HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/05/1977 ~24 CITY COUNCIL MEETING '-PortAi1ge:~Tes, Wis,blllgton January5, -l977 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, H. Kochanek, J. Honnold, P. Carr, R. Parrish. Guests Present: L. Sunny,J. West, G. Holbrook, L. Switzer, R. Gentry, D. Stromski, R. Niichel, S. Gentry. I II MI NUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the December 15, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Call Authorization. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Department of Public Works to call for bids on operation of the City of Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill for the period March 1, 1977 to May 1, 1979. The motion was seconded by Council- I man Haguewood and carried. 2. Vehicle Purchase Authorization. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council authorize the call for bids on a Van for the Animal Control Officer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 3. Sewerage Facility Plan - Sewer System Evaluation Survey. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $10,586.84 to CH2M/HILL for engineering services from October 25 through November 24, 1976 for physical survey and rainfall simulation phases of Sewer System Evaluation Survey. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. 4. Peabody Heights LID No. 198. 5. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve payment of $78,156.71 retainage to Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. Port Angeles, Washington, Peabody Heights LID No. 198 Contractor, as recommended by City Engineer, J. B. Warder, in his Certi- fication letter dated January 3, 1977 which establishes that the thirty day period since completion and acceptance of the project has elapsed, clearance has been received from the Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and Industries, and no liens have been filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously passed by the Council. Sewer Study Grant Disbursements. Public Works Director Flodstrom's progress report to the Council on Sewer Study Grant disbursements for the Sewerage Facility Plan Project and the Sewer System Evaluation Survey was noted for the record. 6. Payroll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve Payroll Transfers of $102,971.97 and $114,146.36 for the month of December, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA - None. I I I I I ,.-- R ESOLUT10N NO. 1.77 < 225 VI A RESOLUTION olthe CltV Council of the City of "orl Angeles, Washington fixing the time and place fo hearing upon the assessment roll for Loc~1 tmpfovement District No. ! , 199. I I WHEREAS, Ihe assessment, 1...011 for Local Improvement, I Dislricl No. 199 has been prepared and Iiled wilh the City Clerk and lhe Cily Council now tdeskes> to fix the time and pl.ace I: for hear;n-g thereon: NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED bY the Cily, Mayor 01 son presented Ga ry L He Council of the ~i1y of Port lent Pl ant Operator with a . .Ange~es-. Washington, as, ' Certificate of Competency issueCfollows: ,hington, Department of E 1 B d f C . f . . I Section 1. ThaI Wednesday, W t P 11 t' co ogy, oar 0 ertl lcatlon ,lhe2nd davof February, 1977,'y as a a er 0 u lon Control Plant Operator and certiat7:3o".M:attheCitvCouncll; the established quali- . . ,Chambers ,n the C,tv ot Port . . flcatlons and that he has the. abAngeles be and the same' operate and malntaln a . f' d . . d t IherebV is fixed as the time and k d . t d SpeCl le maXlmUm slze an ype place for hearing upon IheWOr S eSlgna e as Group IV Plants. Mayor Olson alassessmenl roll ,for LocallCil's congratulations G f h. . d' ; Improvement D,Slrocl No. 199.. d h' . t th to a ry or 1 scant 1 nue 1 ntere Section 2~ That the CIIV Clerk I 1 S serv 1 ce 0 e communi ty liS herebv direcled to give nOII~e . of Ihe t,me and place 01 said I hearing at leasl fifteen (15): I' days belore the date fixed therelor by mailing to Ihe owners, or repuled owners. of , . . the properlv within Locall. . CounCllman Buck moved the Councl 'mprovement District No. 1991n fll e the ml nutes of the Board of AdJ'ustment December'wIlose names appear on the. read by Mayor 01 son ! assessment roll at the . The moti on was seconded by COUnCaddresses shown on the tax~arri ed, I ~~I~sinO~dl~i!iO~ol~n:~et~~:a~~~~ FRANCHISE - PORT ANGELES TELECABsaid notice 10 be pUbllshed,ln I five issues 01 the ofllcral, newspa~er of the Cily, th~ lasl, Further action was required by tpubIJCatoontobeatleas.lf,lIeenort Angeles Telecable's I days belore the date foxed for request to increase subscriber Ysuch hearing. he December 15, 1976 Council meeting, the Council approved a ICi~:sS;pbY~~;tCouni~lgo:I~~~L50 from $5.50 in the monthly cha rge to cu s tomers