HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1950 ". 616 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 4 1929- The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted, Building Permits, $7,900.00 Del Guzzi Bros. Construct 5 room dwelling, Lot 15, ,Hock 207, Townsite J:mes A. Conrad Addition to existing dwelling, Lot 2, 010ck 555, Townsite I $7,500.00'1 400.00 'I I Under the head of unfinished business, Commissioner Taylor informed that owing to investment involved in purchase of a shovel, the City should take more tin,e to inspect equipment offered. Request for extension of t~ne to January 16, 1950 was approved. dids to furnish for the Sanitation Department, one truck complete with packer body were opened as followst Janish Motors, Dodge truck with Gar Wood Packer Jody, tax included Dodge truck with Heil Packer body, tax included 1I6,520.57 5,918.84 Tower Super Service:: Diamond T, 5 speed Trans. truck and body complete, including tax Diamond T, 4 speed trans. truck with Gar Wood packer, including tax $6,695.95 6,819.11 I " Aiken Motors: Truck complete with Gar Wood packer, tax included $6,812.52 Option 1, G.M.C. Chassis, complete with Heil Colecto-Pak, tax included $6,599.49 Option 2, G.Il.C. Chassis, complete with Leach Pack-Master, 15 cu.yd. tax incl. ii7,864.05 Option 5, G.1I.C. Chassis, complete with Leach Pack-Master, 12 cu.yd. tax incl. ii/7,709.55 Truck & Equipment CO.I Interna tion Truck, 1950 Model less $500.00, DOdy'S optional Garwood Load Pecker, installed Heil Colecto Pac, installed $3,573 .50 $5,275.50 $5,707.00 $3,268.00 Samuelson 110tor Comparv: Ford Truck, complete Vii th Gar Wood Packer, tax included Ford Truck, complete Vlith Collecto-l'ak, body, tax included 1I6,924.64 6,472.52 Due to necessary checking and comparison, it Vias moved by Mayor Feeley that award he postponed until ~!onday, January 9, 1950. 1l0tion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye) Motion carried. Mrs. Haugland again appeared regarding city projects for welfare labor. The application was signed by the Mayor and will be presented to the County Commission for their approval. Under the head of new business, it was moved by Commissioner Hobinscn that the appointments of City Officials as now exist be confirmed. Motion seconded by Mayor ~'eeley. All voted flye. Motion carried. I " The schedule bond for City Officials for the year 1950 was approved by the Commission after being checked by the Attorney. A petition signed by Garber and Beauty Shop operators was filed with the Commission. Request was for " repeal of Ordinances requiring licensing of opera tors, and declaring such license unconstitutional. The petition was referred to the Attorney. A letter by the City Treasurer designating depositories for the year 1950 Vias read as follows: "To the Honorable Mayor and City COrmlission, Port Angeles, Washington Gentlemen, As required by statutes governing, I hereby designate thehrst National dank and the Olympic State Bank, both of this city, as depositories of all city monies for the year 1950, sUJject to your approval. Hespectfully, /s/ Elsie M. Stahl City Treasurerll Request from the U.S. Government for permission to place recruiting signs on sidevlalks was referred to the City Attorney. I ,11 The Commission approved depositories as desienated. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following Vias introduced:, RESOLUTION NO. ;TIIEIiEAS, a petition has been filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles by the Park Doard of said City, requesting the vacation of certain alleys running through Blocks One (1) and Four (4) of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot Twenty-one (21) ef the United States Uoverrunent Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, V1.shington, and a certain portion of "'ast "hird Street ill said City lying between said jjlocks One (1) and :Four (4), said street and alleys