HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1962
Proceedings of the Ci~ Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington
101 .,
___JJ\N111IRY 4
l&HP!iI["''!"I'''GCO. 1".2.134 ~
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Roll call of Officers revealed the
following present: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen, Richardson, Smith, Thorne, Randall,
Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece.
, It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and
placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business: Mi:. Slankard reported. that the Special Committee I
appointed to make recommendations relative to the Ordinance adopting the Fire Prevention
Code needs more time for study and will be reported on later.
A.full.rep?rt from the Consuiting Engineer regarding the requests for water outside the
C~ty w~ll be presented at the next Council meeting, Mr. Slankard informed, if it is
finished. .
Mr. Fran~ B. Platt, 129 East 13th Street and Mrs. Dorothy I. Wagner, 1025 East 6th Street.
were appointed to fill the two vacancies on the Library Board. Mr. Harold Widsteen.
, 2315 South Cherry Street was appointed to fill the Civil Service Commission vacancy. It
, was moved by Councilman Richardson that the three appointments be approved.' Seconded
by Councilman Caldwell. Councilman Thorne commented on the faithful, patient and fair
way in'which Mr. Todd has handled, his decisions concerning the Civil Service Personnel
, in the past twelve years he has served on the Boatd and commendations be sent Mr. Todd,
also the two Library Board members, Mr. Nelson Hartnagel and Mrs. Don Cornell. Upon
call for vote, all voted "Aye". Motion unanimously carried.
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the fifth estimate (December) for work done
and. material furnished by Olympia Oil and Wood Products Co., Inc. L.I.D. No. 180 in the
amount of $7 Thousand Dollar.s be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and
unanimously carried.
Under the head of new business: A communication was read from Mr. John Goneis requesting
that the Peabody Culvert across Peabody Creek on Second Street be included in the future
street building program for the co~ng year. Councilman Richardson moved that the letter
be acknowledgeq and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Water Department Operating Statement and
the Light Department Operating Statement be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by
Councilman Smith and carried.
Claims payable were presented in amounts of: General Funds, $5,236.74; Water Fund,
$578.06; Pipeline Fund, $13.11; Light Fund, $56,678.93. It was moved by Councilman
Caldwell that the claims be approved and paid as enumerated. Seconded by Councilman
Richardson and unanimously carried.
A letter from the Police Chief was read giving the reasons why he was not approving the
application for renewal of City Licenses for George Wells of Red's Taxi because of de-
fective equipment and an undesirable operating record. Attorney G. B. Chamberlin spoke
in defense of Mr. Wells. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman '
Thorne that action be postponed for sixty (60) days and that at the end of the sixty (60)[
days if corrections suitable tal the Police Department have not been made, the licenses
not be renewed. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. After further discussion, Councilman,
Smith moved to amend m, otion ,to before probation is granted, the vehicles be inspected "1
and meet the requirements of the Police Department inspections and if at the end of the I
sixty (60) days the equipment and the operation is not satisfactory to the Police De-!,
partment, the licenses be revoked. On called vote, all voted "Aye." Motion unanimously;'
carried. ~j. " !
Notice was received from the City.Treasurer designating the First National Bank and the
Olympic State Bank as the City's depositories for all monies for the year 1962. .1
I' i'
A letter from V~ent Cipriano was:~~ad by Mr. Slankard. Mr. Cipriano wishes to establisq
a bus service from Eighth and Peabo~y Streets to the Lake Dawn Ice Skating area. It was I
suggested that he obtain all the petmits required, then the City Council will take what-
ever action necessary. ,.~ '
It was moved b~ Councilman cal~le~hthat authority be given the City Manager to call ~
for bids for motor grader for Street Department as listed in the 1962 Budget. Seconded 1
by Councilman Smith and carried. ' . .,.
Petitions for annexation with fifty (50) signatures for and twenty-two (22) against were I
referred to the City Attorney for recommendations.
Mr. Slankard was appointed to act as Chairman for the Beautification Committee of the
City of Port Angeles in connection with the Century 21 Beautification program, as re-
quested by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development in Olympia.
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions; the following Resolution was introduced
and read in full.
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles decreasing the speed limit
on Primary State Highway No.9 at the South
City Limits.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the foregoing Resolution be passed.
by Councilman Thorne and carried.
Proceeuings of the Ci~ Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
L $0 H "'HNTINQ co. P.I_U. ~
(r.onti nllpd) T::!nlTt=l.ry 4 f
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following Ordiance was
introduced and read in full.
N~ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending
a portion of Section 11.45 of the Code of the City
of Port Angeles by clarifying Paragraph (c) Sche-
dule III Section C with reference to electrical
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the foregoing Ordinance be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Richardson and unanimously carried.
It was moved
Jack Chapman
Port Angeles
be approved.
by Councilman Caldwell that the request for approval of the assignment by
of his Franchise for coaxial cable to Port Angeles Telecable, Inc. and
Telecable, Inc. assignment to First National Bank as security for a loan
Seconded by Councilman Richardson and unanimously carried.
