HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1968 ...- 358 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Januarv 4. 19..QL I .. II H PRllnl,.... co. P.zd"" ..... --~~ I II ~ The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. Officers present were Mayor Wolfe, Council- men Maxfield, Thorne, Bettger, Schroeder, Basom and Ranta; Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. I A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Ranta and carried, to approve and place on file minutes of the meeting of December 21, 1967. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried to accept the bid of Ruddell Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc. for the two Police Sedans at $4,600.00 net to the City, subject to its meeting the specifications. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanlffiously carried, to accept the bid of Flexible Pipe Toole Company for the Sewer Rodder at $3,856.50. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Basom and unanimously carried, to approve for payment to Harold Kaeser Company Monthly Pay Estimate No.1, Interceptor Sewer Schedule S, in the amount of $20,474.50. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unanimously carried, to approve for payment Cl~ims Vouchers in the amount of $49,592.86; Payroll Transfers $39,982.81; Inter-Departmental Transfers $14,276.63 and Budget Transfers $84,507.80. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, to approve and pay $3,177.67 to CH2M for engineering services from November 25 through December 25, 1967 in connection with the Sanitary Sewerage System Improvements. The Map]?ed Street Ordinance (tabled from prior meeting) was taken from the table and read. ORDINANCE NO. 1635 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing standards for street widths and the regulation of building in and along mapped streets. I A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, that the foregoing ordinance be adopted. The following resolution was read in full. RESOLUTION NO. 1-68 A RESOLUTION by the Council of the City of Port Angeles grant- ing an easement. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unanimously carried, that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. (Easement granted to Kermit Goodman.) Relative to the complaint of George Sylvia regarding the noise and vibrations from Peninsu~a PlYWOOd Company, the City Attorney advised,"We have no ordinance restraining vibrations of this kind," and felt that in this case it is a private nuisance and not a public nuisance. Therefore, Mr. Sylvia could bring a civil suit to abate a private nuisance. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and unanimously carried, to accept the letter, place it on file, and that the City Manager inform Mr. Sylvia there is nothing the City can do. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unanimously carried, to approve the basic design of the Lauridsen Boulevard BridgeatB6ulevard & Peabody Creek. I _. .