being particularly described in said petition; and" VIJIEfl.EAS, a time and place should be fixed and a hearing had upon said petition and notice thereof 1 II given in the manner provided by laWj now, therefore, ~ BE IT HESOj,vll1J by the City Commission of t,he City of Port Angeles that Monday, the 50th da;,! of .1 Januuy, 1950, at the hour of ten o'clock A.I:l., at the regular meeting of the Commission of said City on J said date, at the Commission Hoom of said City at 215 South Lincoln Street in said City, be, and are hereby, fixed as the date, tin.e and place of the hearing of said petition, and the City Clerk of said City is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by posting written or printed notices thereof in three of the most public phces in said City and a like notice in a conspicuous place Oil the streets and alleys sought to be v.acated, which Hotice shall be in the fonn .. nd m..nner ana posted .a~ provided by law. I It was moved by Commissioner Jiobinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~ I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 617 u January 4, 1950, continued 19~ ,.OO',....""'~.,...n.........__I... ,.,78 ~ . . ~~ I .NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN that on the 28th day of December, 1949, a Petition was filed with the City Commission of the City pf Port Angeles, Washington, to vacate the folloVling described portio~s of Streets I and fl,lleys, to-vrit" I .Certain alleys running through olocks One (1) and Four (4) of Cain 's Subdivision of Suburban .Lot 1\1enty-one (21), of the United States Uovernment Townsite of Port Angeles, Clall.m County, .YTashington, and , I .Certain portion of East Third Street in said City lying between said Blocks One (1) and Four (4) .said street and aIle ys being particularly described in said petition. I .NOTICE IS FURTHER UIVEN that on the 4th day of January, 1950, the City Commission of the City of Port , AngElles duly adopted a Il.esolution directing that a hearing on said petition to vacate sai.d portions of Streets and Alleys be held in the City' Commission hoom of the City of Port Angeles in the Old Fire Hall at 2],5 South Lincoln Street, Monday, January ~O, 1950, at the hour of ten o'clock, A.M. ,Dated this 4th day of Janllilry, 1950. /s/ J, E. Law City Clerk AJo'fIDA VIT OF P05TING IN TIJE MATTER OJo' THE VACATION OF Tlili FCU,CViINlJ DESCRIBED PORTIONS OF Str.ets and Alleys, to-vrit" ,Certain alleys running through Blocks One(l) and ~'our (4) of 'Jain's ~iQlxiivision of $uourban l,ot Twenty-one (21) of the United States Lovernment Tovmsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, and ,Il certain portion of East Third Street in said City lying between said Blocks One (1) and Fbur (4) ;;aid .street and alley being particularly described in a petition filed vrith the City Commission. **".HHHH:-'..HH~-iH~~~"'MHHHHHHHP'..rl;~ STATE OF WASHIKGTON ss. COUJ<'!:Y OF CIALLAM William C, Adams, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he was ,t the tin,e here,in mentioned of full 1 age, .' resident of Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of W,silington, and a citizen of the United States I and of the State of .Iashington; That on the 5th day of Jan)Ulry, 1950, he posted true .and complete copies of', the Qriginal notice of hearing of petition to vacate cortain portions of streets and alleys described in 'I the notice of hearing hereto attached. . One copy was posted at the front door of the Court House in Ulallam Uounty, Hashington; one at the front door of the City Building at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles, one in a conspicuous place on certain port~ons of the streets and alleys which are sought to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matte.r. /s/ William C. Adams /t/ Vim. C. Adams iSubsQribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 1950. /s/ J. Lyle Beam Notar,y Public in