on Domest i c . Washington. and approved .bV .ments Tra i 1 ers and Recon- . its Mayor at a regular meetm91' . nectlOns, The Telecable CompanY'olSaidCilYCOunCllheldlhis5thj requested an lncrease to $10.00 from $5.00 on Connect i on ,day of JanUart~rll~~n B. Olson t 1 et Ins ta 11 at ions, Re- connections and Unwarranged SerJ Manrl an increase to $2~50 from $2.00 On monthly charges to NurS'~~~i~~T~. ParriSh for Elderly on a per set used basl's City Clerk " . ~ I,MARIANC."ARRISH.the duly selecled, qualified and' C '1 H d d th C acting City Clerk ollhe City of I t $10 00 ounc 1 man aguewoo move e. Port Angeles, Washing lon, Oo,crease 0 . on Connecti on charges for Extra Out HEREBY CERTIFY that the econnecti ons and Un- . .' foregoing is a true and correct, warranted Servlce calls, wlth nocopv 01 Resolution No. 1.77' monthly charge for -Nursing Home per set used and HonpaSSedbyth~C1IVCouncilalat used The motion was . regular meeting thereof held on ; . seconded by Councilman Anderson-the 5th day of Januarv, 1977. unci 1. I DATED al "ort Angeles.1 WaShington. this 6th day 011 No decision was made by the .Cour;Januarv. 1977Marlancparrlsl1.. date of the new rate schedule for Port Angeles Teleca I'C __ -s.--..f"yClerk [PUb,:~ l' CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 5, 1977 LEGISLATION 1. CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY. 2. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. 3. 4. RESOLUTION, LID NO. 199, Mayor Olson introduced and read in full Resolution No. 1-77, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 1-77 A RESOLUTION of the Ci ty Council of the City of Port Ange 1 es, Washington fixing the time and place for hearing upon the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 199. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read in full by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed by the Council. Resolution No. 1-77 fixes the time and place for the hearing upon the assessment roll for LID. No. 199 as Wednesday, February 2, 1977 at 7:30 P,M. in the City Council Chambers, 134 W. Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington. 5. SHORELINE PERMIT. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the request of the Port of Port Angeles for a Substantial Development Permit to construct a new 37 pile dolphin at the Port Dock at the foot of Cedar Street as recommended by City Engineer, J. B. Warder. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. According to City Engineer, J. Warder,-the area has been posted; notice of the application has been published; the proposed meets with the Zoning.Ordinance; and no protests or complaints has been filed. 225 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 5, 1977 ] Pass' ut . , aJUoy=; VI LEGI'SLATION 1. CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY. I Mayor Olson presented Gary L. Holbrook, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator, with a Certificate of Competency issued by the State of Washington, Department of Ecology, Board of Certification which recognizes Gary as a Water Pollution Control Plant Operator and certifies that he has met the established quali- fications and that he has the ability to efficiently operate and maintain a specified maximum size and type of sewage treatment works designated as Group IV Plants. Mayor Olson also extended the Council's congratulations to Gary for his continued interest in the program and his service to the community. 2. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment December 28, 1976 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 3. FRANCHISE - PORT ANGELES TELECABLE. Further action was required by the City Council on Port Angeles Telecable's request to increase subscriber rates for 1977. At the December 15, 1976 Council meeting, the Council approved a $1.00 increase to $6.50 from $5.50 in the monthly charge to customers on Domestic Installations, Apartments, Trailers and Recon- nections. The Telecable Company had, however, also requested an increase to $10.00 from $5.00 on Connection charges for Extra Outlet Installations, Re- connections and Unwarranged Service Calls; and, also an increase to $2,'50 from $2.00 on monthly charges to Nursing Homes and Homes for Elderly on a per set used basis. I Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve an increase to $10.00 on Connection charges for Extra Outlet Installations, Reconnections and Un- warranted Service calls, with no change to the $2.00 monthly charge for ~ursing Home per set used and Home for Elderly per set used. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. No decision was made by the Council on the effective date of the new rate schedule for Port Angeles Telecable Inc. 4. RESOLUTION, LID NO. 199. Mayor Olson introduced and read in full Resolution No. 1-77, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 1-77 A RESOLUTION of 'the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington fixing the time and place for hearing upon the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 199. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read in full by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed by the Council. . I Resolution No. 1-77 fixes the time and place for the hearing upon the assessment roll for LID..No. 199 as Wednesday, February 2, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 134 W. Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington. 5. SHORELINE PERMIT. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the request of the Port of Port Angeles for a Substantial Development Permit to construct a new 37 pile dolphin at the Port Dock at the foot of Cedar Street as recommended by City Engineer, J. B. Warder. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. . According to City Engineer, J. Warder, the area has been posted; notice of the application has been published; the proposed meets with the Zoning.Ordinance; and no protests or complaints has been filed. z26 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 5,1977 " I, . V I LEGI SLAT ION 6. L.I.D. No. 198 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE. Public Works Director Flodstrom's proposed schedule for the completion of L.I.D. No. 198 was before the Council for their consideration. Manager Whorton stated that perhaps the schedule'was a bit optimistic because of the pending Stephen's litigation. A few Council members commented that the very favorable current bond market should be given serious consideration in the event the Stephen's matter significantly ,delays the schedule. I 7. VALLEY STREET WATER MAIN PROJECT. Public Works Director Flodstrom's report on completion of the Valley Street Water-main Project was read by Mayor Olson. The total project cost was $13,444.81, an amount well below the cost estimate of $31.000 submitted by the only private bidder on the project and the Water Department's estimate of $22,000 for the same scope of work. It should be noted that the project cost savings were realized in part by arelocat:ion of the water-main lines. In his report Mr. Flodstrom commends' Water Superintendent R. Wait, foreman J. Anderson and their crews for an outstanding job and reports that all legal requirements on the project have been met. 8. GAMBLING TAX EXEMPTION REQUEST. Manager Whorton informed the Council that Clallam County Fair Association':s request that Fun-tastic Shows be granted an exemption from the Gambling Tax on operation of gaming devices during its operation at the Clallam County Fair has been very extensively discussed with Attorney Walrath and Parks Director Frizzell and a reluctant conclusion has been drawn that the City would be setting an unfavorable precedent by granting an exemption on this operation. It was Manager Whorton's recommendation that the Council deny the request at this time, with the Staff pursuing the matter in an attempt to arrive at a workable solution to the request. I Councilman Wray moved to remove from the table the request of the Clallam County Fair Association that Fun-Tastic Shows be exempt from the 10% Gambling Tax on its gaming devices during operation at the Clallam County Fair. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. CounciJm?n Jiordyk moved the' Council deny the request of the Fair Association. Councilman-Buck seconded the motion. A brief discussion was held on the motion. Councilman Haguewood then moved that the request be tabled and a meeting be scheduled with the Fair Board on the request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting ~NO.~ 9. LICENSE RENEWAL. Notification from the WaShington State Liquor Control Board of an E, F Liquor License Renewal for Robert Lee Pettis. dba at Bob's Grocery, 1315 E. Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington, is noted for the record. 10. LATE ITEMS. Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Resolution No. 2-77 entitled, RESOLUTION No. 2-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles I amending Resolution No. 20-76 authorizing the purchase of real and personal property located on the waterfront in the City of Port Angeles from General Construction Company. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing 'Resolution as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. Resolution No. 2-77 authorizes Mayor Olson to sign a real estate contract with General Construction Company for purchase of property on the water- front at a purchase price of $140,000, which is less than originally nego- tiated. The Resolution also authorizes General Construction Company to continue using its present offices and facilities rent-free for a period of six (6) months from date of closing, or until the City has commenced demolition of improvements, whichever event first occurs. · CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 5, 1977 ~~~i~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~O ~~i~ ~~fi~~ ~~~~~~~~ .