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Port Angeles, Washington
January 3, 1995
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:00 p.m
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle, ~Hulett
McKeown, Ostrowski, and Schueler.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Hagar, B. Collins, J. Pittis, B. Titus, Y. Ziomkowski, M.
Campbell, G. Kenworthy, and S. Kenyon.
Public Present: None.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Sargent.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: December 20, 1994. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Mayor Sargent
pointed out that on Page 3 "Meyer Hall" should be corrected to read "Maier Hall".
A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
FINANCE: 1. Consideration of Change Order to Curbside Recycling Contract
Change Order to Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Curbside Recycling
Contract Councilman Braun moved to approve Change Order No. 1 to the Curbside
Recycling contract with Waste Management Northwest and authorize the Mayor
to sign the change order. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. A discussion
followed, and the Council expressed some concern over whether this would result
in confusion and more work for the landfill employees. Public Works Director Pittis
stated that increased signage will be used and he did not foresee any real problems
for employees.
Manager Pomeranz stated that the Council had expressed concern with
Environmental Waste employees being out of jobs. However, five EWS employees
who sought employment with Waste Management Northwest have all been offered
jobs by Waste Management. After further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Schueler attended a Clallam County Community Network meeting.
REPORTS: Councilman Ostrowski attended an Administration Finance Committee meeting of
Clallam County Transit. A new route has been established which closed the loop on
the Olympic Peninsula. The route encompasses Grays Harbor, Jefferson and Clallam
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Request
to call for bids on street maintenance materials; (2) Voucher list - December 30,
1994 - $2,258,873.04; and (3) Payroll - December 18, 1994 - $348,554.27.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, a vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
January 3, 1995
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Street Vacation - Petersen 1. Street Vacation Petition - Peterson - STV94(12)10, Portion of the 5/6 alley:
Petition to vacate a portion of the 5/6 alley located in the west seventy-.five
feet of Suburban Lot 34.
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
opened the public heating at 7:18 p.m. Councilman Hulett moved to continue the
public hearing to February 7, 1995. Councilman Braun seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Street Vacation - Key - 2. Street Vacation Petition - Key - STV 94(12)09, A portion of Maud and all
Ordinance No. 2851 of Frank Street abutting Block 11, the alley in Block 11, and Ione and Helen
Streets abutting Blocks 11 and 12, Frederick's Addition to Port Angeles.
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
opened the public heating at.7:19 p.m.
Johnie Key, 1325 Bent Cedar Way, complimented staff on its report and offered to
answer any questions the Council might have regarding the vacation.
There were no questions or further testimony, and the public hearing was dosed at
7:20 p.m. Councilman Schueler asked for clarification of one of the maps contained
in the packet, which was provided by Planning Director Collins.
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating
that portion of Maud Street and all of Frank Street
abutting Block 11, .the alley in Block 11, and Ione
and Helen Streets abutting Blocks 11 and 12, all in
Frederick's Addition to Port Angeles.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, subject
to Condition 1 and citing Findings 1 - 9 and Conclusions A - E, as set forth in
Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Zoning Code Amendment 3. Zoning Code Amendment - ZCA 94(12)08- City of Port Angeles: Proposal
Ordinance No. 2852 to amend Chapter 17. 86 (Home Occupations) of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code and Zoning Ordinance clarifying exemption standards.
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
opened the public heating at 7:27 p.m. There was no testimony, and Mayor Sargent
closed the public heating at 7:27 p.m.
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles clarifying
the parking requirements for home occupations and
amending the Zoning code, Ordinance No. 1709. as
amended, and Section 17.86.030 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing
Findings 1 - 3 and Conclusions A - D, as set forth in Exhibit "B", which is
attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded
the motion. Councilman Doyle asked for the definition of "adjacent street" and
Councilmember McKeown asked for a definition of "commercial vehicle" both of
which were provided by Planning Director Collins. After further limited discussion,
a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
January 3, 1995
LEGISLATION: B. Ordinances Not Requiring a Public Hearing
1. An Ordinance Adding Section 17.08.0130 to the Port Angeles Municipal
Zoning Code Amendment Code and amending Ordinance No. 1709, as amended (Zoning), adding a
Ordinance No. 2853 definition of Zoning Lot Covenants
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angles amending
Ordinance No. 1709, as amended, and adding Section
17.08.130(C) to the Port Angeles Municipal Code to
define zoning lot covenants.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing
Findings 1 - 6 and Conclusions A - C. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion,
which carried unanimonsly.