and for the State of Vlashington, residing at Port Angeles. My Co~nission expires Oct. 8, 1953. I II . ~ lindex: the head of reading and passage of Ordirumces, the following v'ere pliced on .third reading:. OHDINANCE NO. 1218 .AN ORDINANCE fixing the time and place of holding regular meetings of the City Commiss,ion of the City , of PQrt Angeles, repealing Ordinances No. 664 and 929 and all ordin.nces .nd parts of, ordinances in conflict [I here~thJ .ad decl.ring .n emergency. ORDINANCE NO. 1219 LLCAL JMPJWVEJl.ENT DISTRICT NO. 152 ,AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of South Pi,ne Street in tho Lity of Port Ang.les by the cons1<ruction and laying therein of a sanitary truck sewer from the present tel'luinus of the trunk sewer there,on at the intersection of said street with the alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth Str:e.ts i~ saiq II City ,to a point .pproximately 20 feet North of the SoutherlJ' margin of ~ixtecnth Stre.et, and the improve- ment Qf Sixteenth Street in frontof Block Four Hundred Fort.'-oix (446) and the alleys running through !JJ.oc.ks Three Hundred Ninety (390), Three lIund"ed Ninety-One (591), Tilree Hundred Ninety-tVlo (592), Four I Hundr.ed Seventeen (417), Four Hundred Eii?hteen (418), Four Hundred Nineteen (419) ~:our Hundred Twenty-four I (424)" and Fbur Hundred Twenty-five (425) in said City by tho constructio~ and .u.ying therein of cert.in : latex:.l sanitary sewers connecting with said trunk seYler, cre.ting Local .I.!!Iprovement Distric.t No. 152, and : provi,ding for the p.yment of the cost of such improvements by special assessment upon the property ben.fitted, i "nd p"roviding for the issue of !:onds for the payment of such cost, all in accord .with Improvement resolutiod ,. Nc. ~S2 of the City of Port JIlngeles and in conformity vlith maps, plans and specificatio'ls prep.red "y the I City ,Engineer and "pproved by the City Lommission. . ORDINANCE NO. /-'?-'\ 0 .AN ORDINANCE St.ting the facts of an emergency affecting the the ~nfarseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issu.mce of I emergency. I II public he"Uh, pe.c. and ,safety; requirin~ emergency ~rrQnts Qnd decillring .n I Seconded ,I I It W'lS moved by Commissioner Hobinson that tho foregoi'lg two Ordinances be passed third and final reading .nd ..dopted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. !' Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordin.nces, the following was introduced: It w.:s moved by M~yor Feeley th.t the fo<regoing Ordinance oe plilced on first ..nd second reiiilding. , by Cqmmissioner 1'.ylor. All voted Aye. Motion carrie.d. The Commission exmined .nd -.pproved the following CliJim5, ..md ordered w.rr~nts issu~d in payment of the S:ilrne;. CUHllENT EXPENSE ~1!ND:, ~ Gi ty "Trft.surer'r i OlJllTlpic Printery I City ~ieht Dept. Cit~ Str.et Dept. I '\,\ 0' ~QO Post.ge, light, wator, gorbaga, street lights F_per, piil.ds, envelopes llent G.s & Oil . li>1,1l6.06 '7.10 50.00 9.85 618 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19..ML J.nu~r:v 4 continueS. 'IBill & Lien Re~ir Service Olympic Electric P.c. Tel & Tel. Compa..y ,Woodie IS H_rley Davidson J. R. Fredericks IK & K Fine F'oods lport Angeles Evening News Deines Studio United Janitor Supply J. J. D.iley-Firostone Products S.muelson Motor Co. Fitchard's Associ.ted service R.L.R Service Middleton Motor P.rts Schreiner Chevrolot Co. Richfield Oil Corporation Willson Hardware Co. City FUd Company ;OlYlJlPic Laundry & Cleaners INational G.s Copr. of Vlashington Olympic Stationers ,Smith Ice & Bottling Works 'Angel. s Building Center G. & IV Firo Servico P.A. Sign Shop Nailor Lumber Co. C. W. Wolverton 1. N. Curtis & Sons L]lVll..s liJ.restone Service AllEn Distributing Co. P. A. Auto Supply Co. Harris " Schulle r D. & B. B.t.tery & Eloc. Graybor Elect.ric Jamos IV. ".ven 'I CITY STREET FUND: P. A. Concre to Products Go. Alhn Distributine Company Olympic Eloctric Co. D., & B. B.ttery & Elec. Willson Hardware Co. i Butts Texlilco Slrvico jAngoles llii chino & Welding Works iAngdos Machin. & Welding Works Olympic Printery 1\ U J; 41" ) WATER FUIIDt City Street Dept. Iunited Janitors Supply Co. ICity Light Dept. 