HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/2000 4109 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 4, 2000 CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to REGULAR MEETING: order at 6:00 p.m. Administration of Clerk Upton administered the oath of office to Orville Campbell, Lauren EriCkson, and Oath of Office Glenn Wiggins who were then immediately seated with the City Council. Election/Seating of Mayor Deputy Mayor Doyle opened nominations for the position of Mayor. ' Councilman Wiggins placed the name of Larry Doyle in nomination for Mayor. There being no further nominations, Councilman Wiggins moved to elect Larry Doyle as Mayor. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Larry Doyle was then seated as Mayor. Election/Seating of Mayor Doyle opened nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor. Councilman Deputy Mayor Williams placed the name of Cathleen McKeown in nomination for Deputy Mayor. There being no further nominations, Councilman Williams moved to elect Cathleen McKeown as Deputy Mayor. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Cathleen McKeown was then seated as Deputy Mayor. Mayor Doyle and Deputy Mayor McKeown thanked the Council members for their confidence, and Mayor Doyle introduced his son, Dennis, and his wife, Genelle. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, G. Cutler, S. Ilk, D. McKeen, and S. Martin. Public Present: L. Lee, J. Becker, T. Martin, T. Biss, B. Harbick, R. Chard, C. Powell, R. Clark, J. Chen, and H. Wait. Mayor Doyle introduced and welcomed the newest Council member, Lauren Erickson. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Dennis Doyle. ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL Proclamation Recognizing the Resignation of Bruce Becl~er, Ffr~ Chief MATTERS/ ~ PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Doyle read a proclamation recognizing the resignation of Fire Chief Becker and acknowledging his service to the City. Councilmafi Williams commended Chief Becket Recognition of Resignation for his vigilance during the Y2K preparations. of Fire Chief Becker WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE None. PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: FINANCE: Final Acceptance and Release of Retainage for Tumwater and 5~ Street Slide Repair Tumwater & 5th Street Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Public Works and Utilities Slide Repair Department. Councilman Campbell moved to accept the project and authorize the release of General Construction Company's retainage in the amount of $5,060.26 upon -1- 4110 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 2000 Tumwater & 5th Street receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Slide Repair (Cont'd) Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to aCCept the Consent Agenda, to include: Council minutes of December 21, 1999, regular meeting. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember McKeown informed the Council that the Downtown Forward COMMITTEE Executive Committee will be meeting Monday, January 10, 2000, 7:00 a.m., in the REPORTS: Public Works Conference Room. The City Council is invited to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to update the downtown forward plan in order to Prepare for a presentation to the Council. Councilman Wiggins reminded the Council that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will meet Friday, January 7, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. He and Councilman Campbell will be making allocation recommendations; he invited other Council members to attend this meeting. Mayor Doyle commended Councilman Wiggins on the television presentation he gave recently. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Other Considerations: None. INFORMATION: City Manager's Report Manager Quinn reviewed his work schedule, which included finalization of the budget. He announced that Dan McKeen has been appointed as the Interim Fire Chief. A process and time line for filling that vacancy will be brought to a future meeting. He stated that lodging tax allocations will be forthcoming and are scheduled for Council review at the next regular meeting. He has also reviewed outstanding labor contracts and is working on negotiations. Manager Quinn explained the changes being made to the public hearing process and approval of personnel replacements. He again thanked Chief Becket for his service to the City and wished him well in his new venture. Manager Quinn announced that a meeting is scheduled with Senator Patty Murray on January 21, 2000, 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Representatives from various agencies, including the City, will be participating in the discussion of economic development and telecommunications. The City's representatives were to be Tim  Smith, Economic Development Director; Attorney Knutson; and Councilman Campbell. Unfortunately, due to a conflict of L~-'z_re:*_, Councilman Campbell is unable to attend, and Manager Quinn asked for a volunteer to replace him. Councilman Williams will attend in Councilman Campbell's place.  