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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 4, 19~'3
The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call
showed the foll~'ing ofcicers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and
~cting Clerk O'Day.
The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same:
Olympic Sta tioners
" II
Office Rent
Servi ces
Extra Firemen Pay roll
Volunteer Firemen Pay roll
LaurIl ry Work
Parts & Supplies
Shop Work, etc.
108 .00
<-f( 5.51
j1( ./ 26.73
't;.. 32.57
:11 19.24
r,t 30.29
/ 4.60
J'Y 74.74
City Ligh1. Dept.
Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
John H. Thatcher
Fire Department
" II
Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
Olympic LaundIY & Cle aners
Middleton Motor Parts Co.
Tower Ouper Service
Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
Tidewater Associated Oil Co.
Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
II tl
Middleton Motor Parts Co.
Lamps & Belts
, Automotive Parts Co.
City Light Dept.
Widdleton Motor Parts Co.
Kuken-Rakins Inc.
Rent & Lights
Truck Pa rts
Drafting Cloth
City ifa ter Dep t ,
c- Homer Black
<0- A. W. Ward
.j< Ghas. E. Beare
~~ Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
p, Middleton Motor Parts Co.
'" Willson Hardware Co.
.::1 Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
OJ Pacific Tel & Tel 1:0.
head of New Business:
Water at Store
Garage Rent
Car Expense
n "
Lamps & Wiping Rags
and David A. Mastsrs, Sr. were elected at the General Municipal
on December 5, 1942, to serve as Mayor and :ity Commissioners,
for the ensuing term of tnree yearsJ and
Lyle Beam and David A. Masters, 31'.; Comnissioners elect were sworn
for the organization of the G04IT,ission was then introduced:
WHEREAS, Vernon ~. Robi on,
Election held i~ the City
respectively, of the City of
WHEREAS, said persons have taken ,"ir oath and their bonds have been approved and filed as required by
statute, and said peroons have complI d with all other require~ents of law, and
WHEREAS, it is required as a part of the j.BS of tne said Commission to meet on .the first Monday in
JBnuary following said election and organize e City Cow~ission and assign to the various commissioners
the departments of the city business as provide by statute and ordinance,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the members of the Ci 'Co~issiDn be and said members are hereby assigned
to the supervision and duties of the following departme '5 as defined by sbtute and ordinances:
1. Vernon J. Robinson, as Vdyor, be and he is hereby 038
of Public Safety as provided by statute and ordinance of the
the supervision of the Departments
Port Angeles.
2. That Commissioner J. Lyle Beam, be and he io hereby assign_ to the supervision of the Depart-
I ment of Finance and Ac::;ounts, as Commissioner of Finance and ACcOlUlting, in accordance with ordinances of
the City of Port Angeles.
:3. That Commissioner David po,. Masters, Sr.,
Depsrtment of Streets and Public Improvements, in
~ngeles .
of the
of Port
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and i:ity Cmr.miasioners be and said persons are
to proceed ~~th the supervision of the respective departments in accordance with the
Washington and the ordinances of the Cily of ~ort Angeles.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be -adopted. Seconded
Masters. On roll call all me~bers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Januery 4. 1943
and ordered filed.
entered in the minutes.
Port Angeles, Washington
January 4, 1945
certify that on the 4th day of JErluary, 1943, the following described bonds Were handed to me
the, the Judge of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Clallam County, with
to file the same in my office, as provided qy law; that each and all of said bonds were
form ~y Wm. J. ~onniff, City Attorney of the City of Port Angeles, and approved by the said
on J. RObinson, VByor, as Principal and the United Pacific Insurance Company, as Surety
as Principal and the United States Fidelity and Guaranty
as Principal and the Hartford Accident and
Clyde.ij 6hore,
Clerk of the Superior Court
Joseph H. Johnston,
Fire Department; W.
Chief of Police Deparbent; Clay A Wolverton, Chief of
It was moved by Commissioner Beam hat the foregoing appointments be confirmed. Seconded by Commissi~ner
Masters. ~n roll call all members The 1fuyor declared the motion carried.
Commissioner Beam then sub1j1itted
as follows:
Madge H. Nailor, City Treasurer; Nat
Gity Clerk; Chas. ". Beam., Supt. of Light Department.