~~~ :E'Uc..~iiiN t1-rQ;*"'~.:.: 'W~=C: >j;:c:; .&c~~ii fU5111~-cL+-:;:~-~'i:~ a;~_iii~:=t.'! l1Jo.I1.lE'~~c...s::~'- 10 ~Cl "C5>.~g' -08. ~olC>-l'D~aa.-g ~~'~o_4~~~E~o~~~l~~~~ E~N~ ~E~ c ~~:~~~t~~=E~ ~ ~ai~~~et:~~=~+-~"-EM:SQJ-t~ :g;~ ~:E2t ~oc:.e:~~'Qj:~~~~e: ~i~D~~~~~ ~ ~~~civ~E~ E ~ ~~E8~~ o~E=~f~~~~~~~~ ~O~D . M >u~=~~O~~C -E--~& um. 11.l~-~~ L-~~~ -M ~LL ~;.:.:i3 -~ >::!: Q,I ~.~- --2. _'Z; I... v ~ o;S :;;~-5o ll'J CD ,0- ~ 4IIS:::=~ 0 >.:' m ~~ S~~~~o~ -~~~~ - ~~~ ~=c:~~_~~~E=~ci ._~~c:~~a~~~m~ z~~~U:x~~E~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~;~'-~S~B~~5t~~ u~~~~g~~~~~ro~~~~N'-;~~~~~ .~ta.-~=t~ ~~=~ o~~~a.-~&O ~~~~ _ ~ ~ u~~ ~Eo~Q CI..._,-'~~_411J'-~~UUro~-oV~~LO ow Cij.~. -c/1-g~='c.g..:;ro"""- ~:2'.cmc~vlt').c >ii~3 1:::lJ:~-:OJ:-31....': zi~~qm~~B~~~~~M~~~EIII~~g~~4~~~~~~~~g~~~~=~~o~~ ~_~~~~_D~ua_w OO~~ __DU~ __u, ~roro ro__~ . ~ 227 VII STAFF REPORTSI 1. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Out-of~ Town Reports from the Police Department and the Park Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. I 2. Councilman Ross: Requested Manager Whorton to arrange a public meeting with Port of Port Angeles officials regarding their recent visit to Portland, Maine to observe an oil port in operation. Recommended citizen response be solicited re future potential projects within the City. Requested Manager Whorton to check on the status of the Park Board Minutes. Re- commended close scrutiny of the Animal Control position and the uncooperative efforts of the Clallam County Humane Society; with the Council being kept aware of problem areas. Recommended no parking signs be posted on the south side of Front Street from Penn Street to Golf Course Road. Recommended the Council schedule a work session to discuss the Downtown Traffic Lights Projects, Sanitary Landfill Contract Renewal, Ediz Hook Beach Erosion Control Project Construction and revamping of sanitary collection. Commented on lax attitude of general public on traffic control. 3. Councilman Hordyk: I The Council scheduled a work session fan Wednesday, January 26, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. 4. Councilman Wray: Recommended speed limits be repainted on City streets as soon as feasible. Dis- cussed traffic control problems within the City; commented on County gasoline bids being less than City's.. Reported a meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 20, 1977 at 1:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers on coordination of the Ediz Hook Beach Control Project. Attendees include the Contractor, Coast Guard, Corps of Engineers, Port of Port Angel es, M. & R~ Pen Ply, ITT Rayonier, and Crown Zellerbach. 5. Manager Whorton: VIII ADJOURNMENT I The meeting aJjourned at 8:35 P.M. J~(!,/~ ~ /JA~~~~ City Clerk 0ay~J ------~19~78 --~. r JD>t:..:.;g...."'Ja="'" ,,~~ - - I " ~Do~~..~~_iE~ o~ D~~; ~oti~~ ~~~~ ~w~ =~L NOTICE OF t ~-gD..~~('i~~~"O:;:~i~; >-:3'~ '" .8c~~* ro~::;. ;::~>-'4-~21C , Noil~~LIC~SEAR~~~EBY (j~~~ ~:;:::::ib~~~pc~'CxE.~E o~ ~g>-~g" ~8 ~ ~>;g5.~~ ,GIVEN that the Port Angeles 1L.jjj'ii~>~ 5>-ti~~="""~'iJi~E Q};;;~ .,QE~o <( ~>.~~ ~~t~ -E~ City Council will hold a public 0 ;>."-=,,.t ,"~~Qlro101l1E'''''o.~Vl~ ~c ~ma._t ~=- lO ~~~==~CIl~f/J~ I hearing on Janua.ry 11.1978 at ~wtte~UlL~~~~E'O~;=L~~ii.2~':: .:c~~Q)~ oug' ~~~t:c5i~x~~: 7:30 p.m. in -the COlJncil ~~~1IJ=~s: Jrim:; 1J.~ 0 _~""'E~L ~-u~ ..w:;:5' ~~ a;4Jro..; Chambers, 134 W, Front street. ~I- ...J ~.i ~ = o.-'?: a:;~::o ~-g-go (l) ~ eo~ fro ~ 11'I III l;~ ~ t1~-=~ l.,. >-.~ ~ >-....M toconside-rthe preliminarv plat o...J- iJ'Sff'oo." ';>-~Q).:l'-l'tIrtI>Ol.'t:......_.....: -0---00 l.,.dlwn.lJ-2c:L"-C~ of Highland Hills Division 2,l 2<{w-o .....xg~=It;E~~_ ~~a: L~ QJ~ro:ou.c=.e-oCllo3~o..roC.>-fQra consisting of 34 singl,e.family l u::':o ~t~ ~~~~.,:: ~ E ~~~~ ~~ E~ ~ t-55= >- -5, ~ ~ '~.~;::8 8 ~ :s~3~: ~ ," lots on 9.22 .acres and located I--ou_ --~...c:> 0lQ) ~ E c<( c.....u"l 1u: a."O<{ 10... c: +- 0=_ 0 I'll en::l Q) L wQ between l'th and .14th streets, 0 ~ ~ ~ c: +- v'~ g- - ~ ~:> g.:E m ~ C N U lr) :0 ~ :c ~ ~ u ~ ~ CIJ : 0 ~ Q.l:E ~ g. . ~ Z~w~O~<l:Juo ~~u.~~m_uo~~ ._~~::l 5~~~-~~ uL I ~~I~eg::;~IY west Of Highland I _____ ~:E<;{c..~a.j,,.~v_~.e~_ ~ -g~.t~ E~:6~~ ~.E8~t- ~~~t-~E ~~ All interested pa rties may . appear at the h~aring an,d" express their opinIon on tnls' proposa I + MARIAN C, PARRISH I .~ City Clerk Pub.: J.rn.~1978. ..