Reduced Rate Automatic 2. Implementation of Reduced Rate Automatic Turn-on Program for Property
Turn on Program for Owners.
Property Owners -
Ordinance No. 2854 Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by Customer Service and read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
pertaining to fees and deposits for connection and
disconnection of utility services, and amending Section
1 of Ordinance 2055, as amended, and Section 13.16.010
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and
Customer Service Manager Kenyon explained to the Council that he will place a flier
in the utility bills, as well as contact the local property owner's association to inform
them of this program. After further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Resolutions Not Requiring a Public Hearing
Planning Commission D. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
1. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - Port of Port Angeles - SMA
Shoreline Substantial 94(12)147, 202 North Cedar: Request for a substantial development perrnit
Development Permit to allow boatbuilding facility in the M~2, Heavy Industrial District.
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department.
Councilman Hulett moved to approve Shoreline Management Permit SMA
94(12)147, subject to Conditions 1 - 3 and citing Findings 1 - 12 and Conclusions
A - F, as set forth in Exhibit "C", which is attached to and becomes a part of
these minutes. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Preliminary Short Plat 2. Appeal of Preliminary Short Plat Approval Condition - Kaufman - SHP
Approval - Kaufman 94(09)11
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department.
Councilman Schueler moved to set up an appeal hearing. The motion died for
lack of a second.
Councilman Doyle pointed out that the Planning Commission had voted in favor of
granting the appeal modifying Condition No. 3 and asked for clarification of the City
policy regarding sidewalks. Councilman Schueler stated that he had misunderstood
and could see no reason for a hearing if everyone was in agreement with granting
the appeal.
January 3, 1995
LEGISLATION: After further discussion, Councilman Ostrowski moved to concur with the
(Cont'd) recommendation of the Planning Commission, and grant the appeal, citing
Findings 1 - 7 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "D", which is
Preliminary Short Plat attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded
Approval - Kaufman the motion, -which carried unanimously.
3. Planning Commission Minutes of December 14, 1994
Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes
of Decanber 14, 1994. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried
Multi-Modal Center E. Other Considerations
Action Plan
I. Presentation of Action Plan for Multi-Modal Center
Public Works Director Pittis distributed a packet which gave a brief overview of the
Multi-Modal Transportation Center Project, and using the overhead projector, he
reviewed the information. Director Pittis stated that the design of the Multi-Modal
Center would be a public/private parmership and would involve possible economic
revitalization of the area. He displayed a drawing which showed all the parking lots
in the downtown area and explained that 41% of the land area in the central business
district consists of parking lots. Some of the existing parking lots could be converted
into multi-level parking structures, thereby opening space for downtown
development. Some potential downtown developers have expressed an interest in
locating state businesses in the downtown area, in particular the area of the old Lee
Hotel, provided the parking problems can be resolved.
Director Pittis reviewed some of the other elements that will come out of the action
plan devised for this project, including redirecting the flow of vehicular traffic and
how parts of the project will be funded. The City Council, Planning Commission,
Port, Transit, Downtown Association, Port Angeles Business Association and private
contributors, such as Victoria Express and the Chamber of Commerce are all
participating fund-bringing stakeholders in this project. The Tribes, the County and
other entities will be brought into the process as things progress.
Thanks to the efforts of the City Manager, Forest Service grants will be utilized in
this transportation project. There has been no negative feedback regarding this
project from any faction. Every effort will be made to get as much public input as
possible on this project An action plan will be brought back to the Council at a later
date. In the meantime, all Council members were asked to inform staff of any
suggestions they might have on this project. It is hoped that infrastructure
construction will start after tourist season this year.
Break Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 8:35 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
Wholesale Water 2. Wholesale Water Agreement with Clallam County PUD #1
Agreement with Clallam
County PUD #1 Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Public Works Director Pittis advised the Council that this revised agreement was
agreed to and signed by the P.U.D. Commission this afternoon.
Councilman Braun moved to approve the Wholesale Water Agreement with the
PUD and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilmember McKeown
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Aerial Surveying 3. Selection of Firm to Provide Aerial Surveying
Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department
Councilmember~}noved tb authoriz~ the Public Works Depadment to enter into
an initial agreement, not to exceed $15,000, with David C. Smith & Associates
to begin survey work, and authorize negotiation of an agreement with David C.