- A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried 'to approve, in principle, the suggestions of the Light Superintendent for underground duct system installations to serve the Bayshore Motel. (Underground installation from the Valley 'Street Substation North on Oak Street to Railroad and East on Railroad Avenue past Lincoln Street - the City Light Department to pay the costs of the duct work.) A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried. to authorize release of Em's Hobby Shop from their lease at such time as they move. The 1966 Water Dept. and Light Dept. Audits have been received and are to be passed among the Council for viewing. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unanimously carried, to table for study until the next meeting the proposed Olympic Regional Planning Commission Agreement. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Basom and unanimously carried, to accept and place on file report on the Vandalism Meeting of December 13, 1967; the Fire Dept. Report for December 1967 and the Out-of-to~m reports from Fire Chief Cameron and City Librarian Miller. A motion wa~ made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unan.imously carried, to authorize call for bids for a 1968 Motorcycle for the Police Dept. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Ranta and unanimously carried, to authorize call for bids for duct work for underground electrical installation on Oak Street and Railroad Avenue. I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles! Was~ington L./IrHP"I~TrMllCO. P.!UU ~ (continued) Januarv 4, 19.Q!L Other subjects discussed were the State's approval for installation of Stop Light at Front and Race Streets; the letter from Mr. Ernest H. Campbell, Associate Director - Bureau of. Govern- mental Research concerning zoning and mapped streets ordinances (suggestions to be taken under advisement), and suggestion that a Citizens' Committee on Vandalism be re-convened. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P. M. #d City Clerk ./ncr '7J 0 0 "'.... .J J NOT'JCE . CAL%. rOR DIDS TI10 CI,']'Y OF POUT ANGELES, \Y.\SII1XGTON offcr~ fOl' ~tLk to the 111g-IHlO't blll<ler the following iteln!!: I 1 1950 II &I: K Shovfll. Model 100 cotnl11ete wjahovttl >>.nd baekhoe attachmttntll. 1 1939 Gn.Uon 10 ton roUel'. 1 1957 361 Cubic Inch. Chn'rolet truck short bloclr._I"ltoored.. Tll{J~c items mny he selClI at the CIty Light Gal'llge, Front & ClwI"I'Y Rtrccts, Port Angelol'!, \Vashlngtoll. I Bill>! will IJl~ rcc['.Iycrl 1J)" Ow City. Manal';"CI' until 5:00 P.~r. Fe1JrUu.I')'~ l!i~\ l~~~"lIflml dieck, caHlder'" dicck1 IIr hidderll lJulIll e\lual to 5% of tlw! I. amount 1lld mu~t. nccumpftll}' 1I.LC bid.!. TIJ;RM..s of salc-(".D.f:lh 01" Certlflel] Check. 1 I DONALD n. HERIt~I'\~1 Cltv Milllal!t]" I f'l~blll'l~~(]: ,Tallual'y 11. a~II~_l_R, ~9(jR~ SECTION I ~X0T 1 CJ~O;r~~,~~:~D8.R~,"; 'l'hat f)culcu Llda will l:1e r,~c"h'cd 11,;.' IIll: City or l'Ol't Ang"cler;, f'on 1~~~ffl~'~~;'Y '\:G~hj~~~~~l, ~~lti~'I;I:~I~ I:i~;e lhl-Y will he opened allll ))ubllcb- rend nlouu In till' City Council Chamber:3, Did!:> wlll ('{IVd' the fUl'Jlll"hlnl:, test- Ing uml rldl\'I'r)" to I"ltc ,~[ UTlt.; ("om. )11<ilc ;~IJU KVA Ouldour 1'Yl11' L'nll l:!