HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/03/1957
529 .,
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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January 3
. . j
The City Council met in regular session at 7.30 P.M. and was called to order by
Mayor Neer. Roll call of officers revealed the following present. Mayor Neer, Councilmen
Smith, Sandison, Matthieu, WOlfe, McFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyn
and. Clerk Law. .
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, fixed estimate claims were approved for pay-
ment as follows:
National Lithograph Co., Printing Bonds for L.I.D. No. 167 -
Department of Labor & Industries, Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid
L.I.D. No. 171 -
$ 119.87
It.was moved by councilman Smith that fixed estimate claims be approved and warrants
issued in payment of the same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison .and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that,the following department reports be approved
and filed: Police Department,.Fire Department for December and Annual, Light Depa~tment,
land the City Treasurer's financial report for November. Motion seconded by Coun~ilman
Wolfe and car,ied.
Under the head of new busdness, claims paid December 24th were approved in total
amount of $5,168.41.- It was moved by Councilmen Matthieu that claims be approved as,paid.
Seconded by Councilman McFadden and car~ied.
Council considered proposal of series circuit street l4ghting plans for install-
ation of. contemplated lighting system of. Lincoln Str~et from Fir-st Street to 14th Street..
It was moved by Councilman Smith that plan presented be approved. Seconded by Councilman
'Maxfield and carried.
Also discussed, was petition re~uesting improvement of the area North.of Front and
East of Race Streets by construction of curbs, sidewalks and drainage. Council will
accompany the City Manager Sunday at 2.00 P.M. for inspection tour of the area to ascertain
if paving can also be included in the .impiI'ovement project.
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and
A aESOLUTION authorizing execution of a joint agreement with School District No. 17
of Clallam County, Clallam County and the City of Port ~ngeles for the comtruction of
storm Sewer for drainage of 'areas ,in each district.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved and
adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and c~rried.
No further ~usiness appearing, the meeting was adjourned.
Q. G ;;L~
(j City Clerk
to ra.te bJds w11J be received up
m'T February 7, 1957, atl
of the elty Clerk at 140
t at! eet. Port Angeles
n, covermg the purchase I
ment: ,- ty of the following EqUlP-j
T onek only 1957 mOdel new Motor
rue Cab and Cl1as.s1s of 22 000
~y~ L~~ l~~:':J~ing and One
wIth full equipment y complete
ab?eeta~ted~~~l1fc~uagf a4~ a~'tl~
~~I~~~~l4~~:~~~r~;t Streei.
City Manager '
b: Jan. 11, 18. 1957T.
Separaw bids W,l.11 be.'J"ecelved up
to 5:00 p.m., February 1,.1957, at
the office of the City Clerk at 140
West Front Street, Port Angeles,
,t":~~~~~' o10~:fo~1~e~u~~~
; Oue only 1957 model new Motor
T and ChassiS or 22,000
60 H.P. rating and One
Truck Body complete,
Detailed s~:rcu~}latii~ns a.re, tlvan~;
:~2~a:;r ~~ 4~~~~~t ~o~St~~r. ~
Pmt Angeles. Washington. I
Pub: r~~.lIfl~nf8~ef957T. J
l' ;;?-~ :l'P7 "U'n.-o<.J
g~c~il~~e ~~~e[OR Bms NonCE OF CALL FOR BIDS
flee of the CIty Clerk at the of. . BIds win be reCeIved at the of.
Front Street, Port Ange]e~4{J w~~ ~~6n~~ttl\e City Clelk 140 West
1I1:~~~ar~P7 tlo95~:~n g~c~og~1 p.m., mgwll, ~~et~ ~~~~ A~~r~~~' ~a~h-,
1957 mode1'sedsn delIvery la~~~ kb~~uarYd 7, 1t957, COVel iog ali~
a rear door WIth vertical openJng comPletn Y;8 el iaJ necessary to 1
fh,,~p~;~~~ai:i:a ~~~ty otcven FrankllI~ ~C~~011S ~~i'nn ~~w~re'
proximately forty (40") lncb~r ~nSl~m~ of approxlmately SlX~,
~?~Tf~gotW~~~ ~lk~r mooor a~~n 12U~~d cci~g~~~e f~l~e Ofw;'esB
Gross vehicle WClQ'ht 4'100 R.P M. man holes and appUl tenances '
meluding dIrectional SlBnallo~gl De~alled plans speCllleat:oIUI and I
hand seat, dual SWipes, heater and 2?a[b I }cftay be seen at the office I
I aefroster color 1vory e y Engineer, City Hall
tr:d~d~' S~i~~:~~:raj:lYo~ndjcate ~grbo~~~I~S j:r~lic~u~~glu~h~~
1947 sedan delivery Che~rlllla~or lind materlal specified and
Motor No EAA613497 hie... no on a Umt bid basis
PM & T C. sedan del1v~~g n~l an~lt,~l r~1rr~;~s the l'l.ght to reject.!
lD~I~~ b(~~~e ;~:Yc~~t~fj ~ale~. . -G S VEkEER,
: bid depOSit is required for the ne~ p ?rty Mal1ag~r.
~o.st of the .bid pl'Oposal, Bid shall ll.b. Jan. 18. 2:), 1957T.
mclude s e par a. t e Washington
~~te sb~iie~e 1~~1~~ no Federal
. Vehicle .shall "be equJpJ)ed with
both g~n~. aV&g~~~umper.
City Manager, '
Pub; Jan. 18, 25, 1957T.
.Notlce is h~reby given. that bi s
Will be received at the f
the City Clerk. 140 ntj
Street, Port Angeles n j
~gv~~~~OOth~'~" Peb f~if
of .thirty nine (39. Union Meta~l
~treet Lighting Standa,rds InclUd-!
mg all labol' and materials tol
complete the installation. DetaUed
plans an? spe~1fications ar~ avail-
able at tl1e oiflce of the City Man.j
'W'!Ser,. City Hall, por.t Angeles I
a.slun.,<>1on.' .
City Manager
Pub: Jnn. 1B, 25, 1957T. ,