HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1944 r- 596 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 4, 1944 _19_ .... The Comnission met in regular session at 10:00 A. M. and Tlas called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call shoTled the follOWing officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head applications "for building permi ts and licenses the following were granted: J. J. Shawver, Remodel house, Lot 5 Block 276, Townsi te F. A. Suomela, Soft Drink The Palomar, Dane e y ello 7/ Cab C., 3 5-passenger cars 200.00 2.50 50 .00 15 .00 Police Judge 1i..F..Phillip reported 71 eases tried and $821.50 collected in finds for the month of DecBllber 1943. Report order filed. Under the head of New Business: Mayor Robinson submitted the follming a"pointmentsj Joseph H. Johnston, City ,\ttomey; Reuben O. Ide, Chief of Police; Clay A. Wolverton, Chief of the Fire Department and '". F. Phillips, Police Judge. It was moved by Conmissioner Masters that the foregoing appointments be approved and confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On Roll Call all members voted aye. I Comnissioner Beam then aubmitted the follom IE appointments: Madg'e H. Nailor, City Treasurer; N. M. Eav.!d1l'l, City Clerk; Chas. E. Beam, Supt. of Light Department. It was moved by Commissi oner Master that the foregoing appointments be approved and confirmed. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the moti on carried. Cornnissi oner Masters then submitted the appointlIBnt of H. E. Dodge as City Engineer and 'Supt. of the Water Depar1mwt. It Vias moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing appointment be approved and con- finned. SecoIrled by M"yor Robinson. On roll call all menbers voted a:ie. The I,layor declared '!he motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the follo\'ling ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first and second readings: An ordinance fixi ng the salaries, compen sati on and wages of certain offi cers and employees dlf the City of Port .'lngeles, Washington. Th~_C!>~ss!p~xamlyed and allowed the follOWing claims and ordered warrants drawn for smoo; CURRENT EXPEi'iSE FUND Olympic Stationers Port .mgeles Evening News Trick &. Uurray Olympic Stationers Kroll Map Company Ci ty Light Dept. City Treasurer City Treasurer Harry Andrew Larrick's Cafe Olympic Laundry &. Cleaners J. R. McDonald Olympic Printery City Treasurer Ci t-.1 Treasurer Ci ty Treasurer Ci ty Tre asurer Pacific Tel. &. Tal. Co. Pacific Tel. &. Tel. Co. Evening Hews Suppli es Publications City Budget Forms lJox Carbon Plats &. Binder Hall Rent for Dec. Street Lig,ts stamp s Meal s for prisoners Heals for prisoners Cleaning Garbage Di spa sel Dog Tags Light &. Water at Banl Light &. I'iat €I' Box Rent Light Servi ce Service Envelopes 5.05 30.93 18.33 2.58 18.80 50.00 728.60 5.15 .74 107.07 4.03 12.00 30.90 7.14 ,?' 11.79 1.00 /' 5.48 (Dl/ 34.06 20.31 3.37 ~ 24.ro b____ 20.35 'Y -/1 172.50 ll.58 1.00 & 31.87 27.00 1\ 10.95 13.90 12.00 30.00 2.64 '.,1 .52 10./ 1.49 10.30 )? 56.76 3.00 6.00 22.27 22.83 12.00 6.00 CITY' STREET FUND D. A. Ilasters J Sr. P. _i. Concrete Products, Co. Union Oil Company Howard-Cooper Corp. Car Expense Pipe, etc. Caroline Disc. \'IATEll Dl9'AR'll,IENT Ci ty Treasurer City Ligh t Dept. Street Dept. Little-Holm Tire Co. Copy of Deeds Rent & Light Casali ne &. Oil Tire Repair LImT FUND A. ",7. Ward J. R. McDona! d Union Oil Co. Johnson & Bark \'Iillso n Hdw I Co. JOOles Hdw C. KeeLox Mfg. Co. Line Material Co. Homer Black Homer Bla ck Car Expens e R enovi ng Gar bag e Case 11 ne Paint Machi ne Oil ~11r e Offic e Supplies Olympic Clobes Gar age Hen t Gar age Rent PARK EUND City Treasurer Epper son & Sons J. R. McDonald J. R. McDonald Light & \'rater at Parks Lumber Carbage Disp osal Garbage Di spos6J. I I I I I J811USry 4. 1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ ""'IIIIl 597 I I I I I PARK FUND (CONT) Ci ty Treasurer Light &. flater at Playfield LIBlWlY FUND City Treasurer J.~iss Betty Dodge Jllrs. Max Church Hall Stark I Barbara Johnsto n J. R. McDonald Light &. r;ater Emergency Help Extra .;ork Extra Jani tor ITom Extra Jani tor :iork Garbage Disposal ~'IY INVESTMENT City Treasurer Purchase of boms &. Coupons LID 140 VIC TORY TAX Ci ty Treasurer Income Tax 1V:i thhe1.d for Dec. 1943 There being no further business the Co_iss1on then adjourned. 'h~ q {c)~ 31.94 10.31 ll.60 ~p\ 17.'75 IJ V/26.25 1'& 6.38 6.00 3210.00 1292.92 ~JyO~~ City Clerk ~ ' I ~