HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/06/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington -1" Januar;y 6 193~ t.l<. . .~"M'V. ..>tn.. 'UTlg~...... ~"'N""', 800.. ~-=--'-'---_._----.~ The Commission met in regular, session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by lvlSJ'or Davis. Rolil oall showed the....following offioers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners B~am and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkine. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the ~ead of applications for permits and lioenses the following were granted. I I Antone Smith Grocery l!:d Eaorett G.M.Brown Young's' gracery Tom Millas Angeles Card Room (W.S.Lindsay l!:d Fitzgerald Home Burniture Co., Grange Warehouse PaoifiQ Fruit & Produce Co. City'Fuel Co., Taylor & Caven Clallam Grain Co., Wolton Grocery Co., Columbia Marke~ Associated Oil Co I.R.McDonald Henry Dion Rudy's Radio Shop Angeles Furniture Co., A.Kriatoferaon Puget Sound Junk Co., BenJamin Franklin Thrift stores Habit Cleaners & Dyers Peoples Transfer Co., Angeles Sand & Gravel Co., Harris & Sohuller Nattinger Bro's C.R.stewart Plumbing Shop C.H.Harvey MoIntosh Grooery Sequim Meat Co., Honolulu Fruit & Produve Co., Smith Ioe & Bottlimg Co., Kaufmann-Leonard Co., J.H.Avery Addition to dwe~ling, Gust Nystrom 4 room Dwelling, 1 truok $ 1 truok 1 truck 1 truok Soft Drink Soft drinks $10.00 & 2 oard tables$lO. 1 truok' 1 truok 3 truoks 2 Truoks 1 truck 1 truok 2 trucks 2 trucks 1 truck 1 truck 1 truok 5 passenger taxi 1 truck 1 truok 1 truck 1 truck 3 trucks 1 truok 1 truck 4 truoks 2 trucks 1 truck 1 truck 1 ten-passenger Bus 1 truck 1 truok 1 truck 2 trucks 1 truck lot 7 Block 303 Townsite lOt 19 Blook 317 Townsite 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 20.00 2.50 2.50 7.50 5.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 7.50 2.50 2.50 15.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 10.00 2.50 '2.50 2.50 5.00 2.50 150.00 800.00 '1 . Police JUdge Thos.Geisness,reported 6 oases tried for the month of Deoember and $57.75 collected in fines. The report also showed $2142.48 total reoeipts for the year ending December 31,1931.- The report was orfered filed. The annual report of the Cheif of the Fire Department was r~~d and ordered filed. 1 Under the Head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes. the followimg Ordinanoe was introduoed read in full and placed on its first and second readings,- . An Ordinanoe disoontinuing certain positions under the government of the City of Port Angeles,creating the position of Superintendent of Utilities,fixing oertain s~laries,and providing for an emergenoy. . . Under the head of Introduotio~.of Ordinanc~s the following Ordinance was introduoed,read in full and plaoed on its first and seoond readings,- An Ordinance Providing for the oreation and maintenanoe of a separate tund of the City of Port Angeles to be designated as the Municipal Waterworks Repair Fund,and d'llclaring an emergency. '. WHEREAS,oonditions have oooured in the MuniCipal Waterworks system which eould not have been foreseen,whioh makes necessary oertain repairs normallY ooourring later':; in the year,and this oondition affeots the public peace,health and safety. I under the Head of Introduction of Ordinances the following Ordinanoe was introduoed,read in full and plaoed on its first and seoond readings,- An Ordinance Providing for special repair work on the Munioipal Water System,the employment of labor therefor , the manner of payment and rate of wage of same,and deolaring an emergenoy. Whereas,a conditio~ exists in the Munioipal Water System making it expedient to provide for immediate repairs,and Whereas,a oonsiderable number of oitizens of the City of Port Angeles have been tor some time unemployed and for the publio good it is desirable that so far as possible,employment should be provided,and that suoh employment should extend to as many oitizens requiring work as conditions will permit,and Whereas the City Commission has provided for the expenditure of the sum of Ten Thousand l $10,000.00 ) dollars for such special repairs,and Whereas,these oo#ditions affeot the publio peaoe,health and safety and create an emergenoy, The Commission examined and allowed the following ola1ms and ordered warrants drawn for same,- - Libaarl Fund - Books Service Supplies Extra help / d~ 'J 'i -- $ 29.25 4.25 4.45 11.50 I.X.Gill Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co., Demeo Library Supplies, Ethel Osterhout --olIIIIIl r-2 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,January 6, 193~ It....- I Lee Cafe Marchesi studio City Parking Garage Epperson & Sons Antone Smith Grocery Pacific Tel &, Tel co., Gehrke &: Johnson OWl Drug Store Automotive Parts Co., ~aclfic Tel &, Tel Co. Madge H.!ailor,City Treasurer Contraotor's Supply Co. Lumber Supply Company' Port Angeles Concrete 'Produots Co., Harold T.Caven 'Epperson &, Sons Laura Burns Madge H.Nal10r,City Treasurer 'Washington state Bank Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Thos J.Soott Quiok Print Mulhollandts Melody Shop Line Material Co., Line Material Co., ilontgomery Ward &: ~o., -:StandardGOil ! Company> .WashlngtoJ1 ;S:tll;te Bank <Wayne 0' Day <Washington Pulp &: Paper Co., Harold T.Caven Pacifio Tel &: Tel Co., -Ed Sml th A.T.Dennis .Carl Martin -Evening News Paoifio Tel & Tel Co., -Puget Sound Power &: Li~t Co.. Cliff Cowling Port AnBeles Conorete Products eo. A.G.MoKnight Antone Smith Grooery QUiok Print MoDonald & Nailor Gehrke &: Johnspn V.AfSamuelson &: Co., Gehrke &, Johnson Harold T.Caven Elsie stahl PaoificTel &: Tel eo., Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer Lt Roy Sarff - Current Expense Fund - Meals for Prisoners Commeroial films Oil Veene!r Supplies Servioe Gas Supplies Tire Chains Servioe Lights tor Fire Station Lumber Lumber Pipe Repairs Lumber Rent Street Lights Rent Service Killing Dogs :<.. " If 'l.- k I - Lisht Fund - Supplies Tube &: Battery Line material SWitbhes Supplies Aloohol Rent Salary Supplies Repairs Servioe Wood Wood Wood Advertising Servioe Power for Deo.1931 Filing fees - Water Fund - c:> '{- 7 '1-7 'f - Pipe eto. REIlt Supplies Supplies Repairs 011 Repairs '} ~,. 't"y ~ - L.I.D.Genera1 FUnd - Gas Repairs Clerk Hire Serv1"oe *- Park Fund - Lish t for Parks Repairs <.J-/?-2 There being no further busness the Commission 7J?J1,'J~~ City Clerk. then adJourned,- ~~ " ll~or $ 43.40 32.00 2.l0 2.50 1.95 4.60 38.08 2.50 n 3.20 7.55 47.80 16.32 .45 10.35 1.20 1.70 10.00 1.743.91 50.00 1.25 23.00 16.65 l6.60 43~77 138.92 -.57 2.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 19.10 8.25 3.00 8.00 5.00 42.88 7.80 7,005.00 1.50 13.75 2.50 1.65 16.25 3.65 9.30 37.25 21.12 .90 15.00 4.25 .>~~ 1.80 3.20 I' I I I I