HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1937 JI""" 458 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JenuaI'y 4, 1937 ~193~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. Roll call showed the following officers present: Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk HawJs:im. The Commission examined and allowed the following same: and was called to order by May~ ~avis. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and claims and ordered warrants drawn for CURRENT i~ENS~ FUND Fire Department W. D. Morrissey H. P. McNutt V. A. Samuelson & Co. II. S15 - 153.00 36.00 6.80 397.36 Pay Roll Special Police Sharpening Picks Repairs Under head of New Business,- Ralph E. Davis, Mayor Elect, Fred P. Henson and David A. Masters, Commissioners Eleot, were sworn into offioe for the ensuing term. The folloO/ing resolution was introduaed: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Messrs. R. E. Davis, Fred P. Henson and D. A. Masters, who were eleated at the general munioipal election held in Port Angeles on Deoember 5, 1936, to serve as Ma10r and ~ity Commissioners, respeatively, of the Gity of Port Angeles for the ensuing term of three years, and WHEREAS, said persons have taken their oath and their bonds have been approved and filed as required by statute, and said persons have oomplied with all other requirements of ,law, and WHEREAS, it is required as a part of the duties of the said Commission to meet on the ;first Monday in January follmwing said olection and organize the ~ity Commission and assign to the various commissioners the departments of the ci ty bus iness as 'provided by [statute and ordinance, ~THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Gity Commission be and sa id members 'are hereby assigned to the supervision and duties of the following departments as dd- rfined by statute and ordbanoes: I 1. R. E. Davis, as Mayor, be and he is hereby assigned to the supervision of the 'Departments of Public Safety as provided by statute and ordinance of the City of Port lAngeI es. i Z. That Commissioner, Fred P. Henson, be and he is hereby assigned to the supeI'vision pf the Department of Finanoe and ~qoounts, as Commissioner of Finanoe and Accounting, in accordance with ordinances of the ~ity of Port Angeles. I 3. That Commissioner, D. A. Masters, be and he is hereby assigned to the supervision of the Department of ~treets and Publio Improvements, as ~ommissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, in accordance with the ordinances of the ~ity of Port Angeles. I ~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and City ~ommissioners be and said persons are hereby authorized to proceed with the supervision of the respective departmenm in accordanoe with the laws of the "tate of 'Iashington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopt- ed. Seoonded by Commissioner Henson.. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. Commissioner of Finanoe Henson, submitted the appointment of N. M. Hawkins as City Clerk. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing appointment be confirmed. Seoond- ed by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. Mayor Davis submitted the following appointments: Wm. J. Conniff, City Attorney Robert Banderob. Chief of Police C. A. Wolverton, Chief of ~'ire Department Thos. Geisness, Police JUdge It was moved by Gommissioner Henson that the foregoing appointments be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all mernbeBs voted aye. The 1myor declared the motion oarried. I Report of ~. A. "01 verton, Chief of the ?ire lJepartment. for the year 1936, was read and ordered filed. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. /71/~ , , ~1: r .i\( ~ ~ Ci ty Clerk Mayor ..... 1 I, I I I