Smith & Associates to provide aerial mapping and completion of the necessary
survey work, and that the negotiated agreement be brought to the Council for
finalapproval. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Afterabriefdiscussion,
a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
January 3, 1995
LEGISLATION: 4. Discuss Request from Department of Health and Human Services to Have
(Cont'd) Citizen Serve on Coordinating Council as City of Port Angeles
Request from Dept. of
Health & Human Services Mayor Sargent reviewed the memo from Clallam County Human Services.
to have a Citizen
Serve on Coordinating It was the general consensus of the Council that the City has no need for
Council representation on this Council. If the County can give a reason why representation
is necessary, this request will be reconsidered.
Manager Pomeranz stated that a letter Will be sent to the County expressing the
Council's opinion in this matter.
City Council Committee 5. City Council Committee Assignments
Mayor Sargent noted that the Fire Hall Building Design Committee could be deleted,
and that a committee needed to be formed for the allocation of hotel/motel tax funds.
Councilman Hulett indicated the Public Information Committee shows one
representative; however, two Council members have been attending. Manager
Pomeranz stated that he felt this was a typographical error, and that two Council
members are needed. Councilman Hulett also noted that he is the representative for
the Youth Task Force Committee, and not Councilman Schueler; this correction was
duly noted.
Councilmember McKeown expressed a desire to be on the hotel/motel tax allocation
committee. Councilman Schueler also expressed an interest in this committee, and
stated that he felt this committee needed a large representation from the community.
The Committee could then bring their recommendations to the Council for
consideration. Manager Pomeranz stated that staff will outline a structure for the
Council, and this item can be placed on a future agenda.
Councilman Doyle stated that there is an error on the CFP Committee. He and
Councilman Braun are the committee members and Councilmember McKeown is the
Councilman Schueler stated the word "Steering" should be deleted from the Public
Health & Safety Community Networks Committee. He also noted that the State
Legislators have stated that they will not act on the request for a 2 % hotel/motel tax
increase. Councilman Schueler felt more discussion was needed on this issue.
Manager Pomeranz recommended this be placed on the next agenda, as the
Committee that has been meeting on this issue will bring a recommendation to the
Council at that time. Manager Pomeranz also stated that the Association of
Washington Cities is planning on sponsoring legislation that will increase hotel/motel
tax by 3 %.
Excise Tax Refund 6. Excise Tax Refund
Manager Pomeranz explained that the City had been overpaying on its excise taxes.
Several years ago, while attending an AWC Conference, Manager Pomeranz
discovered that a great number of cities were overpaying this tax. The City
contacted Moss Adams for more information on this issue and hired them with the
Council's permission. It was discovered that the City had been overpaying its excise
taxes since the 1988-1989 fiscal year, which resulted in a total refund of
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:16 p.m. to discuss a matter of
RETURN TO The meeting returned to open session at 9:47 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:47 p.m.
Cle~rk - / -
'5 '
1. Portions of the subject rights-of-way within any required environmentally sensitive
area or its required buffer shall not be vacated unless they are protected in the
manner prescribed in the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance (Chapter
15.20 PAMC) and Wetland Permit No. WP 94(09)03.
1. The request is to vacate 300 feet of Frank Street, 560 feet of Maud Street, 300
feet of Helen Street, 740 feet of the north 30 feet of Ione Street, and 500 feet of
the alley in Block, 11, Frederick's Addition.
2. The applicant owns all non-right-of-way land abutting the requested vacation.
3. The requested vacation is required as part of a current short plat application (No.
SHP 94(07)10) and wetland permit application (No. WP 94(09)03).
4. The subject area and the abutting property included in the short plat application
is currently vacant and is bisected by a small tributary of White Creek along with
its associated ravine running north and south. There is also a Category II wetland
located to the east of the Helen Street right-of-way and thus subject to the
requirements of the environmentally sensitive areas protection ordinance (Chapter
15.20 PAMC).
5. Since adoption of the environmentally sensitive areas protection ordinance, the
City has not approved any vacations for right-of-way located within an
environmentally sensitive area. Proposals that were denied or modified include
Hailer - STV 93(11)06; Levick/McCoy - STV 93(06)04; Richmond - STV
93(04)02; Ralston/Wilson - STV 92(09)04; and Hall - STV 94(08)04.
6. The majority of the subject right-of-way and the abutting property included in the
short plat application has a Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Open
Space with a small westerly portion designated as Medium Density.