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that he foregoing appointments be confirmed. Seconded qy Mqyor
Robinson. On roll call all members voted a,e. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Commissioner Masters then submitted the
of H. E. Dodge as City Engineer .and Supt. of Water Dept,'.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the for
Robinaon. On roll call all memOers voted aye.
oing appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Mayor
. e Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of Reports from City
Fire Chief, C. A. Wolverton, presented his annual
Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the
resolution were. introduced:
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the O\mer of the folLo',' ng descril>ad real property, having acquired
the same by Treasurer's deed dated June l~, 1941, under and 0 virtue of the suthority of Section 9393 of
Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit:
Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Block Three
of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and
(333) ,
WHEREAS, I. R. Hathaway has offered to purchase from the City of Po t Angeles the above described real
property for the sum of li300.00, payable as follows: (?30.00 as a do n payment and $10.00 on or before. the
12th day of February, 1943, and ~10.00 on or before the 12th day of e h and every month thereafter until
paid in full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per annum, compu,ed on monthly balances due and
paid with the monthly installment, and
WHEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the op nion that the offer is fair
value and at this time it Is to the best interest of the City that it shoul and the sills
Port Angeles sell the
set forth, subject to
epare a quit claim deed,
rt Pngeles be and he is
Port Angeles be and
nd all a ccr~ed
NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'[ RESOl'.VED, That said offer be accepted and that the City
said property at private sale to the said I. R. Hathaway for the sum hereinabov
any other valid liens againsL the samei' that the City Attorney be instructed to
conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of
hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City 0
he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase price
interest thereon has been paid in full.
It was moved qy Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adoptsd
Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mqyor declared the motio
WHEREAS, The United States of America is desirous of leasing the following described
Suburban Lots 110, Ill, and 112 in the "ity of Port "ngeles, Glallam
County, Washington, consisting of thirty (30) acres, nore or less, and being
a part of the Lineoln Park;
the said property to be used exclusively by the United State~ for any military purpose for a p
beginning August 29, 1942, and ending June 30, 1943, with the privilege
for a time not to exceed six mo~ths after the duration of the war. \
NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~ RESOLVED by the City ~ommission of the City of Port ~ngeles
entered into by ~he~ lJity of po.~s and the Unit~d States of America for the
that a lease be
hereinabove described
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Januarr 4, 1943
- ~"..;.. _u""... .....n:.. nu'oit..... .."..uo_ 01'400
. to be used exclusively by the United States Army for any military purpose for a period beginning
August 29, 2, and ending June 30, 1943, with the privilege of renewal of said lease for a time not
to exceed six mo after the duration of the war.
BE IT FURTHER RESOlVED, Tha e Mayor of the City of Port Rngeles be, and he hereby is, authorized to
execute said lease for and on ben ~ of said City Commission.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the 0 oing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Co~~issioner Mesters. On roll call all members VQu aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
There being no further business t'oe Commission then
Ci ty Clerk
Uuder the heed of Introdoction of Resolutions the follo'Ning resclution was introduced':
'IIHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the ONTIer of the following described real property, having acquired
the same by Treasurer's deed dated June 12, 1941, ar.der and by virtue of the authority of Secti~n 9393 of
Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of tae Lows of 1929, page 365, to-wit:
Lcts Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (1S), Block Three Hundred
Tairty-three (333), of the Townsite of ~ort Ar.geles, Washington, and
WtffiP~AS, I. R. Hathaway has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above describsd real
property for tne s~~ of $300.00, payable as fallows: $30.00 as a down payment and $lO.GO on or before
1he 12th da~ of February., 1943, and .$10.00 on or before the 12th d.ey of each and every month t.her:eafter
unt.il paid in full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per annum, computed on monthly balances due
and paid with the monthly instalIrcent, ard
WHEREAS, The City Corr~ission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair
value and at this ti.,e it is to the best intere~t of the Cty that it should be accepted and the sale
KCW, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOL\~D, That said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the
said property at private sale to the said T. R. Hathaway for the sum hereinabove set forth, GUbQect to
any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed,
conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City ~lerk of the City of Port Anfeles be and he
is hereby j.nstructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Ange es be
and he is hereby instructed to ro untersign said quit claim deed wrien the purchase price and all accrued
interest thereon has been paid i~ full.
Jt was moved .by' Commissioner' Beam that. the" foreg.oing'resolution be approved and adopted. Secunded by
Ccrnmissioner Iind. Cn roll call all met.bers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of New Business :
Vernon J. Robinson, Mayor elect, J. Lyle Bearr. andl;:gvid F.. Masters, Sr., Commissioners elect were sworn
into office for the ensuing term.
The following resol~tion providing for the organization of the Commission was then introduced:
W!1ERE~.S, VErnon J. Robinson, J. Lyle Beam and David A. Masters, Sr. were elected at the General MuniciuRl
Election held in the City of Port Angeles on ""cember 5, 1942, to serve RS Mayor and City Co:runissioner~,
respectively, of the City of Port Angeles for the ensuing term of three years, end
WHERE~S, said persons have taken their oath a~d their bonds have been E9proved and filed as required by
statu.te J and said perscns have ccrr:plied with all other requirements of law, and
VffiEREAS, it is required as a part of the duties of the said Commission to meet on the first Monday in
January fallowing said election and organize the City Commission and assign to the various c01mnissioners
the departments of the ci tJr busj_ness as provided by statute and ordinance,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOlVED That the members of the City Ccrrrr',ission be and said members .1re hereby assigned
to the supervision and duties of ~he followingdepartments as defined oy st8tute a~d ordinances:
the Depart- I
ordinances of
Vernon l... Robinson, as MAyor, be and he is hereby Bssigr:ed to the supervision of the Depart-
of Public Safety as provided by statute and ordinance of the City of Port Ji.ngel es.