'Puget Sound Exprlss Angeles Ur.vel & Supply Co. P.lmar Supply Co. Federal Pipe & T.nk L:o. Willson Hlilrdw_r~ Co. : Olympic Laundry & Cleaners ireninsula Rug Cleaners 'LIGHT FUND: Olympic Printery Owl Drug Stores Pac. Tel. & Tel. Go. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Harold & Ray Uroon Eugene E. Williams Middleton I.lotor Parts Co. .Peninsula Herals City .1J.ter ,Dept. Sig Larson 'Angeks Gr.vol & Supply L:o. Willson Hardw.ro Co. Lino M.terial Co. Olympic Electric Go. Angoles Mach. & l~olding Works I':J. R. Fredoricks 'Puget Sound Nav. Co. SANITATION FUND: City Tr..surer City Streot Dept. Tower Super Service City Str.ot Dopt. Porky's Mobile Service E.rl D.vidson Middleton Motor Parts Co. Willson Hardw.re Co. v'" Iv flY, q\ ;," '? '1] .~ -'J f' LIBRARY FUND t. 'City Fuel Co. -City Trl!.surer ~ I~.c. Tel. & Tel. (,;0. "- GOBS St.tionory r.... Roy.l 1Ypewriter Co. " Smith In5unilnce Service Anti-Free ze Fluid Conduit, Wire & l'~tting, Cord Switch Phone service ltep.ir to cycle, vault door, brake lining SGlrvice c-.ll on wiring cleaning supplies Bike receipt books Six film 5 galllon con Pine Oil, 6 mops 4 Polor gripp tires .nd c.ses Cycle repair C..r re~irs P.rts alld rep.ir fushlight batteries, p.rts & 'rel"'ir C. r repair U.solinl, motor oil, lub.. gre.se St.rters, fuses, plugs, light globes, FUel oil L.undry & cleaning Gaa Office supplies, repair Towels P.int Chemicals Sho Card Board Lumber Licenses .nd Mis. Expenses Element for heater Tire rec.ps .nd flash light Uo bile oil parts and repair Hep>. irs 13.ttery, c.ole Electric wire & fittings V.lves & fittings sC!Wer pipe Mobil fuel 1 solder lug Plugs, G.E. Globes Tools & Hardware STonz.l Stop Leok Tub.s M. terial & Hep. irs Por!;s & Labor Office Supplies Gas & Oil Sanitors Supplies Jlent & Lights l'roight Sk cement Pipe Pipe Tools Clean rugs ~leaning Supplies Pen-rofilla Pho n. Repa irs Anti-freoze C.r expense Parts, chains Advertising Via ter ot sub st.ti on RI" irs Concreto Lomps & Supplies St. Lite p.rts, & tools M..terial Mach. work Conduit Freight Bill 65956 Vlater Gas & Oil Copper tubing Hose Assg.. Battery r.ntal, light globes Cor Mileag. for Dec. Parts. Bolts ~u.l Oil Light, water, garbago Tolophone service T~rpewriter 'l'yp'Vlriter li~re Ins.. 2.57 35.91 161.56 57.24 2.58 12.75 30.28 1.24 23.07 52.18 5.61 55.13 5.56 44.51 95.04 465.26 37.73 264.62 109.43 7.77 18.44 5.67 1.78 12.36 1.03 2.49 16.87 12 .66 20.34 25.34 16.16 18.54 40.08 159.48 20.86 I I 196.17 72.92 .15 M.BS 54.56 2.06 26.18 15.65 1.75 I 86 .20 28.15 30.8JJ 1.25 1.29 18.44 121.90 5.54 55.41 15.45 58.04 4.94 10.30 30.97 2.62 18.20 26.44 15.2ll 1.75 26.10 1.15 152.11 120.18 40.12 2.71 16.48 1.25 I 1.60 147.45 .77 14.74 1.75 40.67 55.54 .71 I 134.50 21.04 14.42 128.59 125.16 147.14 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ 619 Janua", 4 continued 19~ ...........\I_.......rn........_........~..u:770~ It. C. McClurg &. Co. Mrs. E.E. Pollock, Agent Books Sea ttle Times subscription -' 82.951 18.00 I' 6.151 .85 .22 5.75 49.40 2.26, " 80.80 , I PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL ~'OND, City Street Dept. I Willson Hardware Co. , James Hardv'are Co. /{ , Pug.t Sound N.vigation Go. J:J W.sh., State Peniilentiary If Doss Stationery Gas Tools & ha rdw. re Wrenches l"re ight Signs Lirun ~jimeo. pap"r , t.I.D. REVOLVING RiNDt (~ : City Trea SUTOr 1 C Tax.s .nd costs I LIBRAHY MEMORIAL FUND: Puget Sound Nows Co. ." t1 " Books 9.62 Thore b.ing no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. ~. t ;f~. {I Ci ty Clerk Ld a L/-;r ~/ / M.yor . . . I , ! Ii :1 I \ I ,I I I , , II I 'I ! I I I I II I ! II I, I I i' I I I I ~ ,