-' 7. The subject right-of-way and the abutting property included in the short plat
application is zoned RS-9.
8. A SEPA checklist was completed and a MDNS was issued on October 14, 1994
as part of Wetland Permit (WP94(09)03).
9. There are no utilities or other improvements existing in or planned for the subject
Exhibit "A"
- A. Although the requested vacation will eliminate a portion of the original grid street
pattern, the resulting short plat as proposed will result in an approximate 280 foot
cul-de-sac which better relates to the natural features of the land and does not
disrupt the overall circulation pattern for the area.
B. The vacation of the subject right-of-ways as conditioned, will help prevent
potential degradation of the environmentally sensitive areas which may result from
development of the original rights-of-way and is thus a public benefit.
C. As conditioned, the vacation of the subject right-of-ways will discourage the
development of impervious surfaces within the environmentally sensitive areas by
preventing public development of the original rights-of-way.
D. As part of the proposed short plat application, the vacation of the subject right-of-
ways as conditioned, will allow the development of the applicant's property in a
manner that both meets the development expectations of the applicant and protects
the site's environmentally sensitive areas.
E. As conditioned, the vacation of the subject right-of-ways is consistent with the
Goals, Policies and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
As adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of January 3, 1995.
K. Sargent,
ATTEST: Carol A. H~agar~uty City Clerk
Exhibit "B"
1. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposals. The
following goals and policies have been identifies as being most relevant to the
amendments: Land Use Element Goals B, C, and D, and Policies C. 1.
2. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the proposal on December
5, 1994.
3. A significant number of complaints concerning commercial vehicles in exempt
home occupations negatively impacting single-family neighborhood parking uses
have been received by the City Planning Department.
A. The Zoning Code Amendment is in the public use and interest.
B. The Zoning Code Amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals
and Policies, specifically those found in Finding No. 1.
C. The Zoning Code Amendment is consistent with the intent of Chapter 17.86.
D. Restriction as to the storage of commercial vehicles will assure the least amount
of parking impact in home occupation situations.
As adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of January 3, 1995.
o~K. Sargent~ Mayo(-_J
ATTEST: C~I . H~tgar,~l~ty City Clerk
Exhibit "c"
SMA 94(12) 147
1. The applicant shall provide for the on-site presence of an archaeologist approved
by the S'Klallam Lower Elwha Tribe during any substantial excavations of native
soils and shall take those steps necessary to protect artifacts which are discovered
as prescribed in state law and by the archaeologist.
2. An additional 14 spaces will have to be provided prior to issuance of a building
permit. If additional parking is needed within the shoreline jurisdiction, the
applicant will be required to obtain another shoreline permit.
3. A State Hydraulics Permit will be obtained, and FEMA flood hazard requirements
shall be met.
1. The site is used as a marine terminal with docking facilities and for log storage
and currently is occupied by a port warehouse used for machinery maintenance
and a longshoreman's lunchroom.
2. The request is for approval of a substantial development permit to allow for
development of a marine manufacturing facility which includes construction of a
20,000 square foot yacht manufacturing facility near the marine terminal.
Adjacent to the north side of the new manufacturing building, a space will be
allocated to outside storage of completed or nearly completed yachts. A boat
launch ramp will be constructed at the south berth of Terminal gl for launching
of the completed yachts. The existing warehouse will be replaced at a location
approximately 800 feet west of the existing location in a new 4,960 s.f. building.
An area of about 15,000 s.f. is proposed to be paved north of the maintenance
shop. The paving will allow for better containment of runoff through an oil-water
separator before the discharge enters the harbor. The existing lunchroom function
is to be moved into a warehouse building on Terminal #1.
3. There will be 20 parking spaces eliminated and 40 parking spaces provided in
triangular area between the new building and the K-Ply mill to the east for a net
- increase of 20 spaces. A net increase of 34 spaces, or an additional 14 spaces,
is required for the proposed development.
4. The Shoreline Master Program identifies the site as Urban, and the following
regulations have been found to be the most relevant: General Regulations 1 and
4, Land Use Elements la, Economic Development, and 7 Historical and Cultural,
Natural Systems 11 Flood Plains, and Use Activities 3 Boat Launching Facilities,
8a/d Ports and Water-Related Industry, 12a/c/f Landfill, and 18c Archaeological
Areas and Historic Sites.