2. That {;ommissioner J. Lyle Beam, be and he is hereby assigned to che supervIsion of
ment of Finance and j~ccounts~ as Commissioner of Finance and Accounting, in accordance with
the City of Port Ang81es.
5. That Commissioner David !I.. ~.~asters, Sr., be and he is hereby assigned to the superv1.s~on of the
Department of Streets and Public Improvements, in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Port
BE IT FURTHER RESOlVED T~at the Mayor and City Commissioners be md said persons are hereby aut.~orized
to proceed with the supervision of the respective departments in accordance with the laws of the State
Washington a~d the ordinances cf the City of Port ~ngeles.
It was moved by Ccmmissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Corr~issioner
Masters. Gn roll call all members voted aye. Tne Mayor deolared the motion carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 4, 1945
The following certificate relating to the approval and filing ,of the City Comrr,issioner's Bonds was
ordered entered in the minutes.
Port Angeles, ~ashington
January 4, 1943
This is to certify that on the 4th day of January, 1943, the following described bonds were handed to me
by Ralph Smythe, the Judge of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Clallam County, with
instructions to file the same in my office, as ~rovided ~y law; that each and all of said ~ond5 were
approved as to form by Wm. J. Conniff, City Attorney of the City of Port Angeles, and approved by the said
Judge Ralph Smythe:
Bcnd of Vernon J. Robinson, ~ayor, as Principal ,nd the United Pacific Insurance Ccmpa~, as Surety
in the sum of $10,000.00;
3Dnd of J. Lyle 3eam, City Commissioner, as Principal and tl~ United Stales Fidelity and Guaranty
Company, as Surety in lhe sum of $9,000.00
Bond Df David A. Masters, Sr., City Comrr,issioner, as Principal and the Hartford Accident and
Indemnity Company, as Surety in the S~~ of $9,000.00.
Clyde E. Shore,
1:1erk of the Supe rior .Court
]layor Robinson submitted the following appoi:1tments:
Joseph H. Johnston, City I\ttorney: Reuben O. Ide, Cioief of Police Department; Clay A. Wolverton, ~hief of
Fire Departrr.ent; W. F. Phillips, PolIce Judge.
It was moved by COITl.rnissioLsr Masters th8t the foregoing appointments be confirmed.
Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Wayor declared the motion carried.
by GOm:niGSiOnjr
Commissioner Beam then submitted appointaents as f'oI,lows:
vadie H; Nailor, City Treasurer; Nat V. HaV/kins, City Clerk; :<:has. E. Beam, Supt. of Light Department.
It was moved by Commissioner Masters. that the foregoing appointments be confined. Seconded oy Mayor
Rohinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the mohon carried. I
Comissioner Vasters then suomitted the appointment of H. E. Dodge as City Engineer and cupt. of Water Dept,
It was moved by Corr~issioner Bean that the foregoing appointments be confirmed. Seconded by Mayor
Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion cerried.
Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following was read:
Fire Chief, C. A. Wolvertol., presented his annual report which was read and orde!'ed filed.
Under the head of Ictrcduction of Resolutions the following resclution was introduced:
WHSREAS, The Uni'ted States lIlf America is desirous of leabing Lhe following described property to-wit:
Sub~rban Ints 110, Ill, and 112, in the City of Port Angeles, Clalla~
County) Washington, consisti,g of thirty (30) acres, more ot less, and being
a part ~f the Lincoln Park;
the said property to oe used exiusively by the United States Army for any ~ilitary purpose for a period
beginning August 29, 1942, and ending June 30, 1943, with the privilege of further renewal of said lease
for a ti'T'.€ not to exceed six months after the duration of tl~8 'Nar.
NOW, THERE,'QfiS, BE IT RESOLVED bJ' the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that a lease be
entered into by the City of Port Angeles and the United Stetes of koerica for the hereinabove described
property to be used exclusively by the United States Army for any military purpose for a period beginning
,f'ugust 29, 1942, and ending Jur,e 30, 1945, with the privilege of renewal of said lease for a time not to
8x.ceed six lilOnths after the duration of the 'frar.
BE IT l'URTHER RESCJVED, That the Kayor of the City of Port Angeles oe, and he hereby is, authorized to
execute said lease for and on be:J.alf of said City Commission.
It was moved ~y CCrn:T.issioner Beam that the i'oregoing resolution j8 approved and adopted. Seconded by
Commissioner Lind. 01\ roll call all memters voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
There being nc further ~usiness the Commis~iDn then ~djourned.
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Acting City Clerk
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