Councilman Randall suggested that for more safety to Patrolmen directing traffic, some
type of fluorescent vests be acquired.
Mr. Schultz questioned why the City does not buy'the'bus so as to continue City Bus
I service. The Mayor informed that cities of the second class are not entitled by
I Stilte Statutes to operate bus service.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
~,g /J2u~
- ~.
,~cflle(] bid!> wJ1l 11C receiv<<d l1y the
City or l~()l't Angeles for furllJshllll>
11 motor gradoI'. Blels shf\ll bo Ilub_
mltted the Clly Managol'-141J 'Vest
Front I:trct't, !-'Ot't Angelos, vVasJdllg-
ton, to 7:30 ,"cluck 1', 11. F~brual'Y
1, Hfi:L All 'bid.':! will be opon~t1 by
the City Cuundl In regular ::-e:o<llion
~I~ 7lJ:~Oll~'~I~gk t~.~ ~~~Utl:l~il g;h~~mdb:tl~~
ll-:~;';J:G~i:~~:;-S: DlUVE
General ~lInlmum I::pccifications'
l-"'ei.w:ht not to l1e It::/lS than
Hi,50iJ pound8.
2-Dlr'~el En"h:t~ not to be less
tllan 70 H,P,
;j-Full H>'dr1l.ulle Contl'nls
4-~~'cl~n21~~j~~rse. 6 speeds for- l
li-lZ Volt Elect.rlcal System, 30
Amp Genernt.or.
6_Enclosed Cab all steel 'With
flHret)' glass.
7-Cab Heater, (lernn;ter-heaCl, tall
il.nd stop ltg-Ins.
S_WindshleJd Wipers.
!J-1'oW('T Steering.
HI-H}'d1'aullc \\Thee] plus )~arking
I hrall:c.s.
, l1-Leanlni' Front wheels.
I 12-HsdranllCl Shlrtable 11)' Mold-
l!oard ;':' e)[tenslonR.
l3-Tn be (!qulllped wltll V type
SeruJflOI'-replaceable points.
14-ro~ ~;:gsl;~~:n i,?o~~ Xal~~ ~:~ I
with .'ivare rim.
j To he trndeil in on new grlldt'r will
1~~n~cl~'l:~rJ~~II~rl.~~~~l\~~II~~C~~~i~ ~
Iyilnvnd nl tJl(l. JAght !'i(jl'vlce Gar-
'age on l~ront Street, Port AJlgoles.
Bidder shull submit net bid to the
ICit:l' wJth trR.tle-ln Inelutled, and
,,shall l5ubmlt date of' deJlvcry.
'J'hcS'e bidS' arc considered mJnl-
1~L~~r ~~~c~~~~~afl~J~I~ld,;~o~~a~i::cdv~tc~
,'l1ulremenul. Tl1e City of Port AIlJ:'e-.
'les resel'ves tho rlghe to accept or
reject an~' or nil lllds whle)lever In
Ih.. <lplnion of the Council Is best,
Gutted for the City of Pl;>rt Angeles.
r\ l~r(1Y of the ~peclflcntions of the,
lspr>r.lfic grader bid shall be l:lubmltt-,
~ed wIth cHch bld.M. ,"V. SLANKARD,
, Clt)' Manager
Published: .Januar~' 18 alld 25, 11162
the Cll)' of J:'ort J\ngelej;, \Vallhlng-
.t on, will r[>('elV. e j;eale\1 bid!:! for furn-
iRhing twu (2) - ]!l&2 ,,~hielcs all
])cr the &]lceiflcaUon.'3 on flle by lhc
Police and Pire De\lal'tments. Bids
't<hnll 1Je :mbmlllell the City Mamlgel'
i] 40 '''c:;;l Front Street.. 1'urt Angeles,
1"YltlihlllgtUlI, until 7:::10 u'clock P.M.
F("l)l"LlHry li, 111~2, TIJcls will he
upE'nprl h)1 the COllllcli In Tl1glllar
l-:"'~~ion to hel held in the Council
lcllllmllrlr!l at 7;JU u'elocJ.: P.M. ~n the
l.sa~O~Ji~~lt~'f llJc1 I'(>'lllircm<lllts may be
~ohtalllCtl at Cll)' Polle,:' Station 01'
]o'irc jlepr_rtrncnL
'l'llc Cit~. wlll tJade-in the: follow-
fil1'f t~\'ol[lfi~hifll~;~~lnuth 4 door :.ednn
, 'Jr I:lti\tioll wm;oll tllHt may be:
,. vkwe,1 at lht, Fire Depiulmellt.
