purchsse of gasoline, diesel oil, and fuel oil for the City departments was discussed b-t the Commission. The Clerk was instructed to publish calls for bids fer premium and non-premium gasoline, and diesel and fuel oil, delivered during the year 1949. Bids to be opened January 19th. , '-;;~t1;:o;';~r~~ ~~E~~t 1Jld~\ I wlll be receh'ed by the CIty Clerk" i:of the City of Port Angeles, 'Wash..~, Ilat the City Holl .ot said City. no.t" I-[.Her thall 10 A. 1\1., January 19"j 19<19. to furnish [u(ll 011 tor the I City Fire Station, I\nd cHeSGl oil fOl' I. H.(l City HoH. during the :lo'Mr 1949. 'I'he Comml!;slon reeer"e~ the rlghtj lo reject nll~' or ball blds. ~ . J. 1<;. Ln.w...-~ . y'::Jl('Q'k. Publlshcd Jnnuary ~~194U, , NOTIOE TO mDPERS , XotiCD Is hereby given that bldSj wlll be ncctved b~' the City Clerk I of th(\ City of Port Ang()lell, \VaSh", , nt the City Hall of said CIty, not ,'later tllan 10 A, :M., January 19, ~'l):~.~~:~t3r~~~~~~ tr;:~ Y;~~'l~~lj: 1~~~'1: light Supt. lean informed the Commission that the tudget items for purchase of ~ mjum nnd nOll-premium gAsol!ne, n.nd . , .., dlt:scloll. 'I'he CnmmiSRloll reser\.eS,jPower" water and. telephone are overarav.'Tl. It was moved by Comnllss~oner Robinson , the l'Jgllt to I'eject a3~~ ~~' tl~:ldS. that an emergency ordinance l:e dravm sufficient to cover purchase of power, water i PubllslH~d ,Tanuan' 6, l~I,t~~~J~l'l{, at sub-station, and telephone in the 1948 budget. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley.. All voted Aye. Uotion carried. Edson Bro"TI and Gordon Spens, representatives for Groningff'& Company, spoke before'! the Commission regarding a schedule bond which '{[ould include all required employees on one bond instead of individual. After crJ.8 con~ideration.t it was moved by Ii~~rorr Feeley that the schedule bond method be accepted a's now fixed in the current budget, and any increases be determined at a later date. Motion seconded by Commissior~r Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'i.1r. Brooks spoke before the Commission regarding the extension on Third Street from Pine to Valley Streets,1 :Iand recomnended that the Commission inspect the situation. Mr. Ahlvers, Street Supt. agreed to investigate,! ,Mrs. Haug12nd of the Welfare Dept. commended the Commission for free garbage ,collection to Senior Citizens. 'She also informec that the Welfare oan not pay nedical care for prisoners on relief or bury unidentified ! ..... . 512 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 5. continued, 19~ ,ibodies. Also recommended keeping plot east of gulch, ,as $100.00 is maximum paid by the State for burial, "which is not sufficient when Cemetery establishes per;>etual maintenance. ,Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced: ,AN ORDINANCE fixing the monthly salaries, compensations, and wages of certain officers and employees of the, City of Port Angeles, Washington. ORDINANCE NO.~ "It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and second readings, ,;Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Uotion carried. liThe Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: r' ~ /5/ ' ,CURRENT EXPENSE HIND: I,Andrew Severyns City Street Dept. "Wesley Smith Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Treasurer Hazel's Cafe 'Eastman Kodak Stores 'Art Burnside & Co. Peninsula Fuel Co. 'Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Fitchard IS Associated 'R. o. Ide ',Natural Gas Corp. of Wash, Port A,ngeles Evening NeViS Fire Appliance Co. ~ 7 ,CITY STREET FJND: 3;{ 1 - ,Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. I Port 'Ilie & Lumber Co. "Western Tractor & Equip. Co. Automoti ve Parts Servic e ,Alleman Mill & Supply Co. WATER FUND: / ~.:t o,!! "Janish Motor Co. 'City Street Dept. City Light Dept. 'Pacific Tel. & Tel. vo. ,Willson Hardware Co. 'Palmer Supply Co. 'LIGHT FUND: -fJ/ P?if.~-:z. ,Wesley Smith / Clallam County, P.U.D. No.1 ;IRemington-P..and, Ine. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schreinar Chevrolet Co. Standard Oil va. of Calif. "City Water Dept. "United Seal Co. City Treasurer ,Port Angeles Auto Supply Co, Willson Hardware Co. ::Seattle Radio Supply Co. General Electric Co. ,Tooker Motor Frt. Co. 57 'SANI1'ATION FUND: .( Ft! _ 'City Treasurer "Kenneth Owen LeRoy Jagger "City Street lJept, Wm. Picca Service 'Linc oln Welding Samuelson Motor Co. I' I PARK FUND: It:, 7 !: 'City Street !;apt. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. I'City Treasurer ,PARKING METER & TRAWIC CONTROL FUND: City Street Dept. ,Kenneth Owen 'Minnesota Minging & Mfg. Co, M. H, Rhodes, Inc. o' F'IREMEN'S PENSION FUND: .33 - ',Clallam County Medical Service Corp. Services, Police Judge Gas , State li.uditor Phona Servi ce s Light, Water, Gar" St.Lights, Office Rent Meals for Prisoners Film Gas Gum, Shells, Handcuffs l'\le 1 Oil Lub., Oil Parts and Repair Car iUileage for Dee. Gas Display on Prevention 0 f Fire Cartridge s Re filled 10.00, 6.90 555.00' 57.52 1,239.35 106.45 5.76 93.63' 222.82 4.89 26.52 24.29 3.81' 11.16, 4.01 Sewer Pipe Lumber Plow, Bit Parts and Supplies Roof Repair 5.67 26.56 55,00' 111. 04 152.30 Parts Gas "nd Oil Rent and Lights Phone Tools Fittings 3,85 63.40 29.73: 3.75 5.26" 16.05 State Examination Dec. Power' Repairs Phone Service Lubrication liB S oline Vlater at Sub-Stn. Seals Express Paid, Envelopes .riles Tool~, etc. Parts Re-actor ,'rt. 134.95, 24,204.00 31. 89' 64.46 2.06' 2.57 83.26 11.01 57,07 1.65 26.89 5.43, 257.50 1.92 1';ater Rent, Garage Car Mileage for Dec. Gas and Oil Gas and Oil Welding Repairs and Parts 1.60 30.00', 41. 79 135.67 3.45, 11. 74' 56.52 Ga s and Oil Phone Services Light, Water, Garbage, Repair & Labor on Vlater Service '1~S~; Gas Warehouse Rent Scotchlite Silver Co.'sShare of Dec. Collections 11. 85 10.37' 145,39 11.27 15.00 35,78 863 . 56, Medical, 'Fees for Firemen, Jan.. 33.00 There being no further business, the session was adjourned. Q. e, ?feuv' {/ City Clerk 6{/~/ d /f;t/ J>jayor I I I I I