HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1983 r 382 ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 4, 1983 SPECIAL MEETING -- ~, Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of I-~ this meeting is to conduct an "Agenda Review". All councilmembers were present. The meeting is open to the public. II CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the regular meeting of the Council to order at 7:00 P.M. III ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstroffi, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, B. Jones, M. Campbell. IV MINUTES Public Present: H. Berglund, S. Fahnestock, A. Herrmann, S. Adamson. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place an file as received the minutes of the December 15, ~1982 special meeting and December 21, 1982 regular meeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Mayor Duncan noted a correction to I register page 376, as Councilman Hordyk was shown as seconding his motion to approve the White Creek PRD and preliminary plat. Councilman Haguewood had ~~. seconded the motion. On call for the question to approve the amended minutes the motion carried. Councilman Whidden abstained as he was not present at the December 21, 1982 meeting. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including: (1) permission to call for bids for electrical switches; (2) permission to call for bids for Solid Waste collection; (3) final progress payment to DelHur for Old Mill Road and 8th and C intersection; (4) Washington State Liquor Control Board correspondence: (5) vouchers of $942,203.61: and (6) payroll of $270,564.24. Councilman Whidden seconded. Upon discussion of the motion Councilman Quast moved the motion be amended to direct staff to advertise state-wide and locally for bids for solid waste collection. Councilman Whidden seconded and the amendment to the motion carried. After further discussion the amended motion to approve the consent agenda carried. . Legals - 1215 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LANDFILL RECYCLING CONTRACT CITY OF PORT ANGelES DATE OF BID OPENING _ DECEMBER 29, 19B2 (2,00 p.m.). Sealed bids will be receiv- ed by the office of the City Manager, 140 West Front Street, P.Q. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 until December 29, 1982, at 2:00 p.m., and not loter, and will ~be opened publiclv at thot time for the Salvage and Recycling Contract at the City of Port Angeles Municipal Landfill for 0 period of one year. ne conditions of the con- tract and bid form may be ob- tained from the office of the Director of Public Works, City of Port Angeles. Bidders shall be qualified for the t'fpe of work proposed. . The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to accept the Proposals or Bids and award contracts to reponsible bidders which ere in the best interest of the City; to postpone the acceptance of Propsols or Bids and the award of the contracts for a period not to exceGd thirty (30) days; or to reiect any and 011 Proposals or Bids recei\led and further advertise the pro. ject for bids. When awarded contracts. the successful bid- der sholl promptly execute contracts. . Bids must be sealed with the outside of the envelope marked BID OPENING DATE (December 29, 1982) PROJECT (landfill Recycling Contract). Name and address of the bid- der should also appear on the outside of the envelope. Bids should be addressed to the City Clerk, 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 1150, Pori Angeles, Washington 98362. Jock N. Pttis Director of Public Works V CONSENT AGENDA VI FINANCE 1. Landfill Recycling Contract Mayor Duncan referred the Council to Public Works Dii, outlining the results of the December 29, 1982 bid oJ recycling contract. Council discussed the bid result~ Councilman Haguewood moved the Council award the bid f contract to Robert Hertel, 814 South lie" Street, port) high bid of $150 per month. Councilman Hordyk secondl the motion it was noted the written bid received fromt specify a time period for the bidded contract amount i verbally amended his bid after the bid opening. Atto Council to consider only the written bid as the verba~ all the remaining bids were read at the bid opening. to award the bid to Robert Hertel the motion carried " and Polhamus voting "No". dum '11 and ling d the n of not had the after tion rding I I I I 383 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 1983 VII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Hattie Berglund, 1834 West 7th, Port Angeles, complimented the City Public Works Department for the work done at the 8th and "C" Street intersection and noted that "M" Street, from 7th to 10th Streets, was showing signs of deterioration. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast requested the Council be provided copies of the old agreement with the Downtown Parking Association and proposed agreement with the new downtown business group when it is drafted. Councilman Whidden noted the entrance signs notating "Downtown Port Angeles" were difficult to read and questioned if staff could look into improving them. Councilman Haguewood questioned the situation with regard to the red neon lights at the top of the Conrad Dyar Fountain. Manager Flodstrom indicated the architect had also viewed the lights and felt they were more conspicuous than had been intended in the design plan. Staff is currently considering alternate colors. Councilman Hordyk requested the lights be turned on at night for viewing. VIII LEGISLATION 1. Morse Creek Hydro Project Feasibility Study - Contract with Schuchart & Associates Mayor Duncan read Power Manager Booth's memorandum recommending Council authorize the Mayor to execute the contract negotiated with Schuchart & Associates to conduct a Feasibility Study of a Hydro Project on Morse Creek as considered at the December 21, 1982 meeting. Council discussed at length with Light Director Cosens the pros and cons of conducting the feasibility study for the hydro project at this time. Councilman Haguewood recommended a decision on the study be postponed for one year. Light Director Cosens noted that the City, in applying to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the Morse Creek site, has been given eighteen months to file for an operating license for the si te. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council authorize the Mayor to execute the contract with Schuchart & Associates for the Feasibility Study. Councilman Quast seconded. On call for the question the motion carried with Councilmen Haguewood and Polhamus voting "No". 2. Acceptance of Work on FAM Projects - Old Mill Road and 8th and C Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with Public Works Director Pittis' recommendation to accept the work of DelHur Construction for FAM Projects 7529(1) and 7544(2) - Old Mill Road and 8th and C. Councilman Quast seconded and noted the retainage for the project will not be released until receipt of a bond to the City of Port Angeles guaranteeing completion of a fog seal coat of the entire roadway in the spring of 1983. After further discussion the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". He indicated this work should have been performed by a LID. Mayor Duncan abstained on the vote due to a conflict of interest. 3. Industrial Pre-Treatment Program - Administrative Order from EPA public Works Director pi ttis briefed the Council on the City's plans for developing an industrial waste pretreatment program as required by the Environmental Protection Agency in response to Section 307(b) of the Clean Water Act. In developing the program it will be necessary for the City to study and evaluate the industrial wastes which enter the City's sewers and influence both the performance of the wastewater treatment plant and the disposal of residual sludge. The first step in conducting the study will be to conduct a survey of all industrial dischargers into the system; this will be accomplished by City staff. The development of the program is a requirement linked to the City's reque5~ for a waiver of the mandated secondary sewage treatment plant. r--- -- - . ORDINANCE NO:'224:i -- - - . I AN ~ORDINANCE amending the City 01 Port Angere, budget ~ For fiscal year )983. ol1d amending Section 2 Ordinanc:e No. 22<10. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO OR. DAIN as folFows: Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance 2240 is amended 10 read as follows: Section 2, That the follOWing is a summary of the totols of estimated revenues and oppropriotjons for each sepa- rate fund and the oggregote total for 011 such fonds combined. Deportment or Fund Estimated Revenues Expendifure Appropiations A. General Fund Cj1rC"u!ftll"~~ ~.... City Manager City At10rnev PlanninQ s 11,478 87.993 97.948 City Council City Manager City Attorney Planning Generat Adm'inistration Fire Police Parks Administrative Services Public Works TOTAL, GENERAL FUND $5,254,398 B. Special Revenue Funds Convention Center Street Arterial City Street Federal Revenue Shoring TOTAL, SPECIAL FUNDS REVENUE C. Debt Service Funds $, 66,000 760,613 83,425 230,141 $1.140,179 1977 Water Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds, 1960 Water Revenue 1978 G.O. Bond Pier TOTAL, DEBT SERVICE FUNDS D. Enterprise Funds light Solid Waste Water /Sewer $ 92,750 128,184 167,813 $ 11,478 87,993 97,948 98,598 767,871 