HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/05/1938 r" 558 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ja nuary 5, 1938 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 ;'.l:!. and Vias called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed lthe follovJing .officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Thos. Ceisness, Police Judge, reported 18 cases tried and $65.00 collected in fines for the month of December, 1937. Report ordered filed. Under the head. of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TAXI STAND I vntEREAS, Francis and John Dent have m~do application in writing for a portion of the street area in front of Harrington & ~iles Building at the corner of Front and Laurel Streets to be used as a taxi stand, and rffiEREAS, the owner of the building and cigar store located in said building having consented in writing to the setting apart certain portions of the street area abutting the said property as a taxi stalld. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RBSOLVED, That the foregoing area is hereby set apart and fixed as a taxi stand for Francis and John ~ant. Commencing at the property line at southwest corner of Front and Laurel ;;ltreets, running thence Uest measuring along the curb a dis- tance of thirty feet. Said space is named for a taxi.stand reservation for two taxicabs of Francis and John Dent. The taxicabs to be parked at the taxi stand in the following manner. One car parallel with the curb on Front utreet facing Laurel ;;ltreet; the second oar to be parked at a 30 degree angle to the curb at the rear of the first car, and This resolution is adopted in oonformity with authority and provisions of Section 15 of Ordinance No. 960 of the ~ity of Port Angeles. It was moved by ~ommissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION C~NCELING ROOMING HOUSE LICENSE VIHEREAS, It appears that Msrjorie '(oberts, owner of the l~cense issued to the Oak '(ooms a t lIlt North Oak Street, was convicted of violating the \.ii ty Liquor Ordinanc: e an d the ~ashington State Liquor Act. and W1EREAS, The said Marjorie Roberts was notified to appear before the ~ommission at 2:00 P.M. November 3, 1937, and show cause why her license for operating a hotel and roomin~ house should,not be revoked under the provisions of Section II of Ordinam e No. 971 of the ~ity of Port Angeles, and i"iHEREAS, The said Marjorie "oberts did appear ])efore the ~ommission ,at 2:00 P.!.!., Novem- ber 3. 1937, and a hearing was heln and after hearing evidence the \.iommission continued the matter for further consideration, and I l'iHEREAS, The above matt~r was taken up for further oonsideration on this 5th day of January, 1938, and the ~ommission determined that the said lioense should be revoked. NOW, TH6REFORE, BZ IT RE30LVEDi Thut lioense No. 4227 owned by Marjorie "oherts for operating the Oak Rooms at 1112 North Oak Street be, and the same is hereby revoked. This resolution is adopted in conformity with the authority and provisions of Seotion II of Ordinance No. 971 of the City of Port nngeles. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declarod the motion car'ried. Under the head of ~pplication for Building Permits the following was granted: C. u. Hudson, ~ddition to Building, Lot 20, Blk. 93, Townsite $1200.00 The annual report of G. ". Vlolverton, Chief of the iire Department, ,"Jas read and ordered fil ed. I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants dra~n for same: CURRENT EXPENSE }~ Special Polioe Pay roll Extra Fireman Gas 10.50 31.85 2.70 9.60 1.15 27.00 63.00 12.00 32.00 I County Clerk p.n. Evening News Olympic Printery Evening News Press Olympic Printcry R. L. Jones Fire Department Georlle II. Ellis Richfield Oil Corp. Certificates Publica t ions Supplies " '1.," 12~ ... 'ilATER FUND P. ij. Navigation Co. M. R. Alleman Tie & Lumber Mill Olympic Printery O. F. Austin Tenney Mill Co. Rooker Electrochemical ~o. Harold Hibbs Plumbing Co. Freigh t Lumber Printinr, Pa int Timbers Chlorine Rllpairs 5.00 ;:B.45 8.62 .61 2.71 14.87 1.76 ... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, WashingtoD January 5, 1938 193_ 559 " I I I I I Ci ty Light Dept. ITillson Hardware Co. Olympic Jtationers Paris Motor Go. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Draftman I s I"lages Supplie s " -IS' 1~1 /' Tr~ck Re~airs LIGHT FUND Ho~re ~ Hea~rick Olympio Printery Assooi'tion of ~ashington Cities The Texas Go. Q.uick l?rint P. S. Navigation Co. Olympic ~tationers Willson Hardware Co. ITestinghouse Electric Supply Corp. V. A. Samuelson & ~o. LIBRARY FUND Repairs " Printing Memb ership Gaso line Sta tements Freight Supplies Ma ter ial s yare tnti freeze ff.l'1,) Florence McLane Mrs. Fannie cltark Mrs. Thelma Fountain Emergency '!elp II II ii There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~l~~ 0~ I , City Glerk Mayor 11.34 1.37 1.02 U.23 16.47 ~j:. 128.74 39.<01 8.62 100.00 42.40 22.95 , 6.03 1.00 8.47 63iB.48 4.54 ~( ,~ ~ 9.00 10.25 19.50 'II i . ~