Manager Quinn reminded the Council that the National League of Cities Conference is coming up. Any Council member wishing to attend should contact the City Manager's office so reservations can be made. On January 10, 2000, at 2:30 p.m., Representative Norm Dicks will be in Port Angeles. The meeting will take place in the Caucus Room, all Council members are invited to attend. Mayor Doyle noted that UAC meets at 3:00 p.m. that day and suggested that meeting be deferred until 3:30 p.m. Manager Quinn pointed out that the packet contains summaries on public nuisance and the fiberoptic feasibility study. Discussion followed regarding the changes to the public hearing process and personnel replacement process. Councilman Williams suggested the City's e-mail address be utilized to garner public input on public hearing issues. Staff will draw up e- mail guidelines and return this issue to Council at a future meeting. -2- 4111 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 2000 Committee Assignments CoUncilmember McKeOwn stated that Councilman Williams has asked to be on the Downtown Forward Executive Committee; therefore, she will step down from that Committee. She asked if the CFP Committee could be disbanded, as it has not met and the CFP is developed in conjunction with the Council's goals and objectives. Manager Quinn announced that staff is drafting recommendations to the Council regarding the CFP. It may be of benefit to have the CFP Committee review the plan prior to bringing it to the Council. Regarding the Public Health Advisory Board, Councilman Wiggins will step down, and Councilmember McKeown will take his place. Councilmember McKeown asked that someone take her place as alternate to the Transit Board; she will remain as alternate on the School Board Multi-Ethnic Committee. Councilman Wiggins noted that the Art Feiro Marine Life Center Committee is not listed and should be. Councilmember McKeown is on that Committee and would like to remain. Councilmen Wiggins and Campbell will also retain their seats on that Committee. Councilmen Hulett and Campbell offered to retain their current committee assignments as listed. Director Cutler noted that Councilman Wiggins is also a member of the Elwha/Morse Management Team. Councilman Campbell suggested an alternate be appointed to this Committee, and Councilmember Erickson volunteered for this position. ~ Councilman Wiggins asked Councilmember Erickson if she would like to take his position on the Transit Board to which she agreed. Councilman Hulett offered to take Mayor Doyle's place on the Real Estate Committee. Councilman Williams offered to retain his current committee assignments, but he offered to step down from the Public Information and Law & Justice Committees. He did not feel the Tacoma Narrows Advisory Committee would be meeting in the future, but did feel a Peninsula representative must continue to monitor the City's interests. Councilmember Erickson volunteered to replace Mayor Doyle on the Pool Renovation Committee, offered to be a second representative to the Human Services Committee, will replace Councilman Williams on the Law & Justice Committee, will serve on the Clallam Transit Board, and will serve on the Public Health Advisory Board instead of Councilmember McKeown. Mayor Doyle asked for a volunteer as alternate to the Marine Resources Committee, and Councilmember Erickson will fill this position. Councilmember McKeown offered to replace Mayor Doyle on the Vehicle Committee, to which he agreed. Clerk Upton noted that a representative, in addition to the Mayor, was necessary for the Volunteer Firemen's Board. Councilman Hulett volunteered for this position. Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 7:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:10 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - Municipal Code Amendment MCA 99-02 ~ City of Port Angeles: Proposed amendments OTHER: to portions of the Zoning Ordinance, Short Plat Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance making changes consistent with those regulations by clarifying specific sections, Municipal Code including the home occupation, bed and breakfast in residential areas, and retail stand Amendment MCA 99-02 permit processes, heavy industrial use/buffer/sign regulations, animal husbandry definitions, and subdivision improvement requirements. Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Director Collins gave a brief review of the language and possible changes regarding animal husbandry and house pet definitions. The draft ordinance was inadvertently left out of the packet, but was placed in Council's mailboxes prior to the meeting. Attorney Knutson noted that a number of changes to the draft ordinance are anticipated before the final Ordinance is presented to the Counci! for approval. Discussion ensued, and Director Collins responded to questions and provided clarification especially as relates to chickens. -3- 4112 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 4, 2000 PUBLIC HEARINGS - Councilmember McKeown asked if this amendment would prohibit chickens in the OTHER: backyard, which was the complaint that promoted this ordinance. Director Collins replied that it would prohibit chickens in the RS-7 zone, which is where the complaint Municipal Code occurred, but it would not prohibit people from keeping chickens as a house pet. Amendment MCA 99-02 Keeping chickens outside is allowed in the RS-9 zone; therefore, there is potential for (Cont'd) the problem to continue to exist. After further discussion and clarification, Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. There was no public testimony. Counciimember McKeown moved to continue the public hearing to January 18, 2000. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Doyle introduced Dan McKeen, Interim Fire Chief, who was present in the audience and again welcomed Councilmember Erickson to the Council. EXECUTIVE SESSION: There was no need for Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. B~-~ky-J. Upt~, / -4-