\Ibflla.tioll c01l31~ling uf lran~!otmel's. fjwlt~h F,1'ar, ln~ll'llmclltatiOll, rehl3"S und l'_'1~oclat('(l equllllllent, and une ~tl.p-doWIl ll'ansfonllcr us I'5IH:dfl!'d, ll/fl;J mA~' 11<,; nml)er\ or (klln'red to ell)' or Port AI1f:elc~, Uffice of tIlC City ]'Ian:ll:~'el', Port ~\n.ll:('}(':<, "'Uslllup,ton 9S:li;1l, to arrive nollllter than 7:;1\} P"~I., Fehl'uary J!i, l!!Gll, All 1,ldfl ~hall be plallllv 1l1lUkClI 'iJO(I :h-:V,\ (Jt:TU()OH l'~l'l: l;l:LHi1'.-\'rIO~ '-1 ::tll &; "1'"' BID IS\'lTA1'lO;-";, RI'(,'iflCAt[<)lIl<. allfl/"T 1,1an~ mny he nxnmlncu. at lhe (,fllee of thc r.lty Ml\lI11"C:', Port ..\Ilg:l'l{'", "'aslllngton, ~p<!clfi<:IIUOU8 m,,)' I,c 11tlt"('h,\~(.d at ;';,,00 11;.)1' Rct, i\o I'~ftlnd wUl be lllad~ fOI' I'<'turn Il! "Iwclrkatlom', BI,13 mUl<t Ilc :lcc:.,.,mlllIl1led hy tt I CCl'lif1((l cllcr-I<; for tIle Hllm <It: 11ot~ . ~~"~.j~il~l~ll:j\~!l~c:~~r~~(1~lhfl~, 1l~'l~~~LJ~' to the CII)' of POl't Ang('les, 1 All)' {'Xaptlo1l8 to the rpedflnl.-: ':tIO'l:", COlltrnct or g~ncrnl cOll(lJti()n~, '",Ill'lll h€\ !lott'll br the hl(ld~l', , PI'C-I~UUlt!lCi1.tior.~ ()f hldd('rr. 11'i reo, 'Jull"l'd :ll1rl llH\ l ('it? l'CI"('l"W'l'l UlE~" rlg-11t to rc[nsc to ql1ftIJfy allY bli1(lCl',j 'J'he City COt.:ll~ll l'e~erYe3 the rl~ht to 'iVl'ivc nny inf"l'mallty In bJd,,: rl.l1d tn I'eket I\ny 01' all ll111R, 'j Ol'fldnl o.('cl'pt~nc(', l'ejl'ctlon or ~~n~I~~i~Urnn ~i;~ t~~t?~~\f~'~/r~h:~~ U('l'[', Fclll't1[lr~' Jr., l!lr.~, nt 7::1fl P,M, By~ nOX,'\l,l) D" Jn~mD1.\xj C,jy Mflnal;"('r f f'Uh![!1[I('d: ,1nn:2;; &. relJ, l, HiGS. 1 N~~r~g:I~~Cl:-:~l:~~ll~:lD~nl~t lifl..~I,;~~r~~il"~~lJ ulfcCf~I~~~/ ..~':;fr~l~~. C11~~1 l~~,1;~~;;:~.n~~, 8/~'nst'ff)~.I:llll f);(lil p"M.'1 1 Tl1ree WhClll Street Sweeper I ~Sl;~~l~~:~~i., ~~;Hl(~ N~~j \I.rlyal] street, I Sll('('ICIr:lt!(JnS nm1 Hill rOl'llHi Il.rc ';t\'ll.i1nldc at lllC office of lile Clly ;::I1al1;q::-('r. HI<l,l(,l" sh:ll1 l'1uLmil with llld tll(' 'l'e1llllr('d cl"II\"('r~' time; :t_ r,'J. hlcl <lr-po:;il 01' benll, and 11. 9i~l}cd ('lJl'Ufl. ('"ate ~1ntin~ thal tl1f' bidder", If flue. ('(,['_'lful, will meet tllC flpecl!ic<1tJ;.Jlll' wltllnut ('XC('lJl.lon Tllr. City rouncll I"('SCI'YC:'; 1111' l'if.'ht.' 110 IllC(,(I'j)()x.{{;5c~),tll~h::i{H~:~\~'ldS'l ~hllf<hCu:(::~\~,~~I~g;~_~I. 1, UlG~,__"; NOTICE OP C~ POR BIDS I NOT[(;I'~ if', h~'I-'t.'I)y given that scul- I ('(1 bW>; wlll bo l'(,('oived by the City I i\f~nllg('l'. Cjt~' of Port Ange]t>s, H() West Front Slrcet, until 5:00 P,1.I, : F(lJl'u:1ry 15, l~{;S fur: ' 1 New )9G3 VAN :5])ociflcatloll13 anrl Bid forlll~ AI'!' ulalla-hie nt lh" cff:ce of th,~ City . :lfanagel'_ ' TIirlll{'l' will ~1fbmlt with hill tl,e 1'!''1Uil'('{l (If>livf2ry time; n S% Lid ~l('I'01311 OJ' bond, all<1 n. 13ignl'd ccrtl- nealE'_ !-:Iatin,ll" t11at tllC bilhkr. if !;tlcce~sful, will I11N't the spedf!ca- tlun~ wltlwllt QXCl'llllon t,,'~\I~~C'~~t~'II,C~~\J~~j/ :1~;l~:I'~~e~ll\hf}i~l;,ht i DnXA1.J) D, HERP.?r[AX CIt" l'!r1n,'lI<'('r f'\ll)lif<II~'d; ,Jan, 25 &" Fl'h. .1, tpC.':_ (j~ /..J tJ~ OF CA;LL FOB BIDS I Jg~r"1f~C:T'S HElUW Y G l V g~ ~~Rt bids will 'he /cc.e\)'oedp ~(' ~~~rua~i ra~~fr f~~ u~e ;'i\otol';;~'c'te rOJ" lhe. po~icC _~~~~~~:n~a~" M ohtainc.d ::Lt~ lh11~{~~Cee ~~r~~~tC~?% ~trl~;1e~'~J:1 t\ or oolld ~~:Jll C~~;~;i\pa~'~s:~~ec~ the ri~~~C toC~l!f'P.llt Ul' reject an~' or aU hid3 SUbmltti~bNA1..D D. HEnlt~lA): f'u1)lif;11ed: ,T~~~a~:li8g~ 2;;, 1%8, ~ 359