1 l.:)!i,~ Clwvrolet 4 dOllr ~edllll
that Jllll.Y UI.' vlewMI at the Pollee
l h~partmcllt
Tile SllCCCH~(UJ bIdder shall re-
!\love all City cqulllment from the
U'ad0-ln v('hieles, ('XCt:lpt radio c4,uip-
mllllt and l'e~11l8tall as directed In
thC' vchlcles pm"chasen.
Thc City r<.::servell the right to ac-
ce-pt or rE'ject nny, or all bids and
flurcha.se ,'ehlclcll on the .open mar-
City Manager
Pnllli",lted: .THIIUIlI'Y 21i and Pellrull.I'Y
J'l('nlt.'tl bios will be received by tM
',i~~nt ofSt~~~ :~~gei~~'ni13hl~~ ~~~
tone fl,etlve,te;] r~celvers fur selecti....e
r"cepllon of VOlee messages, lJllLiI
~'i'::W p, M. February 15. 1962. Bids
\~la;~g~~a~P:;'s~.,~o~Ytoth:e c;c\~ ;~u~S~ '
io.'e!oCI, P,M. un the same (late:
32 _ Tone Activated Receivers.
Tone Generator snail be Trans-
former Pnwered.
Tone Transmi8sion shall be Auto-
matical1y tlmed
Push Button Tone Sel~cl ion.
Tone Frequencies Inoit'ldually Ad.,
Power Input1J7 V. A-C 60 cycle f
E(l~~~eodf 1\020 ~~?:~it a single I
Squ!'lcll Control, Automatic reset.j
Switch to. set receiver,
Metal Cll~e and ChRssis
Crystal Freflueney Controlled.
FroouCDey of Receh:er to. he 158.
910 mI.'.
Fully 'l'ran:;:formel' Powered.
Power Requirements arc lli \'011.
60 cvcle A. C. .
Usable- sigllal If'\,{'l :; microvolt:;;.
Tone sensitivity 5 micrcJvoltS or
Ie.'.' nll kC'.
I l~~~flJ:cJa~~~h o;'u~i:~;t~~) &m~~;~U_
Adjustable time cleJay switcl1.
All (,quipmF;nt mu~t bc cupltbJe of
IOP<:lr:itI11g' ln conjuncti(ln with the
'~~s-~o~ia~i~~e~~;: !~ !l~>'~:l~l ,~~;r~~~~
m11st be fut'nished with R t~ month
.Sll~rllntee on crystals. nid prit>e
I', ~'1.1ll1! .inclllde all dcllver)' cl1arges and
fJ:l~~", tc~iy C.ounc:1 re8crvcs the right
to accept or n!ject all bids and pur-
ch::!' l'l r9.rlto p"uiJJml"tlt on the open'
nUl"l'ket, whichever In the opinion of I'
!.!t~ pet;. g~~~~~tet~n~~fii('~':n~~ ~~~
Jon file with the Fire Departmentj
[which may be vicwecl b~' the hi(lderll.
City Manager
pubilshed' Januflr3' 21i and Febru-
nr~' 1, HI6Z, .....J
the City of Port Angeles, WllshlUg-
~~~1~~1I1\ r1%~I~re %e~~I~l ~l~~_l~~rt~.~~lk~
Bid.s allall be: sullmltled the City
Manager _ 140 '''Ollt Front Slreet,
j~'~~~ccn~..~le:r. v..:a~~l~~~~~~y u~6t,1111:632~
~AII bidS wm lie opened by the eit)'
ICouneU in regul!JJ flcssion to be held
In the Council chambers ut 7:~0
P M on the same da.te
~~: 1952 Half ton piek-up t!'uek.
Engine In front.
.3-Speed Transmission,
~ :7rl~d~~. 6-ply tlnls wllh extra
wheel and tire.
Directional lfght l\n(l tllUlhing cau-
I CI~~:~t~t;h~fghter, heater & rear
Ca~le~ ~~~~~or:xle to- bc nJlllr()~i-
I Da~~t~ru:O~'n coloJ.
Tail gate Qnd heavy duty ster>. on
R~;~r :;t~"p~~~pare with ca.r Xo.
~14 .oC the Clly Light Department
flnd 1';1Iall be constructed complete
tot 110t line tool,; il11d hrlrdwal'~
(;j:) compartments on cnch side
with uncovered center.
The a.bovo /;pecltl~atlons are eOll-
~:~crl1>o~l~ni~l~j :tJ e~~~~l1~;~8~ l~~~
CllY uf Port Angeles reserVCf. the
~~~~t:\I\~lC~~~~,~t 1;l'th~j~~)~n~~~ g[ Ull~.
City COU1H~n Is lll;',;t 8ultcd :Cor the
tJlVr\~l~ J~~l'lfll~lWtJ~~l'!.oo" 1~t;6 Ford
V-S S~allol1 Wagon thllt m~t.Y be vlew-
e,l at tile City :r.tlg~~,t, ~~~'~~lcA RD,
ell}' Mannger
Pub1lRlllH1: .January 25th und FeLru-
ary 1, 194iZ