Exhibit "C"
5. The following goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan have been
identified as being the most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Goal H and
-- Policy H.4, Conservation Goal A, Policy A. 1, Goal B, Policies B. 1/B. 10/B. 11,
and Economic Development Goal A, Policy A.4, Goal B, Policy B. 1.
6. The site is identified as Heavy Industrial by the Comprehensive Plan and as M-2
Heavy Industrial by the Zoning Map.
7. The Port of Port Angeles, acting as lead agency, issued a Determination of Non-
Significance for the project on October 31, 1994.
8. The S'Klallam Lower Elwha Tribe, private industries, and the City have agreed
that due to the high potential for finding archaeological, historical, and cultural
artifacts in the shoreline areas of Port Angeles Harbor because of the long use of
the area as tribal settlements any substantial excavations of native soils has
required the on-site presence of an archaeologist approved by the S'Klallam
Lower Elwha Tribe during the excavation.
9. The shoreline has been altered substantially from its natural state. It consists of
a steep rock rip rap wall. Above the wall is a level industrial site with no
vegetation. Waterward of the shoreline is the massive terminal dock used for
larger ships.
10. The site is located in a Zone C flood plain which requires compliance with federal
regulations for development.
11. The boat building facility will create 100 new jobs in the City.
12. The nearest residents are over 1000 feet south of the site and are atop the marine
bluff which is over 100 feet above sea level.
A. The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program,
specifically those identified in Finding No. 2.
B. The use is consistent with the Heavy Industrial designations of the Zoning
Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan.
C. The proposal will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
D. As conditioned, the proposal will provide opportunities for industrial development
in a manner which efficiently uses the community's various attributes and natural
resources, has minimal impact on the environment, and contributes to the City's
quality of life.
Exhibit "c"
E. As conditioned, the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit will protect the
arm's unique physical features, valuable natural, historical, archaeological, and
- cultural amenities, and the overall environment.
F. As conditioned, compliance with State and Federal laws will be done.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of January 3, 1995.
Jo~.-s~-gent, Mayor
ATTEST: Carol A. ~agar~t~ty City Clerk
Exhibit "D"
Appeal of Preliminary Short Plat Approval Condition - Kaufmann - SHP 94(09)11
1. The short plat will result in two lots. The easterly lot will have about 18,500
square feet of area, and the westerly lot will have about 1.08 acres.
2. The northern edge of the site is over the bluff along the Strait of Juan de Fuca and
is an environmentally sensitive area. The bluff runs parallel to and approximately
114 feet from the front property line on Milwaukee Drive.
3. Milwaukee Drive is fully paved to arterial standards from the site east to "N"
Street. There are no sidewalks along the north side of Milwaukee Drive, and
there are sidewalks on the south side of Milwaukee Drive near "N" Street.
4. The Planning Department approved the preliminary short plat on November 1,
1994, and the applicant filed a timely appeal on November 7, 1994.
5. Condition No. 3 was attached to the short plat approval in consideration of
Resolution 8-83 and RCW 58.17.110, which set out requirements including safe
walking conditions. PAMC Sections 16.04.070(A), .090 (B), and 140 (E) also
establish standards for street improvements for short plats. Milwaukee Drive is
currently designated as a collector arterial and is not presently designated as a
school walking route.
6. On the appeal, the Public Works Department has commented that collector arterial
requirements for sidewalks is option for one side. Since the immediately
adjoining City street has no sidewalks on the north side and has sidewalks
installed and planned on the south side, Public Works recommended that a
sidewalk not be required on the north side of Milwaukee Drive and that the City
continue to have sidewalk improvements made on the south side.
7. The City's Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and objectives were reviewed and
the most relevant statements were found to be Transportation Policies A. 1, 2, and
3; B.10, 15, and 19; Objectives 2, 3, and 9; Conservation Policy B.20; and
Capital Facilities Policies A.3 and 6.
A. The revision to Condition No. 3 on appeal of Short Plat No. 94(09)11 is
consistent with the street standards and subdivision requirements.
B. It is likely under the new Comprehensive Plan policies that the City will be
creating a bike path in the future along Milwaukee Drive and that Milwaukee
Drive will become a minor arterial requiting sidewalks on both sides of the street.
The revision to Condition No. 3 is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Exhibit "D"
C. The revision to Condition No. 3 on appeal of Short Hat No. 94(09(11 is in the
public use and interest.
Adopted by the Port Angles City Council at its meeting of January 3, 1995.
ATTEST: Carol A. i-Iag,m';~,~eputy City Clerk