1 640,918 1,415,175 896.347 706,190 375,365 $5,097,883 $ 10,000 742,947 83,425 221.129 $1,057,501 $ 92,750 128,184 167,813 $388,747 $388,747 $20,516,675 726,451 1,588,277 $20,516,675 708,556 1 ,588,277 TOTAL, ENTERPRISE FUNDS $22,813,508 $22,831,403 E. Intra.Governmentat Funds Equipment Rental $910,484 TOTAL, INTRA- GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS $910,484 F. Trust and Agency Funds $733,871 Self Insurance Fund Firemen's Pension TOTAL, TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS TOT Al FUNDS $685,320 118,714 $733,871 $606,815 72 ,000 $804,934 $31,329,245 $678,815 $30,770,325 Total Expenditures for Basic Accounts: 510 Gener~1 Governmental Services 520 Security of Persons & Property 530 Physical Environment 540 Transportation 590 Introgovernmental Services TOTAL $ 3,067,718 2,059,471 24,088,312 842.010 747,244 $30,770,325 Section 2. This Ordinance shall toke effect os provided by low, PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at 0 regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of Jon. uary, 19~. A nEST: Marion C, Parri$.h, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. Miller, City Attorney Pllh. Inn 1? 1 QR.1 Dorothy Duncon - MAYOR 384 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 1983 4. Amended Ordinance Adopting 1983 Budget Mayor Duncan referred the Council to Manager Flodstrom's memorandum regarding amendments to the ordinance for the 1983 Budget and then read Ordinance No. 2242 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2242 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Port Angeles budget for fiscal year 1983, and amending Section 2 of Ordinance 2240. I Councilman Polhamus moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 5. Fees for Port Angeles William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool Mayor Duncan reviewed Parks Director Frizzell's memorandum regarding the Parks Commission's recommendation for pool user fees to remain at the current 50% tax - 50% revenue subsidy level for the balance of 1983. She then read Resolution No. 1-83 by title, entitled RESOLUTION 1-83 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles establishing user fees at William Shore Memorial Pool for 1983. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title and Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilman Haguewood discussed with Parks Director Frizzell the decline in attendance attributed to the fee increase last fall; and, Councilman Quast noted the 50% revenue subsidy had been I initially imposed with the 1; of 1% local option sales tax as an emergency measure to minimize an anticipated budget deficit for the last quarter of 1982. On call for the question the motion carried with Councilmen Quast and &erberding voting "No". Councilman Quast then noted the Council had implemented the 1; of 1% sales tax with the understanding that .the sales tax on food would be withdrawn by a vote of t~~ ,p~ople, and that a rollback would be considered should the City receive an increase in revenues due to an increase in sales. He requested the Council bear this in mind throughout the year. 6. 1983 Salary Level Ordinances Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2243 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2243 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a position classification and pay plan for the Police Department employees, and providing for the pay- ment thereof for the year 1983. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. I Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2244 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2244 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a position classification and pay plan for the Fire Department employees, and providing for the pay- ment thereof for the year 1983. I I I 385 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 1983 Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title, Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2245 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2245 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a position classification, fringe benefit and pay plan for Adminis- trative, Technical and Clerical Personnel, and providing for the payment thereof for the year 1983. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2246 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2246 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a position classification and pay plan for City employees repre- sented by Local #1619, Washington State Council of County and City Employees, and providing for the payment thereof for the year 1983. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Duncan abstained due to a conflict of interest. 7. Schedule date to discuss recommendations of Parks Review Committee The Council concurred to consider the recommendation of the Parks Review Committee at the January 18, 1983 regular meeting. 8. Schedule Utility Advisory Committee Meeting The Council scheduled a Utility Advisory Committee meeting for Tuesday, January 11, 1983 at 7;00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers for cons~deration of Solid Waste Utility rates and the outside collection contract. Councilman Quast requested the contract for collection service include a clause requiring pick-up of litter created by employees when emptying dumpsters, cans, etc. IX LATE ITEMS None. X ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Dennis Bragg, 936 West 13th, Port Angeles, commented on the fees imposed at the swimming pool. Alfred Herrmann, 221 West 6th, Port Angeles, commented on his bid submitted for the landfill recycling contract. Councilman Hordyk requested an update on the vehicle proposal currently being considered by the Police Department and recommended the vehi.cles be of a two-tone color scheme to increase their visibility. Chief Cleland indicated staff would be bringing the proposal to the Council in the future. ." Councilman Whidden advised Public Works Director Pittis that dirt is being 'dumped on the east end of 4th Street next to the Tumwater Bridge. 386 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 1983 XI ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to an executive session at 8:25 P.M. XII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at approximately 9:45 P.M. ~ ~ /2_/~ City Clerk t ORDINANCE NO. 2244 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing 0 -- I. position classification and pay pIon for the Fire Department employees, and providing for .fhe payment thereof for the ! yea, 1983. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGElES, as follows: Section 1. The following position classification and pay pion for the Fire Department employees Is hereby adopted I effective January 1, 1983. ABC 0 I" I Captain 2354 2401 2.450 firemen 1775 1868 1985 2127 Section 2. All of fhe wages and compensation sholl be ", paid in bi-weekly installments to be os nearly equal os the established accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange- I les will permit, and shall be paid within five wo'rking days after the close of the established payroll period for each ~month during the year, or as soon thereafter as the . establis..hed accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange. les will permit, except the lost installment shall be paid on the lost working day of December, 1983. . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at (] ~ regular meeting of the Council held on the "th day of Jan- uary, 1983. I Dorothy Duncan i MAYOR I ATTEST Marion C. Parrish. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, Craig l. Miller, City Attorney fub.: Jan. 12.1983 r.- ORDINANCE NO. 2245 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing (] I position classification, fringe benefit and pay plan for Ad- ministrative, Technical and Clerical Personnel. and provid- ing for the payment thereof for the year 1983. : WHEREAS, it is necessary that a salary and fringe benefit schedule be established at this time lor Administrative Technical and Clerical (non.union) personnel employed by the City of Port Angeles and providing for the payment thereof; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary that 0 clear delineation be mode between 'he monagement group and union personnel; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of tile City of Port An- geles do ordain os follows; Section 1_ As of January 1, 1983, tr-e salaries for Adminis- trative, Technical and Clerical (non-union) personnel sholl be os set forth in Schedule A attached to this ordinance and mode part hereof by reference. Section 2, All of tr-e salaries set forth in Scr-edule A shall be paid in bi-weekly installments to be os nearly equal as the established accounting procedure of the City of Port Angeles will permit, and shall be paid within five working days after the close of the established payroll period for each month during the year, or as soon tr-ereafter os tr-e established accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange- les will permit, except the last installment sholl be paid on the last working day of December, 1983. Section 3. Any of the salaries set forth in Schedule A may be reviewed as of three, six or nine month intervals at the discretion of the City Manager and the City COlJncil. Section 4. As of January I, 1983, the fringe benefits for Administrative, Technical and Clerical (non-union) person- nel shall be as sel forth in SchedlJle B attached to Ordi- nance #2191 and made a port thereof by reference. Fringe benelits sholl include mandatory requirements of state and federal government on retirement programs, sick leave, vocation, medical, dental and optical insurance. and holidays. Section 5. As of January 1, 1983, the classification plan, salary administration procedures ond the lob descriptions for the Administrative, Technical and clerical (non-union) personnel shall be os se' forth in Schedule C, attached to Ordinance #2191 and made 0 port thereof by reference. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regu:.fe.r meeting of the Council held on the 4th day of Jan- uary, 1983. Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST, Morian C. Porrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, Craig L Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Jan. 12, 1983 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Administrative, Technical and eledcal Personnel Schedule A - Moster Job Title Index.,,", r~ 1983 SALARY GRADE 23 25 26 POSITION TITlE Office Assistant (S.C) Conservation Aide Deportment Secretory Word Processing Technician Deputy City Clerk legal Secretory Energy Analyst Executive Secretary Draftsman (light) Engineering Aide #3 (Light) Senior Citizens Center Director Assistant City Attorney Program Specialist Swimming Pool Manager Data Processing Programmer Cemetery Manager Electrical Engineer Assist. Superintendent for Water Senior Accountant Assist. Superintendent for Sewer Street Superintendent D:r'" ...______ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 J}.n:!4 ~ I ORDINANCE NO. 2246 ~~i~:~I~:~~7c::j~~e a~i:r :~:O;:a~nrOe;e~I~:t:~j:~;:e~ : repr.esenlod by Local #1619. Washington Stato Council of County orld City Employees. and providing for the payment fhereof for the year 1983. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO OR. DAIN AS FOLLOWS, I... .'. f.~-- '.ll........_ -.J !l..n~....s:. I 1-~-oRDINANCE NO.~22~'--~-~~. ~ AN ORDINANCE of tr-e City of Port Angeles estoblisr-ing 0 j ~ position classification and pay plan for the Police Depart- ~ ment employees, and providing for the payment thereof ~ for the year 1983. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGElES, os follows: Section 1. The following position classification and pay ~ plan for tfle empfoyees of the Police Deparfment is hereby · adopted effective January I, 1983. I Se'geant ~26 82302 C D E Corporal 2tOb 2160 Patrolman 1852 1901 1953 2005 2054 1.0. Clerk 1625 1692 1760 1830 190.. Desk Clerk 1217 1284 1349 1418 1483 Clerk. Dispatch 1217 1284 1349 1418 1483 Metermoid 1217 1284 1360 1418 1483 Animal Cont. Off. 1431 1506 1583 1M2 1746 I Section 2. All of the wages and compensation sholl be paid in bi.weekly installments to be os nearly equal as the l established accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange- lies will permit, and sholl be paid witllin five working days after the close of the established pOjlrdll period for each I ~S~~~~iS~~di~~c~~~ti~;a;;oco:du~: ;r~~e ~i~;e:r~~rla~n~:: les will permit, except the last installment sholl be paid on I the lost working day of Oecember, 1983. PASSED by tr-e City Council of the City of Port Angeles at o regular meeting of the Council held on the 4th day of January, 1983. . Dorothy Duncan MAYOR . ATTEST, I Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, I Craig l. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Jon. 12, 1983 . . - ~ I pion Tor lne f"lre L.II:rPUIIIIlt:!III ..."'t-"uy...." '''' "G,ca" ...uv....."'... I effective January 1, 1983. ABC D Coptain 2354 .2401 2450 Firemen 1775 1868 1985 2127 . Section 2. All of tne wages and compensation shall be . paid in bi-weekly installments to be os nearly equal as the t established accounting procedure of the City of rort Ange- '185 will p9rmit, and shall ba paid within fille working days \" after the close of the established payroll period for each ; month during the year, or as soon thereafter as the established accounting procedure of the City at port Ange- les will permit, except the last installment shall be paid on the last working doy of December. 1983. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a ~ regular meeting of the Council held on the 4th day of Jan- I uary, 1983. Dorothy Duncan \ MAYOR \ A nEST . Marien C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, Craig l. Miller. City Attorney Pub.: Jon. 12. 