HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/05/1961 r 56 ... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JANUARY 5 19M- _ J,. ~ 104. Pl'IlNTiNQ t:o. ".un. ..... The Port Angeles City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law, It was moved by Councilman Richardson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file. Seconded by.Cquncilman Haguewood and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, awarding of bids to furnish gasoline, diesel and f el oil' for City Departments during 1961 was considered. From Tabulation prepared it appear~ that low bids were: Tidewater Oil Co., premium gas at .2341. Mobile Oil Co" regular gas at .2064. Texaco, Inc., diesel at .122. City Fuel, PS 300 at .092. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the low bids be accepted, based on approximate deliveries of premium gasoline 10,000 gal, and regular 40,000 gal. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I Awarding of bids to furnish four autos and one station wagon was next considered. All bids having been compared, tabulated and recommendation submitted, it was moved by Counci ,- man Richardson that the fleet bid by Lannoye Motor Co. for four Plymouth sedans in amount I of $7,750.00 net and the bid by Anderson Ford Co, for one Ford Station Wagon at $2,230.001 net be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. , Pursuant to publications, one offer was received from Vi Hurlong in amount of $100.00 fori purchase of Lot 11, Block 66, Leighton Addition. This being the minimum as set by the Council. it was moved by Councilman Smith that the offer be accepted. Seconded by Council- man Thorne and carried, II John Goneis requested in writing that the Council consider including improvement of SeconJ Street from Chase to Peabody Street in a proposed Local Improvement District. The Managet ,advised that the request has been referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. 'I'j', lIt was moved by Councilman Smith that the request be tabled until report is received from, I 'the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. JI The thirty day period having expired since the completion and acceptance of water reservoirs and connecting lines, construction, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that Del Guzzi II Construction Co, be paid the 15% retained in amount of $47,202.36. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried, I It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Kaeser Const. Co. be paid the 15% retained I in amount of $42,258.19, this payment contingent upon receipt of certification that no unpaid claims are outstanding against the Contractor. Motion seconded'by Councilman , Richardson and carried. I , The Mayor read communication from Oscar A. Sedergren of the National Park Service, com- 'mending Babe Adams, City Park Supt., and his assistants, for a very thorough job of ,'landscape restoration of the clearing necessitated by installation of water main across Park property. I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the progress payment to Del Guzzi Construction Co. for construction of Light Service Garage in amount of $23,410.40 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. I Discussion was opened on the matter of annexation south of the City. The Manager gave resume of progress since the last meeting. A group of citizens in the area involved have met and appointed a group to meet with the Council and discuss the matter of another vote for annexation. John Sherman, as Chairman of the group, explained the purpose of the organization and I 'meeting. Cited the last petition as having 422 names favoring annexation and only 2961 voting, Apparently mistakes were made and since then, citizens have organized an Annexati!bn League with over 75 paying charter members. It is the intention to within a few weeks, II have a vast majority of citizens south of the City ready to sign a petition for annexationl, Mr. Sherman expressed the desire to cooperate and asked the Council to work with them, He also reminded of limited fire and police protection and water rates, and asked that the I'i Council extend protection for at least four months, which should be adequate time to get 'a favorable vote for annexation, He then announced a meeting Monday evening and asked alVI 'interested to attend. The Mayor then appointed Councilman Richardson, Haguewood and Smit~. as Council Representatives to work with the group. The Manager advised that fire protect~bn was not terminated in the area pending this meeting. Al Goerg informed that public notice has been given to all interested south of the border that a meeting will be held Monday night at the Courthouse and it was his opinion they would represent a majority of the group. Councilman Haguewood assured that it is not the intention of the Council to let any house burn and moved that the fire protection for Fire District No. 2 be extended 120 days from expiration date of the contract at no cost to the District. during which time they should 'solve the fire problem. It was the opinion of the Attorney that the City cannot spend money without a contract and must have reasonable return for services, otherwise be sub- ject to criticism. He also thought the contract could be extended on pro-rata basis. There was no second. 