HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1939 ... ~6 Proceedings of the 'City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 4 .~9 19_ ,T~"" .. .'U"U~, "'TTU:, n."""..... ."'"T~".. 1;1"'.00 I The Commission met in regular I showed the following officers and Clerk Hawkins. session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff The minutes of t he previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: International Longshoremen's Ass'n, Remodel room, Lot 4, Blk. 15, Townsite Montgomery Ward Co. Master Electrician Brickey's Place, 1 Card Table W. E. .Iilcox, 1 Barber Chair SO.OO 5.00 5.00 1.00. I Thos. Geisness, Police Judge, reported i December, 1938. He also reported that 11938, was ~,520.75. I The annual report. of C. A. Wolverton, Chief of the Fire Department, was read- and ordered filed. I Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance was read in full and placed on its 'ffrst reading: I AN ORDINANCE for the purpose of protecting the water supply of the City of Port Angeles, defining the I property and terrritory constituting that part of the Morse Creek and its Tributaries Water 5hed over I which the City of Port Angeles is seeking to exercise authority and jurisdiction, declaring an emergency and providing that this Otdinance shall take effect immediately after publication. 34 cases tried and $218. SO collected in fines for the month of the total Police Court collections for the year ending December 31, The following Ordinances were read by title and placed on their second readings: i I I I II An Ordinance relating - i Port Angeles and _ declaring- ! I AN ORDIl,ANCE repealing Ordinance No. 1018 of the City of Port Angeles, entitled, I to the rates and charges for the use of electric' energy and water of the City of an emergency, II and declaring an emergency. I AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1028 of the City of Port Angeles, relating to the use of electric current furnished and distributed by theCity of Port Angeles and prescribing and fixing charges and rates for the sale of the same; providing a discount for tthe prompt payment of bills for electric current used; providing for the termination of service fcr non-payment for electric current used; providing for and declarir~ an emergency; placing this ordinance in full fcrce and effect after its lawful publication. AN ORDINftllCE relating to rates and service charges for the use of water supplied by the City; repealing Ordinances No. 867, No. 976 and No. 985; emending Sections 14, 39 and 40 of Ordinance No. 778; and providing for and declaring an emergency. RESOIJJTION FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS I Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resoluticn waS introduced: WHEREAS, It appears that further requirements of certain departments for the year 1938 made necessary the expenditures of sums of money greater than contemplated, and WHEREAS, The amounts provided for other items wi thin the same legal classfication have not been exhausted and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classifications, and WHEREAS, Those requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparaticn of the budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOJ\VED, That the following transfers cf funds be made, to-wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Department n to Office RecordS and Supplies II Telephone " Auto Repairs, Gas & Oil Insurance Traveling Expense $150 .00 25.00 222.66 100.00 25.00 I From Radio Equipment II Fi re Department From Asst. Chief II Fire Department Supplies to Truck Driver Truck Operation 1.00 20.98 Street Department From Sewer Maintenance fl II to Gas & Oil Concrete Pipe 151. 88 95.00 I CITY STREET FUND Insurance 19.00 47.00 42.00 37.00 5.00 From Truck Repairs " Equipment Repairs Tools & Hardware Lumber Equipment Rental to Cement, Sand & Gravel n II ~"II nit': II PARK FUND From Recreational Development " n to Insurance Repairs to Equipment 50.00 10.00 ""'II 17 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 4, 1939 19_ I I I I I LI8RARY FUND From fuel II II Insurance Traveling expense Repairs Book s Assessmen ts to Light & water U Office Records & Supplies ~" n" n n Binding n Periodicals . 10.00 6.12 1.98 5.60 11.47 .05 2.75 It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner W>asters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Commis sian examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drayTO for same: Olympic Stationers OlYmpic Printery n II Port Angele s Eveni.'1g News McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Olympic firintery Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Olympic St&.tioners Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. CITY STREET FUND Isaacson Iron Works G. Gallac ci Roy, "park s WATER FUND Purmaid Dairy Tenny Mill ca. Quick Print P.A. Concrete Products Go. Richfield Oil Co. City Light Co. Wallace & Tiernan Zellerbach Paper Co. LIGHT FUND Puget Sound Navigation ~o. A. F. Grein Richfield Oil "a. City Treasurer Olympic Printery Quick Print Line MB.terial Gc. A. S. Knight Co.. S. H. White Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. James Hardware Co. P.A. Evening News General.~lectric Supply "orp. Remingtcn Rand, Inc. Irene Lamoureux LIBRARY FUNlll Mrs. Verne Francisco Paci fic Telephone & Telegraph Puget ~ound News ~o. The Eastern Bock Go. Charles W. Clarke Co. Standard Bcok Go. Gaylord Bros. Inc. EveingNews Press Packer-Scott Co. Library. Efficiency Corp. Thc s. H. Guptill Library.of Congress Jennilu.Norris The NIOW. York Times Co. Mrs. Florence Mclane Co. PARK FU1ID Grange Warehouse Co. J. Uoyd Aldwell, Inc. Supplies II Publications Subscription Supplies Service Supplies Se rv:ic e Seal Rubbers Labor Rent of Store Lumber Printing Service Boxes Gasoline Prepaid Supplies Chlorinator Supplies Towels Freight Wood Gasoline Postage & License. Supplies Printed Forms- #J19128 Invoice #1787 Car Expense Invoice #94143F Lamps & Pulley Advertising Materials Billing Machine, etc. Balance of Salary for lJecember Labor Service Books Supplies II Typewriter Stand Sign Supplie s Petty Cash Subs cription Emergency Help There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. Hardware, etc. Insuran ce 7;~~ City Cler!f ,..~ 71 4.05 1.30 6.05 45.68 3.00 1.15 3.SO 8.80 7.75 Jl!Iq~ 2.77 4.00 4.13 hY' 40.00 4.76 34.83 40.59 31.00 461. 50 ?"") 2.78 5.95 31."'+ 1.10 12.24 36.43 90.50 1.53 54.85 61.14 48.40 28.50 78.08 53.98 25.00 </"1 19.55 ,/ 3095.21 60.06 ~ 'I' ,,,~, , 5.50 4.25 93.42 8.13 8.30 17.73 16.85 3.50 5.85 9.00 2,/25 5.33 6.25 17.00 8.38 r' 20.60 If ('" 25.20 ~~ Mayor ~