1983 r ORDINANCE NO. 2245 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a position classification, fringe benefit and pay plan for Ad- ministrative, Technical and Clericol Personnel, and provid. ing for the payment thereof for the year 1983. WHEREAS, it is necessary that a salary and fringe benefit schedule be established at this lime lor Administrative. Technical and Clerical (non.union) personnel employed by the City of Port Angeles and providing for the payment thereof; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary that a dear delineation be mode between the management group and union personnel: NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port An- geles do ordain os follows: Section 1. As of January 1, 1983, the salaries for Adminis- trative, Technical and Clerical (non. union} personnel sholl be os set forth in Schedule A attached to this ordinance and made part hereof by reference. Section 2. All of the salaries set forth in Schedule A shall be paid in bi-weekly installments to be os nearly equal as the established accounting procedure of the City of Port Angeles will permit, and sholl be paid within five working days ofter the dose of the established payroll period for each month during the year, or os soon thereafter os the established accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange. les will permit. except the last installment shall be paid on the lost working day of December, 1983. Section 3. Any of the salaries set forth in Schedule A may be reviewed as of three, six or nine month intervals at the discretion of the City Manager and the City Council. Section .... As of January 1. 1983. the fringe benefits for Administrative, Technical and Clerical (non-union) person- nel sholl be as set forth in Schedule B attached to Ordi- nance H2191 and mode a port thereof by reference. Fringe benefits sholl include mandatory requirements of stote and federal government on retirement programs, sick leave. vocation, medical, dental and opticol insurance, and holidays. Section 5. As of January 1, 1983, the classification plan, salary administration procedures and the job descriptions for the Administrative. Technical and clerical (non-union) personnel sholl be as set forth in Schedule C, attached 10 Ordinance #2191 and mode a part thereof by reference. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at 0 regular meeting of the Council held on the 4th doy of Jon. uory, 1983. Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST: Morian C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, Craig l. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Jon. 12, 1983 CiTY OF PORT ANGELES Administrative, Technical and Clerical Personnel Schedule A . Master Job Title Index J983 34 POSITION TITLE Office Assistont (S.C) Conservation Aide Deportment Secretory Word Processing Technician Deputy City Clerk Legal Secretary Energy Analyst Executive Secretory Draftsman (light) Engineering Aide #3 (light) Senior Citizens Center Director Assistant City Attorney Program Specialist Swimming Pool Manager Data Processing Programmer Cemetery Manager Electrical Engineer Assist. Superintendent for WatQr Senior Accountant Assist. Superintendent for Sewer Street Superintendent Risk .Manager Equipment Rental Superintendent Sanitation Superintendent Porks Superintendent Chief Building Inspector Personnel Director/City Clerk City Treasurer Conser'llotion.Program Manager Data Processing Supervisor Police lieutenant Fire Marshal Office Engineer Assistant Police Chief Power Manager Assistant Fire Chief Operations & Engineering Manager Superintendent of Utilities Planning Director City Attorney Fire Chief Police Chief Parks & Recreation Director Administrative Services Director DAIN AS FOLLOWS, Section 1. The following position classification and poy r~~~o~O;t~;Z i:~I~r:r~~;;G:~~~i~: EL~~~~:~:~.9is~:~~: ~~ :~~~e~~ ~:~:8~~e~~;ta~~~~yl ~~~e;hoa~~ty5~~;:~:i~~ January I, 1983, POSITION TITLES BY DEPARTMENT PU6L1C WORKS SALARY RANGE Sr. Engineer Spociolist .... ........... ..... .........................16.5 Enginuer Sp~ciaIi5t..... ........ ...... ................ ..............15 Foreman ... ._.. ...... ... ... ............... .... ..... .... ..... ... ,....., 14 Assist. Building Inspector.... ...... ............................ ...13.5 Foreman ............................ ...... ..........13 Leodmon................ .................... ...............13 Sr. Equipment Operalor....... ......................13 TP Chief Operolor ........... ....... ......... ........, ...... ........13 Engineering Aid '1.......... ....... ......... ........,.. ...... ......13 Engineering Aid #2...,.................... ........,......12.5 TP Operator............... ...............12 EquipmenIOperator........_.._... ..........12 Operator/Water Quality Tacn.......... ........12 TP Technician.... ........._.. ... ........ .................... ... ...... 12 TP Lob Technician... ............12 Draftsman.................... ......12 Garbago Truck Driver ............................ .......11 Maintenance Man HI......... ....11 Engineering Aid...... ........11 landfill Scaleman .....11 MoinlenonceMonIl2.... .10 Sanitalion Helper....... ....10 I PARK. RECREATION 8. CEMETERY Laadmon CorEltaker Maintenance Tech,\ician... Custodian.. ... .... .....13 ..................10 .10 9 LIGHT OEPARTMENT Clerk. Typist......... _....................................... I II ADMINISTRA liVE SERVICES DEPT. Senior Meier Reader......-. ..................... ._._.._...1:2 Account Technician. ... ..... ............ ................. .........12 Computer Operator I........ ......11 , Senior Clerk................... ......10.5 I Deputy TreaSurer ..........10.5 ' Meier Reoder........... ...10 Computer Operator II. ......10 Cashier ..................... 7.5 i ' I PLANNING DEPARTMENT I Assistant Planner ................... ...................... ....13.5 Section 2. PAY STEP PLAN 1983 ~ SALARY STEP STEP STEP STEP . RANGE A 6 .. C. D . 1.0 93' 992 10S0 I 124 J 1.5 964 1021 10aB 1153 . 2.0 992 1050 1 12. ; ; ~~ , 2.S 1021 106B I 153 3.0 105D 1 124 I 1 8 ~ 1244 ] - 3~.5 .;.= 108.ll..- 1.153 ._],21.4 _,Ll..U 1 I 4.0 1 1 24 I 162 12...... 13031 4 ~ 5 1153 121 .. 1274 133a 5.0 1 1 a 2 124... 1303 1370 . 5.5 121.. 1274 133a 1406 , 6.0 12... .. 1303 1370 14421 6.5 127.4 133 B 1406 , .. 76 '~ 7.0 1303 1370 1.....2 1513-1 7.S 1338 1406 1476 IS S2 8.0 1370 1A42 1 S 1 3 IS 91 ~ 8.5 1406 1476 ISS2 1631 9.0 144 :2 1513 1 S91 1670 9.5 1<76 , 552 163 I 17 I 3 10.0 .1512 159 I 1670 17S5 10.5 1 SS2 1631 1713 1800 11.0 1591 1670 1755 1844 II . S 163 I 1713 lBOO 1 a91 12.0 1670 17 S 5 184... 1936 12.5 1713 laoo 1 B 91 1965 13.0 175 S I a44 1936 2032 13.5 laOO 1 a91 1965 20B3 14.0 1844 1936 2032 213S 14.5 I a 91 I 9a 5 20B3 21 BB 15.0 1936 2032 2135 22'2 IS. S 1965 20a3 2 I 6a 2297 16.0 2032 2135 2242 23S5 16.5 20B3 216B 2297 2414 17.0 2135 22'2 23 5 S 2474 Section 3. Hourly employees are to be paid not more thon tho some hourly rate os starting monthly rar. for 111. classification. Section 4. A. Employees will be reviewed ofter being in each step OrliEl Voor. A written review sholl be mode of each emplor- ee by hi, Oepartmenl Head whenever he is eligible tor ad- vancement. If on Increase is not recommended. the rea. sons sholl be discussed with the City Manager. If he con. curs with the Deportment Head, the decision must b. discussed with the employee who should be ford of his ' next review date. Decisions con also be reviewed by the employee with the City Monoger upon written request of the employee. 8. At the discretion of the Department Head or City Mo':'!. .ager. 0 new review datft of 3.6,9 or 12 months may be . designated when on Increase is refused. Section 5. All of Ihe wages and compensation sholl be paid . in bi.weekly installments to be as nearly equal os the established accounting procedure of tno City of Port Ange. les will permit, and shalt be paid within live working days after the c1oso of the established payroll period for each month during the year. or os 500n thereafter os. the established accounting procedure ot the .City of Port ange. ! les will permit, except Ihe lost installment sholl be paid on the 105t working day of December. 1983_ PASSED by the City Council at the City of Port Angeles at 0 regular meeting 01 the Council held on the 4th day of Jan. uary, 1983. A nEST, Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, Craig L. Miller. City Attorney Pub.: Jon. 12. 1983 Dorothy Duncan MAYOR . ......... ..._ H....."'"'~ days otter the close of the established poyroll period for each month during the year, or as Soon thereafter as the established accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange- les will permit. except the last installment shoff be paid on the last working day of December, 1983. Se<:tion 3. Any of the salaries set forth in Schedule A moy be reviewed os of three, six or nine month intervals at ttle discretion of the City Manager and the City Council. Section 4. As of January 1, 1983, the fringe benefits for Administrative, Technical and Clerical (non-union) person. nel shall be as set forth in Schedule B attached to Ordi. nonce #2191 and mode 0 port thereof by reference. Fringe benefits shall include mandatory requirements of state and federal government on retirement programs, sick leave, vacation, medical, dental and optical insurance, and holidays. Section 5. As of January 1, 1983, the classification plan, salary administration procedures and the job descriptions for the Administrative, Technical and clerical (non-union) persOnnel shall be as set forth in Schedule C, attached to Ordinance #2191 and made a part ttlereof by reference. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a . regular meeting of the Council held on the 4th day of Jon. uary, 1983. Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST: Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, Craig L. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Jon. 12, 1983 CITY OF PORT ANGelES Administrative, Technical and Clerical Personnel Schedule A - Moster Job Title lndflx 1983 SALARY GRADE 23 25 26 POSITION TITLE Office Assistant (S.C) Conservation Aide Deportment Secretory Word Processing Technician Deputy City Clerk legal Secretory Energy Analyst Executive Secretory Draftsman (light) Engineering Aide #3 (Light) Senior Citizens Center Director Assistant City Attorney Program Specialist Swimming Pool Manager Data Processing Programmer Cemetery Manager Electrical Engineer Assist. Superintendent for Water Senior Accountant Assist, Superintendent for Sewer Street Superintendent Risk Manager Equipment Rental Superintendent Sanitation Superintendent Parks Superintendent Chief Building Inspector Personnel Direclor/City Clerk City Treasurer Conservation Program Manager Data Processing Supervisor Police lieutenant Fire Marshal Office Engineer Assistant Police CI1ief Power Manager Assistant Fire Chief Operations & Engineering Manager Superintendent of Utilities Planning Director City Attorney Fire Chief Police Chief Parks & Recreation Director Administrative Services Director -...~. ...--.o.-..eltytight-Dlrenm-""'" Public Works Dire<:lor City Manager 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35.5 36.5 39 40 ..42. 44 Schedule A ADMINISTRATIVE. TECHNICAL & CLERICAL PERSONNEl MONTHLY SALARIES 1983 SALARY PROFICIENCY LEVELS GRADEA8CDE G 20 966 995 1023 1053 1085 20.5 995 1023 1053 1085 1117 21 1023 1053108511171151 21.5 1053108511 J7 1151 '186 22 10851117115111861221 22.5 1117 1151118612211258 23 1151 1186 1221 1258 1296 23.5 11861221 125812961336 24 1121 1258129613361373 24.5 1258129613361373 1417 25 1296 1336 1373 1417 1459 25.5 13361373141714591501 26 137314171459 ]501 1544 26.5 lA17 14591501 1544 1589 27 14591501 1544158916341684 27.5 ISOl 1544 15119 1634 16114 1733 28 15441589163.4 1684 1733 1788 28.5 1589 1634 1684 1733 1788 1841 29 1634 1684 1733 1798 1841 1896 29.5 1684 1733 1788 1841 18961951 30 173317881841 18961951 2011 30.5 1768 1841 1896 1951 2011 2071 31 1841 1896 1951 2011 2071 2133 31.5 18961951 2011 2071 21332195 32 195820152072213121902253 32.5 20152072 2131 2190 2253 2318 33 2072 2131 2190 2253 2318 2385 33.5 2131 21902253231823852453 34 21902253231823852453252.4 2597 34.5 2253 2318 2385 2453 2524 25m 2672 35 2318 2385 2453 2524 2597 2672 2749 35,5 23852453252425972672 2749 2828 36 2453252425972672 2749 2828 2908 36.5 2524 2597 2672 2749 2a28 2908 2992 37 2597 2672 2749 2828 2908 2992 3079 37.5 2672 2749 2828 2908 2992 3079 3168 38 2749282829082992307931693260 38.5 2828 2908 2992 3079 3168 3260 3355 39 2908 2992 3()79 3168 3260 3355 3453 39,S 2992307931683260335534$3 3554 040 3079 3168 3260 3355 3453 3554 3658 4O.~168'1a260~33S5'l>3453."J5~:a765 4 J 3260 3355 3453 3554 3658 3765 3874 41.5 335534533554365837653874 3987 42 3453355436583765387439874104 42.5 3554 3658 3765 3874 3987 4104 4124 43 3658 3765 3874 3987 4104 4224 4348 43.5 3765 3874 3987 4104 4224 43484475 .44 387439874104 4224 4348 4475 4606 44.5 39874104 4224 4348 4475 4606 4741 4S 4104 4224 4348 4475 4606 4741 4880 45.5 4224434844754606 4741 48aO 5023 46 4348447540064741 488050035171 , plan for the employees oftlie Police Deportment is her~by I adopted effective January I, 1983. I A 8 C D E Sergeant 2226 2302 : Corporal 2106 2160 Palrolmen 1852 1901 1953 2005 2054 1.0. Clerk 1625 1692 1760 1830 1904 Desk Clerk 1217 1284 1349 1418 1493 Clerk-Oispatcl1 1217 1284 1349 1418 1483 Metermoid 1:217 12B4 1360 1418 1493 Animal Cont. Off. 1431 1506 1583 1662 1746 I Section 2. All of the wages and compensation shall be paid ' in bi-weekly installments to be as nearly equal as the I established accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange. lies will permit, and sholl be paid within five working days after tile close of tile established payroll period for each month during the year, or as soon thereafter as the established accounting procedure of the City of Port Ange. les will permit. except the lost installment sholl be paid on I the lost working day of December, 1983. ; PASSED by 'he City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of the Council. held on the 4tl-1 day of January, 1983. , Dorothy Duncan I ~'i~~T~ I Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. Miller, City Attorney I Pub.: Jon. 12, 1983 . I