'Councilman Randall questioned the legality of extending for four months and how this would effect insurance rates. Councilman Caldwell asked why four months time was needed and if the District would be in the same position at that time, Mr. Sherman assured that this has been discussed with the District Commission and it is agreed that four months would [give ample oppbrtunity to get protection desired and determine if the people south of the City desire annexation. I 1',It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the Council offer extension of fire protection service on the present Fire District No. 2 for a period of 120 days on pro-rate basis of ,charges and under the same terms and conditions of the present contract which expired December 31st, Seconded by Councilman Haguewood, I ii, I I I I I ...., Proceeoings of the Cily Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington 57 (Continued) JANUARY 5 19QL . . " .,,"mo .0, .,,.... .... jCouncilman Randall questioned extending a contract which has expired. The Attorney 'answered that the practical way would be to enter into a new contract with the same condi ! tions, only for four months. As for legality, his opinion was that it would not make too :much difference. On request for the question, all voted aye. Motion carried, The Council discussed constructioncr a Municipal sw~mming pool as voted at the recen~ election and taking steps toward proposed construct~on. Na~es and brochures of a:ch~tect-~ ural firms having been secured and discussed, the Mayor adv~sed that the Council ~s now in a position to secure a m~eting and enter into agreem~nt fo: prel~minary plans. The. architects in question and ~nformally agreed upon for d~scuss~on be~ng McGu~re and Mur~ ;, of Tacoma, it was moved by ~ouncilman Richardso~ ~hat the Ma~ager be author~zed to contac~ the firm of McGuire and Mur~ of Tacoma for prel~m~nary plann~ng and, discuss~on of the pro-I' posed Municipal swimming pool. Motion seconded by Councilman Haguewood. Councilman Randall exphasized that this firm did the planning and engineering for work on', the pool in Longview and after study, it is decided that the Longview pool is very fine and about what is apparently wanted. Also their bid was competitive and lower than most, being the reason this firm was looked upon with favor. In answer to the question, all voted aye. Motion carried, IUnder the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Manager be I' authorized to publish call for bids to furnish a pick-up truck for the Park Department, Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. ~ ':Claims payable were approved in amounts of: General Funds $11,386.52. Water Fund $2,445.1bo, Pipeline Fund $11,898.92. Light Fund $85,201.11. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. ,I lIt was moved by Councilman Randall that payrolls for December in amount of $55,982,07 be , 'approved as read. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. IThe following department reports were filed for Council approval: Treasurer's, Fire, 'I Budget Receipts, Water Operating and Billing, Light Operating and Billing for two months. It was moved by Councilman Smith that all reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded iby Councilman Richardson and carried. . 111Miscellaneous claims were presented for approval as follows: Del Guzzi Construction Co. ,for booth at Civic Field, $1,124,82. It was moved by Councilman Randall that this claim Ibe approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. I j!City Attorney, for office expense, $40.37, It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the iclaims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. II'MiChie Publishing Co., for balance due, codification of City Ordinances, $2,581.12. It 'was moved by Councilman Randall that the claim be approved and paid, contingent upon re- ceipt of the complete set of code copies. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. ,Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following were introduced and read: I I I' A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Port Angeles expressing apprecia- tion for the past services of retired City Treasurer, Elsie Stahl :1 Parks. 'lIt was moved by Councilman Randall that the foregoing Resolution concerning services of Elsie Stahl Parks be approved. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried, I RESOLUTION NO, 1-61 RESOLUTION NO. 2-61 -------. I' A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Port Angeles expressing apprecia- I tion for the past services of retired Fire Chief, Clay Wolverton. ~It was moved by Councilman Caldwell That the foregoing Resolution be approved and passed. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried, , nder the head of reading of Ordinances, the following was read by title: ORDINANCE NO. ! AN, ORDINANCE granting to Natural Gas Transmission Co., a WaShington corpora- , tion~' i~s ~uccessois'~nd ~~sigris,a'non-e~clusive fran~ise and'ri~ht'to con- I- struct, o~etatj ~nd m~intain a riatut~lcind/or'arti~i~ial gaS Bisttlbution system in the CityCof Port Angeles. Washington.,; . lIt was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Ordinance be read by Title and the Council :authorize publication by the Natural Gas Transmission Co. of WaShington. Seconded by [Councilman Thorne and carried. A representative of the Company appeared and requested a ~eeting, executive or public, with a Council Committee, to iron out any details of the prdinance, The Mayor appointed Councilman Smith. Caldwell and Haguewood to serve with him self as Committee. i pnder the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances. the following was introduced and il"ead in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1466 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles transferring funds, within the vari- ous bUdget divisions of the 1960 budget for the City of Port Angeles, and providing for an emergency expenditure. I 'lIt was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Ordinance be approved as read. On roll call all voted aye. Motion unanimously carried. ii ,I II ....... ,...-- 58 .... Proceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Washington (Continued) Januarv 5 19~ l..&HPRUITINGCC. p.z"zu ~ I Councilman Randall cited hazard to pedestrians and school children caused by the street lights turning off too early on cloudy mornings. It was his opinion that the electric ey and automatic switch are not altogether satisfactory. The Man'ager advised that when the equipment is replaced and the 14th and Laurel Substation is rebuilt, consideration will I be given to street lighting circuit controls. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. I Q. t. :;(.cu.u- &7 CITY CLERK ~ C. \4'~'~ iA R ~~~~ o~~r:;;(;i-B~D'S --, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha.t sealed bIds wlll I)e received a.t the office of the C1t)" M!lJ1ager, 140 West Fro-nt Street, Port Allgelcfl, 'Yasbing- ton, up to 6:00 o'clod:: P. M., Janunry l!t, 1961, for furnish In", - one pick-up one-hat[ ton truck. Specifications in- <:Iude the following: Green Colar fl Cylinder Engine Oil Fflt~r Heater and Detroster Front and R(!ar Bumpers Vircetlorlal Signals 4 ply tube type tire..,; with sp!l're Bidder shall submit sllcctfication9 on cq1l1pmcnt they plan on fLLrllish~ Ing with bid. All bldR shall be open- 6d b)' tJIC City Council In regula.r session ito be heM in the Counell Cha.mbers, January HI, 1961, '1:30 .0'. clor::k P. M The Cll}' of Purt Ang-e"~8 .re!'i~rves the right to accept or reject any or an bids and is not bound t() accept t':te low b1d if 1n their opinion a. hIgher bld will ,provide better equlp- ment fol' the Clty of P()rt:- Angeles. M. ',,"', SLANKARD, Clt;:-. Manager Publii!lhed: Januan' 12, 19G1. I . NOTJ:CEOFCALL rOB BIDS , NOTICKISHER1'~BYG1YEN 'l'hat l'1ealcd }li(lg wl11 be rec8iveu by the Cit.... of Port ..-\llgcle.!~, a.t lhe oHlec (If the City Ma'l1ag~, 140 We!">t. Front Atrect, Port ,,\11geles, 'Val'llllngton, d:~~~ :;rl~e~'C~~c~~ru~~'IJ~' lr.:\~~\~l~ u~.~; r,he eonstl"llClioll of n. ,Yater LLne and appertena.nccs, all n.."l ce~rlbed more eomlllctcly in the Sp~ciflcn.tlonB unci Contract DllcumentB entltlell 'Va.-ter 'l'ransllll!';Rinn J.JIIIC, City of: port An- gele!l, "-a.<;hlngloll _Januflry-l~61, a.nd will then be opencd pub~lCly and rM.d nlou<1. Pl"Oposa.ls rece1\'cd. after tile time announced for the openiu/il: will !1ot be consJurred. ~hc City Cmtnell will 10 regular ReSSlOn hel(1 III the.Cnuneil ChamMrs-Fl:'h- ruary Hi. Hl61, award tht) bid to the lowe:::t rC:::IJom,ih\c bldoer. The elt)' 01 Port Angeles 1"t.serve~ the. rlght to aeccpt: rJI' reject any '01' nll bid!':, J%Cl1 bid or prujJosal shall 1.)e :'lub~ miltI'd ()[lh- on the IJrescl'ibed -pro- pOli'&1 form' bOllml In a complete l"iet ot "pecifications and ~()nlract docu. ments. Barh bid Or pl'01lOsal constituteA and offct' to tJ1C elt)' .of port Ange1!~s afl outlined herein amI shall be ir- l'eyocable after the time 1\.onollnced for the opening thereof. Ertch of the threo arl])arent low biildcr-s -sha.ll furnish a sa.ti",fnctor:r Construction S(~hf!tlul(~ ill1C list of sub.contractors within fi ~'e 11H..Ys after the ()-penlng of pmpo!'.!l-ls. Each lJh1 or prOIJosal Rhall be R.C- compa.-nt(!d lJy l'L ~ert1fletl che(",k or- bid bond .payable to the City fir fho:~-1r\~Cel~ejcnen~11 (to/~)n~trlO~~c~~r mount of tl](~ bl\l~r~:~A~~ CiLy Manager l PulJllsl1ed: .Janllnl';j" 25 ami FelJTuary ~1._____._.~ ~ .-.-J I I I I I I I